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March 7 Judges 21

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1. How many virgins were spared from Jabesh-gilead? (21:12) – 400

2. Who did not come to the assembly at Mizpah? (21:8) – Jabesh-Gilead

3. How many men did the sons of Israel send to Jabesh-Gilead to strike them down? (21:10) – 12000

4. Where did the people of Israel go after the feast at Shiloh? (21:24) – Each to his inheritance

5. Where was there a feast to the Lord from year to year? (21:19) – Shiloh

6. What had the sons of Israel say would happen to anyone who had not come to the assembly of the Lord at Mizpah?
(21:5) – He would be put to death.

7. Where was Shiloh? (21:19) – On the north side of Bethel

8. Where were the Sons of Benjamin to lie in wait during the feast? (21:20) – In the vineyards

9. Why did the people weep before God in Bethel? (21:2-3) - Because one tribe would be missing in Israel.

10. What had the men of Israel sworn in Mizpah? (21:1) - None of us shall give his daughter to Benjamin in marriage


1. JUDGES 21:1 In Mitzpah, a curse is placed on anyone who marries his daughter to the tribe of Benjamin.

Given their anger towards Benjamin, this probably seemed like the right thing to do... But this foolish oath had
unintended consequences. Justice not only brings punishment to wrongdoers but also protects against a severe

2. Judges 21:2-3 Israel recognizes that entire tribes are in danger of extinction.

They cried out to God as if it was God's fault that the tribe of Benjamin was on the brink of extinction. The question
"How did this happen?" was answered immediately: Because of the excessive revenge of the tribes of Israel against the
tribes of Benjamin.


1. JUDGES 21:4-15 They destroyed the city of Jabesh-Gilead and took the young wives.

A. Who is there among all the tribes of Israel who did not come up with the assembly to the LORD... He shall surely be
put to death.

Again, Israel did what seemed right at the time, but in reality, it was disgusting. They decided to slaughter the entire city
of Israel, the city that refused to join Israel in the war against Benjamin.

B. They found among the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead four hundred young virgins.

In the ungodly massacre at Jabesh Gilead, they killed all but 400 young virgins. Still, this was not enough: yet they had
not found enough for them.

2. Judges 21:16-24 A plan to give the rest of Benjamin's men a chance to marry.

a. Every man catches a wife for himself from the daughters of Shiloh:
They answered the rest of the Benjamin wives' problems and enacted a small drama of allowing the Benjamins to
"kidnap" women so that marriages could be arranged without "official" approval.

b. Then they went and returned to their inheritance, and they rebuilt the cities and dwelt in them:

In this, the tribe of Benjamin was sufficiently restored to provide Israel with its first king (Saul).

3. Judges 21:25 The summary observation of the times of Israel.

a. There was no king in Israel:

This kind of moral, political, social, and spiritual chaos can only occur where Israel has no recognized king, and where
people forget God as king.

b. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes:

In general, the 400-year tenure of judges was marked by this radical individualism. They rejected the standard of God's
Word and accepted the personal standard of being right in their own eyes.


Most importantly, continue to live under the sovereignty of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. We must always view our
lives as subject to God and submit to His direct rule and authority. Every time we make a decision, we have to pause to
decide if it's simple and what we want to do, or if it's along our royal road.

Humble yourself, confess your sin, and repent by turning around and doing the godly thing. The lesson is simple but not
easy. When you’re wrong, admit your faults early and it will save a mountain of problems later.

Sin begets sin, and the deeper Israel sunk into their idolatries, the more sin they had to resort to in their attempts to
solve their problems.

WORDS TO OBEY/PROMISE TO CLAIM - “Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deut. 30:19).

Simplicity. This verse is great because it breaks down everything into the simplicity of choice when it comes to following
God. God isn't "getting us" if we don't serve Him. The opposite of life is death, and the opposite of blessing is curse. If
you do not choose the Lord, you deny Him. If we don't choose life, we choose death. If you don't choose a blessing,
choose a curse. There is no wiggle room here. Black and white, cut and dried.

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