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?2 - ++ - 21 Fal<e(o6vrar)
53 'sV FaEE:
L The.bM indiahd,, &e!.ueLdingo, a mge E ts5 <tegB. vlrh6 yorv6sclis
n0d up srtr tuE€ md ssrlv. rcu ooc you codpas treditrg6 000GgB. Wh3r
is the @i!!6s cer?

2. Wr* sns srhpN wialiod

fl a. Mmn s gdrit.]imal arhaclim.

b. Snn's goviEtioDl alraction.
s! c A{agrelire aom fie qrrlr,s n gnc{r t€ld_
n3 d. Cosic .r<tiarion-

r. lr a b6ine ra!6 b r rftM lGirion of $ obj*1

ffi Cra@mras Md ihe ch.ncd bsmg k ' t 8 5 .L€IA^hore
is Jlo d.gr6 by
ae, ,ndr .om. , dtd lbr
sres p.r grr@n!6s b n€d diretly lowald Ile obj@r?

$ 4- Vui.lion cnag6 e atrered bx

& Rolling a{d piichin&

ffi c. Sbip's hading ard l@ation@ lne qrl['s srt e_
d. Ijcrtlo! on {tc €rrth,s sorlas ud ,uual chdgd
iil 5. wlrat is ttre 6mpa$ @ding fo. the di@dd W6t S,lrlrw€sf

F] a. I80 d€8.

6- W!a! is thetusll{ djfque 6cre€n msnedc leading&it Euelading?

b. Compa cry.
c. Pm€bitiy.

7. Anglerhar-mpd nredh mak6 with Lhedgnsic nqid'm a a ptdceqheo duoto

ait acire t{m D sbrptr @go;

8, Wbatis thecnps rsdhg fd d€ direrion Northby BasP

o. 4 6nq6 i@ted o shor ts auuy ts kon;

| 0. 1!tar ic ihe vfli€l mgtc rh.r a Eely batMcedrog!ftc ncftIe podd nDkewitn lhc
bdizonfal pbrc a grvd pta@?

b. vaiatio-
c M4tr.lic dlp.

11-lac ldn deviatioaa!I)ti6 ro Se ditrtu beiw@ Ilc tugncric Ledidg tud onps


I 'r..!i

ili' 12. CoepN @r is the algehoic sb of ihc wiarior tud de

deviationof . ;@pN,

| 1.Wb6 uDC rbc eCBic
tl alvaJs !e (Middcd
@pa\s !o sreera o6e in dre Cm,, 6- devisriotrobr

Eq I 4. fir @n!@ deviahoocbarBs s lbc yssel ch&Es

.- C€ogElhi@l tcfioa
d. Idgittrdo

E | 5. .-on'IF@_lir\g6e rnare cyrMDps ror snral F€mtur, h rnc d br accorprFbcJ

d. Vstimllidg.
t"t 16. Tb6 lire olzh mgftric wi.rid is ellcd ri€ agodc lha

g Fatse

mmpssis,o ehm,narc
il 't l:g:,-P.^T*""Lrj6tina
p@ble wh'!h of lhe foUowing fa.ldji 6 hr 5s

n 18.TLetugEcpo"@ is h@d;ng127dcelffi p6 sra.d,rdcofipas. l'o. ftis leding rlc
devj,tionir 16dcg6 E, dd tlc vdirtion is 4 dcge W in lhe aE. Detedine tne
mgnelic hedi.g MH dd tre hdding TH-
H a MI] 145d€8r6 dd'IE I50 d*6.
lr. ME 1.6 dee€ ed Tq l39 d.giB
tl c.
,39 d€96
,ad Ttl 141degM.
andTH I43 dcglg-

H 19.rtug'€lic rdth 6 to tLen€ht ofaopd mrth;

E 20-A ship's@lr is 34?dcgrs pd strndsd cor,lEcs.Tie deviationis 4 degres W6r
od drcVdi&tion is 12drg@ East Dcleminethemgne&c@UN MC hd Tru€
a. MC 343dcgK dd TC 355dc€l6.
h- MC 350deg!6 and?C 343deg6-
. Mc 3s5dcgre ad TC 343degtB.

2l. Tle IId6 Br is imr,lBl ro onp€Eale for

r lrduc€d Mgnetisn h krtict se imr

b. Induc€dmso.{is in hoia alennDD.
c. Pemet .€gnetim i! norimntals6nircn.
d RaidD.l rEgndis&

22. You m stming Norrtbomd jn Bucm visr. Rach witb Jou l*el sl@dyor rbo
@g6. Thogtrrnrr4@ sbos a ncldins of 3r2 daeG_ wt,t ! lhe slm ctu?

S 23.Lirc d $rbe of Edt\ passinslbrcush*ll posnios !t whichthft is no dip ofa
"' eek slsBtdql msletic nedle.

Sl a rhe n,ce6. equtoi

t. ftc mapdiclole
c, v&iilimndz@-
^ a. rw"rtr",ru"vo.
6 24. lnc tot i l@l fragneti. €IL.i wltch aw daiaiion of a v*l's oolas cm be
$1 t'o*o a* iom a si6 orompoMt3 catle4

6i r vdiabls.
i1l b. crmddtc
c- Vdiaiios.
d. Lin6ofloe
25. Magnctis is 3rrcnesr in $ft iD! {!cir

$ .. rn r."g *i".arhe notris D€ipadicur{ to tbeli'd offorce.

b. Ihe lotrg uir of dte imn n pardl€l to rrre1tu6 or fo.ce
F . F c imDh d., He€rB dgk lo thcItF n. fone.
q\ d. Nom ortLe obovesirft rhe@gDdir s@s!b wirl0or \a'y
t? /6 Flm Lhecid lne @vqaro d€lledd tbele btuS tron f bntuo Ughr ro be r20
. deglB By Mp,$ r b€6 Jl7 d.sl4 Theshipbe4\ 07bdEsre Dycepas tm
ihe otcdElid spoi shoE Dclemie rncvdiaton V adrn€ b6{B'tB of ite ship.
H a. v l?o dcsrc w &d rB 159des6.
_ b. v 0I7 degr6 W dd I?0s9 d€gr*
H c. v l l7 W andm 169d€6
tii d- 'jesE6
Nm. oftlc.rrve

zz. n. utro u. ispmlel !odle,

I Magdelic !in6 of flw.
i;l h. BilnelcliE

d. NoDeof&e lbove-

28. A lighr sh@ js sigttc4 dd by eltMmpN rQeaier is ohswerl b bed 3lO d@es
nfl gytuolTd. Frcm rbcsbrps nr posir,oo,rhechdcj hn bdinE of tle n€ni r
mwEd G 108.\ dc8r6 nc. D-rm in. lne eyo hr C E

E ,s gry::!i:,i1d'.!eids
r*e M 16 b cbar8t ',o
kep rhc_o6tilswher o
it5 plmc ot mhtiq 'hc
sme prmctud Bist e)

g hypetotic tuvislrioi slsrm is baed u d:er!{ry dl,r , nBq ed slav. cratioc
- lrumtr stMrmz.{ sgnijs Br @ be Reived b/ s}ea1 rei}s oDbo&Jshrp.
g ( I , nF,pnniry adrdbec or aps ad,o mvieatro0srsro m rbc( Mtinuo\
" wsrom.q dr$€be, tbFdim;onrl poc,bmi,g.odn,viEarion inrom,rioL

B , ]2/R dd frr6 mslb,at lo wbicr ot the to owingerDrq

d Tbr' a sh.Eline s s6 o. !E tpt mJl oor 6c rhc ncftsl sboEtine
H D. Erlm nE cyro sysrsn. ills.d
stu on L\e cha
c. EqdpDdt'n €ry doe Lo
tusdignmor of Ile rysreo.
$ d- AI oftle rlore

g ll.lclobal Pcir!@ile Sysreo cps or kGrirl mdo Dahgarion(yE!o. vn b. rbe ftro

F'mrrymooerg.ro sJ6Gro.fler.Iuty I 2002.

tll '
.,-iiluu,t" *io rt lyp.ooti. lins pridled@ notmrMonrr usedfo. havisatior.ow
a.y* l,t-1, *ir"o *w-nu.u l|h2ryicld\ r dKt uluul oa
latitudeed lonsitu&, mati,C ndio navig2rionquitc sihpl€-
gl b Elahlmaan€ric wave

d Radio{rrelvc dncling.

ffi .' 3574@' C is i pul*4 hypetbolic,t@g-tuge navigalion stsi€d. 11op@ts otr a sirgte
' / laqlscy entdd on l0O UIz
ft ( 36.i8@E of d€ useof a lNq tequ€&I 100kEz nter tba 1850U'z or 1950&tz -
_' bm C is atle preride position
ro !p to:
FJ a. 1,200ftil6 bt ndm of ereud waB-
b. 3,00{ miles by mds of skywav6.
Jzln . ctotur eo*inonings1.'m Cp:Jspde secnnr dbm;

tr b. 24 h)"€rboli. sareiircs.
c. 2l eteUltd!d3activd.p!|e
(38?fl!c CPSh^ lvo levelsofwieation l aklEcy
H { Prais Poidoring S4ia PPSrrt Srrldsd pGifiolirg Sewt@SpS,
b. Comlaliv. PositioningSwie eS &d ?rincipd positioningSwice pps.
H / 19 c1trr's dirto lmr. is d .m thatsutd bFrulduced hy theU.s DOD ir tte
- *llit€ ebmic cL.& to dely dc eMdcy of lbc cps.

40- The rbility ofa ndr to disiirgdisL selaFte targclso. dtc sme b@ring but having
smll ilifi.@d i.tugc i! c.ll.d 8hi.h of the rollwins;

F] 41- Thd Farhon€tcrmM deplh basd otr tLe avqaee vahc of
a thc spe€dofsoud in s frter,


m d. 4800

ffi a- Rdd et',l dAt! ofmtd-

b. Adjst antorDr'olly for reni€cne d6g6.
H c. All ofd€aboc

43. A telMp€ noetcd {iy6 a conpss or r€p€at6 trsd to deterrniE dirccrio! is 6lted?

E d Distoclbtrob.tcr,

44- Anechmct€.istic of a chrenohetertlior disiiDsuish6 ia fron m udi..ry tinepitre is;

B a
Corr:i6 Brnidis to onpdsate for tenp€nhre vdiatton.
Vi rot g.i! or I@ rine

E ..
Us6 24boor dgibl Rrdour.
Corld bc shilp.d long distarc itr its lmaal ondjtion

g 45. Wlar insl@dt masiB &e dout of rcll of a vsi?

E] a- IrEliamet*.

c. CliEom.td.
il 46. Erc€pr for rhc effeots of .ninirum pip sia,.' tuge al]lmcy o{. Edtr scrl

a. Dep€nd od &e wetld.

$l b-
Is dqesed sith di5{,!@-
Is in(6e{i with dislancc.

i{ d. Is t[e sde lor !U dg6.

47. A @rditrg farho@€ter@rds ebich of thc follovi.B;

fl 4
CoDioe ofbonom .gliBr a tine bN.
Dcpd ofr.ler agriGr a tituc be

H c
C!trrou. ofbonon asaisr a distarcc bae.
Drprh bcl.r the ket rgai$t s rine bnca

H 48. Whi.! mltsiiralftd nasnB alnoqrhqic ptl:se?

$ c- SIirE pstcb@ere..

H 49- The diff@ ir intsil, ofillumi@6on oftne 6&1 6co!€ b€twetr nda. imag6 ad
tbc b&tsrcud oftbe s@n is 6lled vhic! oftne toluvlrs;

cit 50. Wlich of tllc folowing ir id('ret mgading 6dar tdgers.

& A c6ce $fae witl fotu de €dar trtu back to rhc artu@.
8] b
A srrmrb mi€t $rface wdl lor rc0e! an€jr bscl !o @ &rtua
Tle h€igll or thf brg.t bls ro bdrtog otr ir3.bflirJ rr. rad,r rfldron
g o wm m ruf:er6 bet5 aE gsm y psr Fn€doF

5l. You reik . 6da target in a 6li!d am of Jour shiD.Wtd wodd rc rhis,
$ d. HourEls cffecr


52-ThomNt &d sier of the$dMdp*s @r is deleqined hct a@uElelyat s@bv
sti, h orbe lo owingDc{Drls? '

a By onp.ring llc g/.o rintrft ot a celstisl body rtrh &e @Bput€duimlth ot

b. By onparirg tte Sm nadiirg with the merdjc 6mpss h6dins.

c. By dct.mtuirg ft@ thecbrn tle @Bc mdc goodb€tp@ celgtial n{s.
d. canot bed.?r.min€d&Irmrcly ar sa dle ro d.ia of u4krb$ cldrl

5l- A hydsmcrq, 66isiing ofr diy bulb tud a we! bntbthcdonetd, is us€dto frtu
ftlative Lmidity dd d€wFint

54 A slip's A.el ba no eE4t onstm @r

55. Dnsrry ofdE rarer n n6uln *nh i UydFrurd.

56. Al lte s6gEpnical poles dceslm@mp6s hs m dielive t(E.


B 57- Which ofrle fallowirg i3 lot a Edio mvielrion syst@?

ffi LtmC

c- Grs
d. Delfa
$ 58. MolriFle Ebc a1the mda $l€ oay omr rbm 0 srrongebo b lwived 6on
g mtlq shipal Jose tuge.

$ False

59 Wbich of ile tollowilg iskMstr @ ued fe sinild pupos?-

H 60. An atrlodalicbol!book logsatis66lh. S6tim 8 EnStneodm lo be rc6d€d -
Articl. 6? ofthe Msitine R€gulatiN for tbc O!@to6 oiibe Palfu CaDl i6
ffi a. It shows tbe t_ne thc ordcr ws tmtrnittEd &oD rne bridge to drc agine mn
b. It sbM ltu EsPorc ?nd tte time of 6e Bpo$e of&e sgine mB ro lbe dgin€
d. Neirhqamrb

6 t. Rad,i mse iD fog will gncially 3p€alirs;

I a. Bc sFte. drd in dd 9€ths.

}. Be 16 lna! ir cl6r mrlhq.

s. d- Be uels naaN of ils itrllmcy.

62. ECDIS nuit cdrply wirL tbe IMO s?eifi€tiom-


E 63. An ECDISsFtcm must6c ablcio pd{om ilE lollowins aldlatioG:

E I Troedisate ed eimutlt bctq@ two goemprncalpGitiom,

b- Poj*tim €rol.doN suh a grt circleod ftmb lire tu4 lrd djsillI6.

H 4 Nme of tt 4ove.

64.By tLere1rc of SOI-4SConv@tiod,dr GMDSSpevisim applyioj

g D. Ca.go sl4u o{30og.t.trd ovd.

{L Nde oflhelboE


il 65. CMDSSsaaFAl qtents Eoltj

a costal stdtionrto 50dles otr shoF-

b. Cost to 20 Ed6 ofl snore

$ 66-GMDSSsa d@ 1l qterds Aom:

ffi a. 70 " Nonn b 70" Soutt.

b. ExcludinsH M A1 lnd A2.
c- Wifiin Ihc 6vmge ofINMARSAt
F.t 6?- To 6er rherEquimenrs for GMDSS,atl snips!€ed at my aE! a Sarcttir€dergmcy
posilion indr@linedlo besr EPIRI, neully adiuEd o. tl@!fie elf-acrivaled


68. W h . a tuirdwjl @iv6 @itime safetl'infotu tionsrcldnavigation l


c N$.t€r.
69 The Gsdtialonponmts
ffi of FaInometdrc 1neLa]Mirlaj rrsdl@, €civs, &it

tJ ?0. Ltumr Id de'dmrnc Lbeahsptflic ptls6m rr

ru 7 | . A mpidy Gllins of baonercr pffi l)sly indi€B tlc @rca.! ofa slom_


72. CalculatioNofrct.rive tmidfty md dewpoitrte ofsp€iat i e.et to ihem&ind in
omedoo wirh the foqati@ of bisl 4d d!st:

71. Tle amo&trr is 4 irlllrlrMt ftr n*uing Find fo@ or speedEu,Iy in hors.


74. Th€Bmmerr tu a instrnmmtfo. dctmining t[c almoslhaicp6$€ dd sD@d.

ltisiNtnnenrisimpoibnrioaDdiaqfortr\cwelb€preilictic _

75. Theebo6.rd is e insr.mr f@msui.gr

c. Wind di.€tid.

c NoDeoftie 6bovc

76, TheAzindb ciiclq Peloru sd tbeAtidademld be ed fo! rhesme purpoe_


n. Tel6c6pic Alidde is lsed fc celstial Hi6 obssvrhle

78. Gyrmnpds reFard rclmdn@ tie indicati@ of ite rn6td g]@cm!s. TlEy @

.- @hte only id rho Pot r Regio6.

o. rcdn.. daeollc r.dom..tuim

d- aeur.tc ody ifile v€s.l i. b{t@ay.

f i'
iit 78.Thestati@l@red at'A' is lhc

79. Wlm opfrLd ow a m*tdy br$otq a Fathoaciq nay inriidrc
ffi a. a sh.llowdcldr adire

fl d lwo depth r@drgs

g 80, th.t
s[ould ]@ @ly io a Fathobcki @dile ro d€rcmire tne d@ih of wara?
Subtret tLe {|I!A ofile rt*l.
b_ Add th. dm&.ifte v€*t.
E c.
Snbt-acrdr6s srer 6rMtio!-
Add rhe € wat r orectioL

3I. A millibaris a eit of

H 82.nJlabosokd6* neM r!.

fr a.
aclu! dr{tn of mrcr
!ct{.t depln olr'|tq belor kel
av@ged€p&Em ere.lir6 io hel bonon
LJ d dmge delrh ofyarer to soli bonom

81 Urhe mdio sicml Creud mk qhr.6 oa tor tqs disure rho de mirihun
E st,
kve dis@e, tnm 6 u @ jn whichm sigdalis r@ped TlD. i. *tr"a u. -_ _ '

84. Ai el(tonic d€flb findtr oDdc on th. Prirc'ole $l|
a. ddio signtjs En*l i@ a solid .ur$ce
b. soud ttYe tnicl tt. 6Bt ttspe.d 6(ough mt4.
c. dde siglals trawl ar I consl,nt sp€€dSFLg! Mte.
d- p6sm inc't6s vi& dcPttr

8\. rn worline ool r lel ,pparul Mn sienr to' vou la$trdq tou subhr LbeHo fioD
9O'. The 90" reprMts the algllt dsboe 6on -
& tbe €qu!b. to tlF clcvalcd pole
b. yd. borid to Ydr aith
c- you dith L lbe eldated lole
d. rbe sosapbcat Pcftd ofrbe sm b bc clernr€d pole

86. 'fte @ditg Falhometd ploih# a gnllic llsrd oalle

a boaon @ntou ody !p b dcptbsof | 0o fatnoms
b, d€pth qndmall ale kel agdtrr I rimo De
c. @n1ouofrt boitm aglius1t dista!@baso
d- dqrtl ofwatq aSninsla djstec b'*e

sz I! sod@ filhometqsrhesic d drsonic $ud was e podued e,erically by

l. trasittrd

d mplitis

88- I1E lan ofa 6extantn@nted diElly ovs the pivor oJ6t idq d G the

89. Yo! G pr@.ding up a chan€l d nighr.lt is IMk€d by a E gc that h€G 185'T.

You steady!p on ! coopds mre of I80e{irh tb€ Egp in lire dad ah€ad Tbis

nnsl 6e dght to gtt otr fte atrao

oE!6s b* so@ Grefly emr

de b€ing afieieit by a sonthsly (trl@t

90.Wh@r.vicalirg uing DGPS(Difmtial clob.1P6'tionineslsrco) my oxler
ylu pcition to berrure ro wirhina Ediu of 'ou

6. 2oocres

91.yli@ si,g 6PS, how6dy !ci6m tin6 de tEqui@dfo. a 2D (diMsiooal) tu?

b .2

92. Whichofde fou adjurtablect]6 in tlc wtlnt is tbe Finciple ca6e of i.de, do!?
a. Tels@p. rot b€iry poEllcl ro &c tue
b- Inds rimr $it Doriar elN rdt beidgpar.tl€l
c. Indd niror mt bcinsDo.rirdiolrto dE frde
.L liorid glN e! beirg F{miliorhr to the ftme

93. As a vs*l .!ass cose ro stuboard,1!e 6n!N €nd in , mEncric conp,s

L rcbtlDs rlttred wl.h shpN Do.rlr

b. aho rrm io srlihord
c. fist tum !o shrb@d &6 6Dt6cl6trTise to Fon
d. rtld co@roll@ksis ro port

94.YVhe!uing Eda, fr6 e deternilcdno.l arily nlh

d objer.oat e cl@ aboard

95-vtlat is a @na4iustalled6 ofile *na!4

(r Emr ofolimrioD
96. The irdd €m. i! datmined by adjusti.g l,\e

97.An inshnlmt dglned to @inlain a @din@6 r.d of atrGphdic p6w is a(r)

F c. Brrogr.ph.

98.Ifrhc Sub .16@rd ,iIitudc is 54"30,wiat is tbebi6 ilislar@?

d 14.30'
99,Ho = $" a @f*red to.



il .


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