Reactor Design II PDF
Reactor Design II PDF
Reactor Design II PDF
Dr.Ali N.Khalaf
University of Basrah
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department
Fourth Year
First Semester
Reactor design II
Chapter One
Non-Isothermal Reactors Design
We assume the forward and reverse reactions have Arrhenius temperature dependences
! 𝐶𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑡
with Ef < Er . Setting = 0 gives
𝑇",$-./0 = *% +(-%.-# …………………….. ………………. (2)
2 03 -#
Sometimes the reactor is operated with heat transfer through the reactor walls, or via
heating or cooling coils inserted into the reactor. Adiabatic operation is also possible. In
a plug flow reactor, the temperature varies with axial position (i.e., in the direction of
flow) in the reactor. There may or may not be heat transfer through the reactor walls. In
a CSTR, the temperature is uniform everywhere in the reactor and is equal to the outlet
temperature. However, the inlet and outlet temperatures are different. There may or may
not be heat transfer with the surroundings, either through the vessel walls or by heating
or cooling coils within the reactor.
Let’s calculate the volume necessary to achieve a conversion, X, in a PFR for a first-
order, exothermic and adiabatic reaction.
!" $ !$
Material Balance: = ∫&
#!" %!
Rate Law: 𝑟' = 𝐴 𝑒 𝐶' $%
……. (3)
T = reaction temperature K
Ta= External heating or cooling fluid or wall temperature K
A = heat transfer area m2
Cpi = specific heat kJ/Kmol.K
U = overall heat transfer kJ/s.m2.K
∆Hr=Heat of reaction per mole of A reacting
……………………… (4)
………….…………………... (.6)
………….…………………... (7)
………….…………………... (.8)
𝑁𝐶4 = ∑ 𝜃- 𝐶4-
Note for constant Volume batch reactor use Cp, and for constant pressure batch
reactor use Cv.
Then: Qg =Qr
𝑄( = − 𝑉 𝑟)∆𝐻*
𝑄+ = −𝑉 𝑘 𝐶)∆𝐻* = −𝑉𝑘 ∆𝐻* 𝐶), 𝑒 -./
Qr = –0.65 × 2.0 e–0.65t × 10 × 30
Qr = –390 e–0.65t (kcal/min). Since Q < 0, it shows that heat is removed from
the system, which is undergoing exothermic reaction.
The time corresponding to a 95% conversion for the first order reaction is determined
The oxidation of CO is a highly exothermic chemical reaction, and, as the reactor is
adiabatic, the energy balance will be quite important. It is thus necessary to solve both
the mole and energy balance equations. We start the solution by considering the mole
balance equation. The mole balance equation for CO can be written in terms of the
concentration because the volume of the reactor is constant. The mole balance is
First note that the number of moles of water, and hence the concentration, is constant
during the reaction, as water does not react and the reactor volume is constant. The
water concentration is given by
𝑂𝑟 ∶ 𝐶)! = (𝐶*) ))+ (𝛳)! − ( )
With these substitutions and resulting simplification, the rate equation becomes
…………….... (A)
Substituting for XCO = 0.99, we calculate the total number of moles present to be 1.711
mol. The volume is unchanged; therefore, the pressure in the reactor is
• If we want to find the temperature at the end of reaction and the reaction time
𝑁𝐶4 = ( 𝜃- 𝐶4-
At inlet 𝜃&5 = 1 ∶ 𝜃56 = 1 ∶ 𝜃&56 = 0 ∶
𝑁𝐶- = ∑ 𝜃. 𝐶/. = 19.8 ∗ 1 + 17.13 ∗ 1 = 36.93 123$.5
𝑻 = 𝟕𝟎𝟎 + 𝟑𝟔.𝟗𝟑 𝒙
𝑻 = 𝟕𝟎𝟎 + 𝟏𝟐𝟐. 𝟐 ∗ 𝒙
𝑻 = 𝟖𝟐𝟏 𝑲
0.172 :.77 𝑑𝑥
𝑡= 1 96:);)
3.37x107 : (<::*)66.6∗?
e (1 − 𝑥)(1 − 0.5𝑥):.6@
The above equation solved by Simpson Rule to find the reaction time.
𝑡 = 318 𝑠𝑒𝑐
• If we want to find the temperature and conversion as a function of time
…………….... (B)
…………….... (C)
&!/ A?
𝑟J = A$
The resulting equations (A, B and C) must be solved simultaneously with the mole
balance, to give the fractional conversion and reactor temperature as a function of time.
The solution of this system of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations is
performed numerically, using the Runge–Kutta method.
.... (14)
.... (15)
….............. (16)
…………………….............. (17)
………………………….............. (18)
𝑟' = 𝐴 𝑒 $% 𝐶'* ( 1 − 𝑥 )
𝑉 ? 𝑑𝑥
⎛ ⎞
=1 ⎜ 91 ⎟
𝐹J" : ∆E
2( B/*∑ % ?
⎝𝐶J: (1 − 𝑥)𝐴𝑒 &10K0
L!/ ? A?
𝑉=& ∫ R .- S ………………..…(19)
!" J : ∆7%
3( 4/5 ;
M ∑ 910:0 ()9N)
Example 3:
The elementary irreversible organic liquid phase reaction is carried out adiabatically in a
flow reactor. An equimolar feed in A and B enters at 27° C, and the volumetric flow
rate is 2 dm3/s and CA0=0.1 kmol/m3.
a) Calculate the PFR and CSTR volume necessary to achieve 85% conversion.
b) What is the maximum inlet temperature one could have so that the boiling point of
the liquid (550° K) would not be exceeded even for complete conversion?
c) Plot the conversion and temperature as function of PFR volume.
d) Calculate the concentration achieved in one 500 dm3 and in two 250-dm3 CSTRs in
HA°(273)= -20 kcal/mol, HB°(273)= -15 kcal/mol, HC°(273)= -41 kcal/mol
CPA=CPB=15 cal/mol.K, CPC=30 cal/mol.K
k = 0.01 dm3/mol.s at 300° K, E =10000 cal/mol
𝑘 =𝐴𝑒 34
0.01 = 𝐴 𝑒 <.>?@∗B""
Volume of CSTR equals the area of rectangle VCSTR = 0.85 x 206 = 175 dm3
Volume of PFR equals the entire Area under the curve VPFR ~ 305 dm3
Solution: Part C
Plot the conversion and temperature as function of PFR volume.
Solution: Part D
O ?9:
L!/ F!
𝑥 = 0.92
𝑥) = 0.881
(?D9?<) .L!/()9?<)
𝑉&QB2 6 = . CD@<.E>< = 250
&!/D()9?D)DP.6<∗):C M B""5D"";D
𝑥6 = 0.97
Example: 4
The reversible first-order gas reaction A⇋R is to be carried out in a CSTR. For
operations at 300 K the volume of reactor required is 100 liters for 60% conversion of
A. What should be the volume of the reactor for the same feed rate and conversion but
with operations at 400 K?
Data: kl = 1x103 exp [-2416/T] min -1
∆Hr = -8000 cal/mol at 300 K
K = 10 at 300 K : Feed consists of pure A : Total pressure stays constant
Example 5:
The gas-phase reaction A +B→ C is carried out in a pilot plant tubular reactor at about
2 atm and 300oC. The feed rate is 0.120 m3/sec and feed is 40% A, what reactor volume
is needed for 95% conversion under adiabatic operation?
k=1.4x107exp (-7700/T) m3/mol.sec : ∆Hr = -14000 J/mol : CPA = CPB= 15 J/mol.K
+.KL ⎛
𝑉 𝑑𝑥 ⎞
=i ⎜ AB ⎟
𝐹$2 + ∆G$
( @ C( ## E ∑ *%& I& J
⎝𝐶$+ (1 − 𝑥)(1.5 − 𝑥) ∗ 1.4 ∗ 10 𝑒 ⎠
#!" &.73 !$
𝑉= 2 ∫& ( '0011 )
-.1∗-&0 +!1 (-($)(-.3($) 4563045404.4 7
6.1- PFR with Heat Exchange:
A nonadiabatic PFR exchanges heat with the surroundings. Several different designs are
used industrially. One possibility would be to impose a constant heat flux at the wall of
the reactor. Such a reactor may be constructed in different ways but the simplest
scenario is illustrated in Figure 2.
This design is very similar to a double pipe heat exchanger, consisting of two concentric
tubes with the central tube acting as the reactor and the surrounding jacket containing
the heat transfer fluid.
When reactors are operated in the nonisothermal mode, the diameter of the reactor is
usually relatively small so that an effective rate of heat transfer can be achieved. Use of
a small reactor diameter can lead to a requirement of very long reactor length if a large
volume is required. Rather than have a single very long tube, a common design uses
multiple reactor tubes surrounded by a large shell containing the heat transfer fluid,
resembling a shell and tube heat exchanger. This type of arrangement is shown in
Figure 3.
Where (a) is heat exchange area per unit volume of the reactor,
𝑎=O= FGD
……... (20)
……... (21)
.. (22)
If the coolant temperature varies down the reactor we must add coolant balance:
……………. (25)
….……………. (26)
The above Equations (Eq. 20 to Eq. 24) are the general form of the energy balance for a
PFR with external heat exchange. It may be written explicitly in terms of in terms of the
reactor length to give the temperature and conversion profile along reactor length
𝑭𝑨𝒐 𝒅𝒙
𝒓𝑨 = 𝑨 𝒅𝒛
𝒅𝑻 ∆𝑯𝒓 𝒅𝒙 𝑨∗𝑼𝒂 (𝑻(𝑻𝒂 )
= −
𝒅𝒛 (∑ 𝜽𝒊 𝑪𝑷𝒊 ) 𝒅𝒛 𝑭𝑨𝒐 (∑ 𝜽𝒊 𝑪𝑷𝒊 )
The three types of reactor operations yield different temperature profiles within the
reactor and are shown in Figure 4 for an exothermic reaction.
̇ =0 and 𝑸̇ = 𝑼𝑨(𝑻 − 𝑻𝒂 )
If 𝑾𝒔
Solving for x:
.………… (32)
Solving for T:
.… (33)
Example 6:
A second order, liquid phase reaction, A + B → C, is to be performed in a single-stage
CSTR. Given the following data:
1. Determine the size of the reactor required to achieve 85% conversion of A.
Example 7: Consider the reaction A → B, rA = k CA, k300 = 0.05 min-1 , ∆Hr = -20
kcal/mole in a 10 liter reactor with CA0 = 2 moles/liter and To =300 K. At what rate
must heat be removed to maintain the reactor isothermal at 300 K for (a) a batch reactor
at 90% conversion?
This is an isothermal reactor with r = 0.05CA. If batch, then
Note that 𝑄̇ = 𝑈𝐴(𝑇 − 𝑇& ) is positive if heat is added to the reactor, that is, when (Ta >
T). The above equation can be rearranged as follows:
.… (34)
……………………………………………… (35)
… (39)
An increase in the value of the reactor inlet temperature simply shifts the line to the
right, while maintaining the value of the slope. The slope of the curve can be adjusted
by changing the value of (CP0 (1+ κ). Also the linear energy line depends on the value of
κ as shown in Figure 8.
A plot of the generation function, G(T), verses T gives a sigmoidal curve because of the
exponential temperature dependence of the rate constant. The shape of the curve
depends in large part on the value of the activation energy. A typical plot is shown in
Figure 9.
Fig. 9: Shape of the heat generation function at different reactor temperatures.
Fig. 11: Plot of a single heat generation curve and multiple heats removal curves
Example 8:
Consider a first order adiabatic reaction in a CSTR with the following characteristics:
Example 9:
Determine the operating conditions in a CSTR for a first order exothermic reaction with
heat transfer under the following conditions:
Feed temperature, TO, = 350 K
Initial concentration, CAO = 1.0 mol/L
Temperature of the cooling medium, Ta = K 350 K
Mean residence time, τ =1.0 min
(ΔHR)= - 200 kJ/mol. 𝐶N2 = 1.0 QRS.T : UA/FA.Cp = 1.0
Reaction rate constant, k= exp (25 – 10000/T) min–1
𝑥X! =
1 + 𝑘𝜏
1 ∗ exp (25 – )
𝑥X! = 10000
1 + 1 ∗ exp (25 – )
𝑅(𝑇) = 𝐶N2 (1 + 𝜅)(𝑇 − 𝑇U ) 𝜅=*
%# W'#
Example 10:
The first order irreversible reaction A(l) → B(l) is carried out in a jacketed CSTR. The
feed contains A and an inert liquid in equimolar amounts, where FA0 = 80 mol/min.
What is the reactor temp when the inlet temp T0 is 450K?
UA= 8000 cal/min·K : Ta= 300K ∆HR=-7500 cal/mol : CpA = CpB =20 cal/mol·K
Cpi =30 cal/mol·K τ=100 min : E=40,000 cal/mol : k=6.6 x 10-3 min-1 at 350K
•For exothermic Reactions: As T increases, the equilibrium shifts to the left. i.e. both
K and Xe decreases
•For endothermic Reactions: As T increases, the equilibrium shifts to the right. i.e.
both K and Xe increases
Fig. 14: The equilibrium line shows the relationship between the temperature and conversion at
equilibrium for a specified starting composition. The adiabatic reaction line shows the maximum
conversion that can be obtained for adiabatic operation for a given inlet temperature. The isothermal
reaction line shows the best conversion for isothermal operation.
A typical adiabatic reaction line is shown in Figure 15 for an arbitrary value of T0. In the
reactor, both the temperature and conversion will increase along this line until the
equilibrium line is encountered at X2 and T2.
At this point, the rate is zero, and the temperature and composition of the process stream
remain constant for any additional reactor volume.
If the same reactor was operated isothermally, the vertical operating line shown in
Figure 14 would be obtained. As the temperature is constant, the fractional conversion
finally attained, equal to X1, and is higher than that achieved in the adiabatic reactor.
Isothermal operation may not be practical, and does not result in a minimum reactor
volume. It is possible to determine an optimal temperature progression along the reactor
so as to maximize the conversion for the minimum possible reactor volume.
Consider the diagram shown in Figure 15. This diagram shows lines of constant
reaction rate corresponding to set values of temperature and conversion. Each solid line
represents a locus of the set of temperature and conversion that give a specified value of
the rate. The top line corresponds to a rate of zero; in other words, the equilibrium line.
We have already seen that the equilibrium conversion drops as the temperature rises. As
we move from the top to the bottom of the figure, the value of the reaction rate
increases. Note, however, that as the value of the reaction rate increases, the maximum
conversion achievable at that rate decreases.
This observation suggests a route for minimizing the reactor volume. One could start
the reaction at a high temperature to take advantage of the high rate at that temperature,
and then progressively lower the temperature to increase the equilibrium yield.
The dashed line in Figure 16 illustrates the type of temperature and conversion pathway
that must be followed to achieve this optimal design. This reactor design would require
a complex cooling pattern along the reactor length, which might not be practical.
Fig 16: Each solid line in this diagram represents a constant value of reaction rate.
Higher conversions than those shown in Figure 16 can be achieved for adiabatic
operations by connecting reactors in series with interstate cooling. Inter-stage cooling
system consists of a series of reactors or catalyst chambers. In each of the reactor stages,
the temperature rises from inlet to outlet. Heat-exchangers (inter-stage coolers) are
placed between the reactor stages as shown in Figure 17, where the temperature is
reduced without affecting the composition of the process stream. The operating line of a
single-reactor does not naturally follow a trajectory that shadows the locus of maximum
reaction rates. By subdividing the reactor into a number of stages and removing heat
from the reaction mixture after each reactor stage, the temperature is forced lower
before the stream enters the next vessel. This allows working closer to the locus of
maximum rates (see Figure 16). Clearly the larger the number of steps, the closer the
trajectory of the system would approach the theoretical optimum. An inordinately large
increase in the number of inter-stage coolers, however, would tend to increase
construction costs. We would need to determine the optimum number of reactor stages.
Consider, for example, an exothermic reaction that occurs in a series of adiabatic fixed
bed catalytic reactors. The operating path would be similar to the one shown in Figure
18. This plot shows the equilibrium line as a function of temperature and conversion.
For adiabatic operation, the temperature and conversion in the first reactor follow the
adiabatic reaction line denoted Bed 1. When the fraction conversion reaches a value of
X1, which is approaching the equilibrium line, the process stream is cooled by passing it
through a heat exchanger. As this is a catalytic reaction, no further conversion occurs in
this stage, as shown by the flat line. When the process stream is cooled by a
predetermined amount, the stream enters reactor number two, in which it undergoes a
further adiabatic reaction until the conversion is X2.
The stream is cooled as before, and then fed into the last bed, in which the conversion is
brought to X3. Using this strategy, a high level of conversion can be achieved using
adiabatic reactors.A diagram of the reactor that corresponds to Figure 18 and Figure 19.
The exact number of beds and the degree of cooling between the beds depends on the
reaction involved and operating and capital costs.
Fig. 19: Multiple bed adiabatic catalytic reactor with interstage cooling.
The most classic application of the multibed adiabatic fixed bed reactor is the oxidation
of sulfur dioxide 𝑆𝑂( + ( 𝑂( ⇋ 𝑆0? , equilibrium limited reversible reaction. This
reaction is used to make sulfur trioxide, which, when added to water, makes sulfuric
acid. Very high yields are desired (in excess of 99%), but the reaction is highly
exothermic and equilibrium limited. As a result the multibed approach has been
adopted, with typical industrial units having three or four beds.
Example 11:
For the elementary solid-catalyzed liquid-phase reaction: A ⇋ B .Make a plot of
equilibrium conversion as a function of temperature. Determine the adiabatic
equilibrium temperature and conversion when pure A is fed to the reactor at a
temperature of 300 K.
Additional information: CPA = CPB = 50 cal/mol.K : ∆Hr = -20000 cal/molA
Keq (298 K) =100000
Example 12:
The reversible conversion of A+B ⇋ C+D is carried out in liquid phase in a series of
staged PFR's with interstage cooling. The lowest temperature to which the stream may
be cooled is 300K. The feed is equal molar in A and B and contains no C or D. The
PFR's have a sufficient residence time to achieve 99.9% of the equilibrium conversion
in each stage. The feed enters at 300K and the reaction is carried out adiabatically. If
two reactors and one interstage cooler are used, what is the maximum conversion
(±O.05) that may be achieved after the second PFR?
We notice that the conversion and temperature increase very rapidly over a short
distance (i.e., a small amount of catalyst). This sharp increase is sometimes referred to
as the "point" or temperature at which the reaction "ignites."
If the inlet temperature were lowered to 500 K, the corresponding equilibrium
conversion would increase to 0.38; however, the reaction rate is slower at this lower
temperature so that this conversion is not achieved until closer to the end of the reactor.
If the entering temperature were lowered further to 350 K, the corresponding
equilibrium conversion would be 0.75, but the rate is so slow that a conversion of 0.05
is achieved for the specified catalyst weight in the reactor. At a very low feed
temperature, the specific reaction rate will be so small that virtually all of the reactant
will pass through the reactor without reacting. It is apparent that with conversions close
to zero for both high and low feed temperatures, there must be an optimum feed
temperature that maximizes conversion. As the feed temperature is increased from a
very low value, the specific reaction rate will increase, as will the conversion. The
conversion will continue to increase with increasing feed temperature until the
equilibrium conversion is approached in the reaction. Further increases in feed
temperature for this exothermic reaction will only decrease the conversion due to the
decreasing equilibrium conversion. This optimum inlet temperature is shown in Figure
For reversible, exothermic reactions optimize feed temperature to maximize XA.
High T0: moves XA,EB line to the right. Reaction reaches equilibrium fast, but low XA .
Low T0 would give high XA,e but the specific reaction rate k is so small that most of the
reactant passes through the reactor without reacting (never reach XA,e)
𝑉 = (F
! ) ",$
= 288.0 liter
3) The feed temperature TO for the adiabatic operation at the optimal temperature Topt is
determined from
𝑥. ∆𝐻%
𝑇2 = 𝑇2N\ −
𝜃. 𝐶N .
𝑇2 = 278.3 𝐾 = 5.1 𝐶 )
Homework Problems:
The feed temperature is 27°C, and the flow rate is 30 L/min. The inlet concentrations
of A and B are 2 mol/L. The desired conversion of A is 60%.
a. Determine the reactor temperature required to achieve the desired conversion.
b. Determine the temperature of the steam in the jacket required to operate the reactor at
the temperature determined in part (a).
The constant k has units of mol (hr L.atm) −1. The reaction is endothermic, the reactor is
often operated adiabatically; therefore, steam is often added to the feed to provide
thermal energy for the reaction. For this reactor, the feed is a mixture of 10 mol of
steam for each mole of butene. The reactor pressure is 2 atm and the feed temperature is
650°C. Values of the rate constant at different temperatures are given in the following
Assume that the heat of reaction is a constant 1.1 × 105 J/mol butene. The heat capacity
of the feed stream may be considered constant at 2.1 kJ/kg ⋅ K.
a. Calculate the reactor volume for a 20% conversion of butene if the reactor is operated
isothermally at 650°C with a total inlet molar flow rate of 11000 mol/h.
b. Determine the reactor volume for 20% conversion of butene for a total inlet molar
feed rate of 11000 mol/hr in an adiabatic reactor.
Calculate the maximum conversion that may be achieved if the feed enters at 27°C.
Only A and B are in the feed. The following data are available:
The enthalpy of reaction is 50,000 J/mol. The reactor volume is 1 m3 and contains 1000
kg of mixture. There are initially 10,000 mol of reactant A in the reactor.
The reactor is heated to 400°C, during which time 10% of the initial A reacts. When
the temperature reaches 400°C, the reactor operates adiabatically. The heat capacity of
the mixture is a constant 2000 J/kg. K.
a. After the heating stops, how much time is required to achieve a final conversion of
70% of the A originally present before the heating started?
b. What is the final temperature in the reactor?
The concentrations are in mol/m3. The enthalpy of reaction at 298 K is equal to −50,000
J/mol. The heat capacities are
A: 10 J/mol . K, B: 5 J/mol .K, C: 15 J/mol. K, and inert: 15 J/mol. K
The desired fractional conversion of A is 80%.
Calculate the reactor volume required.
8- The elementary, reversible gas phase reaction A⇋ B is to be carried out in a CSTR
with heat exchange. Pure A is fed to the reactor. The heat exchange coil in the reactor is
maintained at 400K. The rate coefficient is known at 400K, but heat of reaction is
A) Calculate the conversion (X) if the steady state CSTR is operated at 450K.
B) Calculate the heat removal rate R (T) at this temperature.
C) Calculate the heat of reaction (∆Hr).
Equilibrium Conversion
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
a. Show the equations that were used for constructing the plot shown.
b. What is the maximum conversion that can be achieved, if the reactor is operated
c. If two adiabatic reactors are used, with inter-stage cooling, and if the first reactor exit
stream is cooled to 350 K, what maximum conversion can be achieved in the second
reactor? What would be the exit temperature from this second stage?
H Rx 5000 cal/mole, C%pA C%pB 30 cal/mole K
7550 -1
k exp(15.32 )s
The heat generated term given by ( H Rx X)
is plotted in the figure shown
Heat Generation Function
250 300 350 400 450
Temperature (K)
1- For the conditions given, determine the number of steady states, and the
Conversions and temperatures at these steady states.
2- What is the minimum incoming temperature at which multiple steady states are
3- What is the maximum incoming temperature above which only one steady state
11-Ascertain whether the following exothermic reaction: 2A ⇋2P (k1 and k1 at 80°C)
could be carried out in the reactor shown below:
Calculate the volume and heat removed from the CSTR and the PFR. Do the
magnitudes of the heat being removed appear feasible? Why or why not?
12-The ester of an organic base is hydrolyzed in a CSTR. The rate of this irreversible
reaction is first-order in each reactant. The liquid volume in the vessel is 6500 L. A
jacket with coolant at 18°C maintains the reactant mixture at 30°C. Additional data:
The average heat capacity is approximately constant at 1.0 kcal L-1 °c- 1
(a) What is the conversion of ester in the reactor?
(b) Calculate the rate at which energy must be removed to the jacket to maintain 30°C
in the reactor. If the heat transfer coefficient is 15 kcal/sec. m2 K, what is the necessary
heat transfer area?
(c) If the coolant supply fails, what would be the maximum temperature the reactor
could reach?
13-A reaction is carried out in an adiabatic CSTR with a volume of 10000 L. The feed
solution with reactant A, at a concentration of 5 M, is supplied at 10 L/ s. The reaction is
first-order with rate constant:
(a) Calculate the reactor temperature and exit concentration for feed temperatures of
280, 300, and 320 K.
(b) To maintain the reactor temperature below 373 K, a well-mixed cooling jacket at
290 K is used. Show that it is possible to get 90 percent conversion in this reactor with a
feed temperature of 320 K.
14- The reversible, first-order reaction shown below takes place in a CSTR.
(a) For a reactor space time of 10 min, what is the conversion for a 300 K operating
temperature? What is the conversion at 500 K? (Remember: the equilibrium constant
depends on temperature.)
(b) If the feed temperature is 330 K and the feed concentration is 5 M, what is the
necessary heat-removal rate per liter of reactor volume to maintain a 300 K operating
State any assumptions that you make while solving the problem.
16- A liquid phase exothermic reaction A →B is carried out at 358K in a 0.2 m3 CSTR.
The coolant temperature is 273K and the heat transfer coefficient (U) is 7200
J/min·m2·K. What is the heat exchange area required for steady state operation?
CPA =CPS=20 J/g•K CA0= 180 g/dm3 υ0= 500 dm3/min T0= 313 K
ρ= 900 g/dm3 ∆H°RX(T) = -2500 J/g E=94852 J/mol·K k(313K)= 1.1 min-1
Answer: A=227.4 m2