CTS Architectural Draughtsman - CTS - NSQF-5
CTS Architectural Draughtsman - CTS - NSQF-5
CTS Architectural Draughtsman - CTS - NSQF-5
(Duration: Two Years)
(Engineering Trade)
(Revised in 2019)
Version: 1.2
Developed By
1. Course Information 1
2. Training System 2
3. Job Role 6
4. General Information 7
5. Learning Outcome 9
6. Assessment Criteria 11
7. Trade Syllabus 22
During the two years duration a candidate is trained on subjects viz. Professional
Skill, Professional Knowledge, Workshop Science & Calculation and Employability Skills
related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and
Extra Curricular Activities to build up confidence. The practical skills are imparted in simple
to complex manner & simultaneously theory subject is taught in the same fashion to apply
cognitive knowledge while executing task. The practical part starts with Architectural
symbols, simple geometrical drawing and finally ends with designing Doors, Windows,
Stairs, designing of Residential / office building in CAD, 3D in sketch-up software, Working
drawing, Rendering in Photoshop, Preparation of 3D model and BOQ using BIM software like
Revit, etc. The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:
FIRST YEAR: The first year starts with Importance of trade training and professional
prospects, Importance of safety and general precautions. The practical training starts with
Free hand sketching, Lettering, basic drawing (consisting geometrical figure, Architectural
symbols & representations). Later the drawing skills imparted on drawing of projections,
drawing of stone and brick masonry, foundation, Carpentry Joints, Doors, Windows, Lintels,
Arches. Trainees are introduced with CAD and then they are entrusted to practice drawings
with CAD. Drawing of Damp proof Course (DPC), Projection of Solids in inclined positions,
Section of solids, Residential building Design, Stairs, Floors and flooring, Surface
Development, Final site plan with landscape are being taught in the practical. From this year
trainees make drawings in CAD. Apart from practical components the trainees are being
taught of History of architecture - Egyptian architecture, Greek architecture, Roman
architecture and Indian architecture and related theory to practical in theory class.
SECOND YEAR: Design of single/ double storied Residential building /Post office/ farm
house, project in 3D sketch up, drawing of Special doors & windows, Roof and roof
coverings, final design of plans rendered with furniture layout, Final site plan with landscape
elements rendered, working drawing showing all dimensions of rooms and column grids
with door window schedule and details, all four elevations with floor heights, lintel heights,
sill heights and details, Section through staircase or toilet with complete details in the
practical and related theory to practical in theory class are being taught in this year. Project
like small scale residential apartment/primary school/small office design, Joints in structure
using CAD, Preparation of 3D model and BOQ using BIM software like Revit, etc. , Rendering
in Photoshop, Compilation and final submission of Project work in the practical and related
theory to practical, Climatic responsive design, Energy conservation, Green Architecture /
sustainable architecture in theory class being taught in this year.
Architectural Draughtsman
The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of
different sectors of the economy/ labour market. The vocational training programs are
delivered under the aegis of Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training
Scheme (CTS) with variants and Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer
programs of DGT for propagating vocational training.
· Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician,
Supervisor and can rise to the level of Manager.
· Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
· Can appear in 10+2 examination through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
for acquiring higher secondary certificate and can go further for General/ Technical
· Can take admission in diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral
· Can join Apprenticeship programme in different types of industries leading to
National Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
Architectural Draughtsman
· Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor
in ITIs.
· Can join Advanced Diploma (Vocational) courses under DGT as applicable.
Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years: -
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of
course through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through
summative assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.
a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by
Formative Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning
outcomes. The training institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in
assessment guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative
assessment template provided on www.bharatskills.gov.in
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per
the guidelines. The pattern and marking structure are being notified by DGT from time to
time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question
papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the
individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for
practical examination.
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Eligibility for PwD LD, CP, LC, DW, AA, LV, DEAF, AUTISM, SLD, MD
Power Norms 6 KW
Essential Qualification:
Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the
variants under DGT.
NOTE:- Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2(1+1), one
must have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
qualifications. However, both of them must possess NCIC in any of its
Architectural Draughtsman
Existing Social Studies Instructors in ITIs with short term ToT Course in
Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
4. Minimum Age for 21 Years
Tools and Equipment As per Annexure-I
Institutes having centralized computer Lab may utilize the same infrastructure for
computer related training. However, for institutes where such facility is not available a
separate computer Lab is required.
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
1. Draw different types Set and fix drawing paper on the drawing board
of architectural (a) prepare Layout of drawing sheet,
symbols following (b) prepare a Title block,
safety precautions. (c) mark and fold on the designated drawing Sheet
Draw architectural symbols for materials, doors and windows
Draw architectural symbols for trees, plants, shrubs.
Draw architectural symbols for plumbing fittings
Draw architectural symbols for electrical fittings and fixtures
2. Draw different types Sketch any types of trees, plants and shrubs
free hand sketches. Sketch any one structure of monument.
Draw any landscape drawing with pencil rendering.
Sketch any objects like cube, cone, sphere, cylinder, prism, pyramid
Perform any one structure of different composition of patterns
3. Draw different type of Read and interpret different types of lettering commonly used in
letterings. drawings.
Draw Gothic Lettering in Freehand.
(a) Sketch Roman Lettering in Freehand.
(b) Draw Architectural Lettering in Freehand.
6. Draw different sizes Draw isometric view of traditional brick showing frog.
Architectural Draughtsman
of Bricks and Brick Drew different types of bats and closers in isometric view
Masonry. Perform drawing of English bond for one brick thick and one and half
brick thick with plan, elevation and isometric view
(a) Perform drawing of Flemish bond for one brick thick and one and
half brick thick with plan, elevation and isometric view
Prepare drawing for different types of bonds like zig zag bond,
diagonal bond, stretcher bond, header bond, monk wall bond,
herring bone bond, Dutch bond, garden all bond
8. Draw different types Analyze data for creating foundation drawing of specific project.
of Foundation. Sketch different types of Pile Foundation.
Draw details of Raft Foundation.
Perform sketch of Spread Foundation.
Sketch grillage foundation.
10. Draw different types Interpret the purpose and utility of doors.
of Wooden Doors and Draw details of a door frame.
Windows. Draw details of Flush Door.
Sketch details of Battened and ledged Door.
Draw parts of wooden paneled door.
Determine scope of windows in building.
Draw details of Casement windows.
Sketch of Louvered or Venetian Window.
Draw details of ventilator
Architectural Draughtsman
15. Draw plan, elevation Draw plan, elevation and side elevation of inclined solids cube.
and side view of Draw plan, elevation and side elevation of inclined solids pyramid.
Solids in inclined Draw plan, elevation and side elevation of inclined solids prism.
positions and Section Draw plan, elevation and side elevation of inclined solids cone.
of Solids. Draw plan, elevation and side elevation of inclined solids cylinder.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
Draw sectional plan, elevation and side elevation of solids/ inclined
solids cutting by a horizontal section plane.
Draw sectional plan, elevation and side elevation of solids/ inclined
solids cutting by a vertical section plane.
Architectural Draughtsman
17. Draw plan, elevation Analyze the requirement of no. of bedroom of the Residential
and section through Buildings.
toilet of the Analyze the requirement of area/ type of drawing and dining hall.
residential building Analyze the requirement of no. and area of toilet.
and the site plan with Analyze the requirement of area and type of kitchen.
landscape. Analyze the requirement of area and location of verandah.
Draw ground Floor Plan of a single storied Residential Building.
Draw roof Plan of the Residential Building.
Draw front and side elevation of the Residential Building.
Draw section through entrance, balcony, toilet, doors and
windows of the Residential Building.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
18. Draw typical vertical Draw typical vertical section of an external wall of two storied load
section of an external bearing structure.
wall of two storied Draw typical vertical section of an external wall of two storied RCC
load bearing structure framed structure.
and RCC framed Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
19. Draw Plan, elevation Draw plan and section of a straight stair.
and Construction Draw plan and section of an open well stair.
Details of different Draw plan and section of a quarter turn stair.
types of stairs. Draw plan and section of a bifurcated stair
Architectural Draughtsman
20. Draw different types Draw Flooring details of Ground Floor over PCC floor slab using
of flooring details. different floor finish material.
Draw Flooring details of Basement Floor over RCC Basement Slab
using different floor finish material.
Draw flooring details of RCC Upper Floor using different floor finish
Draw flooring details of wooden suspended Floor using different
floor suitable finish material.
Draw flooring details of wooden double Floor using different floor
suitable finish material.
21. Produce final project Application of advance CAD commands e.g. layers, block, insert,
work applying group, divide, measure, design center, text gradient, dimension
advance CAD style, leader, layouts, model space view ports.
commands and File Determine the location of the drawing files to be saved.
management. Draft all Final Floor Plans of the Residential Building in AUTO CAD.
Draft Front Elevation and one side elevation of building.
Draw two numbers of Through Sections showing Staircase, Toilet,
Kitchen Balcony, Habitable room and Car Parking in AUTO CAD.
Site Plan with rendering.
Draw Key/ Location Plan.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
22. Surface Development Develop surface of different prisms and pyramids in simple position
of geometrical solids. cutting by horizontal plane.
Develop surface of different prisms and pyramids in simple position
cutting by vertical plane.
Develop surface of different prisms and pyramids in simple position
cutting by plane inclined to HP.
Develop surface of different prisms and pyramids in simple position
cutting by a plane inclined to VP.
Develop surface of different prisms and pyramids inclined to VP
cutting by horizontal plane.
Develop surface of different prisms and pyramids inclined to VP
Architectural Draughtsman
24. Draw sanction Draw sanction drawing showing floor plans site plan, location plan,
drawing with local plumbing details, rainwater harvest, schedule of areas, schedule of
authority bye laws. openings, architects’ signature, client signature, north point.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
25. Preliminary drawing Draw ground Floor Plan of a single storied Residential Building.
of the Design project Draw typical floor plan with staircase
in AUTOCAD. Draw roof Plan of the Residential Building.
Draw front and side elevation of the Residential Building.
Draw section through entrance, balcony, toilet, doors and windows
of the Residential Building.
Draw enlarged details at roof terrace.
Draw rendered site plan with landscape.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
26. Read and Interpret Draw R.C.C roof one-way slab in plan.
structural drawing. Draw one-way slab section
Draw two-way slab, section.
Draw single reinforced beam
Draw double reinforced beam.
Illustrate column foundation plan, section detail.
Prepare stairs waist slab reinforcement details.
27. Draw 3 D model by Draw 3D animated view with help of sketch up software
sketch up software Project submission with sky, trees presentation.
along with rendering, (a) Import drawing from Auto CAD.
walkthrough (b) Tools. click drag-release
animated view. (c) Extrude (push/pull), grouping, layers, arc-2 point, shapes –
rectangle, move, orbit, zoom, pan
Architectural Draughtsman
31. Prepare final design Draft all Final Floor Plans of the Residential Building in AUTO CAD.
drawings in Draft Front Elevation and one side elevation of building.
AUTOCAD. Draw two numbers of through Sections showing Staircase, Toilet,
Kitchen Balcony, Habitable room and Car Parking in AUTO CAD.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
32. Draw working After friezing /finalizing scheme drawing with column position
drawing set to the site Centerline drawing with beam c/c dimensions.
to execution. Draw detailed column footing with dimension.
Architectural Draughtsman
Draw Ground Floor Plan with Door Window schedule, l split levels
with dimension.
Draw First Floor Plan with Staircase design.
Draw elevations in 1:50 scale.
Draw detailed section through staircase, floor heights, lintel, sill
Draw enlarged stair design along with railing, balcony railing
Draw compound wall detail.
33. Draw the Draw the Furniture design, its standard sizes and area required
Anthropometrics & around for movement and height of Office Layout
ergonomics of sketch the office lay out for 50 number staff
commercial building. Draw the office cabin for Managing Director.
Draw the reception lay out.
Draw the working area lay out.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
34. Draw Standard sizes Analyze data for creating swimming pool and draw the layout of
of outdoor swimming pool along with safety measurements.
movements like Draw the basketball court / badminton court.
swimming pool, Sketch the layout, the play area of primary school.
basketball court, Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
badminton court, play
area etc.
35. Prepare design and Read and interpret design data after analyzing the requirement and
site plan with area analysis.
landscape of Illustrate Client’s requirements. sketch the bubble diagram.
Residential Identify the Entry and Exit requirements of Residential Building.
Apartment/ primary Analyze requirement of Car Parking.
school in AUTOCAD. Draw stilt /basement/car parking detailed drawing along with
drainage, plumbing, water purification tanks.
Determine Circulation space and draw detailed drawing of floor
plans of building.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
Sketch the four side elevations.
Draw section through staircase and toilet.
Draw site plan with landscape layout.
Architectural Draughtsman
at various positions, Illustrate with neat sketches of provision of joints in the following
Details of expansion components of reservoir.
joints in walls, roof). (a) Draw details at junction between wall and floor.
(b) Draw details of construction joint in the floor of reservoir.
Draw details of different types of joints in structure.
(a) Isolation joint in detail
(b)Contraction joint, Dummy joint.
(C) Sliding joint,
Draw plan showing location of contraction, expansion and isolation
Illustrate Expansion joints in walls and roofs, spacing of expansion
joints, materials used in expansion joints brick masonry
(a) Draw plan showing location of expansion joint between two
building blocks.
(b)section ‘x-x’ detail and enlarged detail at walls, roof, foundation
of brick masonry walls
(c) Draw plan showing expansion joint in verandah slab with blown
up details
Draw detailed layout of provision of expansion joint in framed
structure at
(a) Roof level
(b) First floor level
(c) Foundation level
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
Architectural Draughtsman
conceptual models
(g) Family creation (Doors & Windows, staircase, furniture etc.)
Creating and Documenting the Project: Create and name a project in
which you will create the building model.
(a) Add tags to the project and schedule doors and rooms.
(b) Create a colour scheme of the drawings with colours fill & Color
Scheme Legend
(C) Import and Export (Auto CAD files)
(d) Manage Views (Plan region, plan view, ceiling plan, area plan &
structural plan, Callout views)
(e) Sections
(f) Design options
Generate surfaces and apply material to the model:
Generate 3D model from 2D plan and apply material Decals
Create Lighting, Camera view and rendering:
(a) Render drawing.
(b) place Camera & Lightings
(C) Solar study and Walkthrough
Prepare bill of Quantity :
(a) Calculate Quantity of materials
Prepare Schedule (Bill of materials, Quantities etc.)
38. Perform rendering in Convert the floor plans in pdf and then render the drawing in
Photoshop (Convert photoshop with necessary details.
the drawings in pdf Identify the basic features of Photoshop: Getting Started, Interface
and then render it in Layout, Palettes, Toolbox, Selection Tools, Alteration Tools, Drawing
photoshop with and Selection Tools, Assisting Tools, Color Boxes and Modes, Basic
necessary details) Image Editing and Saving.
Import PDF Floor plans and render it with colours, textures and
necessary details.
Import an architectural elevation, section drawings and render in
Complete the 3D view of a building with graphical representations
(Sky, Trees, Human, Automobiles etc.)
39. Prepare Working Draw kitchen layout details: include plan, section and all side
drawing: elevations with proper dimensions and material specification.
Kitchen layout, Draw the electrical layout of a working drawing floor plan with the
Electrical layout, proper symbols, dimensions, and notations.
Plumbing Layout, Draw Plumbing Layout drawing, shows the system of piping for fresh
DWV details water going into the building and waste going out, water supply
system, drainage system, Legends, Notes. Fixture units also should
Architectural Draughtsman
be marked along with the pipe. Pipes with different purposes will be
displayed with different colors for ease of understanding. Drainage
pipes should be shown with slope, manhole schedule which consist
of each manhole name, Depth etc.
Draw the plan and elevation of DWV details with the specification,
location and schedules of the openings.
Architectural Draughtsman
Professional Skills
Reference Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Learning Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Draw different Familiarization Orientation
Skill 56 Hrs.; types of 1. Importance of safety and Familiarization with the
architectural general precautions institute
Professional symbols following observed in the institute Importance of trade training
Knowledge safety and in the section. (10 Introduction to the trade
12 Hrs. precautions. hrs.) and professional prospects
2. Importance of the trade Orientation of subjects
in the development of Familiarization with
the country’s engineering drawing, tools
infrastructure. (06 hrs.) and equipment. (06 hrs.)
3. Recreational, medical
facilities and other
extracurricular activities
of the institute. (06 hrs.)
4. All necessary guidance to
be provided to the new
comers to become
familiar, with the
working of training
institute. (06 hrs.)
Architectural symbols Architectural Symbols
5. Free hand lettering styles. Architectural signs and
(07 hrs.) symbols and their uses in
6. Architectural symbol for the drawings (06 hrs.)
materials, doors, windows.
(07 hrs.)
7. Architectural symbols for
trees, plants, shrubs. (07
8. Architectural symbols for
plumbing and electrical
fittings and fixtures. (07
Professional Draw different Sketching Sketching techniques
Architectural Draughtsman
Skill 28 Hrs.; types free hand 9. Free hand sketching of Elements of drafting,
sketches. trees, plants and shrubs. readability, clarity, accuracy
Professional (05 hrs.) and neatness
Knowledge Draw different 10. Free hand sketching of Pencil grades
06 Hrs. type of letterings. landscape and Method of pencil uses
monuments. (05 hrs.) Uses of different brush
11. Free hand sketching of strokes
objects. (05 hrs.) Various types of lines used
12. Lettering – types of for sketching (06 hrs.)
lettering, legibility,
uniformity. (08 hrs.)
13. Purpose and uses of lines,
curves, line weight, types
of lines. (05 hrs.)
Professional Draw different Plane geometry Solids
Skill 28 Hrs.; types of plane 14. Draw a line parallel to any Definition of solids – cube,
geometry. given point. (04 hrs.) square prism, hexagonal
Professional 15. Divide a line into any prism, triangular prism,
Knowledge number of equal parts square prism, triangular
06 Hrs. different methods. (04 pyramid, hexagonal
hrs.) pyramid, pentagonal
16. Bisect a line, arc or angle. pyramid, cylinder, sphere,
(04 hrs.) cone. (06 hrs.)
17. Geometrical constructions
using different method –
square, pentagon,
triangle, hexagon,
heptagon, octagon,
ellipse. (06 hrs.)
18. Basic system of
dimensional control,
location, dimensioning of
different objects like lines,
circle, curves and angles
Scale and proportion. (10
Professional Draw orthographic Introduction to orthographic Types of projections
Skill 112 projections. projections Types of projections
Hrs.; 19. Types of projections. (06 Projection planes
hrs.) First angle projection
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Professional Skills
Reference Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Learning Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Illustrate Design- Introduction to design Factors considered in
Skill 56 Hrs.; Concept and 86. Design topic Residential architectural design
visualization of (single/ double Approaches to planning
Professional design. Topic: storied)/Post office/ Open planning
Knowledge Residential farm house. (36 hrs.) Closed planning (16 hrs.)
16 Hrs. (single/double 87. Concept and
storied), Post visualization of design.
office, Farmhouse. (20 hrs.) (Students
should be able to
understand the process of
designing and the design
project will go throughout
the year.)
Professional Draw sanction Case study Factors considered in
Skill 56 Hrs.; drawing with local 88. Case study of similar architectural design
authority bye project to be done. A Circulation – horizontal
Professional laws. complete project report circulation, through
Knowledge also to be submitted. (56 circulation, vertical
16 Hrs. hrs.) circulation, open court
circulation. (16 hrs.)
Professional Preliminary Preliminary drawing Environmental factors
Skill 56 Hrs.; drawing of the 89. Drawing to be prepared considered in architectural
Design project in by trainees in AUTOCAD design
Professional AUTOCAD. based on design project Orientation of building
Knowledge after analyzing the Effects of wind Window
16 Hrs. requirement and area positioning Space designation
analysis. (08 hrs.) Proportionately defined
90. Initial rooms. (16 hrs.)
drawings manually. (10
91. Sketches of the plan. (06
92. Front elevation and one
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
2. Employability Skills (Common for all CTS trades) (160 Hrs. + 80 Hrs.)
Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects which is
common for a group of trades, provided separately in www.bharatskills.gov.in
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.
List of Expert members participated for finalizing the course curriculum of Architectural
Draughtsman trade held on 10th January’ 2018 at CSTARI, Kolkata.
Name & Designation
S No. Organization Remarks
1. B.V.S. Sesha Chari, Director CSTARI, Kolkata Chairman
2. Shapoorji Pallonji & co. Pvt. Ltd., Member
Avijit Banerjee, DGM
3. Sutanu Bhattacharya, Member
SBA spectra Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
4. Nabarun Biswas, Architect Member
AB Consultants (P) Ltd.
5. Sikha Paul, Architect ABODE Consultant Member
6. HQ Chief Engineer, Ministry of Member
Raja Dey, Jt. Director (Arch)
Defrnce, MES, Shillong-711103
7. D. Brahmeswari, TO RVTI, Bangalore Member
8. Arpana Singh, TO NVTI, Noida Member
9. Polly Biswas, TO RVTI, Indore Member
10. Suriya Kumari K. ,TO RVTI, Kolkata Member
11. Soma Das (Talukdar), VI RVTI, Kolkata Member
12. Himanish Bhattacharya, VI RVTI, Kolkata Member
13. N. Nath, ADT CSTARI, Kolkata Member
14. B.K. Nigam, TO CSTARI, Kolkata Member
15. R.N. Manna, TO CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman
Architectural Draughtsman