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MODULE 3 uncomfortable and that individuals will therefore

attempt to reduce it. They will seek a stable state, which

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction is a minimum of dissonance
What Are the Main Components of Attitudes? Cognitive Dissonance- Any incompatibility between two
 cognition, or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.
 affect, What Are the Major Job Attitudes?
 behaviour
Most of the research in OB has looked at three
Attitudes- Evaluative statements or judgments attitudes:
concerning objects, people, or events.
 job satisfaction,
Cognitive Component - "My pay is low" is the cognitive  job involvement, and
component of an attitude a description of or belief in  organizational commitment.
the way things are.
- The opinion or belief segment of an attitude.
 Job Satisfaction - A positive feeling about one's
Affect Component - is the emotional or feeling segment job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.
of an attitude and is reflected in the statement "I am  Job Involvement - The degree to which a
angry over how little I'm paid.” person identifies with a job, actively participates in it,
- The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude and considers performance important to self-worth.
 Organizational Commitment - The degree to
- It sets the stage for the more critical part of an which an employee identifies with a particular
attitude. organization and its goals and wishes to maintain
Behavioural component - describes an intention to membership in the organization.
behave in a certain way toward someone or something-
to continue the example, "I'm going to look for another
job that pays better." Psychological Empowerment - Employees' belief in the
degree to which they affect their work environment,
- An intention to behave in a certain way toward their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and
someone or something their perceived autonomy in their work.
Perceived Organizational Support - is the degree to
which employees believe the organization values their
contribution and cares about their well-being.
-For example, an employee believes his organization
would accommodate him if he had a childcare problem
or would forgive an honest mistake on his part
Employee Engagement - A new concept is employee
engagement, an individual's involvement with,
satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for, the work she
does. We might ask employees whether they have
Does Behavior Always Follow from Attitudes? access to resources and the opportunities to learn new
Early research on attitudes assumed they were causally skills, whether they feel their work is important and
related to behavior- that is, the attitudes people hold meaningful, and whether their interactions with co-
determine what they do. Common sense, too, suggests workers and supervisors are rewarding.
a relationship. What Causes Job Satisfaction?
Leon Festinger-argued that attitudes follow behavior.
Festinger proposed that cases of attitude following
behavior illustrate the effects of cognitive dissonance.
He argued that any form of inconsistency is
Think about the best job you've ever had. What made it
so? Chances are you liked the work you did and the
people with whom you worked. Interesting jobs that
provide training. variety, independence, and control
satisfy most employees.
Exit and neglect behaviors encompass our performance
There is also a strong correspondence between how variables-productivity, absenteeism, and tumover. But
well people enjoy the social context of their workplace this model expands employee response to include voice
and how satisfied they are overall. Interdependence, and loyalty constructive behaviors that allow individuals
feedback, social support, and interaction with co- to tolerate unpleasant situations or revive satisfactory
workers outside the workplace are strongly related to working conditions.
job satisfaction even after accounting for the
characteristics of the work itself. Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

You've probably noticed that pay comes up often when Happy workers are more likely to be productive
people discuss job satisfaction. For people who are workers.
poor or who live in poor countries, pay does correlate Job Satisfaction and OCB
with job satisfaction and overall happiness.
Satisfied employees would seem more likely to talk
positively about the organization, help others, and go
The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on beyond the normal expectations in their job, perhaps
the Workplac because they want to reciprocate their positive
Exhibit 3-5 illustrates the framework's four responses,
which differ along two dimensions: Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction

 constructive/ destructive and As we noted in Chapter 1, employees in service jobs

 active/passive. The responses are as follows: often interact with customers. Because service
organization managers should be concerned with
pleasing those customers, it is reasonable to ask. Is
employee satisfaction related to positive customer
Exit. The exit response directs behavior toward leaving
outcomes? For front-line employees who have regular
the organization, including looking for a new position as
customer contact, the answer is "yes." Satisfied
well as resigning.
employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Voice. The voice response includes actively and
Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism We find a consistent
constructively attempting to improve conditions,
negative relationship between satisfaction and
including suggesting improvements, discussing
absenteeism, but it is moderate to weak.
problems with superiors, and undertaking some forms
of union activity. Job Satisfaction and Turnover
Loyalty. The loyalty response means passively but The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover
optimistically waiting for conditions to improve, is stronger than between satisfaction and absenteeism.
including speaking up for the organization in the face of
external criticism and trusting the organization and its Job Satisfaction and Workplace Deviance
management to "do the right thing." Job dissatisfaction and antagonistic relationships with
Neglect. The neglect response passively allows co-workers predict a variety of behaviours organizations
conditions to worsen and includes chronic absenteeism find undesirable, including unionization attempts,
or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate. substance abuse, stealing at work, undue socializing,
and tardiness.

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