Vasilia 1
Vasilia 1
Vasilia 1
City Center
A Wave lnfratech Project
Received wilh !hanks a sum of Rs 300,000.00 ( Rupees THREE LAKI-1Only) as per details prcvided L,e!c'.'I:
ry)' 12.05.2015 10:51:05
Plot No. 01, Block CC-, ,
Secro, 25A & 32,
Noida - 201301 (U.P.)
T +91 - 120 - 4832000/ 4832100
F +91 - 120 - 4832101
Corporate Office
C - ,, Sector- 3,
Noida - 201301 (UP.)
WAVE --i,
. Applicant:
Poonam Shandilya
Receipt No: 130000394
Fial No. G lspalika Apartments, Plot No 29, Receipt Date: 05.05.2015
Project Name:
Unit No: \JtrS.,\ (..,,\.k- ,r ~C-"\
Sector-4, Dwarka 110078
Delhi India
Contact no. : 7042641967 Registration No:
Co Applicant: Customer Id: 1019337
Sales Order No:
Au gnatory)
07.05.2015 15:24:44
Proj~ct Name Wave City Centre Sub Proiect Wave Mt' 5 a (: i ty Centre 18- Ap ,·- 15
<.ilsto rncr Na me Vin;iy Shandilya Unit# 101
Seg m e nt VASILIA
For The Period Hupees
Area 1714.84 Sq. ft. iNR
Values in INP
Description Debit (Amt / Credit -
SL Date (Actual Stages) Due) (Amt Recv) lntt Ba lance OF' ~·;-1 1:·:
,..._L. __ Opening Balance
I JJ-Apr-14 On Booking 1,414,115.65 n -- 1,41.4,116 1.4,'., 1
2 30-Apr-1•, Amcunt recvd i 100000
,0 1,314,116 i1,::s.l •L1.1b
3 30-Ma y•l~ _!Jue within 30 Days 4,483,196.22 9721 5,797,31 2 !5,797,
4 18-A or-1 5 I . 46172() 5,797,312 js ':) i, 1. 12
\ ppl! ..· .1111 l'. ,,111.1m " l1 .111d1l~a lh:c1.· 1p1 N 1J I ) lllJUIJ9 I 5
lh :1.: 1..• 1pl IJ alc OR Ot, 201 5
l-l.11 N,l G lspnt1l-. :1 ,\pnrlml· 11 1., , l'k 11 No 2.9. ProJcC I Name IV MCC Sec 32
Unit No. I O1/) BHK +svr J 11111--.. \\ 11h \Cf\\.'. 01 {J U I SI H uo1
al VAS ILI,\
Scctor-l , D\\ar,a I 100 78 TOWER 2DD Block m
Ddht India Registration No: 40163
Contact 11 0 70 42 641 967 Customer Id: 1019337
Co Appli cant Sales Order No: 21000945
Received with thanks a sum of Rs 289.019. 13 ( Rupees TWO LAKH EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND NIN ETE EN and
Tl IIRTEEN Paisc Onl y) as per detail s prov ided below:
Note: ,
I .Service Tax Inclusive of Education Ccss & Higher Education Cess.
2. The Applicant shall be liable /responsible for any Payment made by him/her/them from any third party account and/or any righrs
created there from and the company shall have no liability in this regard.
) .This Receipt does not confirm Booking/Allotment of the Unit/Space/Property which would be subject 10 availability and
execution of necessary legal document in respect thereof.
4.Plcase keep this document in safe custody and in case the same is lost/misplaced, please immediately inform the company with
request lclter, copy of FIR & Affidavit.
5.This Receipt is subject to realization of instrument/Cheque.
e / ~ \(
For more details please contact al Toll Free No 1800-102-9284
rwV-_~ \
' --. ' I \._\_ '..,'
Wave Mcgacity Centre Pvt. Ltd.
M-4, Mezzanine Floor, South Extension Part-II, New Delhi, INDIA- 110049
TO 06.06.2015
Customer Statement of Account Run Date 06.06.20 15
Customer Ledger
Oot.nln• Balance as on
Ref. Debit Credi
Starus Voe.No. Doc DU DT Description
Post DL/
Bnk Ent Dt
110000036 05.05.20 15 DR Other Debit Note 081308 300,000.00
081307 100,000.00
Open 130000394 04.05.2015 DZ Receipt
08 1308 300,000.00
Cle=<! IJ0000443 04 .05 .2015 DZ Receipt
Pricino Details -
Gross Value Discount Net VaJue
Item Rate
IDiscount Details
Discount TYJ>? Rate AmJ
City Center
A Wave lnfn,t,ch Project
Dear Madam,
This is to confirm that One Covered Car Parking Charges, Club Membership Charges and
PLC charges (Floor facing) are Complimentary (free of cost) against the Unit No. -101 in
Thanking You,
Yours Truly
Plot No. 01, BlockCC-1,
Sector 2,A & µ,
Noida - 201301 (U.P.)
T +91-120-4832000/4832100
F +91-120-,4832101
d tya:nter.thew«
Co,pon,u 0/jiu
Naida - 201301 (\J.P.)
T +91 - 110 - 4180500
F +91 - 120 - 41805-41
New Oehi-110015
T +91 - n - 46608,100
F +-91 -11 - ,46608429
Received with thanks a sum of Rs 300,000.00 ( Rupees THREE LAKH Only) as per details provided below:
Received with !hanks a sum or Rs 289,019. 13 ( Rupees TWO LAKH EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND NIN ETEEN and
THIRTEEN Paisc Only} as per details provided below:
'" V'"'
TOTAL 257.226.01 31 ,793.12 289 019.13
Ce,"'""- L~.
Note: f
I.Service Tax Inclusive of Education Ccss & Higher Education Cess.
2. The Applicanl shall be liable /responsible for any Payment made by him/her/them from any third party accounl and/or any righlS
created there from and the company shall have no liability in this regard.
3.This Receipt docs not confinn Booking/Allotment of the Unit/Space/Property which would be subject to availability and
execution of necessary lcga] document in respect thcreo[
.,~.,., -~,~,~:;,.
4.l'lcasc keep this document in safe custody and in case the same: is lost/misplaced. please immediately inform the company with
request letter, copy of FIR & Affidavit.
5.This Receipt is subject to realization of instrumc:nt/Cbcquc .
.__,,.,,,,,_ ,(
--- - -JP-- \ - -
. \j} \_\
Wave Megacity Centre Pvt. Ltd. W AVE
M-4, Mezzanine Floor, South Extension Port-II, New Delhi, INDIA- I I0049
TO 06.06.2015
Customer Statement of Account
Run Date 06.0620 15
Customer Ledger
Oncnin rt Balance as on 0.00
Status Voe.No. DocDtJ DT Descript ion Ref. Debit Credi
Post Dl./
Bnk Ent Dt
Cleared 110000036 05 .05 .20 15 DR Other Debit Note 081308 300,000.00
Pricino Detai ls
Item Rate Gross Value Di scount Net Value
Discount Details
Discount T e Rate Amoun
City Center
A Wave lnfratech Project
Dear Madam,
• This is to confirm that One Covered Car Parking Charges, Club Membership Charges and
PLC charges (Floor facing) are Complimentary (free of cost) against the Unit No. -101 in
Thanking You,
Yours Truly
• Authorize
""-. Wan Megacity Centre Pvt. Ltd. WAVI:.
'\M-4, Mezzanine Floor, South Extension Part-ll, New Delhi, INDIA- 110049
CIN :U45204DL201 IPTC220488 TO 23.07.20 I6
Customer Statement of Account Run Date 23 .07.2016
Sales Order:- 21000945 Customer:- 1019337 Poonam Shandilya W/o Mr. Vinay Shandilya
Project- WMCCSec32 CO-Owncr:-
Unit No:- IOI /3BHK+SVT, I st Floor,Block 2D,TOWER 2DD at C/0
VASILIA Address:- Flat No D21292, Vinny Marg
Chnnnkynpuri-110021 Delhi India
Customer Ledger
Openin2 Balance as on 0.00-
Pricin Details
Item Rate Gross Value Discount Net Value
19ve Me~acity Centre ~t. Ltd.
1•4, Mezzanine Floor, South Extension Part-II, New Delhi, INDIA- 110049
t JN :U45204DL2011 PTC220488
TO 23.07.2016
c ustomer Statement of Account Run Date 23.07.2016
Sales Order:- 21000945 Customer:- 101 9337 Poonam Shandilya W/o Mr. Vinay Shandilya
Project:- WMCCSec32 CO-Owner:-
Unit No:- IOl/3BHK+SVT,lst Floor,Block 2D,TOWER 2DD nt C/0
VASILIA Address:- Finl No D21292, Vinay Marg
Chnnakynpuri-1 I0021 Delhi Ind in
'Discount Details
Discount Tvpe Rate
In Favour of
to as the "Arrangement") is executed at 4th Day of MAY 2015
I M/S WAVE MEGA CITY CENTRE PRIVATE LIMITED, a company organized, incorporated,
registered and existing under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at 60, Friends Colony
(East), New Delhi-110025 and corporate office at C-1, Sector-3, Naida, Uttar Pradesh - 201 301, Acting
through its authorized signatories, Mr. H.S.Kandhari and Mr. C.J.Singh/Mr. Narayan Jee Jha
who have been duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Company vide its Board Resolution
dated 02-Sep-2014 to sign and execute this Arrangement and to do all acts deeds and things incidental
thereto (hereinafter referred to as the"Developer" which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors, subsidiaries, nominees,
executors and permitted assigns) of One Part;
(hereinafter singly/ jointly, as the case may be, referred to as the Allottee(s) which expression shall
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include his/ her/ their
respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns) of
the Other Part.
M/s , a partnership firm duly registered and existing under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 h
registered office at through Mr.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Partner of the firm, rtn1.u--...,,,-, th orized vide
resolution dated ____ passed and signed by all the part Prc~=•1tuting the Partnership Firm
(Copy enclosed) (hereinafter referred to a OTTEE(s)" which expression shall unless
repugnant to the context or me · ereof, be deemed to mean and include all Partners of the
partnership fir eir respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives,
. -.,.,..,,,s"a·nd permitted assigns) of the Other Pc!_l"t.
I . t ' ,,,,~~
. istered and ex1s mgJ
l\.'lder Co
. rporated, organized, reg ( designatio lnll~
M/s , a_ comp~ny ,~c~ffice at through Mr. pany vide res · ated to~
having ,ts reg1stere rd of Directors of the com ated _ _ _ _ _ _ du1
authorized by the Bdoaf G neral/ Special Power ofA s Y te~I\
· d vide Dee o e . of Assurance • - - - - - - - - - as
authorize Of the Sub -Re he "ALLOTTEE(s)" which expression ti
the office
No. on,_ _ =_,,--
ext or meanin
· a ter referred to as t d to mean and include its successors sn~\\
g thereof be deeme
' 0th er Part.
repugnant to d ·tted assigns) of the
ors, liquidators an perm,
through its Karta Mr. .
M/s HUF, of . ion shall unless repugnant . or mea~mg thereo1,
• ed to as the Allottee(s) which express ~"-"...,,.,-Pm ers constitutmg the HUF, their respectiv
re,err . I d h' nd eac,._.,.~· ·- . . ) e
be deemed to mean and me u e ,m a . successors and permitted assigns of the Other
. . ga representatives, .
heirs, executors, a dm '
.sting under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 o er
M/s ,a society registered and exl . ff' at through
· h • its registered o ice . .
avmg duly authonze
. d by the O · g ody/Managmg Committee
Mr·------~------::-:--::-- h . d . e of General/ Special Power of Attorney
vide resolution dated _ _ _ __, duly aut onz e bvR . t of Assurances _ _ _ _ as Document
d J · d · th ffi e 5u - eg1s rar ,
dated.____ u y reg1stere m e o_ ft • ed to as 'the ALLOTTEE(s)' which expression shall
No on --=-~-,-·erema er re,err . .
· · -repucm
unless - - -,- · thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors,
ru:;..-tTt-rne context or meanmg
I' · ors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART.
The DEVELOPER and the ALLOTTEE(s) shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as "Parties" and
individually as "Party".
A. The Developer has been allotted and otherwise sufficiently entitled to all that land-admeasuring
6,18,952.75 square meters situated at Commercial Plot No. CC-001, Sector-ZSA & 32, Naida, District
Gautam Budh Nagar (for short the Said Land).
B. The New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (hereinafter referred to as "NOIDA") vide Lease Deed
dated 2nd September, 2011 duly registered on 3rd September, 2011 at the office of the District I
Registrar, Gautam Budh Nagar transferred and demised the leasehold rights in the Said Land to the
DEVELOPER for a period of 90 (ninety) years commencing there from (for short "Principal Lease"). In
accordance with the terms of the said Lease Deed, the DEVELOPER is entitled to construct and develop a
commercial complex comprising of commercial activities such as Shopping Mall(s), Showrooms, Retail
Outlets, Hotels, Restaurants, Office Space, Serviced Studio Apartments, Residential Apartments, Serviced
Residences, High Street Condominiums and such other commercial spaces as it may deem fit and proper
to achieve its commercial objectives. Further, the DEVELOPER is also entitled to carry out development
for residential purposes within the permissible Floor Area Ratio (for short "FAR") as authorized by
NOIDA from time to time.
C.Jn terms of the approvals and sanctions as accorded to the DEVELOPER by NOIDA and other
Competent Authorities, the DEVELOPER is entitled to develop and promote the integrated Commercial
Complex and also carry out development for residential purposes within the permissible Floor Area
Ratio, the DEVELOPER is further entitled to make allotment including but not limited to "Vasilia
Residential Apartment on sub-leasehold basis, situated in Block 2D" of various sizes/areas to
the intending Allottee(s) in the said integrated commercial development which is more particularly
kwn as "Wave 9zy Cent«;;r_'' (hereinafter referred'to a~ the "Said Project").
{ \
D.AIJ notifications, approvals, exemptions and perm1ss10ns accorded by NOIDA and other
concerned authorities have duly been inspected and understood by the ALLOTTEE(s) along with all
relevant documents and papers pertaining to the Said Project. The ALLOTTEE(s) have fully ~atisfied
itself/herself/himself/themselves as to the title of the DEVELOPER to the Said Land, its marketability
and right and authority of the DEVELOPER to develop, promote and market the Said Project and to
I allot or otherwise convey/carry out the construction of "Vasilia Residential Apartment" being the
subject matter of this Arrangement to any party whatsoever in terms of the permissions granted and
the applicable Acts and the Rules, Regulations promulgated there under. Being fully satisfied, the
ALLOTTEE(s) agrees and undertakes that no further investigations are required regarding the title,
right and authority of theDEVELOPER and that no objections, challenge or queries shall be raised by
the Allottee(s) at any time in future and for whatever reasons with regard to the title and rights of the
DEVELOPER to enter into this Arrangement. The ALLOTTEE(s)) further acknowledge that the
Developer has readily provided all information/clarifications as required by the ALLOTTEE(s).
TheALLOTTEE(s) further acknowledge that complete files, consisting of all the relevant papers,
documents, notifications, approvals, plans, permissions and various letters issued by Noida and other
· concerned authorities in relation to the Said Project are available at the site office/registered office of
the DEVELOPER and which have duly been inspected by theALLOTTEE(s)and that all the queries,
doubts and concerns of the ALLOTTEE(s) with respect to the ownership of the Said Land have been
answered and clarified to the ALLOTTEE(s) by the representatives of the Developer to his/her /their
full and complete satisfaction.
E.The Allottee(s) hereby confirms to have read and understood the Terms & Conditions of the said
Principal Lease in respect of the Said Land allotted by Noida in favour of the Developer. The copy of the
said "Principal Lease" is readily available at the site office of the Developer as well as its corporate
office mentioned above.
The Allotment shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the license and/or sanction of layout
plan/zoning plan approved by Naida and/or any Competent Authority (ies), in respect of the
Land/Project/ "Vasili sidential Apartment" and the Allottee(s) hereby accepts and agree to
abide by the same. c.,\1 Y Cs-,i,
F.The ALLOTTE eing fu atisfied with the facts as aforesaid and the legal rights of the
DEVELOPER in §: aitf(I)~, I@ aving agreed to abide by all the terms and conditions as set out in
the Application contai the price list/payment schedule applied to the DEVELOPER vide
Application No. ·e lotment of the "VasiliaResidential Apartment" in the Said Project.
The DEVELOPER ha V-1:f:l:S::l:l~.essed the application of the ALLOTTEE(s) has allotted the "Vasilia
Residential Apartment" for the consideration as described in detail hereinafter and subject to the
condition that the ALLOTTEE(s) shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the DEVELOPER from
time to time and/or on such terms and conditions as may be imposed by Competent Authorities in the
State of Uttar Pradesh.
G.The ALLOTTEE(s) agrees and understands that the area of the said "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" and its location is tentative and is subject to change till the time the DEVELOPER completes
the final lay out and demarcation of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" in the Project Area.
ff.The DEVELOPER relying upon the confirmations, representations and assurances of the
ALLOTTEE(s) to faithfully abide by all the terms and conditions and stipulations in its letter and spirit
as contained in this Arrangement, has accepted in good faith the ALLOTTEE(s) Application Form to
allot the said "Vasilia Residential Apartment"(the details of which are mentioned herein below) and is
now desirous and willing to execute this Arrangement in favour of Allottee(s) on the terms and
con itions as contained herein.
1.2The right title and interest in the " Vastha · · Rest"d en t·13 I A P artment" shall dbe transferred
b dand
conveyed in 'favour of the ALLOTTEE(s) by way o f a Tnpa · rtite Sub-Lease Deeh to 'deDexecute d b. by
Developer in favour of the Allottee(s), wherem · t h e "NOIDA" s h a II be the party to t e sa1 . ee
. , su Ject
to comphance
· of terms and cond1t1ons
·· stipulate
· d h erem
· an d on such terms and conditions
h . b as. the .
DEVELOPER may decide from time to time and also as per the laws applicable at t e time emg m
force, including but not limited to the bye-laws, Rules and Regulations of NOIDA, any other Competent
Authority and in accordance with the conditions of the Principal Lease Deed ex_ecuted by the
DEVELOPER with NOIDA. The term "Sale" in this "Arrangement" will be construed accordingly. . .,
2.1 The subject matter of this Arrangement is the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" more
particularly defined as "Vasilia Residential Apartment" bearing Unit No. 101 on Floor 1 sT , Block 2D
Tower D , situated in the Said Project (hereinafter referred to as the said "Vasilia Residential
Apartment") in the Said Project having Covered Area of __Square feet (or_ _square meter) and
Super Area (Chargeable Area) 1714.84 of square feet (or 159.31 square meter)@ basic sale price
("BSP") ofJJ.5000 /- per square feet (Rs. 53820.00 /- per square meter) plus various other charges.
I 2.5 Further, the Building Plans of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" as drawn by the Developer are
tentative and are subject to change, if deemed necessary, by the Developer or if so required by the
Architects/Engineers/Professionals engaged for this purposes or if so required by the "Noida" and/or any
other authorities / any regulatory authorities, the Developer may effect and make suitable alterations in
the Building Plan and consequently, if there is any increase/decrease in the Super Area of the "Vasilia
Residential Apartment" upto 10%, then the Allottee(s) shall pay/adjust the revised price calculated
on the "BSP" at which the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" has been booked for Allotment, however,
price for increase/decrease of the area beyond 10% will be at the market rate to be decided by the
Developer. As a consequence of such decrease of the Super Area of the "Vasilia ResidentialApartment",
the Developer shall be liable to refund to the Allottee(s), without interest, only the extra price and other
proportionate charges recovered. Likewise, in case of increase in the Super Area of the"Vasilia
Residential Apartment", the Developer shall be entitled to recover from the Allottee(s), the additional
price and other proportionate charges without interest, as the case may be. Further, the Developer
reserves the right to suitably amend the Terms and Conditions as specified herein.
2.6If as a result of any law that may be passed by any Legislation, Rule, Regulation, Order or Notification
that may be made and/or issued by NOIDA, Competent Authority or any other Authority including the
Municipal Authority, and as a result of which the DEVELOPER is unable to complete the Said Project,
then the DEVELOPER may, if so advised, though not bound to do so, at its sole discretion challenge the
validity, applicability and/or efficacy of such Legislation, Rule, Order or Notification by moving the
appropriate courts, Tribunal(s) and/or Authority. In such a situation, the money (ies) paid by the
ALLOTTEE(s) in pursuance to this "Arrangement" shall continue to remain with the DEVELOPER and
the ALLOTTEE(s) agrees not to move or to obtain specific performance of the terms of this
"Arrangement, it being specifically agreed that allotment against this "Arrangement shall remain in
abeyance till pending adjudication and further determination by the Court(s) /Tribunal(s)/Authority
(ies). However, the ALLOTTEE(s) may, if he/she/they so desires, become a party along with the
DEVELOPER in such litigation to protect ALLOTTEE(s) rights arising under this "Arrangement. In
the event of the DEVELOPER succeeding in its challenge to the impugned Legislation, Rule, Regulation or
Order, as the case may be, it is hereby; agreed that this "Arrangement" shall stand revived and the
ALLOTTEE(s) shall be liable to fulfill all obligations as provided herein. It is further agreed that in the
event of the aforesaid challenge of the DEVELOPER to the impugned Legislation, Order, Rule
orRegulation does not succeed and the said Legislation, Order, Rule or Regulation becomes final, absolute
and binding, then the DEVELOPER will subject to the provisions of law/court order refund to the
ALLOTTEE(s), the amounts attributable to the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" (after deducting
interest on delayed payments, processing fee, and interest paid, due or payable, any amount of non-
refundable nature) that have been received from the ALLOTTEE(s) by the DEVELOPER without any
interest or compensation of whatsoever nature within such period and in such manner as may be
decided by the DEVELOPER and the ALLOTTEE(s) hereby agree that they will accept such
DEVELOPERS decision, in this regard to be final and binding. Save as otherwise provided herein, the
ALLOTTEE(s) shall not have any other right or claim of whatsoever nature against the DEVELOPER
u n d e r ~ t o ~ g ; m e n t ' '.
3.1 The ALLOTTEE(s) shall pay to the DEVELOPER a sum of Rs. 85,74,200 /- ( Rupees Eighty Five
Lakhs Seventy Four Thousand Two Hundred) Only, towards the Basic Sale Price (the "BSP")
for the purchase of the said "Vasilia Residential Apartment" and Preferential Location Charges
("PLC") (wherever applicable), and other charges such as Club Membership/usage of Club
Facilities, or such like additional facilities charges mentioned elsewhere in this "Arrangement? along
with applicable interest plus service tax etc, which shall be over and above the "BSP" and shall be
payable by the Allottee(s) to the Developer immediately upon demand thereof. The"BSP" payable for
the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" has been calculated and charged on the basis of its Super Area.
The term " Super Area" shall mean and include the covered area and the area under Periphery Walls,
area under Columns and Common Walls, Balconies, Wardrobe and further includes proportionate
comm_on are~ viz. Paragolas, Porch~s, canopies'. projections enclosed from three sides, Stair C
Mumties, Staircase, Passages & Corridors, Lobbies, Atrium, Central Courtyard (internal), Fire
Refuge Area, plus proportionate share of areas utilized for common services viz. area under Staircases,
Circulation Area, Lifts Machine Room, Shafts, Underground and Overhead Water Tanks, Pump Rooms,
Generator Room, Sub-Station Room, Ffre Control Room, Security Room including any construction for
architectural feature in the building/structure, however, not a usable area.
3.1.1 The BSP of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" to be paid in accordance with the Payment
Plan(s) is detailed in Schedule-I, attached herein and as may be opted by the Allottee(s). lt is understood
and accepted by the Allottee(s) that the Basic Sale Price does not include the additional
amounts,charges, taxes etc. as are/may be payable under the Application Form and/or this "Vasilia
Residential Apartment" Allottee(s) Arrangement. The Allottee(s) agrees that the Basic Sale Price is for
bare shell condition with specifications stated in Schedule-II attached herein for the "Vasilia
Residential Apartment" within the internal walls of the said "Vasilia Residential Apartment" and
the Allottee(s) understands that the furnishing and fit outs inside the said "Vasilia Residential Apartment"
shall be done by the Allottee(s) at its own cost and risk. The Schedules attached hereewith form integral
3.1.2 That the BSP of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" covers development of internal services
such as laying of roads, development of parks and landscapes, laying of water lines, laying of sewer
lines, laying of electrical lines, laying of storm water drain lines and erection of electrical sub-station
and to develop necessary civic services essential for the Said Project. However in case of any change at
a later stage in the specifications of internal development thereby resulting in the Developer incurring
( any extra charges on account of such changes, the same shall be recovered on pro-rata basis from the
Allottee(s) and shall be payable by the Allottee(s) as and when demanded by the Developer.
3.ZThe Allottee(s) hereby agrees to pay Preferential Location Charges ("PLC"), whenever
I applicable, which shall be payable in the manner and within such time as stated in the Schedule of
Payment. However, the ALLOTTEE(s) has specifically agreed that due to any change in the Layout /
Building Plan, the allotted "Vasilia Residential Apartment" ~eases to be in a Preferential
Location, the DEVELOPER shall be liable to refund only the amount of Preferential Location Charges
paid by the ALLOTTEE(s) and such refund shall be adjusted in the installment(s) due and payable
by the ALLOTTEE(s). If due to any change in the Layout/ Building Plan, the "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" becomes Preferentially Located, then the ALLOTTEE(s) shall be liable and agrees to pay as
and when demanded by the DEVELOPER such Preferential Location Charges.
3.SThe BSP of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" does not include the charges for connection of
electricity, power backup, water, service/sewerage lines etc. and security deposit in connection
therewith and the amount payable to "Noida" or any other Authority and/or
MaintenanceAgency,inrespect of such connections shall be charged extra from the Allottee(s).
3.6The Allottee(s) also agrees and undertakes to pay the cost of complying with statutory
requirements including but not limited to all kinds of Taxes, Service Tax etc. for providing and
constructing "Vasilia Residential Apartment" as well as other services for the "Said Project", as may
be applicable and levied from time to time in relation to the "Vasilia Residential Apartment"
and/or "Said Project" and the same would be payable by the Allottee(s) on pro-rata basis in accordance
with the Super Area of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment".
3. 7"Tax", "Taxes" or "Taxation" for the present transaction shall mean and include but are not limited to
all forms of Taxation, Charges, Duties, Levies, Cess, Fees, Value Added Tax, Customs and ExciseDuties,
Service Tax, Capital Tax and other Legal Transaction Taxes, Stamp Duty, Registration Charges, Real
Estate Taxes, House Tax and other Municipal Taxes and Duties, Environmental Taxes and Duties and any
other type of Taxes or Duties of a like nature in any relevant jurisdiction, together with any interest,
penalties, surcharges or fines relating thereto, due, payable, levied, imposed upon or claimed to be owed
in any relevant jurisdiction.
3.81n addition to the above, if Taxes, Levies are payable to or demanded by, "NOIDA", any other
Competent Authority, Municipal Corporation, or any other Local Authority or Governmental Agency or
Public Sector Undertaking in respect of the said "Vasilia Residential Apartment" or the "Said Project"
the same along with applicable interest shall exclusively be borne by the Allottee(s) in proportion to the
"Super Area" of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" and shall be payable immediately as and when
demanded by the "Developer", failing which, this will entitle the"Developer" to have lien/charge on the
"Vasilia Residential Apartment" and that the "Developer" shall have unfettered rights to institute
a p p ~ c ~ ~ ~ e r the out~ta ~ding sums.
3.91t is further agreed by the Parties, that the Fire Fighting equipment and external electrification
and/or preventive measures may be installed by the Developer in the common area if required by any
!aw/ byelaws, order or directions or guidelines of the Government/ any Statutory Authority/ Body or
if deemed necessary by the Developer and the costs thereof shall be chargeable extra from
theAllottee(s) on pro-rata basis. These charges shall be construed as the Fire Fighting Charges ("FFC")
which shall be paid by the Allottee(s) as and when demanded by the Developer. '
3.10 The Allottee(s) shall pay the entire amount as per payment schedule on or before the due date
specified for the same. No cash and part payment shall be accepted and if the Allottee(s) deposits any
part payment of the Installment, the same shall constitute default in the payment.
3.11That in case the Allottee(s) has to pay any commission or brokerage to any person for services
rendered by such person to the Allottee(s) whether in or outside India for acquiring the said Vasilia
Residential Apartment for the Allottee(s), the Developer shall in no way whatsoever be responsible or
liable thereof and no such commission or brokerage shall be deductible from the amount of sale price
agreed to be payable to the Developer for the said Apartment. Further the Allottee(s) undertakes to
indemnify and hold the Company free and harmless from and against any or all liabilities and expenses in
this connection.
4.1 The BSP, after adjustment of the amount already paid by the Allottee(s) at the time of signing the
Application Form, payments/installment and taxes and other charges along with applicable
interest thereon as agreed hereto and due and payable in respect of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" is
to be paid by the Allottee(s) to the Developer as mentioned herein and as per the Payment Plan opted by
the Allottee(s), and as set out in accordance with the terms of Schedule-I (the "Payment Plan").
4.2The Allottee(s) agrees that an amount equivalent to 20% of the BSP of the said "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" shall be construed as Earnest Money. The Allottee(s) further agrees and undertakes to pay
the BSP, in the manner and in accordance with the time schedule provided in the Payment Plan annexed
as Schedule-I, and failure to pay qmount as per the Payment Plan, within the specified dates shall make
the Allottee(s) liable to pay simple interest@ 18% per annum till the date of actual payment of due and
outstanding amount.
4.3The Allottee(s) agrees and acknowledges that the Developer is under no obligation to s end
demands/reminders for payments of the Installment/Balance Consideration. It is clarified that it is
theresponsibility of the Allottee(s) to pay the Installment/Balance Consideration as and when the same
shall fall due in accordance with the respective Payment Plan applicable to the Allottee(s).
4.4It is understood and agreed by the Allottee(s) that making payment of "BSP" as aforesaid in accordance
with the "Payment Plan" and payment of Maintenance Charges and charges on account of other
services availed, on due dates as per the call notices or otherwise together with applicable simple interest
at the rate of 18% per annum, if any, is the essence of this Arrangement. In the event, the
Allottee(s) fails to make payment on due dates as aforesaid and is in default for a period exceeding 1 (one)
month, the "Developer" shall have unfettered right to cancel the Allotment and forfeit the Earnest Money
and also recover arrears on account of accrued interest, and any other expense or tax if so incurred and
accordingly refund the balance amount, if any, to the Allottee(s).The "Developer" shall
4.Sln exceptional circumstances and in its sole discretion, the Developer on the request of the Allottee(s)
within seven (7) days of default, may condone the delay in payment of the Allotment _~oney,
lnstallment(s) or any other charges as may be payable by the Allottee(s) on such terms and co~ditions as
may be deemed fit by the DEVELOPER. However, it is clarified that such discretion and ng_ht of ~he
Developer shall not become automatically applicable to any or all other defaulting Allottee(s), mcludmg
with respect to other "Vasilia Residential Apartment" of the same Allottee(s ). \...,
4.6The Developer shall not be responsible towards any third party(s) making payment /
remittances on behalf of the Allottee(s) and such third party(s) shall not have any right in the Allotment of
the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" allotted to the Allottee(s). The Developer will only issue receipt
for Payment in favour of the recorded Allottee(s).
4.7Any charges/taxes demanded by the Local/Government body, Authority or Noida, levies or other
charges for the period after the date of Application shall be borne by the Allottee(s) irrespective of the
fact that he/she/they have not been enjoying any benefit of his/her/their "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" and the same shall be payable by him/her/them immediately on demand in proportion to
the Super Area of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" allotted to him/her/them upon receipt of the
Call Notice from the Developer. However, in the event the said charges are not made separately by the
Local/Government body or Authority etc. each Allottee(s) will pay the proportionate share on the basis of
his/her/their Super Area as the case may be and as may be determined by the Developer from time to
time. In case of any default in payment of the charges, it would be considered as an event of default and
shall be accordingly dealt with. The Allottee(s) shall themselves be responsible for each such default, and
in the event the Developer suffers any loss/damages due to any non-performance by Allottee(s), then the
Allottee(sJ shall indemnify the Developec of such loss/damages whatsoevec. \_
4.8 All payments due from the Allottee(s) shall be made only through Cheque/ Demand Draft/Pay Order
payable at Delhi/New Delhi/ Noida, in the name of "M/s Wave Megacity Center Private Limited". The
reverse of each Instrument shall record the number of the said "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" and name of the First Allottee. In case the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" is allotted to
joint Allottee(s), then it is agreed that the Developer shall issue the payment receipt only in the name of
the First Allottee, irrespective of whether the payment was received from any other Allottee(s).
4.9 For all payments, the date of clearance of the demand draft/ pay order/cheque shall be taken as
the date of payment. The dishonor of the demand draft/pay order/cheque for any reason, shall entitle the
Developer to charge from the Allottee(s) an additional amount of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only)
towards loss of creditability, administrative & handling charges.
4.10 The Allottee(s) shall be entitled to a receipt, to be issued by the Developer against every demand
draft/ pay order/cheque issued by the Allottee(s), subject to the clearance of the said demand draft/ pay
order /cheque.
5.1 Subject to Clause 5.2 and further subject to all the Allottee(s) of the "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" in the "Said Project" making timely payment, the "Developer" shall endeavor to complete
the development of "Said Project" in general and the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" in particular as
far as possible within Forty (42) months along with an extended period of 6 (Six) months from the date
of execution of this Arrangement and / or sanction / approval of building/site plan etc. whichever is
5.2 For the purposes of the present Arrangement, "Force Majeure" shall mean any event or
circumstance or a combination of events and circumstances, whether occurred or likely to occur, which
(it satisfies all or any of the following conditions:
(a) Materially and adversely affecting the "Said Project" and/or the performance of an obligation of the
(c) And includes (without limitation), subject to satisfaction of the above conditions, the following
events and/or circumstances:
ii. Revolution, Riot, Insurrection or other Civil Commotion, act of Terrorism or Sabotage;
iii. Strikes, Industrial Disputes and/or Lockouts and/or Interrupting Supplies and Services to
the "Project";
iv. Non -payment of sums due from the Allottee (s ) including payment of
instalment/applicable interest and levies as mentioned herein above on time by any of the
Allottee(s) of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment".
vi. Acts of God or events beyond the reasonable control of the "Developer" which could not
reasonably have been expected, including any effect of the natural elements, including
lightning, fire, earthquake, unprecedented rains, landslide, subsidence, flood, storm, cyclone,
epidemics or plagues or any other similar effect;
any proceedings; 1
5.3Without prejudice to the above, it is hereby agreed that possession of "Vasilia . Re_sidential
Apartment" shall be delivered by the "Developer" to the Allottee(s) only upon registration of the
Tripartite Sub-Lease Deed and subject to clearance of all dues and demands payable by the Allottee(s) to
the "Developer" up to the date of such possession as specified herein.
5.4 The Allottee(s) shall take possession of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" within 30 (thirty)
days from the date of issue of offer to take possession, failing which, the Allottee(s) undertakes and
agrees to pay the Holding Charges as may be decided by the "Developer" from time to time besides the
applicable Maintenance Charges, for the entire period after expiry of 30 (thirty) days during which the
Allottee(s) does not take delivery of physical possession of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment". The
Holding Charges shall be decided by the "Developer" and the same may be revised or modified from time
to time, by the "Developer" in view of the prevailing circumstances. The purpose for imposition of this
charge is to ensure and secure the habitation in the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" at the earliest
which is the sole object of the Noida for granting the Lease for development of the "Said Project". It is
hereby clarified that these Holding Charges shall be independent of all dues and charges specified
hereunder. Where Allottee(s) omits, fails, refuses and/or neglects to take possession of the "Vasilia
Residential Apartment" from the "Developer" for any reasons whatsoever, the "Vasilia Residential
Apartment" shall be held by the "Developer" at the risk and cost of the Allottee(s) and the "Developer"
shall in its sole discretion, reserve the right to cancel the allotment in such circumstances. The Allottee(s)
further undertake to pay penalty charges and or any other charges which may be imposed by "Noida" on
account of delay in taking over the possession and execution of the Sub-Lease Deed.
5.SSubject to clause 5.1 and 5.2 above and further the Allottee(s) having complied with its \.L
obligations under the Application Form as well as this "Vasilia Residential Apartment" Allottee(s)
Arrangement, including but not limited to timely payment of the entire Consideration and other charges
as per the Payment Plan opted by the Allottee(s), in the event of wilful delay in construction of the
"Vasilia Residential Apartment" for reason attributable solely to the "Developer", delay charges
would be payable to the Allottee(s) at the rate of Rs.5/- (Rupees Five Only) per square feet per month. It
is hereby clarified that the aforesaid delay charges shall be payable, subject to demand being raised by
the Allottee(s) for the same (and will be calculated from the date of the said demand), till the date when
possession of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment" is offered to the Allottee(s). Further, all payments
towards the delay charges, as due from the "Developer", would be adjusted from the payment due to the
"Developer" from the Allottee(s) at tlile time of the final settlement of Sale Consideration of the "Vasilia
Residential Apartment". Provided specifically that, the "Developer" shall be entitled, without the
payment of any delay charges, not to offer the possession of the "Vasilia Residential Apartment", to
the Allottee(s), till all amount due and payable by the Allottee(s), as of such date, including all default,
payment of interest etc., have been paid by the Allottee(s ).
·. •,•. ·.