Design Project 2
Design Project 2
Design Project 2
Submission details:
1. Approved plans of building (A3)
2. General notes, notations, etc. (A3) [2]
3. Summary of design (A3) [3]
4. Grid plan (A3) [3]
5. Foundation plan, and working drawings of foundation (A3) [7]
6. Working drawings of designed slab (A3) [5]
7. Working drawings of beams (A3) [10]
8. Working drawings columns (A3) [10]
9. Working drawings of stairs (A3) [5]
10. Etabs Model (soft form) [10]
Submission format: Submissions 1-7 should be on A3 drawing sheet with proper seal
having name of company, design engineers (write registration number), project name, etc.
Incomplete, late, or unprofessional submissions will not be entertained, subsequently
affecting the grading. [5]