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NFPA 12 Technical Suppression Bulletin Rev3 2009

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The Key to Worldwide Protection

Fire Suppression Bulletin

NFPA Standard #12 Upgrade



Preface: In the interests of reducing risks to personnel and at the same time maintaining the
reliability of carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishing systems, the NFPA has rewritten, revised
and updated Standard #12 in the 2008 Edition.

The CO2 fire system industry has always been cognizant of the potential risks involved in using
CO2, which extinguishes fire by oxygen deprivation. Since an adequate amount of oxygen is
necessary for sustaining human life, protected spaces must be evacuated before the system is
used. It is important to mitigate this risk in order to be able to utilize the unique fire extinguishing
characteristics of CO2 that have made it the ideal agent to use in many fire suppression

A rare action by the NFPA in the revised standard is a requirement that existing systems be
upgraded to be in compliance by December 31st, 2008. So even if you only service CO2
systems, these changes offer you the opportunity to increase the safety and reliability of those

The purpose of the bulletin is to bring to the reader’s attention the more significant new or
enhanced requirements so that planning to accommodate these changes can proceed as
smoothly as possible.
Individual paragraph numbers and related text have been detailed to assist in
identifying/locating the major changes to the standard. In some situations the paragraphs noted
may not follow in numerical order in an attempt to logically present the intent or to emphasize
the extent of the requirements. In addition, annex (appendix) material has been brought forward
to avoid the confusion of relating code requirements to pertinent information shown in the
annex. The new NFPA 12, 2008 edition should be consulted in regards to the specific details of
all the noted changes and the many other alterations included in the revamping of NFPA 12, but
not presented herein.

This bulletin is not intended to take the place of a complete review of the 2008 edition of
NFPA Standard #12.


4.1.1 New total flooding carbon dioxide systems shall not be installed in normally
occupied enclosures except as permitted in,,,, or

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
Page 2 of 14 New total flooding carbon dioxide systems shall be permitted to be installed in
normally occupied enclosures where it is determined that an inerting concentration is
required and the inerting concentration required using alternate gaseous agents results
in a concentration above the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) or the
oxygen concentration is less than 8 percent. New total flooding carbon dioxide systems shall be permitted to be installed in
normally occupied enclosures for fires involving energized electrical

equipment >400 volts and grouped electrical cables where no gaseous alternative agent
has been successfully tested. New total flooding carbon dioxide systems shall be permitted to be installed in
normally occupied enclosures where design methods or hardware, or both, for
unencloseable openings or extended discharge are not available for other gaseous
agents. New total flooding carbon dioxide systems shall be permitted to be installed in
marine cargo holds. New total flooding carbon dioxide systems shall be permitted to be installed in
normally occupied enclosures in marine engine rooms where it is determined that an
inerting concentration is required and the inerting concentration required using alternate
gaseous agents results in a concentration above the LOAEL or the oxygen concentration
is less than 8 percent.


3.3.5 Normally Occupied Enclosure or Space. An enclosure or space where one or

more persons are present under normal circumstances.

3.3.6* Normally Unoccupied Enclosure or Space. An enclosure or space not normally

occupied but one that could be entered occasionally by one or more persons for brief

3.3.7 Occupiable Enclosure or Space. An enclosure or space that has dimensions and
physical characteristics such that it could be entered by a person.

3.3.11 Unoccupiable Enclosure or Space. An enclosure or space that has dimensions

and physical characteristics such that it could not be entered by a person.


The current NFPA 12 does not allow the use of Class 150 malleable iron fittings. NFPA
12, 1977 edition and prior editions allowed the use of Class 150 iron fittings for 3/4" and
smaller pipe sizes. All system upgrades should include the use of Class 300 fittings for
the modified portion of the systems.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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1.3.4 Existing systems shall be upgraded to meet the requirements for safety signs in
4.3.2, lock-out valves in and, and pneumatic time delays and pneumatic
predischarge alarms in

1.3.5 These upgrades shall be completed by December 31st, 2008.

A1.3.5 Exposure to carbon dioxide discharge poses a hazard to personnel;

therefore, additional safety features for all new installations and for retrofitting of existing
systems are provided in Section 4.3

Safety to personnel is of paramount importance, therefore, these additional safety

features should be installed as soon as possible but no later than December 31st, 2008.

The installation of the safety signs per 4.3.2 does not require any modifications to the
installation and should be accomplished immediately.

The addition of supervised lock-out valves, per and, and pneumatic
predischarge alarms and pneumatic time delays, per, require that the system
flow calculations be verified and be in accordance with this standard. That is, the
addition of piping equipment (valve and time delays) adds equivalent pipe length to the
system. The pneumatic predischarge alarm requires carbon dioxide flow to sound. The
revised design should be in accordance with the agent quantity requirements of this
These modifications could necessitate revisions to, upgrading of, or replacement of
system components, including control units.

As part of the process of implementing these modifications, the authority having

jurisdiction should be consulted for additional recommendations or requirements. All persons who can at any time enter a space protected by carbon dioxide shall
be warned of the hazards involved and provided with safe evacuation procedures. Provisions shall be made to prohibit entry of unprotected personnel to spaces

made unsafe by a carbon dioxide discharge until the space is ventilated and appropriate
tests of the atmosphere have verified that it is safe for unprotected persons to enter.
Persons who are not properly trained in the use of and equipped with self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA) shall not remain in spaces where the concentration
exceeds 4 percent.

A. All total flood hazards will be made unsafe for

entry of unprotected personnel until such spaces are
ventilated of carbon dioxide. Spaces containing equipment
protected by local application systems could become unsafe,
particularly if the protected equipment occupies a sizable
portion of the volume of the room containing the equipment.
Pits, cellars, and rooms adjacent to the protected hazard,
especially those at lower elevations, can be made unsafe by
migration of the discharged carbon dioxide.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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Oil of wintergreen is a common and recommended odorizer addition to the discharging

carbon dioxide to produce a distinctive odor that warns of the presence of carbon dioxide
gas. Other odorizers that are especially appropriate for specific locations can also be
used, but, if there is no specific reason to use an odorizer other than oil of wintergreen,
oil of wintergreen should be used.

Olfactory indicators could be inappropriate for such applications used in clean rooms,
food processing plants, aluminum rolling mills, and telecommunications facilities
because they could adversely affect the process or equipment.
Provisions to help prevent the entry of persons into areas made unsafe by the discharge
of carbon dioxide could include one or more of the following:

(1) Addition of a distinctive odor to the discharging carbon dioxide, the detection of which
serves as an indication to persons that carbon dioxide gases are present. Personnel
should be trained to recognize the odor and evacuate
spaces wherein the odor is detected.
(2) Provision of automatic alarms at the entry to and within such spaces for which alarms
are activated by carbon dioxide detectors or oxygen detectors.
(3) Establishment and enforcement of confined space entry procedures for such areas.

Visual Alarm – Strobe Audible Alarm Audible and visible alarms shall be provided in accordance with 4.5.6.* All personnel shall be informed that discharge of carbon dioxide gas from either
high- or low-pressure systems directly at a person will endanger the person’s safety by

causing eye injury, ear injury, or even falls due to loss of balance upon the impingement
of the high-velocity discharging gas. A lockout shall be provided on all systems except where dimensional constraints
prevent personnel from entering the protected space. Lockout valves shall be installed on all systems where carbon dioxide could
migrate, creating a hazard to personnel.* A service disconnect switch shall not be used as a means of preventing agent
discharge in lieu of a lockout valve.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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Pneumatic pre-discharge alarm Automatic Mechanical Timer

In excess of 90 db at 10 ft distance, with Stock units are factor set for 22 seconds
CO2 vapor discharges at approximately 3 delay. Limit of adjustment is 5 seconds
lbs. of CO2 vapor per minute at 280 psig minimum to 90 seconds maximum Predischarge Alarm and Time Delay. A pneumatic predischarge alarm and
pneumatic time delay and visible predischarge alarm shall be provided for the following

(1) Normally occupied and occupiable enclosures protected by total flooding systems
except as outlined in
(2) Local application systems protecting hazards where the discharge exposes
personnel to concentrations of carbon dioxide in excess of 7.5 percent by volume of
agent in air for longer than 5 minutes The predischarge alarms, where required, shall be located within the
enclosure. The predischarge time delay shall provide a time delay for purpose of
predischarge alarm of sufficient duration to allow evacuation of personnel from areas
within the spaces most remote from the exits.* Time delays shall be permitted to be eliminated for occupiable hazard areas
where the provision of a time delay would result in unacceptable risk to personnel or
unacceptable damage to critical pieces of equipment. Where time delays are omitted, provision shall be made to ensure that the
carbon dioxide system is locked out at any time that personnel are present in the
protected area or space. Dry runs shall be made to determine the minimum time needed for persons to
evacuate the hazard area, allowing time to identify the warning signal. Audible signal appliances shall have either sound levels in accordance with through or acoustic characteristics in accordance with

7.4.5, Narrow Band Tone Signaling for Exceeding Masked Thresholds, of NFPA72.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
Page 6 of 14 Audible predischarge alarms shall be at least 15 dB above ambient noise

level or 5 dB above maximum sound level, whichever is greater, measured 5 ft (1.5 m)
above the floor of the occupiable area. Audible signal appliances shall have a sound level not more than 120 dB at
the minimum hearing distance from the audible appliance. The predischarge alarm shall have a minimum decibel rating of 90 dBA at 10
ft (3 m). Visible and audible alarms shall be located outside each entrance to the

(1) Normally occupied and occupiable space protected by a total flooding carbon dioxide
(2) Normally occupied and occupiable enclosures where the discharge from a local
application system will expose personnel to hazardous concentrations of carbon dioxide
(3) Normally occupied and occupiable spaces where carbon dioxide could migrate,
creating a hazard to personnel These alarms shall begin operation prior to or at the start of the discharge.* These alarms shall continue to operate after agent discharge until one of the
following occurs:

(1) Other positive action has been taken to prevent entry of personnel to the space
containing an atmosphere made unsafe by the carbon dioxide discharge.
(2) The space is ventilated and the safety of the atmosphere for entry by unprotected
persons has been verified.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
Page 7 of 14 Discharge Pressure Switch. A discharge pressure switch shall be

installed between the carbon dioxide supply and
the lockout valve. In a low-pressure system, the tank

shutoff valve shall not be considered as a
lockout valve, except as permitted by Where a single low-pressure

storage tank supplies single or multiple systems
protecting interrelated hazards, and when none
of the hazards require protection if the
equipment being protected is shut down, the
storage tank shutoff valve shall be permitted to
be used as a lockout valve for the entire system. For low-pressure CO2 systems

where the manual, supervised, main shutoff
valve can be considered a lockout valve (meets requirements of,,,, and, the pressure switch shall be located downstream
of the automatic valve (master-selector, selector valve) supplying the hazard or hazards. The discharge pressure switch shall provide an alarm-initiating signal to the
releasing panel to operate electric/electronic alarm appliances. The system owner shall maintain an instruction and maintenance manual that
includes a full sequence of operation, and a full set of system drawings and calculations
shall be maintained in a protective enclosure.

4.5.5 Supervision and Lockout Valves. Supervision of automatic systems and manual lockout valves shall be provided
unless specifically waived by the authority having jurisdiction. Supervision of automatic systems shall be provided, and the lockout required by shall be supervised for both automatic and manual systems unless specifically
waived by the authority having jurisdiction.* Interconnections between the components that are necessary for the control of
the system and life safety shall be supervised.

Exception: Normally unpressurized interconnections of pipe and tube

shall not be required to be supervised.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
Page 8 of 14 An open circuit, ground-fault condition, or loss of integrity in the pneumatic

control lines that would impair full system operation shall result in a trouble signal. The alarm and trouble signals shall be transmitted by one of the methods
described in NFPA 72. High-pressure pneumatic-operated slave cylinder connections immediately

adjacent to pilot cylinders shall not be required to be supervised. Where manual bypasses are provided and such bypasses

are capable of being left in an open position, these bypasses shall be supervised. A lockout shall be provided on

all systems except where dimensional
constraints prevent personnel from
entering the protected space. Lockout valves shall be

installed on all systems where carbon
dioxide could migrate, creating a
hazard to personnel.* A service disconnect switch

shall not be used as a means of
preventing agent discharge in lieu of
a lockout valve. When maintenance or

testing is being conducted on the
system, it shall be locked out, or the
protected space and affected spaces
(migration) shall be evacuated. When protection is to be

maintained during the lockout period,
a person(s) shall be assigned as a
“fire watch” with suitable portable or
semi-portable fire-fighting equipment or means to restore protection. The fire watch shall have a communication link to a constantly monitored
location. Authorities responsible for continuity of fire protection shall be notified of the
lockout and subsequent restoration of the system.

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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Typical HPCO2 Arrangements required by NFPA 12, 2008 Edition

(Refer to Section

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December 2008
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Master valve with selector arrangement – with time delay – typical low pressure CO2 arrange ment
Required by NFPA 12, 2008 Edition

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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4.3.2 Signs. Warning signs shall be affixed in a conspicuous location in every protected

space; at every entrance to protected spaces; in spaces near the protected spaces
where it is determined that carbon dioxide could migrate, creating a hazard to personnel;
and at each entrance to carbon dioxide storage
rooms and where carbon dioxide can migrate or collect in the event of a discharge from
a safety device of a storage container. The safety sign format, color, letter style of signal words, message panel
lettering, lettering size, and the safety provisions of symbols shall be in accordance with
ANSI Z535. Safety signs and message wording shall be provided using a three-panel format
as required by through The sign in Figure shall be used in every protected space. The sign in Figure shall be used at every entrance to protected
space. The sign in Figure shall be used at every entrance to protected space
for systems provided with a wintergreen odorizer. The sign in Figure shall be used in every nearby space where carbon
dioxide could accumulate to hazardous levels. The sign in Figure shall be used outside each entrance to carbon
dioxide storage rooms.

The installation of safety signs per 4.3.2 does not require any modifications to the
installation and should be added immediately

English 70360821 English 70360822

Spanish 70360836 Spanish 70360837

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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English 70360823 English 70360824

Spanish 70360838 Spanish 70360839

English 70360825 English 70360948

Spanish 70360840 Spanish 70360949

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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Bill of Common Materials

Pneumatic Timer 10100947
Pneumatic Siren 70030380
Pneumatic Time Delay Assembly (includes cabinet, timer and ¼” supervised by-pass) 10101378
Booster Valve / 3-way Pilot Control Valve 10610668
Nameplate “Carbon dioxide gas can cause injury or death. When alarm operates, vacate 70360821
Nameplate - same as S/N 70360821 above, in Spanish 70360836
Nameplate “Carbon dioxide gas can cause injury or death. When alarm operates or wintergreen 70360822
scent is detected, do not enter until ventilated.”
Nameplate - same as S/N 70360822 above, in Spanish 70360837
Nameplate “Carbon dioxide gas discharge into nearby space can collect here. When alarm 70360823
operates, vacate immediately. Carbon dioxide gas can cause injury or death.”
Nameplate - same as S/N 70360823 above, in Spanish 70360838
Nameplate “Carbon dioxide gas can cause injury or death. Ventilate the area before entering. A 70360824
high carbon dioxide gas concentration can occur in this area and can cause suffocation.”
Nameplate - same as S/N 70360824 above, in Spanish 70360839
Nameplate “Carbon dioxide gas can cause injury or death. Actuation of this device causes 70360825
carbon dioxide to discharge. Before actuating, be sure personnel are clear of the area.”
Nameplate - same as S/N 70360825 above, in Spanish 70360840
Nameplate “Carbon dioxide gas can cause injury or death. When alarm operates, do not enter 70360948
until ventilated”
Nameplate - same as S/N 70360948 above, in Spanish 70360949
Odorizer Cartridge 10030080
Odorizer Cylinder without cartridge 10030054
1/2" Bleeder valve 10610573
1/4" Frangible disc relief (2650 - 3000 psi) (See Note #1) 30710006
Safety relief valve 450 psi (See Note #2) 10610753
4-pole Pressure switch 10170065
2-pole Pressure switch 10170089
Supervisory pressure switch (DC voltage only) (See Note #2) 70170178
Supervisory pressure switch (AC voltage only) (See Note #2) 70170177
1/2" Blocking valve/Selector valve 30610047
3/4" Blocking valve/Selector valve 30610048
1" Blocking valve/Selector valve 10610371
1-1/2" Blocking valve/Selector valve 10610369
2" Blocking valve/Selector valve 10610370
3" Blocking valve/Selector valve 10610733
4" Blocking valve/Selector valve (See Note #2) 10610734
6" Blocking valve/Selector valve (See Note #2) 10610740
Maintenance switch w/Key lockout 70170271

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847
December 2008
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Bill of Common Materials
Maintenance switch, NEMA 4 w/pilot light & key lockout 70170220
1/4" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P (timer bypass) 70985018
1/2" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P 70985020
3/4" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P 70985021
1" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P 70985022
1-1/4" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P 70985023
1-1/2" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P 70985024
2" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch W/P 70985025
1/4" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P (timer bypass) 70985090
1/2" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P 70985069
3/4" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P 70985070
1" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P 70985071
1-1/4" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P 70985072
1-1/2" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P 70985073
2" Ball valve w/DPDT limit switch X/P 70985074
3" Wafer valve w/SPDT limit switch (See Note #2) 10610994
4" Wafer valve w/SPDT limit switch (See Note #2) 10610995
6" Wafer valve w/SPDT limit switch (See Note #2) 10610996
3" Wafer valve w/DPDT limit switch (See Note #2) 10611068
4" Wafer valve w/DPDT limit switch (See Note #2) 10611069
6" Wafer valve w/DPDT limit switch (See Note #2) 10611070

4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 USA P: 708-8748-1503 F: 708-748-2847

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