Rwengaaju TOR-For EIA
Rwengaaju TOR-For EIA
Rwengaaju TOR-For EIA
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 6
2.6 EIA Report Content.................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................11
4 References .......................................................................................................................30
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Pipe Network for Gravity Flow System from Proposed Abstraction point to
Rwengaaju Project Area ......................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3-1: Location of Kabarole District in Uganda ...........................................................11
Figure 3-2: Location of Busoro Sub-County in Kabarole District and the Rwengaaju Parish
Figure 3-3: Location of Rwengaaju Parish in Busoro Sub-County .......................................12
Figure 3-4: Natural Vegetation on the banks of River Mpanga ..........................................15
Figure 3-5: Mean Monthly Rainfall (1992 - 2012) at Kyembogo Meteorological Station
(00041' N, 030o20' E, 1500 m a.s.l) ...........................................................................................16
Figure 3-6: Images from the socio-economic survey done for the Rwengaaju Parish .....17
Figure 3-7: Images showing a banana plantation and the farm landscape within
Rwengaaju Parish ...................................................................................................................18
Figure 3-8: Cattle and goats kept by the residents of the Rwengaaju Parish ...................19
Figure 3-9: Villages of Rwengaju Parish .................................................................................20
List of Tables
Table 3-1 Site topology, rock type, weathering product and stability ...............................13
Table 3-2: Livestock Population in Rwengaaju Parish, Kabarole District ............................18
Table 3-3 Type of Materials Used for building Wall, Energy for Lighting and Cooking ......20
Table 3-4: Source of Income for Household .........................................................................22
Table 3-5: Annual Household Income ...................................................................................23
Table 3-6 Stakeholder Analysis...............................................................................................27
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
BA Beneficiary Assessment
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
The water and sanitation sector in Uganda has evolved over the past 10 to 15 years
through several reforms and national instruments all geared towards increasing
efficiencies in implementation and effectiveness in delivery of services to the public. This
continuous change process has enabled appropriate adaptation of sector policies and
strategies to be incorporated into emerging national and international development
agenda including the country's Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP), now transformed
into the National Development Plan (NDP) and also aligned towards the achievement
of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Water use for irrigation is among the technical options for enhancement of Water for
Production in Uganda; however, there has been limited exploitation of this option.
Therefore, the Government of Uganda (GoU), through Ministry of Water and Environment
(MWE) is seeking to establish small irrigation schemes in the country. Under this, MWE
through the Directorate of Water Development (DWD) has secured funding towards
planning and establishing a small-scale irrigation scheme in Rwengaaju Parish in
Kabarole District.
Under the programme, the MWE shall meet the capital investment costs for the scheme
in addition to providing on-job training of key staff in all aspects of the scheme planning,
supervision and post construction management set-up. This will assist in increasing
sustainable water use to improve production.
Section 19 (3) of the National Environment Act, CAP 153 of 1995 requires that all projects
or policies that may, are likely to or will have significant impacts on the environment
should be subjected to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) so that adverse impacts
can be eliminated or mitigated. Projects for which an EIA is mandatory are listed in the
third schedule of this Act.
This particular project is listed in the Third Schedule of the National Environment Act,
where an EIA is mandatory. The categories triggered by this project include:
Category 1- General
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
The main purpose of this EIA is to evaluate the project and determine whether the
proposal can proceed without unacceptable environmental impacts. This will be
achieved by identifying any potentially significant risks of environmental impacts
occurring associated with the project and evaluating and suggesting the corresponding
safeguards or prevention/mitigation measures.
EIAs are used as a planning tool to promote the integration of environmental concerns
into the project planning process at the earliest possible planning and design stages. This
helps provide management of the project with practical advice on the mitigation of any
potentially adverse environmental impacts of the project. The specific objectives of the
proposed EIA include the following;
• Describing the baseline environmental conditions of the project area and its
environs, including the bio-physical, social and cultural aspects, and to assess how
these conditions will be affected by the proposed irrigation project;
• Assess suitability of the area in relation to the proposed project components taking
into consideration environmental and socio-economic concerns by discussing
project alternatives;
• To identify all likely positive and negative environmental impacts emanating as a
result of the construction of required infrastructure and subsequent operation of
the scheme;
• To evaluate all significant negative environmental impacts and propose
appropriate environmentally sound mitigation measures and project alternatives;
• Compile an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), incorporating an
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for all aspects of the development. This
will guide decision making and act as the basis for future monitoring of the project
by the project implementers and Environmental Management Authorities.
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
The International Association for Impact Assessment (1999) defines an EIA as, "the process
of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other
relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and
commitments made."
The EIA process in Uganda is guided by regulations made in terms of Section 107 of the
National Environment Act Cap 153 of 1st May 1998. The EIA Regulations of 1998 set out
the procedures and criteria for the submission, processing and consideration of and
decisions on applications for the Certificate of Approval of projects.
The EIA process in Uganda is divided into three main phases, which are the Screening
Phase, the EIS Phase and the Decision Making Phase. A detailed description of the EIA
process in Uganda in general can be obtained from the “Guidelines for Environmental
Impact Assessment in Uganda” (NEMA, July 1997).
The proposed project is currently in the initial step of the Environmental Impact Study,
namely the EIS Phase which includes the project scoping. This report has been compiled
after the scoping exercise.
A total of 2,294 households with an average of 4.8 persons per household and an
average landholding of 0.1 – 1.2 hectares distributed in 18 villages will benefit from the
proposed project and will include; Nsaho, Kidubuli, Kyatambasa, Buzinda, Kansenene,
Manihya, Kinyaibumba, Bukoni, Kyembogo, Kicuna A, Kicuna B, Kyakabaka, Bakeebwa,
Nyabwina, Katunguta, Top Hill, Mbagani and Rwengaaju.
Two options were considered for irrigation water supply to the Rwengaaju Model Parish
Irrigation Project.
• Option1 would involve gravitating water from the Upstream Catchment of the
River Mpanga in the Rwenzori Mountains to the Project area.
• Option 2 will involve pumping water from the River Mpanga near Fort-Portal Town
to the project area.
The two options were evaluated taking into considering the issue of sustainability as a
large volume of water is needed for irrigation as well as operational and maintenance
costs. Gravity water for irrigation from Rwenzori Mountains has minimum operational cost
since energy is provided by gravity while pumping raises the issue of sustainability.
According to the local technical staff, beneficiaries are reluctant or unable to pay for
the high energy demand. Therefore, development of the Rwengaaju Parish Irrigation
Project will be guided by Option 1.
The construction of Option 1 will include an intake structure, bulk water transfer from the
upstream catchment of River Mpanga in the Rwenzori Mountains to the project area,
construction of reservoirs at farm level and irrigation distribution system at farm level. The
water storage reservoirs are required to store water to provide reliable irrigation water
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
The pipeline layout (Figure 1-1) shows the proposed intake point, upstream of the River
Mpanga in the Rwenzori Mountains. From this intake point there would be an 24.46 km
transmission pipeline to a reservoir at Kachope Hill with a head difference of 74 m and
secondary transmission pipelines to reservoirs on other hills in the project area namely
Kicuna, Kabagambe, and Bukoni. These hills are within elevation difference of 5 -10 m
with respect to Kachope hill top. The capacity of the three (3) tanks required will initially
be assumed to be the same.
Figure 1-1 Pipe Network for Gravity Flow System from Proposed Abstraction point to Rwengaaju
Project Area
The available dependable yield of River Mpanga was evaluated to only provide
sufficient irrigation for 50.7 ha using the runoff of the river. In order to irrigate more land, it
is important to use night storage. Night Storage Reservoirs (NSR) store water during times
when there is abstraction from the headwork’s but no irrigation. Rwengaaju Irrigation
Scheme has been designed to operate for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, implying that
the flow in the river for the remaining 14 hours of the day can be stored and used to
irrigate more land in the project area, increasing the potential irrigation area to 152 ha
(50.7 ha from the dependable yield of River Mpanga and 101.3 ha from NSR).
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
2.1 Introduction
These terms of reference are prepared to give a framework for the proposed EIA study.
They describe the scope of work, approach to the EIA study, and methodology for
undertaking the study, expected outputs, EIA report content and the proposed EIA team.
The relevant aspects of the existing environment will be identified and described to
provide a baseline for the identification and prediction of potential impacts which are
likely to arise from implementing the proposed project. Baseline environmental surveys
will be undertaken and relevant documents will be reviewed (and information
incorporated where appropriate) to determine the existing environmental conditions at
the project site and all surrounding areas likely to be affected by the project.
The methodologies to be used in the assessments have previously been applied in similar
EIA studies in Uganda. These methodologies have been accepted for use in assessing
environmental impacts under the available guidelines.
Mitigation measures will be identified and evaluated to avoid, control, reduce, minimise
or remedy the impacts. The effectiveness of the proposed mitigation will be assessed and
discussed for implementation. An implementation schedule for the mitigation measures
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
will be prepared, where each mitigation measure identifies when and where it is required,
and the parties responsible for its implementation.
2.3 Methodology
The consultancy team will undertake the task of the EIA for the proposed project by
clearly defining the assignment into a number of discrete activities. These activities will
facilitate development of a workable framework for the speedy and timely execution of
the assignment. The team will use a range of methods to accomplish the assignment,
include the following:
Field visits will be made by the consulting team to identify the baseline environmental
conditions of the proposed site. Existing flora, fauna, topography, geology, hydro-
geology, biodiversity, ecology of the project area and its environment and land use
activities in the neighbourhood likely to be affected by the proposed project activities
will be assessed. Onsite observation will be recorded with the use of a Global Positioning
System (GPS) and camera in order to capture site specifics and as pictorial evidence.
During the EIA study, consultations will be held with all relevant stakeholders including all
affected local community members, local leaders from lower Local Council I to Local
Council III, Kabarole District Officials, NEMA, MWE and interest groups and all other
relevant stakeholders will be conducted.
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
relevant to the project as well as the environmental requirements. This will include an
intensive review of the District State of the Environment Report and the area profile,
environmental policies, regulations and standards related to the proposed development
and revision of documents submitted by the implementers/developer.
The Environmental Impact Assessment will be consistent with the laws, regulations,
policies and guidelines which govern the conduct of Environmental Impact Assessment
in Uganda. Additionally, it will comply with all international obligations such as
conventions on environment for which Uganda is party to as well as all institutional
frameworks within Uganda. This includes, among others, the Environmental Impact
Assessment Regulations, 1998 and Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment in
Uganda, 1997.
Other laws and policies relevant to the proposed project will also be reviewed and
include, but are not limited to:
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Terms of Reference
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
One of the key deliverables of this study will be an environmental management and
monitoring plan which provides guidelines to the project proponent and the technical
team, including Contractors, on how best to implement the mitigation measures and
recommendations outlined in the EIS for both the construction and operational phase.
The study will outline the proposed environmental management and monitoring plan
that spells out the impact issues and effects, provides mitigation/enhancement
measures, the responsible parties involved in monitoring performance of the proposed
mitigation measures, frequency of monitoring and costs involved as well as capacity
building needs will be specified where possible.
Contributing Members
Civil engineer;
Land economics expert; and
Socio-economic expert.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
3.1 Introduction
A scoping exercise was carried out to identify fundamental issues to be addressed during
the EIA process for the Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme. It also involved the
identification and preliminary consultation of stakeholders. The people to consult were
selected on the basis of their closeness to the proposed site, their administrative
responsibility in the area and any other who is likely to, or whose activities are likely to be
affected by the proposed project.
Rwengaaju Parish is located in Busoro Sub County, in Kabarole district, Western Uganda
(Figure 3-1). Kabarole District lies between Latitudes 00o 15” N and 10o 00” N and
Longitudes 30o 00” and 31o 15” E with an altitude range of 1300 – 1800 m. a.s.l. The District
is bordered by Ntoroko District to the North, Kyenjojo District to the East, Kamwenge
District to the Southeast, Kasese District to the South and Bundibugyo District, across the
Rwenzori Mountains to the West.
Busoro Sub-County and Rwengaaju Parish (Figure 3-2 and 3-3) in particular is about 6 km
from Fort-Portal Municipality and is divided into 18 villages, namely: Nsaho, Kidubuli,
Kyatambasa, Buzinda, Kansenene, Manihya, Kinyaibumba, Bukoni, Kyembogo, Kicuna
A, Kicuna B, Kyakabaka, Bakeebwa, Nyabwina, Katunguta, Top Hill, Mbagani and
Rwengaaju (Figure 3-5).
Kabarole District
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Rwengaaju Parish
Busoro Sub-county
Figure 3-2: Location of Busoro Sub-County in Kabarole District and the Rwengaaju Parish
The baseline environment is site specific and will therefore need to be studied in detail
during the EIA process. The following sections provide an overview of the project site
topography, geology, soil type, natural vegetation and climate.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Table 3-1 Site topology, rock type, weathering product and stability
3.3.2 Soils
Rwengaaju parish is characterized by deep black volcanic soils that extend down by
three metres.
The soil pH was found to range between 5.9 – 7.2 which is ideal for growth of a wide range
of crops. Furthermore, the soil textural classes were found to range between sandy loam
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
to sandy clay loam. These textural classes are easy to work with in terms of tillage and
they exhibit good physical properties, including water holding capacity and soil structure
although drainage would need to be improved through the application of organic
The soils in the sampled area can be described as light, porous and loose. Although the
soil is not typically susceptible to erosion due to the particle sizes, the hilly topography
may result in erosion if natural top vegetation is removed, resulting in heavy rains washing
the soil particles to the valley bottoms.
D It is reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) and moist, sandy and gritty soil aggregates that are
weakly developed, friable and friable. It is imperfectly drained with no roots.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Present day agricultural activities are having an adverse impact on the natural
vegetation and on the river. Cultivation of food and cash crops is done all the way up to
the river banks. In addition, the river bed and banks are heavily mined for both sand and
aggregates which are used for construction purposes.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 3-5: Mean Monthly Rainfall (1992 - 2012) at Kyembogo Meteorological Station (00041' N,
030o20' E, 1500 m a.s.l)
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Figure 3-6: Images from the socio-economic survey done for the Rwengaaju Parish
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Figure 3-7: Images showing a banana plantation and the farm landscape within Rwengaaju
Data obtained from the surveys revealed that households within the Rwengaaju Parish
had an average of 2 cattle, 5 goats, 2 pigs and 4 chickens. Sheep were far fewer with an
average of 0.20 per household. Most of the livestock kept by the beneficiary households
was not for commercial purposes, with only 0.7% of the total surveyed income coming
from livestock. Similarly, no fishing activities were reported in the project area.
The estimated livestock population based on interaction with the District Veterinary
Officer of Kabarole District is shown in Table 3-2.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Figure 3-8: Cattle and goats kept by the residents of the Rwengaaju Parish
3.4.2 Population
In 2002, the population of Kabarole District was estimated at 356,900 with a population
growth rate estimated at 3.0% annually. It is estimated that in 2010, the population of
Kabarole District was approximately 452,100.
Rwengaaju Parish has an estimated population of 11,000 people covering a total area
of 2,750 ha with approximately 2,294 households. It was determined that each household
has an average of 4.8 persons and an average landholding of 0.1 – 1.2 hectares. There
are 18 villages within the Rwengaaju Parish, namely: Nsaho, Kidubuli, Kyatambasa,
Buzinda, Kansenene, Manihya, Kinyaibumba, Bukoni, Kyembogo, Kicuna A, Kicuna B,
Kyakabaka, Bakeebwa, Nyabwina, Katunguta, Top Hill, Mbagani and Rwengaaju (Figure
Male headed households were predominant over female headed households indicating
a strong patriarchal society where a family as a key society structure is headed by males.
Cumulatively, 55.9% of the household heads reported to be aged below 45 years. By
implication, this is a young population with the potential for increased population
especially in the agricultural sector. A substantial proportion of the remaining household
heads were aged above 61 years which age bracket qualifies them to be categorized
as a vulnerable group with urgent need for special and targeted assistance.
Most of the households reported to have between 5 and 10 people, most of whom were
children in the age category of 5 years and below. These large household sizes have a
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
significant correlation to high demand for water for domestic consumption and
agricultural production.
Approximately 85% of the individuals surveyed reported to have used mud and pole as
the main material for the construction of walls of houses. Those that used bricks for the
construction of houses formed a smaller percentage of the population (Table 3-3).
Furthermore, paraffin kerosene wick lamp and paraffin were the main sources of energy
for lighting and firewood was the main source of energy for cooking.
Table 3-3 Type of Materials Used for the construction of houses and sources of energy for Lighting
and Cooking
Bricks 40 14.9
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Other 1 0.4
Solar 19 7.1
Candles 1 0.4
Others 1 0.4
Paraffin 1 0.4
Others 2 0.7
The majority of the households stated that Kidubuli Health Care III was the nearest health
facility known in the project area. Other accessible and utilized health facilities included
Buhanda Hospital, Rwengaaju HC III and other private clinics. Most of the health facilities
are located further than one kilometre, although the residents reported accessing and
utilizing these health facilities regularly. Both self medication with the use of local herbs
and prescriptions given at the referral regional hospitals were reported to be used by the
community to treat conditions.
Few households have reported to be near to a primary school while most residents
reported that nearest primary school was located within a distance of one to two
kilometres. Similarly, majority of the secondary schools were observed to be within a
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
distance of over 2 kilometres, resulting in children having to travel long distances to and
from the schools.
Poultry 2 0.7
Trading/business 45 16.9
None 6 2.2
Very few households in the project area indicated that they were involved in livestock
production and a small percentage of households reported to have no single source of
Many households are engaged in mixed crop farming i.e. rearing animals on a small
scale along with crop farming. The most grown crops both for domestic and commercial
purposes include bananas, sweet potatoes, beans, cassava, tomatoes and Irish
potatoes. Other crops grown on small scale included groundnuts, maize, millet and
cabbage. Given that majority of the beneficiary households reported crop farming as
the major source of income, there is a predictably high demand for water for crop and
livestock production.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Findings from the household socio-economic survey revealed that the majority of the
households were earning less than 500,000 UGX annually (Table 3-5), with very few
households earning more than two million UGX per annum.
5 + million 5 1.9
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
A key part of the scoping process is preliminary identification and consideration of the
ways in which the project may interact, both positively and negatively with the
environmental and the socio-economic resources. The issues that are identified as
potentially significant during the scoping process provide focus for more detailed
specialist studies during the EIA. Each of the potential issues will be briefly described in this
section while the significance of any resulting impacts will be discussed and assessed in
more detail in the EIS.
The potential impacts on environmental and social resources arising from the proposed
development include direct and indirect impacts. Potential impacts will also be linked to
the different stages of the project which are identified as design, construction and
The following section describes potentially significant issues based on the preliminary
project site visit, discussions with the project team, issues and concerns raised by
stakeholders during the initial consultation process and available information about the
environmental effects of similar projects. While the positive impacts will be enhanced,
adequate mitigation measures will be provided for implementation to minimise, avoid,
or mitigate the identified negative impacts. A detailed mitigation plan upon which each
impact will be mitigated will be discussed in the EIS.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Vegetation cover loss;
Cultivation on river banks resulting in loss of river bank integrity;
Soil erosion, particularly on the river banks;
Bush burning during the dry seasons;
Wetlands destruction/Drainage;
Potential upstream flooding;
Solid Waste Management by burning used up chemical packs and Buveera;
Challenges of solid disposal; and
Effects of change of land use especially on vegetation, area drainage and
aquatic species.
Solid waste management concerns especially organic waste from food residues;
Over use of fertilizers which could leech into the river water and wetlands, resulting
in poor water quality downstream;
Downstream water is likely to be polluted by the water discharge from the irrigated
Increased water logging as a result of irrigation;
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Increased challenge of pests and diseases due to elimination of dry periods that
act as natural disease cycle checks/breaks (natural disinfection);
Overuse of herbicides and pesticides which could affect human health;
Reduction of available land due to increased population;
Effects of noise and vibrations from the machines to be used during operation,
especially generators and tractors;
Lost land use opportunities for grazing and fishing;
Increased fire and security risks;
Occupational health and safety issues to especially workers; and
Effect on the downstream water users, especially with possible changes in the
water levels.
The potential impacts listed above will be further investigated in the EIA and appropriate
mitigation and management measures will be suggested for better environmental
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
The aim was to identify the different stakeholders with interest in the irrigation scheme.
The identified stakeholders included:
Stakeholder Interest
The district Supervisory role
This information helped to identify institutions that are relevant to this irrigation project.
The Community members were deemed to be the most important stakeholders who
required constant information in order to support the project. It is important to get
everyone on board for the success of the project.
These were the first activities undertaken in the community in order to enlist everyone’s
support for the project. These meetings allowed the Consultant to explain the purpose of
the project and clear any misunderstandings that may arise as the Consultants embark
on the task. The community meetings were conducted to allow the team to describe
existing problems and their priorities and aspirations under the proposed project.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
Focus Group Discussions are a rapid way to collect comparative data from a variety of
stakeholders. The meetings helped to address particular concerns in the proposed
project, such as:
The main objective of the stakeholder consultations, at this stage was to introduce the
project to the stakeholders and to gather their views on the proposed project and to
discuss project challenges and mitigation measures with the different stakeholders and
community members. Consultations with the community ensure project reception in the
area and easy conflict resolution. It can also form the basis for future collaboration and
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
3.8 Conclusions
Water use for irrigation is imperative for enhancing the Water for Production in Uganda.
The establishment of small irrigation schemes around the country will increase the annual
crop production of Uganda and assist by increasing income for many local communities.
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) will allow for sustainable
development of the Rwengaaju Model Irrigation Scheme in Rwengaaju Parish, in
Kabarole District, so as not to negatively impact or deplete the available natural
resources. Additionally, the ESIA will consider all social implication of this project before
development commences.
Scoping Report
Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
4 References
ILISO Consulting (Pty) Ltd. October, 2013. Final Inception Report: Consultancy Services for
Detailed Design of Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
[Procurement Reference Number: MWE/SRVCS/12-13/01566].
ILISO Consulting (Pty) Ltd . April, 2014. Final Technical Appraisal Report – Irrigation:
Consultancy Services for Detailed Design of Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme
in Kabarole District [Procurement Reference Number: MWE/SRVCS/12-13/01566].
ILISO Consulting (Pty) Ltd . June, 2014. Final Detailed Design Report: Consultancy Services
for Detailed Design of Rwengaaju Model Village Irrigation Scheme in Kabarole District
[Procurement Reference Number: MWE/SRVCS/12-13/01566]