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India's only exhibition covering the entire value

chain of the LED industry


®HaNS hH1uPs





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HANS ENTERPRISESFactory: 10, Laxmi Ind. Estate, Sr. No. 77, Plot No. 7, Sativ

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'l LNdMot!l:lllyM,cM,ne00 Ue·cuk.tl& Ui&f't ,, ,o , ELEiTimes

MINISTERENERGYGOVERNMENT or MAHARASHTRAMantralaya, Mumbai-400 032.www.maharashtra.gov.inDate: 1 l MAY

I am pleased to know that Messe Franklurt Trade Fairs India Pl'l. Ltd is organizing LED EXPO from I 9th to 21st Mav 2022 at
Bombav Exhibition Centre Mumbai to create awareness o the positive aspects ofiED lighting products for various applications among the
general public at large and promote the business or the electronics-based LED products 828.
Electricity consumption is one of the most important indices that decide the de,·elopment level o[ a nation. The Government
o[J'v1aharashtra is committed to impro,·ing the quality or life of its citizens through higher electricity consumption. Govt aims to pro,,ide each
household access to electricity, round the clock The Power for All program is a major step in this direction.
LED is most energy-efficient and rapidly-dernloping lighting technology. LED light bulbs last longer, are more durable and ofTer
comparable or save electricity bi\J. better light quality, save 80% po,ver consumption, en,·ironmental friendly. reduce pollution and helps
in red cing wannness than other types o[ lighting. This all resulting in substanttaJ energy cost

EESL, an energy service company of the Government or India. has helped Maharashtra Govt in implementing the globally lauded Unnat J,,oti
by AITordable LEDs for All (UJALA) programme and Street Light National Programme (SLNP). Approximately 20 lakhs street lights to be
replaced with LED lights under SLNP in Maharashtra. It is expected that 50 per cent reduction in power bills of the Urban Local
Bodies, which are to be benefited bv this initiative in the State and saving of huge energy & pollution.
Quality of Life changed for all people in the ,·illages with the installation oflo\\·-cost. energy-erlicient LED -Solar lamps that are powered
entirely by Lhe sun and their income also increased. Now "Life doesn't halt anymore when darkness falls in the villages because of LED
I appreciate Messe Frankfurt's efforts in bringing the brightest LED innovators and entrepreneurs on one common platform. I convey my
best wishes for the success of Mumbai
edi11on or LED EXPO-2022.

']--li/,·n -
(Dr.Nitin Raut)

Chafrman (EXPO)
Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt. Ltd Mumbai
C:\U cr \HP\Oesktop\Shrikant\Mlnister A-4 • Certificate S Yrs. (Eng.).docx


Government of Maharashtra Mnntralaya, Mumbai 400 032
l>alc:- ' May, 2022.

Dincsh Wo hmarc
rrincipal Sccrct:uy(Encrgy)
tnke the opportunity to congratulate Messe Frankfurt India for creatins this international level show "LED EXl'O" Mumbai ctlition from 19" lo
21" May 2022 al llombuy Exhibition Centre which will provide the much-needed opportunity lo domestic and intcrnntionol lrodcrs 10
enhance their business and nid the growth·and promotion of Indian LED lighting industry.
India is home to some of the world's biggest manufacturers of lighting products both conventional nnd LED which is goins to increase manifold
under Mission "Make ln India" which has attracted buyers and international brands from across globe to source from India.
..Makc in India" is an initiative launched by the Government of India 10 encourage multi- 11a1io11al. as well as notional companies 10
manufacture their products in India which are presently/earlier is/were imported. h will give opportunities to provide emP.loyment, value
additions10 our resources at low cost & prices.
Maharashtra Government has made it mandatory for government buildings to install all the new lights with LEDs and replace all the old conventional
inefficient lights with'LEDs which is resulting savins of huge money, promoting clean environment and saving of power to divert to other productive
Maharashtra Government started installing Solar based LED street lights which are lot more efficient and brighter because they directly use the sun's
energy. LEDs work on direct current and do not require a converter.
It's time to realize that traditional light·sources are not encrsy and cost efficient and we should move forward to more efficient and sustainable
long-term solutions. Sustainable benefits of solar power with the energy efficiency of LED lighting arc amazing.
I appreciate Messe Frankfurt's efforts in bringing the LED innovators and entrepreneurs from across the global on one common platform and convey my
best wishes for the success of LED F.XPO.
Dincsh Waghmurc rrincipal Secretary (Energy)

Gon'mlTmTentIOI­f lndll3flr1!.'('IT liln?l'IMinistry of ElectroniQ & lflfommJon Tecl\n

.an4.31R.'l. 'IR
Amitesh Kumar Sinha,I.R.A.s.
Joint Secretary
0.0. No.--------
The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology is happy to note that Messe Frankfort Trade Fairs India Pvt. Ltd is holding the
LED EXPO & Summit from 19" to 21" May 2022 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai. The Expo will enable opportunities for
business leaders io have a greater understanding of the Indian opporturuty in the LEU sector. Investment &. use of energy saving
technologies such as LED is the need of the hour. LED Expo has been
providing an excellent opportunity to showcase state of the art International Technologies available.
I hope that the Expo would also pmvide an opportunity to investors to learn more about these initiatives. I extend my best wishes for the
summit and hope that thi$ LCD Expo will be a !1Ji1ml success.
Yours sincerely,
c:;: : : : ; ?
; .: 1 - \0 '-'\ ,,_,_
(Amitesh Kumar Sinha)
0ated: 22.04.2022

New Delhi

,........ v,,... •
Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) ......
AGovernment of Maharashtra Institute """"""..,.""'"" mEOoiiiiiiii
Ravindra Jagtap, I.A.S.
Director General
At the outset, I am thankful to Ministry of New & Renewable Energy & Ministry of Power, Government of India for recognizing the importance of
promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation across various sectors. I am happy to know that Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt. Ltd is
organizing Mumbai Edition of International LED EXPO & Summit at Bombay Exhibition Centre from 19th to 21st May 2022.
It goes without saying that this initiative will prove as a milestone achievement in spreading the awareness about protecting the environment by

adopting LED products & technology and shall give fillip to LED REVOLUTION which will be focusing on energy saving, environment friendly and
Solar based lighting devices.

( )
MEDA, being a pioneering designated agency, is also promoting Solar lighting systems by providing and expanding SOLAR power in
Maharashtra with the objective to provide economical & environmental friendly energy source, which is being promoted by the Ministry to meet power
requirements across the state.
This Expo may also provide an opportunity to investors to learn more about these initiatives & also provide opportunities to the manufacturers and
suppliers, as the chemistry of Solar power and LED lighting will have synergizing effects in the long run.
Ourcountry is in the need of energy efficient technologies hence the introduction and the use of Automation, Artificial intelligence and machine learning
in this domain may also contribute to reach out to a mass level on faster track.
EXPO will contribute in creating awareness amongst the usersabout the innovations and developments in the field of LED. As the LED requires very
less energy the same has led to the sustainable development.
Energy savingtechnologies are huge in demandand financing options for investment are also getting tuned with increasing demands and LED
EXPO brings an excellent opportunity to exhibit state of the art of international technologies. LED Expo will prove as a
best matchmaking platform amongst prospective stakeholders.

I hereby express my best wishes to the EXPO team'for organizing this wonderful LED Expo and Summit...!!!!
General Manager
Brihanmumbai Electric Supply & Transport Undertaking
It is a great pleasure to know that '.\1esse Frankfort India is once again org-,mizing the Mumbai Edition of International LED
EXPO & Summit - 2022 from 19th-21st May 2022 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai.
\,Ve expect that this year the LED Cxpo will create a revolution throu1,.Jl pa11icipation of various LED 1mmufacturing
comp;u1ies focusing on ener1,,y sa,i:iig and environment friendly as well as Solar-powered lighti1ig devices. It would also serve as
exclusive forum for lighting induso-y stake holders for discussing, networking, sharing business insights, best practices and
would bring together manufacturers, importers, distributors, end users, induso-y expc11S ;u1d key (;o\'ernment authorities.
LED based U4'11ting technolo4,y is one of the fastest growing technologies that promises to provide reliable, eflicient, effecti\'e
and durable lighting solution for various IOT based applications. It has already shown impressive pertorma.nce in a ran1,>c of
applications where reliability, color, visibility and long life ,u-e imp01tant. LED lamps and luminaries exhibits the strongest
growth trend a.nmng all die lighting technologies. It combination wid1 Solar powered de,1ces is bound to create a revolution in tJ1e
field of ener1,,y elliciency thereby contTihuting to reduce the global warming as well as be em1ronmental friendly.
BE.S&T Undertaking has participated in die Domestic Ellicienl Ught.ing (DELP) Program ;u1d :--iational LED Lamp pmgr.un
i111plemellled by EE.SL and further also completed replacement of about 40,000 HPSV/"1H su·eel lamps by energy ellicient LED
su·ect light which has resulted i11 more 1ha11 50% saving in energy costs to MC(;M in addition to reduced failures a11d
maintenance cost to theorg-ani7 1tion.
I would once again conh'l.ttulate l\'1csse Frankfort Trade-Fairs, India for organizing LED Expo &Summit al Mumbai tJ1is
yc;u·a11d wish them good luck.
Shri. r0esh-handra, IAS Gener er, BES&T Unde1taking
"ff7ffi1 RI !"
Greetings! and many congratulations from Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), the World's Largest ESCO, for upcoming Mumbai Edition of International LED
"Messe Frankfurt Fraternity hearty congratulations & many appreciations for organising the LED EXPO & Summit to promote the products at forefront of Lighitng
EESL has been at the forefront for transforming the Indian LED lighting sector. As the architects of various highly innovative LED campaigns in India, like UJALA and
Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP), we have created a new paradigm for sustainability, where market-driven innovations transform how sustainability
goals are met.
Under UJAU\, superior quality LED bulbs were distributed to cbmestic consumers at an affordable price of Rs. 70 and saving up to 90% energy in comparison to
incandescent bulbs. We then reached another milestone in our journey by successfully distributing 36. 79 crore LED bulbs in India, enabling cost savings of
over Rs. 19, 114 crores and saving 47,785 million k\N'h of energy every year. UJAU\ has further curbed GHG emissions of over 3.87 crore tons per year. In
Maharashtra alone, 2.19 0-ore LED bulbs have been distributed resulting in 28,55,330 M1Mi energy savings per year.

EESL has also successfully installed over 1.27 crore LED streetlights nationwide under SLNP. In Maharashtra, 10.6 Lakh streetlights have been installed under our
Street Ughting National Programme. Every year we save 8577.86 MUs in energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions by 5.91 million tones. SLNP has improved energy
efficiency, safety of dtizens, enabled cost savings, lowered carbon footprint, and ushered in a better overall Jiving experience. As a result, SLNP has set a global
precedent and its mechanisms are being replicated around the vvorld.

The Gram UJAlA initiative was launched with an aim to promote and distribute high guality energy efficient LED bulbs at an affordable rate of Rs.10 in rural
India. The Gram UJALA programrne has supported widespread distribution of LED bulbs by removing the barrier of affordability for rural consumers. The
programme has been successful in providing clean energy access and will contribute towards mitigat;ng GHG emissions.

EESL has had tr-emendous economic, environmental and social impact, and is already spearheading critical elements of India's national action plan for
climate change mitigation. It has proven to be the catalyst for energy efficiency & forwarding the agenda of reducing peak energy demand. Our innovative
business model is at the heart making these initiatives viable and sustainable in the long run.

To fulfil this mission, we should think globally, act locally, and look far into the future. We also should consider our many interdependencies with the world's social
and natural systems, and our responsibility to protect resources. Within that context, the key focus point will be the Energy Efficient Products &
Appliances powered with loT specifically enabling the Clean Energy Demand Management System...

Again, on behalf of EESI., convey my best wishes and am confident
that the LEDExpo &Summit will be a Grand success.

REGISTERED OFFICE: NR. Building. S'\6th& 7'-'• Aoot,

-......nm, --110003+9(1011) 45801.262ceo@eesl.co.in,

Cone- Ill,SCOPE
: www.eeslindia.org
Complex, Lodhl Road, New Delhi - 110003Tel.:+91 (011)

CIN U402CK>OL2009Pl.Cl96789 I GSTIN 07AACCE4248Hl2Q

-'!'S'.'l"l"-""'- """"'·"""ffl--,


122, 1st Floor, DLF Tower--A, Jasola Viha.-, New Delhi-110025
Tel: 011-41556644 / 46604947

[] elcoma

President Sumit Padmakar Joshi (Signify Innovations) Vice President
Avinder Singh (Osram Lighting) Shyam Sujan, Secretary GeneralE-mail: shyamsujan@elcomaindia.com
Treasurer Anuj Poddar {Bajaj Electricals)
I am pleased to know that Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt. Ltd is organizing LED EXPO from 19•h to 21g May 2D22 at Bombay Exhibition Centre
Mumbaito create awareness of the positive aspects of LED lighting products for various applications among the general public at large and promote the business of
the LED products B2B.
India has been the fastest in the world to convert to LED Lighting. The conventional incandescent bulbs
/CFLs are almost extinct in India where many countries are still using.
Energy efficiency in Indian households has touched 88 per cent with LED bulbs lighting up homes due to affordable government schemes UJALA Very
shortly almost 100% lighting will convert to LED Lighting, whereas other countries are likely to take more than 6 to 8 years.
India has also adapted to new technologies in all applications. With 10D smart cities underway, wireless technology will be extensively used. The government
is trying to provide all services, security and facilities through a single smart pole. This pole may consist of LED Light, security cameras, public
announcement system, Fire, riots or theft alarm system, besides social message through small screen, all this on one pole. ELCOMA members have already prepared
for this supplication.
Lighting industry has proactively being making all products in India for the last more than 80 years. But during launch of LED we had to rely more on imported
components to assemble LED lighting in lndia. Now Elcoma has prepared a plan VISION 2024 under which 80% components will be made in India by year
The LED Expo, organized by Messe Frankfurt India has created a platform for India Lighting Industry to network with Indian stakeholders and global visitors,
for business development and joint partnerships. There is a great opportunity for visitors to see the futuristic technology at the LED Show.
I send my best wishes to the organizers and the exhibitors for the great success of the Show.
\ (II.A
Secretary General
Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association of Indian (ELCOMA)

■ messe frankfurt .
Raj Manek
Executive Director and Board Member
Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd.
It was great meeting the industry in-person at the 22nd LED Expo New Delhi in November last year-an event which in itself was a testament
to the resilient spirit of the sector players and the LED business ecosystem. The long-anticipated industry meetings, live demonstrations,
effective face-to-face discussions led to strong business activity with the platform becoming crucial to understand changes in the new
business environment.
Coming back stronger with ourreturn in the financial capital, it gives us immense pleasure to welcome you to LED Expo Mumbai 2022. We
are grateful for the support extended by industry bodies and the various ministries of the Government of India which reinforces the credibility
of this platform for the Indian market.
Over the years. energy conservation has been one of the most prioritised implementation pro­grams. and the adoption of LED lighting has
significantly contributed to this goal. Considering the enormous progress made in the field of LEDs and the unique displays year on year,
LED Expo has succeeded in positioning India as a competent sourcing and manufacturing destination for LED Technologies. LED Expo has
been a movement - facilitating the most effective marketplace for the business of LED technologies.
Today, with the strong support of several government stakeholders, we aim to lend further momentum for 828 collaborations, partnerships,
and strengthening domestic distribution net­work - which will mark the next phase of LED technology development, manufacturing and
I wish all our exhibitors, visitors, speakers, delegates and media partners three productive days and excellence in their endeavours.


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Litomatic Tech pvt ltd Plot no., G-1, 230, RIICO Industrial Area, Sukher, Udaipur - 313001
ISO 9001-2015 / ISO 14001-2015
LIGHTING ENGINEERSAddress: 6/7, Vora Ind. Est. No. 2, Navghar, Vasai (East), Dist. Thane-401 210 Phone : +91 250 2391243 / 23910

Exhibitor name Booth
3sdm Business Solutions Pvt Ltd E01
Speciality Value Lighting & Design Pvt Ltd E01
99 Business Media (99 Lighting World) L22
Aalvin Lighting A70
Aastha LED Lights D21
ACME Light G31
Adhesive Specialities K12
Adsun Lighting Pvt Ltd C71
Alich Industries Pvt Ltd C11
AMD Lighting Solution K56
Amentis A51
Amentis A44
ANF Industries Pvt Ltd G32
Antra Industries K51
Apt Electronics Pvt Ltd A21
Aqtronics Technologies Pvt Ltd K25
Arihant Lighting Solution G50
Aronix LED Products A61
Ashapura Lights LLP C46
Aura Lites C42
AV Enterprises (Green Life) H11
Bharat Impex L09
Bombay Insulated Cables & Wires K71
Brother's & Company J70
Cermet Resistronics Pvt Ltd H67
Chenfeng Tech Pvt Ltd E66
Chipmax Designs Pvt Ltd J12
Chitra Lights L28
Cirkit Electro Components Pvt Ltd C64
Componix Technology Pvt Ltd F67
Copia Inc E70
Creative Fasteners L26
Creazioni Dec Pvt Ltd D12
Cygnus Lighting LLP B01
Day Lite Industries Pvt Ltd H01
Demak SRL E40
DHI Electronics Pvt Ltd K67
Dhruv Media H66
Diamond Glass Works G30
Digilux Luminogloz L04
Digitech Lights E21
Drive Technologies K30
Eamp Laboratories K62
Ecolux India Pvt Ltd L14
ELE Times (New Delhi Print Media Pvt Ltd)
Nexus Media Works J67
Electronics India F11
Era Electro Devices D11
Era Fame Media Group
Exotherm Instruments Pvt Ltd F45
Fakhri Metals F28
Ferrics Technology Co Ltd K47
Fevino Industries LLP H71
Fine Trak Systems A60
Fortune Die Cast India F12
Fortunearrt E71
Future Light (India) F71
G.T. Magnetics Pvt Ltd K11
Galaxy Lights H61
Geep Industries Pvt Ltd G41
Genus Electrotech Ltd J09
Geo Liting J01
Guangdong Lianhao Science & Technology Lighting Co Ltd F06
Hans Enterprises C61
HK Diecasting H51
Huma Fountains and Pools L25
HV Store H65
Hyance Electric LLP A32
Hyper Industries C29
Inch LED L01
Indian Automated Die Casting A22
Infocus Electronics D15
Inventronics SSL India Pvt Ltd E11
Istrips G11
Jay Polymers K27
Jiangmen Hui Zhuo Technology Co Ltd J46
K and S Advertising L03
Kalon Lighting A42
Kimaya Global Sourcing E61
Kiotel Automation Pvt Ltd L15
Krishna Electric Industries G60
Kristar Lights K42
Kritron Enterprises K21
Krsnalite H33
Kundan Edifice Pvt Ltd F51
Kundan Switchgears Pvt Ltd J02
Lafit Lighting C01
Lalwani Agencies F09
LED Alum Inc C70
Leejo Lighting Electronics Pvt Ltd B11
Lemonlite K41
Lens Point India Pvt Ltd E25
Light Form Marketing J11
Lighting Engineers K60
Lightium Technology Pvt Ltd L07
Lightman Lighting Co G42
Litex Lighting K01
Litomatic Tech Pvt Ltd C21
Lumar E51
Lumens Technologies Pvt Ltd H42
Lytage Electric Pvt Ltd B41
Lytmart A71
Manisha Enterprises A55
Mectools Marketing Services H60
Megalux Lighting Solutions J31
MM Electrical J41
Mr Technology K08
M-Tech Equipments C32
Neptune Lights India Pvt Ltd F21
Network Inc B50
Network Inc B51
Niiv Lites J50
Nirvana Lighting Pvt Ltd D01
NSR Lumen Tech Pvt Ltd C50
Om Enterprise L21
Optiks Mechatronics Pvt Ltd A31
Oushi Lighting Co Ltd G46
Pioneer Lighting Solutions India Pvt Ltd B31
Power Connect India H47
Power Palazzo Pvt Ltd G21
Pride Electronics J21
Pride Lighting J21
Prisha Illumination D41
Pushti Crates & Bins K46
Radiant LED G48
Rainbow Lighting Solutions (Firellux®) K02
Ramdev Lighting LLP F01
Rangdev Electronics A50
Rays Lighting G20
Rizaarkayalights L19
Regency Semiconductors J51
Rhun Circuits Pvt Ltd F66
Rutav Engitronic Systems B46
S R Industries H21
Sadguru Autocomponents Pvt Ltd D26
Santech LED Pvt Ltd K15
Satyam Bright Pvt Ltd E31
Semiconic Devices Pvt Ltd A01
Seva Die Casting H41
Sharang Corporation K48
Shenzhen Ming Jin Fang Electronic G05
Shree Bherunath Enterprises H01
Shreeji Switchgears K61
Simoni Enterprises L18
SLPL Skylight Lighting Pvt Ltd J60
Smartlight G01
Smart-living Home Automation Pvt Ltd A15
Space Light Industries K58
Spanco Semiconductors F41
Srishti Lighting K31
Star Electronics C41
Stareagle Enterprises F61
Stark Lights K45
Sterling Sign Systems K32
Sun LED Products LLP G27
Sunlight Cable Industries G61
Suresh Enterprises C26
Swastik Metals & Alloys C45
Swiss Electric Company A46
Taurus Opto Semiconductors LLP C31
TC Components/Takiar D51
Tech On Electronics B61
Technobeam Systems L30
Tej Autosystem Pvt Ltd G70
TimesTech Media L05
Tinge D61
Univic Pvt Ltd L11
VD Intellisys Technologies Pvt Ltd C51
Vensen Lighting Pvt Ltd D45
Wago Pvt Ltd E12
Wisto Tech D31
Xcellent Lite LLP B71
XJS Electronics Pvt Ltd H31
Yunay Extrusion / Yamuna Industries A41
Yunsion Industrial Material Pvt Ltd G66
Zhongshan Chuangxin Lighting Appliance Co Ltd J45
Zhongshan Naitele Lighting Co Ltd J28
Zhongshan Wo Link Lighting Ltd D71
Zilite Industries B12
Zylos Technologies Pvt Ltd L33
L01 L02 L03 L04 L05

K66 K71 J70 Medi

K62 K67 J66 a
K60 K65 J60 J61 H60
K58 K61 J50 J51 H42
K56 K51 J46 J47
K48 K47 J45
K46 K45 J41
K42 K41 1
K32 K31
K30 K25
K22 K21
31 C32 B31 A32
K27 J28

K12 K J11
K08 1 J09
K02 K01 J02 J01
Dry Sn

3sdm Business Solutions Pvt Ltd E01201, Jinam Industrial Est, Dhumal Nagar, Waliv
Speciality Value Lighting & Design Pvt Ltd E01201, Jinam Industrial Est, Dhumal Nagar, Waliv
99 Business Media ( 99 Lighting World) L22Pearl Best Heights II, 809, 8th Floor NSP, Pitam
Aalvin Lighting A70E-4 Shree Rajlaxmi Hitech Park Sonale Villa
Aastha LED Lights D21662 , Janiwada , Aastha Chamber Gandhi Road
ACME Light G31B/35, Phase-IV Parmar Techno Centre Pelhar
Adhesive Specialities K12Sy.no. 261/2, Behind Indo-Nissan FoodsHarag
Adsun Lighting Pvt Ltd C71Plot No 110 Sec-56 HSIIDC Estate Kundli Ind
Alich Industries Pvt Ltd C11A-15/13 Paiki 2, Ground FloorNear Arogya Bh
AMD LEDs Co K226/2283-84Kaji Ni Wadi, Near Ganda Kaka N
AMD Lighting Solution K56
66-A, Sumel Business Park 5, Nr. Chamunda Bridge Chamanpura, Asarwa, Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad - 380016 Gujarat, India
Contact Person: Deepak Salecha
Tel. Email:
Company Profile:
Trade Associations:
Brands / Product sold by your company: Elite
Product Groups: High Power LEDs,SMD LEDs,Architectural lighting, Building lighting, Casi- no & disco
lighting, Commercial lighting, Decorative landscape & garden lighting, Exterior lighting, Floor lighting,
Interior lighting, Office lighting, Residential LED lighting, Retail
lighting, Special lighting, Stage lighting, Street lighting, Tunnel lighting, LED bulbs, LED ceil- ing lights, LED
down lights, LED flat panels, LED floodlight, LED garden lights, LED lighting fixtures, LED spotlight, LED
street light, LED tubes, LED underground lamps, LED underwa- ter lights, LED wall washers, LED backlights,
LED rope lights, LED strips, Circuit boards, Con- trol system, Heat sink,Lenses,MCPCBS,PCB adhesive
tapes,PCBs,Reflectors & diffus-
ers,Wires & cables, LED manufacturing equipment / devices,Drivers,Power supply
Amentis A51Shri Arihant Compound Building No.H1 Gala N
Amentis A44Shri Arihant Compound Bldg No.H1 Gala No.1
ANF Industries Pvt Ltd G32Gala No 19, Rajprabha Industrial Enclave Bhoi
Antra Industries K51Plot No 42,Khasra No 321, Gurgaon Gurgaon -
Apt Electronics Pvt Ltd A21B-8Sector-58, Gautam Buddha Nagar Noida - 20
Aqtronics Technologies Pvt Ltd K25# 78/1,3rd Cross, Gavipuram Extension Bangalo
Arihant Lighting Solution G50X-37 M To X-40 Laxmi Narayan Industrial Par
Aronix LED Products A61B 28, Vaishali Industrial EstateMhatre Wadi , D
Ashapura Lights LLP C46Room No. 24/25, Mangaldas Building no 1M
Aura Lites C42143 1st floor, Ashoka Shopping Centre, Next T
AV Enterprises (Green Life) H11301, Sardar Griha Building, LT MargNear Craw
Bharat Impex L0911 Hilda VillaChincholi Bunder Road ,Malad (
Bombay Insulated Cables & Wires K7174 , Poddar Chamber, S A Brevali Road, Fort Mu
Brother's & Company J70Gala No. 104,1st Floor Building No. 37Arihant C
Cermet Resistronics Pvt Ltd H67Shindewadi, Tal-bhor PuneMaharashtra, IndiaC
Chenfeng Tech Pvt Ltd E66Plot No -21Ecotech-1, Extension-1, Gautam Bu
Chipmax Designs Pvt Ltd J12#45,2nd Main, Manorayana Palya RT NagarBa
Chitra Lights L2824Dwarkesh Industrial Society Surat - 395017G
Cirkit Electro Components Pvt Ltd C6454-B, "Drug House" Bldg., Near Parijat Bldg, P
Componix Technology Pvt Ltd F67#B299, 7th Main, Peenya 2nd Stage Peenya Indus
Copia Inc E70Plot No. 411Badkhal Pali Road, Bhakri Villa
Creative Fasteners L26Paras Industrial Estate, Bldg No. 5, Opp.IPOL S
Creazioni Dec Pvt Ltd D12Office No.1, Ishwardas Industrial Estate, Ragh
Cygnus Lighting LLP B01B-13, Aver PlazaOpp Citi Mall, New Link Ro
Day Lite Industries Pvt Ltd H01Gala no. 01,02,03, Richard compound, S no. 122
Demak SRL E40163, Strada Del Cascinotto, Torino Torino - 1
DHI Electronics Pvt Ltd K676, Brabourne RoadRoom No 305, Kolkata Ko
Dhruv Media H66A-318, Vrindavan FlatsNear Vejalpur Police C
Diamond Glass Works G30119, St Mary's RoadGala No 1 & 21 Arsiwala C
Digilux Luminogloz L0450A, Medavakkam main road Factory, Chengl
Digitech Lights E21Unit No. 220, Shreeji Bhuvan building 51 Man
Drive Technologies K30203 Aqua House Parvati Pune - 411030Mahara
EAMP Laboratories K62Survey No. 102/1/2, Nagar Parishad House, O
Ecolux India Pvt Ltd L14Gala No 109-114, Pushpraj Industrial Estate N
ELE Times (New Delhi Print Media Pvt Ltd)Vishwakarma Complex, 3rd Floor Plot No. 17-18, KaushambiGhaziabad - 201010 Uttar Prades
Nexus Media Works J67Sector - 15Rohini, North West Delhi - 110089De
Electronics India F11Gat No 682 Sr No 22, Near Velu Phata, Velu, Pun
Era Electro Devices D11D-413, Neelkanth business park Nathani RoadMu
Era Fame Media GroupOff. No. 18, 1st Floor, Crystal Plaza, Station Rd., Mira Road (E) Off. No. 18, 1st Floor, Crystal Plaza, ThaneMumb
Exotherm Instruments Pvt Ltd F453,4 & 22, Geeta Udyog Bldg No.2Off Waliv Road
Fakhri Metals F28Plot No 4, Simplex India, Khokhani Industrial E
Ferrics Technology Co Ltd K471003, Everest Countryside, Kasarvadavali, Tha
Fevino Industries LLP H71Sr No. 36/1/1 Near Lokmat Press, Dhayri, Pan
Fine Trak Systems A60B 57 GIDC Electronic zone, Sector 25, Gandhi
Fortune Die Cast India F12296, Rudra Industrial Park B/H N.K EstateGatr
Fortunearrt E71Plot No. 58-67, Survey No. 509/1/2, Apparel Ex
Future Light (India) F7131, Manish Industrial Estate No 5, Navghar Road V
GT Magnetics Pvt Ltd K11K-95, Udyog NagarNear Peeragarhi Metro Sta
Galaxy Lights H61Q-110 First Floor Above Q-10Jai Mata Di Co
Geep Industries Pvt Ltd G411201, Centrum, Plot No C-3SG Barve Road, W
Genus Electrotech Ltd J09211, Centrum Wagle Estate Thane - 400604Mah
Geo Liting J01Survey No. 231, 232 Gala No. A11,12,13, Hi
Guangdong Lianhao Science & Technology Lighting Co LtdNo. 10 of Fuqing Fifth RoadYongxing Industrial Zone, Henglantown Zhongsha

Company Profile: Since its establishment, Lianhao Lighting has obtained CE certification, ROHS
certification, IEC certification, BIS certification, SASO certification and a number of invention patents and
high-tech product certification. In 2015, we also enjoy the honours of China's famous brands, quality,
service, integrity AAA units, China's top ten brands of LED lighting industry, and China's 3.15 consumer
trusted products.
Brands / Product sold by your company: Lianhao
Product Groups: Interior lighting, LED strips
Hans Enterprises C61Gala No 10 , Laxmi Industrial Estate , Sativali
HK Diecasting H51Gala no 1, Mira Industrial Estate Sophara Pha
Huma Fountains And Pools L25Gala no. C-7 B(N), Sagar Industrial Estate, Bhu
HV Store H65B-316 Sumel 4,Amdupura Near Kalupur Bride
Hyance Electric LLP A32Plot No. 360,Kanjhawala Industrial Estate Ne
Hyper Industries C291410, Rajashtan EstNear Bhajanlal Dairy , Chi
Inch Led L01Unit No 14A,Shivam industrial Estate,Tunga
Indian Automated Die Casting A22Khasra No 171/2/2 Bhakri Pali road Faridabad -
Infocus Electronics D1519/356 OCC Gate No.5Malwani Malad West M
Inventronics SSL India Pvt Ltd E11Survey No-15, Opposite All India Logistics Par
Istrips G11M/s Shining Star, 101 To 103, Daksh Industri
Jay Polymers K27408, Sarthik-2Opp. Rajpath Club, SG Highway
Jiangmen Hui Zhuo Technology Co Ltd J46North Of Old Sangma Industrial Zone 300m, Sh
K and S Advertising L032M / 30Bungalow Plot, Faridabad New Indust
Kalon Lighting A42H-112Malviya Nagar Industrial Area Jaipur -
Kimaya Global Sourcing E61B/615 Damji Shamji Corporate Square,Andhe
Kiotel Automation Pvt Ltd L153rd Floor C-434 Turbhe MIDC, Indira Nagar Ne
Krishna Electric Industries G60Phase 1, Ground floor, First floor, Siddha Indust
Kristar Lights K4217-18, Prince Industrial Hub, near GEM Corp
Kritron Enterprises K2151, Mangaldas Road, Shreeji Bhavan, 1st Floor
Krsnalite H33Unit No 10, Raj Prabha Meenakshi Industrial E
Kundan Edifice Pvt Ltd F51Block B, Ganesh Industrial Estate,Behind Burm
Kundan Switchgears Pvt Ltd J02S-92 (A), NH-8MIA, Madri Udaipur - 313003 R
Lafit Lighting C01Lafit Experience Centre, Unit 2B, Block No 7O
Lalwani Agencies F091894, Inside Pada Pole, Gandhi road Ahmedab
LED Alum Inc C703rd floor, Anna BhuvanDevji Ratnsi Marg, M
Leejo Lighting Electronics Pvt Ltd B11C-16Sector 88, Gautama Buddha Nagar Noida -
Lemonlite K4117 Arihant Classics Industrial Estate Sativalli r
Lens Point India Pvt Ltd E25Plot no 3, Near Kaili Masjid, Near GT road Kai
Light Form Marketing J11M 11 7th Cross Peenya Industrial Estate Peenya
Lighting Engineers K606/7 Vora Industrial Estate No 2 Navghar, Vasa
Lightium Technology Pvt Ltd L07First Floor W65 Midc Phase 2 Dombivili MIDC
Lightman Lighting Co G42Shripal Industrial Estate Vasai, PalgharVasa
LightsnLED9, LGF, Sant Nagar EOK, SouthNew Delhi - 110065 Delhi, IndiaContact Person: Gaurav ChawlaTel. 01146464848Email: inf
Litex Lighting K01221,222, Shreeji Bhawan51, Mangaldas road
Litomatic Tech Pvt Ltd C21G-1 230,Riico Industrial Area Sukher Udaipur -
LTECH E41106,1 LSC, New Delhi Delhi - 110062 Delh
Lumar E51A7, Survey No. 144 Kaman, Palghar Vasai E
Lumens Technologies Pvt Ltd H42809, 810 Lodha business districtLodha Supremu
Lytage Electric Pvt Ltd B4111-12 Dunn market, Jabalpur road, Baragwan,
Lytmart A71A7, Ayesha Compound, Kaman, PalgharVasai
Manisha Enterprises A551st Floor Gala No. 107/108, Rajprabha Udyog N
Mectools Marketing Services H60535, Basement, Patparganj Industrial Area New D
Megalux Lighting Solutions J31Sunmoon Industrial Estate, Survey No. 56/57/58
MM Electrical J41C-219, Sumel Business Park -4 (saffal-4) Kalup
MR Technology K08212 & 203, Mastermind 1, Royal Palms Aarey
M-Tech Equipments C32C1 Industrial Area Bahadrabad Haridwar - 249
Neptune Lights India Pvt Ltd F21684, Nani Brahmapuri Khadia Cross Near Nava
Network Inc B50B-007, Antophill Warehousing Co. B-building
Network Inc B51B-007, Antophill Warehousing Co. B-building
Niiv Lites J50704, Krishnai CHSNext to Haryana Bhavan M
Nirvana Lighting Pvt Ltd D01903, Synergy Business ParkSahakar Wadi Road
NSR Lumen Tech Pvt Ltd C50Plot no. 52-53,Sector 6, Udham Singh Nagar P
Om Enterprise L21341, BakrolAhmedabad - 382430 Gujarat, Ind
Optiks Mechatronics Pvt Ltd A31Plot No. 360, Udyog Kendra 2, Ecotech III Gauta
Oushi Lighting Co Ltd G46iangmen, ChinaContact Person: AshuTel.Emai
Pioneer Lighting Solutions India Pvt Ltd B31301, Sai Jyothi Residency, Kondapur Hyderabad -
Power Connect India H472A/27, New Industrial Town Faridabad Faridabad
Power Palazzo Pvt Ltd G21B-402, Safal Pegasus, Nr Auda Garden, Opp. Ve
Pride Electronics J212nd Floor Unit No. 2 B Wing Gala No.8, Ghan
Pride Lighting J212nd Floor Unit No. 2 B Wing Gala No.8, Ghan
Prisha Illumination D41Ff 1/2, Maruti ArcadeShivranjani Cross Roads,
Pushti Crates & Bins K46Sativali RoadVasai East, Palghar Mumbai - 401
Radiant LED G48Tejendra 3 KhokhraAhmedabad - 380022 Gu
Rainbow Lighting Solutions (Firellux®) K0213A, 1st & 2nd Floor, Tilak Nagar, Rustam Mar
Ramdev Lighting LLP F01Gala No.17,18, Ground Floor,Build No.3Shiva
Rangdev Electronics A50Office No - 1, Tulsiveer ApartmentNaheru Stre
Rays Lighting G20101, Aaima Industrial Estate, Behind J R Hot
Rizaarkayalights L19Shop no 13Old Lajpat Rai market Delhi - 1100
Regency Semiconductors Pvt Ltd J51No. 404, Kartar Mansion, 4th Floor, Tribhuvan R
Rhun Circuits Pvt Ltd F66Gala no.1, Shade no.14, Arihant Commercial C
Rutav Engitronic Systems B46B-11/2GIDC sector 25Gandhinagar - 382044 Gu
S R Industries H21101 & 102 Geeta Industrial Estate IB Patel roa
Sadguru Autocomponents Pvt Ltd D26Sadguru Industrial Estate, Gate No. 201Mahalung
Santech LED Pvt Ltd K15A/301, Trinity Garden Chs Ltd Sec-8, Vasant
Satyam Bright Pvt Ltd E31101 Sambhav, Arjun ParkNana Mava Road, Ab
Semiconic Devices Pvt Ltd A01B-145 Gautam Budh Nagar Phase 2 Noida - 20
Seva Die Casting H4162, Rama Road , Opp. Bislery factory New Del
Sharang Corporation K48Office No- 213, Laxmi Plaza PP Alfa Laval, Da

Shenzhen Ming Jin Fang ElectronicRoom 301, 302 & 303, 3rd Floor, Building A, ShengfengG05
Industrial Park Yanlou sub-district, Yanchuan
Company Profile: MJF power supply product classification mainly includes outdoor rain- proof, waterproof,
indoor ordinary, slim and strp type, etc. The output voltage models are 5v, 12v, 24v, 30v, 36v, 48v and
other power supplies, products are widely used in led lighting projects and various mechanical equipment.
Trade Associations: Factory
Brands / Product sold by your company: MJF
Product Groups: High Power LEDs, Liquid LEDs, OLEDs,S MD LEDs, Other LEDs, Architectural lighting, Automotive lighting, Building
lighting, Casino & disco lighting, Commercial lighting, Decorative landscape & garden lighting, Exterior lighting, Floor lighting, Interior
lighting, Office lighting, Residential LED lighting, Retail lighting, Special lighting, Stage lighting, Street lighting, Tunnel lighting,
Underwater & fountain lighting, LED bollard lights, LED bulbs, LED ceiling lights, LED down lights, LED flat panels, LED floodlight, LED
garden lights, LED lighting fixtures, LED spotlight, LED street light, LED tubes, LED underground lamps, LED underwater lights, LED wall
wash-ers, Solar LED lights, LED automotive lamps, LED backlights, LED bars, LED emergency lights, LED flashlights, LED focus lamps, LED
headlamps, LED indicator lamps, LED modules, LED neon lights, LED reading light, LED rope lights, LED solar lanterns, LED strips, LED
traffic lights, LED forex/bank displays & signs, LED moving signs, LED production dis-play signs, LED screens, LED signs & displays, LED
video walls, Numeric & alphanumeric display, Circuit boards, Control system, Dimmers, DMX controllers, Heat sink, LED encapsulation
material, LED wafer/chips, Lenses, MCPCBS, PCB adhesive tapes, PCBs, Reflectors & diffusers, Wires & cables, Imaging devices, applied
products, Inspection/measuring/repairing equipment, LED manufacturing equipment/devices, SMD mounting machines, Solid-state
lighting/equipment, Drivers, Power supply, Solar
integrated LEDs, Smart home automa-tion, Research organisations, Testing laboratories, SMPS

Shree Bherunath Enterprises H01Face No. A, Gala No. 21-22, Taluka Vasai Parma
Shreeji Switchgears K6113/14/15 Rolon Estate, behind Mony hotel, Naro
Simoni Enterprises L18Jagleshwar mandir road Kulkarani Wadi, Than
SLPL Skylight Lighting Pvt Ltd J60Bombay Exhibition Centre GoregaonMumbaiM
Smartlight G01101, Four Point, Opp. CB Patel Health Club V
Smart-living Home Automation Pvt Ltd A15Kalika Plaza next to TVS showroom Mumbai Na
Space Light Industries K58Plot No. 2, Bhiwandi Manor road Village : Ham
Spanco Semiconductors F4110/11 Bhagat Industrial Estate Near 18 no ESIC
Srishti Lighting K31Reay House, 3rd floor, Office no-7 BEST Ma
Star Electronics C41Gate No. 685/2, Dabhadi Shiv Road, Behind Chu
Stareagle Enterprises F61Shagun Building No 42nd Floor Vasai Road Tun
Stark Lights K45Shop No.5 Murli ComplexKhadia Char Rasta,
Sterling Sign Systems K3216/4, Avinash Mansion, 1st Cross Lalbagh Roa
Sun LED Products LLP G27Plot No. 49, Daman Ganga Industrial Park Du
Sunlight Cable Industries G6123, Tavawala Building, 1st floorPathakwadi, Ne
Suresh Enterprises C26C1/55, GIDC Phase IIDediyasan, Mehsana Meh
Swastik Metals & Alloys C45Shop No 4, Shanti Kunj, Near Nalanda Shoppi
Swiss Electric Company A46Bk. No. 399/13, 14,15, Opp. Namdevwadi Hanu
Taurus Opto Semiconductors LLP C31No. 4A, Kamala Nivas, 1st FloorProctor road, G
TC Components/Takiar D514574/15, Padam Chand Marg Darya GanjDelhi
Tech On Electronics B61C 185,Sector 63, Gautam Buddh Nagar Noida
Technobeam Systems L30Unit No: 9,10,11, Sheetal Supreme Industrial E
Tej Autosystem Pvt Ltd G70Plot no 353,Sector 68, IMTFaridabad - 121004 H
TimesTech Media L05Suite B03,Block H-61, Gautam Budh Nagar N
Tinge D611501-1502, 15th Floor, Remi Commercio Off
Univic Pvt Ltd L11Plot-280, Sector-6, IMT Manesar Manesar - 1
VD Intellisys Technologies Pvt Ltd C5146, 2nd FloorMall road, New Delhi Delhi - 110
Vensen Lighting Pvt Ltd D45G-150, Sitapura Industrial Area Jaipur - 30202
Wago Pvt Ltd E12NH-8, Block 94 Vadsala,Block 1187 Varnam
Wisto Tech D31RC 39 457 Chembur Camp Gandhi Bazzar ro
Xcellent Lite LLP B71
E-4 Shree Rajlaxmi Hitech park, Sonale village, Thane
Bhiwandi - 421302 Maharashtra, India
Contact Person:
Tel. Email:
Company Profile: Xcellent lite LLP is an innovative, leading manufacturing company in the development
and manufacture of LED lighting for OEM supply. Founded in 2015 Wellmax Lighting (Xcellent Lite LLP) is
not only active in the general lighting sector, but has already specialised exclusively in LEDtechnology.
Trade Associations:
Brands / Product sold by your company: Wellmax
Product Groups: Office lighting,Residential LED lighting,Retail lighting,LED ceiling lights,LED down lights,LED
flat panels,LED spotlight,LED backlights,Drivers
XJS Electronics Pvt Ltd H31B 105 Phase 2 NoidaNear Old Noida Court co
Yunay Extrusion / Yamuna Industries A4181, Part 2, Parishikhar Industrial Cottege Estate N
Yunsion Industrial Material Pvt Ltd G66Plot No-81,Toy City Udyog Kendra Ecotech-3, G
Zhongshan Chuangxin Lighting Appliance Co Ltd J45No.169Sansha, Henglan Town, Henglan Zhongsh
Zhongshan Naitele Lighting Co Ltd J28City, Henglan Town, Yongxing Industrial Zone
Zhongshan Wo Link Lighting Ltd D71No.1, One Of The Second FloorHuasheng East
Zilite Industries B12101, Arihant Industrial Estate Off Sakivihar Co
Zylos Technologies Pvt Ltd L33B-39A, Sector 60Gautam Buddha Nagar Noida
Manufacturers of
All Kind of LED Lights - Indoor, Outdoor, Industrial & Decorative Lights.


Address : 6/7, Vora Ind. Est. No. 2, Navghar, Vasai (East), Dist. Thane-401 210
Phone : +91 250 2391243 / 2391075 / 2391975, Telefax: +91 250 2390975,
0 o�� 043

E-mail: lightingengineers@gmail.com, lightingengineers@rediffmail.com Website: www.lightingengineers.in

ISO9001-2015 / ISO 14001-2015
B info@mexexhibits.com @ www.lightsnled.com
L07 L08 L09 L11 L14

H71 G70 Global F70

H67 G66 F66
H60 H G60 G61
H42 6 G50 G41
5 G48 1
H G46 G27
6 G42 G21
1 G32
H G30
5 G20



1 A32 A31

H11 G11 F12

H01 G05 F06


y Snacks

L14 L15 L16 L18 L19 L21

F71 E70 E71

F67 E66 E65
F61 E61
F51 E51
F45 E41
F41 E31
1 E25

F11 E12 E11 D12

E01 D01


Organiser Office
L21 L22 L23 L25 L26 L28

D71 C70 C71

D65 C64 C61
D C50 C B50
6 C46 5 B46
1 C42 1
D C26 C
5 4
1 5

4 4
5 1
4 3
1 1
2 C
5 2
2 2
1 1
D11 D15 C11 B12


ce Entry
L28 L30 L33

B71 A70 A71

B A60 A61
6 A50 A55
1 A46 A51
B A44 A41
5 A42 A21
1 A22
B01 A15

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