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EthemKaral Resume PDF

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DORUK Aug 2017 - Present

Computer Vision
Anomaly Detection; I took part in the project of error
and defect detection in the sector with image
processing technology. Deep learning algorithms used:
Ethem Karal Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch.
Assembly Line Part Detection; We have developed an
SENIOR AI ENGINEER artificial intelligence project that checks the correctness
(wrong/incorrect/correct) of all operations on assembly
lines. The Siamese Deep Network model was used
because of the need for learning with less data.
Tuzla, İstanbul,
Object Detection; I took part in the Object classification
project. It is developed using CNN (Yolo, RCNN)
ethemkaral@gmail.com networks.

Data Science
Anomaly detection; Abnormalities have been detected
by using big data, artificial intelligence and machine
learning algorithms of many companies in the industry.
Feature Extraction/Size Reduction (PCA, Auto Encoder)
PROFILE and Feature Selection/ Importance (Lofo, Ensemble
Methods) methods are used. Some machine learning
algorithms used for abnormal state detection: Isolation
In line with my education and Forest, DBSCAN, Local Outlier Factor.
experience, I had the Predictive Maintenance/Quality; It is based on the
opportunity to work with principle of estimating when the maintenance and
different people, to take part malfunctions of the machines may occur by using the
in a team, to manage a team big data of the companies in the sector. RUL and
and to learn how to produce Classification processes were performed and the results
together. For this reason, I were obtained. Machine failure and maintenance
think that I will easily adapt forecasting were made using many different methods
to the team I will work with. I such as Ensemble Methods, SVM, Decision Tree, LSTM,
am a person who loves his InceptionTime and Siamese Network.
job and cares about details.
I have often experienced that
being flexible in human KUCUKCALIK HOLDING Nov 2016 - July 2017
relations comes back to me
as productivity. I attach great AR-VR Image Processing Technology
importance to learning new In the IT department, I took part in the development of
things and improving my projects for the textile and furniture industry on AR-VR.
skills. I think that I can use The project was carried out to display the home
my experience, knowledge decoration products and furniture such as curtains and
and competencies that I have armchairs in real time in the area determined by the
gained in many subjects to user. Slam and object recognition systems with image
contribute to your institution. processing technology has been applied.

ZCHOOL Dec 2015 - May 2016

We have developed projects that facilitate the learning of the Z generation by using
artificial intelligence and image processing technologies. We established our initiative
named Zchool within ITU Cekirdek and we were deemed worthy of an award of 50 000
TL in Turkey's biggest entrepreneurship project competition called Big Bang. I was
among the founders of a startup that offers a wide range of modern solutions from pre-
school education to university education, from health to military, by adapting
educational materials to the age of technology with Augmented Reality Technology.


Sungur Information Technologies Jun 2015 - Sep 2015

I took part in projects developed for corporate companies, state institutions and
foundations (Darulacaze etc.).


Bakirkoy Justice Palace Aug 2014 - Oct 2014

I took part in projects such as keeping camera systems input and output records in the
database, server network controls, E-signature certificate software update.


Master of Computer Engineering Sep 2019 -Jun 2021

Istanbul Commerce University

We have prepared a thesis that focuses on quickly and accurately diagnosing the disease in
the event of an epidemic (such as a Pandemic) using artificial intelligence, machine learning
and natural language processing techniques. (We developed a project) Some methods used;
Nltk, Gensim, Ngrams, Tokenize, Classification, Machine Learning Algorithms Siamese
Network, BLSTM and CNN.

Bachelor of Computer Engineering Sep 2011 -Jun 2016

Namik Kemal University

- I have developed projects using machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.
- We received support from the Trakya Development Agency.
- We developed an image processing and artificial intelligence project at NKU Technopark.

DeepLearningAI - Coursera Aug 2021

Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces

IBM - Coursera June 2021

Machine Learning with Python

DeepLearningAI - Coursera June 2021

Structuring Machine Learning Projects

Istanbul Technical University Feb 2016 -Jun 2016

I received Entrepreneurship training at ITU Cekirdek.

Namık Kemal University Sep 2011 -Jun 2012

Foreign Language Completion Certificate


Istanbul Technical University Oct 2016

ITU Cekirdek: We won an award of 50 000 TL for the project we developed by taking the
stage in the Big Bang finale, Turkey's biggest entrepreneurship competition.
I was accepted to Pre-incubation Center and received training from 120 mentors on
entrepreneurship training, canvas business model, financial models and market entry

TET R&D Project Market June 2016

We have been the right to open a stand with our project that we have developed for the
R&D project market.

Turkcell June 2016

Arikovani: We have earned the right to be on its platform. In addition, we received a

Funding Special Award of TL 50 000.

Pandas Numpy

Tensorflow Keras

Bagging Algorithms Siamese Network

Bosting Algorithms Clustering Algorithms

YOLO CNN Networks


SVM, KNN, K-Means PyTorch

Anomaly Detection LSTM, BLSTM

(Time Series)
OOP Computer Vision

Machine Learning Alg. Decision Tree, Naive

Design Patterns Predictive Maintenance/
Flask JSON

Gensim Request

Nltk Zeep

Python Agile

C# Oracle

Java Sentiment Analysis

MySql Web Service


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