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Pierce (Zoom)
28 feb 2023, 23:06 GMT-5
Hi Victoria,
Thank you for your response. Yes, you can edit and change it so that only one person
appears in your screen however you would need to do this before or during the
recording. You cannot change the view options after a recording.
You can do this by spotlighting one participant's video so that only one video will appear
in your screen and in your cloud recordings. Pinning a participant's video will only
affect local recordings.
If a participant is recording locally and pins a video, the pinned video will be recorded
unless the participant who is recording changes their video layout. Pinning another
participant's video will only affect your local view and local recordings, not the view of
other participants or cloud recordings
For more information: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362743-Pinning-
Spotlight video puts up to 9 participants as the primary active speakers for all
participants, and participants will only see these speakers. Spotlighting can also be
done during screen sharing. This feature is often used to spotlight a keynote speaker.
To spotlight a participant's video during a meeting:
Prerequisites of spotlight:
-Host or co-host privileges for the meeting
-Zoom desktop client for Windows, macOS, or Linux:Global minimum versionor higher
-Zoom mobile app for Android or iOS: Global minimum versionor higher
-Three (3) or more participants with video on
Note: Spotlighting multiple videos requires desktop client version 5.10.3 on Windows or
Hover over the video of the participant you want to spotlight and click
1. Click Spotlight for Everyone.
To cancel a Spotlight
1. Click Remove Spotlight in the upper-left corner of the video area.
Please let me know if you have further questions/concerns. I'd be glad to assist you
with that.
Best regards,