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FC3 T07 12 Key

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A 1. b H 1. people won’t believe

2. c 2. She wouldn’t be
3. a 3. We will / might / could have
4. b 4. they communicated
B 1. c 5. he doesn’t study
2. a I 1. It’s helpful to compromise about small things.
3. d 2. It’s always useful to talk over your problems.
4. b 3. It’s never wise to argue with your parents.
C 1. confidence 4. It’s important to have a good relationship with
your boss.
2. talented
3. wise J 1. must
4. enthusiasm 2. can’t
5. brave 3. could
D 1. considerate
4. must not
2. announcement K 1. Gary hasn’t gone shopping for organic food yet.
3. ran into 2. Gary has already recycled his old newspapers.
4. forgive 3. Gary and Sarah haven’t bought recycling bins yet.
5. skydiving 4. Gary and Neil have already fixed the leaky faucet.
6. handicrafts L 1. themselves
7. grew up 2. myself
8. optimistic 3. himself
E 1. I never do things quickly. 4. yourselves
2. My work is fairly important to me. M 1. were grown
3. She works well with young children. 2. was released
4. It’s extremely difficult to talk to him about 3. was written
my problems. 4. were sold
F 1. She’s worked N 1. b
2. for 2. e
3. Have you been 3. a
4. since 4. c
5. He hasn’t seen 5. d
6. for O (1) 6 3 2 5 4
7. Have they spoken P 1. only E-Waste
8. since 2. only Wind Farm
G 1. too many 3 Wind Farm and E-Waste
2. too much 4. Wind Farm and E-Waste
3. fewer 5. only Wind Farm
4. less Q 1. B
2. D
3 E
4. C
5. A

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 3 Units 7–12 Test Answer Key 1
Oral Test
A Student B’s own answers Student A’s answers
Sample answers: Sample answers:
1. Yes, I am. [For example, at parties I always talk 1. Because she wants to help the environment.
to a lot of people.] / No, I’m not. [I’m rather shy.] 2. Because it doesn’t cause pollution.
2. I’ve been a student here for [three years]. 3. She would write articles to help people understand
3. Yes, I do. [I ride my bike to work.] / No, I don’t try the good things about solar energy.
to save energy. 4. Yes, she does. She uses CFLs, buys local food,
4. I get along well with people who are [considerate, and takes public transportation.
fair, and honest]. 5. She thinks her best trait is being curious.
5. Yes, I think it’s always good to be careful. [You 6. Because she’s curious, she would ask a lot of
make fewer mistakes.] / No, I don’t. [Sometimes questions and learn her job quickly.
you have to make quick decisions.] 7. She thinks her worst trait is being indecisive.
6. Yes. [I can always count on him to help me.] / 8. Yes, because she goes to her co-workers for
Unfortunately, [he] isn’t always reliable. [He often advice. That helps everybody get along well.
forgets his appointments.]
7. I’d live [here to be near my friends]. D Student A’s questions
8. Yes, I have. I’m going to [Miami]. / No, I haven’t. 1. Why does Matt want to work for this company?
[It’s too early to think about vacation.] 2. Why does he like hybrid cars?
B Student A’s own answers 3. If he got the job, what would he do?
Sample answers: 4. Does he try to protect the environment now? How?
1. Yes, I think I am. [I don’t get angry easily.] / 5. What does he think his best trait is?
No, I’m not very patient. [I don’t like waiting.] 6. How would that help him if he got the job?
2. I’ve studied English for [five years]. 7. What does he think his worst trait is?
3. Yes, I do. [I always fix leaky faucets.] / No, I don’t. 8. Does he think this trait can help him? How?
[I have a few leaky faucets.]
Student B’s answers
4. I like to get together with people who are [outgoing] Sample answers:
because [they’re fun].
1. Because he wants to help reduce pollution.
5. Yes, I think it’s always good to be honest
2. Because they don’t cause pollution.
[so people know they can count on you]. / No,
not always. [Sometimes you can hurt people’s 3. He would try to get more people to buy hybrids.
feelings.] 4. Yes, he does. He rides his bike to work and grows
6. Yes. [She’s never nervous.] / No, she isn’t. his own vegetables.
[She’s always nervous before a big test.] 5. He thinks his best trait is being optimistic about
7. If I won a free plane ticket, I’d go [to Hawaii]. the future.
[People say it’s beautiful.] 6. Being optimistic would help him work hard to stop
8. Yes, I have. [My friends and I are going to India.] / global warming.
No, I haven’t. [I don’t have enough money.] 7. He thinks his worst trait is being impatient.
8. Yes, he does. When he is impatient to find the
C Student B’s questions answer to a problem, he asks people at work to
1. Why does Jane want to work for this company? help him. Together they find answers.
2. Why does she like solar energy?
3. If she got the job, what would she do?
4. Does she try to protect the environment now? How?
5. What does she think her best trait is?
6. How would that help her if she got the job?
7. What does she think her worst trait is?
8. Does she think this trait can help her? How?

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 3 Units 7–12 Test Answer Key 2

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