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Hughes 03

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3, JUNE 2003

Radiation Effects and Hardening of MOS Technology:

Devices and Circuits
H. L. Hughes and J. M. Benedetto

Abstract—Total ionizing dose radiation effects on the electrical as by the specific radiation environments [3]. Explanations of
properties of metal-oxide-semiconductor devices and integrated many different factors and complex interrelationships that affect
circuits are complex in nature and have changed much during the radiation responses of MOS devices and integrated circuits
decades of device evolution. These effects are caused by radia-
tion-induced charge buildup in oxide and interfacial regions. This are brief in order to cover a wide range of material and topics.
paper presents an overview of these radiation-induced effects, The primary purpose of this paper is to provide a resource to
their dependencies, and the many different approaches to their help locate detailed explanations about the various mechanisms,
mitigation. effects, and techniques published in the refereed literature.
Index Terms—Aerospace testing, CMOS integrated circuits, hy-
drogen, magnetic resonance, MOS devices, power MOSFETs, ra-
diation effects, radiation hardening. II. BACKGROUND
As the linchpin of integrated circuits, MOS structures are
I. INTRODUCTION crucial elements in most silicon device technologies, including
digital complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS),
I N ADDITION to providing an overview of the field during
the past 40 years, this paper can serve as a guide to locate
literature in a wide range of topics related to total ionizing dose
N-channel (NMOS), and P-channel (PMOS) ICs, as well as
linear CMOS and bipolar CMOS (BICMOS) ICs, charge
coupled devices (CCDs), power MOS field effect transistors
(TID) radiation effects and hardening of bulk metal-oxide-semi-
(MOSFETs), and nonvolatile memories. CMOS integrated
conductor (MOS) devices and integrated circuits (ICs). TID ef-
circuit technology alone has dominated the electronics industry
fects referenced here are due to accumulation of ionizing radia-
for more than 30 years, channel size scaling in length by a factor
tion over time, which results in long-term degradation in device
of over 100 in size during this time period. Changes associated
performance. (Single event and transient ionization radiation ef-
with the evolution to smaller and smaller devices have had
fects, as well as displacement effects, are covered elsewhere in
a dramatic influence on the radiation effects and hardening
this journal issue.)
procedures of MOS-based structures. Updated alterations in
A short background section introduces some terminology and
fabrication processing, design and layout procedures all require
basic concepts. This is followed by a brief chronology and a
continued modification to accommodate further scaling [4].
discussion of various radiation-induced effects on the electrical
Requirements of scaling for either high performance or low
properties of MOS transistors and integrated circuits. The later
power purposes are different and thus have a different impact on
sections of this paper discuss factors influencing MOS TID ra-
TID hardness. The evolution of IC density requires that device
diation sensitivity and conclude with techniques and approaches
geometries scale proportionately, impacting MOS radiation
for hardening that have been published previously in the open
hardness, depending on whether power or performance is the
overriding design goal [5]. Not only is the geometry changing
Much of the hardening of MOS technology has been based
from one device generation to the next, but also the processing
on phenomenological results from experiments performed at
techniques, materials, and processing tools are changing. It
various times along the evolutionary path of MOS technology.
is now fairly well known that TID radiation effects are all
These technology-specific experimental results, as well as re-
influenced, in varying degrees, by each of these factors from
cent efforts to build in and predict hardness from first-principles
one generation to the next.
atomic models [such as those utilizing electron spin resonance
TID radiation effects in MOS devices occur in the relatively
(ESR)] [1], [2] are reviewed. There is no single “magic” ingre-
thin noncrystalline dielectric films and at the dielectric film/sil-
dient or process available to produce radiation hardened ICs.
icon interfaces. These dielectric films (typically SiO ) range
Radiation hardness is determined by complex interrelationships
in thickness from 2 nm (for modern gate oxides) to 1000 nm
among technology, design, and fabrication procedures, as well
(for field oxides) and are used throughout MOS IC structures
for purposes such as gate control, electrical isolation (lateral
Manuscript received April 7, 2003. This work was supported by the Defense isolation using field oxides, vertical isolation using buried ox-
Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) through the Radiation Hardened Microelec-
tronics Program. ides and intermetallic isolation, including the use of low k di-
H. L. Hughes is with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC electrics), passivation layers (e.g., P-glass and silicon nitride),
20375 USA (e-mail: hughes@estd.nrl.navy.mil). and spacers, such as in lightly doped-drain (LLD) processes.
J. M. Benedetto is with MRC Microelectronics, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
USA (e-mail: benedetto@mrcmicroe.com). Simply described, device degradation is caused by radiation-in-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNS.2003.812928 duced charge buildup in these thin film dielectric regions and
0018-9499/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

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interfaces; however, the details related to the basic mechanisms sensing unpaired spins, thus the detection is charge state depen-
of radiation effects in MOS devices are very complicated [6]. dent.) The first ESR, also referred to as electron paramagnetic
(For basic mechanisms details see the review paper by Oldham resonance (EPR), measurements on irradiated MOS structures
and McLean in this journal.) were performed in the late 1960s at the RCA Sarnoff Labora-
Due to the aforementioned complexities MOS TID radiation tories [43]. It was found that oxide/silicon structures (formed
sensitivity depends on many factors involving details of de- by a dry oxygen growth with a post oxidation heat treatment in
sign and fabrication, as well as conditions of use and radiation hydrogen at 1100 C for 10 min and irradiated with 1 10
exposure. In particular, TID radiation-induced charge buildup electrons/cm ) generated 2 10 EPR centers/cm . The con-
in MOS devices depends on: dose, dose-rate, and type of ion- trols with no postoxidation heat treatment, as well as samples
izing radiation [7]–[9], applied and internal electric fields (in- heat-treated in helium, showed no increase in EPR centers [43].
cluding space-charge effects) [10], [11], device geometry [12], This work initiated concern about high temperature hydrogen
[13], [5], [14], operating temperature [15], [16], postirradiation heat treatments and helped to stimulate radiation hardening of
conditions (e.g., time and temperature) [17], [18], dielectric ma- the RCA process by changing from forming gas anneals
terial properties (stoichiometry, structure, defects, and doping) to 100% nitrogen anneals (helium being too expensive).
[19], [20], fabrication processing (oxide growth and anneal con- This process change eventually enabled, a decade later, the pro-
ditions), oxide impurities (including hydrogen [21]–[23], ni- duction of CMOS parts able to survive the radiation environ-
trogen, [24], [25], and sodium [26], [27]), final packaging pro- ments related to a Jupiter space mission.
cesses [28], [29], burn-in [30] reliability screens [31], and aging The Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA) and U.S. Air
[32]. In addition, issues of IC architecture also impact surviv- Force sponsored programs to investigate ways to further harden
ability against TID effects [33]. MOS transistors. DASA supported programs at Hughes Aircraft
Co. (HAC) and Autonetics [later, Rockwell International (RI)]
to modify the gate dielectric materials through doping, as well
III. CHRONOLOGY as by growth and anneal conditions [44]–[46].
During this decade, the Air Force pursued aluminum oxide at
A. 1960–1969 RCA as an alternative dielectric material [47], [48]. Although
The radiation sensitivity of MOS devices was discovered this approach looked promising from a TID standpoint, it was
in the early 1960s at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) never put into production because of process-related instability
[34]. Previously, it was thought that newly introduced MOS problems [49]. However, more than 20 years after these initial
transistors (being majority-carrier devices) would not be as attempts, use of deposited aluminum oxide is again of interest
radiation sensitive as bipolar transistors and, as such, would as a high-k (high dielectric constant) alternative to ultra-thin
be attractive devices for space applications. The high input thermally grown silicon dioxide [50], [51].
impedance, low current attributes of MOS devices [35] were
being explored at that time by NRL for use in the world’s B. 1970–1979
first reconnaissance satellite (GRABE), which was intended During the early 1970s, the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA,
to fill the void left when the USA’s U-2 flight was shot down formerly DASA) established a major program to develop radia-
by the U.S.S.R. in May 1960. Prior NRL efforts had been tion hardened CMOS integrated circuits. Previously, MOS ICs
directed at the basic mechanisms of radiation-induced surface were limited to the use of P-channel type MOS devices because
effects using cobalt-60 gamma rays to investigate the effects of N-channel MOS (which operates with positive gate biases) ex-
ionizing radiation on oxide passivated bipolar transistors [36]. hibited instabilities due to positive ions (primarily sodium) con-
The early NRL work determined that the fundamental cause taminating the gate oxide. The Na ion contamination in the
of damage in devices with oxide regions was related to charge gate oxides of N-channel MOS transistors would drift to the sil-
buildup in the oxide and not due to the usual radiation-in- icon/silicon dioxide interface under the operational positive gate
duced ionic effects on device surfaces (as was the case for bias and cause changes in device characteristics. CMOS (which
the unpassivated bipolar transistors that failed in the Telstar uses both N- and P- channel transistors) became possible with
satellite exposed to radiation from the high altitude nuclear the enhanced capability to produce stable sodium-free oxides
test, Starfish) [37]. The newly found debilitating effect of [52]. This capability enabled low-power CMOS technology to
radiation-induced charge buildup in the gate oxides of MOS dominate digital electronics for the next three decades, when
transistors using cobalt-60 gamma rays was confirmed by the channel length evolved down in size 100-fold from an ini-
other groups and with other types of radiation, including: flash tial value of 18 to less than 0.18 m (and still is progressing to
X-rays, TRIGA reactor radiation, and high energy electrons, smaller values at this time).
both pulsed and steady state [38]–[42]. These efforts estab- Using ESR (beyond the initial RCA work related to postoxi-
lished that the dominant radiation effects in MOS devices were dation anneal ambients), it was shown at NRL that the oxides of
due to TID effects, and not due to displacement damage, the irradiated MOS structures produce an ESR signal (called an
usual cause of radiation-induced degradation in bipolar devices. center) [53] identical to that observed in irradiated bulk glass
In order to gain insight into what types of radiation-induced (silica) [54], [55] and modeled by Lehigh University workers
centers were being generated, and going beyond electrical mea- as an oxygen vacancy in the structural network of glass [56].
surements of TID effects, electron spin resonance (ESR) was The ESR signal found by NRL in thin TID irradiated MOS
explored. (ESR can detect point defects in dielectric films by silicon dioxide films, coupled with the Lehigh work, led to a

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damage mechanism possibly being related to oxygen deficiency on a 1 Kb CMOS SRAM [72]. This technique was extended and
defects in the oxide. Agreement with the bias dependency of put into production by Harris [73].
radiation-induced oxide charge was observed in that a posi- As a result of these successful hardening efforts, TID hard-
tive gate bias during irradiation caused a 10 enhancement ened metal-gate CMOS was used in various space programs,
of the signal. Etch-back studies at NRL found that most including DMSP, TIROS, DSP, and GPS, as well as in the Voy-
of the radiation-induced centers were located near the silicon ager and Galileo space probes.
dioxide/silicon interface. This work pointed the way to the pos-
sibility of controlling oxidation growth parameters for hard- C. 1980–1989
ening purposes.
In light of this new finding, the question arose as to whether In the 1980s, the primary emphasis was placed on hardening
or not alternative gate oxide approaches were still necessary for silicon-gate CMOS ICs, including those in the Department of
hardening. DNA then sponsored a competitive runoff of three Defense (DoD) Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC)
alternative hardened gate oxide approaches, versus controlled Program. Hardening efforts on VHSIC 1.25 m silicon-gate
thermally grown silicon dioxide. Metal-gate CMOS inverter technology were carried out on the following MOS technolo-
circuits, called CD4007s, were fabricated using different gies: CMOS/ silicon-on-sapphire (SOS), NMOS, and bulk
hardened gate oxides [57]–[60], and undoped silicon dioxide, CMOS. It was found that hardening of high density, silicon-gate
at RCA-Somerville and HAC [49], [59]. An unexpected technology was significantly more complex than hardening the
result from these multisupplier comparisons was that undoped previous generations of aluminum-gate ICs. With silicon-gate
silicon dioxide—if grown under improved, controlled condi- MOS ICs, design, as well as layout issues became part of the
tions—could be made sufficiently radiation hard to meet most hardening equation.
system requirements [59], [61]–[63]. To meet increasing demand for hardened ICs of greater
Consequently, it was discovered that metal gate small-scale device density, a hardened field oxide structure smaller than
integrated (SSI) CMOS logic circuits could be made the aforementioned SNL direct-moat type was necessary.
megarad-hard if the following controlled processing pro- The semiconductor industry pursued various new lateral
cedures were followed: gate oxides were grown in dry oxygen oxide isolation approaches, such as local oxidation of sil-
at 1000 C [19], [64], [59], [24]; furnaces were cleaned by a icon (LOCOS), poly-buffered LOCOS, and selected poly-Si
flowing HCl purge [59], [61]; postoxidation anneals were done oxidation (SEPOX), each having hardening advantages and
in nitrogen at 850 C to 900 C (reduced in temperature from disadvantages. Of major concern to the IC builder is the
the standard anneal which usually was performed at the oxide extent of oxide encroachment, such as the LOCOS “bird’s
growth temperature to reduce initial fixed charge) [62]; and beak,” that reduces active device area and causes increased
metallization was deposited by a nonradiative process, such radiation sensitivity due to the stressed nature of the oxide [74].
as using inductively heated crucibles (no electron beam nor Double-layer deposited oxide structures using dopants such
sputtering type sources could be used) [64]. The thicknesses as boron and phosphorus for hardening were introduced [75],
of oxide regions were minimized based on the strong [76]. TID effects in deposited field oxides studied by ESR were
power-law relationship of radiation-induced threshold found to be fundamentally different from thermal oxides, and
voltage shift on oxide thickness [65]. it was found that centers could not be generated by hole
To avoid field oxide TID effects, the layout had to be trapping, as in thermal oxides [77].
changed so that the gate oxide was patterned to extend to the Further insights into the role of oxide processing on TID
guardband lateral isolation region (no thick field oxide was effects were provided by ESR studies during the 1980s. ESR
allowed inside the - junction type guardband) [66], [67]. differences were observed due to process related effects for
National Semiconductor Corporation (NSC), RCA, and later rad-hard and rad-soft thermally grown oxides [78]. Reassur-
Harris Semiconductor offered megarad-hard CMOS metal gate ingly, similar process dependencies, such as for wet versus
ICs fabricated using the aforementioned modified processing dry treatments, were found for bulk amorphous silicon dioxide
of silicon dioxide gate dielectric material. For SOS ICs the pre- materials [79]. SNL quantitatively correlated radiation-induced,
ferred oxide growth was a lower temperature wet oxide growth trapped positive oxide-charge in MOS structures to centers
(850 C to 900 C) to avoid high temperature perturbations of [80], [81]. The SNL workers correlated radiation-induced
the silicon/sapphire interface causing unwanted back-channel interface states (defined as electronic levels located spatially at
leakage current [68]–[71]. the dielectric/silicon interface and energetically within the band
In order to support higher density ICs, lateral device-to-de- gap of the active silicon) with ESR signals called centers.
vice electrical isolation had to be changed from - junction (See Section IV-A7c for details related to interface states.)
guardband type structures to smaller oxide regions. As a result, They found this correlation with cobalt-60 gamma-ray irradi-
this change toward the use of field oxides introduced a new TID ated MOS structures on silicon, without electrical-bias
oxide-related vulnerability. For more dense constrained designs, during irradiation [82], [80]. Also, it was found for
a hardened field oxide was necessary. Sandia National Labora- silicon that both the interface states and centers annealed
tory (SNL) developed an early type of radiation-hard field oxide, out within the same temperature range, 100 C to 250 C [83].
called direct-moat, for application to nonguardbanded IC de- Furthermore, both were annealed out when a positive electrical
signs and successfully demonstrated performance and hardness bias was applied to the gate [84], [81]. ESR studies were

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extended to oxides grown on silicon (the orientation used

for CMOS integrated circuits) by the group at Pennsylvania
State University (PSU). For cobalt-60 gamma-ray irradiated
(with positive gate bias) oxides grown on silicon, two
type centers were generated, the and , where
is chemically the same as the center in . Irradiation
caused greater increases in the than the [85]. It was (a)
imperative that processes be determined to minimize all of
the above radiation-induced centers in order to reduce the
damaging effects of radiation-induced interface states .
In order to develop processes to radiation harden CMOS de-
vices and circuits, it is necessary to reduce radiation-induced
oxide trapped charge , as well as . Based on insights
gleaned from ESR, it became apparent that processes to reduce (b)
both radiation induced and centers needed to be devel-
Fig. 1. Transmission electron micrograph (TEM) images of (a) LOCOS
oped. Since many unit processes needed to be evaluated, and and (b) Trench regions, showing less encroachment on the channel width
quick-turn-around was necessary to complete the fabrication (W ) for Trench than LOCOS (courtesy of J. Schlueter of Novellus
schedule, an alternative to ESR was established (ESR being a Systems/SEMATECH).
research tool, not available on-line within semiconductor facil-
ities). A table top X-ray irradiator, the ARACOR 4100, was
used extensively to evaluate experimental radiation hardened
processes [86]. Electrical device parameters (see Section IV)
versus radiation dose, provided by the ARACOR, were used to
qualify various unit processes.

D. 1990–1999
In the 1990s, the emphasis in hardening digital ICs was on
submicron (gate-length) silicon-gate CMOS technologies at
Honeywell, Lockheed-Martin, United Technology Microelec-
tronics Center (UTMC), NSC, and Texas Instruments (TI).
The gate oxide became intrinsically hard to TID because of
its reduced thickness (due to the power-law mentioned in Sec-
tion III-B.). Work in the 1980s had shown that (due to tunnel
currents) the gate oxide radiation problem would vanish once
the gate oxide thickness fell below 10 nm [87]. This, indeed, Fig. 2. Yield versus scaling size for LOCOS versus Trench, showing reduced
yield for LOCOS for channel scaling below 0.4 m (courtesy of J. Schlueter of
has happened. The first commercial production of oxides with Novellus Systems/SEMATECH).
thicknesses less than 10 nm were manufactured in the 1990s.
For bulk CMOS, the main hardening issue then became the field
oxide lateral isolation structures, which needed to be scaled phosphorus and carbon related ESR centers as well as in cen-
to even smaller geometries. To meet the scaling requirements, ters [90].
shallow trench isolation (STI) approaches, with no bird’s A hardened STI process was developed by Honeywell
beak encroachment, were commonly used near the end of the and put into production. These hardening efforts produced
decade. See Figs. 1 and 2 for a comparison of LOCOS and megarad-hard 1 Mb SRAMs within five years (three technology
STI structures and their corresponding yield as a function of generations) after the unhardened versions were introduced
channel length. Fig. 1 shows how the effective channel width commercially. UTMC developed a “minimally invasive”
is reduced by the “bird’s beak” inherent to LOCOS. process module and was successful at hardening commercial
As it can be seen from Fig. 2, due to yield problems, LOCOS STI to 1 Mrad(Si). Combined with an inherently hardened
lateral isolation needed to be abandoned for device geometries gate oxide, radiation hardened deep submicron ICs were
scaled below 0.4 m [88]. produced at commercial foundries.
Interestingly, there is a wide variation in the intrinsic hardness
of STI. In some cases, TID failure levels for STI were observed E. 2000 and Beyond
at 10 krad SiO [89] while in other cases radiation hard- Scaling CMOS channel lengths to 100 nm and smaller
ness levels of greater than 100 krad(Si) were measured on some requires gate oxide thickness to be less than 4 nm. TID effects
commercial technology. It is understood that the hardness of the on gate threshold voltage are not an issue for digital CMOS
STI region depends on a number of features, including geom- technologies while they use ultrathin silicon dioxide films, but
etry and type of trench refill oxide. ESR studies of trench refill this may not be the case for alternative (high k) gate dielectric
oxides found that doped phosphor-silicate-glass (PSG) and de- materials. However, for mixed signal [91] and power MOS ICs
posited (TEOS) oxides had radiation-induced charge trapped in [92], where thicker gate oxides are required, radiation-induced

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threshold voltage shifts are still of concern. Flash memory vary with postirradiation time, temperature, and electrical con-
[93], another MOS technology requiring higher operating ditions, so does the threshold voltage vary, accordingly.
voltage and, thus, thicker gate oxides for charge pump circuits, As an aid in analyzing radiation effects and developing hard-
is still very sensitive to TID effects. For example, threshold ening procedures, it is important to determine and control these
voltage shifts in charge pump circuits internal to MOS field two components of damage. Radiation-induced oxide charge
programmable gate arrays fail at TID levels less than 20 krad is the net trapped charge in the bulk of the oxide due to both
(Si) [94]. trapped holes and electrons [101]. Usually is dominated by
As CMOS evolves with channel lengths scaled below 0.25 positive trapped charges and the trapped electrons tend to com-
m, hardening concerns about lateral isolation oxides are still an pensate partially to reduce the net value of . However, there
issue, as well as new alternative high-k gate dielectrics (as dis- are some cases where the is dominated by trapped electrons
cussed in Section V-A2) [95]. Most of the previous approaches [102].
for shallow trench hardening are no longer operative for ad- Radiation-induced (TID) threshold voltage shifts depend
vanced generations of CMOS since they depend on the use of on oxide thickness according to a power-law, , where
doped glass [96], [97] which cannot be tolerated due to inherent can have values of: between one and two [103]–[105],
autodoping affecting the thinner films required by scaling con- or two [106]–[108], or three [65], depending on processing
straints. Furthermore, the 1.5 MeV alpha particles created by and electrical biasing effects. Since the majority of results
neutrons reacting with the boron-10 in boron-phosphorous-sili- published subsequently have observed the square law usually to
cate-glass (BPSG) films cause upsets in submicron devices. Ex- be operative (for thermally grown oxides), its use has become
perimental work will be needed to develop hardening processes routine.
for undoped trench refill oxides, such as high-density plasma Measured threshold voltage shifts due to irradiation can be
(HDP) and low temperature types. separated into these two components using: transistor sub-
The new millennium saw the first quantitative data on the threshold current-voltage characteristics [109], [110], including
role of hydrogen regarding . Using ESR and CV measure- corrections for dopant deactivation [111] or dual-transistor
ments on samples with controlled hydrogen doping, it was found techniques [112]. These approaches work particularly well on
that the correlation of centers with radiation-induced positive commercial parts since measurements are performed at 2–5
trapped charge depends also on radiolytic hydrogen. Without orders of magnitude greater current than subthreshold slope
trapped hydrogen the center was found, in this case, to be and charge pumping methods [113]–[116]. The dual-transistor
neutral, and not positively charged, as it had been previously approach is not as sensitive to spurious radiation-induced
modeled [98]. Thus, the center may not account for all of leakage paths such as those due to edge effects. This technique,
the radiation-induced oxide trapped charge . Previously, however, requires that both N- and P-channel transistors be
it was noted that ionizing radiation, X-rays, and Co-60 gamma fabricated identically. For example, this would not be the case
rays could cause a hydrogen-related ESR signal to disappear where buried-channel type P-channel MOS transistors would
[99], [100]. Hydrogen-related ESR signals, such as the 74 G be used, since they receive a channel implant not used on
and 10.2 G doublets, have never been investigated thoroughly N-channel transistors. Where this is a problem other methods
enough to provide insight into understanding MOS trapped pos- are available, such as using mobility degradation to determine
itive charge effects; heretofore, research focused mainly on the [117], [118]. For instance, the Hall effect has been used
center as being due to an oxygen-vacancy related to trapped to measure the spectral density of postirradiation interface
positive charge . More ESR work needs to be performed states near the conduction band that affect transconductance
from the standpoint of understanding the hydrogen chemistry degradation due to mobility changes [119].
related to MOS radiation-induced effects and hardening, espe- Partitioning the radiation-induced subthreshold cur-
cially concerning . rent-voltage characteristics into the oxide and interface
components requires mid-gap neutrality (the contribu-
IV. RADIATION-INDUCED DEGRADATION IN THE ELECTRICAL tions of interface states at the mid-gap energy are neutral; i.e.,
PROPERTIES OF MOS TRANSISTORS AND INTEGRATED CIRCUITS no lateral shift in the CV curve would occur for interface states,
implying that interface states above and below the mid-gap
Radiation-induced oxide and interface trapped charges affect
energy compensate). For most cases the assumption of mid-gap
the performance and reliability of MOS transistors and inte-
neutrality is a good engineering approximation, which is
grated circuits to varying degrees, depending upon a number of
usually found to introduce only small errors; however, it should
operational conditions which are delineated below.
not be used uncritically [120]. For the particular oxides used by
SNL, this condition was met [109], [121]. However, for other
A. Transistor Effects oxides the condition of mid-gap neutrality was observed not to
1) Threshold Voltage Shifts: Threshold voltages for both N- be satisfied [120], [122].
and P-channel MOS transistors shift due to radiation-induced Saturation of threshold voltage shift at high total dose was
trapped oxide charge and trapped interface charge modeled with the aid of computer simulation of charge buildup.
(with the caveat that oxides less than 10 nm in thickness show Saturation was found to be caused by a complex interaction be-
almost no radiation induced threshold voltage shift). The contri- tween trap filling and recombination of radiation-generated free
butions of and are additive for P-channels and subtrac- electrons with trapped holes, modulated by trapped-hole-distor-
tive for N-channel MOS transistors. Since both types of charge tion of the oxide electric field [123].

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2) Subthreshold Slope: Radiation-induced subthreshold C to 100 C thermal emission becomes important [153]–[155],
slope is affected by both trapped interface charge and lateral [18], [156]–[158]. Shallow electron traps anneal faster than deep
nonuniformity of trapped oxide charge [113], [124]. Lateral traps, and exhibit a response similar to compensated centers
nonuniformity of trapped oxide charge can be caused by a [159].
nonuniform deposition of charge or by a nonuniform dis- Using first principles quantum mechanical calculations, the
tribution of traps [125], [126]. These effects degrade device Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has provided insights
performance by increasing leakage currents. regarding the oxide trapped-hole annealing process [160]. These
3) Transconductance: The gain (transconductance) of the results support the Harry Diamond Laboratory (HDL) model
MOS transistor is decreased by radiation-induced reduction for reverse annealing [161], [162] and provide an electronic
in carrier mobility in the device channel caused by charges structure explanation for the process. Localized holes form a
trapped at, or very close to, the silicon/silicon dioxide inter- metastable, dipolar complex, without restoring the precursor
face [127]–[132]. Transconductance also can be reduced by Si–Si dimer bond upon electron trapping. During an applied
increases in surface resistivity such as would be caused in a negative field, these charge up neutral dipolar complexes that
transistor with LDD regions intended to reduce hot carrier easily can release the weakly bonded electron, exhibiting a re-
reliability effects. Radiation-induced trapped charge in the verse annealing condition, where again there exists a positive
spacer oxide, used to fabricate the LLD, has been found to fixed oxide charge.
deplete p-type LDDs, increasing the resistivity and causing The annealing of radiation-induced oxide charge is enhanced
degradation in transconductance without affecting mobility by the presence of hydrogen diffused into irradiated oxide at
[133]. room temperature, while at the same time increasing the density
4) Channel and Junction Leakage Current and Break- of interface states for MOS structures biased under both positive
down: Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) current is increased and negative voltages. The cracking sites for the hydrogen were
by TID [134], [135]. Trapped charge buildup in lateral oxide modeled as not being due to centers [163]. In corroboration,
isolation regions (field oxide structures) increases transistor it has been found that hydrogen impregnation of synthetic SiO
edge leakage current [66], [136], [137] and changes junction glass suppresses formation of radiation-induced centers but
breakdown voltage (degradation in N-channels and enhance- enhances formation of oxygen-deficient centers (Si–Si bond)
ment for P-channel power MOS transistors) [138]. [164]. Thermal annealing studies of irradiated devices have been
5) Noise: Noise, especially noise, is increased in performed, including those for:
MOS transistors by TID [22], which also increases noise in
1) aluminum-gate inverters (hard and soft) from -140 C to
power transistors [139]–[141]. The radiation-induced increases
375 C [165];
in noise have been correlated with oxide-trapped charges
2) aluminum-gate inverters, activation energies of thermal
[142]–[146] and interface trapped charges [147].
annealing [166], [167];
6) Gate Oxide Stability and Breakdown: Ionizing-radia-
3) aluminum-gate NMOSFETs, reversible positive charge
tion-induced trapped charges have been shown not to affect
oxide leakage current nor breakdown properties of oxides
4) aluminum-gate capacitors (n-type Si), flat-band condi-
thicker than 10 nm, [148] but have been observed to increase
tion [169];
oxide leakage current and reduce breakdown voltage for
5) aluminum-gate capacitors, rapid annealing, activation
ultrathin ( 4 nm in thickness) oxides through electron trap
energies [157];
assisted tunneling for total dose irradiations greater than 1 Mrad
6) silicon-gate NMOSFETs, diffusion of a small molecular
(Si) [149]–[151]. SNL found no detectable radiation-induced
species [170];
leakage current for 70 nm oxides grown on n-type silicon by
7) silicon-gate MOSFETs, interface traps [171];
rapid thermal processing at 1000 C in pure oxygen or N O,
8) silicon-gate NMOSFET/SOS, open and closed geometry
and irradiated by 10 keV X-rays to 20 Mrad SiO . The
trapping of radiation-induced electrons in the oxide near the
9) silicon-gate MOSFETs/SOS activation energies [173];
polysilicon interface, however, has been found to modify the
10) silicon-gate ( and ), 4.5 nm oxide, radiation-in-
reliability related Fowler–Nordheim injection characteristics of
duced oxide leakage [174];
the interface [152].
11) silicon-gate CMOS circuits (various commercial types)
7) Long Term Postradiation Response:
a) annealing: Charge trapped in deep electron and
12) silicon-gate commercial power VDMOSFETs [176],
hole traps in oxides has been found to remain trapped for times
varying from hours to years, depending on temperature and elec-
13) PMOS dosimeters [178];
tric fields. These space charges, which are not in electrical com-
14) commercial power MOSFETs, prediction based on
munication with the active silicon regions, however, do have a
isochronal anneals [179];
long term annealing behavior. Tunneling and thermal detrapping
15) 1802 microprocessor, rapid annealing [180];
mechanisms have been found to be responsible for the long term
16) 16 Kb DRAM [181].
annealing of trapped holes near the silicon dioxide/silicon inter-
face; the reduction of the charge density is found to have a loga- b) Threshold Shifts Caused by Switching Oxide
rithmic time dependence for both mechanisms. At room temper- Traps: Researchers at SNL discovered, through switched
ature tunnel annealing dominates; and at temperatures above 75 polarity annealing studies, that the radiation-induced net

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positive charge trapped within the oxide was not removed Radiation-induced interface state buildup is a complex
by the aforementioned annealing processes, but was only process, depending on time scale, oxide thickness, temperature,
charge compensated; thus, only temporarily neutralized [182]. and electric field (as well as processing). Kinetics include
By tunneling electrons from the silicon into the oxide, they the transport of holes, radiolytic hydrogen (ions and atomic
annealed an irradiated N-channel MOS transistor (100 C with hydrogen), and defects at the oxide/silicon interface (called
10 volts applied to the gate electrode) for a week until the centers, detected by ESR. (See Section III-C.) However, it has
oxide trapped charge, determined from the mid-gap voltage been argued that not all of the radiation-induced interface states
shift, was annealed out to the preradiation value. Then, they are related to centers [189]. The HDL researchers have
applied a negative 10 V to the gate and continued the annealing provided a review paper of work through the 1980s, including
at 100 C. Within one day the initial postradiation value of mechanisms for the prompt and delayed [192] components
positive charge was restored. This work was reproduced and of [193]. Subsequent aspects of time, oxide thickness,
verified by NRL and HDL workers [183], [161]. Subsequently, and applied field dependencies of —including the role of
the HDL workers carried out an extensive systematic study and hydrogen—have been provided by NRL and SNL [194], [195],
modeling of the negative-bias reverse-annealing mechanism [185]. Hydrogen diffused into an irradiated MOS structure at
[161], [162], [184]. They observed that charge tunneled in low temperatures (room temperature and 125 C) enhances
and out of hole traps, reversibly. The magnitude of this effect the buildup of interface states [163]. Analyses of the kinetics
depends on oxide processing—greater in hardened oxides than and chemistry of process- and radiation-induced interface trap
in soft oxides. They called this effect “negative bias instability” annealing, including the important role of hydrogen, have
and modeled the effect as being caused by switching oxide been published [196]–[198], [406]. Contradictions between the
traps, related to centers measured by ESR. (See Section radiation effects model for interface state formation [192] and
VI-C.) The SNL workers labeled these switching oxide traps hydrogen-annealing models [199] are still being studied [200].
“border traps” [185], [186] because the traps are located very d) Threshold Shifts due to Rebound or Super-Re-
near the interface. The switching oxide traps, or so-called covery: After both and have been generated,
border traps (or slow states), are not in communication with the continues to anneal out, according to (where is time);
silicon as are interface traps , nor are they as isolated as whereas, the interface states generally do not anneal out with
oxide traps . time. After most of the positive charged anneals out, es-
The model for the switching oxide trap put forth by the HDL pecially at elevated temperatures [201], the negatively charged
group is based on the center which, before it trapped a hole, interface traps (due to acceptor type interface states) remain,
was a Si–Si bonded oxygen vacancy, where each silicon is causing a positive shift in threshold voltage for N-channel MOS
back-bonded to three oxygen atoms. After trapping a hole and transistors. If this positive shift is great enough and produces a
breaking the Si–Si bond, one of the Si atoms possesses a single threshold voltage greater than the initial value (super-recovery),
electron in a dangling bond while the other Si atom traps a hole device failure, as well as performance degradation, may occur
becoming net positive in charge. When this positively charged [182]. This condition, called rebound, does not occur for
defect complex captures an electron during annealing (through P-channel devices since the interface states for this device are
tunneling or thermal excitation), the electron is trapped on the donor type (positive charge), so that the charge adds to the
silicon with the dangling bond which then becomes negative positive charge of .
in charge. The other silicon in the complex with the broken 8) Acceptor Neutralization: It has been shown that radi-
Si–Si bond remains positive in charge, thus, creating with the olytic atomic hydrogen, released during irradiation, deactivates
nearby negative charge a dipole structure which, as a complex, boron acceptors in the near silicon surface region [202].
is neutral in charge and no longer paramagnetic (and, therefore, The neutralization of boron by atomic hydrogen reaches a
not detectable by ESR) [187], [188]. Subsequent work at NRL maximum at 100 C [203]. Most shallow acceptor levels due
has shown that the radiation-induced slow states are caused not to boron in silicon can be neutralized by atomic hydrogen at
only by centers but also by hydrogen related centers in the temperatures between 65 C and 300 C, causing a sixfold
oxide [189]. increase in resistivity [204]. It has been suggested that the low
c) Threshold shifts due to interface state buildup and an- temperature aspects of hydrogen related acceptor neutralization
nealing: Interface states, due to defect-related traps, are elec- may be associated with the transitions and reversal aspects of
tronic levels located spatially at the dielectric/silicon interface enhanced-low-dose-rate-sensitivity (ELDRS), related to pack-
and energetically within the band gap of the active silicon [190]. aging related heat treatments, burn-in, reliability screens, and
These states are electronically in communication with the sil- aging effects [205], [206], [31], [32]. Acceptor neutralization
icon. Interface traps outside the silicon band gap are considered effects due to atomic hydrogen also have been found to occur
as fixed charge and not as interface states, since they do not com- for other acceptors in silicon, such as aluminum, gallium,
municate directly (on the time scale of the measurements) with and indium, but do not occur for donors (for temperatures
the silicon [101]. Interface states are amphoteric in nature, i.e., between 100 C and 300 C) [207]. A technique to separate
when located in the upper half of the band gap they behave as irradiation-induced charges ( and ) in the presence
donors (positive charge state) and when located in the lower half of hydrogen-deactivated dopants has been published [111].
of the band gap they behave as acceptors (negative charge state) Neutralization of acceptors causes a negative shift in the
[191]. There is charge neutrality at mid-gap only when the den- capacitance–voltage (C–V) curve, just as trapped positive
sities of both types are equal. charge does [208]. Furthermore, the neutralization effect has

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been modeled to include radiolytic proton drift, as well applied) can be recovered subsequently by exposure to ionizing
as atomic hydrogen [209]. Both types of radiolytic hydrogen radiation without applied bias using a phenomenon known
have been used to demonstrate that irradiation-induced positive as radiation-induced charge neutralization (RICN) [217].
oxide charge can be predominantly trapped protons (not Furthermore, the total dose hardness of SRAMs can vary by
holes) and, thus, be ionic in nature [210]. more than a factor of three between laboratory irradiation dose
9) Reliability: The dominant long-term reliability problem rates of 200 rad (Si)/s and a realistic dose rate, such as 0.02 rad
with CMOS technology is related to the oxide trapping of hot (Si)/s, for space applications [218]. Additional details of how
carriers. Hot carrier reliability has been found to be degraded radiation affects IC performance and reliability are discussed
by TID oxide trapping [211]. However, it was determined by below.
the SNL workers that hot-carrier effects and hardening are not 1) Speed: TID irradiation has been shown to degrade IC
independent phenomena and that modified processing used for speed by increasing propagation delay in logic circuits [219],
radiation hardening, in some cases, can also improve hot carrier [220] and access time in memories [218]. Timing delays related
reliability [212]. This improvement in hot carrier reliability was to internal logic-gate delays, fanout-induced drive delays, differ-
verified in radiation-hardened IC production [213]. ences in output rise, and fall times for each gate, and the effects
of transistor drive and leakage differences caused by TID and
B. IC Effects transient ionization radiation environments have been simulated
using Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descrip-
TID radiation effects impact the MOS IC functionality, dc, tion Language [221]. Note that increasing propagation delay is
and ac performance characteristics [214]. Affected dc param- related to the threshold voltage shifts of the n- and p-channel
eters include quiescent supply current (standby-current), noise transistors. However, as noted above, threshold voltage shifts
margin, and output drive levels. Affected ac parameters include have all but disappeared as a concern for hardening deep sub-
risetime, falltime, and propagation time. These parameter micron ICs.
changes can cause a significant degradation in MOS IC per- 2) Functional Failure: Functional failure of CMOS ICs due
formance. Each of the above parameters is affected by factors to TID exposure at dose rates greater than 5 rad (Si)/s usually
such as: dose, dose rate, device design, operating temperature, is preceded by a rapid increase in standby current, [222] due to
and postradiation anneal time, all of which contribute to the oxide trapped holes. However, at dose rates typical of space en-
complexities associated with understanding and predicting vironments ( 0.1 rad (Si)/s) failure occurs at a different dose,
performance. For instance, because MOS radiation damage due to radiation-induced interface traps after the oxide-trapped
effects have a strong bias dependence, nonuniform changes holes have annealed out of vulnerable regions such as the field
in circuit performance can occur, depending on different bias oxide [223]. Differences in failure dose due to static versus dy-
conditions, cell types (NOR versus NAND), operating conditions namic biasing during low dose-rate TID irradiation were ob-
(static versus dynamic), sensitivity to leakage current, circuit served by SNL [224]. The radiation-induced parametric char-
race margins, and output levels. acteristics of memory ICs also are sensitive to the electrical pat-
The principal causes of radiation-induced circuit failure have terns stored in memory during irradiation [214], [225]; and, in
been reported as: 1) an inability to switch from one state to an- some cases, these patterns are burned into the memory after irra-
other and 2) increases in standby power [215]. Four distinct radi- diation [226]. The SNL workers have set forth a simple method
ation-induced failure modes are responsible for CMOS IC per- to determine the radiation and annealing biases that produce the
formance [216]: worst case CMOS SRAM postradiation response [227].
1) power-related failure due to leakage current increasing
standby power limit;
2) static failure, where increased N-channel leakage current V. PARAMETERS INFLUENCING MOS RADIATION EFFECTS
combined with decreased P-channel drive generates
nodes in indeterminate logic states; A. Material Properties
3) dynamic failure where delays along a signal path are too The particular materials used for gate electrodes, dielectric
large for synchronous operation; film regions, and substrates for MOS structures, as well as
4) dynamic failure where increases in P-channel threshold the associated defects and impurities, impact TID radiation
voltage inhibit switching. effects and hardening methodologies. A valuable resource for
Since the basic causes of degradation and failure are all insights into radiation effects for silicon dioxide is the literature
related to trapped oxide and interfacial charges (as discussed regarding radiation effects in bulk glass and optical fibers
above) it can be understood how the IC damage effects would [228], [229], [100], [230]–[233].
depend on many operating parameters, such as: irradiation 1) Gate Electrode Material: Polysilicon (poly) gate struc-
dose, dose-rate, temperature, electrical biases and clocking, as tures are usually more radiation sensitive than aluminum gate
well as postradiation time. As an example, a circuit statically devices, probably due to the elevated temperature of processing
biased 100% of the time during irradiation usually is more required for deposition and doping of the polysilicon films
radiation sensitive than one cycled, which is usually more [104], [234]. However, HAC was able to develop a silicon gate
sensitive than one that is off 100% of the time during irradiation process that is just as hard as an Al gate process [70]. Some
[215]. It has been shown that selected circuits (irradiated and workers have found that poly gate structures are harder to
degraded by exposure to ionizing radiation with electrical bias TID than poly gate devices [235].

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Low resistivity metal silicides are used over polysilicon in 3) Silicon substrate crystal orientation: Early studies of the
order to reduce interconnect losses for high-speed performance. silicon orientation dependence of TID effects were flawed. First,
However, depending on the choice of metal silicide and the a study by HAC did not consider the thickness dependence of
thickness of the underlying polysilicon, dose enhancement may TID effects. Since the oxide growth rate is greater on
affect the TID response. For example, tungsten over 150 nm than samples (which were oxidized together for the same
of polysilicon produces nearly two times the dose enhancement amount of time), devices with different oxide thickness were
caused by TiSi over the same thickness of polysilicon [236]. compared, 129 versus 103 nm [64]. Using the oxide thickness-
Refractory gate materials, such as molybdenum (Mo) and cubed relationship [65] of threshold voltage shift, it can
tungsten (W), have been found to provide less radiation-in- be seen that the saturated values of radiation-induced threshold
duced shift than aluminum gate structures over the same oxides shift can be reconciled by these thickness differences. Secondly,
[237], [238]. Because its work function can be controlled by a silicon orientation study by RCA [258] used nonstandard pro-
nitrogen implantation, Mo gate material is now being pursued cessing (RF-heating and helium annealing) that is known to
as a single-metal dual-work function technology to replace make a difference in oxide trapping [43], [259].
and polysilicon [239]. Other materials, such as Ag, Sn, Subsequent to the aforementioned studies, it was found that
In, and Pb (used as MOS gates) cause more radiation-induced silicon orientation does make a difference in radiation-induced
trapped charge than Al [240], [19]. These results have been interface trap transformation [260] and in the energy distribu-
correlated to differences in interfacial strain caused by the tion of interface state annealing [261]. The precursors (for dan-
different gate materials [240]. gling-bond type interfacial defects) responsible for the radia-
2) Dielectric films: Radiation-induced threshold voltage tion-induced interfacial trapped charge have been identified by
shifts vary for different gate dielectric materials, e.g., silicon ESR as and for orientation silicon (depending on
nitride over silicon dioxide [241], over silicon dioxide the back-bonding), and as on silicon [262].
[45], aluminum oxide [47], as well as for silicon dioxide from 4) Oxide impurities: Cleaning the oxidation furnaces with
different suppliers [242], aluminum implanted silicon dioxide, HCl before gate oxide growth was shown to improve TID
and chromium doped silicon dioxide [19], [58], [243]. hardness; however, HCl and trichloroethane (both cleaning
Except for niche applications, like radiation-hardened cryo- agents)—when present during oxide growth (due to residual
genic MOS [244] and nonvolatile memory [245] (where dual chlorine remaining in the oxide)—degrade hardness, especially
dielectric films of silicon nitride over silicon dioxide are used), by enhancing the growth of deleterious radiation-induced
nearly all generations of MOS technology use silicon dioxide interface states [59], [61], [263]. However, if the concentra-
gate dielectric films. However, for MOS technology with sub- tion of trichloroethane in the oxygen during oxide growth is
micron gate length devices where dual poly gates ( and maintained at a low enough level, radiation hardness can be
doping) are used, silicon nitride/silicon dioxide structures are enhanced [264]. The particular impurities removed by the
incorporated. Silicon nitride blocks the diffusion of boron from cleaning processes have never been identified and correlated
penetrating into the channel region, preventing unintentional quantitatively to TID damage, even though it is known that HCl
threshold voltage shifts. A 5 nm nitrided oxide has been suc- cleaning reduces heavy metals and sodium.
cessfully produced by Honeywell for 0.25 m radiation hard- Studies of sodium profiles by secondary-ion-mass-spec-
ened CMOS/SOI technology [246]. troscopy (SIMS) and bias-temperature stressing on rad-hard
For dielectric films, other than thermally grown oxides (such and rad-soft oxides show that (during the surface charging
as deposited and buried oxide films), shallow [247], as well inherent to the SIMS measurement) more sodium drifts to the
as deep [248] electron and hole traps need to be considered. silicon dioxide/silicon interface for soft oxides than for hard
As noted previously, the observed trapped charge buildup in oxides [26], [27]. It was not known at the time of these studies,
these films is the net difference between the trapped positive in the early 1970s, that soft oxides are less dense and thus have
and negative charges. The electron and hole traps in dielec- larger open structural rings that foster greater sodium transport.
tric films can be measured separately by various techniques, in- Demonstrating further that hole trapping is related to more than
cluding: avalanche injection [25], [249], [250], photo-injection just oxygen vacancy point defects [265], [266] and is possibly
[251]–[253], and thermally stimulated current (TSC) measure- related to the transport of radiolytic hydrogen [210] which is
ments [254], [120], [255]–[257]. The actual radiation-induced enhanced by larger ring structure in less dense silicon dioxide
threshold voltage shift due to is basically the difference be- films [267].
tween the effects of trapping holes and electrons. Processing af- Nitrogen incorporated during growth into oxides and inter-
fects both in complex ways. faces degrades TID radiation hardness; whereas, devices with
Because of continuous scaling, thermal oxides have been oxides grown in partial pressures of argon, instead of nitrogen,
thinned to the point 2 nm where increasing tunnel currents ap- do not realize degradation in TID hardness [24]. Postoxidation
pear to limit further evolution in technology feature size without anneal (POA) at 1000 C in nitrogen degrades TID hardness
changing gate dielectric material. High dielectric constant (high more than POA performed at 1000 C in an argon ambient
k) materials are now being considered for gate dielectric use. [25]. In addition to nitrogen related hole traps [268], the POA
Such as with the higher dielectric constant of aluminum oxide heat treatments concomitantly create oxygen vacancy type hole
compared to that of silicon dioxide , for an traps [269], it is thought, through the reduction of the oxide
equivalent electrical capacitance, aluminum oxide films will be caused by the silicon’s gettering of oxygen [270]. Of course,
thicker and thus can be more robust [50], [51]. the role played by the nitrogen will depend on how and where

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it is bonded; i.e., in the oxide, back-bonded to oxygen, or at the density (as measured optically by spectroscopic ellipsometry)
interface back-bonded to silicon. of thermally grown and buried silicon dioxide films, and the
Researchers at Yale University found that fluorine doping density depends on film growth and annealing conditions
of gate and field oxides provides improved radiation hardness [287], [265]. In corroboration, it has been shown recently,
[271], [272]; whereas, boron doping of gate oxides (10–25 nm using grazing incidence X-ray reflectivity techniques, that
in thickness) through the use of poly gates or by boron im- thermal annealing in argon (at 1000 C for 30 min) of silicon
plantation of the oxide was found to reduce radiation-induced dioxide films on silicon, indeed, causes a density decrease due
positive charge trapping [235]. to swelling [288]. This finding agrees with the swelling of
Work at SNL demonstrated that water contamination in dry annealed oxides observed earlier using spectroscopic ellipsom-
process tubes (used for oxidation, anneal, and sintering) de- etry [289]. The growth rate of thermal oxides depends on the
graded hardness [61]. However, studies at RCA found that trace transport of O through the oxide and is enhanced by structural
water levels—ranging from 16 to 50 000 ppm during nine dif- channels formed during oxide growth [290]. Channels through
ferent runs of dry oxidations at the same temperature as the SNL the oxide, as manifested by enhanced oxide growth rate, are
oxidations—had no influence on hardness [107]. The reasons enhanced further by annealing and contribute to reduced den-
for these differences were never resolved. sity, which correlates to greater radiation sensitivity. Using the
Subsequent work at SNL determined that hydrogen intro- permeability of hydrogen as a density probe, NRL found that an
duced into thermally grown dry oxides during high temperature increase in density near the oxide/silicon interface suggesting
anneals 850 C increased the number of radiation-induced a smaller Si-O ring size near the interface [267]. Positron
trapped oxide charges and prompt (1 ms to 10 s) interface states annihilation spectroscopy also has been used to determine the
[273]. However, when the hydrogen content was measured by density profile of the oxide in a nondestructive manner and
nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) techniques [274], [275], it was has confirmed that thermally grown oxide does, indeed, have a
observed that the samples with greater hydrogen content had density increase near the silicon/silicon dioxide interface [291].
less radiation-induced oxide charge and interface states [276]. Furthermore, irradiation of silicon dioxide by neutrons, X-rays,
The cited NRA results are for the total amount of hydrogen, gamma rays, electrons, and ions also causes permanent oxide
which includes hydrogen that is tightly bound in the oxide struc- density changes [292], [293].
ture. Perhaps future studies will explore whether the radiation
sensitivity can be correlated to the mobile hydrogen content, B. Electric Field
since it has been shown that may account for much of the
observed radiation-induced [277]. Every MOS hardening effort should consider the details of
5) Oxide defects: Radiation-induced oxide hole trapping, device and integrated circuit electric field configurations. Fortu-
which usually causes a net positive space charge in the various nately, computer simulation and computer-aided design (CAD)
oxides of MOS devices, is one of the two dominant damage capabilities have made this task less difficult than it was decades
mechanisms of MOS TID radiation effects. (The other dam- ago.
aging mechanism is radiation-induced interface states.) Hole The polarity [294], [62] and magnitude of applied electrical
traps have been modeled as being related to defects found in biases (dc and ac) during and after irradiation have a major affect
an oxygen deficient oxide-transition layer possessing excess on trapped bulk and interfacial charges because the following
silicon near the Si/SiO interface. This layer is believed to be TID mechanisms depend on electric field: 1) radiation-induced
caused by incomplete oxidation of the silicon [278]–[282]. charge yield; 2) the transport of radiation-induced electrons,
Excess silicon near the Si/SiO interface is due to oxygen holes, and radiolytic hydrogen; and, 3) the capture cross sec-
vacancies in the noncrystalline silicon oxide structural network tions for trapping and detrapping of radiation-induced electrons
manifested as Si–Si bonds, the precursor of the deep hole trap. and holes. Therefore, for hardening purposes, design and layout
The hole trap is formed after the Si–Si bond is broken during of MOS devices and circuits should include managing and con-
the capture of a radiation-induced hole. The defect complex is trolling electric fields, especially fringing fields. Fringing fields
detectable using ESR as an center (the portion of the defect extending into oxide isolation regions, [137] such as those at the
complex containing an unpaired electron) [54], [283], [230]. corners of shallow trenches, [89] need to be controlled. Further-
The other half of the defect complex, a positively charged more, drain engineering with LDDs has been found to reduce
silicon atom back-bonded to three oxygen atoms in the oxide TID effects associated with fringing electric fields extending
network, has been considered (for more than 15 years) as the into oxide spacers [213], [295].
irradiation-induced trapped positive charge due to trapped holes 1) High fields 10 V/cm , as in gate oxide regions: Oxide
[81], [56]. However, some authors believe trapped protons hole trapping at electric field strengths greater than 1
also play a role in irradiation-induced positive trapped MV/cm decreases with increasing [296]. This decreasing
charge in silicon dioxide [210], [284], [277], [285]. Even relationship is caused by an dependence of hole trap-
though new sensitive diagnostics have recently shown that the ping cross sections [297], [298]. A rate equation for charge
thermally grown oxide/silicon interface is very abrupt (less than buildup which includes carrier drift, geminate recombination,
1–2 monolayers thick) [286] the existence of oxygen vacancies hole/electron trapping, and effects of internal electric fields has
(as suggested by ESR results) cannot be disproven. been published [299].
6) Oxide structure: Radiation-induced positive charge trap- Interface trapping dependence on electric field is more
ping was found by NRL to be correlated directly to the mass complicated: showing an increase with increasing field for alu-

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minum-gate MOS devices [258] and a decrease with increasing 2) And:

field for polysilicon-gate devices [300]. a) adjacent source/drain regions should not be al-
2) Low fields 10 V/cm , due to fringing fields in isola- lowed without an intervening channel stop ,
tion oxides: For low applied electric fields, space charge ef- b) source/drain implants should be nested inside the
fects [208] and reduced charge yields, as well as changes in thin oxide region,
charge transport and trapping, need to be considered. For in- c) edgeless (sometimes called re-entrant) N-channel
stance, HDL found that the radiation-induced interface state transistors should be used.
buildup takes place primarily through a “prompt” process where Edgeless-transistor and channel-stop approaches essentially
the interface states appear immediately after irradiation with tradeoff component density and performance for radiation hard-
little further buildup with time, and the magnitude of the buildup ness. Nevertheless, RCA, in the late 1970s, produced radia-
is only weakly dependent upon applied bias [301]. Hole trans- tion hardened (300–500 krad) 6 m silicon-gate (closed
port times for low electric fields are extended many orders of COS/MOS) [312], CMOS processors (CD 1802) [313], 1 Kb
magnitude over that observed for the high field case associated and 4 Kb SRAMs, and 8 Kb ROMs using edgeless transistors
with gate oxides. In some cases, the transport is so slow that with a radiation-hardened, silicon dioxide gate-dielectric [49],
hole trapping occurs in the interior or bulk regions of the oxide [314], [315].
[302]. For such a case with the centroid of radiation-induced The aforementioned hardening approach, using edgeless
trapped holes farther from the silicon/silicon dioxide interface, transistors, coupled with guardbanding, is again being imple-
MOS device and IC characteristics are less degraded. mented in order to have commercial unhardened semiconductor
In some cases, as in thick isolation oxides, hole and electron foundries fabricate radiation-tolerant (100 krad) circuits in
trapping is controlled by internal electric fields (due to oxide advanced (0.25 m) CMOS technologies [316]. Hardening
space charge) at high radiation doses 1 Mrad [303] and low by design (HBD) can produce radiation tolerant ICs that rival
electric fields [304], [305], [11]. the best commercial devices in terms of speed and power.
The drawbacks of HBD become evident when manufacturing
very complex high density ICs. Changes required in design
and layout compromise device density and, to a lesser degree,
Radiation hardening of MOS technologies and ICs requires device performance. With even more robust design enhance-
special procedures in design, layout, and/or processing opera- ments (with the concomitant performance tradeoffs), HBD
tions. In addition, special testing operations (collectively known can be used to fabricate VLSI circuits hardened to 1 Mrad(Si)
as hardness assurance testing) [67] are required to assure that the [317] and 100 Mrad(Si) using commercial foundries [318]. The
finished IC device meets the specified criteria for hardness in its single largest challenge (and perhaps cost) is the front-end work
intended radiation environment. to customize the design tools to use commercial semiconductor
foundries for radiation hardening.
A. Design and Layout Additional specific device design and layout procedures for
hardening are available:
Special design and layout considerations frequently are
1) metal gate CMOS [65];
needed for MOS device and circuit hardening. Such concerns
2) silicon-gate bulk CMOS [300], [319]–[321];
extend from the basic device design and layout as far as the
3) silicon-gate bulk CMOS hardened cell family [322];
details of chip architecture for various macro cells.
4) silicon-gate CMOS/SOS standard-cell circuits[323];
Parasitic field oxide (FOX) transistors using unhardened
5) SRAM circuits [324];
commercial field oxides usually limit hardness to between 10
6) microprocessor circuits [325];
and 50 krads (possibly to 100 krads for very low TID dose
7) nonvolatile memory[326];
rates) due to field inversion effects. Large increases in quiescent
8) power MOSFETs [327], [328];
supply current with radiation dose are indicative of field inver-
9) CCDs [329];
sion problems. For LOCOS lateral isolation, the region where
10) ASIC technologies [316];
the thick field oxide thins down to the thin gate oxide (known
11) CMOS APS (active pixel sensors) [330], [331].
as the bird’s beak region) is high in mechanical stress, causing
it to be very radiation sensitive [306], [307]. Fringing fields
from the source to drain bias coupled with the polysilicon gate B. Processing
bias cause a high field situation [308], [137]. The electric fields In general, all oxide regions of thickness 10 nm, not
in the lateral isolation region can be controlled for hardening hardened by design, need to be processed to minimize the
purposes (attaining hardness levels of 50 to 100 Mrad) using number of hole traps and/or, judiciously, use deep electron
an additional polysilicon electrode called a field shield [309], traps and recombination centers to produce as little net posi-
[310]. When a radiation-hardened field oxide is not available, tive charge as possible. Furthermore, techniques such as ion
and standard commercial lateral isolation techniques are used, implantation and layered films controlling the location of
the following procedures have been shown to provide hardness trapped charges also are effective in radiation hardening oxide
of 100 krad [311]. regions. The actual recipes for process hardening, especially
1) Polysilicon should not extend over the well- to-substrate for field oxides, usually are proprietary in nature. In addition
boundary; to the general process-related and geometry considerations

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for radiation-induced threshold voltage shifts (previously ation hardening purposes. Recent work at NRL demonstrated
presented in Section IV-A1), it is important to review the rela- that hydrogen transport can be reduced by using ion implanted
tionships of both electron and hole traps to processing details. nanoclusters [284].
Radiation-induced charge is trapped at pre-existing oxide and 2) Processing Dependencies of Electron Traps: Electron
interfacial defects and at defects caused by the transport and traps selectively located in appropriate oxide regions can be
trapping of radiation-induced charges and radiolytic hydrogen an important aspect of radiation hardening. The trapping of
[332], [266], [98], [258], [62]. After having been transported electrons in energetically deep stable electron traps can be used
close to the oxide/silicon interface, a fraction of the holes are to charge compensate the radiation-induced positive charge due
trapped in deep hole traps. The trapped holes then create a to trapped holes. For a radiation-hardened 45 nm oxide, SNL
positive space charge that usually is located within 300 A of the found that the density of deeply trapped electrons exceeded
silicon/silicon dioxide interface (with a centroid of 50–100 A the density of electrons in shallow traps by a factor of 3
from the interface) for thermally grown oxides [279], [333]. For after radiation exposure, and up to a factor of ten during biased
many years, the accepted model for creation of the precursor annealing [159].
defects responsible for trapping the irradiation-induced holes Shallow electron traps detected in thermally grown oxides can
has been attributed to oxygen vacancies near the oxide/silicon be due to sodium impurities [342] and various water related com-
interface [334]. However, in the 1990s, efforts in Europe and plexes [343], [344]. Such electron traps can be eliminated by ul-
at NRL have attributed a portion of the trapped positive charge traclean technology and high temperature (1000 C) nitrogen an-
to be due to hole trapping at hydrogen related defects (strained nealing[345]aswellasbyrapidthermalannealingfor10sinargon
silicon-oxygen bonds near the interface that trap both holes and ornitrogenambientsat600 Cto800 C[338].Thedensityofsuch
radiolytic hydrogen) [332], [266], [98]. electrontrapsalsocanbereducedbylowtemperature(450 C–500
1) Processing Dependencies of Hole Traps: As we dis- C) anneals in forming gas (nitrogen 10 hydrogen) [346] but
cussed above, the radiation response of oxides as a function not by high temperature (1000 C) anneals in forming gas (FG)
of processing is complex. Hole trapping (as measured by the [347]. Furthermore, in cases where these processes are not con-
flat-band voltage shifts of capacitance-voltage (CV) curves trolled precisely, the oxide TID effects will vary.
caused by vacuum ultra violet (VUV) optical injection of holes) Deep electron traps have been observed (using avalanche-in-
varies inversely with dry-oxygen growth temperature (without jection techniques) in dry-oxygen grown oxides that did not
POA) over the range of 900 C to 1200 C. POA in argon—at have a high temperature POA. A POA in nitrogen—at or greater
a temperature equal to or greater than the growth tempera- than the growth temperature—has been shown to reduce deep
ture—increases hole trapping [335]. However, hole trapping is electron traps by 10 [348], [349]. Since nearly all commer-
reduced when thermally grown oxides are annealed in ambients cial thermally grown oxides have been subjected to a POA in
(such as nitrogen or argon) containing sufficient oxygen for the nitrogen at growth temperature during the furnace pull operation
partial pressure of oxygen to exceed the SiO vapor pressure by (to reduce the initial flat-band voltage), very few deep electron
at least one order of magnitude. In the converse, hole trapping traps will be found. Therefore, in order to radiation harden ther-
increases for oxides annealed in vacuum [336]. mally grown oxides, the nitrogen POA needs to be eliminated or
In general, POA in oxygen decreases the number of hole traps performed at temperatures below the growth temperature to pro-
in thermal oxides [337]. Hole trapping can be reduced in some vide the benefit of deep negatively charged electron traps [101].
thermal oxides by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in oxygen at These techniques of reducing the time/temperature budget of ni-
1000 C, 100 s as the observed optimal time [338]. Attempts to trogen POAs were demonstrated by researchers at SNL [24] and
reduce hole trapping in buried oxide material by adding oxygen were used throughout the 1970s to radiation harden metal-gate
to reduce the number of oxygen vacancies have not been suc- CMOS integrated circuits.
cessful. Using supplemental oxygen implantation or internal ox- Neutral electron traps have been observed in oxides that have
idation (ITOX) to add oxygen to the buried oxide was found not been exposed to large doses of ionizing radiation (such as from
to reduce hole trapping, [339] but to reduce the capture cross e-beam and X-ray lithography, plasma-assisted etching and de-
section for electron trapping in the buried oxide [340]. position, e-beam metallization, and plasma-assisted oxidation)
NRL has used optically assisted hole injection techniques and then processed through postradiation high temperature an-
to demonstrate that hole trapping in thermally grown sil- nealing. The positive charge from the radiation dose is removed
icon dioxide films can be reduced by ion implantation [284]. by annealing but the electron trap remains in its neutral state
Workers at the University of Leuven (Belgium) have shown that until it traps an electron [350]–[352]. High pressure forming gas
annealing in pure helium can reduce the hole trap generation (FG) anneals have been shown by IBM workers to remove the
during high temperature annealing as compared to annealing neutral electron traps [353].
in vacuum [341]. Performing an unbiased X-ray exposure of MOS transistors,
In spite of convincing evidence that hydrogen is deleterious it was found that radiation-induced neutral electron trap densi-
to radiation hardness of MOS structures, little effort has been ties [354] (a problem for hot-electron reliability) vary inversely
made to derive processes reducing hydrogen content in oxide with oxidation growth temperature (800 C to 1000 C) for both
regions. Looking to the future, where single wafer processing dry-O and dry/wet/dry oxidations [405], [355]. Neutral elec-
may be practical for low volume fabrication, possibly the cluster tron traps also are generated in SiO by the ion implantation
tools used for single wafer processing could be designed to re- of silicon 10 cm , [356] as well as oxygen 10 cm
duce and control oxide impurities, such as hydrogen, for radi- [357].

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Electron traps for radiation hardening purposes can be in- holes are trapped at defect centers starting as oxygen va-
corporated into oxides by ion implantation [358], [359], [284]. cancy precursors [81]
Electron trapping in buried oxides has been enhanced using sil-
icon implantation [360]. Unlike the defects related to X-ray and Si–Si Si Si (1)
electron irradiation, neutral electron traps created by the implan- where Si Si is the center, Si is the trapped
tation of silicon (at a dose of 10 cm ) were not removed by positive charge , and Si indicates that the Si atom is
employing the conventional postmetal annealing conditions in bonded to three O atoms. The precursor of the hole trap (the two
FG at 400 C for times up to 60 min [356]. weakly bonded Si atoms) results mainly from imperfect oxide
Large numbers of deep electron traps can be found in de- growth. This variant of the center is called an type
posited oxides, such as those generated by phosphorus in doped [394].
oxides [76], carbon contamination in TEOS oxides [90], and sil- Other types of centers can result from the interaction of
icon nitride [361], [362] films, as well as in buried oxide regions radiation-induced holes with SiH groups present in the
[363], [364], [248], [365]–[368], [247]. oxide [395]–[397]
3) Hardened Processing: Hardening process details are
available for the following devices and structures: Si-H Si H (2)
1) metal-gate PMOS [64]; Another possibility for the radiation-induced dissociation of
2) metal-gate CMOS [48], [24], [108], [62]; SiH groups results in no center (therefore, not observed by
3) deposited oxides [369]; ESR) [273]
4) field oxides [75], [76], [272], [370];
5) silicon-gate bulk CMOS [73], [300], [371]; Si-H Si H (3)
6) LOCOS [372], [373], [116];
7) trench isolation [89], [374]; where Si indicates that the Si atom is bonded to three O atoms,
8) nitride-oxide structures [375]–[379]; and Si is the radiation-induced positive charge . Such
9) SOS [69], [70], [380]–[382]; hydrogen related processes may contribute to the difficulties in
10) CCDs [383]–[386]; correlating some device and ESR data.
11) linear CMOS circuits [103], [387]; Furthermore, radiation sensitivity related to oxygen-vacan-
12) power MOSFETs [388], [389]. cies (defects in MOS devices generated during oxide growth and
thought to be responsible for radiation-induced trapped positive
charge), as detected by ESR, [80] is enhanced by nearly two
C. TID Hardness Prediction by ESR orders of magnitude in bulk amorphous silica that has been den-
ESR has been used as a tool to help predict the total ion- sified by only 3% [293]. However, in the amorphous silica films
izing dose hardness for processes under development [390], [1], of MOS devices an equal increase in mass density causes a de-
[391]. ESR can detect point defects in dielectric films by sensing crease in radiation-induced positive charge trapping [266].
unpaired spins, thus the detection is charge state dependent. The lack of a general correlation between radiation-induced
ESR spectroscopy has played an important role in the field of trapped charge and ESR also occurs for the SIMOX. Hydrogen
MOS radiation effects and hardening in spite of some major cor- anneal processing at 1050 C increases the signal by 10
relation difficulties. ESR, coupled with modeling, has helped to but the trapped positive charge increases only by 10% [398];
determine some of the particular atomic level defects respon- the signal does not saturate with radiation dose (studied up to
sible for a portion of the radiation-induced charge in oxide and 200 Mrad), but the trapped positive charge saturates by 10 Mrad
interfacial regions of MOS devices [392], [393]. It also has been [399], [400]. It has also been shown that in silicon implanted
used to predict the influence of particular oxide processing oper- thermally grown oxides the center can be related to an elec-
ations on the concentrations of such defects and, thus, on oxide tron trap, as well as to a hole trap [401]. In cases where deep
radiation hardness. However, major obstacles were discovered electron traps are incorporated to compensate electrically for the
when ESR measurements were applied to fully processed com- deleterious trapped holes, and thus harden the oxide, the associ-
mercial oxides. It was found that in some cases the usual ac- ated ESR signal is not useful in controlling or optimizing the
companying process-related microcontamination from ion im- process. These findings appear to preclude, for now, the general
plantation and elsewhere in the production environment could applicability of this technique to fully processed devices; how-
modify the electrical to ESR relationships [390]. Such a situ- ever, for the development of radiation-hardened unit processes,
ation, where the trapped radiation-induced oxide charge does valuable insights can be gained. However, caution needs to be
not track the ESR data, was observed for various oxide implan- exercised when considering ESR data that has been obtained
tations [284]. In addition to the macroscopic structural differ- using corona-charging type “noncontact” methods, since it has
ences of hard and soft oxides detected by optical means, such been recently shown not to be noninvasive [407].
as by spectroscopic ellipsometry [287], microscopic point de-
fects detected by ESR have been related to total dose radiation D. Sources for Hardened MOS Parts
hardness. The prevailing model for radiation-induced TID pos- In order to meet requirements for radiation hardened parts
itive charge buildup in oxides is based on the point defect as not available through commercial suppliers, SNL established a
measured by ESR spectroscopy. According to the most widely complete design and fabrication capability with a Class-1 (less
used model for radiation-induced centers, radiation-induced than 1 particle per ft ) processing facility to produce hardened

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