The Importance of Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math Today PDF
The Importance of Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math Today PDF
The Importance of Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math Today PDF
Volume 3 Article 2
Issue 1 Winter 2017
Nancy L. Worrell
School District of Palm Beach County,
Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons, and
the Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
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Furner, Joseph M. and Worrell, Nancy L. (2017) "The Importance of Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math
Today," Transformations: Vol. 3 : Iss. 1 , Article 2.
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The Importance of Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math Today
This paper explores the research and use of mathematics manipulatives in the teaching of
mathematics today during an age of technology and standardized testing. It looks at the drawbacks
and cautions educators as they use math manipulatives in their instruction. It also explores some
cognitive concerns as a teacher goes about teaching with math manipulatives. The paper shares
many commonly used math manipulatives used in today’s classrooms and matches them up to
some of the Common Core Math Standards that are taught today in classrooms in the USA and
This article explores the factors that contribute to teacher use of manipulatives in their
instructional math lessons. Math manipulatives are physical objects that are designed to represent
explicitly and concretely mathematical ideas that are abstract (Moyer, 2001). Math manipulatives
have been around for years. The Montessori Schools have long advocated teaching using concrete
objects along with Piaget’s emphasis on teaching from the concrete, to the representational, to
lastly the abstract, in order to help young learners make sense of their mathematics understanding.
George Cuisenaire (1891–1975), a Belgian educator, is famed for his development of the
Cuisenaire Rods used today to help teach fraction concepts along with other math ideas; these were
developed in the 1950’s. Later on, many other math didactics came out of these ideas and lead to
the Cuisenaire Math Manipulative Company. Today, there are many commercially made math
This paper will build upon previous research that investigates how teachers use math
manipulatives in their instructional lessons. Moyer (2004) states that some teachers use
manipulatives in an effort to reform their teaching of mathematics without reflecting on how the
use of representations may change their own mathematics instruction. Baroody (1989) asserts that
Piagetian theory does not state that students must operate on something concrete to construct
meaning, although it does suggest that they should manipulate something familiar and reflect on
these physical or mental actions. The actively engaged thinking is the component imperative to
student learning. Ball (1992) posits that manipulative usage is widely accepted as an effective way
to teach mathematics, although there is little effort given toward helping teachers ensure their
students make the correct connections between the materials and the underlying mathematical
These questions give rise to others, such as: Do grade level curricular differences influence
the use of manipulatives when teaching mathematics? What are the cognitive consequences of
instructional guidance accompanying manipulatives? Is the manipulative used in such a way that
it requires reflection or thought on the part of the student? Is the student making correct
connections between the manipulative and the knowledge it is meant to convey? And, as raised
by Marley and Carbonneau (2014), what is the value added by various instructional factors that
Mathematics Standards
Many new state standards, such as the Florida Math Standards, the Common Core Math
Standards (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), 2010), along with the National Council for
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2010) call for the usage of representational models as a
ways, such as illustrations, virtual manipulatives, and physical hands-on manipulatives or didactics.
manipulatives and tools (Dorward, 2002). They have become quite popular, convenient, and
efficient over the past few years and are deserving of a thorough literature review and study on
their own, although they are beyond the scope of this study are extremely useful as well (Moyer-
Among the many theorists who provide the foundational basis for using math
manipulatives in instructional lessons are Piaget (1952), who believed children cannot comprehend
abstract math through explanations and lectures only, and that they need experiences with models
and instruments in order to grasp the mathematical concepts being taught. Brunner (1960) believed
that students’ early experiences and interactions with physical objects formed the basis for later
learning at the abstract level. This type of hands-on learning is often referred to as constructivism,
and is the basis for integrating math manipulatives into instructional math lessons. These
foundation researchers provided guidance for the common use of math manipulatives in many
Deborah Ball (1992) references a story from her own teaching of a third-grade mathematics
lesson. She explains that she was showing a group of educators a segment from her lesson on odd
and even numbers for her third-grade class. The video segment began with a student, Sean,
proclaiming that he had been thinking about how the number six could be both odd and even
because it was made of “three two’s” and “two three’s.” Sean illustrated both scenarios on the
board for his classmates and teacher to inspect. The other students challenged his conjecture of
six being both an odd and even number and much talk was generated about it. In showing this
video to educators, Ball hoped to generate a lively discussion on various ways this situation could
have been handled, such as clarifying the definition of even and odd numbers or asking for other
student’s opinions. The educators watching the video immediately wanted to know if Ball used
manipulatives or any concrete materials to clarify the meaning of odd and even numbers to Sean.
When she explained that drawings and illustrations were used, the teachers became fiercely
adamant that had Ball used physical counters, she could have more firmly guided her students
toward the correct conclusion. Ball points out that, as a teacher, she does not want to prevent this
sort of “discovery learning” that her students made in allowing them grapple with the ideas behind
the math concepts of odd and even numbers. Ball also states that she is not convinced that allowing
students to use manipulatives would automatically guide them to the correct mathematical
conclusions. She claims that there is a common misconception among educators of a tremendous
faith in the almost magical power of manipulatives to automatically convey the underlying
mathematical knowledge with their mere presence. Ball asserts that it is the context with which
the manipulatives are used that creates meaning, such as talk and interaction between teacher and
students that evolves during the course of instruction. Ball claims that current education reform
implies, in many ways, that manipulatives or physical materials are crucial in improving
mathematics learning. This sentiment is reinforced in a number of ways such as the inclusion of
manipulatives in mathematics curricula from school districts and publishers and the inclusion of
“manipulative kits” to districts and schools that purchase their curriculum materials. The offering
of in-service workshops and professional developments on manipulatives are also popular and
sometimes required by school administration or districts. Ball asserts that there is not enough
examination as to the validation of the appropriate role in helping students learn mathematics using
manipulatives. Little discussion occurs as to possible uses of different types of concrete materials
or possibly illustrations. It is assumed that students will “magically” learn the math concept and
draw the correct conclusion that the teacher intended her students to derive from the activity. Ball
claims that one of the reasons adults over emphasize the power of concrete representations to
convey accurate mathematical skills is because adults are seeing concepts they already understand.
Students who do not already possess this knowledge may not come to the same, correct conclusions
about the underlying mathematical knowledge the manipulative is alleged to convey. Ball suggests
that there is a need to examine the difficult problem of helping students make correct connections
between the manipulative and the knowledge it is meant to convey. She discusses the need for
teachers to develop rules for students as to how to operate with the manipulatives so that they are
more likely to arrive at the correct mathematical conclusions. One such rule is when students are
using base-ten blocks to subtract two-digit numbers with regrouping, they would have to trade in
a ten bar for ten ones, in order to complete the correct regrouping procedure. A teacher could take
that a step further and have the student relate this activity to the subtraction algorithm of regrouping
and structure student talk and interaction that requires reflection, around the subtraction activity.
In Baroody’s (1989) paper titled “Manipulatives Don’t Come with Guarantees,” the author
contends that manipulatives are neither sufficient nor necessary for meaningful learning in
mathematics. He acknowledges that they can be useful tools to students, however he discourages
their “uncritical” use. Unless they are used thoughtfully there is no guarantee for meaningful
learning; thoughtful use is essential in their effectiveness. Thoughtful use can be determined with
questions such as: “Can the knowledge students gain from the use of this manipulative connect to
their existing knowledge or be meaningful to them?” or, “Is the manipulative being used in a way
that requires reflection or thought on the student’s part?” Many times the answer to these questions
is “no”. In examining why manipulatives alone are not enough to guarantee meaningful learning,
we need to discover what would make them enough. In other words, what do teachers need to do
A 21-week qualitative pilot study conducted by Golafshani (2013) examined the practices
of four 9th grade applied mathematics teachers concerning their beliefs about the use of
manipulatives in teaching mathematics, its effects on learning and enabling and disabling factors.
The teachers taught various topics to 9th grade students with diverse learning abilities. The teachers
were given support, such as manipulatives, a math literacy tool kit, the opportunity for professional
learning, training and dialogue, and resources to plan for five math lessons with manipulatives.
After each lesson, pre- and post-lesson discussions were provided. In the pre-lesson
discussions, the teachers would describe the lessons, referencing the goals and manipulatives used.
In the post-test discussion, the teacher would reflect on the lesson and discusses any modifications
to the lesson that were needed to achieve greater student learning. A teacher questionnaire and an
observation sheet were developed to collect data pre- and post-lesson data. Data were also
collected through observations of the teacher’s use, availability, and comfort level in utilizing
manipulatives in the classroom. Teachers’ beliefs about the use of manipulatives are important
factors that could contribute to their effective use of manipulatives during instructional lessons.
When comparing pre- and post-test findings of teachers’ views about teaching with
manipulatives, teachers showed more interest in the use of manipulatives in the post-test. This
could have been attributed to the fact that the teachers now had more confidence in their use of
manipulatives during their instructional lessons. Teachers also showed strong agreement
concerning student learning with manipulatives pre- and post-lessons. Some of the disabling
factors teachers identified in the pre-test in the implementation of manipulatives were lack of
confidence and lack of time to practice. These factors were not identified as disabling in the post-
test, which was possibly due to the confidence they gained in the use of manipulatives during the
pilot study. Factors identified as disabling in teaching with manipulatives during the post-test were
lack of time to prepare and lack of knowledge of multiple uses of certain manipulatives. The
identification of these disabling factors by teachers in the post-test might be due to the training
which made them knowledgeable enough on the topic to realize the time it takes to prepare for a
lesson with manipulatives, and that there may be other uses with the same manipulative. Teachers
identified “difficulty with classroom management” both pre- and post-test, which could show a
The diagram below (See Figure 1) shows that at the core of all disabling and enabling
factors within the Golafshani study, existed the need for teacher training. The most significant
training of teachers would be hindered (Golafshani, 2013). Enabling factors were classroom, time
and space management factors teachers identified in both the pre-and post-test along with the
availability of manipulatives, support from administration, and training on how and when to use
manipulatives. Studies show that there is a strong association between teachers’ knowledge and
teachers’ confidence, especially for those who are committed to constructivist teaching (Ross-
Hogaaboam-Gray & Hannay, 1999), which proved to be true in this particular study. It can be
concluded from this study that teachers’ beliefs can be influenced by a number of variables
A year-long study conducted by Moyer and Jones (2004) looked at how teachers used
teacher’s instruction. It specifically examined how students reacted to “free access,” or choice of
how and when to use manipulatives. It included 10 middle grades math teachers who had
teaching mathematics with conceptual understanding. The teachers were grouped into control or
autonomy oriented groups, according to their classroom management styles. The study was
implemented in three phases: pre-assessment, phase one, and phase two. In the pre-assessment
phase, teachers were interviewed to identify background information, uses of math manipulatives,
and instructional practices. In phase one, the teachers used manipulatives for their mathematics
instructional lessons. In phase two, the teachers provided students with “free access” to
teachers following their summer training institute. Control-oriented teachers initially exerted more
control over their students in phase one and then less control over their students in phase two. In
comparison, the autonomy-oriented teachers exerted less control over their students in phase one
as well as less control over their students in phase two. When allowed, students were found to use
manipulatives appropriately and selectively for mathematics tasks and as a way to self-review
Some teachers in this study used control strategies to undermine student choice and
discourage students “free access” to manipulatives. This inhibits the alignment of student and
teacher thinking. This may be more comfortable to teachers who are not confident in their teaching
abilities or usage of manipulatives and who do not want students challenging their ways of problem
solving. This limits students’ thinking to the teacher’s line of thinking and discourages students
Teachers’ beliefs about manipulative usage and comfort level with them play an important
role in student access and manipulative usage in instructional lessons. Teachers limited student
access by displaying lists on containers, assigning manipulative monitors, and using them as a
reward/punishment tool. A limitation of this study was the teachers in the study were selected
from a group of teachers attending a math summer institute workshop. They were not selected
from a general pool of math educators, so it could be concluded that these teachers were more
background characteristics, beliefs about manipulatives, and the frequency with which they used
manipulatives as part of their instruction. The teachers were part of a professional development
experience in which they were asked to complete a survey related to their beliefs, attitudes, and
Results showed that teachers thought manipulative usage was more important at the lower
elementary grade levels than the higher elementary grade levels. This demonstrates the belief of
teachers in this study, which is that a grade 3-5 teacher tends not to believe in the importance of
having children participate in hand-on activities, contrasted with a Kindergarten teacher’s belief
teachers’ use of manipulative use by grade-level groupings. Kindergarten teachers were found to
use manipulatives most often. The next most frequent manipulative usage came from first and
second grade teachers. Third through fifth grade teachers used manipulatives least often. The
teachers’ age and experience teaching were related to manipulative usage when they were
considered alone, although after controlling for teacher grade and beliefs, they were no longer
statistically significant predictors of manipulative usage. This manipulative usage showed that
teachers’ beliefs play an important role in manipulative usage and is consistent with previous
findings by Gilbert and Bush (1988) showing less use of manipulatives by teachers in higher grades
Another study by Moyer (2001) was conducted over the course of one academic year in
2001, which looked at how teachers use manipulatives to teach mathematics. The 10 teachers
involved in this study were selected from a group of 18 middle grades teachers enrolled in a
summer math institute, where they received instruction in the use of manipulatives. The
researchers used interviews and observations over the year to discover how and why teachers used
manipulatives the way they do. During the interview portion of the study, teachers conveyed
different beliefs for using manipulatives in their classrooms such as: change of pace, a reward or
privilege, a visual model for introducing concepts, providing reinforcement or enrichment, and “a
way to make it more fun.” Teachers seemed to distinguish between “real math” and “fun math.”
“Real math” referred to lessons where they taught rules, procedures, and algorithms to their
students through textbooks and “fun math” was used when teachers described parts of their lesson
Teachers seemed to be conveying that manipulatives were fun, but not necessary for
teaching and learning mathematics. They seemed to distinguish manipulative use from their
“regular mathematics teaching.” During classroom observations one teacher was observed telling
a student, who had requested to use manipulatives to solve a problem, to solve it first
mathematically, without the use of manipulatives. Numerous other comments were made by
teachers indicating their dissatisfaction with the use of math manipulatives. Looking at the amount
of time spent with manipulatives during daily math lessons that were observed provided a range
from no use of manipulatives to 31 minutes of use. In the 40 lessons observed, students used
manipulatives 7.38 minutes for every 57.5 minutes of math class time. Math manipulative usage
Manipulatives is the impact of teacher’s beliefs on their teaching practices. This is the deciding
factor in many instructional decisions made by teachers on a daily basis. Teachers’ beliefs were
evident when they showed a more positive attitude toward using manipulatives in their
instructional lessons after training. Teacher training and support tends to foster a more positive
attitude toward the use of manipulatives. This is an encouraging sign because it shows that
Teachers who believe manipulatives are just used for change of pace, reward or privilege,
or fun are not going to genuinely incorporate manipulatives and the concepts they were meant to
convey into their instructional lessons. They are also sending a message to their students that
manipulatives are similar to toys and are just meant for fun. The entire mathematical concept that
Teachers’ beliefs were evident when they restricted students from “free access” to the
manipulatives by way of displaying lists on containers, assigning manipulative monitors, and using
them as a reward/punishment tools. Teachers may feel threatened by this new learning
environment. They would no longer be the “all-knowledgeable” person that students look to for
the correct answer. Students may even discover new ways of solving math problems that challenge
the teacher’s way of thinking. Teachers may not be comfortable with this new role and type of
flexible thinking.
teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and teaching practices has been the focus of many studies. A
study by Wilkins (2008) of 481 elementary teachers found that teachers’ beliefs were the most
significant forecaster of teaching practices among other factors considered, such as content
knowledge and attitudes. Research that distinctly looks at teachers’ beliefs in conjunction with
manipulative use has proved to be inconclusive according to Moyer (2001), and others.
Many of these studies charge that teachers’ beliefs are paramount to the effective use of
manipulatives in the classroom, and that administrative support, trainings, and other factors can
influence their beliefs. Even though these factors are imperative to effective manipulative use by
teachers, I believe there is another, even more powerful factor that influences teachers’ effective
Cognitive guidance occurs when teachers elicit and guide students’ mathematical thinking
to help them make connections to existing knowledge, in order to encourage deep conceptual
understanding. This is similar to instructional guidance, which is one of the most commonly
recent meta-analysis by Alfieri et al. (2011) found that unassisted discovery does not benefit
learners, whereas high guidance and elicited explanations do. Marley and Carbonneau (2014)
assert that rather than determining if instruction with manipulatives is more effective than
conventional instruction, more effort should be made to examine the value added by various
All of this aligns with Ball (1992), who stated that there is not enough examination as to
the validation of the appropriate role in helping students learn mathematics using manipulatives.
It would likely be more helpful to teachers if more professional development opportunities were
made available that specifically focused on teachers learning to help students make the important
connections between the mathematics manipulatives and the underlying mathematics concepts
they are investigating and how they can be used within instruction. Marilyn Burns (n.d.) has been
an advocate for math manipulatives now for over 30 years. This lead to her company Math
Solutions which provides resources and training on using math manipulatives to educators around
the world. Her role today in the math manipulative movement has been far reaching and she
provides videos and demos of the most common manipulatives used today through demonstration
of using the manipulative to teach most math concepts teachers need to cover in today’s math
It is important that today’s math teachers use math manipulatives to make math concepts
concrete rather than abstract. Teachers can obtain commercial-made manipulatives, make their
own, or help the students make their own. Examples of manipulatives are paper money, buttons,
blocks, Cuisenaire rods, tangrams, geoboards, pattern blocks, algebra tiles, and base-ten blocks.
The use of manipulatives (See Figure 2 and Table 1 for examples) provides teachers with a great
potential to use their creativity to do further work on the math concepts instead of merely relying
between the concrete and the abstract. Piaget and Montessori philosophies are still alive and well
teaching mathematics is the main approach for teaching most math concepts for K-8 learners.
When teaching mathematics, teachers always need to start with concrete manipulative materials to
first teach for understanding, then transfer to representational models like pictures or diagrams,
leading and bridging learning to the abstract level of understanding of symbols and operation signs
To understand the concept of money, teachers can have students “buy” items tagged for sale
in the classroom. Students are given an opportunity to describe purchases they or an adult have
made. Students select the proper combinations of coins to purchase the item. As each student
participates, the class helps by showing the coins on the overhead. By handling the coins, students
Many studies over the years have demonstrated the benefits of using multiple modalities.
English Language Learners (ELL) students, however, are disadvantaged in the one modality
teachers seem to use the most: auditory. Claire and Haynes (1994) stated,
language for more than a few minutes before tuning out. But if you provide illustrations,
demonstrations, or hands-on materials, that same newcomer can direct his or her attention
Manipulatives are powerful tools and can be used to teach many of the new Common Core
State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
(NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), 2010), as the following
chart shows:
Recognize area as an attribute of plane
figures and understand concepts of area
Blocks Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in
a plane, “flat”) or three-dimensional
Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g.,
triangles are closed and three-sided) versus
non-defining attributes (e.g., color,
orientation, overall size); build and draw
shapes to possess defining attributes.
Tiles Partition a rectangle into rows and columns
of same-size squares and count to find the
total number of them.
Cubes Recognize volume as an attribute of solid
figures and understand concepts of volume
Rods Compute unit rates associated with ratios of
fractions, including ratios of lengths, areas
and other quantities measured in like or
different units. For example, if a person
walks ½ mile in each ¼ hour, compute the
unit rate as the complex fraction ½/1/4 miles
per hour, equivalently 2 miles per hour.
The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).
Tiles Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a
number of objects with a written numeral 0-
20 (with 0 representing a count of no
TI Explorer
Plus Calc. Perform operations with numbers expressed
in scientific notation, including problems
where both decimal and scientific notation
are used. Use scientific notation and choose
units of appropriate size for measurements of
very large or very small quantities (e.g., use
millimeters per year for seafloor spreading).
Interpret scientific notation that has been
generated by technology.
Counters Understand that positive and negative
numbers are used together to describe
quantities having opposite directions or
values (e.g., temperature above/below zero,
elevation above/below sea level,
credits/debits, positive/negative electric
charge); use positive and negative numbers
Add within 100, including adding a two-digit
number and a one-digit number, and adding a
two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using
concrete models or drawings and strategies
based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between
addition and subtraction; relate the strategy
to a written method and explain the
reasoning used. Understand that in adding
two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens,
ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary
to compose a ten.
Balance Identify when two expressions are equivalent
(i.e., when the two expressions name the
same number regardless of which value is
substituted into them). For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent
because they name the same number
regardless of which number y stands for.
Teachers need to learn how to encourage student exploration, related discussion, and
reflection about the prospective math concept they teach. They need to be comfortable with
students’ exploration of the math concepts and possibly wandering off the “correct” track or even
challenging the teachers’ own mathematical viewpoint. Teachers cannot assume that when
students use manipulatives they will automatically draw the correct conclusions from them. Adults
may overestimate the power of manipulatives because they already understand the underlying
math concepts that are being conveyed by the math manipulatives. Teachers need to keep in mind
that the student does not already possess this knowledge and still needs to make the correct
connections between the manipulative and the underlying math concept. While math
manipulatives are a valuable tool in the instruction of mathematics, teachers need to bridge the
students internalize their understanding. Just using manipulatives by themselves without this may
not have great value. Today, in an age of technology and high-stakes testing, teachers need to use
and bridge the gap for students in using math manipulatives. This then can be connected to
representational and abstract ideas in mathematics to help students deeply understand the math
Alfieri, L., Brooks, P. J., Aldrich, N. J., & Tenenbaum, H. R. (2011). Does discovery-based
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Kamii, C., Kirkland, L., & Lewis, B. A. (2001). Representation and abstraction in young
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Ross, J. A., Hogaboam-Gray, A., & Hannay, L. (1999). Predictors of teachers' confidence in their
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