James L. Walden - The Ultimate Alien Agenda - The Re-Engineering of Humankind
James L. Walden - The Ultimate Alien Agenda - The Re-Engineering of Humankind
James L. Walden - The Ultimate Alien Agenda - The Re-Engineering of Humankind
an alien being standing at the foot of his bed. The events that
followed would turn his world upside down and force him to
rethink everything, from relationships to his concept of the
universal order.
His story — rich with images of a secret underground test-
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Llewellyn Publications
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The Ultimate Alien Agenda © 1998 by James L. Walden. All rights
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First Printing, 1998
p. cm.
ISBN l-56718-779-X(pbk.)
1. Walden, James L., 1946- . 2. Alien abduction —United
States I. Tide.
BF2050.W35 1998
001.942—dc21 98-13916
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Erik Arnesen;
and for Barbara Bartholin
whose tireless, selfless compassion saved my life.
Foreword by Barbara Bartholic ix
Part One
Sleep Is Impossible 9
Going Deeper 23
Writing It All Down 59
Part Two
Human Hybrids 69
Who Are the Huliens? 81
viii Contents
Love Obsessions 91
Let's Start Over 105
Part Three
My Alien Emerges, Feet First 119
Old Big Head Shows Up 141
Return of Old Big Head 155
Thinking It Through 167
Playing Devil's Advocate 1 79
Reptilian Origins 189
They Are Us 207
x Foreword
Barbara Bartholic
Tulsa, Oklahoma
June, 1998
Part One
IWISH I could forget the alien who stepped through my bed-
room door and abducted me from my home. In an instant,
this experience transformed my life, and forced me to ques-
bed, I read for a few minutes until I felt ready to fall asleep.
The alien stood at the foot of the bed, its large dark eyes
As soon as I rolled onto the bed, the alien directed its
aloud to myself.
Sleep Is Impossible 1
one. For a while, I lost hope that anything good would ever
happen to me again, and my negative thinking nearly
destroyed me.
As the weeks passed, however, I slowly began to recover
some of my physical and emotional strength. I alternated
icate, attractive face. Her red hair was aglow in the morning
sunlight. I felt compelled to speak to her. Abruptly, I turned
to her and asked, "Jane, did you rest well last night?"
Sleep Is Impossible 13
buy some postcards, Jane. I'll meet you at the car in a few
Jane and I left the building together and stepped into
the lovely spring morning. The car was nearby, so I said
Jane replied. I could tell that the memory was still painful
to her. I discovered that she was a veteran of many alien
ing to a researcher.
"Here's her phone number," Jane said. "She's expecting
you to call."
She was always there for me, and her calming voice was
able to pull me back into physical reality. I became depen-
dent on her —she was my anchor and my lifeline. She was
the only person who knew about my encounters so far. I
learn more."
The idea of being hypnotized was intimidating. I didn't
want to relive my alien encounters; I doubted that I had
the emotional strength to handle it. However, by the end
of June, I was suicidal, struggling for survival —and I knew
The Regression Begins 19
"Take yourself back to the night when the alien with the
bright red eye appeared at the foot of your bed."
"I see an entire face!"
You can go to any point in time. You can travel in time any-
where you wish. Take yourself back, now."
Going deeper into the hypnotic trance was like entering an
enormous library, in which all my memories were carefully
bound and shelved. As Barbara guided me deeper and deeper,
I began to select memories from the shelves of my subcon-
scious library, and watch them come to life.
alien had said that I wasn't who I thought I was. The image
Going Deeper 25
hands and tried to protect myself from the invisible blows. "I
and suggested that I "slip over to the other side," and imag-
ine being in the womb.
I responded, "Actually, the side of my head may have
been hit by something before I was born."
Barbara tried to stimulate my memories about the ori-
would live, and they didn't want to waste time on me. The
implant was used to monitor my progress and to commu-
nicate with me, or control me."
Barbara encouraged me to speak about the implants,
ligence ladder."
Barbara didn't ask another question right away. When I
became aware of the silence, I said, "The Earth may actu-
ally be an alien-controlled human experimentation farm."
Barbara knew I was burdened with disturbing thoughts,
and she gave me the suggestion to rest for a few moments.
After resting I said, "I'm six now." I was still in hypno-
sis, and one of my carefully guarded secrets was strug-
gling for release. I was reliving a traumatic childhood
experience in which "Judy," a babysitter, had raped me.
For years, I had suppressed the memory of the rape —and
the feelings of being embarrassed, dirty, guilty, and fearful
that had resulted. I was afraid that my parents would dis-
cover what had happened, and blame me. So it's not sur-
prising that I didn't remember the actual experience of
being raped.
Going Deeper 29
"and I'm having difficulty with it." I felt like a small child
said indignantly.
more closely.
"The aliens were disappointed in me. They didn't like it.
"You were six years old! Did the aliens really expect you
to have sexual intercourse with Judy?"
Barbara told me to put the pain in my head in a place
where I couldn't feel it. Then, she told me to rest. When I
was calm again, she asked, "Why did you feel pain?"
"Some time after being raped, I was playing in a cow
pen by myself; the spring grass was tall, nearly to my waist.
I was walking near a fence when the aliens appeared, and
one of them looked like Judy at first. They stunned me, and
again forced something into my ear." As before, I felt excru-
ciating pain as I recalled the encounter. "They were trying
to charge my brain."
I held my head and tried to confine the pain. When I
and fear. Amidst all the physical and emotional pain, I felt
The intense pain of reliving the second implant caused me
to come out of my hypnotic state. My mind was wild with
questions about aliens. I said, "I want to understand them. I
logic will not prevail when you seek answers about us."
She must have known that I was getting tired; I'd been
in hypnosis for more than four hours. She said, "Jim, you're
discovering a new world —you must learn how you and
other people are being affected by the aliens."
I snapped, "You don't understand! I'll never be like other
Barbara assured me that she did understand, and I knew
that she was right. The information I was discovering
about alien beings was changing my conception of human
life. Barbara counted me down to a deep, restful place, and
then said, "Tell me how your semen was used."
"The woman's from the same stock. We're from the
same inventory." I raised my right hand and drew hiero-
glyphic-looking symbols in the air. "That's it. That's the
designation for our inventory. The aliens wanted to mate
two hybrids from the same strain; they used my sperm to
Please rest now, rest and relax." She guided me out of the
trance, and as I returned to the conscious world my first
question was, "What time is it?" I couldn't hear the fire-
works —but I assumed that I'd been out for maybe fifteen
or twenty minutes.
"It's after two in the morning."
her help. I was filled with hope, ready to live again. But I
and you understand now that you're not crazy. You now see
your contacts with alien beings as a part of your life experi-
now asked.
Barbara was referring to seeing my embryo in a glass
embryo to develop."
had been created from the cells of other people was deeply
disturbing. I wondered whether people who receive organ
transplants have the same eerie feelings of discomfort.
may have been in her seventies. The two men were middle-
aged or older."
a human-alien hybrid."
"Look again. What did the aliens extract from the
The Day After 47
head off with a hatchet. She removed the rattles and has
kept them in a jewelry box for nearly forty-five years. .nine .
deep sense of trauma. Can you forgive Judy now for all the
discomfort you've endured?"
The Day After 51
Yes, I could forgive her for all the pain I'd felt —because
I could see now that she had been manipulated, too. "I
see, hear, and feel. Alien hands began to touch me, stroking
me sensually. I tried to resist, because I knew they were
preparing me to penetrate her.
I heard a voice say, "She's ready to receive you now."
Although the thought of violating a strange woman's body
disturbed me greatly, I couldn't stop myself from drifting
toward her. As my body approached hers in slow motion,
my anxiety increased, but I was helpless to resist. As our
bodies became entwined, I lost consciousness.
face this. Before our session last night, did you ever think
that alien beings might consume human flesh?"
a deep breath, got out of the car and unlocked the front
door. I reminded myself that "we fear what we don't under-
stand." With Barbaras help, I was learning to understand
the aliens; perhaps I would learn that my contacts with
them weren't totally negative. Then the door closed behind
me, and I reentered my life.
The following months were particularly difficult. Less
than a week after I returned, my best friend died unexpect-
edly. The day before he died, he told me and his doctor that
a large ball of light had hovered outside the window of his
hospital room the previous night. "It was an alien craft," he
said. "Did anyone else see it?" He also told me that aliens
had visited his room several times. As he was waiting to be
released from the hospital, his heart suddenly failed. My
confidence crashed; I expected to be next.
Rather than building my strength, I turned inward and
became very insular. The aliens had me to themselves. Bar-
bara and Ion the telephone once or twice a week,
and I made frequent trips to see her. But physical and emo-
tional fatigue was consuming the joy of my life.
cry, telling her that I did not want to live. "Alien beings
similar experience a few years ago. I'm glad I was with you
when you returned. I believe you."
with them?
I began to see their intrusions into my life from a new
perspective. wondered about their motives for prodding
put off writing the book for another year. I assumed that a
that they can learn to develop. But now I think that only
some hybrids are psychic. I also wonder if some psychics
have alien programming devices implanted in their physi-
cal or interdimensional bodies.
Human Hybrids 73
than hers. I'm barely forty years older, and she's so much
further advanced."
"Yes," Barbara said. "She may be a new model."
"The hybrids of my generation have been emotionally
crippled by their alien contacts, but younger people don't
seem to experience that kind of emotional trauma. If this
mine who they might be, but it's difficult to discuss a the-
ory that most peopie have never considered. Most of my
ideas about hybrids came from my own hypnotic regres-
sions, so I wanted to use information from other sources.
At first I couldn't think of any, but then I realized that I had
Human Hybrids 11
After all, Jim didn't have any interest in aliens until he was
abducted — yet now he believes he's a hybrid."
TH Wife
Human HYBRIDS on Earth are part human and part alien
but I believe that alien scientists are also creating another
group of hybrids, which I call "interdimensional hybrids," or
"interdimensionals." Like human hybrids, the interdimen-
sionals have both human and alien qualities; the difference is
thought about this many times, but still can't offer a plau-
ery of the child to me. For several days afterward, I had the
lingering feeling that she had telepathically placed
thoughts in my mind, but I couldn't retrieve them.
When she arrived, and while I played with the child, I
which was then removed from her body. Then I saw scenes
of the child developing in a glass cylinder. Then I won-
dered whether the woman's interdimensional body could
have given birth to him. I even wondered if his embryo had
been implanted into the interdimensional woman. How-
ever, I couldn't come up with a good explanation for the
For days, thoughts of him filled my mind. I asked many
questions, but received no convincing answers. I loved him,
and wanted to be with him. I tried to imagine the interdi-
mensional nursery and wondered how many other interdi-
mensional children had been created. I kept asking, "Why
was this child created?" and was terribly disturbed by the
thought that I might never see him again.
Several months passed, and my pain began to fade. I
frozen and unsmiling, I sensed that she was glad to see me.
She looked downward, and my eyes followed her gaze. The
little boy was standing on wobbly legs. His back was to me,
ity who had glowing red control devices under their finger-
nails. Now I wondered if all these devices could be the
same technology as the glowing red eye of my first alien
recognize him. He'd grown! His body was stocky and the
size of a five- or six-year-old child. His head was larger than
a human head, and his face looked like a teenager's. His
blonde hair was thick and coarse, like a mop, and his eye-
his hair."
together eventually.
On a brisk October day, a year after our first encounter,
Lee accepted an invitation to join me for lunch at a quaint
little restaurant. I felt very nervous about having my first
town and was gone for nearly a year. We kept in touch with
Love Obsessions 95
filling them.
Then, during my second hypnotic regression, nearly five
years after I had first met Lee, Barbara suddenly asked me,
"Why do you love Lee?"
My first response was, 'Tve never loved anyone as
deeply," but I really didn't understand this myself. I was try-
left leg just above the ankle. "They took a tissue sample
from my leg!" I said.
the light.
"You met Jim in the sunny, green playground?"
"Yes! It had swings, and we used to swing. We ran,
I would never see him again. I got mad and started to cry."
Barbara allowed Lee to cry for several minutes. Then he
continued, "I miss Jim. He seems older now and doesn't
have his dog anymore. —
He looks different bigger than me."
Barbara suggested, "Jim's older now. Where do you see
"I can only see his head, but he's smiling. He must be
okay, but he can't talk to me. It must be all right for me to
talk to him."
of readiness."
During my first abduction, the aliens had extracted a
semen sample, and other samples may have been taken as
well. Barbara's research seems to indicate that semen
forms from other planets, and that humans have been con-
tacted by extraterrestrial beings. But I also believe that this
or from the subconscious mind or they may be commu-
nicating with their interdimensional bodies. These theories
diminish the mystique of "trance channeling" and redefine
it as a human-hybrid function that involves transporting
our awareness to past, future, or interdimensional events.
human logic?"
their dimension are recorded within us, and they are now
aliens are getting ready to reveal who they are. But first,
and each human contact with aliens can bring our worlds a
bit closer together, if we retrieve and study the records of
these contacts. Our subconscious minds may be our ports
of entry into an interdimensional reality.
"I'm like a young bird just kicked out of its nest. I'm
somewhere between dimensions and may not be able to
"I can only see my feet and legs. I don't want to see the
rest of my body."
and legs?"
"Inhale deeply. Draw air into your lungs. You will be safe."
An unfamiliar voice exclaimed, "I don't use lungs!"
Barbara was surprised by this sharp response, and
understood that she was no longer speaking to me. But
she continued to maintain our communication link. "How
do you breathe?"
My right hand moved to the side of my neck; and, in the
deep, strange-sounding voice, I said, "Air passes through
these small openings. They're like gills."
human form?"
a human body."
"Why are aliens populating this planet with human
hybrid beings?"
"This is a very small planet. Its main attractions are
water and vegetation, which produce valuable energies and
resources. My ancestors arrived here at least ten thousand
years ago, and their race is still adapting to its environ-
ment. Also, my ancestors weren't very beautiful. The
hybridization of humans with my ancestral race is creating
a more beautiful species, or race; and it's facilitating our
adaptation to the Earth's atmosphere."
"Will others of your ancestral species be able to live here
like you do?"
Although both of my bodies were distressed, I was still
"You just glimpsed the arid, rocky place. Now you'll be able
to look at it without anxiety. Look at it now as if you're
work, and have had to leave the office and go home. I had
heard the same signals the afternoon that I developed the
high fever and had to be hospitalized.
Barbara guided me deeper and asked me to learn more
about the signals.
would state my request out loud. I was still searching for evi-
dence to verify my theories, and I wanted them to show me
specific areas of their human engineering facilities so I could
describe them in this book.
When I started my routine of asking to be taken to their
dimension, I felt confident that I could accept whatever they
were willing to reveal. By this time, I was well into the writ-
ing and feeling confident. wanted concrete evidence of
I just
their existence. But after a few weeks of this, I began to feel
tired and confused. Fragmented memories of alien contacts
cuss with her. There were several, but one stood out; it
rated rapidly.
I was surprised when George called in May 1986 and
love with the house, the fields, and the woods on their first
visit. They talked about cows, chickens, and living there for
ing water since the land had been settled. "It seems that
aliens require a supply of pure water."
"You may be right."
on the farm?"
"No. I don t have any conscious memories of alien con-
tacts while I lived there. I never even thought about aliens
until the year after I sold the farm."
"Was the object in the water or on the side of the pond?"
"It was near the side of the pond. It was just sitting in a
take me underground."
"How do you feel this morning?"
"Almost helpless. I couldn't get out of bed until after
noon; I think something major must have happened dur-
ing the night."
"Did you feel drugged?"
"Definitely. I'm still in a stupor. My mind isn't function-
ing, and I can't control my psychomotor skills."
"Do you remember any dreams from last night?"
"Yes. I was naked, and I was very embarrassed about it."
"Now, try to remember —do you have any other memo-
ries of this experience?"
Kyle AND I left the office early Friday afternoon, and arrived
just as the sun slipped below the western sky. Hugs and warm
greetings from Barbara and Tim, her husband, made the long
trip feel worthwhile. "You look happy and healthy," Barbara said.
"Yes, I'm feeling well. And I'm happy to see you. I probably
wouldn't be alive today if Jane hadn't given me your name."
Barbara and Tim were enjoying happy, productive years.
Tim was writing a novel; Barbara's research was fascinating,
and her enthusiasm inspiring. I settled into a comfortable chair
near the wood stove, and recalled my first visit, three years ear-
lier. "When I sat in this chair the first time, my eyes were red
and swollen from crying. I was a victim then, and expecting to
doing all that now, and I asked her what was on her mind.
She said, "I might as well tell you. Jane had an encounter
Wednesday night, and she thinks you were with the aliens."
underground satellites.
face is divided into grids. Energies flow along the grid lines,
and each grid is designated by a number. To travel, aliens
visualize grid numbers —and their bodies are transported
to the destination that correlates with those numbers.
Sometimes, people see objects in the sky...." With those
words, my voice fell silent. I couldn't complete the sen-
tence; my vocal cords were frozen.
ing myself. This is my natural body and being in it is like
stripping off all my masks and costumes. It's the way an
actor feels after he leaves the stage, and removes his wig
and makeup. In this body, I'm free."
"Please continue."
"In this body, I have a very flexible skeletal structure. I'm
limber and loose. I can move about freely. I like to stretch
"We should rest. I'm very angry, and I prefer to avoid
Barbara asked gently, "Please tell me why you're angry.
Td like to understand your feelings."
in pain.
few minutes.
My mind was scattered like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
I was struggling to figure out what had happened. I needed
to talk; speaking helped me organize my thoughts."My
integrated being has many layers, or forms. My human
body is a dead end; it's the lowest, least significant, form of
my being.
"I seem to exist simultaneously in at least three different
forms and dimensions. I started the regression in my phys-
ical body, and then perceived the body of the slender gray
alien. That gray layer is just beyond the physical body
"I don't know how many layers there are between the gray
alien and the entity who just spoke to you. But I can tell you
that this last one is apparently the original form of my being
and he's still out there somewhere, still viable. Also... he
"On the larger areas of his body, like his back, the skin
is rougher than other areas, like the insides of the arms.
His torso has patterns of pointy skin protuberances. On
his arms, legs, and face, the patterns are smaller and less
Old Big Head Shows Up 151
"By the way, did I mention that this species didn't origi-
nate on Earth?"
"Yes," Barbara replied. "When they arrived, did they take
control of the Earth?"
"Oh, definitely. They demanded absolute supremacy.
However, only a few of them were present in the earliest
days here. Only a few interdimensional reptilian astro-
nauts colonized the Earth, and they had difficulty repro-
ducing on this planet."
I'd like you and Jane to sit next to each other, so I can inter-
view you together." As I watched Barbara fuss with her
know why I thought she would reveal the other names. But in
this case, I knew the others and had discussed their earlier
you can ask the right questions, I can provide the answers."
"Okay, it's showtime!" I said, trying to break the pres-
sure I was feeling. My mind felt like a broken movie pro-
jector, trying to rewind and fast forward at the same time.
I didn't have one clear image or thought. I looked at Bar-
and free when I heard her say, "You're there now. Please
share your thoughts with us."
about their true heritage, which will be the basis for deci-
sions about the future of your planet."
Barbara asked for more specifics.
begin on Earth."
"What else can you tell us? We want to learn from you.
This is a rare opportunity for us."
"The interdimensional race is no longer in absolute con-
know more about her being. Can you tell her who she
really is?"
dimension now."
"I feel the pain," I said, grasping my left ear.
"Relax and release the pressure. Your fluffy white cloud
is approaching."
On Barbaras count of three, I opened my eyes and looked
around the room. Ym back in the human dimension, I
other people had seen was not doing evil things to them.
I'd been worried about this ever since one person described
Return of Old Big Head 1 65
wanted to tell you about yourself for some time. Did the
message feel right?"
Jim, now that you've watched the video, what are your
"Well, we've spoken before about how I was created in a
test tube and programmed to be an intuitionist. I now
sense that the aliens had other objectives as well. After see-
ing this video, I'm wondering if they developed me to serve
as a communications vehicle...." Suddenly I lost my train
of thought; my mind went blank.
"You were talking about your creation," Barbara
"Right. The aliens may have developed me to serve in
other ways, as well. Could I be an alien communications
device? Could I have been programmed to discover reptil-
And I wondered if I'd really done all the things that they
reported to Barbara."
"Old Big Head gave us some new insights into this,"
Kyle noted.
Thinking It Through 169
the same."
"Let's explore another important topic," Barbara sug-
gested. "We're now thinking of aliens as reptilian beings, like
Old Big Head. In addition, I've talked to many abductees
who've described traumatic dreams of flesh- eating reptilian
aliens. I've documented many reports of visits to under-
ground facilities, where human bodies appeared to be
processed and stored. Although the abductees didn't actually
see aliens consuming human flesh, they were left with this
within us. But we wont start getting the right answers until
we start asking the right questions."
Thinking It Through 1 75
bara said.
"After listening to Old Big Head this weekend, I realize
tive experiences."
will I discover?"
Thinking It Through 1 11
Jane agreed. "He tried to tell us this. People will have to dis-
card most of their human beliefs before they'll be ready to
accept the reptilian intelligence."
"Letting go of beliefs will be difficult for most people," Bar-
bara said. "In many societies, people are taught to equate rep-
tiles with evil or demons."
Kyle said, "Humans have a primal fear of reptiles. Most of us
are deeply afraid of them. On the other hand, there are also
some people who worship them. Could these extreme responses
be based on interactions with our reptilian progenitors?"
had a flash."
"Oh, good. Tell us what you're thinking."
"The chain of command may be, from the bottom up:
pure humans, human hybrids, interdimensional hybrids,
and various forms of reptilian intelligence. Despite our
earlier fears, the reptilian intelligence may well be benevo-
lentand focused on preserving the Earth. The interdimen-
sional and human hybrids are receiving intelligence from
them and experiencing a process of self- acceptance and
self- discovery. But what about pure humans?"
"Keep going," Barbara said.
"Therefore, we shouldn't assume that the evolution of
human intelligence is restricted to human hybrids. Each of
your clients has contributed to the growing body of infor-
mation about the existence of other intelligences."
more than ten years ago. I believed that aliens were treat-
ing humans unjustly, and I wanted to study and under-
stand the intelligence that could abduct people right out
of their homes like that. I felt indignation at the injustice,
and wanted to find out how to protect people from alien
I said, "I understand, Barbara —
but when we perceive
injustice in alien activities we may simply be coming into
conflict with ourselves. If we are, in fact, human hybrid
ing information."
"Good idea. I've wondered how you would incorporate
Old Big Head into the book. You may need some historical
information. Will anyone believe this?"
His question startled me. I suddenly felt pressured, and
wondered how I could write about Old Big Head in a con-
vincing way. "How will I convince people that he's real?" I
human civilization.
fruit, they lost their lustrous and horny hides. Does this
symbolize the hybridization of humans and lizard aliens?
responded slowly.
Jim's home?"
"I do not think of it as being close to any geographical
location. It could be anywhere. It's in my mind, beyond the
ful as I finish the book. I'd like to replay this journey now,
like a movie, and let you see what's in my mind."
"Maybe we'll be able to see it through you."
I thought about the interdimensional space that I had
just visited. "My cubicle is fascinating. It's not confined to
any definite space. Wherever I am, I can go to it. I don't
know what this means, but it's interesting."
The notes on the walls represent the thoughts and ideas that
I need to retrieve from the other dimension. This is a sym-
bolic message instructing me to do this regression — to go to
through my hair and said, "I don't have any of this, and I
do not have ears."
"Just rest."
I did rest — it was like deep, deep sleep. When I opened
my eyes and looked around, I said, "I'm confused."
Barbara instructed me to relax and disconnect myself
from the other dimension. "Return to the body of Jim
Walden now."
"I must remember this," I insisted. "I need to remember
everything that was said."
Barbara suggested, "You will have complete You recall.
"Good. Please, come to June 24, 1995. Return to the
peace and quiet of your hypnotic cloud." She gave me sev-
them. But I didn't stop with the first idea. I also wrote, 'We
are physical, conscious extensions of our multidimensional
beings. Alien beings are present with us so often because
they are us!'
then asked.
days, and yes, that's correct. Have you ever wondered who,
or what, ghosts and spirits are? Most families have a story
Kyle reminded me. "How can you explain that humans are
extensions of multidimensional beings?"
"I can only say, 'They are us!'" I replied. But he had a
point. Most people wouldn't understand my three-word
explanation. I added, "This theory will disturb many peo-
ple. Many people spend their lives seeking a culturally
acceptable form of spirituality. I believe this quest is
mensional selves.
"I can't yet tell other people how to integrate their being.
But I do know that we must overcome the human pro-
gramming that causes us to think of our spiritual quest as
our only true objective in life. Instead of assuming that a
god or gods created humans, we should instead consider
that we humans may have created our gods."
"Are you referring to your ideas about the interaction
between early humans and extraterrestrial astronauts?"
Kyle asked.
"Yes. I believe that primitive humans perceived the
extraterrestrials as wrathful gods— and that the aliens cap-
"I feel the same way," I assured him. "Now that we've
opened our minds to these ideas, we'll be talking about
aliens less and discussing our multidimensional selves
"These ideas are intellectually stimulating, but they're
also a bit scary," Kyle said. "I can't imagine how other peo-
ple will react to them."
Kyle said.
"I look forward to living in a happier, healthier world," I
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