Deschidere ONG - Finland
Deschidere ONG - Finland
Deschidere ONG - Finland
You want to have online meetings and basically to carry all your activity
online. This is completely possible, without specifying you are an,, online
organization,, as long as you have already the headquarter established
somewhere. The way you decide to hold your meetings is just a matter of
Foreign natural and legal persons who are not fiscally registered in
Romania they do not have the obligation to present the tax record certificate, the
authentic declaration on their own responsibility of the natural person or the
representative of the legal person being sufficient, from which it follows that
they have no tax debts.
There are also businesses which can help you with hosting your
headquarter. The office for renting (virtual office) in Finland starts from 95
Euro. See here some examples
Fees: The handling fee for a start-up notification at the Finnish Register
of Associations is 50 euros. You can also opt not to register the association, but
an unregistered association is not a legal entity and has no legal
capacity. The association cannot enter into contracts in the name of
the association. The handling fee for the Register of Associations is 180 euros
and for the Trade Register 380 euros. Both fees must be paid in advance.
Citizenship/Residency: The chairperson of the executive committee
(composed by at least 3 members) shall be resident in Finland unless the
Finnish Patent and Registration Office grants an exception of this provision.
The exemption is granted on the condition that at least one of the persons
entitled to sign for the association is resident in Finland. The executive
committee of the association represents the association. The executive
committee must have a chairperson.
A person who is entitled to sign for the association also has the right to
represent it. Fee for exception: 100 Euros.