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Research on Theory Scheme

in Intelligent Control System of Feed Processing

Li Yin Zhang Teng Li Xinle Zhang Jianfeng*

College of Information College of Information College of Information College of Information
Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering
Northwest A&F University Northwest A&F University Northwest A&F University NorthwestA&F University
Yangling , China Yangling , China Yangling , China Yangling , China
ly@nwsuaf.edu.cn ly@nwsuaf.edu.cn ly@nwsuaf.edu.cn ly@nwsuaf.edu.cn

Abstract—Based on PLC, this paper blends the automatic on the development of new control technology. Featuring
control theory with the feed processing industry and carries high reliability, controlling flexibility and easy operation,
out design and research on the feed production automatic PLC was widely applied to large laboratory physical device
control system. Mainly employing the method of combining the control systems in recent years [3][4]. The research approach
upper computer with the PLC, this system can collect,
recognize and control data to progressively implement the
and technology routine in this paper are reasonable and
automatic control of feed production process. VC and feasible. The reasons are as follows:
configuration software are generally used to program for the x The automatic control theory based on PLC has been
system of which the database adopts SQL Server2000 and the fairly systemic and complete. It will produce huge
PLC resorts to ladder diagrams to design software economic benefit if this theory was combined with
programming. The running result shows that this system can the production practice in agriculture.
detect and control safety parameters and achieve the automatic x The improvement in performance of micro-
technology transform of feed production lines. processors and micro-controllers and the fall in their
prices led to the broad application of miniaturized
Keywords:computer application; feed production; PLC; and built-in control systems in areas like
automatic control system manufacturing industry, process control and so on.
In addition, the common configuration software has
I. INTRODUCTION a variety of advantages of possessing simple and
With the development of control technology, computing flexible visual interfaces, a strong real-time
concurrence function, plenty and lively multi-media
technology and meter age technology, the feed production
films, great data-processing capability, versified
process has developed from the past simple control into the
alarm-reporting functions, high hardware
present comprehensive automatic control, which has compatibility, convenience of controlling
progressed much in control equipment and control methods. complicated running processes, good maintainability
Applying automatics technology, computing technology, and expandability, etc. All of these will make the
network communication technology and multi-media common configuration software popularly accepted
technology to control systems is one of the developing in the modern control field.
directions of modern control systems which should possess
not only controlling function but also managing function. II. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
Not only can the modern control systems provide displayed
data and sound or light alarms but also it can fulfill multi- A. Plan Aims
media data presentation and multi-media alarm-reporting On the premise that production processes run safely and
functions[1][2]. The past automatic technology transform of stably, the feed production automatic control aims to follow
feed production lines mainly focused on the control of feed production processes and produce out qualified
principal formulas and less considered the detection and products according to formulas. In the meantime, the
control of safety parameters. This was not favorable for equipment productivity should be improved to the utmost to
ensuring the safe operation of production equipments. reduce the consumption.
Programmable logic controller is a sort of digitally operated
B. Research Content of the Plan
electronic device which has been specially designed to work
in industrial environment. In 1969, the first PLC developed x Interlocking Control of Feed Production
by DEC company successfully superseded the complicated Equipments. According to requirements of
and expensive relay system produced by the hydrodynamic processing techniques, feed production equipments
press department of GM corporation and lifted the curtain need to fulfill automatic, reverse-order, time-delay

978-1-4244-5848-6/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

and interlocking control. The function of III. IMPLEMENTATION CONTENT
interlocking control of equipments mainly involves
switching, namely to interlock to switch on or switch A. Overall Design of Implementation Methods
off and switch over. To ensure the safe and reliable The feed production automatic control system employs the
run of production equipments and avoid faulty method of combining the upper computer with the PLC. The
operation, PLC is used to effect the interlocking PLC functions as the lower computer to collect recognize
control of equipments. The production equipments
and control data. While the microcomputer functions as the
set “interlock/no interlock” two controlling modes.
When equipments are set in “interlock” mode, they upper computer to carry out the interaction between man
are available for reverse order, time delay and and machine interfaces so as to present the industrial field
automatic on/off switch; when equipments are set in condition and enable operators to perform real-time
“no interlock” mode, usually for debugging or monitoring of the control system. For details please see the
maintenance, every equipment is under control of following total frame diagram of the feed production
manpower to be switched on or off. And when being automatic control system.
in emergency, all equipments could be instructed to B. Type Selection and Design of Hardware
halt simultaneously [5].
x Detection and Control of Weighing. One important According to the actual demand of feed production, types of
link in feed production chain is to weigh raw the PLC, sensors, etc. of the feed production automatic
material according to formulas. The detection and control system are selected to structure the laboratory
control of weighing directly concern the product simulators of the feed production lines.
quality. The weighing cell detects the weight and the C. Software Design
transducer regulates the motor speed of screw
conveyors in the storage bin so as to keep the ˄1˅Development Tools
weighing process continuously adjustable. VC and configuration software are generally used to
x Automatic Control of the Mixing Process. program. The database adopts SQL Server2000 and the PLC
According to appointed formulas, the system resorts to ladder diagrams to design software programming.
functions to mix ingredients in proportion ˄2˅Software Functions
automatically and orderly. Before mixing, the name x Functions of Techniques Control and Display.
of the formula, the proportion of ingredients and the Through the man-machine interface functions of
executing batch of the formula are transferred to the techniques control and display are fulfilled. On
PLC firstly. Then the PLC examines to see whether computers in the feed production control room the
the scale door is closed. If not, the system wouldn’t man-machine interface dynamically displays the
execute the command of mixing and would send out complete process of techniques.
alarm signals. x Accident Alarm-reporting Function. When one of
x Detection and Alarm of Magnitude of Current of the parameters exceeds the setting value or
the Disintegrator and Mixer .The disintegrator and equipments malfunction the sound alarm in the
mixer are driven by two powerful engines. These central control room will work. And simultaneously
engines have to take live test of their magnitude of the corresponding prompt and film will be displayed.
current so as to determine the running status of The parameter then will be recorded in the alarm
equipments and take corresponding measures. The database and can be printed out. The system also has
magnitude of current of the disintegrator and mixer alarm- reset function.
is related to the load of the equipments. Generally x Function of Technique Parameters Setting.
speaking, the loading increases and the magnitude of Through the upper computer technique control
current increases too. The loading could be judged parameters are modified and set.
by the magnitude of current. With the magnitude of x Function of Database Management. The system
current of equipments recorded by PLC, the retrieval establishes production diary database, production
of historical data could be conducted to check the operation database, functional failure database and
running status of equipments. And the system will alarm database.
give the alarm if equipments are supplied with over x Function of Real-time and Historical Curve
x Setting and Display of Formulas. The upper and
lower computers of the system can both set formulas IV. SYSTEM EVALUATIONS
and read the actual scaled weight from the upper
computer and two digital display meters, which is A. Practicability
very convenient and accurate. If the PLC
Starting from the point of view of solving practical
malfunctions, formulas can be executed manually.
This improves the reliability of the system and the problems, the system aims to secure safe agricultural
product quality. products for consumers. So the enquiry service is provided
for consumers to know about records of agricultural

products. Therefore they could be aware of whether they’ve production system software, which is based on PLC, into
bought safe produces. effect. On the whole, this system achieves goals of
improving work efficiency, saving energy and improving
B. Security
The built-in security system of the software can reject visits
of non-managerial personnel and prevent operation of REFERENCES
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grinder Elevator bottom hopper Material bin

Manufactured product mixer Scale bucket

Fig 1 process control flow graph





Supported by National Innovation Experiment Program for University Students (No.01082502)

corresponding author: Zhang Jianfeng. Associate Professor, master, is engaged in the researching work of embedded
E-mail: ly@nwsuaf.edu.cn.


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