Module 4 TTL2 2nd Sem 2022-2023 PDF
Module 4 TTL2 2nd Sem 2022-2023 PDF
Module 4 TTL2 2nd Sem 2022-2023 PDF
and Design of
Technology Driven
Learning Lessons
According to Smaldino et. al. (2014), the ASSURE Model
ensures effective learning. Further, they added that “well-
designed lessons begin with the arousal of students’ interest
and then move on to present new material, involve students in
practice with feedback, assess their understanding, and provide
relevant follow-up activities.”
ASSURE Model follows six steps for instruction which are:
a) Analyze Learners
b) State Standards and Objectives
c) Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials
d) Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials
e) Require Learner Participation
f) Evaluate and Revise
Analyze Learners
Smaldino et. al. (2014) emphasizes the need to study the learners
before the instruction itself in order to have a guiding information in
making decisions. The group asserts that there are three key areas
for analysis which are: a) general characteristics of the learners; b)
specific entry competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes about
the topic; and c) learning styles.
General Characteristics of the Learners
Learner’s sex, ethnicity, gender, attitude, and interests are
examples of characteristics that may impact learning (Smaldino
et. al., 2014). For example, contextualizing the lesson content to
better reflect the dominant cultural practices of the student is
an action anchored on knowing the characteristics of the
Specific Entry Competencies
Dick et. al. (2009, cited from Smaldino et. al., 2014) states that
prior knowledge of learners has a stronger impact to the how
and what students learn. As such, it is empirical to understand
what students know prior to the lesson proper. Smaldino et. al.
(2014) says that this could be done through entry tests,
structured interviews, informal questioning, and the like.
Learning Styles
Learning styles, according to Smaldino et. al. (2014), is the
collection of “…psychological traits that determine how an
individual perceives, interacts with, and responds emotionally
to learning environments: multiple intelligences, perceptual
preferences and strengths, information processing habits,
motivation, and physiological factors.
State Standards and Objectives
Setting goals for the teaching episode is akin to knowing the
finish line for the race as well as the paths to take to get there
which makes this stage an ever-present part of education.
Smaldino et. al. (2014) articulates that standards and objectives
serve as the basis for a) strategies, technology, and media
selection; b) assessment; and c) student learning expectations.
ABCDs of Well-Stated Learning Objectives
Smaldino et. al. (2014) maintains that there are four
considerations for setting objectives which are:
A. Audience – recipients of the lesson episode (for example,
2nd grade students must be given content appropriate for
their characteristics)
B. Behaviour – the capability or new skill to be demonstrated
by the learners after the learning episode (for example,
students must be able to add proper and improper fractions
after the lesson)
ABCDs of Well-Stated Learning Objectives
fall under the SA parts of the framework; that is, these users would
asserts that this level of integration changes only the delivery of the
2021), are:
traditional tools with their digital twins but also applies enhancements like
❑ Students use an EdTech program that gamifies curriculum content for student
engagement and allows students to track progress in an accessible way.
this module.
• Best, J. (October 9, 2015). The SAMR Model Explained (With 15 Practical Examples). 3P
Learning. Link
• PowerSchool (April 13, 2021). SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for K-12 Classroom Technology
Integration. PowerSchool. Link
• Smaldino, S.E., Lowther, D.L., & Russell, J.D. (2014). Instructional technology and media for
learning (10th ed.). Pearson Education Limited
• Te Kete Ipurangi (retrieved, February 9, 2022). Using the SAMR model. Crown. Link
• Terada, Y. (May 4, 2020). A Powerful Model for Understanding Good Tech Integration. George
Lucas Educational Foundation. Link