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Medical Genetics Lecture

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Medical Genetics and Genetic

Kelly Minks, MS, CGC
Departments of Neurology and Medicine
September 1, 2017
What is medical genetics?
 Any application of genetics to medical practice
 Study of inheritance of diseases in families
 Mapping of disease genes to specific locations on
 Analysis of molecular mechanisms through which genes cause
 Diagnosis and treatment of disease
 Genetic counseling
Why is medical genetics important to
 Genetic diseases make up a Genetic Approximate
large percentage of the total condition prevalence
disease burden in pediatric
populations Down syndrome 1/700 to 1/1000
 Increasing number of Cystic Fibrosis 1/2000 to 1/4000
pediatric deaths are due to (Caucasian)
genetic disease in developing
countries Fragile X syndrome 1/4000 males;
 Better understanding of 1/8000 females
disease process
 Prevention Neurofibromatosis 1/3000 to 1/5000
type 1
 Treatment
Types of genetic diseases
 Chromosome disorders
 Single-gene disorders
 Multifactorial disorders
 Mitochondrial disorders
Why is making an accurate diagnosis
 Allows for discussion of natural history, prognosis,
management, treatment, earlier/more frequent disease
screening, recurrence risk and prenatal diagnostic options,
and referral to advocacy groups or clinical trials
 Involves recognition of phenotypic signs, dysmorphology
exam, family history and testing
Common indications for genetics
 Evaluation of individual with developmental delay or
intellectual disability
 Individual with single or multiple malformations
 Individual with chromosome disorder
 Individual at risk for genetic condition
 Individual with questions about genetic aspect of disease
 Couples with history of recurrent miscarriage
 Consanguinity
 Teratogen counseling
 Preconception counseling
Principles of Dysmorphology
 Malformation/Anomaly (primary defect)
 Basic alteration in structure of a body part usually occurring
by 8 – 10 fetal weeks
 Example: Cleft lip, polydactyly
Major Anomaly
 Basic alteration in embryological development severe enough
to require intervention and which potentially has a long-term
impact medically and/or psychologically
 Ex: spina bifida, omphalocele, cleft lip/palate
Minor Anomaly
 Basic alteration in embrylogical and/or fetal development
which requires no treatment or can be, more or less,
 Ex: postaxial polydactyly, low-set ears, preauricular tag
Common multiple congenital anomaly
 Down syndrome
 Minor anomalies: sandal gap, small ears, single palmar crease
 Major anomalies: Congenital heart defects, duodenal atresia, pyloric
 Trisomy 18
 Minor anomalies: small ears with unraveled helics, small mouth, short
sternum, short halluces (first toes)
 Major anomalies: congenital heart defects, omphalocele, missing
radius bone, diaphragmatic hernia, spina bifida
 Van der Woude syndrome
 Major anomalies: cleft lip with or without cleft palate
 Minor anomalies: pits or fistulas of the lower lip
Minor/Normal variant feature
 Low frequency (1% - 5%) congenital feature found in the
normal population or as an integral part of a multiple
congenital anomaly syndrome

Ex: simian line, 5th finger clinodactyly, 2-3 toe syndactyly,

epicanthal fold, accessory nipple
Comment on Anomalies
 Most malformation syndromes have more minor / normal
variant type of anomalies than major anomalies
Ex. Down syndrome
Down syndrome

 Low nasal root

 Upslanting palpebral
 Overfolded, small ears
 Flattened maxillary and
malar region
Comment on Anomalies
 An anomaly is an anomaly whether it is major or minor;
which means they each carry equal diagnostic importance. In
fact, because minor anomalies are more numerous and often
overlooked, they, as a group, may be potentially powerful
 Recurring pattern of structural defects and/or secondary
effects/defects that allow for secure recognition
 Combination of features most likely represents a specific
 Example: Roberts syndrome
 A situation where a single event (usually undefined) leads to a
single anomaly (or situation) which has a cascading effect of
local and/or distant deformations and/or disruptions
 Ex: Potter, Pierre Robin, amniotic bands
 Sequences usually infrequently genetic, but can be
incorporated as part of the features of a syndrome
Sequence Scenario
Potter/Oligo Pierre Robin Amn. Bands
Oligohydramnios Micrognathia Bands

Pul. hypoplasia Glossoptosis Constrictions

Jt contractures Cleft palate Fusions

Abn. ear cartilage Low-set ears Amputations

Lower inner eye Cleft lip/palate

Prom. Nasal tip Omphaloceles
 One of the most commonly used tools in medical genetics
Patterns of inheritance
Patterns of inheritance
Patterns of Inheritance
 Mendelian inheritance  Complexities in presentation
 Autosomal dominant  Reduced penetrance
 Autosomal recessive  Age-dependent penetrance
 X-linked recessive  Variable expressivity
 X-linked dominant  Anticipation
 Mitochondrial  Sex-limited
 Multifactorial  New mutation
 Non-Mendelian patterns  Germline mosaicism
 Mitochondrial  Consanguinity
 Imprinting  Skewed x-inactivation
 Multifactorial  Small families
 Sporadic
Evaluating a pedigree
 Transmission
 Vertical – phenotype seen in generation after
 Horizontal – phenotype seen in siblings but not
previous generations
 Sex ratio
 Number of males and females displaying
phenotype – equal or unequal?
 Segregation - which parent passes on the trait and to whom?
 Do fathers appear to pass the trait or disease onto
sons and daughters?
 Do mothers appear to pass the trait on to sons and
 % of children affected - Compare to expected
recurrence risk
Mendelian Inheritance
 The rules… not the exceptions.
Mendelian inheritance
 Affected offspring usually have one affected
parent (heterozygote) and one unaffected
 Transmission
 Vertical
 Sex ratio
 Equal number of males and females affected
 Segregation
 Either parent passes on the trait to sons and
 Expected recurrence risk 50%
Autosomal Dominant
Mendelian inheritance
 The parents of affected individuals are both
heterozygotes (carriers)
 Transmission
 Horizontal
 Sex ratio
 Equal number of males and females affected
 Segregation
 Either parent passes on the trait to sons and
 Expected recurrence risk 25%
Autosomal recessive
Mendelian inheritance
 Transmission
 Vertical with “skipped generations”
 Sex ratio
 Much more frequent in males than females
Mendelian inheritance
 Segregation
 Carrier mother
 Half of her sons (affected)
 Half of her sons (unaffected noncarriers)
 Half of her daughters (unaffected carriers)
 Half of her daughters (unaffected noncarriers)
 Affected father
 All sons (unaffected noncarriers)
 All daughters (unaffected carriers)
 Expected recurrence risk depends on the mating
What is the mode of inheritance?
What is the mode of inheritance?
• “Skipped generations”
• Only males affected
• Affected males related
through carrier
• No male to male
What is the mode of inheritance?
 X- linked
What is the mode of inheritance?
What is the mode of inheritance?
• Vertical pattern
• # of males = # of
• See male to male
• Every affected child
has an affected parent
What is the mode of inheritance?
 Autosomal dominant
Non-Mendelian inheritance
 Mitochondrial
 A relatively small number of diseases are caused by mutations in
the mitochondrial DNA (ATP/energy producing cytoplasmic
 Mitochondria have their own DNA
 Inherited exclusively through the maternal line (located in
 Heteroplasmy (within a single cell, there is a mixture of
mitochondria, some containing mutant DNA and some
containing normal DNA)
 Larger the % of mutant DNA, the more severe the expression disease
 % of mutant DNA can change over time, leading to variable expression
Non-Mendelian inheritance
 Imprinting
 Phenotype depends upon
which parent passed on the
 3-4 Mb deletion on
chromosome 15 inherited
from the mother results in
Angelman syndrome; if
inherited from the father it
results in Prader-Willi
Non-Mendelian inheritance
 Multifactorial
 A trait or disorder caused by a combination of genetic and
environmental factors.
 No characteristic pattern of inheritance.
 Empiric risk
 Based on direct observation of data
 Average – may not apply to all families
Non-Mendelian inheritance
 Multifactorial
 Recurrence risk is higher if:
 Closer relationship of relative
 More than one family member affected
 If phenotype is common in one sex and the opposite sex is affected in
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Reduced penetrance
 Individual with a disease-causing mutation may not have the
disease phenotype.
 Offspring are at risk.
 Example
 Retinoblastoma
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Age-dependent penetrance
 Delay of onset of symptoms of a genetic disease.
 Individuals may have children before they know that they are affected.
 Carriers of the disease-causing gene may pass away before the onset of
 Examples
 Huntington disease
 Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Variable expression / expressivity
 Different than penetrance
 Severity of the phenotype varies widely, even within a family.
 An individual’s presentation may be so mild that they are not
aware that they are affected and can pass on the condition to
their children.
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Variable expression / expressivity
 Factors that may influence variable expression within a family:
 Environmental exposures
 Modifier genes
 Example
 Neurofibromatosis type I
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Anticipation
 More severe expression and/or earlier age of onset in more
recent generations.
 Sometimes caused by expansion of DNA repeats
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Anticipation
 Expansion may be more likely to occur when inherited through
mother or father, depending on the condition
 Examples
 Huntington disease
 Myotonic dystrophy
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 New mutation
 Affected proband with no history of the disease in the family
 Especially in an autosomal dominant condition
 Example NF1
 Recurrence risks:
 Low (possible germline mosaicism)
 The risk to offspring depends on the inheritance pattern of the
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Germline mosaicism
 Relatively rare phenomenon
 Two or more offspring affected with no family history
 Especially dominant conditions
 More than one genetically distinct germ cell line
 Increased risk to siblings of an affected proband
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Germline mosaicism
 Examples:
 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
 Hemophilia A
 Achondroplasia
 Neurofibromatosis type I
 Osteogenesis imperfecta type II
Factors that affect expression of
disease-causing genes
 Skewed X-inactivation (in X-linked conditions)
 The majority of the active X-chromosomes carry the mutation
 Manifesting heterozyogotes – females with the disease
phenotype, usually mildly affected
 Example
 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Other factors
 Consanguinity
 Relatives share genes, including disease-causing genes, inherited
from a common ancestor
 With consanguinity, offspring are more likely to be affected
with a recessive disorder
 More rare recessive disorder, more likely consanguinity
Other factors
 Small families
 Pattern of inheritance may not be evident in small families.
What is the mode of inheritance?
What is the mode of inheritance?
• Horizontal pattern
• # of Males = # of
• Consanguinity
What is the mode of inheritance?
 Autosomal recessive
Genetic testing
 Covers an array of techniques including analysis of human
DNA, RNA, or protein
 Diagnose a disease in an individual with symptoms
 Measure risk of developing a disease
 Preconception testing or prenatal testing
 Non-clinical uses such as paternity testing and forensics
 A photographic representation of the chromosomes of a
single cell, cut and arranged in pairs based on their banding
pattern and size according to a standard classification
 The karyotype is used to look for abnormal numbers or
structures of chromosomes
Chromosome Functions
 To transmit genetic information from one generation of cells
to the next (mitosis)

 To transmit genetic information from one generation of

organisms to the next (meiosis)
Chromosome Structure

Acrocentric chromosomes: 13-15, 21, 22

Aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a
cell, such as having 45 or 47 chromosomes when 46 is expected.
 An estimated 10 - 30% of all fertilized eggs have a
chromosome abnormality

 Aneuploidy is the leading known cause of pregnancy

loss > 25% of all miscarriages

 Aneuploidy is the leading genetic cause of intellectual


 0.3% of liveborns are aneuploid

 Among oocytes studied 20 - 25% are aneuploid

 Among sperm studied 1 - 2% are aneuploid

Limitations of karyotype
 Does not detect small rearrangements.
 Does not detect low level mosaicism
Microarray-based Comparative
Genomic Hybridization (aCGH)
 Chromosomal microarray (CMA)
 Genome wide screening for copy number variants
 For CMA to have higher resolution than a G-banded
karyotype, CMA must detect CNVs smaller than 5 Mb and
must have whole-genome coverage
What is array CGH, cont.
Patient (test) and control (reference) DNAs are labeled
with different fluorescent molecules, then co-hybridized in
equal amounts to the array of DNA probes
green red

test DNA reference DNA

What is array CGH, cont.
Given a normal karyotype, each probe on the array should
hybridize equally to test (“green”) and reference (“red”)
DNA. This will produce a “yellow” signal. The slide is
scanned and images analyzed by computer.
green red

test DNA reference DNA

patient has a deletion of these two loci

Limitations of array CGH
 Does not provide information
on balanced rearrangements
 Ability to detect mosaicism is
limited (down to 20% -
possibly lower)
• Interpretation of array
findings can be challenging
• confounding factors include
variable expressivity of some
CNV’s, penetrance, and lack of
sufficient data to classify some
rare CNV’s as benign or
Making a diagnosis in an a child with
 The term “developmental delay” is usually reserved for
younger children (typically younger than 5 years), and the
term “intellectual disability” is usually applied to older
children when IQ testing is valid and reliable
 Diagnostic yield with karyotyping with DD/ID is 3.7%
 Diagnostic yield of 12.2% in individuals with developmental
delay, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, or
multiple congenital abnormalities
Making a diagnosis in a child with
Making a diagnosis in an a child with
 CMA should not be ordered when a rapid turnaround time is
needed (ex: STAT newborn analysis)
 Not always appropriate as a first-tier test. For example,
karyotyping may be more appropriate when a common
aneuploidy (Trisomy 21) is suspected or when individual has
family history of chromosome abnormality
 Karyotyping will help clarify recurrence risk for family in
case of aneuploidy
Making a diagnosis in a child with
Autism Spectrum Disorders

 Advances in clinical testing

technology have increased
the diagnostic yield from
6–10% a few years ago to
30–40%. Therefore,
genetic testing should be
discussed with all patients
and families with ASDs.
Diagnostic yield in ASDs
Making a diagnosis in a child with
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Single gene testing
 DNA sequencing is the process of reading nucleotide bases in
a DNA molecule
 Molecular genetic tests (or gene tests) study single genes or
short lengths of DNA to identify variations or mutations that
lead to a genetic disorder
Fragile X syndrome
 Developmental problems including learning disabilities and
cognitive impairment
 Usually, males are more severely affected by this disorder than
 Most males and about half of females with fragile X
syndrome have characteristic physical features that become
more apparent with age
 long and narrow face, large ears, a prominent jaw and forehead,
unusually flexible fingers, flat feet, and in males, enlarged
testicles (macroorchidism) after puberty
Fragile X syndrome
 Mutations in the FMR1 gene located on the X-chromosome
 Caused (most cases) by a mutation in which a DNA segment, known
as the CGG triplet repeat, is expanded within the FMR1 gene
 Normally, this DNA segment is repeated from 5 to about 40 times. In people
with fragile X syndrome, however, the CGG segment is repeated more than
200 times.
 The abnormally expanded CGG segment turns off (silences) the
FMR1 gene, which prevents the gene from producing FMRP

 Males and females with 55 to 200 repeats of the CGG segment are
said to have an FMR1 gene premutation.
 increased risk of disorders called fragile X-associated primary ovarian
insufficiency (FXPOI) and fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia
syndrome (FXTAS).
 Sequencing for 2 or more genes related to genetic disease

 Panel related to phenotype

 Example: Epilepsy panel

 Whole exome sequencing (WES)

 Sequencing of all exons (coding regions) of thousands of genes (20,000+) simultaneously

 When should panels be considered?

 When phenotype doesn’t correspond to a single disorder
 When disorder in question has high degree of genetic heterogeneity
 Other specific tests for the phenotype have not been diagnostic
Interpreting results of genetic tests
 Pathogenic variant: variant is a recognized cause of some or all
of the patient’s phenotype
 Likely pathogenic variant: previously unreported variant, but
based on its gene location and the predicted effect on protein
function, it is likely to be the cause of some or all of the patients
 Benign variant: not responsible for the patient’s phenotype
 Likely benign variant: previously unreported variant, but
based on its gene location and predicted lack of effect on protein
function, it is likely to be benign and not responsible for the
patient’s phenotype
 Variant of unknown or uncertain significance (VUS)

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