Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Christian organization, church, about God and His kingdom, what apostle Paul says Col 1:16,
our sovereign God reign and Satan make problem world cosmos therefore Christ has to pay by
crushing his head on the cross of the calvary, when you look at the church administration what
God has functioning on God that is in a human when God created heaven and earth, he has
divided into four realms in administrating the Kingdom, 1. Civil government 2. Homes, family,
3. church and 4. the organization with employer and relationships. Dan. 1,2,3; 4:34-37; two
institution God created- 1. family and 2. Church,
Monday 02/01/22
Whole purpose of church is to establish the Kingdom of God, work is a curse of God. God gave
them responsibility, stressful, sin relent world, exploitation, God wants to become an example
for others, our work should be model for others, unethical things, Christian organization services,
our main purpose is to bring them glory to God’s name. We should not bring miseries in the
society. We should not involve which is harmful for the society. As we are developing our life
style also very important, we are the stewards, we are expected to use in a good manner, be
faithful, we are in a corrupt world, honesty in all our doing, God is concern for with what we are
doing, oppression,
Mission statement:
Wednesday 18/01/23
Defining success may be the most successful way, Reading Review 2,3 pages bibliography first,
your reflection, author reflection submits end of this month.
II. Kingdom path. Mainly success is defined in terms of our obedient to the teaching of Jesus
Christ. In kingdom path success is what? Result is important. In the kingdom path Christ next
concern for result that we can’t control, our attention shift from God.
Thursday 19/01/23
1. Steward Leadership
2. Faithfulness-focus strategy
3. Eternity-oriented metric
4. Relationship daily management
5. Stewardship (faithful servant) view of resources. 1 Cor 4:1,2,
The church among the gentiles is the mystery, duolos bond-servant, Ministry, Paul (little),
Matthew means gift of God, Steward leaders are not driven by production they are Christ
followers, who depend on God to produce everything, they are recruited, according to their
Christ-like character, and evaluated according to their ability to lead and organization, in ways
that reflect Christ centre values plans and action. They have to follow Christ-like servanthood,
Monday 23/01/23
Evening Class,
Bias (partiality, favoritism), Saul and David, leadership, 1 Sam 10:21, 22;
1. Fear,
2. Not patient 1 Sam 13:8-10
3. Influence 1 Sam 13:11-12
4. 13:22 No swords, spears
5. 13:13-14 disobey
6. 14:43 lead of impulsiveness
7. 15:12 Lead of pride,
8. 15:17-19; Disobedience
9. 18:8,9 Jealousy
10. 18:10; Anger
11. 18:21-29, Deceit,
What are the lids in my life? Who is the lids lifter in my life? Num 13, and 14 Joshua
Wednesday 1/2/23
1. Self-Determination, replacement theory, theology, temple mount of Moria, 6 day war, Num
20:1-13; - limes rock, read and find out the difference between Exo 17. - First is a granite, Ps.
106: 32,33; Jude 9;
2. Idolatry (lust of the eyes), Eccl. 10;19; Matt. 14; Mk 6:30; Money should not control us.
3. Pride of life.
Wednesday 8/02/23
Management of organization
1. Christian organization and the kingdom of God, Col. 1:26; establishing his kingdom
among and among and through humans. Our sovereign God reigns over all his creations
Satan brought rebellion and created problem to the overall administration to the cosmos
however Christ has pay his dues by crushing his head on the cross of Calvary. How God
administrating? The planet, under a new covenant He has divided into four different
1. Civil government
2. Home
3. Church
4. Organization
The responsibility is to maintain the peace of God, appointment comes from God, 1 Tim. 3:1.
Four purpose is to bring the kingdom of God
Wednesday 15/02/23
Thursday 16/02/23
They need to be understood carefully and available as a guiding principle for decision making.
1. Clarify values: understand and affirm what are the principles that are of at most imp to
the org.
2. Scan the current situation: examine the current environment internal and external to
know which is imp in the light of scriptures
3. Define the mission: clarify the basic God given purpose of the organization which was
4. Create a Vision: generate a clear image of the prefer future by picturing excellent what
the org by the future by the help of God
5. Perusing the vision: create the action plans and strategic plans, feedback loops to
implement the mission according to the core values of the vision of the org
A Christian perspective