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Bagamanoc Rural Development High School




I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The Learner demonstrates understanding on the significant
influence of culture, history, environment, and/or other
important factors on a reading text or selection.

B. Performance Standard The Learner proficiently displays an active part in various

activities that shows their understanding on the significant
influence of culture, history, environment, and/or other
important factors on a reading text or selection.

C. Learning At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

Competencies/ a. Identify details from the selection that show the
Objectives influence of culture, history, and environment.
b. Express ideas about the importance of knowing one’s
culture, history, and environment.
c. Evaluate a short text or selection that illustrates the
influence of culture, history and environment.
d. Explain how a selection may have influenced you
through various activities.
II. Content Relate text content to the influence of culture, history,
environment, and/or other important factors on a reading
text or selection.
III. Learning Resources
1. Teacher Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Manual
3. Textbook Pages Learner’s Manual page 304-307
4. Additional Materials
from the LR portal
5. Other Learning Self-Learning Modules
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous Selected students shall share the highlights of the previous
lesson or presenting lesson.
the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will let the students play the game called “1 pic
for the lesson. 4 words” wherein the teacher will show 1 picture and there
are four words below that describes the picture, then there
is 1 word that does not describe the picture, that’s what they
would identify.

Bendable Stiff
Pliant Flexible

Robust Strong
Weak Sturdy

cooperate embrace
protest welcome
The first picture shows that the object is bendable, flexible
and pliant.
The second picture depicts strong, robust and sturdy.
The last picture shows, cooperation, welcoming and
embracing others in spite of differences.

The teacher will call volunteers to match the words on
the left column to its meaning on the right column.
1. Robust a. attack
2. Onslaught b. strong
3. Vague c. flexible
4. Benevolent d. unclear
5. Magnanimity e. objection
6. Pliant f. kindhearted
7. Protest g. generosity
8. Adulated h. unconquerable
9. Insurmountable i. painful struggle
10. Peculiar j. unusual

C. Presenting The teacher will give a short background on the author of the
examples/instances of selection.
the new lesson  About the Author
Ismael Villanueva Mallari
He was one of the Filipino writers in English
be was primarily an essayist.
- He is ranked as the leading literary and art critic in the
- He wrote widely and covered a broad range of
subjects, his books were usually published under the
name I. V. Mallari.
The teacher will let the students watch an animation of the
story “Pliant like the Bamboo”


D. Discussing new The teacher will ask comprehension question regarding the
concepts and selection “Pliant like the Bamboo”
practicing new skills 1. Did you like the story?
2. What is the title of the story you just have heard?
3. What are the two tree that does not agree to which
one is the stronger?
4. What kind of environment the bamboo has?
5. If you will become one of the trees in the story, who
will you choose to be? Why?
6. As a Filipino, will you consider yourself like the
bamboo? Why? Why not?
7. Do you agree with the writers description of the
Filipinos? Why? Why not?
8. What specific Filipino characteristic are presented in
the selection which is already part of our culture?
9. Are you proud of being a Filipino? Why?
10. What are the problem/struggles in history is
presented in the selection?
The teacher will group the students into 4 and will be given
various activities.
Group 1. Write it Poets
Write a short poem that depicts the characteristics of a
Group 2. Draw it Artists
Draw an object that symbolizes the characteristics of a
Filipino aside from bamboo tree. And explain why you
choose that object.
Group 3. Sing it Singers
Think of an English song that show that show the pliancy of
the Filipinos, sing it in the class.
Group 4. Create it Creators
Create a slogan showing the pliancy of the Filipinos.

And then, the students will be rate with the following criteria
Content …… 50%
Creativity …. 50%
Total : 100%
F. Making The teacher will ask the students these questions:
Generalizations and How can you remain calm and firm despite of the problems
abstractions about the you have encountered and the problems you are going to
lesson. encounter?
G. Finding practical The teacher will ask this question:
applications and 1. What lesson did you learn from the story? Are you
concepts and skills in willing to apply it in your daily living? Why?
daily living
H. Evaluating Learning The students will answer an activity wherein they would
write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
1. The Filipinos cannot be compared to anything.
2. The Filipinos bend and sway just like the bamboo
when there are problems but still remain standing
3. The Filipinos are submissive but know how when to
act or fight.
4. They never learned to fight for their freedom.
5. They are dependent to other races.
6. The Filipinos were once ruled by foreign
7. They are easily influenced by other people.
8. They are friendly and good communicators.
9. They can easily adjust to their community and
10. The selection entitled “Pliant like the Bamboo”
gave us an idea that the Filipino identity is the
product of the influences of other races.
I. Additional activities For the assignment the students will accomplish a chart by
for application or filling their insights regarding their learning about the lesson.
remediation What are the new things I How can I use them to
learned today? improve myself?

Prepared by:


Teacher l

Checked by:


Head Teacher lll

Noted by:


Principal ll

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