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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Benguet
Bua, Tuding, Itogon, Benguet
Teacher: Shirley D. Totanes Subject: Mathematics
Quarter: 2 Grade Level: 9 Date: November 28, 2022
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
variations and radicals.
Performance Standard The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems
involving variations.
Competency: Competency 17:Illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (a)
direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint;(d) combined.M9AL-IIa-1
I. Objectives a. Knowledge: * Defines and identifies the two kinds of variations (joint
and combined variation).
b. Skills: * Illustrates situations that are joint and combined variations.
c. Affective: * Shows perseverance in performing tasks.
III. Learning Resources 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
Teacher’s Guide (TG) in Mathematics 9, pp. 122 - 139.
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
Learner’s Module (LM) in Math 9, pp. 187 – 205.
3. Textbook Pages * BEAM Second Year, Module 8 (TG)
*DLM 2 – Unit 6 Lesson 6.1: Direct Variation
*Integrated Mathematics III. 2001. pp. 126-128,
IV. Procedures
A. Review Teacher poses the situation then let the students state whether each
situation illustrates direct variation or inverse variation.
1. The fare F of a passenger in Ucab varies directly as the distance d of
his destination.
2. The number of persons n needed to do “joiner” job varies inversely as
the number of days d to finish the job.
3. The cost of electricity C varies directly as the number of kilowatt-
hour consumption l.
4. The cost C of Mango varies directly as its weight w in kilograms.
5. The number of pechay plants n in a row varies inversely as the space
between them.
B. Establishing a Teacher Discussion:
purpose for the -See the relationship between Direct and Inverse Variation having only 2
lesson variables.
Introduce the lesson by letting the students examine the pictures to be
flash. (Famous Delicacies in CAR)


Using the previous pictures, present Joint and Combined Variations having
3 or more variables in relation to the pictures presented.

C. Presenting Example of Joint Variation:

Examples of the 1.Kinetic energy (K) varies jointly as the mass (m) and the square of the
new Lesson velocity (v2).
2. The amount of gasoline used by a car varies jointly as the distance
travelled and the square root of the speed.
Example of Combined variation:
1.the sales of a product may be directly proportional to the amount of
money spent on advertising the product, but inversely proportional to the
price of the product.

D. Discussing new Activity 1.Which is Which!

concepts and Identify the following situations if it shows a joint variation or combined
practicing new variation:
skills #1 1. The mass of a rectangular sheet of wood varies jointly as the length
and the width.
2. The acceleration a of an object varies directly as the force f exerted
and inversely as its mass m.
3. The weight of a rectangular block of metals varies jointly as its
length, width and thickness.
4. The current I varies directly as the electromotive force E and
inversely as the resistance R.
5. The volume of a right circular cylinder varies jointly as the height
and square of the radius.
E. Developing Group Activity:
Mastery Let each group create their own examples that shows joint and combined
variations through the following activities:
Group 1: Talk Show
Group 2: News Casting
Group 3: Role Play
Group 4: Pageant
10 8 6
Choreography Very Satisfactorily Poor
Satisfactorily Performed
Mastery 100% Some parts Shows no
mastered. mastered, mastery
some are not.
Time-bounded Finished Exceeded 1 Exceeded
before the minute from more than 1
allotted time. the allotted minute from
time. the allotted
F. Finding practical Let the students cite examples of joint and combined variations in real-life.
applications of The computation of the Body Mass Index(BMI) in MAPEH. Body mass index
concepts and (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person.
skills in daily
G. Making What is a joint variation?
Generalizations Joint Variation refers to a scenario in which the value of one variable
and abstractions depends on two, or more, other variables when the other variables are held
about the lesson constant.
What is a combined variation?
Combined variation is a combination of direct, inverse, and joint variation.
H. Evaluating Identify each of the following phrases if it is Joint Variation
learning (J), Combined Variation (C) or Neither (N) of the two variations.
1.) The pressure(𝑝) of a gas varies jointly as its density(𝑑), and its absolute
temperature (𝑡).
2. The electrical resistance R of a wire varies directly as its length l and
inversely as the square of its diameter d.
3. The acceleration A of Itogon Jeep varies directly as the distance d it
travels and inversely as the square of the time t it travels.
4. The distance (𝐷) Juan can run varies directly to his hearbeat (𝐻) and
inversely as his strength (𝑆).
5.The force F applied to an object varies jointly as the mass m and the
acceleration a.
6. The number of pizza slices p varies inversely as the number of persons n
sharing a whole pizza.
7.The area of triangle A varies jointly as the base b and the height h.
8.The current I varies directly as the electromotive force E and inversely as
the resistance R.
9. The maximum load m of a beam varies directly as the breadth b and the
square of the depth d and inversely as the length l.
J. Additional Have an advance reading on how to solve problems involving variations.
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? _____ Group Collaboration
_____ Games
_____ Power Point Presentation
_____ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
_____ Discussion
_____ Case Method
_____ Think-Pair-Share(TPS)
_____ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
_____ Differentiated Instruction
_____ Role Playing/Drama
_____ Discovery Method
_____ Lecture Method
Why did these work? _____ Complete Ims
_____ Availability of Materials
_____ Pupils’ Eagerness to learn
_____ Group Members’ Cooperation in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I _____ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my _____ Pupil’s behavior/attitude
principal and supervisor _____ Colorful IMs
help me solve? _____ Unavailable Technology Equipment(AVR/LCD)
_____ Science/Computer/Internet Lab
_____ Additional Clerical Works
_____ Reading Readiness
G. What innovation or
localized I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teacher?

Prepared by:

Teacher III
Observed by:


Master Teacher I

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