Lrdi 100 PDF
Lrdi 100 PDF
Lrdi 100 PDF
1. What is the missing number?
2961 3870 ? 9108
(a) 1629
(b) 9018
(c) 5823
(d) 7830
2. Four women P, Q, R, S and three men X, Y, Z play bridge, a card game for four
The men and women consist of three married couples and a widow
The members of each married couple are never partners in a game
No more than one married couple ever plays in the same bridge game
One night they played four bridge games in which partners were as follows:
Game 1 : P and X versus Q and Y
Game 2 : P and Z versus S and Y
Game 3 : Q and R versus Y and Z
Game 4 : R and X versus S and Z
Who is the widow?
(a) P (b) S (c) R (d) Q
3. David pans a small tea estate in Assam, all of which is shared by
him with Rahul and his friends. Rahul has a share of 3/5th of it and
his friend Santosh has twice as much as John, who is also a close
friend of Rahul. What fraction of the land belongs to John?
(a) 2/15
(b) 2/5
(c) 2/10
(d) Cannot be determined
4. What numbers should replace the question marks?
(a) 31 and 4
(b) 49 and 21
(c) 29 and 2
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
5. Study the rules employed in the following example and answer the question.
Input from 22 61 tea India east 55 74
Step I east from 22 61 tea lndia 55 74
Step II east 74 from 22 61 tea India 55
Step III east 74 tea from 22 61 lndia 55
Step IV east 74 tea 61 from 22 India 55
Step V east 74 tea 61 India from 22 55
Step VI east 74 tea 61 India 55 from 22
Identify the input if the result of Step II of an input is Money 56 to 11 66 people notes 24
(a) Money 56 To 15 66 people notes 24
(b) To 15 Money 56 66 people notes 24
(c) To 15 66 Money people notes 24 56
(d) Cannot be determined
6. Mr. Golu, the farmer is desperate to make some money by selling his
livestock. He has many animals and has a unique set of customer
requirements. The customers do not want to buy animals with disabilities
or strange features. Mr. Golu has a Stock of animals which include Monkeys
with two tails, Sheep with six legs, cows with two udders, horses with two
right hooves and chicken with two toes on each foot. Which animal will he
be able to sell?
(a) Horse
(b) Cow
(c) Monkey
(d) He will not be able to sell any animal.
7. Which of the following is the greatest?
I. log (2+4)
II. (log 2+ log 4)
III. log (6-3)
IV. log6 - log3
(a) Only III
(b) Only IV
(c) Only II
(d) Both I and II
8. In a village located in remote part of the world 5% of the
population have a birth defect and hence have only one leg, and half
of the others go barefoot as they never wear shoes. What is the least
number of shoes needed in the village if the total population is
(a) 5000
(b) 4750
(c) 9500
(d) 10000
9. At 12:00 noon, my watch was correct. However, it then started to
lose 18 minutes per hour. Four hours ago, it stopped completely and
is now showing the time as 15 : 30. What is the correct time?
(a) 17:00
(b) 21:00
(c) 20:33
(d) 19:00
10. 3182596 is to 65283 and 6742835 is to 53476, therefore 7496258
is to ....... ?
(a) 98765
(b) 76574
(c) 65987
(d) 85647
11. If 645 = 10 and 316 = 12, then 765 = ?
(a) 18
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 210
12. A villager places a map of his farm in a gram panchayat meeting
for resolving his dispute. He places the map in a way that South-East
becomes North and North-East becomes West. The Sarpanch is
confused. His assistant comes to help and turns the anti-clockwise by
90°. If the Sarpanch has to see the South side in the map, which side
will he look?
(a) North
(b) South-West
(c) South
(d) West
13. A, B and C played some card games. Each game had exactly one
winner. No player won 2 game in succession. When a player was the
dealer for a game he/she did not win the game. The dealer position
proceeded from A to B to C, then this order was repeated until they
stopped. The only player to win more than 2 games did not win the
first game. Who was the only player to win more than 2 games?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) Cannot be determined
14. There are several aspirants who are made to sit in single row for
an entrance examination. Rajesh is fifteenth from the left and Mohan
is eight from the right end. If there are four aspirants between them
and Mohan is to the right of Rajesh, then the total number of
aspirants sitting in the row are ........
(a) 26
(b) 28
(c) 27
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
15. Study the following information and answer the question. In a recent
performance approval done by Company X, more than 70% of the employees
were found to be underperforming. ‘I think that the restructuring done by the
company in the previous year is responsible for the under-performance of the
employees’- HR manager of Company X. Which of the following statements
weakens the statement of HR Manager of Company X?
(a) The incentives linked to performance were abolished upon restructuring
creating dissatisfaction among employees.
(b) After restructuring the decision making power was taken away from employees
thus delaying the work by long hours.
(c) The number of projects in Company X increased by 60% this year thereby
increasing the burden on the existing employees this year.
(d) After restructuring the employees were required to report to multiple bosses
leading to ambiguity at the work place.
(Q.Nos. 16-20) Study the following information to answer the given question.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each in such a
way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1- J, K, L, M,
N and O are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of facing South.
In row 2- U, V, W, X, Y and Z are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and
all of then are facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each
member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. M sits fourth to
the left of J. The one facing J sits third to the left of Y.
Only one person sits between Y and U. U does not sit at any of the extreme ends of
the line. The one facing Z sits second to the right of K. Z does not sit at any of the
extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between K and O. The one facing K
sits second to the left of X. V is not an immediate neighbour of Z. L is not
immediate neighbour of M.
16. Which of the following groups of people represents the people
sitting at extreme ends of both the rows?
(a) M, O, X, W
(b) M, K, V, W
(c) N, K, V, Y
(d) J, N, U, V
17. Who amongst the following faces V?
(a) M
(b) L
(c) J
(d) K
18. Which of the following is true with respect to the given
(a) K faces one of the immediate neighbours of X.
(b) V sits exactly between W and U.
(c) J faces Z.
(d) J is an immediate neighbour of K.
19. Which of the following is true regarding N?
(a) K sits second to right of N.
(b) V is an immediate neighbour of the person who faces N.
(c) Both L and O are immediate neighbours of N.
(d) Only one person sits between N and J
20. Who amongst the following sits second to the right of the person
who faces L?
(a) V
(b) Z
(c) W
(d) Y
21. If ‘4’ is subtracted from each odd digit and ‘1’ is added to each
even digit in the number 9476582, which of the following numbers
will appear twice in the new number thus formed?
(a) Only 2
(b) Both 1 and 7
(c) Both 3 and 5
(d) None
22. Read the given information and answer the question.
The government of State D was recently criticised for accepting a proposal as per which schools in the
State will not conduct exams up to standard nine.
Rather, schools will promote all the students up to standard nine and from standard nine onwards the
students would either be passed or failed depending upon their marks in the exams.
Which of the following may not be a reason for the criticism of the government of State D for accepting
the proposal?
(a) Several parents have raised concern that students would not be willing to pay attention in class and
retain the information because they do not have to write exams.
(b) Students learn to write exam papers in a stipulated period of time with practice of solving exam papers
over the years and many students may not be able to grasp this directly in the standard nine.
(c) Many teachers are of the opinion that students have become very competitive and are mainly focused
on acquiring marks rather than gaining knowledge.
(d) Studies suggest that students become less prone to exam anxiety and exam fear when they get used to
passing exams over the years as compared to when they do not appear for an exam at all.
Directions (Q.Nos. 23-28) Study the following information and answer the
Seven friends, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V visit seven different countries namely
Japan, Germany, China, India, Nepal, Australia and Malaysia, not necessarily in the
same order, starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week).
R visits on Thursday. Only two people visit between R and the one who visits
Germany. Only four people visit between the one who visits Germany and V. The
one who visits Malaysia visits immediately before V. Only two people visit between
the one who visits Malaysia and P. S visits on one of the days after the one who
visits Malaysia.
U visit immediately after the one who visit Japan. U does not visit Malaysia. Only
three people visit between the one who visits Japan and the one who visits Nepal.
The one who visits Australia visits immediately before the one who visits China. Q
does not visit on Monday.
23. Which of the following countries does Q visit?
(a) China
(b) Malaysia
(c) Japan
(d) Nepal
24. On which of the following days does U visit a country?
(a) Friday
(b) Saturday
(c) Sunday
(d) Wednesday
25. Which of the following is true about T?
(a) T visits immediately before P
(b) T visits on Friday
(c) T visits China
(d) All the given options are true
26. Who amongst the following visits India?
(a) S
(b) T
(c) P
(d) G
27. As per the given arrangement, P is related to the one who visits
Japan in a certain way and V is related to the one who visits Nepal in
the same way. To which of the following is R related to in the same
(a) The one who visits Australia
(b) The one who visits China
(c) The one who visits India
(d) The one who visits Malaysia
28. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form
a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does
not belong to that group?
(a) U-Friday
(b) Q-Thursday
(c) S-Saturday
(d) V-Sunday
Directions (Q.Nos. 29-32) Study the following information carefully and answer the given
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it
arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and
rearrangement. (All the numbers are two digit numbers)
Input 23 kinetic amount 64 nature 71 58 opium verdict 96 elderly 15
Step I opium 23 kinetic amount 64 nature 71 verdict 96 elderly 15 58
Step II elderly opium 23 kinetic amount nature 71 verdict 96 15 58 64
Step III amount elderly opium 23 kinetic nature 71 verdict 15 58 64 96
Step IV 15 amount elderly opium 23 kinetic nature 71 58 64 96 verdict
Step V 23 15 amount elderly opium kinetic 71 58 64 96 verdict nature
Step VI 71 23 15 amount elderly opium 58 64 96 verdict nature kinetic
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement and as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input adverb 59 36 salient 81 idioms bakery 14 launch 47 umpire 62
29. Which elements come exactly between ‘59’ and ‘bakery’ in Step II
of the given input?
(a) Only launch
(b) Only 62
(c) Only idioms
(d) Both 81 and salient
30. Which of the following combinations represents the first two and
the last two element of the step VI of the given input?
(a) 81, 59, launch, bakery
(b) 81, 62, salient, launch
(c) 50, 47, bakery, salient
(d) 62, 14, idioms, umpire
31. If in the step III, ‘idioms’ interchanges its position with ‘81’ and
‘salient’ also interchanges its position with ‘14’, then which element
will be third to the left of ‘47’?
(a) 14
(b) salient
(c) adverb
(d) idioms
32. Which step are the elements ‘bakery launch 47 14’ found in the
same order?
(a) Sixth
(b) Third
(c) Fourth
(d) Fifth
33. The question consists of information and two Statements numbered I and II given
below it. You have to decide which of the given statements weakens or strengthens the
information and decide the appropriate answer. Information Due to increased cases of
kidnapping in its vicinity, school M has made it compulsory for parents or guardians of
the students to give a duly signed authority letter to the person picking up the students
from school.
I. Most working parents rely on their domestic help, for picking up their children from
school, who can easily coerced into forging or misusing the authority letter for monetary
II. There is no photograph on the authority letter making it difficult to identify the
person who comes to pick up the child.
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II strengthen the information.
(b) Statements I strengthens the information while Statement II weakens the information.
(c) Both Statements I and II weaken the information.
(d) Both Statements I and II are neutral are neutral Statements.
34. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘PAINTED’
each of which has as many letters between them in the word in both
forward and backward directions, as there are between them in the
English alphabetical series?
(a) More than three
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) None
Directions (Q.Nos. 35-39)
Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.
In a certain code language, ‘urban people prefer cars' is written as 've
fm ab eg’ ‘profit for urban areas' is written as 'ab ep zi so’ ‘people
demand for hike' is written as 'zi qr cd ve’ ‘hike in profit margin' is
written as 'al jn ep cd’ (All codes are two letter codes only)
35. What will be the possible code for ‘urban food demand’ in the
given code language?
(a) qr ab zi
(b) qr cr ab
(c) nj qr cd
(d) qr ab jn
36. What is the code for areas in the given code language?
(a) ab
(b) zi
(c) ep
(d) so
37. What does the code ‘jn’ stand for in the given code language?
(a) either ‘hike’ or ‘people’
(b) either ‘in’ or ‘margin’
(c) profit
(d) hike
38. In the given code language, if ‘small’ is coded as ‘wy’, then how
will ‘prefer small cars’ be coded as?
(a) wy eg ab
(b) fm ve wy
(c) eg wy fm
(d) ab eg fm
39. What will be the code for ‘hike’ in the given code language?
(a) xl
(b) zi
(c) qr
(d) other than those given as options
40. Read the given information and answer the question.
Long term usage of antibiotics causes the disease ‘Cretosis’ as it decreases the
secretion of hormone X. While body can endure the level of hormone X dropping
to half the required number of micrograms in levels dropping to 23- micrograms
needs immediate medical attention. Which of the following can be concluded
from the given statement?
(a) A patient can be said to have Cretosis only if his/her hormone ‘X’ levels are 23
micrograms or low.
(b) Usage of antibiotics on a short term cannot cause ‘Cretosis’ ever to a minor
(c) All micrograms is exactly half of the amount of hormone X required daily by the
(d) In a patient with hormone X level of 21 microgram, if administered another 23
micrograms would bring the level to absolute normal
41. Find the approximate value : √10000+(3.001/4.987) of 1891.992 = ?
(a) 2500
(b) 1230
(c) 1640
(d) 1525
42. The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is 16. If the ten’s digit of
the number is three times the unit’s digit and the unit’s digit is one-fourth
of the hundredth digit, then what is the number?
(a) 446
(b) 561
(c) 682
(d) 862
43. In a certain code language ‘123’ stands for ‘I am servant’, ‘279’
stands for ‘servant always miserable’, and ‘684’ stands for ‘poverty is
curse’. Then, ‘miserable’ stands for which numeric?
(a) 2
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) Cannot be determined
Direction (Q. Nos. 4-6) Find the mising number in the series given
44. 3, 22, ? 673, 2696, 8093
(a) 133 (b) 155 (c) 156 (d) 134
45. 2, 8, 18, 32, 50, ?
(a) 64 (b) 72 (c) 70 (d) 68
46. 2, 29, 38, 47, ?
(a) 59 (b) 56 (c) 52 (d) 58
Direction (Q. Nos. 47-49) Study the following information to answer the given
P, Q, R, S, T, V, X and Y are seated in a straight line facing North. P sits fourth to
the left of V. V sits either sixth from the left end of the line or fourth from the
right end of the line. S sits second to right of R. R is not an immediate
neighbour of V. T and Q are immediate neighbours of each other but neither T
nor Q sits at extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits between T and X. X
does sit at the extreme end of the line.
47. What is the position of Q with respect to P?
(a)Fifth to the right
(b) Immediate neighbour
(c) Second to the right
(d) Third to the left
48. Which of the following represents persons seated at the two
extreme ends of the line?
(a) P, V
(b) Y, S
(c) R, V
(d) R, Y
49. How many persons are seated between R and T?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
50. {7 1/2 + 1/2 ÷ 1/2 of 1/4 – 2/5 x 2 1/3 ÷ 1 7/8 of (1 1/5 – 1 1/3
)} = ?
(a) 3 1/5
(b) 2 1/24
(c) 4 1/30
(d) None of these
51. A person travels from X to the Y at a speed of 40 kmph and
returns by increasing his speed by 50%. What is his average speed for
both the trips?
(a) 36 kmph
(b) 45 kmph
(c) 48 kmph
(d) 50 kmph
52. How many M’s occur in the following series such that it is
preceded by W and followed by V?
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 5
53. In a class, the number of girls is one less than the number of the
boys. If the product of the number of boys and that of girls is 272,
then the number of girls in the class is
(a) 15
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 17
54. In the given figure, AB CD || . Then, X is equal to
(a) 290°
(b) 300°
(c) 280°
55. If John celebrated his victory day on Tuesday, January 5, 1965,
when will he celebrate his next victory day on the same day?
(a) January 5, 1970
(b) January 5, 1971
(c) Januray 5, 1973
(d) January 5, 1974
(Q. Nos. 56-58) Read the following information carefully and answer the
questions that follow.
Seven friends A B C D E F and G are sitting around a circular table facing either the
centre or outside. Each one of them belongs to a different department viz. Finance,
Marketing, Sales, HR, Corporate Finance, Investment Banking and Operations but
not necessarily in the same order.
C sits third to the right of G. G faces the centre. Only one person sits between C and
the person working in the HR department. Immediate neighbours of C face outside.
Only one person sits between F and D. Both F and D face the centre. F works in the
HR department. A works in the investment B banking department. A faces the
centre. Two people sit between the persons, who work in investment, banking and
marketing departments. The person, who works in corporate finance sits to the
immediate left of E. C faces same direction as E. The person, who works for sales
department sits to the immediate left of the person, who works for operations
56. For which of the following departments does B work?
(a) Finance
(b) Marketing
(c) HR
(d) Corporate Finance
57. What is position of B with respect to the person, who works for
sales department?
(a) Immediate right
(b) Third to the left
(c) Second to the right
(d) Second to the left
58. Who sits to the immediate right of E?
(a) The person who works for marketing department
(b) C
(c) B
(d) The person who works for HR department
Direction (Q. Nos. 59-61) In each of the following questions. Choose
the missing terms out of the given alternatives.
(a) 65, 36, 63 (b) 53, 24, 63 (c) 49, 32, 53 (d) 51, 25, 61
(a) 9, R
(b) 11, P
(c) 13, Q
(d) 10, V
(a) −1/2
(b) − 1/8
(c) − 1/6
(d)− 1/4
Direction (Q. Nos. 64-65) Study the given information carefully and
answer the given questions.
A is the mother of B. B is the sister of C. D is the son of C. E is the
brother of D. F is the mother of E. G is the granddaughter of A. H has
only two children B and C.
64. How is F related to H?
(a) Son-in-law (b) Daughter-in-law (c) Father-in-law (d) Granddaughter
65. How is C related to E?
(a) Father (b) Son (c) Mother (d) Cousin
66. In the given series, only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number
2, 3, 6, 15, 37.5, 157.5, 630
(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 15
(d) 37.5
Direction (Q. Nos. 67-70) Study the following information carefully and answer the given
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers
rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of
input and rearrangement.
Input ‘sale data 18 23 for 95 then 38’
Step I data sale 18 23 for 95 then 38
Step II data 95 sale 18 23 for then 38
Step III data 95 for sale 18 23 then 38
Step IV data 95 for 38 sale 18 23 then
Step V data 95 for 38 sale 23 18 then
Step VI data 95 for 38 sale 23 then 18
and step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the
appropriate step for the given input.
67. Input ‘year 39 stake 47 house full 94 55’. How many steps will be
required to complete the rearrangement?
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Four
(d) Seven
68. Step II of an input is ‘car 83 lost ever 32 46 74 now’. How many
more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Six
69. Step III of an input is ‘and 79 code 27 18 new goal 34’. Which of
the following will definitely be the input?
(a) code and 79 27 18 new goal 34
(b) code 27 18 new goal 34 and 79
(c) code 27 and 18 79 new goal 34
(d) cannot be determined
70. Input ‘water full never 35 78 16 height 28’ Which of the following
steps will be the last?
(a) VI
(b) VII
(c) VIII
(d) IX
76. Choose the word that will complete the second pair in the same
way as first pair Royal Bengal Tiger : India :: Snow Leopard:
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Pakistan
(d) Afghanistan
77. A new species lays exactly 120 eggs out of which 50% are male and 50% are female..
The female insect hatch and grow in a span of 20 days to lay eggs by themselves. On 1st
April, 2018, an insect laid 120 eggs. Find how many eggs will be hatched, (approx) by the
end of may 2018.
(a) 216000
(b) 25920000
(c) 432000
(d) None of these
78. A B + means A is sister of B, A/B means A is son of B, A = B means A is brother of B,
A @ B means A is father of B. Which of the following shows M is grandson of P?
(a)P = Q M
(b) P @ B = S @ M
(c) P @ Q + M
(d) P/Q/S + M
79. In a certain code language, if INDIA is written as 95491, then JAPAN is written as
(b) 11614
(c) 11715
(d) 101614
80. If 1st June, 2013 is Saturday, then 1st June, 1981 is
(b) Tuesday
(c) Saturday
(d) Thursday
81. An unfolded dice is given above. Find the correct answer which can be formed by
folding the unfolded dice.
a) c)
b) d)
82. Fill in the missing block logically
(b) 48
(c) 56
(d) 72
83. Vijay’s grandfather has an old cuckoo clock. It takes 5s for the cuckoo clock to
chime 5 cuckoos. How long will it take to chime 10 cuckoos?
(a)10 s
(b) 11 s
(c) 10 : 25 s
(d) 11 : 25 s
84. A person wants a house such that all sides of the house face North he should build
the house
(a)on the South pole
(b) on the North pole
(c) at the equator
(d) at an angle of 120° with the East direction
85. In a shouting game, Rohit and Shiv responded in the proportion of Ram and
Shyam’s shouting. Study the table and answer accordingly, what will come at the place
of question mark(?)
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 2
86. A statement is followed by two Courses of action I and II. Assume everything in the
statement to be true. Decide which of the two given suggested courses of action logically
follows for pursuing.
Statement Since 2018, the bulk of India’s population has comprised of young working people,
much more than the dependent population, children below 5 yr of age and old people above 65
yr of age. This trend will continue for the next 55 yr.
Courses of Action
I. There will be a huge increase in the GDP of the country.
II. According to a report by UNFPA, this population will be able to contribute effectively, if good
health facilities, education and proper infrastructure are provided to the whole population.
(a) None follows
(b) Only I follows
(c) Only II follows
(d) Both I and II follow
87. A clock gains 10 min a day. The clock was corrected at 6:00 am. what will be the
correct time when the clock shows 11:00 am, following day?
(a)10 : 48 am
(b) 11 : 00 am
(c) 11 : 45 am
(d) 10 : 30 am
88. Vishal takes 3 pills with a gap of 30 min. What is the minimum time by which
Vishal will get rid of his pain?
(a)90 min
(b) 60 min
(c) 58 min
(d) 100 min
89. In a mobile manufacturing company 6 staff members packed 6 mobiles in 6 min.
The management wants 60 mobile to be packed in 60 min. How many staff member in
total are required?
(b) 360
(c) 600
(d) 6
90. Choose the word that will complete the second pair in the same way as first pair.
Ornithologist : Bird :: Herpetologist:
(a) Snakes
(b) Reptiles
(c) Mammals
(d) None of these
91. Amar consumed 100 laddoos from Monday to Friday. Each day, he consumed 6
more laddoos than the previous day. How many laddoos did he consume on
(a)12 laddoos
(b) 20 laddoos
(c) 24 laddoos
(d) 8 laddoos
92. Find the missing term in the following series 0, 1, 2, 5, 20, 25, ?, 157
(a) 35
(b) 150
(c) 145
(d) 40
93. Which of the answer figures given will complete the pattern of the question
a) c)
b) d)
94. Find what will come at the place of question mark(?).
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 16
95. Kishore says, “that man’s father is my father’s son”. How is that man related to
(b) Son
(c) Kishore himself
(d) Cousin
96. How many times does the letter ‘A’ appear from 0 to 100?
(b) 5
(c) 1
(d) None of these
97. Population of Timbaktoo (2 yr ago) was 125000. Due to natural calamities people
started migrating. So, population decreased at the rate of 4% per annum. How many
migrated from this town in past 2 yr?
(a) 115200
(b) 105000
(c) 9800
(d) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 98-100) Read the given information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
Five movies-Do Bigha Jameen, Sholay, 3 idiots, Chak De, Aanand screening on Monday
to Friday in any order. Movie screened on Friday remains till Sunday. Screening of Do
Bigha Jameen and Chak De should not be on first and last day. Chak De should be
followed by Aanand. Sholay is screened immediately after Do Bigha Jameen. There is
only one movie screened between Sholay and 3 idiots.
98. Which movie was screened on Friday?
(b) Chak De
(c) 3 Idiots
(d) Do Bigha Jameen
99. 3 idiots was screened on which day?
(a) Friday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Monday
100. 3 idiots was screened on which day?
(a) Friday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Monday