Teks MC Speech Contest
Teks MC Speech Contest
Teks MC Speech Contest
Fadil -The honorable The principal of Syafa’aturrasul Islamic Senior High school:Ms.SEASJAH,S.PD
Fadil-The honorable our judges of this competition today:Mr. Nopriko Nanda Putra, S.Pd
Vio- The honorable all participants of speech contest in this boarding school. And all audiences who
have attend here in this happy morning together with us.
Fadil- First of all,lets say Alhamdulillah to Allah almighty, the most gracious & most merciful who has
given us mercies and blessings, so we can attend to this event without any troubles and obstacles.
Vio- Secondly,peace and salutation always be delivered to our prophet MUHAMMAD SAW by saying
Fadil- Ladies & Gentlement, I am FADHILLA RESTU and my partner ANANDA MAGHFIRAH, we are going
to be the host of the speech contest today
1.The first agenda is reciting holy qur’an by our brother (……………………………………………………………….) the
golden time is yours.
2.the next agenda is opening speech from our principal. To Ms . SEASJAH,S.PD, the golden time is yours.
3.happy audiences, we come the the main agenda today, English speech contest for santri, for the
santriwati is allowed to leave the room
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
1.happy audiences, we come the English speech contest for the santriwati
Ladies and gentleman, that’s all our agenda today, Thank you for your attention and sorry for my
mistakes, Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.