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1. That it was held by the Supreme Court in the case of Calucaquib vs. People,
summary judgments are proper when, upon motion of the plaintiff or the
defendant, the court finds that the answer filed by the defendant does not tender
a genuine issue as to any material fact and that one party is entitled to a judgment
as a matter of law;
2. That in the same case, it was explained the test of the propriety of rendering
summary judgments is the existence of a genuine issue of fact, "as distinguished
from a sham, fictitious, contrived or false claim. A factual issue raised by a party
is considered as sham when by its nature it is evident that it cannot be proven
or it is such that the party tendering the same has neither any sincere intention
nor adequate evidence to prove it. This usually happens in denials made by
defendants merely for the sake of having an issue and thereby gaining delay,
taking advantage of the fact that their answers are not under oath anyway.
3. That in connection with the preceding discussion, the Defendant’s answer to the
complaint for the collection of sum of money claims that she has paid the
principal of P100,000.00 amount due together with the interest of 6%. However,
the Defendant did not attach any receipt or document by the plaintiff to show
her payment thereof;
5. That there is no genuine issue of fact that may require a full-blown trial.
Other reliefs, just and equitable under the given circumstances, are likewise
prayed for.
PTR No. 2411111; 01-06-15; Zamboanga City
IBP Lifetime No. 217111; Zamboanga City
Roll of Attorneys No. 91111
MCLE: Passed the 2020-201 Bar Examinations
Copy Furnished:
Please take notice that the foregoing motion shall be submitted for the consideration
and approval of the Honorable Court on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 9:00 a.m or
as soon as counsel and matter may be heard.
Counsel for the Plaintiff