Prayers 2 1
Prayers 2 1
Prayers 2 1
Dear lord and father, I'm honoured and privileged to know that I'm the first and
the best off all your creation. I thank you for giving me such a high position of
advantage, where everything you've created exists for my bebefit. Most of all,
thank you for giving me your very life and nature, in Jesus name, Amen.
Lord, I belong to you, spirit, soul and body! You're my life and in you i live,
move and have my being. I rejoice that i belong to a caring and loving Father as
you, and i commit myself to only doing things that bring you honour and glory.
Lord, my heart is open to recieve revelation knowledge from your word. As i study
the scriptures, and listen to your word daily, my whole being is inundated with the
knowledge of your word, which causes me to surmount every adversity. Hallelujah.
I am a distributor of eternal life, a vessel through which the life of God flows to
my world! I know now that i have something to give, therefore i distribute the
blessings of the Kingdom to those i come in contact with today and very day of my
Dear Father, thank you for helping me grow in christ by teaching me your word.
Thank you for granting me understanding of the doctrine of rightrousness. As i
skilfully apply God's word of righteousness, I'm confident that I'LL consistently
walk in victory, succcess and prosperity everyday of my life and manifest God's
rightness and excellence to my world, in Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for crafting me in such a wonderful and unique way. I
recognize that I'm your excellent handiwork, made for your glory and sanctified for
your use. I rejoice in my uniqueness as i live to fulfill the purpose for which you
created me.I'LL accomplish with excellence every task you've ordained for me to
accomplish in this life.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for the precious Holy spirit whom i recognize as my
helper, strengthener, standby, counsellor, intercessor, conforter and advocate. I
give him first place in my life, and receive all the wonderful blessings He's
broughtto all who receive Him. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you supernaturaly life you've given me in christ. That life is
manifested in very single thing i do everyday. I funtion with this consciousness,
and other bear record of the unending flow of the miraculious in my life. Amen.
I have the life of God in me; I'm a partaker of the divine nature. health, peace,
joy, prosperity, victory and the glorious life are mine in christ Jesus. The lines
are fallen unto me in pleasant places; I have goodly heritage! I walk in dominion
and success everyday of my life. Hallelujah!
Dear Lord. thank you for showing me the way to deal decisively with the tricks and
shnemes of the enemy. I keep your word in my mouth as a sword, and faith as my
shield. I've put on the whole armour of God, thus not only am i able to stand
against all the wiles and stratagems of the evil one, I put him to flight whenever
he shows up. Hallelujah.
Precious Holy Spirit of God, I worship you, I appreciate you and i love you. Thank
you for making the presence and love of Jesus real to my everyday and everywhere I
am. It is the desire ofmy heart to know you more each day, and fellowship with you
more intimately. thank you for always being with me, Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you for the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. I therefore
receive wisdom and revelation to know you more; that the eyes of my understanding
would be enlightened in Jesus name, Amen.
Precious Holy Ghost, you are the spirit of reality and i welcome you to fulfill
your ministry in my life. Thank you for opening my eyes to the reality of the
Kingdom, and helping me fulfill my purpose and destiny in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for filling my life with the spirit and the anointing! It
has made me more than a man and has made my life truly supernatural. I declare
that i can do all things through that anointing that enables me, in Jesus Name,
Precious Holy Spirit of God, you have come into my life to bring in the beauty,
glory and colour of God. I yield myself to you to have your way in me. I let go of
all unnecessary toil and struggles and i welcome beauty and grace inti my everyday
existence, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Dear Lord, I am full of power and dominion because of the presence of your spirit
in my life. Nothing and nobody can stop my progress as i advance your Kingdom day
by day. Thank you for empowering me with this boldness and dominion, in Jesus Name,
Blessed Holy Spirit, thank you for always being there to help me in all my
endeavours. I recognize and appreciate you for helping me excel, prosper and
succeed in life! you're the best and i love youwith all my heart. Amen.
Dear Lord, you've established me to be fruitful and productive in life! I'm like a
tree planted by the rivers of water. I'm fruitful in every good work, even as i
increase in the knowledge of God Amen!
Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for bringing unending prosprity into my life. As i
dedicate my self to you and walk in your will, I know I'LL never lack any good
thing, because you lead me in the path of abundance and cause me to inherit
substance. Hallelujah.
Dear Father. I thank you for giving me your life; the eternal life of God. This has
made me a partaker of the divine nature. Help me let this life shine forth so that
men my behold your glory in me and desire this life as well, in Jesus 'name ,Amen.