Chapter 1 2
Chapter 1 2
Chapter 1 2
component of new educational reforms and initiatives. Some studies reveal that
parental involvement can have a good or bad effects on a child, including their
child’s activities or work at home, school, and more. This involvement can take in
many forms. Such as helping their children with homework, school projects, attending
school events like parents’ conference, and more. Parental Involvement includes a
wide range of attitudes and behaviors but generally refers to parents’ and the families
use of money or investments to provide resources for their child’s needs for school.
Parents are children first educators and have an opportunity to child’s growth
and can also act as an advocate for education. According to a study, students with two
parents operating in supporting roles are more likely to enjoy school and get high
grades than students whose parents are disengaged with what is happening at school
and get high grades than students whose parents are disengaged with what is
competence of the parents to give attention and care varies and can affect children.
Raising awareness and informing parents, teachers, and even the students about the
assessing their children. The researchers analyzed the impact of parental involvement
performance in school. This could benefit students, teachers, and parents by informing
and making them aware of the effects and benefits of parental involvement in Grade
12 students.
In recent years, parental involvement has been widely accepted as the key to
Teachers often engage parents through the school curriculum. It is common to see
“parents’ help needed” in school projects that their child has. Parental Involvement is
raising academically successful children. Starting in the early 1880s, parents and the
community had a massive impact on what the schools did. During this relocation,
students’ coursework improved in nations that their parents and neighbors we’re
unfamiliar with or had little knowledge of. Epstein (1987) discovered that schools
impact parents' engagement levels and that parents who wish to get involved are
channels for influencing parents in a school. Harris and Goodall (2017); Goodall and
including early learning in schools and communities through family learning at home.
Parental involvement and support can benefit children of all ages on a developmental
Theoretical Framework
that guardians who were informed and engrossed in their child’s activities can bring a
seen as an effective strategy and backed up by several studies about the subject with
the aching benefit of Parental Involvement can increase the academic performance of
learning at a place, in school, and the community. Joyce Epstein, a research worker in
the field of parental involvement, identified and studied multiple steps of parental
parents the value and importance of these programs. There are also theories that
associate parental involvement and the academic performance of children, such as the
teachers, and the wider society and culture plays a crucial role in the development of
Conceptual Framework
This part of the study shows the independent and dependent variables
that was used in this study.
These are the factors that can affect the academic performance of grade 12
students. The provided variables can help this study to identify, know the perspective
and effects of parental involvement to students’ academic performance.
Statement of the Problem
A. Sex
B. Age
C. Section
D. Strand
E. Parent’s Educational Attainment
performance of Grade 12 students and it will utilize fifty (50) Grade 12 Senior High
School students from Felix Amante Senior High School as the respondents of this
study. This study will last from December 2022 to May 2023.
Schools. The information they may get from this study can be used as reference to
start or improve counseling programs regarding about the involvement of
parents to their child’s academic performance.
Parents. Healthy parent involvement lay the foundation for better social and
academic skills of their children. Thus, this study can help them recognize
and understand the huge impact of parental involvement to their child’s
Future Researchers. This study will be able to help future researchers as this study
can serve as a basis in conducting studies that is related to this
Definition of Terms
To facilitate the readers understanding of the contents of this study, the researchers
include the operational and conceptual definition of the following terms:
Educational Attainment. This term refers to the highest level of education that the
parent/s of the respondents has successfully completed.
General Average. This term refers to the final calculated grades of the students in a
Guidance. This term refers to giving help and support to students by their parents
regarding issues in emotional, social, physical, behavioral and educational
Participation. This term refers to the involvement of a parent has when it comes to
the schooling of his/her children.