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Ankle Edema- noticeable at the end of the • Herbs- are not regulated by the DFA in the
day. As long as proteinuria and hepertension way as medications; therefore, they are not
is absent then it can be considered as normal. rated with regards to their safety to in
Braxtons Hicks Contraction- periods of
abdominal contractions • Teratogenicity of Alcohol- no amount of
alcohol is allowed during pregnancy. It may
lead to vitamin B deficiency neurologic
• Teratogens -Any factor that adversely affects damage
fertilized ovum, embryo or fetus. A fetus is
• Teratogenicity of Tobacco- cause growth
extremely vulnerable to environmental
restrictions,SIDS, low birth weights from
injury, specifically at the beginning or early
vasoconstriction on uterine wall.
weeks of pregnancy.
• Environmental Teratogens- impure air and
Teratogenic maternal infections- involve viral,
water can be damaging to a fetus
bacterial or protozoan organism which cross
placenta from mother to fetus. • Metal and Chemical hazards- pesticides and
carbon monoxides are example of chemical
• Malaria- caused by intraerythrocytic protozoa
teratogens that should be avoided.
• Radiation- growing cells are extremely
• Toxoplamosis- protozoan infection from
vulnerable to destructiion by radiation
uncooked meat
• Hyperthemia- detrimental effect to growing
• Rubella ( German Measles)- virus usually
fetus because it interferes with cell
causes only a mild rash and mild systemic
illnes in a woman. But devastating in fetus
(hearing impairment,cataract,cognitive and • Teratogenic Maternal stress- can cause
motor challenges, cadiac defect(ductus anxiety and worry beyond usual amount could
arteriosus) cause physiological changes.
• Syphilis- sexually transmitted infection ( Recommended weight gain- 11.2 to 16kg (25
Treponema pallidum) to 40 lb)
• Potentially Teratogenic Vaccines- Live virus • Underweight: BMI less tha 18.5
vaccines such as measles , HPV, mumps, • Overweight: BMI more than 25 to 29.9
rubella and poliomyelitis are contraindicated
during pregnancy because they can transmit Note: use BMI computation
viral infection to a fetus. The Woman who is Underweight
- A woman who enter a pregnancy underweight Mineral needs- necessary for building new
needs nutritional counseling just as much as cells in a fetus.
an overweight woman. Underweight is
Fiber needs- Constipations may occur,
defined as a state in which a womans weight
peristalsis is low during pregnancy.
is 10% to 15% less than the ideal weight for
her height. Fluids needs- extra amount of water are
needed durimng pregancy to promote kidney
Contributing factors for underweight pregnant:
• Dieting for weight loss
• Energy (Calorie) Needs- 2,200 calories for Foods to avoid or limit in pregnancy
childbearing woman. Ana additional of 300
calories is recommended to meet the • Alcohol- no amount of alcohol is allowed
increased need of pregnancy (Whitney&
• Caffeine- central nervous sytem stimulant
capable in increasing heart rate, diuresis and
• Protein Needs- 34 to 46g. During the secretion of acid in the stomach
pregnancy, the need for protein increases to
• Artificial sweeteners- pregnant women needs
71g daily.
gluccose from regular sugar
Complete proteins- contain 9 essential amino
• Weight loss diets-weight reduction is not
acids required.
Incomplete pretein- nonanimal sources does
Promoting Nutritional Health
not contain essential amino acid.
Nutritional outcomes
Complementary proteins- proteins that when
cooked together provide essential amino acid. • Family considerations- meal planning is best
when it is planned with the family.
Fat Needs- Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly
Linoleic acid are fats that are essential for new • Financial considerations- women would view
cell growth but cannot be matured by the that food expenditure is benificial for her
body. baby
Combined Theories:
d. Face (complete extension) 3. THE POWER- the third important requirement for a
successful labor is effective power of labor. This is the
Fetal Lie- is the relationship between the long
force supplied by the fundus of the uterus and
(cephalocaudal) axis of the fetal body and the
implemented by the uterine contraction which causes
long axis of the woman.
cervical dilatation and then expulsion of the fetus
• Fetal presentation- denotes the body part from uterus.
that will first contact the cervix or be born
first and is determined by the combination of
fetal lie and degree of fetal flexion. or the woman psychological outlook that brings into
• Fetal position- is the relationship of the
presenting part to a specific quadrant and side Nursing role and responsibility:
of woman pelvis.
• Provide adequate support.
1. In a vertex presentation- the occiput is the
• Encourage woman to ask question during
chosen points
prenatal visit.
2. In a face presentation- it is the chin.
• Psychological task should be realized.
3. In a breech presentation- it is the sacrum