FS4 Prelim Notes
FS4 Prelim Notes
FS4 Prelim Notes
What is Document
According to Microsoft Encarta Reference Library (as a noun):
1. formal piece of writing
2. object containing information
3. computer file
DOCUMENT. Any material containing marks, symbols, or signs either visible, partially visible
that may present or ultimately convey a meaning to someone, maybe in the form of pencil, ink
writing, typewriting, or printing on paper
It is any written statement by which a right is established or an obligation extinguished. (People
vs. Moreno, C.A., 38 O.G. 119.
The term “document” applies to writings; to words printed, lithographed, or photographed; to
maps or plans; to seals, plates, or even stones on which inscriptions are cut or engraved. In its
plural form, “documents” may mean; deeds, agreements, title, letters, receipts, and other written
instruments used to prove a fact.
It Is any Material on which a permanent or semi-permanent message can be placed. Although
most document consist of paper containing handwriting, typewritten material, printed matter, or
a combination, massages can be left on walls, mirrors, blackboards, or locker doors
(Additional info)
-Latin word documentum means lesson or example (in Medieval Latin “instruction or official
paper) or
-French word “docere”, means to teach
Types of Standards
• Collected/Procured Std. – Standard specimen executed in the regular course of man’s
activity or that which are executed on the day to day writing activity.
• Requested/Dictated (Post litel motam std.) – a Standard document which are executed
upon request, they are prepare at one time.
PUBLIC DOCUMENT - notarized by a notary public or competent public official with
solemnities required by law.(Cacnio vs. Baens, 5 Phil. 742)
OFFICIAL DOCUMENT - issued by the government or its agents or its officers having the
authority to do so and the offices, which in accordance with their creation, they are authorized to
issue and be issued in the performance of their duties.
executed in accordance with the Code of Commerce or any Mercantile Law, containing
disposition of commercial rights or obligations.
Take note: A private document may become a public or official document when it partake the
nature of a public or official record. So if the falsifications committed on such document that is,
when it is already a part of the public record, falsification of public or official document is
-any document completely written and signed by one person; also known as holograph. In
number of jurisdictions a holographic will can be probated without anyone having witnessed its
Reference Collection- Material compiled and organized by the document examiner to assist
him in answering special questions. Reference collections of typewriting, check writing
specimens, inks, pens, pens, and papers are frequently maintained.
5. Document questioned as their age or date- Document questioned pertaining to the date of
preparation of documents.
7. Document involving type writing- Typewritten document can be questioned based on its
source, date or contents whether they were executed on the same ate or same typewriter or same
or different occasion or if the type writing does not contain any insertion or addition
7. Documents or writings investigated because it is alleged that they identify some persons
through handwriting.
a. anonymous and disputed letters, and
b. superscriptions, registrations, and miscellaneous writings.
Definition of Term
• ADDITION - Any matter made a part of the document after its original preparation may
be referred to as addition.
• CONCLUSION - A scientific conclusion results form relating observed facts by logical,
common-sense reasoning in accordance with established rules or laws. The document
examiner's conclusion, in legal term is referred to as "opinion".
• DOCUMENT EXAMINER. One who studies scientifically the details and elements of
documents in order to identify their source or to discover other facts concerning them.
Document examiners are often referred to as handwriting identification experts, but today
the work has outgrown this latter title and involves other problems than merely the
examination of handwriting.
• ERASURE - The removal of writings, typewriting or printing, from a document is an
erasure. It maybe accomplished by either of two means. A chemical eradication in which
the writing is removed or bleached by chemical agents (e.g. liquid ink eradicator); and an
abrasive erasure is where the writing is effaced by rubbing with a rubber eraser or
scratching out with a knife or other sharp with implement.
• EXAMINATION - It is the act of making a close and critical study of any material and
with questioned documents, it is the process necessary to discover the facts about them.
Various types are undertaken, including microscopic, visual photographic, chemical, ultra
violet and infra-red examination.
• EXPERT WITNESS. A legal term used to describe a witness who by reason of his
special training or experience is permitted to express an opinion regarding the issue, or a
certain aspect of the issue, which is involved in a court action. His purpose is to interpret
technical information in his particular specialty in order to assist the court in
administering justice. The document examiner testifies in court as an expert witness.
• INSERTION OR INTERLINEATION - The term "insertion" and "interlineations"
include the addition of writing and other material between lines or paragraphs or the
addition of whole page to a document.
• NON-IDENTITIFICATION (Non-identity) – as used in this text it means that the
source or authorship of the compared questioned and standard specimens is different.
• OBLITERATION - the blotting out or shearing over the writing to make the original
invisible to as an addition.
• OPINION. In legal language, it refers to the document Examiner's conclusion. Actually
in Court, he not only expresses an opinion but demonstrates the reasons for arriving at his
opinion. Throughout this text, opinion and conclusion are used synonymously.
• QUALIFICATION. The professional experience, education, and ability of a document
examiner. Before he is permitted to testify as an expert witness, the court must rule that
he is qualified in his field.
• Generally, examination of questioned documents is restricted to “Scientific Comparison”
which means that determination of authenticity, genuineness, falsification or forgery lies
on the availability of known standards for comparison. After thorough comparison, the
following principle of identification is applied:
“When two items contain a combination of corresponding or similar and specifically
oriented characteristic of such number and significance as to preclude the possibility of
their occurrence by mere coincidence and there are no unaccounted for differences, it
may be concluded that they are same in their characteristics attributed to the same cause.
Types of Handwritings
1. Cursive- Writing in which the letters are for the most part joined together
2. Handlettering- refers to writing characterized by a disconnected style
3. Natural Writing- a specimen of writing that is executed normally and without any attempt of
altering its usual writing habits
4. Disguised- A specimen of writing executed deliberately with an attempt of changing its usual
writing habits in the hope of hiding one’s identity.
5. Guided/Assisted- a specimen of writing executed while the writer’s hand is at steadied.
Usually employed by beginners in writing.
Signature—a name of person signed by himself on a document as a sign of acknowledgement
Model signature- genuine signature which has been used in preparing a simulated
Evidential Signature- specimen signature which was executed in particular date and place under
a particular ____ condition and for a particular purpose.
Classes of Signature
1. Formal or complete- used in signing very important document
2. Informal or cursory- used for routine document
3. Careless scribble- used for not so important document such as a delivery of mail or receipt
A more or less definite pattern for each is stored away in the subjective mind but the hand
does not always produce a stereotyped duplicate of that pattern. The hand ordinarily is not an
instrument of precision and therefore we may not expect every habitual manual operation to be
absolutely uniform. The greater this skill in the art of penmanship, the less the variations there
will be in the form of individualize letters as well as in the writing as a whole.
Causes of Variation
1. Function of some external condition i.e. influence of the available space.
2. Abnormal conditions such as physical injury, toxic effects, inebriation's, emotion and
3. Position of letter - all the letters are to be found initially, medially, and finally. The fact
of a different position, especially in combination with another and particular letter, may
modify any of them in some way or another.
• LINE DIRECTION – Movement of the baseline. May slant up, down, or straight across
the page.
• LINE QUALITY - the overall character of the ink lines from the beginning to the ending
strokes. There are two classes: Good Line quality and Poor Line quality. The visible
records in the written stroke of the basic movements and manner of holding
the writing instrument is characterized by the term "line quality". It is
derived from a combination of actors including writing skill, speed rhythm, freedom of
movements, shading and pen position.
• SHADING - Is the widening of the ink strokes due to the added pressure on a flexible
pen point or to the use of a stub pen.
• SIGNIFCANT WRITING HABIT – Any characteristic of handwriting that is
sufficiently uncommon and well fixed to serve as a fundamental point in the
• SIMPLIFICATION – Eliminating extra or superfluous strokes from the copybook
• SIZE – May refer to the overall size of the writing or the proportions between zones.
• SKILL - In any set there are relative degrees or ability or skill and a specimen of
handwriting usually contains evidence of the writer's proficiency; degree, ability, or skill
of a write proficiency.
• SLOPE/SLANT - the angle or inclination of the axis of the letters relative to the
baseline. There are three classes: Slant to the left; Slant to the right; and Vertical Slant.
• SPEED OF WRITING - The personal pace at which the writer’s pen moves across the
• SPEED (SPEEDY) WRITING - Not everyone writes at the same rate so that
consideration of the speed of writing may be a significant identifying element. Writing
speed cannot be measured precisely from the finished handwriting but can be interpreted
in broad terms of slow, moderate, or rapid.
• SYSTEM (OF WRITING) - The combination of the basic design of letters and the
writing movement as taught in school make up the writing system. Writing through use
diverges from the system, but generally retains some influence of the basic training.
• TENSION – The degree of force exerted on the pen compared to the degree of
• THREADY FORM – An indefinite connective form that looks flat and wavy.
• VARIABILITY – The degree to which the writing varies from the copybook model.
• VARIATION – The act or process of changing.
• WORD SPACE – The amount of space left between words.
• WRITING CONDITION – Both the circumstances under which the writing was
prepared and the factors influencing the writer’s ability to write at the time of execution.
It includes the writer’s position (sitting, standing, abed, etc.), the paper support and
backing, and the writing instrument; writing ability may be modified by the condition of
the writer’s health, nervous state, or degree of intoxication.
• WRONG-HANDED WRITING. Any writing executed with the opposite hand that
normally used; a.k.a. as “with the awkward hand.” It is one means of disguise. Thus, the
writing of a right-handed person which has been executed with his left hand accounts for
the common terminology for this class of disguise as "left-hand writing".
• WRITING IMPULSE – The result of the pen touching down on the paper and moving
across the page, until it is raised from the paper.
• Arc–the rounded inner part of an upper curve, bend or crook,
• Beard–is an introductory up and downstrokes found in some capital letters. Also called
• Double hitch.
• Blunt–is a part of a stroke characterized by a abrupt beginning or end at which the pen
does not creates a diminishing strokes.
• Buckle Knot is a horizontal or loop strokes used to complete letters A, H ,F and D.
• Loop–is an oblong strokes