SB 717
SB 717
SB 717
Piper Aircraft Corporation Lock Haven, Pennsylva n ia, U. S.A.
Reports have been received of a chafing condition between the left fuel line, near
the fuel selector, and the left forward air vent assembly lever.
If this condition exists and is left uncorrected, the chafing could become severe
enough to wear through the fuel line and cause fuel leakage.
This Service Release provides instructions and illustrations to inspect the area for
chafing and to provide clearance of the fuel line.
Instructions :
Service Bulletin No. 717 Page 2 of .3
Instructions: (continued)
3. If clearance is less than .05 inch, fabricate a tool (utilizing the dimensions shown
in Figure 1) from a suitable non-metallic material such as wood. Insert tool
between fuel line and vent lever. Slide tool forward and aft, at the same time
twisting it in each direction, to obtain .05 inch to .15 inch gap.
4. Remove tool and, utilizing a suitable mirror, inspect the fuel line for damage such
as dents, flat spots, etc.
5. If fuel line is worn beyond airworthy limits, remove and replace fuel line; fuel tank
drainage may be necessary. (See Material Required.) Install new fuel line and
assure clearance as described in Instruction 3.
6. Inspect for leaks, reinstall side panel and air vent cover.
7. Make appropriate logbook entry of compliance with this Service Release.
Material Required:
If required by Instruction 5, one (1) each Fuel Line, Piper Part Number 62306-00V, or
67700-57V, or 63846-00V, per aircraft. (Refer to appropriate Parts Catalog.)
A vailability of Parts:
Effectivity Date:
Please contact your Piper Field Service Facility to make arrangements for compliance
with the provisions of this Service Release in accordance with the Compliance Time,
indicated. '
Any applicable Factory participation will remain in effect for a period of time not to
exceed 180 days from the date of this Service Release.
Service Bulletin No. 717 Page 3 of 3
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