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- The department shall promote peace and order, ensure public safety,
strengthen capability of local government units through active people
participation and professionalism corps of civil servants.
- A strongly determined and highly trusted Department committed to capacitate
and nurture local government units, public order and safety institutions to
sustain peaceful, progressive and resilient communities where people live

 Peaceful, safe, self-reliant and development dominated communities

 Improve performance of local governments in governance, administration, social
and economic
 Sustain peace and order condition and ensure public safety.

 Reduce crime incidents and improve crime solution efficiency

 Improve jail management and penology services
 Improve fire protection services
 Continue professionalization of PNP, BFP and BJMP personnel and services
 Enhance LGU capacities to improve their performance and enable them to
effectively and efficiently deliver services to their constituents
 Continue to initiate policy reforms in support of local autonomy

Police Organization
- The institution of Police in the Philippines formally started during the SPANISH
PERIOD. The establishment of the police force was not entirely intended for
crime prevention nor peacekeeping, rather it was created as an EXTENSION OF
Ancient Roots
- The forerunner of the contemporary police system was the practice of barangay
chieftains to select able-bodied young men to protect their barangay.
Spanish Period
CARABINEROS DE SEGURIDAD PUBLICA- organized in 1712 for the purpose of
carrying the regulations of the department of state. This was armed and consider as
the mounted police. Years after, this kind of police organization discharged the duties
of a report, harbor and river police.
GUARDRILLEROS/CUARDILLO- this was the body of Rural police by the royal degree
of 18 January 1836. This degree provided that 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants
of each province were to be enlisted in this police organization for three years.
GUARDIA CIVIL- this was created by a royal degree issued by the grown on 12
February 1852 to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular Troops of their work in
policing towns. It consisted of a body of Filipino policemen organized originally in each
of the provincial capitals of the central provinces of Luzon under the Alcalde mayor.

American Period
- The American’s established the United States Philippine Commission headed by
Gen. Howard Taft, (first governor-general on Jan. 9,1901. The metropolitan
police force of manila was organized pursuant to Act No.700f the Taft
commission. This was become the basis for the celebration of the anniversary of
the manilas finest every January 9th
Henry T. Allen-

 captain of the 6th US Cavalry.

 A graduate of West Point Class 1882.
 Father of the Philippine Constabulary.
 The first chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1901
Capt. George Curry- the first chief pf police of the manila police department in 1901.
Act No. 183- created The Manila Police Department enacted on July 31, 1901
. Act No. 175- “An act providing the organization and government of an insular
constabulary” enacted on July 18,1901.
Act No. 225- The act that renamed the insular constabulary into Philippine
Constabulary enacted on October 3, 1901.
Executive Order 389- Ordered that the Philippine Constabulary be one of the four
services of the armed forces of the Philippines enacted on December 23, 1940

Post- American Period

RA 4864- otherwise known as “The Police Professionalization Act of 1966” enacted on
September 8, 1966. Created the police commission “PolCom” as a supervisory agency
to oversee the training and professionalization of the local police forces under the
office of the President.

Martial Law Period

PD 765- otherwise known as the “Integration Act of 1975” enacted on August 8, 1975.
Established integrated national police (INP) composed of the Philippine Constabulary
(PC) as the nucleus and the integrated local police forces as components, under the
ministry of national defense.
Transferred the NAPOLCOM from the office of the President to the Ministry of
National Defense.

Post Martial Law Regime

Executive Order No. 1012- transferred to the city and municipal government the
operational supervision and direction over all INP units assigned within their locality
issued on July 10, 1985.
Executive Order No. 1040- transferred the administrative control and supervision of
the INP from the ministry of National Defense to the National Police Commission.
RA 6975- otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and local government
act of 1990, enacted on December 13, 1990. Recognized the DILG and established the
RA 8551- otherwise known as the Philippine National Police reform and
reorganization act of 1998, enacted on February 25, 1998. This law amended certain
provision of RA 6975.

 Originated from the PC.
 It as insular police force under the American regime
 After Philippine Revolution 1986, a new constitution was promulgated
providing for a police force which is “ National in Scope and Civilian in
 The PNP was operational on January 29, 1991, whose members were
formerly the PC and the absorption of the selected members from the
major service units of the armed forces of the Philippines.
 PNP reform and the reorganization act of 1998 was enacted on February
17, 1998.
RA 9708- Law amending the provision of RA 6975 and 8551 on the minimum
education qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion
system approved on August 12, 2009. An act extending for (5) years the Reglementary
- RA 6975 entitled an act establishing the Philippine National Police under a
reorganized department of the interior and local government and other
purposes as amended by RA 8551.
Service, Honor, Justice
Pro-God, Pro-Country, Pro-People, Pro-Environment.
- Imploring the aid of the almighty by 2030, we shall be highly capable effective
and credible police service working in partnership with a responsive
community towards the attainment of a safer place to live, work and business.
- The PNP shall enforce the law, prevent and control crimes, maintain peace
order and ensure public safety and internal security with th active support of
the community.
Our Functions

 Law Enforcement
 Maintain peace and order
 Prevents and investigates crimes and bring offenders to justice.
 Exercise the vested powers from the Philippine constitution and pertinent laws
 Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law.
 Implements pertinent laws and regulations on firearms and explosives control
 Supervise and control the training and operations of security agencies.
- One of the pillars of criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility
of maintaining law and order and combating crime within the society.
- Comes from latin “POLITIA” civil administration which itself derives from the
ancient greek police “CITY”.
Administration- an organizational process concerned with the implementation of
objectives and plans and internal operating efficiency.
Organization- a group of persons working together for a common goal and objectives.
Enforcement- means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command
Police Organization- a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety
administration engaged in the achievement of goals and objectives.
Law Enforcement Agency- pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the
Objectives- refer to the purpose by which the organization was created, refer to the
goals of organization.
Supervision- means the act of watching over the work or tasks of the members of the
organization to ensure that desired results and achiever.
Management- the process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in
formal groups in order to achieve objectives.
Hierarchy- represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in
any given organization services as the framework for the flow of authority downward
and obedience upward

 The right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions
within an organizational hierarchy. Must be viewed in terms of prescribed roles
rather than of individuals.
 A particular position within the organizational, carries the same regardless of
who occupies the position.

Management/Administrative Functions:
Planning- is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired
goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results.
Organizing- is the establishment of effective authority relationships among selected
work persons and work places in order for the group to work together efficiently.
Directing- refers to a process of technique of instructing, guiding inspiring,
Controlling- function of management which helps to check errors in order to take
corrective actions
Staffing- evaluating their skills, knowledge and then offering them specific job roles
Reporting- is providing information about serious wrongdoing that you have become
aware of at your workplace.
Budgeting- is the process of creating a plan to spend your money.

Principles of Efficient Management

Division of Work- work specialization can increase efficiency with the same amount of
Authority and Responsibility- authority includes the right to command and the
power to require obedience one can not have authority without responsibility.
Discipline- necessary for an organization to function effectively. However, the state of
the disciplinary process depends upon the quality of its leaders.
Unity of Command- subordinates should receive orders from one superior only.
Scalar chain- the hierarchy of authority is the order or ranks from highest to lowest.

Organizational Units in the Police Organization

Bureau- the largest organic functional unit within a large department; comprised or
several divisions.
Division- a primary subdivision of a bureau
Section- functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization
Unit- functional group within a section or the smallest functional group within

Post- a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty
Route- a length of streets designated for patrol purpose also called line beat.
Beat- an area designed for patrol purposes whether foot or motorized
Sector- an area containing two or more beat, route or post.
District- a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes usually with its own
Area- a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised designated district.

2 Theories of Police Service

Home Rule Theory
- Policemen are regarded as servants of the community, who rely for the
efficiency of their function upon the express needs of the people
- Policemen are civil servants whose key duty is the preservation of public peace
and security
Continental Theory
- Policemen are regarded as state or servants of the higher authorities
- The police have no share or have little participation with the duties nor
connection with the police organization.

2 Concept of Police Service

Old Concept
- Police service gives the impression of being merely a suppressive machinery
- This philosophy advocates that the measurement of police competence is the
increasing number of arrest
- Throwing offenders in detention facilities rather than trying to prevent them
from committing crimes

Modern Concept
- Regards the police as the first line of defense of the criminal justice system , an
organ of crime prevention
- Police efficiency is measured by the decreasing number of crimes
- Broadens police activities to cater to social services and has for its mission the
welfare of the individual as well as that of the community in general.

Early Policing System

Kin Policing
- The family of the offended individual was expected to assume responsibility for
- The family of the victim was allowed to exact vengeance
- Ancient rules had elite unit to protect them
- Created the medias, a form of police force whose duties include guarding of the
tombs and apprehending thieves
- Introduced the use of dogs as guards and protectors
- Created the first organized called Vigiles of Rome or vigiles of Urbani
- A personal guards of the emperor, their primary duty was to protect the
emperor from assassination and other forms of attack
- Created a special unit called “Praetorian Guard”
“Frankpledge system/mutual system”
- Required all males aged 12 and above to join group of nine to form a tything.
- Members of the tything are Tythingmen
- A constable served as a leader of ten tything
- The primary task of the things was to protect their village from thieves and
- Tythings were later organized into shires
“Parish constable”
- Controlling crimes
- Appointed to serve for one year
- Duties included organizing watchmen to guard to gates
- During trouble , the watchman would raise a “huge and cry” a call to arms
where the rest of the parish would stop .

Modern Policing System

Bowstreet runners- a group of men organized to arrest offenders. Organized by Henry
Fielding a magistrate in London.
Metropolitan Police Act 1829
- The law that created the first modern police force in London, called
Metropolitan Police Service
- The law was passed through the initiative of Sir Robert Peel, a member of
- Sir Robert Peel “ Father of modern policing system”
United States America
A. New York Police Department
- Created in 1845
- Recognized as the first modern style police department in the USA
- The largest police force in the World
- Modeled after the metropolitan service in London
B. Boston Police Department
- The oldest police department in the US
- The first night watch was established in Boston in 1631
- Formally founded in May, 1854
August Vollmer
- Father of Modern Law Enforcement
- Author of the book, police administration which serve as the basic guide in the
administration PO in US
- Was the first police chief of Berkeley, California
Brig.Gen.Rafael Crame – the first Filipino chief of the Philippine Constabulary 1917
Col. Antonio Torres- the first Filipino chief police of the Manila police department in
Col. Lambert Javalera- the first chief of police of the manila police department after
the Philippine Independence from the USA in 1946
DIR. Gen. Cesar Nazareno – the first chief of the Philippine National pOlice.
• A citizen of the Philippines;
• A person of good moral character;
• Must have passed the Physical Agility Test, Neuro-Psychological Examination,
General Physical and Dental Examination as well as Drug Test to be administered by
the PNP for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
• Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of
• Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by NAPOLCOM;
• Must have not been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed
for cause from any civilian position in the government;
• Must have not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving
moral turpitude;
• Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62 m.) in height for male
and one meter and fifty-seven centimeters (1.57 m.) for female;
• Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5 kgs.) from the standard weight
corresponding to his or her height, age, and sex; and
• Must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of age upon
take oath.

Except for the last qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be

continuing in character and an absence of any one of them at any given time
shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that
PNP members who are already in the service upon the effectivity of RA 8551
shall be given at least two (2) years to obtain the minimum education
qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

ü  RA 6506 (Criminologist)
ü  Civil Service Professional (CSP)
ü  PO1 Entrance Exam (NAPOLCOM & CSC)
ü  RA 1080 (Board Passer, Med Doctor, Engineering, Teacher etc..)
ü  PD 907


The Regional Director shall establish an Ad Hoc Screening Committee in each
provincial office that shall be responsible for the widest dissemination of
vacancies in the area and determination of the fitness of police applicants.
The Screening Committee shall be composed as follows:
a. City/Municipal Screening Committee  • Vice-Mayor designated as
• DILG CLGOO/MLGO as Vice-Chairman
• POC Member from the Academe designated as Member
• City Director (for City Level)/Chief of Police (Municipal Level) and Member
b. Provincial Screening Committee
The Chief Assistant Provincial Director for Administration or any PNP Senior
Officer in the province designated by the Provincial Director.
• NAPOLCOM Official to be designated by the NAPOLCOM Regional Director
• Private citizen of known probity and integrity in the province to be designated
by the Provincial Governor
• PLEB Chairman in the locality where the selection will be undertaken
• PPOC Representative to be designated by the PPOC Chairman
c. Regional Screening Committee
• PNP Deputy – Regional Director for Administration or any PNP Senior Officer
in the Regional Command designated by the PNP Regional Director – Chairman
• NAPOLCOM Senior Official in the Regional Office to be designated by the
Regional Director
• Private citizen of know probity and integrity in the region to be designated by
the Provincial Governor of the province where the Regional Command
Headquarters is situated.
• PLEB Chairman in the locality where the selection will be undertaken
• RPOC Representative to be designated by the RPOC Chairman
Additional Screening and Recruitment Committees, however, may be
constituted by the PNP General Headquarters to facilitate expeditious and
efficient processing of applications, provided the herein required membership
shall be followed.

Physical Agility Test- is one of the requirements by the PNP in order to

evaluate the physical qualification of these aspiring Patrolman/woman
applicants whether he or she possess the required condition such as strength
and speed applicable in the service. The Screening Committee composed of
personnel from RPHRDD and Regional Health Service took the lead as the
screening committee.

Psychological and/or Neuro Psychiatric Test – To exclude applicants who

may be suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a
psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test to be administered by the PNP, or
any duly recognized institution and meet all the requirements in paragraph (a)
d. Character and Background Investigation – The Screening Committee shall
cause an intensive investigation to be conducted on the character and
background of the applicant with the view of determining his character
reputation and possible involvement in any questionable or criminal activities
as well as his propensity toward violence or use of force.
e. Physical/Menta/Dental Examination – In order to determine whether or
not the applicant is in good health, free from any contagious diseases, a
physical and medical examination must be conducted by the city/municipal
health officer or PNP medical officer after he/she qualified for preliminary

 Final interview (25 pts) – The Screening Committee shall interview the qualified
applicant for suitability for police work. The interview shall aid in determining
likeableness, affability, attitude towards work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, disagreeable mannerism, etc.
Oath-Taking – After the final deliberation and through selection among the qualified
applicants, the successful applications shall take their oath of Office.
Probationary – period of at least twelve (12) months.

Base Pay- It is the fixed amount received by the uniformed PNP personnel on a
monthly basis. Effective January 1, 2018, J.R. No. 1 provides for the
implementation of the fourth tranche of the modified salary schedule which
covers the “uniformed personnel under the Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG)”

Longevity Pay.- Uniformed personnel of the department shall be entitled to a

longevity pay of ten percent (10%) of their basic monthly salaries for every five
(5) years of service, which shall be reckoned from the date of the personnel’s
original appointment in the AFP or appointment in the police, fire, or jail or
other allied services to the integration of the PC and the INP, provided that the
totality of such longevity pay shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the basic
pay (Ref: Section 71, Chapter VII, Republic Act 6975).

Regular Allowances- These are allowances given regularly and are common to
all uniformed PNP members in addition to the basic salary (Ref: Section 71 of
RA 6975).
Quarter Allowance- It is an allowance given to officers and non-officers who
are not provided with living quarters, housing PNP units or living quarters
through the auspices of the PNP where their families can be accommodated. 

Regular Subsistence Allowance- It is an allowance given to all uniformed PNP

members to defray the cost of their daily regular meals amounting to
Php150.00 per day or Php4,500 per month. (Ref: Joint Resolution No. 1 effective
January 1, 2018).

Clothing Allowance- It is an allowance given to cover the cost of maintaining

uniforms that PNP members must wear daily. This is paid at the rate of
P200.00 per month for both officers and non-officers (Ref: NAPOLCOM
Resolution 91-18).

Hazard Pay- It is an allowance given as basic occupational hazard pay considering law
enforcement being a hazardous occupation. The Hazard Pay of all uniformed
personnel, the fixed amount is now at P540.00 per month. (Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution

Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA)- It is an allowance given to all

PNP uniformed personnel below the rank of Police Major to include cadets of
the PNPA amounting to Php500.00 per month effective 01 January 1991 (Ref:
NAPOLCOM Resolution 91-18).

Laundry Allowance- It is an allowance intended to defray the laundry costs of

PNP uniformed personnel whose frequent appearances in public affairs or
frequent attendance at ceremonies and assignment to units/activities require
the wearing of a presentable uniform at all times with the following rates
- Officer — P60.00 per month, paid monthly
- Non-Officer — P30.00 per month, paid monthly
Gratuity- It is granted to any awardee of the Medal of Valor. The awardee shall
receive a monthly gratuity of twenty thousand pesos (Php20,000.00) (Ref: Circular No.

Hospital Subsistence Allowance- It is an additional allowance over and above

the regular subsistence allowance of the PNP uniformed personnel representing
the free daily meals given them upon confinement in PNP hospitals and/or
dispensaries amounting to Php30.00 per day (Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution 91-
CDC Subsistence Allowance- It is an additional allowance over and above the
regular subsistence allowance of PNP personnel given to support the meal
requirement of PNP uniformed personnel engaged in any Civil Disturbance
Control operations amounting to Php30.00 per day (Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution

Training Subsistence Allowance- It is an additional allowance, or training

emolument, over and above the regular subsistence allowance, given to PNP
uniformed personnel undergoing local training in the AFP, PNP training
institution, OJT or schooling in local educational institution

Combat Duty Pay- It is a fixed Php3,000.00 monthly allowance for uniformed

personnel of the PNP engaged in actual police operations (Ref: Sec 1 and 2 EO
No. 03, s 2016).

Combat Incentive Pay- It is a Php300.00 per day allowance for uniformed

personnel of the PNP who figure directly in actual combat against members of
various insurgent, terrorist, and lawless elements, subject to the following
conditions (Ref: Sec 3 EO No. 03, s 2016):

Hazardous Duty Pay- It is an allowance given to PNP uniformed personnel for

exposure to particular occupational hazards or elements, or hazardous jobs
involving high risks of losing life, limbs, or likely deterioration of health. It is
fifty percent (50%) of the base pay authorized by rank (Ref: NAPOLCOM
Resolution No. 91-18).

Radiation Hazard Pay- It is an incentive pay for PNP skilled personnel whose
nature of work subject themselves to the hazards of over exposure to
radioactive elements. Payment of said additional allowance must not exceed
fifteen percent (15%) of the base authorized by rank (Ref: NAPOLCOM
Resolution No. 91-18).

Procedures of Payment:
1) All PNP personnel who are on actual teaching activities are granted an IDP of
twenty five percent (25%) of their base pay provided that they satisfy the
aggregate minimum monthly instructional time of 48 hours, to be computed as
follows: One hour of actual classroom instruction is equivalent to one
instructional hour and one and half (1.5) hours of research work or two and a
half (2.5) hours of supervisory activities shall be considered as one
instructional hour.
2) All PNP personnel who are assigned with major PNP training and are
performing activities supportive to classroom or field teaching are granted an
IDP of ten percent 10% of their base pay.
Specialist Pay- This pay applies to deserving non-officer personnel of the PNP
who are not assigned in critical areas (as to qualify them for combat pay) and
have demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness through skills, aptitude
training, experiences and knowledge of specific police duties and specialties
(Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18).

Flying Pay- All PNP Pilots and Crew of aircrafts whose duty requires regular
and frequent aerial fl ights. All duly accredited PNP pilots provided they
maintain fl ying time requirements of an average of four (4) hours of aerial fl
ight per month. The rate of fl ying pay is placed at fi fty percent (50%) of their
authorized base pay (Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18).

Sea Duty Pay- It is given to all PNP personnel who will be assigned in PNP
units to be activated for law enforcement duties in our inland waters (lakes and
river systems) and coastal/territorial waters. The PNP Maritime Command pays
its personnel at the monthly rate twenty-fi ve percent (25%) of the base pay
given at the end of the month or each end of quarter (Ref: NAPOLCOM
Resolution No. 91-18)

CAPCOM Incentive Pay- It is an allowance is given under the premised on the

uniqueness of CAPCOM mission and functions vis-à-vis its area which is Metro
Manila. This is applies to all PNP uniformed personnel assigned with CAPCOM
whether in the fi ve (5) Police District Commands. The allowance amounting to
Php2.50 per day or Php75.00 per month (Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18).

Special Clothing Allowance.- It is an allowance given to uniformed personnel

of the PNP whose frequent appearances in public affairs or frequent attendance
of ceremonies and who are assigned in units/activities requiring the wearing of
presentable uniform at all times. The following is the amount to be received
(Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18):
        Officer — Php 300.00
Non-Officer — Php 150.00

Cold Weather Clothing Allowance- It is an additional allowance given to all

uniformed personnel assigned in cold places where cold weather clothing is
necessary if not required. This allowance enables PNP personnel to procure the
prescribed cold weather clothing. All PNP personnel assigned in certain areas
within the following regions:

Winter Clothing Allowance- it is an allowance given to all uniformed personnel of the

PNP who will undergo foreign schooling/training to support the expenses in procuring
the required winter clothing abroad (Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18): Star
Rank Officers — $300
Other PNP Uniformed Personnel — $250
Initial Clothing Allowance- It is an allowance given to all PNP recruits who joined the
PNP for the first time, whether as PCO or PNCO amounting to Php20,000.00.
Replacement Clothing Allowance- It is an allowance every after three years of
continuous service thereafter reckoned from the year he/she entered the uniformed
service. Rates for RCA will be adjusted as follows (Ref: Fiscal Directive Number 2009-

Hardship Allowance- It is an allowance for all PNP personnel assigned to

Loran Station and Border Crossing Station, and other units/stations/sites/
isolated and inaccessible by normal air, water, or land transportation, and are
covered with official orders.

Burial Allowance- It is a monetary assistance to the bereaved family of a PNP

uniformed personnel in the event of his death, regardless of the circumstances
(Ref: NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18)

Other Financial Benefits- These are other benefits received by PNP uniformed
personnel other than the regular and collateral allowances.

Anniversary Bonus- It is for PNP Uniformed personnel who have rendered at

least one (1) year service in the PNP as of the date of milestone year (15th
anniversary and every five (5) years thereafter) and have not been found guilty
of any offense in connection with their work during the five-year interval
between milestone years.
Mid-Year (13th Month) Bonus- It is equivalent to one (1) month basic salary
as of May 15, shall be granted to those who have rendered at least four (4)
months of satisfactory service and are still in the service as of same date, to be
given not earlier than May 15 of every year 

Year-End (14th Month) Bonus- It is equivalent to one (1) month basic salary
and Cash Gift at prescribed rates shall be given in November of every year
Enhanced Performance Based Bonus- It is equivalent to one (1) month up to
two (2) months basic salary, to be implemented in two (2) phases starting in FY
2017. The grant of the enhanced PBB shall be based on a progressive rate
system. As the position and responsibility in improving agency performance
becomes higher, so is the amount of PBB

Productivity Enhancement Incentive- It shall be given not earlier than

December 15 of every year to all qualified government employees at Five
Thousand Pesos (Php5,000) each for the purpose of improving the government
employees’ productivity

Officers’ Allowance- It shall be given to PNP uniformed personnel as an

interim measure until such time that the base pay schedule is modified and
rationalized as provided under Executive Order No 201, series of 2016.

Provisional Allowance- It is a monthly allowance given to PNP Uniformed

Personnel to be implemented in four (4) tranches as provided under Executive
Order No 201, series of 2016.

Rice Subsidy- It is an interim allowance given in the form of cash, which shall
be equivalent to twenty (20) kilos of rice or a total of Six Hundred Fifty Pesos
(Php650.00) per month 

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