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Diagnostico Gastropatias Cronicas

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L a b o r a t o r y Te s t s fo r

the Diagnosis and

Management of
C h ro n i c C a n i n e a n d
F e l i n e En t e ro p a t h i e s
Nora Berghoff, Dr med vet*, Jörg M. Steiner, Dr med vet, PhD

 Enteropathy  Canine  Feline  Function tests
 Diarrhea  Gastrointestinal


Chronic enteropathies are commonly encountered in both cats and dogs. Although
definitive diagnosis often requires the collection and histopathologic evaluation of
gastrointestinal biopsies, less invasive laboratory tests are also helpful in the diagnosis
and should be performed before considering the collection of biopsies.
Before evaluating the patient for a primary gastrointestinal disorder, it is crucial to
rule out secondary gastrointestinal diseases, which could be associated with hepatic,
pancreatic, renal, adrenal, and thyroid disorders, or other underlying diseases. This
procedure is best accomplished by collecting a minimum database, which should
include a complete blood count (CBC), a serum biochemistry profile, and a urinalysis.
CBC is often unremarkable but may show abnormalities such as eosinophilia in
patients with parasitic infestation or eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Neutrophilia is occa-
sionally observed, and lymphopenia may be found in patients with protein-losing
enteropathies (PLEs). Anemia may be observed if gastrointestinal bleeding is present.
A serum biochemistry profile helps assess possible hepatic or renal failure, both of
which may cause clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease. Mild to moderate increases
in serum or plasma liver enzyme activities (ie, alkaline phosphatase, alanine amino-
transferase) because of a reactive hepatopathy may be observed in some patients
with chronic intestinal disease, even in the absence of primary liver disease.1,2

Disclosure: The authors are affiliated with the Gastrointestinal Laboratory at Texas A&M
University, which provides specialized gastrointestinal function testing for cats and dogs.
Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Texas A&M Univer-
sity, 4474 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: nberghoff@cvm.tamu.edu

Vet Clin Small Anim 41 (2011) 311–328

doi:10.1016/j.cvsm.2011.01.001 vetsmall.theclinics.com
0195-5616/11/$ – see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
312 Berghoff & Steiner

Concurrent intestinal inflammation, cholangiohepatitis, and pancreatitis (triaditis) may

be observed particularly in cats and might also be accompanied by increased liver
enzyme activities. Hypoalbuminemia is an important indicator of PLE, particularly if
it is associated with hypoglobulinemia. Moreover, serum albumin concentration
should always be measured because hypoalbuminemia has been shown to be a nega-
tive prognostic indicator in dogs with chronic enteropathies.3 Hypocholesterolemia
can be frequently observed in dogs with lymphangiectasia because cholesterol is
lost in the lymphatic fluid, and malabsorption is also common in these patients.
In addition to the required minimum database collected for each patient, serum
concentrations of canine and feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI, now
measured as Spec cPL and Spec fPL [IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME, USA],
respectively) may help diagnose or rule out pancreatitis in a patient with clinical signs
of gastrointestinal disease. Furthermore, increased PLI concentrations in dogs with
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have been shown to be associated with a poor
response to steroid treatment and a negative outcome.4 Therefore, measurement of
PLI may be warranted in dogs with IBD. In cats with IBD, hypocobalaminemia and
hypoalbuminemia have been reported more frequently in those patients who had
a concurrently increased serum fPLI concentration.5 It may therefore be advisable
to measure serum fPLI concentration in these patients to detect potential concurrent
pancreatic inflammation.5
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) often represents an important differential
diagnosis in patients with chronic enteropathies because EPI usually manifests itself
as chronic weight loss and loose stools, although liquid diarrhea is uncommon. The
test of choice for diagnosing EPI in both cats and dogs is the serum trypsin-like immu-
noreactivity (TLI) assay.6,7 Other tests for EPI, such as fecal elastase or fecal proteo-
lytic activity assays, are not recommended because they are less reliable and may
have false-positive or negative test results.8
In cats, particularly those of an older age, serum concentration of total T4 or free T4
should also be determined to rule out hyperthyroidism as a potential cause for gastro-
intestinal signs. If these data are unknown, cats should also be assessed for feline
leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus status.
Furthermore in dogs, atypical hypoadrenocorticism with no abnormalities of serum
electrolytes may cause clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease and should therefore
be ruled out. Basal serum or plasma cortisol concentrations of more than 2 mg/dL
allow to rule out hypoadrenocorticism. However, in dogs with a serum or plasma basal
cortisol concentration less than 2 mg/dL, the possibility of hypoadrenocorticism should
be further evaluated with an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test, which
remains to be the gold standard test for hypoadrenocorticism.9
Various additional laboratory tests are available and can be classified into 2 groups
based on their purpose. The first group represents tests that help determine a causa-
tive agent, such as fecal examination for parasites or fecal cultures for enteropatho-
gens. The second group comprises tests that assess gastrointestinal function and
disease, which include measurement of serum concentrations of cobalamin, folate,
and C-reactive protein (CRP), and fecal a1-proteinase inhibitor (a1-PI) concentration.


Diagnostic Tests for Helminths
Fecal examination
Patients presenting with clinical signs of chronic intestinal disease should be evalu-
ated for endoparasitic infestation before more elaborate diagnostic tests are initiated.
Laboratory Tests for Chronic Enteropathies 313

Infections with hookworms (ie, Ancylostoma spp, Uncinaria spp), roundworms (ie,
Toxocara spp, Toxascaris leonina), and whipworms (ie, Trichuris vulpis, rarely
observed in cats) may all cause chronic diarrhea.
The diagnostic technique of choice for detecting a wide range of parasitic ova is
fecal flotation with centrifugation. The centrifugation step has been shown to lead to
superior recovery of parasite eggs when compared with simple bench-top flotation
methods and can greatly decrease the number of false-negative test results.10
Different flotation solutions can be used. A recent study determined that a modified
Sheather’s sugar solution (specific gravity [SG] of 1.27) was the most sensitive method
for detection of various helminthic ova.11 A 33% zinc sulfate solution (ZnSO4, SG of
1.18) is also frequently used but has been shown to be less sensitive for recovery of
heavy parasite eggs, such as Taenia or Physaloptera, because of a lower SG of the
solution.11 Commercial test kits with ZnSO4 are available for benchtop analysis (eg,
OVASSAY Plus Kit, Synbiotics Corp, San Diego, CA, USA), and can be modified for
use in conjunction with centrifugation.12 In all cases, it is advisable to measure the
SG of the solution after preparation by use of a hydrometer and adjust it as necessary
because a correct SG is paramount to a successful fecal examination.11 Fecal smears
are not recommended for the diagnosis of helminths because of high false-negative
rates of 72% to more than 90%.10

Heterobilharzia americana
Heterobilharzia americana is a trematode that causes schistosomiasis in dogs and can
be found along the US Gulf Coast and the Southern Atlantic Coast.13 The parasite
requires a freshwater snail as an intermediate host. Therefore, exposure is highest
in areas with marshland and other types of open water access. Infection occurs
when the cercariae penetrate the host’s skin. They migrate first to the lungs, and
then to the liver, where they develop into adult flukes, which then mate and lay
eggs into the mesenteric veins. The eggs penetrate the mesenteric vein and travel
into the intestinal wall and finally into the lumen, which may lead to granulomatous
inflammation.13,14 Clinical signs are often nonspecific and may include chronic diar-
rhea, hematochezia, weight loss, vomiting, and anorexia. The severity of the diarrhea
presumably depends on the number of eggs being shed.14 Hypoalbuminemia, hyper-
globulinemia, eosinophilia, hypercalcemia, and increased liver enzyme activities are
also frequently noted.
A diagnosis of H americana infection in the dog can be made based on polymerase
chain reaction (PCR), a direct fecal smear (Fig. 1), or sodium chloride sedimentation. In
contrast, commonly used flotation methods usually fail to identify this parasite.13
A miracidia hatching technique has been described, which is performed by resus-
pending fecal sediment in distilled water, causing miracidia to hatch if eggs are
present in the sediment, thus facilitating identification.15 The fecal PCR assay can
detect as few as 1 to 2 parasite eggs per gram of feces (Gastrointestinal Laboratory
at Texas A&M University; www.vetmed.tamu.edu/gilab). Because eggs are frequently
shed intermittently, it may be advisable to collect 2 to 3 fecal samples from different
days for analysis.

Diagnostic Tests for Protozoal Infections

Giardia spp
Infections with Giardia duodenalis are a common cause of chronic diarrhea in dogs
and cats. Giardia oocysts can be detected using fecal flotation, but the experience
of the person performing the examination seems to have a significant effect on the
outcome because of difficulties in recognizing this pathogen (Fig. 2).11 If flotation is
314 Berghoff & Steiner

Fig. 1. In this fecal smear, 2 subspherical to oval Heterobilharzia americana ova are visible
(unstained fecal smear, original magnification 400). (Courtesy of Dr Micah Bishop, Texas
A&M University.)

used, ZnSO4 (SG of 1.18) with centrifugation is recommended because the SG of the
solution ensures flotation of the cysts, while maintaining cyst morphology.11 Solutions
with a higher SG can lead to distortion of the cysts, thus making cyst identification
more challenging.11 Sensitivity of this technique has been reported to be as low as
49% if a single fecal sample is examined16 but can be greatly improved to more
than 90% by examining 3 fecal samples from different days because Giardia species
is often shed intermittently.11,17 In fact, as much as a 10-fold difference in cyst shed-
ding can be observed between samples collected 3 days apart.18
Direct immunofluorescence assays (IFAs; eg, MeriFluor Cryptosporidium/Giardia,
Meridian Bioscience, Inc, Cincinnati, OH, USA) performed on fecal samples are
considered to be the gold standard for the diagnosis of Giardia organisms, with
a reported sensitivity and specificity of more than 90% each.16,19 These tests are
widely available at veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Other diagnostic tests for Giar-
dia organisms include qualitative enzyme immunoassays (eg, ProSpecT Giardia
Microplate assay, Remel Inc, Lenexa, KS, USA; GIARDIA II, Techlab, Blacksburg,

Fig. 2. In this fecal smear, 2 Giardia duodenalis cysts (arrows) can be observed (unstained
fecal smear, original magnification 1000). (Courtesy of Dr Yasushi Minamoto, Texas A&M
Laboratory Tests for Chronic Enteropathies 315

VA, USA), and a SNAP test (SNAP Giardia Test, Idexx Laboratories, Westbrook, ME,
USA). All of these assays have good specificities (>90%), whereas the reported sensi-
tivities vary. Sensitivity for the ProSpecT Giardia Microplate assay has been shown to
be very good at 93% to 100%,17,20 whereas the GIARDIA II assay appears to be less
sensitive at about 51%.16 The SNAP Giardia test has been evaluated in several
studies, with a mean sensitivity of about 73% (range 50%–100%). As with fecal flota-
tion, examination of at least 2 different fecal samples may yield higher accuracies for
Giardia detection when using any of these tests.19 The SNAP test may be particularly
useful for fast in-house screening for Giardia organisms and may increase diagnostic
yield, especially if used in combination with fecal flotation.11

Cryptosporidium spp
Most infections with Cryptosporidium parvum, as well as Cryptosporidium canis in the
dog and Cryptosporidium felis in the cat, are subclinical or cause only mild clinical
signs.21,22 In some animals, especially those that are immunosuppressed, the
organism may cause intermittent chronic diarrhea and a malabsorption syndrome
because of villus atrophy, villus fusion, and inflammation.21,22
A recent study determined that an enzyme immunoassay (ProSpecT Cryptospo-
ridium microplate assay, Remel Inc, Lenexa, KS, USA) is the most sensitive test (sensi-
tivity of 89%) for the diagnosis of C parvum infections if only 1 fecal sample is
evaluated.22 The 2 gold standard techniques, a modified Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast
staining procedure, and an IFA test (Merifluor Cryptosporidium/Giardia, Meridian
Bioscience, Inc, Cincinnati, OH, USA) required examination of at least 2 or 3 different
fecal samples to reach the same sensitivity.22 Further studies may be warranted to
investigate the effect of antigenic diversity of the different Cryptosporidium species
on assay performance.

Tritrichomonas foetus
In recent years, Tritrichomonas foetus has been recognized as an important enteric
pathogen in cats. Contrary to cattle, in which it is a venereal pathogen, T foetus colo-
nizes the large intestine in cats, causing clinical signs of chronic large bowel diarrhea.
However, in some cats, the infection may be asymptomatic. Affected cats are usually
younger than 1 year, although infections have been documented in cats as old as 13
years.23 Dense housing conditions, as encountered in catteries and shelters, are asso-
ciated with a prevalence of up to 31%.24
Diagnosis of T foetus can be attempted by identifying the trophozoites on a direct
fecal smear prepared from a fresh fecal sample, although the reported sensitivity of
this technique is only 14% (Fig. 3).24 Furthermore, T foetus may be mistaken for Giar-
dia spp or the nonpathogenic Pentatrichomonas hominis.25 T foetus can also be
cultured from a rectal swab or a fresh fecal sample using a specific Tritrichomonas
culture system (InPouch TF-Feline, Biomed Diagnostics Inc, White City, OR, USA).
The pouch system allows for direct microscopic examination and concurrent culture
of the organism, while it inhibits the growth of Giardia spp and P hominis, thereby
increasing the specificity of this method. Cultures are incubated at room temperature
and microscopically inspected for growth of T foetus on a daily basis up to 12 days.
One study reported a sensitivity of 56% for the InPouch culture system.24 Several
laboratories offer a PCR-based assay that represents the most sensitive and specific
method of detection currently available, with a reported sensitivity of 94%.24,26 PCR
also offers a faster turnaround time than the culture system and simplified sample
handling because fecal samples for PCR do not need to be freshly voided and are
stable at various storage temperatures.
316 Berghoff & Steiner

Fig. 3. Tritrichomonas foetus organism. Note the 3 anterior flagellae (arrow) as well as the
lateral undulating membrane (arrowhead) (Lugol’s iodine, original magnification 400).
(Reproduced from www.fabcats.org, Dr Andy Sparkes; with permission.)

Diagnostic Tests for Bacterial Infections

Intestinal bacterial infections may cause clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease in
dogs and cats that are most often characterized by diarrhea, which may be acute
or chronic and of small and/or large bowel origin.27 The bacterial species described
in the following section are of particular interest at present. An in-depth review on
the topic of bacterial enteritis, including diagnosis of organisms, is described by
J. Scott Weese elsewhere in this issue.

Campylobacter spp and Clostridium spp

Several different species of Campylobacter (Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli,
Campylobacter upsaliensis, and Campylobacter helveticus) have previously been asso-
ciated with diarrheal disease in dogs and cats.28 However, a recent study has shown
that C upsaliensis is commonly identified in healthy dogs, and C helveticus appears
to be part of the normal intestinal microbiota of cats.29 C jejuni was identified in dogs
with gastrointestinal disease, but not in healthy animals, and C coli was not found in
any of the dogs or cats investigated.29 For diagnosis, both culture and PCR-based diag-
nostics are available. However, evaluation of fecal smears for the presence of spiral
bacteria is not useful because pathogenic Campylobacter spp cannot be distinguished
from nonpathogenic strains or other spiral organisms, such as Helicobacter spp.
Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile have also been associated with
diarrhea in dogs and cats and are both capable of producing potentially harmful
toxins. However, these toxin-producing clostridial strains have also been identified
in feces from many healthy nondiarrheic animals. Thus, it is difficult to define a clear
causal relationship between these bacteria and clinical signs, and it is at present
unknown whether C perfringens and C difficile are a major cause of enteritis or whether
they represent secondary or commensal organisms.30–32
At present, PCR-based assays for the C perfringens enterotoxin or C difficile toxin
genes are not considered to be specific for clostridial enteropathies, and only the
detection of the actual toxins by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is
thought to be of diagnostic value. However, the sensitivities and specificities of avail-
able toxin ELISAs are variable when used in dogs, and results should be interpreted
with caution. Positive test results may be suggestive of a clostridial enteropathy,
Laboratory Tests for Chronic Enteropathies 317

whereas a negative test result does not definitively rule it out (see the article by J. Scott
Weese elsewhere in this issue for further exploration of this topic).
Escherichia coli
Recently, studies have found an association between histiocytic ulcerative colitis
(granulomatous colitis) in Boxer dogs and strains of Escherichia coli that are of an
adherent and invasive (AIEC) phenotype.33 Several studies have demonstrated
a response to treatment with enrofloxacin, and eradication of the E coli leads to clinical
remission, suggesting a causal relationship.33–35 Similarly, it has been shown that cats
with IBD have a higher number of mucosa-associated E coli and other Enterobacter-
iaceae in the duodenum than healthy cats, and that the presence of E coli is associ-
ated with an abnormal mucosal architecture.36 A diagnosis of AIEC can be made
using fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) on endoscopically obtained colonic biop-
sies. This FISH method (available through the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell
University; http://www.vet.cornell.edu/labs/simpson/FISHFAQS.cfm) uses eubacte-
rial probes to detect invasive organisms on and within the intestinal mucosa. Positive
samples are then further analyzed to identify which specific genera of Enterobacteria-
ceae are present.
Tests for Other Infectious Diseases
In dogs, disseminated Histoplasma capsulatum infections frequently involve the gastro-
intestinal tract, causing chronic diarrhea. The diarrhea may be of large and/or small
intestinal origin, depending on the primary location of the granulomatous infiltrates
caused by H capsulatum. If the small bowel is affected, a PLE may be present as
well.37 Clinical signs of feline disseminated histoplasmosis are usually nonspecific and
may include lethargy, weight loss, fever, anorexia, and pale mucous membranes,
whereas gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and diarrhea are observed only rarely.37
For diagnosis, a peripheral blood smear may, in some cases, reveal the organism
within monocytes, neutrophils, and rarely eosinophils.37,38 However, a cytology spec-
imen obtained via fine needle aspirate or scraping from affected tissues, is usually
required to reach a diagnosis. In dogs with Histoplasma infection of the gastrointes-
tinal tract, rectal scrapings or imprint cytology specimens from colonic mucosal biop-
sies may be helpful for a diagnosis. Lymph node and bone marrow aspirates have
been shown useful in both cats and dogs. Staining with Wright-Giemsa–type stains
visualizes the organisms within cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system on
cytology specimens.37,38 If cytology does not reveal any organisms, a tissue biopsy
for histologic evaluation with special fungal stains may be required.37,38
Serologic tests for the diagnosis of histoplasmosis in cats or dogs using comple-
ment fixation or agar-gel immunodiffusion generally yield disappointing results
because of possible false-negative or false-positive results. An enzyme immunoassay
is available for Histoplasma antigen detection in serum or urine (MVista Histoplasma
capsulatum Quantitative Antigen EIA; MiraVista Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN, USA).
However, cross-reactivity between Blastomyces and Histoplasma antigens has
been described for this assay.37 Therefore, a positive test result is not diagnostic for
histoplasmosis but may aid in early diagnosis of a fungal infection.38 Fungal culture
from various body fluids and tissues may also be used for diagnosis, and a positive
result confirms an infection.37
Pythium insidiosum is an aquatic oomycete of the kingdom Stramenopila. Infection
with Pythium may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as surrounding
318 Berghoff & Steiner

organs, and clinical signs can therefore vary according to the location of the lesions.
Obstructions and palpable masses can be found in some patients presenting with
pythiosis.39 Furthermore, pythiosis seems to be more prevalent in young large-
breed dogs, and should thus be considered as a differential diagnosis in these patients
that present with chronic clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease, especially if
a palpable mass, obstruction, or evidence of an eosinophilic or pyogranulomatous
enteritis and/or colitis can be found.39,40
There are 2 noninvasive serologic tests, an immunoblot assay and an ELISA, avail-
able for diagnosis of pythiosis. Both tests are highly sensitive and specific for use in
dogs and cats.39,41 In addition, ELISA may be used to monitor treatment because
dramatic decreases in titers have been observed after successful surgical resection,
whereas patients with a clinical recurrence retain high antibody titers.39 The organism
can also be cultured from tissue samples, if available, but culture and subsequent
identification are often difficult because of bacterial contamination and challenging
morphologic features, respectively. Infected tissues may also be analyzed using
a PCR assay, which provides a very sensitive and specific test for P insidiosum.39 In
histologic tissue specimens, Pythium can be visualized using Gömöri methenamine
silver.39 Because Pythium tends to more commonly be associated with the submu-
cosal and muscular layers of the intestinal wall, a diagnosis may be missed on endo-
scopic biopsies that do not reach deep tissue layers. Thus, pythiosis should be
suspected if pyogranulomatous inflammation is found, yet a causative organism
cannot be identified.39 Tissue sections may also be analyzed using immunohisto-
chemical methods. For this use, a polyclonal antibody against P insidiosum that
does not cross-react with other species such as Lagenidium or Conidiobolus has
been developed. This technique has been shown to be highly specific for the identifi-
cation of Pythium hyphae in biopsies.39,42


Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) is a water-soluble vitamin that is of both diagnostic and ther-
apeutic importance, particularly if low serum concentrations are determined in
a patient. Cobalamin is abundant in most commercial pet foods. Therefore, a dietary
deficiency is uncommon, and low serum cobalamin concentrations more likely result
from a disturbance within the absorptive mechanism of cobalamin.
Absorption of cobalamin is a complex process.43 Dietary cobalamin is bound to
animal protein in the diet and as such cannot be absorbed. After partial digestion of
the protein in the stomach, cobalamin is released and immediately bound to R binder
protein. On entering the small intestine, the R binder protein is digested by pancreatic
proteases. Free cobalamin now binds to intrinsic factor (IF), the majority of which is
secreted by the pancreas in cats and dogs.44,45 This cobalamin-IF complex is subse-
quently absorbed by specialized receptors in the ileum.
It is obvious that this mechanism can be disturbed by a variety of factors. Chronic
severe disease of the ileal mucosa may lead to destruction or reduced expression
of the cobalamin-IF receptors on ileal enterocytes, causing cobalamin malabsorption.
Eventually, body stores of cobalamin become depleted and a cobalamin deficiency
ensues. Thus, a low serum cobalamin concentration indicates severe and long-
standing disease involving the distal small intestine.
Another frequent cause of cobalamin deficiency in both cats and dogs is EPI.46,47
Most of the IF in dogs and virtually the entire IF in cats is of pancreatic origin.44,45
Laboratory Tests for Chronic Enteropathies 319

Thus, a lack of exocrine pancreatic secretory products is accompanied by a decrease

or absence of IF, leading to decreased absorption of cobalamin. The absence of
pancreatic proteases in patients with EPI may further inhibit cobalamin absorption
because cobalamin can no longer dissociate from R binder proteins. Because EPI is
a major cause of cobalamin deficiency in both cats and dogs, it is recommended to
determine a patient’s serum TLI concentration at the time of cobalamin measurement
to rule out EPI.
Cobalamin coupled to IF can also be absorbed by anaerobic intestinal bacteria.48
Thus, when the numbers of these bacteria are increased, they may compete for cobal-
amin, which can also lead to decreased serum cobalamin concentrations. However,
although a decreased serum cobalamin concentration may be associated with small
intestinal dysbiosis (formerly also known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), it
is neither a very sensitive nor specific test for this condition.
Lastly, a portion of the cobalamin that is absorbed by the ileal enterocytes
undergoes enterohepatic circulation and is excreted in the bile.49 This physiologic
process may further reduce the amount of cobalamin that is actually retained by the
body in an animal with compromised cobalamin absorption and can thus further
aggravate cobalamin deficiency.
Serum cobalamin concentrations can be measured by several commercial immuno-
assays. Concentrations below the lower end of the reference range warrant supple-
mentation with cobalamin, and it is recommended to supplement parenterally to
bypass the impaired enteric absorptive mechanism (for more information on cobal-
amin supplementation, see www.vetmed.tamu.edu/gilab). Dosages are administered
over the course of 4 months, and the serum cobalamin concentration should be
rechecked 1 month after the last injection. Supplementation should only be discontin-
ued if the underlying condition is fully resolved and the patient’s cobalamin concentra-
tion has returned into the upper normal or supranormal range. In many patients,
malabsorption of cobalamin is ongoing, and continued substitution with cobalamin
is necessary.
Many dogs and especially cats with chronic small intestinal disease may show
decreased serum cobalamin concentrations. However, a serum cobalamin concentra-
tion within the reference interval does not rule out presence of small intestinal disease
because it is possible that the patient’s body stores of cobalamin are still sufficient to
maintain a normal serum cobalamin concentration despite ongoing malabsorption.
The serum cobalamin concentration should be measured in all patients with chronic
small intestinal disease because a recent study has determined cobalamin to be
a risk factor for negative outcome in dogs with chronic enteropathies and may be
an indicator for the patient to be refractory to treatment.3

Folic acid (Vitamin B9, folate) is a water-soluble vitamin that is produced by plants and
many bacterial species. Most commercial pet foods contain sufficient amounts and
dietary deficiencies are uncommon. Thus, similar to cobalamin, changes in serum
folate concentrations are more likely caused by either a decreased absorption of folate
or possible alterations in the intestinal microbiota. While cobalamin can be regarded
as a marker for distal small intestinal disease, folate represents an indicator of prox-
imal intestinal disease. Thus, measurements of these 2 vitamins complement each
other, and serum folate concentrations are generally determined in a panel with cobal-
amin when assessing small intestinal function.
Most of the dietary folate is present as folate polyglutamate, which the body cannot
easily absorb. Folate conjugase, an enzyme produced by the jejunal brush border,
320 Berghoff & Steiner

hydrolyzes folate polyglutamate to folate monoglutamate by removing all but 1 of the

glutamate residues. The monoglutamate form of folate can then be absorbed by
specific folate carriers in the proximal small intestine.50
In patients with disease involving the proximal small intestine, mucosal damage may
have a 2-fold effect on folate absorption. First, folate polyglutamate hydrolysis may be
reduced if folate conjugase activity is impaired, leaving folate in its unabsorbable poly-
glutamate form. Secondly, folate absorption may be decreased if the mucosal carriers
are damaged.51 Both scenarios can lead to a decreased serum folate concentration,
and folate deficiency if the condition is chronic and body stores become depleted.
Many bacterial species, including some species that are part of the physiologic
bacterial ecosystem of the small intestine, are capable of synthesizing folate. Folate
produced by these bacteria is released into the intestinal lumen and is available for
absorption by the host. It is therefore possible that patients with small intestinal dys-
biosis (formerly known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) might have an
increased serum folate concentration.51,52 However, serum folate measurements
are not a sensitive test for small intestinal dysbiosis, and similarly, a folate concentra-
tion within the reference interval should not be used to rule out possible bacterial over-
growth of the small intestine.
In a patient with cobalamin deficiency, serum folate concentrations may be falsely
normal or increased. This may happen because cobalamin is a cofactor for an enzy-
matic pathway in which folate is used. If the supply of cobalamin is insufficient, folate is
not used in this reaction and it accumulates, which may cause serum folate concen-
trations to be normal in the face of folate malabsorption.53 In these patients,
a decrease in serum folate concentrations may be observed after cobalamin supple-
mentation is initiated, because normalized cobalamin concentration may increase
folate consumption. Therefore, reevaluation of the serum folate concentration after
initiation of cobalamin supplementation may be beneficial to obtain a more accurate
picture of folate metabolism.

Fecal a1-PI
The fecal a1-PI assay is a test for PLE and is available for both cats and dogs. The
a1-PI is a plasma protein of similar size as albumin. If the intestinal mucosal barrier
is compromised and leakage of plasma proteins into the intestinal lumen occurs,
a1-PI is lost at approximately the same rate as albumin. Unlike albumin, however,
a1-PI’s properties protect it from being digested by intestinal proteases. Therefore,
it is able to persist throughout the intestinal transit and is passed undamaged in the
feces, in which it can then be measured (Fig. 4).54
Prompt diagnosis of PLE in a patient is of importance because hypoalbuminemia is
a risk factor for negative outcome,3 and the cause should be treated aggressively to
improve survival. Presence of hypoalbuminemia, particularly if it is associated with
hypoglobulinemia, in a patient with diarrhea is suggestive, but not diagnostic, of
PLE. If renal protein loss or hepatic failure can be ruled out, and the patient does
not have evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding or exudative skin disease, intestinal
protein loss is most likely. The a1-PI assay is especially valuable in patients without
clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease in which other causes of hypoalbuminemia
have been ruled out. Assessment of fecal a1-PI concentrations may identify patients
that have ongoing intestinal protein loss before clinical signs of gastrointestinal
disease develop.
Fecal samples from 3 different defecations need to be collected into special sample
tubes and frozen immediately after collection. For more information, it is recommended
Laboratory Tests for Chronic Enteropathies 321

Fig. 4. Principle of the fecal a1-PI assay. In patients with disturbed mucosal integrity, plasma
proteins such as albumin and a1-PI can be lost into the intestinal lumen. Unlike albumin and
many other proteins, which are degraded by proteases, a1-PI is resistant to proteolytic
degradation. It can be measured using an immunoassay and can serve as a marker for
gastrointestinal protein loss. Alb, albumin; P, protease.

to contact the Gastrointestinal Laboratory at Texas A&M University (www.vetmed.


CRP is a positive acute-phase protein, therefore its serum concentration increases in
response to an inflammatory stimulus. Although this response is not specific to the
intestinal tract, a study has shown significantly increased serum CRP concentrations
in dogs with moderate to severe IBD when compared with a group of healthy dogs.55
Furthermore, the authors of that study were able to demonstrate that CRP concentra-
tions decreased significantly after successful treatment. This suggests that determina-
tion of serum CRP concentrations may be beneficial in evaluating the response to
treatment in canine patients with chronic enteropathies.
Serum CRP is most commonly measured as an ELISA. This assay is currently only
available for dogs.

Tests for Intestinal Permeability and Absorptive Function

Intestinal permeability may be tested by oral administration of a non-metabolizable
probe, such as 51Cr-EDTA, iohexol, or a combination of lactulose and rhamnose
(L/R ratio), and subsequent measurement of these probes in serum or urine. Similarly,
tests for assessment of mucosal absorptive function have been performed using xylose
or a combination of xylose and methylglucose (X/M ratio).56–58 However, these tests
have not been shown to be very sensitive or specific for gastrointestinal disorders in
cats or dogs. Therefore, these tests are no longer used clinically.
322 Berghoff & Steiner


Perinuclear Antineutrophilic Cytoplasmic Antibodies
Perinuclear antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (pANCAs) are autoantibodies that
result in a characteristic perinuclear staining pattern in granulocytes when used with
immunofluorescence detection methods.59 In human patients with IBD, pANCAs
have been used as serologic markers of disease, and can be found in about 50% to
80% of patients with ulcerative colitis, whereas most patients (70%–90%) with Crohn
disease are negative.59,60
Assays for measurement of pANCA have also been evaluated in dogs, and have
shown variable sensitivities from 23% to 51%, and a specificity of 83% to 95% for
canine IBD.59–61 Thus, the detection of pANCA appears to be associated with IBD,
but because of the poor sensitivity, appears not to be useful as a screening test for
IBD.59 One study found a higher rate of pANCA positive samples in dogs with diet-
responsive diarrhea (62%) compared with dogs with idiopathic IBD (23%).60 Recently,
the use of the pANCA assay for early detection of PLE and protein-losing nephropathy
(PLN) in Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers has been studied.62 In this group of dogs, the
pANCA assay was able to predict PLE and/or PLN with a sensitivity of 95% and spec-
ificity of 80%. Furthermore, in most of these dogs, the first abnormal test result was
obtained 1 or 2 years before onset of hypoalbuminemia, which may prove helpful in
early diagnosis and more successful treatment of affected dogs.62

Calprotectin and S100A12

Calprotectin (S100A8/A9) and S100A12 are calcium-binding proteins that are highly
abundant in neutrophils, and to a lesser extent in macrophages and monocytes.63,64
Fecal concentrations of these proteins have been shown to be increased in human
patients with IBD, when compared with healthy controls.63–65 Furthermore, fecal
concentrations of calprotectin correlate with endoscopic and histologic indices of
disease activity.66 IBD in humans is commonly associated with a neutrophilic infiltrate;
therefore an increase in S100 proteins in this species is not surprising. In contrast, in
dogs and cats with IBD, inflammatory infiltrates are most often lymphocytic-
plasmacytic in nature, or less commonly eosinophilic. Thus, at initial consideration
the increase of a marker for mainly neutrophilic inflammation in dogs and cats with
IBD may be counterintuitive. However, one study has documented an increased
number of cells staining positive for calprotectin in dogs with IBD compared with
control dogs.67 Another study found significantly increased mucosal S100-mRNA
expression in dogs with IBD.68 Furthermore, expression of calprotectin is inducible
in various cell types, including epithelial cells.69 Therefore, despite the lack of an
obvious neutrophilic infiltrate in dogs and cats with IBD, an increase in S100 protein
concentrations may still be expected.
An immunoassay for measurement of canine calprotectin in serum and fecal
samples has recently been developed and analytically validated.70 This assay is
currently being extensively evaluated in dogs with various gastrointestinal diseases.
Because of cross-reactivity with feline calprotectin, future use of this assay for cats
with gastroenteropathies may also be possible.70 Similarly, an assay for measurement
of S100A12 has been developed and is being assessed for its usefulness in canine
If their clinical relevance is confirmed, canine-specific and feline-specific assays for
calprotectin and S100A12 may become valuable tools for clinicians, as there is
currently a lack of laboratory tests for markers of intestinal inflammation in small
Laboratory Tests for Chronic Enteropathies 323

Mast cells may participate in inflammatory processes of the intestine through the
release of a variety of inflammatory mediators, such as histamine.73–76 Increased
numbers of intestinal mucosal mast cells have been observed in human patients
with IBD, mainly at sites of active inflammation.74,76–79 Furthermore, an increased
release of histamine into the intestinal mucosa and the intestinal lumen has been
documented at these sites with increased mast cell density.76 Because histamine
mediates pro-inflammatory effects on other immune cells as well as nerve and smooth
muscle cells, it may contribute to the pathophysiology and clinical signs observed in
patients with IBD.76 As a stable metabolite of histamine, N-methylhistamine (NMH)
has been suggested as a marker for mast cell degranulation and gastrointestinal
inflammation. Increased urinary NMH concentrations have been documented in
patients with active Crohn Disease and ulcerative colitis, and have been shown to
correlate with endoscopic severity indices, clinical disease activity and C-reactive
An assay for measurement of NMH in canine urine and fecal samples has recently
been developed.82 Because the methodology is not species specific, this assay may
also be used for feline samples. Fecal NMH concentrations have been shown to be
increased in Norwegian Lundehunds with chronic gastrointestinal disease.83 Prelimi-
nary data also show increased fecal NMH concentrations in some Soft-Coated
Wheaten Terriers with gastrointestinal disease. In these dogs, increased mast cell
degranulation has been implicated as a potentially contributing factor to the develop-
ment of PLE and PLN.84
At present, the NMH assay is being evaluated for its potential diagnostic use in dogs
with IBD and other gastroenteropathies.


A variety of laboratory tests can be useful in the diagnosis and management of

patients with chronic enteropathies. They are all minimally invasive and generally
only require either a blood or fecal sample for analysis. Therefore, performing these
tests before initiating more invasive procedures is recommended in the diagnostic
approach of patients with chronic enteropathies.
Many of these tests have inherent limitations that need to be considered. For
example, a negative test result may not rule out presence of an infectious agent. Like-
wise, a positive result does not necessarily imply causality because the infectious
organism may be an opportunist. Thus, appropriate use and interpretation of the avail-
able tests is encouraged. It is apparent that we are currently lacking specific markers
and tests to aid in diagnosis of chronic canine and feline enteropathies. Novel tests,
such as pANCA, fecal S100 proteins, and NMH may prove to be such markers.
However, these tests are still being investigated, and their overall clinical usefulness
in the diagnosis of chronic enteropathies in dogs and cats needs to be clearly defined.


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