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Flood Brochure

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This preparedness guide explains flooding How Do I Keep Myself and My Flood Myth vs.

and flood safety and suggests lifesaving Myth: A 100-year flood only occurs every 100 years.
actions YOU can take to protect yourself, Family Safe During a Flood? Fact: The 100-year flood is a climactic average; there is
your family, your home or your business. a 1% chance that a 100-year flood will occur in any
Before a flood hits, you can view flood given year.
locations in real time at: Myth: Flash floods only occur along flowing streams. River Flood: This type of flood occurs when
Flooding is the leading http://water.weather.gov/ahps/ Fact: Flash floods can occur in urban areas where no prolonged rainfall over several days causes a
streams are present.
cause of severe weather Before the flood reaches your area: Myth: Flash floods occur mainly in the late afternoon and
river or stream to overflow and flood the area.
Flooding along rivers is a natural process.
* Know if floodwaters might affect your home and
related deaths. property. Know your elevation above flood stage.
Fact: Many flash floods occur at night.
A normal river flood can last for over a
* Evacuate immediately, if advised to do so. Bring week.
Myth: Larger vehicles, such as SUVs and pickup trucks
important documents with you. are safe to drive through flood waters.
* Move to a safe area before access is cut off. Urban Flood: The construction of urban
Fact: Two feet of water can carry away most
* Do not attempt to cross flowing water. areas increases water runoff by reducing the
Vehicles, including SUVs and pickup trucks.
* Monitor a NOAA Weather radio. amount of ground able to absorb rainfall.
Densely populated areas have a high risk
During the flood: for flash/urban floods.
* Avoid areas subject to flooding.
* Never drive through flooded roadways. Flash Flood: Flash floods occur when the
* Do not drive around barricades, they are there ground becomes saturated with water that has
for your protection. fallen too quickly to be absorbed by the ground.
* If your vehicle stalls, leave it immediately. They can also occur from a levee failure or
* Never try to walk through or allow children to from a fast-rising river.
play around flood water. Urbanization increases runoff two to six
Flooded Roadway Facts times over what would occur on natural
Nearly half of all people killed in floods are those who try terrain.
driving through flooded areas.
During times of urban flooding, streets can
Once your vehicle is lifted off the road by high water, it
can easily be pushed sideways. Most vehicles will then
become swift-moving rivers.
The Centers for Disease Control report that Flash floods can destroy buildings, down
tend to roll over, trapping those inside.
over half of all flood-related drownings occur trees and wash out roads. Significant
Water can erode the road bed, creating unsafe driving
when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood conditions. damage tends to occur in areas next to a
water. The next highest percentage of flood- Underpasses can fill rapidly with water. Driving into a body of water or in a low-lying area.
related deaths is due to walking into or near flooded underpass can quickly put you in five to six feet A flash flood is not something that takes
flood waters. of water. days to happen, it’s a situation that can
There is no guarantee that the road still exists under the develop quickly.
It only takes 18 inches of water to carry away water, or that the roadbed hasn’t been undercut by the Flash floods can occur within a few minutes
After the Flood: flood waters, just waiting for a little additional weight to
most vehicles, including SUVs and trucks. or hours of excessive rainfall.
make it collapse.
If water is above your ankles it can sweep you * Do not visit disaster areas, your presence may Rapidly rising water can reach heights of 20
off your feet. It only takes 6 inches of hamper emergency operations. IF YOU CANNOT SEE THE BOTTOM OF THE feet or more.
fast-moving flood water to knock over an * Throw out food that has come into contact with FLOODED SECTION, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CROSS IT!
adult. the floodwater and boil drinking water before us-
ing it.
* Stay out of buildings that remain in flood waters.
Flooding causes more damage in * Do not handle live electrical equipment in wet
the United States than any other areas.
* If the power is out, use flashlights to examine
severe weather- related event, an buildings. Flammables may be inside.
average of $5 billion a year. * Report broken utilities to the correct authorities.
The NWS issues products to convey the
magnitude of observed or forecast flooding using
Stay Informed! Flood Safety
flood severity categories. Know the terms used to View the latest flood outlook and
describe flood threats:
subscribe for email alerts at Awareness Week:
Warning Products:
Hydrologic Outlook: A flood event may develop. It The third week of March
provides information to those who need consider-
able lead time to prepare for the flood.
“Get Ready!” NOAA Weather Radio
Flood Watch: The expectation of a flood event has Operating since the 1970’s, NOAA Weather
increased, but its occurrence, location, and timing Radio has been ―the voice of the National
is still uncertain. It provides lead time so people Weather Service,‖ broadcasting weather
can set their preparedness plans in motion. information 24 hours a day, every day. This ―All
“Get Set!” Hazards‖ alert mechanism warns the public of
Flood Warning: A flood event is occurring, immi- both weather-related and non weather-related For additional information on
nent, or has a high probability of occurrence. dangers.
“Go Take Action!” With a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio, you
floods and flood safety visit:
can monitor current weather conditions as well
Severity Categories: as forecasts for your local area. These radios http://
Minor Flooding: Minimal or no damage, but possi- also have an alert feature which will sound a
bly public threat or inconvenience. loud alarm—followed by important weather www.floodsafety.noaa.gov/
Moderate Flooding: Some damage to structures information—whenever a watch or warning is
and roads near streams. Some evacuations of issued. This particular feature has been
people and transfer of property to higher elevations credited with saving countless lives. Newer
are necessary. models have the capability to connect
Major Flooding: Extensive damage to structures accessories such as strobe lights and pillow
and roads. Significant evacuations of people and shakers to the radio. These devices,
transfer of property to higher elevations.
specifically designed for people with special
needs, will activate whenever a warning is is-
NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radios can be
purchased at most electronics stores, hardware

» Monitor NOAA Weather Radio, or a favorite

stores, retail stores, or online. Prices start at www.FloridaDisaster.org
around $30. Accessories such as strobe lights
news source for weather – related information. and pillow shakers are sold separately.
» If flooding occurs, get to higher ground and out
of flood prone areas.
» Avoid areas that are already flooded, especially
if the water is flowing fast.
» Never drive through flooded roadways.
» Do not park your vehicle along rivers or steams,
especially during dangerous conditions.

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