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Abstract : Adequate control of acute postoperative pain is defined as pain that develops after a surgical
remains a challenge, and many patients still experience procedure and persists at least three months, when
moderate to severe pain. Surgery is also a major cause all other causes of pain (e.g. infection, recurring
of chronic pain, which cannot reliably be prevented with malignancy, …), as well as pain from a pre-existing
available interventions. Current analgesic regimens are pain problem have been excluded (8). CPSP affects
also associated with severe side-effects. Consequently,
up to 50% of patients after common surgical
we are in need of new techniques to better manage pain
in the perioperative period. Transcranial direct current
procedures, worsening quality of life and increasing
stimulation (tDCS) – a non-invasive neuromodulation health care use (9). Chronic pain is hard to treat,
technique – affects pain perception in human volunteers. but the programmed nature of the surgical trauma
Its ease of use, relatively low cost and absence of serious could offer a window of opportunity for primary
side effects make it an ideal candidate for clinical preventive measures (10). Unfortunately, a recent
practice and a recent review concluded that it reduces review of the available perioperative interventions
pain intensity and improves quality of life of chronic pain for CPSP prevention concluded that, currently, none
patients. This article aims to review the clinical evidence reliably prevent its development (11).
for its use as a tool for postoperative pain management. The non-invasive application of electrical
In summary, seven randomized controlled trials have currents to the brain and the spinal cord has been used
included over 310 patients and report encouraging results, in research and clinical practice since the beginning
most notably a considerable reduction in postoperative
of the 20th century (12). Among the various forms
opioid use. More studies are needed to better establish
the place of tDCS in this setting and to determine the
of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, tDCS
optimal stimulation protocols. has several characteristics, which make it an ideal
candidate for clinical use : low risk, non-invasive
Keywords : Postoperative pain ; transcranial direct cur- and painless, lack of serious side effects, ease of
rent stimulation ; analgesia administration and relatively low cost (13). Because
participants only feel a light tingling sensation
during the first minutes of stimulation, regardless of
Introduction stimulation duration, adequate patient blinding can
be obtained in clinical trials by delivering a very short
Despite currently used analgesic techniques,
adequate control of acute postoperative pain
remains a challenge, and many patients still Arnaud Steyaert MD, Cédric Lenoir PT, PhD, Patricia
experience moderate to severe pain after their Lavand’homme MD, PhD, André Mouraux MD, PhD
surgery (1). Unrelieved pain is associated with (*) Institute of Neurosciences, Université Catholique de
Louvain, Belgium
increased morbidity, functional and quality-of-life (**) Department of Anesthesiology, Cliniques Universitaires
impairment, delayed recovery, higher health care Saint-Luc, Belgium
costs, and prolonged opioid use (2). Moreover, (***) Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and
Pharmacology, University College London, UK.
current postoperative analgesic regimens are Corresponding author : Arnaud Steyaert, MD, Department
associated with severe side effects, including long- of Anesthesiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, av.
term opioid use, misuse, and addiction (3). Recent Hippocrate 10, 1200 Woluwé-St-Lambert, Belgium.
E-mail : arnaud.steyaert@uclouvain.be
studies have also raised security concerns with other
analgesic drugs, e.g. an increased risk of respiratory Paper submitted on Jul 07, 2019 and accepted on Nov 20, 2019.
depression when gabapentin (4) or pregabalin (5) Conflict of interest : Arnaud Steyaert is supported by research
are combined with opioids. grants of the Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation
of Belgium and of the Fonds de Recherche Clinique.
Surgery is also a frequent cause of persistent Cédric Lenoir is supported by the Wellcome Trust (COLL
pain (6, 7). Chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) JLARAXR).
mild itching under the electrodes and one patient in (Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and
the cathodal group experienced a visual flash at the Signs questionnaire and pain scores) were similar.
start of the stimulation. Adverse events were not reported.
Borckardt et al. randomly assigned 40 patients Ribeiro et al. conducted a double blinded,
scheduled for unilateral total knee arthroplasty sham-controlled, randomized trial, where patients
(TKA) to receive four 20-minute sessions of real (n scheduled for hallux valgus surgery were assigned
= 20) or sham tDCS (n = 20) (24). The anode was to receive two preoperative 20-minute sessions of
positioned over M1 – contralateral to the operated either anodal or sham tDCS over M1 (28). The first
knee – and the cathode over the right DLPFC. session was planned the night before surgery, and the
Patients received two sessions on the day of surgery second in the morning before the procedure. Patients
and two sessions on the first post-operative day. in the real tDCS group reported significantly lower
Patients who had received real tDCS consumed pain scores and needed less opioids than patients
significantly less opioids up to 48 hours after assigned to the sham group. Adverse events were
surgery, without reporting higher pain. Adverse not reported.
events were not reported. In 2018, Jiang et al. reported the findings of
In a follow-up study, Borckardt et al. enrolled a single-blind, randomized, sham-controlled trial
61 patients undergoing TKA and randomly assigned including 32 patients having underwent lumbar
them to one of four groups : (A) anode : M1, spine surgery (29). On postoperative day one, half
cathode : right DLPFC ; (B) anode : left DLPFC, of the patients received one 20-minutes session of
cathode : primary somatosensory cortex ; (C) anodal tDCS over M1, while the other half received
anode : left temporal-occipital junction, cathode : sham tDCS. Patients in the real tDCS group
medial anterior pre-motor area (active-control con- saw their pain intensity significantly decreased
dition) ; (D) sham tDCS, with electrode placement immediately after the intervention, while no effect
similar to group A or B (randomly selected) (25). was seen in the sham group. Interestingly, changes
The timing of the sessions was the same as in in pain intensity were correlated with changes in
their previous study. Anodal stimulation over alpha and beta bands of the spectral power of the
the DLPFC decreased opioid consumption as EEG in frontal regions. Some patients complained
compared to anodal stimulation over M1 and to about mild discomfort during the first minutes of
sham. Surprisingly, anodal tDCS over M1 increased stimulation, which did not require its interruption.
opioid consumption. Pain scores were similar in all
groups and no serious adverse events were reported. Discussion
Glazer et al. included lumbar spine surgery
patients in a randomized, double-blind, sham- In summary, seven randomized clinical trials
controlled clinical trial (26). Twenty-seven patients (310 patients) have investigated the effect of tDCS
received four 20-minute sessions of either active on postoperative opioid consumption and pain
or sham tDCS, with the anode positioned over M1 scores, with encouraging results. Most studies
and the cathode over the right DLPFC. Patients found a significant opioid-sparing effect (between
received two sessions on the day of surgery and two 23 and 76%), but little difference in perceived pain
sessions on the first post-operative day. Average intensity (24-28). In one trial, two preoperative
hydromorphone consumption was significantly tDCS sessions reduced pain intensity and opioid
reduced in the real tDCS group as compared to the consumption during the first 48 hours after hallux
sham group (12.6 ± 9.9 mg and 16.5 ± 12.7 mg, valgus surgery (28). Furthermore, tDCS appears
respectively). Pain intensity levels were similar safe, as no study reported any serious adverse
in both groups. The authors reported no serious events.
adverse events.
In 2017, Khedr et al. published the results of a What are the optimal tDCS parameters?
randomized, sham-controlled trial where 50 patients
undergoing unilateral TKA randomly received Nearly all studies (6 out of 7) have positioned
one daily session during four postoperative days the anode over M1 and all but one (25) reported
of either real or sham tDCS (27). The anode was positive results (24,26-29). Position of the return
placed over M1, while the cathode was positioned electrode was more variable : contralateral arm (27),
on the contralateral arm. Opioid consumption was supraorbital (28, 29) or DLPFC region (24-26). Two
significantly reduced in the tDCS group as compared trials targeted the DLPFC : one negative (anodal
to the sham group. Secondary outcome measures and cathodal) (23) and one positive (anodal) (28).
Table 1
Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients in the selected studies
Study Number of Postoperative
Reference Blinding Surgery type Anesthesia
design patients analgesia
Dubois et al. RCT Double blind Lumbar spine 63 GA (propofol, sufentanil, sevoflurane, Paracetamol
(2013) surgery ketamine, MgSO4) Morphine PCA
Borckardt et RCT Single blind TKA 40 GA (propofol, fentanyl, sevoflurane) + femo- Femoral catheter
al. (2013) ral catheter + sciatic nerve bloc Hydromorphone PCA
Glaser et al. RCT Double blind Lumbar spine 27 GA (not detailed) Hydromorphone PCA
(2016) surgery
Khedr et al. RCT Double blind TKA 50 Spinal anesthesia (bupivacaine, fentanyl) Ketorolac
(2017) Paracetamol
Borckardt et RCT Double blind TKA 58 GA (propofol, fentanyl, sevoflurane) + femo- Femoral catheter
al. (2017) ral catheter + sciatic nerve bloc Hydromorphone PCA
Ribeiro et RCT Double blind Hallux valgus 40 Spinal anesthesia (bupivacaine, morphine) + Paracetamol
al. (2017) surgery sedation (propofol, fentanyl, midazolam) Tramadol
Jiang et al. RCT Single blind Lumbar spine 32 GA (not detailed) Dezocine
(2018) surgery
GA: general anesthesia; MgSO4: magnesium sulfate; PCA: patient-controlled analgesia; RCT: randomized controlled trial; TKA: total knee arthro-
Table 2
Details of tDCS interventions in the selected studies
Number (duration)
Reference Type of electrode Intensity Anode Cathode Control group
and timing of sessions
Dubois et al. 1 session (20 min Sponge 35 cm2 1 mA A Left DLPFC (F3) Right ear Sham tDCS
(2013) Recovery room C Right ear left DLPFC (F3)
Borckardt et al. 4 sessions (20 min) Sponge 16 cm2 2 mA M1 knee area (C1–C2) Right DLPFC (F4) Sham tDCS
(2013) D0 (+30 min, + 4h)
D1 (morning, + 4h)
Glaser et al. 4 sessions (20 min) Not detailed 2 mA Superior motor cortex (Cz) Right DLPFC (F4) Sham tDCS
(2016) D0 (+30 min, + 4h)
D1 (morning, + 4h)
Khedr et al. 4 sessions (20 min) Sponge 24 cm2 2 mA M1 knee area (C1–C2) Contro-lateral arm Sham tDCS
(2017) D1–D4
Borckardt et al. 4 sessions (20 min) Sponge 16 cm2 2 mA A left DLPFC (F3) S1 knee area (CPz) Sham tDCS, electro-
(2017) D0 (+30 min, + 4h) B M1 knee area (C1–C2) right DLPFC (F4) des similar to group
D1 (morning, + 4h) A or B (randomly
C left temporo-occipital medial anterior pre-
junction (P3) motor (FCz)
Ribeiro et al. 2 sessions (20 min) Sponge 35 cm2 2 mA Left M1 Right supra-orbital Sham tDCS
(2017) D–1 (4–8 PM) region (FP2)
D0 (8–10 AM)
Jiang et al. 1 session (20 min) “Dry electrode”, 2 mA Left M1 (C3) Right supra-orbital Sham tDCS
(2018) D1 in the morning anode : 2,5 cm2; region (FP2)
cathode : 12,5 cm2
D–1: day before surgery; D0: day of surgery; D1–4: postoperative day one to four; mA: milliamperes; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; M1:
primary motor cortex; tDCS: transcranial direct current stimulation; F3–4, C1–3, Cz, CPz, FCz, FP2: standardized scalp positions in the international
10–20 EEG system.
that tsDCS could act by modulating the synaptic the feasibility and safety of this approach in chronic
transmission and/or local processing of nociceptive pain (41). Nine patients suffering from chronic
input at spinal segmental level. As tDCS and tsDCS headache received one daily application for five
modulate nociceptive processing at different levels, consecutive days (20 minutes of tDCS followed
their combined application could produce additive by 20 minutes of tsDCS), without serious side
or synergistic effects. A recent pilot trial confirmed effects (41).
TENS is a peripheral neuromodulation tech- condition (48). This concept has been validated in
nique which is currently recommended for post- the perioperative setting. Patients with enhanced
operative pain management (33, 42). Several clini- TSP report higher acute pain scores after thoracic
cal studies have demonstrated the superiority of surgery (49) and are more prone to develop
combining TENS and tDCS over either technique persistent pain after knee (50,51) and hip (52)
applied alone for managing chronic neuropathic arthroplasty. On the other hand, patients with
(43) and low back pain (44, 45) patients. To our inefficient CPM are more at risk for CPSP after knee
knowledge, no studies have tested any of these arthroplasty (51), thoracotomy (53) and abdominal
combinations in a postoperative setting. surgery (33). As tDCS can significantly reduce
TSP (20) and strengthen CPM (19), it is possible
Could subgroups of patients benefit more from that the preoperative pain modulating profile of
tDCS? each patient could predict the analgesic effects
of the technique. Interestingly, it has been shown
Patients have been included in the clinical that low back pain patients with diffuse reduced
trials based only on the type of surgery they were pressure pain thresholds, which could be interpreted
about to undergo, without taking account of their as a sign of altered pain processing, responded
individual risk for intense acute post-surgical better to combined tDCS and peripheral electrical
pain and CPSP (46). Preoperatively, the balance stimulation than patients with high pain pressure
between inhibitory and facilitating mechanisms of thresholds (44).
pain modulation could be assessed by measuring Another group deserving special attention
the magnitude of conditioned pain modulation is those patients receiving chronic opioid therapy
(CPM) and temporal summation of pain (TSP) before their surgery. They are often less easy to
protocols (47). Based on individual pain modulation manage in the postoperative period : they report
profiles, patients would be expected to express a higher pain scores, need more analgesics and
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