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CH - 15 Biodiversity and Conservation DPP XII 9

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15.1 Biodiversity 9. The diversity at the species level is
1. Term ‘Biodiversity’ popularized by A) Ecological diversity
A) Robert hook B) Ernst Haeckel B) Genetic diversity
C) Edward Wilson D) G. Tansley C) Special diversity
2. Edward Wilson was a - D) None of these
A) Mathematician 10. The ……..Ghats have a greater
B) Sociobiologist amphibian species diversity than the
C) Psychologist ….. Ghats.
D) None of the above A) Eastern, Western
3. ‘Biodiversity’ was popularozed B) Western, Eastern
A) To describe the combined diversity C) Western, Southern,
B) to describe individual diversity D) Eastern, Southern
C) To describe plant diversity 11. Ecological diversity in
D) None of the above A) Deserts
4. Types of Biodiversity is/are- B) Rain forests, Mangroves
A) Genetic diversity C) Coral reefs, Wetlands
B) Species diversity D) All of the above
C) Ecological diversity 12. Biodiversity and its conservation is of
D) All of these A) national concern
5. The genetic variation shown in B) concern in some states of india
A) Rouwolfia vomitoria C) international concern
B) Rice D) all of these
C) Mango
D) All of the above
15.1.1 How many species are
6. Active chemical in Rauwolfia there on Earth How may
vomitoria in India.
A) Terpine B) Reserpine
C) Asprine 13. IUCN stands for-
D) None of the above A) International unity for
7. Which one is correct about Genetic conservation of Nature
diversity B) Indian union for conservation of
A) Genetic variation shown by Nature
C) Italian union for conservation at
Rauwolfia vomitoria
B) Genetic variation shown in D) International Union for
western ghats. conservation of Nature and Natural
C) India has less than 5000 Resources
genetically different strain of rice 14. Robert may estimates the global
D) India has 1,000 varieties of rice species diversity at about
8. India has more than…….. genetically A) 7 billion B) 70 million
different strains of rice, and C) 7 million D) 70 billion
……varieties of Mango. 15. Most species rich taxonomic group are
A) 50,000, 1,000 A) Crustaceans
B) 1,000 & 50,000 B) Insects
C) 5,000, 1,000 C) Molluscs
D) 1,000 & 5,000 D) None of the above

16. In all available species more than 70% 15.1.2 Patterns of Biodiversity
of all the species recorded are _____
which ______ camprige no more than 24. Species diversity decreases as
22% of the total A) We move away from the equator
A) Invertebrates, Plants towards the poles
B) Plants, Animal B) We move away from the poles
C) Animal, Plants towards equator
D) Plant, Invertebrates C) We move hill to plane area
17. Highest No. at species in plants- D) None of the above
A) Fungi B) Mosses 25. How many species of birds found in
C) Algae D) Lichens India?
18. In vertebrates maximum No. of A) 1500 B) 14000
species found in C) 1200 D) 1700
A) Birds B) Mammals 26. Greatest biodiversity on earth is found
C) Fishes D) Reptiles in
19. Problem behind not give any figures A) Sundarbans
about prokaryotes B) Amazon rain forest
A) Conventional taxonomic methods C) Congo rain forest
are not suitable for identifying D) None of the above
microbial species 27. Amazon Rainforest situated in
B) Many species are simply not A) North America
culturable under laboratory B) North India
conditions C) South America
C) Because prokaryotes are non-living D) West America
D) A & B both are correct 28. Choose the correct option
20. India has only …….. percent at the 1 Plant i 378
world’s land area. Its share of the 2 Fishes ii 40,000
global species diversity in an 3 Birds iii 427
impressive….percent. 4 Mammals iv 3,000
A) 2.4, 8.1 B) 8.1, 2.4 5 Reptiles v 1,300
C) 4.1, 8.2 D) 8.4, 2.1
1 2 3 4 5
21. India is one of the ….mega diversity
A) ii iv v iii i
countries of the world.
B) iii ii v I iv
A) 13 B) 14
C) ii iv v I iii
C) 12 D) 11
D) None of the above
22. How may plant species found in India
29. How many insect species waiting to be
discovered & named.
A) 1,00,000 B) 45,000
A) 2 million B) 20,000
C) 3,00,00
C) 2,000
D) None of the above
D) 2,00,000
23. According to May’s global estimate
30. Which one is wrong about species
there are probably…..plant species &
found in Amazone rain forest.
more than …..animal species.
A) Reptiles-378 B) Fishes-3,000
A) 3,00,000 & 1,00,000
C) Birds-1300
B) 30,000 & 10,000
D) All of the above are correct
C) 1,00,000 & 3,00,000
D) 10,000 & 30,000

31. More……Energy available in tropics, 40. According to Alexander species

which contributes to higher richness
productivity A) Increased with increasing explored
A) Solar area, but only up to a limit
B) Thermal B) Decreased with increasing
C) Nuclear explored area, but only up to a
D) None of the above limit
32. The relation b/w species richness & C) Increased with decreasing explored
area for a wide variety of taxa turns area, but there are no limitations
out to be a D) None of the above
A) Linear B) Sigmoid 41. Find out A and B and also select the
C) Rectangular Hyperbola correct answer
D) None of the above
33. Correct equation of species-Area
A) log A = log S + Z log C
B) log S = log C + Z log A
C) log S = log Z + C log A
D) log S = log C – Z log A
34. In species area relationship equation,
Z stands for-
A) Slope of the line
B) Regression coefficient A) a = species richness
C) species richness b = Area
D) Both a & B are correct B) a = area
35. Value of Z is b = species richness
A) 20-30 B) 1 – 2 C) a = Area
C) 0.1 – 0.2 b = Regression coefficient
D) None of the above D) none of these
36. The value of Z in the entire continents 42. In species-area relationship equation
A) 0.8 – 1.8 B) 0.6 – 1.2 A) S = species richness
C) 0.1 - 0.2 B) A = area
D) None of the above C) C = Y – intercept
37. The value of Z for frugivorous birds & D) All of these
mammals in the tropical forests of 43. Which one is correct about A stable
different continents community?
A) 2.15 B) 0.5 A) Should not show too much
C) 1.15 D) 0.8 variation in productivity from year
38. Concept of species-Area relationship to year
given by B) It must be either resistant or
A) Robert Frost B) Paul Ehrlich resilient on surface disturbance
C) Alexander hook C) It must also be resistant to
D) Alexander Von Humbold invasions by alien species
39. Alexander von Humboldt is a D) All of these are correct
A) German naturalist
B) Philosopher
C) Geo grapher
D) Both A & C are correct

44. Find out correct option about David A) 2000 species

Tilman’s long term ecosystem B) 1200 species
experiments C) 20000 species
A) Plots with more species showed D) 200 species
less year-to-year variation in total 51. According to red list (2004) No. of
biomass total extinct species in last 500 years
B) Plots with more species show too A) 504 species
much variation in productivity B) 387 species
C) Increased diversity contributed to C) 478 species
higher productivity D) 784 species
D) Both A & C are correct 52. Hoe many species of invertebrates
45. ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’ is given by become extinct in last 500 years
A) Alexander von Humboldt A) 87 species
B) Paul Ehrlich B) 784 species
C) Tilman C) 359 species
D) Robert hook D) None of these
46. Paul Ehrlich is a 53. According to recent extinction which
A) Stanford ecologist one is incorrect option –
B) Stanford psychologist A) Dodo – Mauritius
C) Stanford micrologist B) Steller’s sea cow – USA
D) Stanford geologist C) Quagga – Africa
47. In Rivet popper hypothesis, rivets D) Thylacine – Australia
depict as 54. Subspecies of tiger which become
A) Ecosystem recent extinct
B) Extinct species A) Bali
C) Species B) Caspian
D) Plants C) Javan
48. According to Ehrlich’s rivet popper D) All of these
hypothesis loss of rivets on the wings 55. The last 20 years alone have
affects in ecosystem as- witnessed the disappearance of ______
A) Loss of key species that drive A) 300 species
major ecosystem function B) 10 species
B) Proper functioning of ecosystem C) 27 species
C) Species to become extinct D) 1000 species
D) None of these 56. Match the following-
49. According to rivet popper hypothesis, Species % of threat of
which one is not correct extinction
A) Rivet – species a Birds 1 23%
B) Airplane – Ecosystem b Mammals 2 32%
C) Rivets to take home – species to c Amphibians 3 12%
become extinct d Gymnosperms 4 31%
D) All of these are correct
A) a-1, b-3, c-2, d-4
15.1.4 Loss of Biodiversity
B) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
C) a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2
50. The colonization of tropical pacific
D) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
islands by humans is said to have led
to the extinction of more than ______
of native birds

57. Select the correct statement about 64. The Amazon rainforest harboring
‘Sixth Extinction’ probably millions of species to is
A) The extinction raids are estimated being cut and cleared for.
to be 100 - 1000 times faster than A) For cultivating soya beans.
in the pre-human times. B) Conversion to grassland for raising
B) Human activities are responsible beef cattle.
for the faster rates. C) Cultivating new forest.
C) Half of all the species on Earth D) Both A and B are correct.
might be wiped out within the next 65. When large habitats are broken up
1000 years. into small fragments due to various
D) Both A and B option are correct. ___a____, mammals and birds
58. Loss of biodiversity in a region may requiring large territories and certain
lead to animals with migratory habits are
A) decline in plant production, badly affected, leading to ___b____.
B) lowered resistance to A) a – Nature activities,
environmental. perturbations such b – Population declines
as drough. B) a – Human activities,
C) Increased variability in ecosystem b – Population declines
process. C) a – Human activities,
D) All of these. b – Population increasing
59. ‘The Evil Quartet’ is the term used to D) none of these
describe 66. Once covering more than ______
A) Causes of habitat losses percent of Earth’s land surface, these
B) Causes of biodiversity losses. rain forests now cover no more than
C) Causes of water losses _______ percent.
D) All of these. A) 6, 14
60. The accelerated rates of species B) 14, 8
extinctions are largely due to C) 14, 6
A) Natural activities D) 12, 8
B) Machines activities 67. Species extinct in the last 500 years
C) human activities due to over exploitation by humans.
D) none of these A) Steller’s sea cow
61. Which one is not involved in the evil B) Cichlid fish
quartet? C) Passenger pigeon
A) Habitat loss and fragmentation D) A & C both are correct
B) Alien species 68. How many species of cichild fish is
C) over - exploitation extinct due to introduction of Nile
D) co - extensions. perch in lake victoria?
62. The most important cause of animals A) 2
and plants to extinction B) 20
A) Over exploitation C) 200
B) Alien species invasions D) 2000
C) Co-existence 69. The environmental damage caused
D) Habitat loss and fragmentation. and threat posed to our native species
63. Lungs of the planet term used for by invasive weed species like.
A) Tropical rain forest, A) Carrot grass
B) Amazon rainforest, B) water hycinth
C) temperate reason, C) lantana
D) none of these. D) all of these.

70. African catfish _______ is posing as D) i- plants, ii- 25,00

threat to the indigenous catfishes. 76. How much oxygen is produced by
A) Parthenium Amazon Forest through
B) Clarias garlepinus Photosynthesis?
C) Clarias branchysoma A) 20% of the total oxygen.
D) None of these B) 30% of the total oxygen.
71. Which one is correct statement about C) 25% of the total oxygen.
co-extinction? D) None of these.
A) When a species become extinct, 77. Select the correct option about ethical
the plant and animal species argument.
associated with it in an obligatory A) In ethical argument of conserving
way also become extinct. biodiversity relates to what we are
B) When a host becomes extinct, it's to million of plant, animals and
unique assemblage of parasites micro species with whom we share
also meets the same fate this planet.
C) In the plant pollinator mutualism, B) We need to realize that every
where extinction of one invariably species has an intrinsic value.
leads to the extinction of the other. C) We have a moral duty to care for
D) All these statements are correct. their well being and pass on our
72. Which one is not an example of Alien biological legacy in good order to
species invasions? future generation.
A) Parthenium D) All these statements are correct.
B) Steller’s sea cow
C) Catfish 15.2.2 How do we conserve
D) Lantana biodiversity?
73. Purpose of introducing the African cat
fish in the Indian River. 78. Species confined to that reason and
A) For Aquaculture not found anywhere else is called as-
B) For ornamental purpose A) In situ
C) For agriculture B) Exotic
D) None of these. C) Endemism
D) None of these
15.2 Biodiversity Conservation 79. Initially ___i___ biodiversity hotspots
were identified, but after some time
74. Reason behind conserving the ___ii___ more have been added and
biodiversity. the total number of biodiversity
A) Narrowly utilitarian. hotspot in the world to __iii__ .
B) Broadly utilitarian. A) i- 25, ii- 9
C) Ethical B) ii- 8, iii- 30
D) All of these C) i- 23, iii- 34
75. More than 25% of the drugs currently D) none of these
sold in the market worldwide are
derived from __i__ and __ii__ species
of plants contribute to the traditional
medicines used by native peoples
around the world.
A) i- plants, ii- 25,000
B) i- Animals, ii- 25,000
C) i- Animals, ii- 25,00

80. Match the following 86. Which one is not the hotspot in India?
Column I Column II A) Western ghats
a Biosphere 1 448 B) Indo Burma
reserve C) Eastern Ghats
b National 2 14 D) Himalaya
parts 87. Sacred groves are that-
c Wildlife 3 90 A) Place which are protected for
centuries animals.
B) Place where all people are worship.
A) a-2, b-3, c-1 C) Place where religion and cultural
B) a-1, b-2, c-3 traditions that emphasized
C) a-2, b-1, c-3 protection of nature
D) a-1, b-3, c-2 D) None of these
88. Sacred groves, Khasi and Jaintia hills
81. Sacred groves are/is found in located in-
A) Khasi and Jaintia hills in A) Meghalaya
Meghalaya B) Manipur
B) Aravalli hills of Rajasthan C) Mizoram
C) Western ghat region of Karnataka D) Madhya Pradesh
D) All of these are correct 89. What is endangered or threatened?
82. In which sacred growth the last A) Organisms facing a very high risk
refugees for a large number of rare of death due to environment.
and threatened plants are there? B) Organisms facing a very high risk
A) In Rajasthan of extinction, in the near future.
B) In western ghat C) Organism facing a very high risk of
C) In Meghalaya danger from other organisms.
D) In Karnataka. D) None of these.
83. ‘Biodiversity hotspots’ is a reason 90. Which one of the following is not an
where- example of Ex-situ conservation?
A) Very high level of species richness A) Zoological parks
and high degree of endemism B) Botanical Gardens
B) Very high level of species richness C) Biosphere reserves
and low degree of and endemism D) Wildlife safari park
C) Very low level of species richness 91. Gametes of threatened species can be
and also low degree of and preserved in variable and fertile
endemism condition for long period using
D) None of these A) Heat
84. Which one is not a characteristic of B) Cryopreservation
biodiversity hotspots? C) Both
A) High level of species richness. D) None of these
B) Endemism 92. Threatened plant species can be
C) 38 in numbers propagated by-
D) Accelerated habitat loss protection A) Tissue Culture
85. Which one is not included under in B) Aquaculture
situ conservation? C) Cryopreservation
A) Biosphere reserves D) None of these
B) National parks
C) Zoological parks
D) Sacred graves

93. The Earth’s summit held in Rio de C) i, v, vii

Janeiro in. D) iv, vi, i
A) 2000 99. Pledge of Earth Summit held in Rio de
B) 1990 Janeiro.
C) 1992 A) All nations to take appropriate
D) 2002 measure for conservation of
94. The world’s summit on sustainable biodiversity and sustainable
development held in 2002 in. utilization of its benefit.
A) Johannesburg, South Africa. B) All nations are free to utilize
B) Cape town South Africa. natural resources and also harm
C) Rio de Janeiro. the ecosystem.
D) East America C) Significant reduction in the
95. How many countries pledged in world current rate of biodiversity loss at
summit held in 2002 in global, regional and local levels.
Johannesburg? D) None of these
A) 200 100. What is correct about the historic
B) 180 convention on biological diversity?
C) 170 i) It held in Rio de Janeiro
D) 190 ii) In 1992
96. In which type of conservation iii) Also called the earth summit
threatened animals and plants are iv) 190 states Pledged in this
taken out from their natural habitat summit
and placed in special selting place v) Commitment to achieve by 2020
where they can be protected and given A) i, ii, iv
a special care? B) i, ii, iii
A) Cryopreservation C) iii, iv, i
B) Ex-situ conservation D) all
C) In-situ conservation 101. In recent years, which type of
D) None of these conservation has advanced beyond
97. Seeds of different genetic strains of keeping threatened species in
commercially important plants can be enclosures?
kept for long period in A) In-situ conservation
A) Cryopreservation B) Ex-situ conservation
B) Tissue culture C) None of these
C) Seed bank D) Both A & B
D) None of these
98. Which are involved in In-situ
i) Biosphere reserve
ii) Cryopreservation
iii) Tissue culture
iv) Seed bank
v) National park
vi) Zoological park
vii) Sacred groves
viii) Safari parks
A) iii, vii, v
B) ii, iii, i

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans C B A D D B A A D B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D D D C B C A C D A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C B C A C B C A A D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A C B D C B C D D A
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B D D D B A C A D A
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans D C B D C B D D B C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D D B D B C D C D B
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D B A D A A D C A A
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans D C A C C C C A B C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans B A C A D B C C A B
Q 101
Ans B

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