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Midpoint Voltage Regulation of

Transmission Lines and compensation in Pakistan

Adil Farooq, Ali Saad and Muhammad Zuhaib
Department of Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
International Islamic university Islamabad Pakistan
adil.farooq@iiu.edu.pk, ali.bsee1917@iiu.edu.pk

Abstract— When we need to transmit electrical power to a far power system properties such as steady state stability limits,
places like from Mangla Dam to Gujranwala there is need of long voltage regulation and var compensation, dynamic over
transmission lines, we have to maintain the steady voltage level at voltage and under voltage control, counteracting
sending to receiving end but due to different parameters of subsynchronous resonance, and damp power oscillations [1-2].
transmission line such as inductance, capacitance and resistance STATCOM is basically a voltage source converter, VSC that
etc., losses occur and voltage regulation is necessary then we have converts a dc voltage at its input terminals into three-phase ac
to need the var compensators like SVC and STATCOM, Voltage voltages at fundamental frequency of controlled magnitude
regulating systems such as Static var Compensator (SVC) and and phase angle. The basic principle of operation of a
STATCOM, when these are placed at the midpoint of a long STATCOM is the generation of a controllable AC voltage
transmission line, play an important role in controlling source behind a transformer leakage reactance by a voltage
thereactive power flow to the power network and hence both the source converter connected to a DC capacitor. The voltage
system voltage fluctuations and transient stability. In this project difference across the reactance produces active and reactive
we’ll first calculate the voltage regulation, value of capacitance power exchanges between the STATCOM and the power
required to stabilize the var and explain the principle structures system [3]. We discuss in this paper response of STATCOM
of STATCOM and the effect of this device on midpoint voltage and SVC.
regulation. Moreover, the performance of the STATCOM is
compared with that of conventional static var compensator
(SVC) under fault condition. At the last we’ll simulate our
project in Mat lab using the tool named as POWER_STATCOM
and conclude that STATCOM is effective in midpoint voltage
regulation on transmission line than SVC.
Keywords AC Power transmission, Voltage Regulation, SVC,

As we know that at Electric power generating station are
mostly far away from distribution station so that we require
long transmissions to facilitate the consumers. And due to
those long transmission lines losses occurs due to inductive,
capacitive and resistive parameters. and voltage drop occurs
from sending end to receiving end. Moreover the most of the
appliances used in commercial and houses are inductive like Figure 1 Power Diagram
fans, heavy duty motors, water pumps, transformer etc. These
appliances feedback var power to the source which can melt II. PERCENTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATION
out the source winding that is very dangerous for source. Var
Let us consider how to calculate the voltage Drop and
power feedback effects on source and power factor. regulation of short transmission line:
One way to control and damp voltage oscillations is by Table I.
injection of leading or lagging reactive current at and around Parameters Value
the point of connection. There are various shunt connected Line Load Votage 11KV
FACTS devices; the major ones in terms of applications are frequency 50Hz
the static VAR compensator (SVC) and static synchronous Resistance 0.279 Ω
compensator (STATCOM). SVCs are well known to improve Reactance 0Ω

Adil Farooq | Introduction 21

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