Shabarish Kesa h1b Resume
Shabarish Kesa h1b Resume
Shabarish Kesa h1b Resume
Dallas, Texas
LinkedIn | GitHub | Portfolio +1 513 628 7551
Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, Typescript, and Python.
Frameworks: Node Js, React JS, Angular, Next Js, GraphQL, Redux and Selenium
Data visualization Tools: TIBCO Jasper Studio, Power BI, PlotlyJs, d3js.
Database and Storages: SQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Docker-Compose MongoDB. RESTful
Architectures and Cloud: API, Microservices, Flux, and AWS
Master of Science, Information Technology Aug 2019 – Apr 2021
University of Cincinnati, Ohio. 4.0 GPA
Software Engineer Jul 2021 - Present
Company: Predictronics Corp.
● An intuitive data visualization application that manages and monitors critical assets, issues, detailed
reports, maps degradation trends, and predicts potential failures to achieve worry-free uptime.
● Led the migration of the whole backend code from using MongoDB to PostgreSQL. Designed and
Architected ETL Schema and DDL relations for PostgreSQL.
● Written test cases for backend API’s and implemented automated API Documentation generation as
part of release mechanism.
● Implemented semantic versioning, changelog and implemented automated CI/CD Git Actions release
cycle with the above-mentioned steps.
● Implemented Bookshelf ORM model to perform CRUD operations on the database along with Knex
tables migration steps.
● Collaborating with the UI/UX designers in transforming webpage design templates into working code.
● Configured Linting rules, Webpack, and Git CI/CD workflow for better code readability and quick
deployment. Implemented Multi Language support for User Reports and Notifications using Puppeteer
and i18n.
● Responsible for maintaining the AWS Test environments and deploying the project to the production
servers with the latest Docker Images.