Recurring Deposit Confirmation
Recurring Deposit Confirmation
Recurring Deposit Confirmation
Deposit Amount (in words) : TWENTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY ONE ONLY Thank you for banking with us.
Mode of operations : Single This is a system generated Advice, hence does not require any Signature.
Interest Payment Frequency : ON MATURITY
Maturity Instruction : REDEEM TO 50100435984927
For more information log on to :
Payment of interest • In the event of death of one of the joint account holders, the right to the deposit proceeds does
not automatically devolve on the surviving joint deposit account holder, unless there is a
• Interest on a Recurring Deposit will be calculated from the date the instalment is paid survivorship clause.
• The method of calculation of interest on RDs will be on Actual / Actual Quarterly • In case of joint deposits with a survivorship clause, the Bank shall be discharged by paying the
Compounding. Bank computes interest based on the actual number of days in a year. In case, Deposit proceeds prematurely to survivor/s, on request, in the event of oneor more Joint
deposit is spread over a leap or a non-leap year, interest is calculated based on the number of Depositor
days i.e. 366 days in a leap year & 365 days in a non- leap year.
• The interest for Recurring Deposits will be corresponding rate as applicable for a Fixed Deposit. • In case joint holder mandate submitted to the bank, any of the holders can sign where mode of
operation is either or survivor / former or survivor.
• Interest on the deposits is compounded at quarterly intervals, at the applicable rates.
• Partial withdrawal/ sweep in / OD not allowed on Recurring deposits
• Interest payment on Recurring deposit is only on maturity.
• All premature encashment will be governed by rules of Reserve Bank of India prevalent at the
Resident-Lock in period time of encashment.
• The Recurring Deposits account has a minimum lock in of one month. • As per Income Tax laws, if the aggregate amount of the deposit/(s) held by a person with the
branch either in his own name or jointly with any person on the date of repayment together with
• In case of premature closure within a month, no interest shall be paid out & only principal the interest at payable is equal to or exceeds 20,000/- then the amount will be paid by bank draft
amount shall be returned. drawn in the name of the deposit holder or by crediting the savings/ current account of the deposit
NRI-Lock in period
• Effective 01st Dec'06, the interest rate applicable for premature closure of deposits (all
• The minimum lock in period for NRE RD is one year and NRO RD is one month. amounts) will be lower of:
The original rate at which the deposit has been booked OR
• In case of premature closure within a year and NRO RD within a month, no interest will be paid The base rate applicable for the tenure for which the deposit has been in force with the Bank.
out to the depositor & only principal amount shall be returned.
• For deposits booked on or after 7th March’19 the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of
Maturity less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate
applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit.
• The deposit shall be due for repayment & shall mature on completion of the contracted tenure
even if there are installments remaining to be paid. • In case of death of the primary holder of the Recurring deposits prior to the maturity date,
premature termination of the deposit would be allowed as per the terms of contract subject to
• The maturity amount mentioned on the Recurring Deposit confirmation advice is subject to necessary verifications and submission of proof of death of the depositor.
payment of all installments on time.
• Such premature withdrawals will not attract any penal charge.
• In case of any delay in payment of scheduled installments, the maturity amount shall change
due to delay in payments . Insurance Cover for Deposits
• Maturity amount mentioned on the confirmation advice shall also change in case of TDS • The deposits in the Bank are insured with DICGC for an amount of Rs 5 lakhs (principal +
recovery . interest) per depositor.
• A fresh Form 15G / 15H needs to be submitted in each new Financial Year by the start of the
Financial Year. In case form 15G/H is submitted post interest payout/credit, waiver shall be effective
from the day next to the interest payout /credit immediately preceding the date of submission of form
• Form 15G / H needs to be submitted for every recurring Deposits booked with bank for Tax
exemption. .
• The bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising due to delay or non-submission of Form
15G/ Form 15H
• To enable us to serve you better kindly submit the Form No. 15G/15H latest by April 1st of the new
financial year.
Note: The above guidelines are subject to change as per Income Tax regulations / directives of
Finance Ministry Govt of India prevalent from time to time
Important Points:
• Please record change of maturity instructions with us well in advance to enable us serve you better.