We have Yesh la nu
He has Yesh lo
We received Anahnu kibalnu
Begin with the subject of the sentence. Start with pronoun I. next is a verb. Lastly, the object.
If you want to ask, who loves dogs, replace the subject with the word for who. Mi ohev k’lavim.
First say the number of shekels then shekel then ve(and) then the number of agorot then agorot.
A year Shana
A new year Shana ha-dasha
This year Ha-shana
First year Shana ri-shona
Second year Shana shni-ya
Last year Shana ah-rona
Next year Shana haba-a
Every year Kol shana
A week Shavua
This week Ha-shavua
Next week Shavua haba
Last week Shavua- shaba
Today Ha-yom
Tomorrow Mahar
Yesterday Etmol
Month Hodesh
Go Leh Le-hi
Continue Tam-shih Tam-shini Continue (going) Tamshin hala
Go down Te-red Terdi Go down the stairs to Tered ba-madregot
the beach. la-hof.
Arrive magia Magiah
Leave or exit yotse Yotset You exit the hotel. Ata yotse me-
Turn pone pona
Stairs Madregot
A traffic light ramzor You reach the traffic Ata magia la-ramzor.
Straight Yashar
Keep straight Yashar yashar Keep going straight. Leh Yashar yashar
Near or close Karov
Before Lifney
After Ah-rey
Left Smol
Right Yamin
To the left Smola
To the right Yamina You turn to the right. Ata pone yamina.
A street Rehov
Morning Boker
Noon Tso-ho-rayim
evening Erev
A meal aruha Aruhot
Breakfast Aruhat boker For breakfast Le-aruhat boker
Lunch Aruhat tso-ho rayim For lunch Le-aruhat tsoho
rayim. Aruha-
aruhat=combine 2
nouns together
Dinner/supper Aruhat erev
An egg Beytsa
A soft boiled egg Beytsa Raka
A hard boiled egg Beytsa Kasha
A slice Prusa With a slice of white Im prusa shel le-hem
bread la-van. Adjective
comes after the noun
Bread Lehem
White bread Lavan
Butter Hema
Bread with butter Lehem im hema
Cheese Gvina
Bread with cheese Lehem im gvina
Chicken Of
Chicken soup Marak of
Meat Ba-sar
Rice o-rez
Vegetables Triyim
Potatoe Tapuah adama Tapuhey adama
Salad Salat
Coffee Kafe
Milk Ha-lav
Tea Te
Coffee with milk Kafe im halav
Tea with milk Te im halav
A cake Uga
Fruits peyrot
Matzos Matsot
Haggadah Hagada
Passover songs Shirim shel pesah
Flag Degel
Flags Dga-lim
A country or a state Medina
The state of Israel Medinat Yisrael
The birthday of the Yom ha-huledet shel
state of Israel. medinat Yisrael.
Fireworks Zikukey dinur
Black Sha-hor
White La-van
Red a-dom
Orange Ka-tom
Yellow Tsa-hov
Green Yarok
Blue Kahol
Purple Sagol
Listen shma
Listen to me Shma li
Listen to what Yoni Shma ma yoni
asked sha-al
7 am Sheva ba-boker
7 pm Sheva ba-erev
At night Ba-layla
In the evening Ba-erev
dogs K’lavim
What are you doing Ma ata ose be-sof Ma(what) at(you) weekend Sof-shavua
this weekend? ha-shavua? osa(doing-F) be-sof Add ha bc you are
ha-shavua? asking about this
specific weekend
What are you doing Ma ata ose mahar Ma at osa mahar What are you doing Ma ata ose ba-erev
tomorrow? tonight? Ma at osa ba-erev
Ba because this
specific evening
Where are you? Eifo ata nimtsa? Eifo at
nimtset(located or
Im from America? Ani mi America.
How old are you? Ben kama ata? Bat kama at? I am 18. Ani ben shmona-esre.
Ani bat shmona-esre.
Do you have… Yesh lekha Yesh lakh
Do you like wine? Ata ohev yain? At ohevet yain?