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Worksheet - Experiment 9 Milk

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Worksheet CHEM1163L

Biochemistry Laboratory

Experiment 9

Names: De Los Santos, Iona J. and Fernandez, Kyla Schedule _Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 am – 1:30

1. Fill up the table below. For inferences, indicate the identity of the macronutrient being tested in

Chemical Test Observations Inferences

a. Phenolphthalein test As the Phenolphthalein was added The principle behind of this test is to
into the milk sample, the color of the detect the presence of hemoglobin
milk remained the same while the and a given sample will be tested
other samples changed its color. positive when it turns into a pink
color. Since, there is no change of
color therefore, the macronutrient
hemoglobin which is a kind of
protein in the RBC is absent in milk.
b. Biuret Test As the CuSO4 was added into the The principle behind of this test is to
NaOH and milk mixture, the color of detect the presence of proteins and
the sample turned into light purple a given sample will be tested
color. positive when it turns into a light
purple color. Since the milk and
NaOH mixture turned into a light
purple color therefore, the
micronutrient that is being tested in
milk using this chemical test is
c. Molisch Test As the conc. H2SO4 was added into The principle behind the test is to
the Napthol and milk mixture, a detect the presence of
faded blue ring appeared after 15 carbohydrates and a given simple
minutes. will be tested positive when a blue
or purple ring appears. Sine the milk
and Napthol mixture has a blue ring
formation therefore, the
micronutrient that is being tested in
milk using this chemical test is

2. Film Formation

What is observed during boiling of milk? Explain your observation and identify the milk component
that was formed.
- During the boiling process, a formation of film or milk skin was observed. This was formed due to
the loss of solids that the milk underwent as it was warmed up. As the heat was applied into the
milk, the proteins casein and betalactoglobuline starts to coagulate then forms a skin on the
surface. When the milk boils, some of its primary carbohydrates which is lactose changes into
nondigestible sugar called and other compounds since lactose is sensitive to heat.
Worksheet CHEM1163L
Biochemistry Laboratory

3. Separation of Casein and Whey

3.1 What is observed during the addition of acetic acid in milk? Explain your observations by
identifying the milk components that were formed.
-With the addition of the acetic acid to the milk it affects the solubility of the milk protein casein. The
clumps being formed in the video after some time was the casein, since it coagulates in acidic

3.2 Fill up the table below to summarize the confirmatory test for casein and whey.

Test Sample Filtrate Residue / Precipitate

Milk Component WHEY CASEIN
Reagents NaOH and CuSO4 Concentrated Hno3, H2SO4, (NH4)2MoO4
Observations When adding the NaOH to the filtrate After adding the reagents to the casein,
there was not any observable the initial reaction was after shaking it
differences to it, it was after adding in seemed to mix a bit but there were still
the CuSO4 there was a visible reaction clumps in the test tube, but after boiling
with a blue color the mixture the clumps melted into the
combination of reagents, leading to a
yellow color to be observed and after
adding drops of (NH4)2MoO4 the strong
yellow color turned pale.
Inferences When a blue precipitate started to show With the combined reagents it and the
it provided proof of the existence of the casein present the yellow color helps in
whey protein. confirming that there is casein present.

3.3 Give the function or importance of casein and whey.

-Casein is important since it is a provider of the body with the amino acids necessary to help
build muscle, while whey is important since it contains a lot of essential amino acids as well as leucine
and cysteine. Whey is noticed to help in increasing strength and gain muscle as well as lose amounts
of body fats, while the intake of casein functions as a boost of muscle growth and aids in the recovery
after muscle straining.

4. Test for Milk Fat

Briefly describe how milk fat is being tested?

- The precipitate casein that was used in the previous test is used for detecting the fat in milk in this
test. Firstly, the precipitate is covered with ether and was heated after letting it soaked in a water bath
at 50 degrees Celsius while shaking it and afterwards, it was filtered. Once it was done, the ether
filtrate was transferred to an evaporating dish and was placed in boiling water bath in order for the
ether to evaporate. As a result, residue from the evaporation process was left in the evaporating dish.
The residue was wiped using a tissue paper and the small circle on the tissue paper was the presence
of milk fat.

ACTan 1st Sem SY 2021-2022

ETBacolod and JBRabor 1st Sem SY 2020-2021

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