OPS 02 - Pre-Visit Checklist For Superintendents
OPS 02 - Pre-Visit Checklist For Superintendents
OPS 02 - Pre-Visit Checklist For Superintendents
The following preparations are to be made when attending for Vessel Inspections
1 Check latest Class status report. Check Class/Statutory Certificate due dates and be
aware of any pending surveys or recommendations. Make copies as necessary.
Check vessel’s latest Certificate Check List
2 Check last Routine Inspection Report for outstanding items. Take a copy of the last
report for reference onboard.
3 Check last Ship Inspection Record Book entry. Verify status and make copies as
4 Check latest Marine Superintendents / Safety & Quality Superintendents reports and
note any items that require follow up.
5 Check the last 2 months of Ship’s Management Committee reports, make copies / take
notes as necessary.
6 Check the last 2 months working reports Deck and Engine
7 Check latest Master and Chief Engineer correspondence for any points that require
follow-up, make copies as necessary
8 Check latest and pending Damage Reports received from the vessel
9 Check latest Engineer’s log abstracts; note any deficiency in performance,
speed/consumption, slip for investigation on board.
10 Check status of regular monthly feedback / data received / requested from the vessel.
Note any anomalies for discussion with ship’s staff.
11 Check status of outstanding stores and spares requisitions. Also expected delivery of
outstanding orders.
12 Verify PMP feedback received regularly. If available confirm history is being recorded
13 Check latest Running Cost Report, take copy for discussion onboard.
14 Check status of ME piston overhaul, max wear of liners, also for auxiliary diesel
engines. Status of crankshaft bearing running hours medium/high speed engines
15 Check last Lub oil Analysis reports and note any points to follow up.
16 Dry Dock and Dry dock repair lists
a Verify that defect reports for next drydock repair list being received from vessel. Note
any that require additional information.
b Identify items which might have to be dealt with using shore assistance before next
drydocking. Discuss with FM or FD.
17 Follow up and Crew related issues.
a Discuss forthcoming visit with vessel’s MS&Q Superintendent (or Fleet
Superintendent as the case may be), be aware of anything he requires followed up
on board.
b Discuss with crew dept any pending changes of personnel, relief dates of senior
officers, etc.
Page 1 of 6 OPS02 – Pre-Visit Checklist for Fleet & MS&Q Superintendents
File Ref: Office File – 1G Revision Number: 4.0
The following preparations are to be made when attending for Vessel Inspections
c Be aware of senior officers names before boarding the vessel
d Ensure you have most recent crew list
18 Make a brief summary/plan of action for the visit.
a Abstract of most important items
b Abstract of pending deficiencies which might affect vessel’s seaworthiness, such as:
damages to the hull; deck plating; pipes; hull mounted valves; hull openings side
doors; ramps; propulsion; power generation; steering gear; windlass; navigation.
19 Travel plan and contacts
b Ensure your passport/visa in order for destination country
a Arrange travel with Travel Coordinator.
c Prepare camera, mobile phone, any special instruments, etc.
d Advise reception of your travel details and anticipated return.
e Check for Mail, Notice to Mariners and Cash to carry etc.
f Leave your contact address with FM, advise on schedule of your trip, (may be done
by E-Mail).
g Advise agent of your arrival and hotel booking.
h Where necessary check with FM, who is handling urgent matters (include APS) for
your vessel’s while you are absent from office, advise on urgent matters.
i Ensure you have all contact addresses with you of any repairers or suppliers that
you may need if assistance is required during your visit.
j Co-ordinate trip/visit with any other personnel such as Marine or Safety & Quality
Superintendent who may also be attending the vessel.
k Check status of any on board senior officers appraisals to conduct on board
l Check with the Master for sufficient cabin space ref LSA capacity is sailing visit
The following preparations are to be made when attending for Internal Audits
No: Item
1 Review the vessel’s internal audit status for the year and identify audit sections to be
completed at the coming attendance
2 Check the status of previous audit findings within the office records and Shipsure
Inspection Manager to plan any necessary verification actions required whilst onboard.
3 Review recent entries into Shipsure Inspection Manager to identify areas of possible
system failure.
4 Review recent entries into Shipsure HazOcc Manager to identify areas of possible system
5 Check the last 3 months of Ship’s HSE Meeting Minutes (SAF 17) and Management
Meeting Minutes make copies / take notes as necessary.
6 Discuss coming audit intentions with the Fleet Supt, Crewing Manager, and Purchasing
Officers to ascertain any areas of concern for inclusion in the audit plan.
7 Prepare audit questionnaire basis of the above
8 Prepare audit forms RSQ 05, RSQ 06, and RSQ 07 ahead of the attendance
9 Notify the Master of audit scope
The following preparations are to be made when attending for Safety Inspection
No: Item
1 Check the status of Shipsure Inspection Manager for any overdue safety related defects
from previous inspections
2 Review recent entries into Shipsure HazOcc Manager to identify areas in need of
enhanced attention during the inspection
3 Check the last 3 months of Ship’s HSE Meeting Minutes (SAF 17) and Management
Meeting Minutes make copies / take notes as necessary.
4 Prepare the appropriate safety inspection checklist for vessel type
5 OPS 12 Inspection report should be prepared ready for completion upon return to the
office. (For Fleet Superintendents then OPS 03 should be prepared)
6 Notify the Master of inspection plan.
The following preparations are to be made when attending for Pre Vetting Inspections &
Vetting Assistance
No: Item
1 Check on the OCIMF-Sire Website that the VPQ is fully up to date and take a print out
2 Check on the OCIMF-Sire Website that the Online Crew Matrix accurately reflects the
crew currently onboard. The Experience Matrix should exceed the inspecting oil
company’s minimum requirements.
3 Prepare a copy of the latest version of the OCIMF VIQ. Suggested format is A5-size
booklet. For dry cargo vessel “Rightship” inspections, a copy of the inspection criteria
should be obtained from VNet.
4 Review recent entries into Shipsure Inspection Manager to ensure all previous vetting
findings have been positively closed out.
5 Review recent entries into Shipsure HazOcc Manager to ensure all occurrences have been
positively addressed from the office perspective including corrective and preventative
6 Obtain a copy of the latest Class Status Report for the vessel and compare against the
Shipsure Certificates Module. Discuss with the Fleet Supt any pending Conditions of Class
/ Memos.
7 Obtain a copy of the latest Defect List (TEC 01) for the vessel and discuss with the Fleet
Supt for any needed remedial actions ahead of third party vetting.
8 For pre-vetting visits, OPS 12 Inspection report should be prepared ready for completion
upon return to the office. (For Fleet Superintendents then OPS 03 should be prepared)
9 Notify the Master of inspection intentions
Fleet Director
Fleet Manager
Crew Manager
Insurance Manager
General Notes:
Discuss outstanding/special items with TC and PM prior departure.
To be filled in before and after completion of any inspection.
To include this completed form in the regional inspection report.