Im32p01a50 01en
Im32p01a50 01en
Im32p01a50 01en
ProSafe-RS Release
IM 32P01A50-01EN
IM 32P01A50-01EN
7th Edition
This brochure is the release note that comes with the ProSafe-RS electronic documents. It
provides supplementary information that is not included in the ProSafe-RS electronic docu-
ments. The structure of this document is as follows:
Chapter 1: Usage Notes for R4.06
This chapter explains the points to be noted when applying ProSafe-RS R4.06.
n Notes on Software
• YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the Soft-
ware Product's merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose, except as speci-
fied in the warranty terms.
• Purchase the appropriate number of licenses of the Software Product according to the
number of computers to be used.
• No copy of the Software Product may be made for any purpose other than backup; other-
wise, it is deemed as an infringement of YOKOGAWA's Intellectual Property rights.
• Keep the software medium of the Software Product in a safe place.
• No reverse engineering, reverse compiling, reverse assembling, or converting the Soft-
ware Product to human-readable format may be performed for the Software Product.
• No part of the Software Product may be transferred, converted, or sublet for use by any
third-party, without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA.
Documentation Conventions
n Symbols
The following symbols are used in the User's Manuals.
Indicates precautions to avoid a danger that may lead to death or
WARNING severe injury.
n Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout the User's Manuals.
n Drawing Conventions
Drawings used in the User's Manuals may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted for
the convenience of description.
Drawings of windows may be slightly different from the actual screenshots with different set-
tings or fonts. The difference does not hamper the understanding of basic functionalities and
operation and monitoring tasks.
n Trademark Acknowledgments
• CENTUM, ProSafe, Vnet/IP, PRM, Exaopc, FieldMate Validator, and STARDOM are reg-
istered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.
• The names of corporations, organizations, products and logos herein are either regis-
tered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation and their respective
1. Usage Notes for R4.06......................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Safety Control Stations................................................................................ 1-2
1.2 Engineering................................................................................................. 1-11
1.3 AD Suite.......................................................................................................1-20
1.4 SCS Maintenance Support Tool................................................................ 1-25
1.5 Integration with CENTUM...........................................................................1-26
1.6 SOE (Sequence of Events).........................................................................1-27
1.7 Access Control and Operation History Management Package.............. 1-28
1.8 Installation...................................................................................................1-30
1.9 Security........................................................................................................1-32
1.10 License Management................................................................................. 1-35
1.11 Vnet/IP Interface Package.......................................................................... 1-36
1.12 Miscellaneous............................................................................................. 1-37
ALSO For more information about the behavior when online change download is performed with changed Device
indexes, refer to:
“■ Online change of I/O module device index” in E1.5, “Precautions for online change” in Engineering
Guide Vol. 1 (IM 32P01C10-01EN)
Ensure to add communication modules for only one type of communication in a single online
change download.
The following table shows the types of communication and the corresponding communication
modules of ProSafe-RS.
For example, you must add only ALR111 or ALR121, which is for Modbus slave communica-
tion, in a single online change download.
From the SCS State Management window, run IOM download for the communication module
that caused the download error.
F-SB Status
Bus S2EN501 Status
1 L Normal
1 R Normal
2 L Normal
2 R Normal
1: (IN) Current
2: -
Ensure that the number of YFGW410s that establish communication path with S2LP131 si-
multaneously is 8 or less.
For example, when starting up a fire and gas communication system, turn on the power of the
YFGW410s in 8 or less units.
If you need to turn on the power of 9 or more YFGW410s simultaneously, confirm that com-
munication with all YFGW410s and GS01s has been established, and then start the operation
of the plant, considering the possibility that some of the YFGW410s may experience a tempo-
rary communication error. To verify that the communication has been established, check that
there are no system alarms regarding the connections with YFGW410 and GS01.
The severed connection between the S2LP131 and YFGW410 is restored automatically.
1.2 Engineering
In this section the cautions regarding engineering work are explained.
n Online Monitoring
l Online Monitoring after Upgrading SENG
After upgrading SENG to R1.01.30 or a later revision and running build, when starting Debug
Mode without downloading to SCS (either online or offline), the following error messages will
occur for online monitoring:
After upgrading SENG to R1.01.30 or a later revision and running build, it is necessary to per-
form downloading to SCS (either online or offline) before starting Debug Mode.
n Workbench
l POU Name
The POU names (including FU/FB, user-defined FU/FB, libraries registered FU/FB and pro-
gram) should be unique to each other.
LD Vertical OR Connection
Use the OR operator instead of the LD Vertical OR Connection.
b01 b02 b04
b03 b05 b06
OR Operator
l Character-string Constant
If you want a '$' to be denoted in a character-string constant, it should be '$$' according to the
rule. But if a character-string constant ends with a '$', a Build error is raised.
If you need to end a character-string constant with '$$' to denote '$', use '$24' for the '$$'.
Create a POU before build the project.
Choose [Clean Project] from [Project] menu of Workbench, then the error message will not be
l Build
Suppose, an FB (referred to as FB-B) and another FB (referred to as FB-A) that uses the FB-
B as parameters exist.
Under this circumstance, the FB-B parameters (including instances) used in FB-A should all
be deleted and then run build again.
Check the FB hierarchies so as to understand their relationship and then delete the FB prop-
This error occurs if you start the Debug mode on Multi-Language Editor and immediately (be-
fore data monitoring starts on Multi-Language Editor) exit the Debug mode from Workbench.
After you start the Debug mode, do not exit the Debug mode until the data monitoring display
Exit Workbench and start it again.
l Build execution without wiring the I/O variables to the I/O module
If you execute a build without wiring the I/O variables to the I/O module, an error message like
the one shown below is displayed.
Error: Within resource "101:SCS0101": The Variable "AI001" is unwired.
If there is more than one such message, the number of errors counts as one and does not
match the number of errors that is displayed last.
SCS0101: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
If you click [OK] at this time, the download will take place. However, even if you start RS Gen-
eration Manager as prompted by the warning message, nothing will be displayed as modified
There is no workaround for this problem.
Using AD Organizer, make any change to the data of AD Suite, and build it in RS Generation
n Self-Documentation
l Modifying Character Strings for the Cover Page
The character strings to be printed in the cover page of the document can only be modified in
backward-compatible mode. Use the following procedure to modify them.
1. In the Customize dialog box, deselect the checkbox of [Enhanced printing style] to select
backward-compatible mode.
2. Launch Document Generator.
3. In the [Options] tab page, click the [Edit] button in the [Header/Footer] group box to open
the Header/Footer dialog box.
4. In the Header/Footer preview of the Header/Footer dialog box, edit the second and third
lines of the title strings and click [OK].
If you do not use the backward-compatible mode any longer, close Document Generator and
select the checkbox of [Enhanced printing style] in the Customize dialog box.
n Library Project
l Debugging Library Project
While the SCS project is being debugged, if a step-in is made to the FU/FB in LD or ST de-
fined in the library project, no yellow arrow is shown to indicate where in the FU/FB in the Li-
brary project is being executed. That is, where in the Library FU/FB is being executed is not
shown, also you cannot set a breakpoint in the FU/FB defined in the library project.
If you want to debug FU/FB defined in the library project, open the library project using the
Workbench and change the mode to 'Simulation' before you start debugging.
This problem may occur when performing the procedure to recreate the SCS project from SIL
2 SCS to SIL 3 SCS or from SIL 3 SCS to SIL 2 SCS. In this case, perform the following re-
If you change the wiring of the IO_BOOL variable whose tag name is defined in Tag Name
Builder, open Tag Name Builder and save it, and then build it.
Open Tag Name Builder and save it again, and then rebuild it.
If you open an SCS project in this state in Workbench, you will not see an error and you will
not be able to operate it.
Do not access the files on the server PC from other PCs while performing the following work-
arounds on the server PC.
This workaround can be performed even if SENG is installed on the server PC.
On the server PC where the SCS project is placed, run the following files on the ProSafe-RS
installation medium with administrative rights, and restart the server PC.
(Media drive name):\ProSafe-RS\TOOLS\AddDisableLease.bat
How to stop this workaround:
On the server PC, run the following files on the ProSafe-RS installation medium with adminis-
trative rights, and restart the server PC.
(Media drive name):\ProSafe-RS\TOOLS\DelDisableLease.bat
After applying this workaround, if you use Workbench or AD Organizer on the client PC to
read or write the SCS project placed on the server PC, the processing time may take longer.
This problem affects the following operations. The processing time will be about 10 to 30%
longer than usual.
• Export and import in Workbench
• Build in Workbench
• Reflection build in AD Organizer
If you have not applied the above workaround and the SCS project database is corrupted, you
will not be able to open the SCS project on the Workbench. Use the Master database restor-
ing function or Version Control Tool to restore the SCS project. However, if you restore it with
Version Control Tool, and if the master database does not match the SCS database, an offline
download is required.
1.3 AD Suite
This section describes the precautions when using AD Suite.
ALSO For more information about the software revision of AD Suite included in the CENTUM VP software, refer to:
“■ Software Revisions of Automation Design Suite Included in the CENTUM VP Software” in CENTUM
VP Release Information (IM 33J01A50-01EN)
When ProSafe-RS R4.03.10 and CENTUM VP R6.04 are installed on the same computer
and you want to have only CENTUM VP R6.04 installed, uninstall both products and then
re-install CENTUM VP R6.04.
• If you have uninstalled one of the products in an environment where only AD Server or
both AD Organizer and AD Server are installed on the same computer
Re-install the uninstalled product. Then, delete the unnecessary licenses.
When ProSafe-RS R4.03.10 and CENTUM VP R6.04 had been installed on the same
computer and you have uninstalled ProSafe-RS, re-install ProSafe-RS R4.03.10. Then,
delete the unnecessary licenses of ProSafe-RS R4.03.10.
Table 1.3-2 Users of AD Organizer, operations, and windows that are not refreshed automatically
Window that is not refreshed
User of AD Organizer Operation
User performing the op- The following operations in the IOM Definition System Structure Navigator
eration Editor:
• Create a node or I/O module
• Delete a node or I/O module
User performing the op- Save data in individual editors Check-in window
User performing the op- Add a label Revision History window
Other users All operation All windows
To confirm the latest view of the windows, you must refresh the window manually. Follow ei-
ther of these steps to refresh the window manually:
• From the menu bar of AD Organizer, select [View] > [Refresh].
If you click [OK], the result of reflection is displayed as success, but it has actually failed. This
causes the build to fail.
There is no workaround for this problem.
Restart RS Generation Manager to run Reflection. If the error dialog box appears again, re-
peat the operation until the error dialog box no longer appears.
n Notes on the Safety I/O Editor when the name of Safety I/O
parameter profile was changed
The following phenomena occur if the safety I/O definition refers to the Safety I/O parameter
In a case of changing the name of referred Safety I/O parameter profile, if you specify the his-
tory or a label which is before the change of the name and start the Safety I/O Editor, the
name after the change is displayed in the I/O Parameter Profile column.
If the Safety I/O parameter profile was deleted, the internal ID (for example:
4EE3C611-903E-400D-903F-A82CC2A347A1) is displayed in the I/O Parameter Profile col-
In both cases, the parameter values that were specified in the Safety I/O parameter profile be-
fore it was changed or deleted are properly displayed.
If you want to access data received by FCS on HIS, change the data to another element such
as %SW using the FCS application. Or connect to the switch instrument block and access the
data on it.
The behavior when the %GS of FCS corresponding to the SCS global switch communication
data is accessed on HIS is as follows:
• If you try to call the %GS from the NAME Input dialog box or Graphic windows and so on,
an error message appears and its faceplate is not shown.
• %GS cannot be used for accessing process data.
• %GS cannot be used for accessing process data through OPC.
• If you use the %GS in a sequence table, FCS processes it correctly. However you dou-
ble-click the tag name in the Sequence Table View on HIS, neither error message nor
faceplate for the tag name is shown.
ALSO For more information about how to confirm the SCS global switch communication data on HIS, refer to:
“■ Software inputs/outputs” in B1., “Overview of CENTUM integration” in Engineering Guide Vol. 2 (IM
The SOE OPC Interface package should not be installed to the PC where the Microsoft Visual
Studio is installed.
Click the [OK] button on the message dialog box.
n Operation Logging
l Operation Logs of IOM Download Operations
For IOM download operations, the strings shown in the message display area are not recor-
ded in the log file.
There is no workaround for this problem.
For the details of the results of operation, refer to the corresponding diagnostic information
You can use SOE Viewer to check the diagnostic information generated in the past.
If SOE Viewer is not available, you can use the Diagnostic Information window to save the
diagnostic information in a file.
There is no workaround for this problem.
1.8 Installation
Notes on installation are explained as follows.
The time stamp of the shortcut to the program icon in the current directory is updated.
5. In the same manner, perform steps 3 and 4 for ProSafe-RS Maintenance, YOKOGAWA
AD Suite, and other folders for which restoration is required.
1.9 Security
Notes on securities are explained as follows.
Table 1.10-1 Tasks Required After the Station Configuration of a License Project is Changed
Change in station con- Task
Add a station Distribute and accept licenses on the added station. Then, distribute master li-
censes to the other stations.
Then, distribute master licenses to the other stations.(*1)
Delete a station After deleting a station, distribute master licenses to all stations.(*1)
Rename a computer Distribute and accept the licenses on the station you have changed the comput-
er name.
Then, distribute master licenses to the other stations.(*1)
*1: Destinations of license distribution are PC-based stations such as HIS, PCs installed with system builders, APCS, GSGW,
SIOS, and UGS; FCS and SCS are not included. Distributing a master license does not require license acceptance on the
destination station or restarting of the destination station. Master license distribution is basically used to redistribute the li-
cense information that is already distributed to specified stations; however, only the station configuration is updated here.
1.12 Miscellaneous
In this section, additional notes are explained.
Revision information
Title : ProSafe-RS Release Information
Manual No. : IM 32P01A50-01EN
Feb. 2021/7th Edition/R4.06 or later
1.1 Added IOM for SIL 2.
1.1, 1.4, 1.5 Added SCS for SIL 2.
1.2 Added “■ Tag Name Builder”, “■ Printing Function when using Windows 10 Enter-
prise 2019 LTSC”, and “■ Precautions when Placing the SCS Project on Another
PC such as a File Server.”
1.3 Deleted "■ Refreshing of the Check-in Window of AD Organizer”, and added de-
scription about R4.06.00 to “■ Software Revisions of AD Suite Included in the
ProSafe-RS Software.”
1.4 Deleted “■ Dialog box size reduction for Forced I/O Viewer and Forced I/O Viewer
Setup Tool”, and added “■ Printing Function when using Windows 10 Enterprise
2019 LTSC.”
1.9 Deleted “■ Precautions About the Users Who Configure IT Security Settings on a
File Server or Domain Controller”, and added “■ IT Security Precautions when
PRM R4.04.00 is Installed on the Same Computer.”
Dec. 2019/6th Edition/R4.05
Introduction Updated description of registered trademarks and trademarks.
1.1 Added “■ Operation of Fire and Gas Communication Module S2LP131 when port
state changes: SCSP3” and “■ Fire and gas communication system start-up oper-
ation: SCSP3.”
1.2 Deleted “● Show Details of POU.” Added “● Build execution without wiring the I/O
variables to the I/O module,” “● Precautions when opening a project and exporting
PXF files,” and “● Precautions when downloading after modifying and building in
1.3 Added R4.05.00 to “■ Software Revisions of AD Suite Included in the ProSafe-RS
Software.” Added “■ Notes on runtime errors when running Reflection.” Added “■
Notes on the Safety I/O Editor when the name of Safety I/O parameter profile was
1.4 Added “■ Dialog box size reduction for Forced I/O Viewer and Forced I/O Viewer
Setup Tool.”
1.11 Added as a section on Vnet/IP Interface Package.
1.12 Deleted “■ Workbench User's Guide” and added “■ Printing the Workbench User's
Aug. 2018/5th Edition/R4.04
Introduction Updated description of registered trademarks of YOKOGAWA.
1.2 Added “● Show Details of POU.”
1.3 Deleted “■ Variable Group” and added description about R4.04.00 to “■ Software
Revisions of AD Suite Included in the ProSafe-RS Software.”
1.6 Added “● Note on Virtualization Platform Environment.”
1.8 Deleted “● Precautions regarding Installation of Redistributable Modules on Win-
dows 10,” changed description in “● Installation of ProSafe-RS Software Pack-
age,” and added “■ Precautions for Effect on Start Menu Caused by SOE OPC In-
terface Package” and “■ Coexistence with PRM.”
n For Questions and More Information Online Query: A query form is available on the fol-
lowing URL for online query.
n Written by Yokogawa Electric Corporation
n Published by Yokogawa Electric Corporation
2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750, JAPAN