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Social Media and Radio Broadcasting Integration To Expand The Market

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International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting

Volume 2019

Conference Paper

Social Media and Radio Broadcasting

Integration to Expand the Market of I-Radio
Nur Asni Gani1 , Medo Maulianza2 , and Mohamad Rifat Adi Mulya3
Lecturer in Economics and Business at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Lecturer of Communication Studies at the Bina Nusantara University Jakarta
Student at the Faculty of Communication Studies of the Bina Nusantara University Jakarta

This Research Objective is to find out the use of social media in broadcasting programs
on I-Radio Jakarta to expand the market or audience reach. RESEARCH METHODS
by using qualitative approaches and conducting observations and looking for internal
data and conducting interviews with relevant speakers. This study uses Philip Kotler’s
marketing concept approach (segmenting, targeting and positioning) to explain the
use of social media platforms, enable to broaden the reach of listeners, and reinforce
the position of I-Radio as a radio that only plays Indonesian songs.
Corresponding Author:
Nur Asni Gani
Keywords: Social Media, Radio, Marketing
Received: 16 September 2019
Accepted: 28 September 2019
Published: 31 October 2019

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Nur Asni Gani et al. This

article is distributed under the 1. Introduction
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Attribution License, which
Nowadays the media havebeen the synergy of each other to survive in the era of
permits unrestricted use and
redistribution provided that the convergence. Media convergence itself is the incorporation or integration of mass
original author and source are
communication such as radio, television, internet, and newspapers along with portable
technologies and other interactive devices through various digital presentation plat-
Selection and Peer-review under
forms, or other languages, namely combining different media but becoming one into a
the responsibility of the ICEMA
Conference Committee. single media. This media convergence occurs because of the development of internet
that makes it easy for users to access anything and anywhere.
Radio as a conventional media, has now been left behind by listeners. This is also
because of the exposure to new media. Therefore, radio is required to use certain
strategies and innovations in order to survive in the tough competition of the media
industry today.
The intense competition between radios makes I-Radio Jakarta use social media to
expand the range of listeners or expand the market. Not only relying on conventional

How to cite this article: Nur Asni Gani, Medo Maulianza, and Mohamad Rifat Adi Mulya, (2019), “Social Media and Radio Broadcasting Integration
to Expand the Market of I-Radio Jakarta” in International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting, KnE Social Sciences, pages Page 700
700–710. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i26.5409

radio listeners, I-Radio also tries to reach beginner listeners by creating interesting
content on social media.
Television remains the main media and the Internet is growing very rapidly in various
segments of consumers’ age. This situation raises various assumptions about the
existence of radio media. The findings of Nielsen Radio Audience Measurement in the
third quarter of 2016 showed that 57% of the total radio listeners came from Generation
Z and Millennials or future consumers. At present, 4 out of 10 radio listeners listen to the
radio through more personal devices, namely mobile phones. Although the penetration
of television media (96%), Outdoor Media (52%) and the Internet (40%) is still high,
radio media was still quite good at 38 percent in the third quarter of 2016. This weekly
penetration rate shows that radio media is still heard by around 20 million consumers
in Indonesia. Radio listeners in 11 cities in Indonesia surveyed by Nielsen, allocate their
time at least 139 minutes per day on average.
Radio has been growing quite rapidly. The more radio channels are available, the
more diverse radio programs are also emerging. Besides, the role of radio as a mass
media is getting bigger and begins to show its strength in influencing society. Radio
programs that are emerging nowadays, are very segmented. The radio segmentation
is usually youth radio, adult radio, business radio, and the public (Morissan, 2008).
In general, media convergence is defined as the incorporation of mass media with
digital technology that is currently developing. Various types of media, such as mag-
azines, newspapers, radio, and television are combined into one common platform.
Media convergence itself arises along with the development of technology, especially
the transition of analog to digital technology. The internet with various platforms has
become a new lifestyle for the community.
Jenkis (2006) defines media convergence as a content flow on several media plat-
forms, industrial collaboration with the media and media migration activities. This phe-
nomenon occurs due to the emergence of digital technology and new media.
Radio as a conventional media is required to integrate with new media and it is a
necessity. The pattern of media consumption has changed, making radio change its
marketing strategy. By using social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter,
I-Radio ought to capture a wider range of and more loyal audience.
By implementing marketing strategies for Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning
(STP), the use of I-Radio social media becomes more directed and focused. This can

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then attract new audiences among millennials, especially those who like Indonesian-
language songs as designed in the I-Radio format.

1.1. Radio As A Mass Media

Today, there are many media that are developing and able to take messages as a
communication tool. One of these mediums is radio. According to Effendy (2008) Radio
is nicknamed as the fifth power or the fifth estate after the press that is considered to
be the fourth power or the fourth estate. Furthermore, Effendy said this is based on
three important factors, namely as follows:

1.1.1. Direct Broadcast Radio

This is to achieve the goals, namely listeners to something or a complex program,

compared to spreading propaganda through pamphlets and newspapers. The process
of enlightening through air magazines on the radio, is much easier and faster.

1.1.2. Radio Broadcast Penetrates Distance and Obstacles

Radio broadcasts do not recognize distances and obstacles. The radio is able to deliver
messages at that time, and can be received by listeners. Other than time, space for
radio is not a problem. No matter how far the target is aimed,with radio, everything can
be achieved. All of which are not obstacles because the radio is able to reach remote

1.1.3. Radio Broadcast Has Attractiveness

Radio broadcasts have an attractiveness that makes radio broadcasts powerful. Radio
has three living elements, as follows:
1) Words: Words coming out of a radio announcer are more touching. Therefore, those
who listen to the radio feel closer to the announcer.
2) Music: The radio plays the audience’s favorite music, so that the audience feels
3) Sound Effects: Radio has a sound effect that makes the broadcaster’s words
become more alive, so that it can build audience’s imagination.

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1.2. New Media

New Media is defined as a product of technology-mediatedcommunication shared with

digital computers (Creeber and Martin, 2009). Another definition of new media is media
which consists of a combination of various elements. It means that media convergence
is included where several media are assembled. Meanwhile Moudry (2018) said that
new media is a media that uses the internet, technology-based online media, flexible
character, potentially interactive and can function privately or publicly. Connecting red
line from above experts is that new internet-based media, have digital content, based
on computer technology and have the potential for interactive (Rizkiansyah et al, 2018).
One of new media aspects is connected to the internet. Internet-based media has
the ability to encode, store, manipulate and receive messages. The internet has its
own technology, how to use, scope of services, content and image. The internet is
not owned, controlled or managed by a single body but is a computer network that
is intentionally connected and operates on a mutually agreed protocol. A number of
organizations, especially providers and telecommunications agencies play a role in
internet operations (McQuail, 2009).
Sosial media one of new media. According to Meikle and Young (2012), social media
is a convergence between personal communication in the sense of sharing between
individuals and other individuals, while public media is to share with anyone without
any individual specificity.Social media invites anyone who is interested in participating
by contributing and giving feedback openly, giving comments, and sharing information
in a fast and unlimited time.
One of the interesting things in social media is that fellow users will have their own
identity construction. For fellow users who don’t know each other or are not friends in
the real world, they will visualize each other’s profile based on the elements in their
respective accounts. While for fellow users who already know each other, the process
of visualizing other users is not at the level of ”who he/she is” but at the level of ”what
he/she is doing”. For example, if two classmates who already know each other, through
social media they focus more on what they are doing or what is happening to them
(Nasrullah, 2017).

1.3. Radio Marketing

Audiences or listeners are a form of market in the broadcasting world. With the existence
of social media, anything can be easier to be accessed by viewers. Kotler (2003) says

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marketing is a social activity and an arrangement carried out by individuals or groups

of people with the aim of getting their goals by making products and exchanging them
with a certain nominal amount to other parties.
While marketing of broadcast media is an effort or action to sell broadcast media
services, either through radio or television or on-line. Advertisers will buy air time (broad-
cast time) sold by broadcast media marketing because they have listeners. Meanwhile,
listeners will be interested to find out more about the products that will be advertised
and buy them if they think it will satisfy their needs.
Kotler (2003) revealed following marketing strategies that could also be adopted in
the broadcasting world:

1.3.1. Segmenting

Solid segmentation is the process of dividing a market into groups or groups that are
meaningful, relatively similar and can be identified. The purpose of market segmentation
is to enable marketers to complete the marketing mix in order to meet the needs of
one or more specific market segments.
Furthermore, Thompson (2000) states that the challenge in marketing is to identify
potential markets that are profitable to be served because one marketing programcan-
rarely satisfy a heterogeneous market with different tastes and characteristics for which
market segmentation is needed. Segmentation is the science of looking at markets
based on geographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables.
In determining the basis of segmentation, Kotler (2003) looks at consumer charac-
teristics consisting of:
1) Geography Segmentation: in geographic segmentation, grouping is carried out
based on geographic factors such as based on the area of origin or residence of the
2) Demography Segmentation: In demographic segmen-tation, grouping is carried
out based on variables of age, gender and occupation of consumers.
3) Psychography: grouping is based on the characteristics of each consumer, such
as motivation, personality, perception, interest, interests and attitudes.

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1.3.2. Targeting

After identifying market segment opportunities, a company then is to evaluate the vari-
ous segments to decide which segments are the target market. In evaluating different
market segments,a company must look at two factors, namely the attractiveness of the
market as a whole and the goals and resources of the company (Kotler, 2003). Company
must see whether a potential segment has generally attractive characteristics such as
size, growth, profitability, economies of scale, low risk and others. Company also needs
to consider whether investing in these segments still makes sense by considering the
goals and resources of the company.
The definition of targeting itself is a target, who is being addressed. In determin-
ing targeting, several surveys need to be conducted in order to find out the market
conditions in the future, so that the marketing process is not in the wrong direction.

1.3.3. Positioning

Positioning is how company explains its product position to consumers. It is about

the differences of company’s products compared to the competitors’ as well as the
advantages. In other words positioning is an image formed in the mind of a consumer
about perception of a company name or product.
There are four stages in determining positioning, namely: identification of targets,
determining frame of customers’reference, formulating point of differentiation and estab-
lishing competitive advantage of the products (Kotler, 2003).

2. Methods of the research

This research uses a qualitative method that aims to describe and summarize various
conditions, various situations or various phenomena of social reality in society which
become the object of the research to bring reality up to the surface as a characteristic,
character, trait, model, sign or picture of a particular condition or phenomenon (Bungin,
Data collection technique is carried out through literature study, interviews and
observations, while data analysis technique is implemented by coding which is a process
of categorizing qualitative data, so that it can be easily measured or comprehended.

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3. Results

I-Radio Jakarta — with an ID station: 89.6 FM — is one of the radio networks of PT. Mugi
Rekso Abadi (MRA) business group which later developed into a mass-radio covering
Jabodetabek airspace. The MRA business group already has several radio stations such
as Hard Rock FM ( Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali), Cosmopolitan FM ( Jakarta),
Trax FM ( Jakarta and Semarang), and I-Radio itself ( Jakarta, Bandung and Yogya).
I-Radio has young soul characteristics, is active, is passionate, keeps up with latest
developments, and has definitely 100% love for Indonesian music.

3.1. Radio Integration with Social Media

I-FM Radio is aware of technological developments that are growing rapidly nowadays.
This requires I-Radio to keep up with audience expectations. Therefore,in this case,
various strategies are required. The implementation of various types of strategies
includes utilizing new media such as social media, and providing certain application
to ease people into listening to radio broadcasts directly by accessing it through a
smartphone. In this social network, I-Radio takes the opportunity to provide its listeners
with interesting content. The data analysis unit obtainedis the result of observations
and interviews with informants, recording, observing, as well as collecting data and
other references that are later to be integrated with the framework described for the
reference analysis process.
Interpersonal communication media used by I-Radio in communicating with audi-
ences in this convergence era began with using telephones, then switched to the use
of SMS, then began using whatsapp networks. It is continued using social media such
as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to be closer to the audience.

3.2. Expansion of I-Radio Marketing

One of the bases that is often used by marketers in segmenting is demographic factors.
Demography is basically a classification or grouping based on population maps. The
population according to age group, gender, education, level of welfare and so on, are
demographic variables that will determine the size of the market, potential of purchasing
power, and changes occur in the market.

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Grouping is more often based on the amount of expenditure rather than income
because respondents object to mentioning the amount of income. This number is
then categorized as the social economy class (SEC) or social economic status (SES).
Segmentation in the broadcasting world usually refers to rating survey institutions.
AC Nielsen, for example, determines someone or family to be in the SES A group
if it has a monthly expenditure level of more than Rp1,750,000. Whereas the family
is categorized as SES B if it has an expenditure level of between IDR1,250,000 -
1,750,000. Based on the AC Nielsen version, the number of people in the upper
middle class category is around 22% (consisting of 10% SES A and 12% SES B). (https:

Table 1: Levels of Expenditure in 15 Major Cities.

E D C2 C1 B A1 A2

Less than 400.000 – 600.000 – 800.000 – 1.250.000 1.750.000 More than

400.000 600.000 800.000 1.250.000 1.750.000 2.250.000 2.250.000

13% 21% 19% 25% 12% 6% 4%

Source: Nielsen Media Index

4. Discussion
4.1. Radio Integration with Social Media

This is in accordance with the theory of McQuail (2009), which states that building
relationships is more important than conveying information. This can be seen from the
use of WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, which is widely used by I-Radio Jakarta
to build relationships with audiences.
Whereas according to McQuail, the characteristics of new media is having interactive
media games. Interactive game innovations are obtained from daily activities. This has
made an interaction between the audience and I-Radio Jakarta. Through this interaction,
I-Radio Jakarta packs information from the audience’s daily activities into a content to
be discussed, so that a two-way interaction occurs. This is the innovation carried out
by I-Radio Jakarta.
Social media also plays an important role in terms of interactive games. Through
social media, I-Radio Jakarta is able to get content that is viral to be discussed, and
this is an interactive game media made by I-Radio Jakarta. Innovations for interactive

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games can be obtained from social media and daily activities. Therefore,I-Radio Jakarta
also implements interactive game innovations in the form of quizzes.
Media to retrieve information is something with the actual source and data, namely
the internet. I-Radio uses the internet as a media for information retrieval. Sites that are
used to search for information are sites that have viral news content and are close to the
segmentation of I-Radio Jakarta audiences such as Tirto.ID, TODAYonline, Tempo.Co,
detikcom. Other than website, I-Radio Jakarta also has a news team that searches for
and gets news directly from the field.
Social media is a means of communication to reach the audience. With technological
advancements in the era of convergence like today, social media is an online media
that has functions to support social interaction where users can easily participate in it.
Social media invites anyone who is interested in participating by openly providing-
contribution and feedback, giving comments, and sharing information in a fast and
unlimited time.

4.2. Expansion of I-Radio Marketing

Since it was first officially introduced to the public on March 28, 2001, I-Radio Jakarta
has been presenting its uniqueness. The vision is ”to make Indonesian music the host
of its own country” and the mission becomes the number one in its format. In line with
the slogan of ”100% Indonesian Music”, I-Radioalso plays urban pop songs composed
by the country’s own musicians.
The segment targeted by I-Radio is listeners aged 21-35 years with social economic
status (SES) A, B, and C. Most of them work as housewives, employees, beginner
workers, and students. This is in accordance with the I-Radio characteristic of youthful,
active, passionate, keeping up the latest developments, and having definitely 100% love
for Indonesian music.
By targeting the audience of 21-35 years, the next step of I-Radio is to integrate with
new media in this case youtube social media is very appropriate. We cannot deny that
millennials are no longer watching television or radio through conventional media. They
have enjoyed radio and tv through YouTube, Instagram and others.
By integrating with social media, I-Radio extends its market reach and adapts to its
market characteristics. Targeting market is young listeners who are generally active on
social media.
Positioning as a characteristic of I-Radio as well, is by only playing Indonesian songs,
it has become very strong.

DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i26.5409 Page 708


5. Conclusion

After conducting research at I-Radio Jakarta, researchers can provide conclusions as

1. I-Radio utilizes social media for various purposes including interactive games and
program promotion tools.
2. I-Radio uses social media to expand its market reach and adjust characteristics to
its listeners in the SES A, B and C segments.


The authors would like to thank their colleague for their contribution and support to the
research. They are also thankful to all the reviewers who gave their valuable inputs to
the manuscript and helped in completing the paper.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.


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