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Digestive Glands

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Digestive glands of Frog

The digestive glands of frogs are:

1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Gastric glands
4. Intestinal glands
1. Liver
Position and morphology Liver
It is the largest gland of the body.
It is reddish-brown in colour.
There are three lobes present in the liver of frog i.e.
right, left and median.
It lies close to the heart and lungs.
In between the two main lobes of the liver, a
muscular, rounded, dark bluish green bag like
structure, the gall bladder, is situated.
Position and morphology Liver Contd..
The gall bladder gives rise to a duct, the cystic duct,
which also receives a few hepatic ducts from the
liver directly.
The cystic duct proceeds towards the duodenum as
the bile duct.
When the bile duct passes through pancreas, it
receives some pancreatic ducts from the pancreas
and opens into the duodenum as a common
hepato-pancreatic duct.
Transverse section of liver
TS Liver of Frog contd…
Histologically, each lobe of liver consists of a large
number of hepatic lobules.
The space between hepatic lobules is occupied by
bile capillaries, blood capillaries, blood sinuses,
hepatic ducts, etc.
Each hepatic lobules consists of many polygonal
hepatic cells, which secrete bile into bile capillaries.
Many bile capillaries unite together to form hepatic
ductules and many hepatic ductules unite to form
hepatic ducts.
Functions of liver
It store excess of sugar as glycogen( glycogenesis).
It regulates the amount of sugar in the blood.
 It maintains the protein concentration in blood.
It stores copper and iron and forms vitamin A.
It destroys the injured RBC.
It helps in the removal of some excretory wastes.
Kupffer cells engulf harmful microbes.
Functions of liver Contd…
It converts excess of proteins and amino acids into
ammonia( deamination).
The bile emulsifies fat and also help in absorption of
Liver produces prothrombin and fibrinogen
proteins for blood clotting.
It help in lipogenesis.
It detoxifies toxic substances.
It is the major site of heat production in the body.
 It is a greenish alkaline fluid secreted by hepatic cells of
 which contains no digestive enzymes so that it does not
take any part in the digestion of food.
 It is alkaline because it contains certain inorganic salts
(Bile salts) like sodium bicarbonate, sodium
glycocholate and sodium torocholate which neutralise
the acidity of the semi digested food, chyme.
 Bile also break down fats to form small globules which
can be emulsified.
 Bile juice also activates the fat digesting enzyme of the
pancreas, the lipase.
 Bile also contains bile pigments, bilirubin and
2. Pancreas
Structure of Pancreas
It is the second largest gland in the body.
It is a branched flat elongated pale yellow gland
lying in mesentery extended in the loop between
stomach and duodenum.
Histologically, pancreas is heterocine gland which
consists of both exocrine and endocrine portions.
The exocrine portion is called pancreatic lobules or
acini and endocrine portion is called islets of
Structure of Pancreas Contd…
Pancreatic lobules are composed of columnar
secretory cells. Each acinar cell has large
nucleus and granular cytoplasm.
Pancreatic lobules are held in position with
the help of connective tissues.
 connective tissue contains blood vessels and
Structure of Pancreas Contd…

Among the acini there are several groups of

endocrine cells called islets of Langerhans.
Islets of Langerhans contains alpha cells, bita
cells, delta cells and pancreatic polypeptide
• Alpha cells produce glucagon.
• Bita cells produce insulin.
• Delta cells produce somatostatin.
Functions of Pancreas
It functions as both endocrine and exocrine
The Enzymes secreted by pancreas helps in
digestion of ingested food.
The hormone insulin helps in conversion of
glucose into glycogen and glucagon helps in
conversion of glycogen into glucose.
Pancreatic Juice
It is also a watery alkaline fluid
containing three powerful enzymes
called trypsinogen, amylopsin (amylase)
and steapsin (lipase), all of which act in
an alkaline medium and hydrolyse all the
three types of food substances.
Gastric Glands
 Gastric glands are found
in mucosal lining of
 They contain three types
of cells, namely peptic
cells, oxyntic cells and
goblet cells.
 Peptic cells secrete
 Oxyntic cells secrete
hydrochloric acid.
 Goblet cells secrete
Intestinal glands
These are microscopic, tubular glands.
They are found in the wall of small intestine.
They secrete succus entericus or intestinal juice.
Succus entericus contains peptidase, maltase,
lactase, sucrase, invertase lipase, ribonuclease,
deoxyribonuclease etc.
Succus entericus also contains enterokinase

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