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Criminal man, according to the clas / Lombroso-Fer

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Edited by Edward Lee Thorndike, Ph.D., and
F. E. Beddard, M.A., F.R.S.

1. The Study of Man. By A. C. Haddon.

The Groundwork of Science. By St George Mivart.


3. Rivers of North America. By Israel C. Rlssell.

4. Earth Sculpture, or ; The Origin of Land Forms. By James
5. Volcanoes ; Their Structure and Significance. By T. G.
6. Bacteria. By George Newman.
7. A By K. E. Beddard.
Boole of Whales.
8. Comparative Physiology of the Brain, etc. By Jacques Loeb.
9. The Stars. By Simon Newcomb.
10. The Basis of Social Relations. By Daniel G. Brinton.
11. Experiments on Animals. By Stephen Paget.
12. infection and Immunity. By George M. Sternberg.
13. Fatigue. By A. Mosso.
14. Earthquakes. By Clarence E. Dutton.
15. The Nature of Man. By Elie Metchnikoff.
16. Nervous and Mental Hygiene in Health and Disease. By
August Forel.
17. The Prolongation of Life. By Elie Metchnikoff.
18. The Solar System. By Charles Lake Poor.
ig. Heredity. By J. Arthur Thompson, M.A,
20. Climate. By Robert DeCoukcv Ward.
21. Age, Growth, and Death. I'.y Charles S. Minot.
i2. The Interpretation of Nature. By C. Llovd Morgan.
23. Mosquito Life. By E.elvn Groesbeeck Mitchell.
24. Thinking, Feeling, Doing. By E. W. Scripture.
25. The World's Gold. By L. de Launay.
26. The Interpretation of Radium. By F. Soddy.
27. Criminal Man. By Cesake Lombroso.

For list of -cvorks in preparation see end of this volume

Ubc Science Series










Cbe ItnicftccbocFiec press
Copyright, ign


Ube ftnfcfeerbocfeer iprcss. IRew Korft


The Born Criminal 3

Classical and modern schools of penal jurisprudence-
Physical anomalies of the born criminal — Senses and func-
tions — Psychology — Intellectual " manifestations — The
criminal in proverbial sayings.


The Born Criminal and

Insanity and Epilepsy .....
his Relation to Moral

Identity of born criminals and the morally insane —Analogy


of physical and psychic characters, origin and develop-

ment — Epilepsy — Multiformity of disease—Equivalence
of certain forms to criminality — Physical and psychic
characters — Cases of moral insanity with latent epileptic


The Insane Criminal ......

General forms of criminal insanity, imbecility, melancholia,

general paralysis, dementia, monomania —

Physical and

psychic characters of the mentally deranged Special

forms of criminal insanity Inebriate lunatics from in-
ebriation — Physical and psychic characters — Specific
crimes — Epileptic lunatics — Manifestations — Hysterical
lunatics — Physical and functional characters — Psychology.


Chimin ALOiDs . . . . . . .100

Psychology Tardy adoption of criminal career Repent- —
— —
ance Confession Moral sense and affections Habitual —
— —
criminals Juridical criminals Criminals of passion.



Origin and Causes of Crime . . . .125

Atavistic origin of crime — Criminality in children — Patho-
logical origin of crime — Direct
and indirect heredity
Illnesses, intoxications, and traumatism Alcoholism —
Social causes of crime —
Education and environment

Atmospheric and climatic influences Density of popula-
tion —
Imitation — Immigration —
Prison life Economic —
conditions — Sex — Age.


The Prevention of Crime .....

Preventive institutions for children and young people

Homes for orphans and destitute children Colonies for —

unruly youths — Institutions for assisting adults —Salva-
tion Army.


Methods for the Cure and Repression of Crime 175

Juvenile — Children's Courts— Institutions for
female offenders — Minor offenders, criminals of passion,
political offenders, and criminaloids — Probation system
and indeterminate sentence — Reformatories— Peniten-
— Institutes for habitual criminals— Penal colonies
Institutions for born criminals and the morally insane
Asylums insane criminals — Capital punishment



Examination of Criminals . . . . .219

Antecedents and psychology Methods of testing intelli-

gence and emotions Alorbid phenomena Speech, me- —
— —
mor3% and handwriting Clothing Physical examination
— —
Tests of sensibility and senses Excretions Table of —
anthropological examination of criminals and the insane.


Summary of Chief Forms of Criminality to Aid

in Distinguishing between Criminals and Luna-
tics AND IN Detecting Simulations of Insanity. 258
A few cases showing the practical application of criminal

Works of Cesare Lombroso (Briefly Summarised)
The Man of Genius. 283

...... . . . - . .

II. Criminal Man. 288

///. The Female Offender. (In Collaboration with Gug-
lielmo Ferrero.) .201
. . . . .


Political Crime.

Too Soon: A
Criticism of the
(In Collaboration

with Rodolfo

Italian Penal Code.

VI. Prison Palimpsests: Studies in Prison Inscriptions. -200

VII. Ancient and ModerA Crimes 302



Anarchists. .......
Diagnostic Methods of Leg.\l Psychiatry.

Lectures on Legal Medicine

XI. Recent Discoveries in Psychiatry and Criminal
Anthropology and the Practical Application
of these Sciences .
Bibliography of the Chief Works of Cesare
LoMBROso .
. . • . . . .310
Index 315


Fig. 33. Diagram of Skull . 241


Fig. 35. Algometer .... 248

Fig. 36. Campimeter of Landolt (Modified) 248

Fig. 37. Diagram Showing Normal Vision 250

Fig. 38. Dynamometer ..... 253

Fig. 39. Head of an Italian Criminal .


[Professor Lombroso was able before his death to give his personal
attention to the volume prepared by his daughter and collaborator, Gina
Lombroso Ferrero (wife of the distinguished historian), in which is pre-
sented a summary of the conclusions reached in the great treatise by Lom-
broso on the causes of criminality and the treatment of criminals. The
preparation of the introduction to this volume was the last literary work
which the distinguished author found it possible to complete during his
finnl illness.]

IT will, perhaps, be of interest to American readers

of this book, in which the ideas of the Modern
Penal School, set forth in my work. Criminal
Man, have been so pithily summed up by my
daughter, to learn how the first outlines of this
science arose in my mind and gradually took shape
in a definite work- —how, that is, combated by some,
the object of almost fanatical adherence on the part
of others, especially in America, w^here tradition has
little Modern Penal School came into being.
hold, the
On consulting my memory and the documents
relating to my studies on this subject, I find that its

two fundamental ideas' —that, for instance, which

claims as an essential point the study not of crime in
the abstract, but of the criminal himself, in order
adequately to deal with the evil effects of his wrong-
doing, and that which classifies the congenital crimi-
nal as an anomaly, partly pathological and partly
atavistic, a revival of the primitive savage —did not
suggest themselves to me instantaneously under
the spell of a single deep impression, but were the
offspring of a series of impressions. The slow and
almost unconscious association of these first vague
ideas resulted in a new system which, influenced
by its origin, has preserved in all its subsequent
developments the traces of doubt and indecision, the
marks of the travail which attended its birth.

The first idea came to me in 1864, when, as an

army doctor, I beguiled my ample leisure with a
series of studies on the Italian soldier. From the
very beginning I was struck by a characteristic that
distinguished the honest soldier from his vicious
comrade the extent to which the
: latter was tattooed
and the indecency of the designs that covered his
body. This idea, however, bore no fruit.

The second inspiration came to me when on one

occasion, amid the laughter of my colleagues, I sought
to base the study of psychiatry on experimental
methods. When in '66, fresh from the atmosphere
of clinical experiment, I had begun to study psychi-

atry, I realised how inadequate were the methods

hitherto held in esteem, and how necessary it was,
in studying the insane, to make the patient, not the
disease, the object of attention. In homage to these
ideas, I applied to the clinical examination of cases
of mental alienation the study of the skull, with
measurements and weights, by means of the esthesio-
meter and craniometer. Reassured by the result of
these first steps, I sought to apply this method to
the study of criminals —that is, to the differentiation
of criminals and lunatics, following the example of a
few investigators, such as Thomson and Wilson;
but as at that time I had neither criminals nor
moral imbeciles available for observation (a re-

markable circumstance since was to make the


criminal my starting-point), and as I was skeptical

as to the existence of those "moral lunatics" so
much insisted on by both French and English
authors, whose demonstrations, however, showed a
lamentable lack of precision, I was anxious to apply
the experimental method to the study of the di-
versity, rather than the analogy, between lunatics,
criminals, and normal individuals. Like him, how-
ever, whose lantern lights the road for others, while
he himself stumbles in the darkness, this method
proved useless for determining the differences be-

tween criminals and lunatics, but served instead to


indicate a new method for the study of penal juris-

prudence, a matter to which I had never given serious

thought. I began dimly to realise that the a priori

studies on crime in the abstract, hitherto pursued
by jurists, especially in Italy, with singular acumen,
should be superseded by the direct analytical study
of the criminal, compared with normal individuals
and the insane.
I, therefore, began to study criminals in the Italian

prisons, and, amongst others, I made the acquaint-

ance of the famous brigand Vilella. This man
possesssed such extraordinary agility, that he had
been known to scale steep mountain heights bearing
a sheep on his shoulders. His cynical effrontery
was such that he openly boasted of his crimes. On
his death one cold grey November morning, I was
deputed to make the post-mortem, and on laying open
the skull I found on the occipital part, exactly on the
spot where a spine is found in the normal skull, a
distinct depression which I named median occipital

fossa, because of its situation precisely in the middle

of the occiput as in inferior animals, especially
rodents. This depression, as in the case of animals,
was correlated with the hypertrophy of the vermis,

known in birds as the middle cerebellum.

This was not merely an idea, but a revelation.
At the sight of that skull, I seemed to see all of a

sudden, lighted up as a vast plain under a flaming sky,

the problem of the nature of the criminal —an
atavistic being who reproduces in his person the

ferocious instincts of primitive humanity and the

inferior animals. Thus were explained anatomically
the enormous jaws, high cheek-bones, prominent
superciliary arches, solitary lines in the palms,
extreme size of the orbits, handle-shaped or sessile

ears found in criminals, savages, and apes, insensi-

bility to pain, extremely acute sight, tattooing, ex-

cessive idleness, love of orgies, and the irresistible

craving for evil for its own sake, the desire not only
to extinguish life in the victim, but to mutilate the
corpse, tear its flesh, and drink its blood.
I was further encouraged in this bold hypothesis
by the results of my studies on Verzeni, a criminal
convicted of sadism and rape, w^ho showed the
cannibalistic instincts of primitive anthropophagists
and the ferocity of beasts of prey.
The various parts of the extremely complex problem
of criminalit}^ were, however, not all solved hereby.
The final key was given by another case, that of

Misdea, a young soldier of about twenty-one, unin-

telligent but not vicious. Although subject to
epileptic fits, he had served for some years in the
army when suddenly, for some trivial cause, he
attacked and killed eight of his superior officers and
comrades. His horrible work accomplished, he fell

into a deep slumber, which lasted twelve hours and

on awaking appeared to have no what
recollection of
had happened. Misdea, while representing the most
ferocious type of animal, manifested, in addition,
all the phenomena of epilepsy, which appeared
to be hereditary in all the members of his family.
It flashed across my mind that many criminal charac-
teristics not attributable to atavism, such as facial
asymmetry, cerebral sclerosis, impulsiveness, instan-

taneousness, the periodicity of criminal acts, the

desire of evil for evil's sake, were morbid character-
istics common to epilepsy, mingled with others due
to atavism.
Thus were traced the first clinical outlines of my
work which had hitherto been entirely anthropologi-
cal. The clinical outlines confirmed the anthropo-
logical contours, and vice versa; for the greatest

criminals showed themselves to be epileptics, and,

on the other hand, epileptics manifested the same

anomalies as criminals. Finally, it was shown that
epilepsy frequently reproduced atavistic character-
istics, including even those common to lower
That synthesis which mighty geniuses have often
succeeded in creating by one inspiration (but at
the risk of errors, for a genius is only human and in


many cases more fallacious than his fellow-men) was

deduced by me gradually from various sources
the study of the. normal individual, the lunatic, the
criminal, the' savage, and finally the child. Thus,
by reducmg the penal problem to its simplest ex-
pression, its solution was rendered easier, just as the
study of embryology has in a great measure solved
the apparently strange and mysterious riddle of
But these attempts would have been had

not a solid phalanx of jurists, Russian, German,

Hungarian, Italian, and American, fertilised the
germ by correcting hasty and one-sided conclusions,
suggesting opportune reforms and applications, and,
most important of all, applying my ideas on the
offender to his individual and social prophylaxis and

Enrico Ferri was the first to perceive that the

congenital epileptoid criminal did not form a single
species, and that if this class was irretrievably
doomed to perdition, crime in others was only a
brief spell of insanity, determined by circum-
stances, passion, or illness. He establishednew
types —the occasional criminal and the criminal by
passion, — and transformed the basis of the penal
code by asking if it were more just to make laws obey
facts instead of altering facts to suit the laws, solely

in order to avoid troubling the placidity of those
who refused to consider this new element in the scien-
tific field. Therefore, putting aside those abstract
formulag for which high talents have panted in vain,
like the thirsty traveller at the sight of the desert

mirage, the advocates of the Modern School came to

the conclusion that sentences should show a decrease
in infamy and ferocity proportionate to the increase
in length and social safety. In lieu of infamy they
substituted a longer period of segregation, and for
cases in which alienists were unable to decide between
criminality and insanity, they advocated an inter-

mediate institution, in which merciful treatment and

social security were alike considered. They also
emphasised the importance of certain measures
which hitherto had been imiversally regarded as a
pure abstraction or an unattainable desideratum
measures for the prevention of crime by tracing it

to its source, divorce laws to diminish adultery,

legislation of an anti-alcoholistic tendency to prevent
crimes of violence, associations for destitute children,
and co-operative associations to check the tendency
to theft. Above all, they insisted on those regula-
tions' —unfortunately fallen into disuse—which in-

demnify the victim at the expense of the aggressor,

in order that society, having suffered once for the
crime, should not be obliged to suffer pecuniarily

for the detention of the offender, solely in homage

to a theoretical principle that no one believes in,
according to which prison is a kind of baptismal font
in whose waters sin of all kinds is washed away.
Thus the edifice of criminal anthropology, circum-

scribed at first, gradually extended its walls and

embraced special studies on homicide, political

crime, crimes connected with the banking world,

crimes by women, etc.
But the first stone had been scarcely laid when
from all quarters of Europe arose those calumnies
and misrepresentations which always follow in the

train of audacious innovations. We were accused of

wishing to proclaim the impunity of crime, of de-
manding the release of all criminals, of refusing to
take into account climatic and racial influences and
of asserting that the criminal is a slave eternally
chained to his instincts whereas the Modern School,

on the contrary, gave a powerful impetus to the

labors of statisticians and sociologists on these very
matters. This is clearly shown in the third volume
oi Criminal Man, which contains a summary of the

ideas of modern criminologists and my own.

One nation, however —America, —gave a warm and
sympathetic reception to the ideas of the Modern
School which they speedily put into practice, with
the brilliant results shown by the Reformatory at
— —


Elmira, the Probation System, Juvenile Courts, and

the George Junior RepubHc. They also initiated

the practice, now in general use, of anthropological

co-operation in every criminal trial of importance.
For this reason, and in view of the fact that Amer-
ica does not possess a complete translation of my
works' The Criminal, Male and Female, and Politi-

cal Crime (translation and distribution being alike

difficult on account of the length of these volumes)

I welcome with pleasure this stimmary, in which the

principal points are explained with precision and
loving care by my daughter Gina, who has worked
with me from childhood, has seen the edifice of my
science rise stone upon stone, and has shared in my
anxieties, insults, and triumphs; without whose help
I might, perhaps, never have witnessed the com-
pletion of that edifice, nor the application of its
fundamental principles.




A CRIMINAL is a man who violates the laws
decreed by the State to regulate the relations
between its citizens, but the voluminous codes which
in past times set forth these laws treat only of crime,

never of the criminal. That ignoble multitude

whom Dante relegated to the Infernal Regions
were consigned by magistrates and judges to the
care of gaolers and executioners, who alone deigned
to deal with them. The judge, immovable in his
doctrine, unshaken by doubts, solemn in all his
inviolability and convinced of his wisdom, which no
one dared to question, passed sentence without re-

mission according to his whim, and both judge and

culprit were equally ignorant of the ultimate effect

of the penalties inflicted.

In 1764, the great Italian jurist and economist,
Cesare Beccaria first called public attention to
those wretched beings, whose confessions (if state-
ments extorted by torture can thus be called) formed
the sole foundation for the trial, the sole guide in the
application of the punishment, which was bestowed
blindly, without formality, without hearing the
defence, exactly as though sentence were being
passed on abstract symbols, not on human souls and
The Classical School of Penal Jurisprudence, of
which Beccaria was the founder and Francesco
Carrara the greatest and most glorious disciple,

aimed only at establishing sound judgments and

fixed laws to guide capricious and often undiscern-
ing judges in the application of penalties. In
writing his great work, the founder of this School
was inspired by the highest of all human sentiments
—pity; but although the criminal incidentally re-

ceives notice, the writings of this School treat only

of the application of the law, not of offenders
This is the difference between the Classical and
the Modern School of Penal Jurisprudence. The
Classical School based its doctrines on the assump-
tion that all criminals, except in a few extreme
cases, areendowed with intelligence and feelings like
normal individuals, and that they commit misdeeds
consciously, being prompted thereto by their unre-
strained desire for evil. The offence alone was con-

sidered, and on it the whole existing penal system

has been founded, the severity of the sentence meted
out to the offender being regulated by the gravity of
his misdeed.

The Modern, or Positive, School of Penal Juris-

prudence, on the contrary, maintains that the anti-
social tendencies of criminals are the result of their

physical and psychic organisation, which differs

essentially from that of normal individuals; and it

aims at studying the morphology and various func-

tional phenomena of the criminal with the object
of curing, instead of punishing him. The Modern
School is therefore founded on a new science,
Criminal Anthropology, which may be defined as
the Natural History of the Criminal, because it em-
braces his organic and psychic constitution and
social life, just as anthropology does in the case of
normal human beings and the different races.
If we examine a number of criminals, we shall

find that they exhibit numerous anomalies in the

face, skeleton, and various psychic and sensitive
functions, so that they strongly resemble primitive
races. It was these anomalies that first drew my
father's attention to the close relationship between
the criminal and the savage and made him suspect
that criminal tendencies are of atavistic origin.
When a young doctor at the Asylum in Pavia, he
was requested to make a post-mortem examina-
tion on a criminal named Vilella, an Italian Jack
the Ripper, who by atrocious crimes had spread
terror in the Province of Lombardy. Scarcely
had he laid open the skull, when he perceived at the
base, on the spot where the internal occipital crest
or ridge is found in normal individuals, a small
hollow, which he called median occipital fossa
(see Fig. i). This abnormal character was cor-
related to a still greater anomaly in the cerebellum,
the hypertrophy of the vermis, i.e., the spinal cord
which separates the cerebellar lobes lying under-
neath the cerebral hemispheres. This vermis was so
enlarged in the case of Vilella, that it almost formed
a small, intermediate cerebellum like that found
in the lower types of apes, rodents, and birds. This
anomaly is very rare among inferior races, with the
exception of the South American Indian tribe of the
Aymaras of Bolivia and Peru, in whom it is not
infrequently found (40%). It is seldom met with in

the insane or other degenerates, but later investiga-

tions have shown it to be prevalent in criminals.
This discovery was like a flash of light. "At
the sight of that skull," says my father, ''I seemed to
see all at once, standing out clearly illumined as in a
vast plain under a flaming sky, the problem of the
nature of the criminal, who reproduces in civilised
Fig. I

FossETTE Occipital
(see page 6)

times characteristics, not only of primitive savages,

but of still lower types as far back as the carnivora."
Thus was explained the origin of the enormous
jaws, strong canines, prominent zygomae, and
strongly developed orbital arches which he had so
frequently remarked in criminals, for these peculiari-
ties are common to carnivores and savages, who
tear and devour raw flesh. Thus also it was easy
to understand why the span of the arms in criminals
so often exceeds the height, for this is a character-
istic of apes, whose fore-limbs are used in walking
and climbing. The other anomalies exhibited by
criminals —the scanty beard as opposed to the gen-
eral hairiness of the body, prehensile foot, diminished

number of lines in the palm of the hand, cheek-

pouches, enormous development of the middle
incisors and frequent absence of the lateral ones,
flattened nose and angular or sugar-loaf form of the
skull, common to criminals and apes; the excessive
size of the orbits, which, combined with the hooked
nose, so often imparts to criminals the aspect of
birds of prey, the projection of the lower part of the
face and jaws (prognathism) found in negroes and
animals, and supernumerary teeth (amounting in

some cases to a double row as in snakes) and cranial

bones (epactal bone as in the Peruvian Indians) : all

these characteristics pointed to one conclusion, the

atavistic origin of the criminal, who reproduces
physical, psychic, and functional qualities of remote
Subsequent research on the part of my father
and his disciples showed that other factors besides
atavism come into play in determining the criminal
type. These are: disease and environment. Later
on, the study of innumerable offenders led them
to the conclusion that all law-breakers cannot be
classed in a single species, for their ranks include very
diversified types, who differ not only in their bent
towards a particular form of crime, but also in the
degree of tenacity and intensity displayed by them
in their perverse propensities, so that, in reality, they
form a graduated scale leading from the born crim-
inal to the normal individual.
Born criminals form about one third of the mass
of offenders, but, though inferior in numbers, they
constitute the most important part of the whole
criminal army, partly because they are constantly ap-
pearing before the public and also because the crimes
committed by them are of a peculiarly monstrous
character; the other two thirds are composed of
criminaloids (minor offenders) occasional and habit-

ual criminals, etc., who do not show such a marked

degree of diversity from normal persons.
Let us commence with the born criminal, who as

the principal nucleus of the wretched army of law-

breakers, naturally manifests the most numerous and
salient anomalies.
The median occipital fossa and other abnormal
features just enumerated are not the only peculiari-
ties exhibited by this aggravated type of offender.
By careful research, my father and others of his
School have brought to light many anomalies in
bodily organs, and functions both physical and
mental, all of which serve to indicate the ata-
vistic and pathological origin of the instinctive
It would be incompatible with the scope of this
summary, were I to give a minute description of the
innumerable anomalies discovered in criminals by
the Modern School, to attempt to trace such abnor-
mal traits back to their source, or to demonstrate
their effect on the organism. This has been done
in a very minute fashion in the three volumes of my
father's work Criminal Man and his subsequent
writings on the same subject. Modern Forms of
Crime, Recent Research in Criminal Anthropology,
Prisoit Palimpsests, etc., etc., to which readers
desirous of obtaining a more thorough knowledge
of the subject should refer.
The present volume will only touch briefly on the
principal characteristics of criminals, with the object
of presenting a general outline of the studies of

Physical Anomalies of the Born Criminal

The Head. As the seat of all the greatest dis-
turbances, this part naturally manifests the greatest
number of anomalies, which extend from the
external conformation of the brain-case to the
composition of its contents.
The criminal skull does not exhibit any marked
characteristics of size and shape. Generally speak-
ing, it tends to be larger or smaller than the average
skull common to the region or country from which
the criminal hails. It varies between 1200 and
1600 c.c. ; i.e., between 73 and 100 cubic inches, the
normal average being 92. This applies also to the
cephalic index; that is, the ratio of the maximum
width to the maximum length of the skull ^
plied by 100, which serves to give a concrete idea
of the form of the skull, because the higher the
index, the nearer the skull approaches a spherical
form, and the lower the index, the m.ore elongated
it becomes. The skulls of criminals have no char-
acteristic cephalic index, but tend to an exaggeration
of the ethnical type prevalent in their native coun-
tries. In regions where dolichocephaly (index less

' For a description of the methods employed in measuring skulls see

Part III.

than 80) abounds, the skulls of criminals show a

very low index; if, on the contrary, they are natives
of districts where brachycephaly (index 80 or more)
prevails, they exhibit a very high index.
In 15.5% we find trochocephalous or abnormally
round heads (index 91). A very high percentage
(nearly double that of normal individuals) have sub-

cephaly 10.9%, see Fig. 3), or terminating in a
peak on the bregma or anterior fontanel (acrocephaly,
see Fig. 4), or depressed in the middle (cymboceph-
aly, sphenocephaly). At times, there are crests or
grooves along the sutures (11.9%) or the cranial
bones are abnormally thick, a characteristic of
savage peoples (36.6%) or abnormally thin (8.10%).
Other anomalies of importance are the presence of
Wormian bones in the sutures of the skull (21.22%),

the bone of the Incas already alluded to (4%), and

above all, the median occipital fossa. Of great im-
portance also are the prominent frontal sinuses
found in 25% (double that of normal individuals),
the semicircular line of the temples, which is some-
times so exaggerated that it forms a ridge and is

correlated to an excessive development of the tem-

poral muscles, a common characteristic of primates
and carnivores. Sometimes the forehead is reced-
ing, as in apes (19%), or low and narrow (10%).
The Face. In striking contrast to the narrow
forehead and low vault of the skull, the face of the
criminal, like those of most animals, is of dispro-

portionate size, a phenomenon intimately connected

with the greater development of the senses as com-
pared with that of the nervous centres. Prognathism,
the projection of the lower portion of the face be-
yond the forehead, is found in 45.7% of criminals.

Progeneismus, the projection of the lower teeth and

jaw beyond the upper, is found in 38%, whereas
among normal persons the proportion is barely 28%.
As a natural consequence of this predominance of the
lower portion of the face, the orbital arches and
zygomae show a corresponding development (35%)
and the size of the jaws is naturally increased, the
mean diameter being 103.9 nim. (4.09 inches) as
against 93 mm. (3.66 inches) in normal persons.
Among criminals 29% have voluminous jaws.
The excessive dimensions of the jaws and cheek-
bones admit of other explanations besides the atavis-
tic one of a greater development of the masticatory
system. They may have been influenced by the
habit of certain gestures, the setting of the teeth or
tension of the muscles of the mouth, which accom-
pany violent muscular efforts and are natural to
men who form energetic or violent resolves and medi-
tate plans of revenge.
Asymmetry is a common characteristic of the

criminal physiognomy. The eyes and ears are

frequently situated at different levels and are of
unequal size, the nose slants towards one side,
etc. This asymmetry, as we shall see later, is

connected with marked irregularities in the senses

and functions.
The Eye. This window, through which the mind

opens to the outer world, is naturally the centre
of many anomalies of a psychic character, hard
expression, shifty glance, which are difficult to de-
scribe but are, nevertheless, apparent to all observers
(see Fig. 4). Side by side with peculiarities of

expression, we find many physical anomalies

ptosis, a drooping of the upper eyelid, which gives
the eye a half-closed appearance and is frequently
unilateral; and strabismus, a want of parallelism
between the visual axes, which is insignificant if it
arises from errors of refraction, but is very serious if

it betokens progressive or congenital diseases of the

brain or itsmembranous coverings. Other anoma-
lies are asymmetry of the iris, which frequently
differs in colour from its fellow; oblique eyelids,
a Mongolian characteristic, with the edge of the
upper eyelid folding inward or a prolongation of
the internal fold of the eyelid, which MetchnikofE

regards as a persistence of embryonic characters.

The Ear. The external ear is often of large size;
occasionally also it is smaller than the ears of normal
individuals. Twenty -eight per cent, of criminals
have handle-shaped ears standing out from the face
as in the chimpanzee: in other cases they are placed
at different levels. Frequently too, we find mis-
shapen, flattened ears, devoid of helix, tragus, and
anti-tragus, and with a protuberance on the upper

part of the posterior margin (Darwin's tubercle),

a relic of the pointed ear characteristic of apes.
Anomalies are also found in the lobe, which in some
cases adheres too closely to the face, or is of huge
size as in the ancient Egyptians; in other cases, the
lobe is entirely absent, or is atrophied till the ear
assumes a form like that common to apes.
The Nose. This is frequently twisted, up-turned
or of a flattened, negroid character in thieves; in
murderers, on the contrary, it is often aquiline like
the beak of a bird of prey. Not infrequently we
meet with the trilobate nose, its tip rising like an
isolated peak from the swollen nostrils, a form
found among the Akkas, a tribe of pygmies of Central
Africa. All these peculiarities have given rise to
popular saws, of a character more or less prevalent
The Mouth. This part shows perhaps a greater
number of anomalies than any other facial organ.

We have already alluded to the excessive develop-

ment of the jaws in criminals. They are sometimes
the seat of other abnormal characters, —the lemurine
apophysis, a bony elevation at the angle of the jaw,
which may easily be recognised externally by pass-
ing the hand over the skin; and the canine fossa, a

depression in the upper jaw for the attachment of

the canine muscle. This muscle, which is strongly
developed in the dog, serves when contracted to
draw back the Hp leaving the canines exposed.
The lips of violators of women and murder-
ers are fleshy, swollen and protruding, as in
negroes. Swindlers have thin, straight lips. Hare-
lip is more common in criminals than in normal
The Cheek-poiiches . Folds in the flesh of the
cheek which recall the pouches of certain species of
mammals, are not uncommon in criminals.
The Palate. A central ridge {torus palatinus),
more easily felt than seen, may sometimes be found
on the palate, or this part may exhibit other peculi-
arities, a series of cavities and protuberances corre-
sponding to the palatal teeth of reptiles. Another
frequent abnormality is cleft palate, a fissure in the
palate, due to defective development.
The Teeth. These are specially important, for
criminals rarely have normal dentition. The in-

cisorsshow the greatest number of anomalies.

Sometimes both the lateral incisors are absent
and the middle ones are of excessive size, a
peculiarity which recalls the incisors of rodents.
The teeth are frequently striated transversely or set
very wide apart (diastema) with gaps on either side
of the upper canines into which the lower ones fit, a
simian characteristic. In some cases, these spaces
U 5P



occur between the middle incisors or between these

and the lateral ones.

Very often the teeth show a strange uniformity,

which recalls the homodontism of the lower verte-
brates. In some cases, however, this uniformity is

limited to the premolars, which are furnished with

tubercles like the molars, a peculiarity of goril-

las and orang-outangs. In 4% the canines are

very strongly developed, long, sharp, and curving
inwardly as in carnivores. Premature caries is

The Chin. Generally speaking, this part of the
face projects moderately in Europeans. In crim-
inals it is often small and receding, as in children, or
else excessively long, short or flat, as in apes.

Wrinkles. Although common to normal indi-

viduals, the abundance, variety, and precocity of

wrinkles almost invariably manifested by criminals,
cannot fail to strike the observer. The following are
the most common: horizontal and vertical lines on
the forehead, horizontal and circumflex lines at the
root of the nose, the so-called crov/'s-feet on the
temple at the outer corners of the eyes, naso-labial
wrinkles around the region of the mouth and nose.
The Hair. The hair of the scalp, cheeks and
chin, eyebrows, and other parts of the body, shows
a number of anomalies. In general it may be said
that in the distribution of hair, criminals of both
sexes tend to exhibit characteristics of the opposite
sex. Dark hair prevails especially in murderers, and
curly and woolly hair in swindlers. Both grey hair
and baldness are rare and when found make their
appearance later in life than in the case of normal in-

dividuals. The beard is scanty and frequently miss-

ing altogether. On the other hand, the forehead is

often covered with down. The eyebrows are bushy

and tend to meet across the nose. Sometimes they
grow in a slanting direction and give the face a
satyr-like expression (see Fig. 5).
The blemishes peculiar to the delinquent are not
only confined to the face and head, but are found in
the trunk and limbs.
The Thorax. An increase or decrease in the
number of ribs is 12% of criminals. This
found in
is an atavistic character common to animals and

lower or prehistoric human races and contrasts with

the numerical uniformity characteristic of civilised
Polymastia, or the presence of supernumerary
nipples (which are generally placed symmetrically
below the normal ones as in many mammals) is not
an uncommon anomaly. Gynecomastia or hyper-
trophy of the mammas more frequent in male
is still

criminals. In female criminals, on the contrary,


we often find imperfect development or absence of

the nipples, a characteristic of monotremata or
lowest order of the mammals; or the breasts are
flabby and pendent like those of Hottentot women.
The chest is often covered with hair which gives
the subject the appearance of an animal.
The Pelvis and Abdomen. The abdomen, pelvis,
and reproductive organs sometimes show an in-
version of sex-characters. In 42% the sacral canal is
uncovered, and in some cases there is a prolongation
of the coccyx, which resembles the stump of a tail,

sometimes tufted with hair.

The Upper Limbs. One of the most striking and

frequent anomalies exhibited by criminals is the
excessive length of the arms as compared with the
lower limbs, owing to which the span of the arms
exceeds the total height, an ape-like character.
Six per cent, exhibit an anomaly which is extremely
rare among normal individuals —the olecranon fora-
men, a perforation in the head of the humerus where it
articulates with the ulna. This is normal in the ape
and dog and is frequently found in the bones of
prehistoric man and in some of the existing inferior
races of mankind.
Several abnormal characters, which point to an
atavistic origin, are found in the palm and fingers.

Supernumerary fingers (polydactylism) or a reduc-

tion in the usual number are not uncommon.
Sometimes we find syndactylism, or palmate fingers,

a continuation of the interdigital skin to the second

phalanx. The length of the fingers varies according

to the type of crime to which the individual is ad-

dicted. Those guilty of crimes against the person

have short, clumsy fingers and especially short

thumbs. Long fingers are common to swindlers,
thieves, sexual offenders, and pickpockets. The
lines on the palmar surfaces of the finger-tips are

often of a simple nature as in the anthropoids. The

palm are of special significance.
principal lines on the
Normal persons possess three, two horizontal and one
vertical, but in criminals these lines are often re-
duced to one or two of horizontal or transverse

direction, as in apes.
The Lower Limbs. Of a number of criminals ex-

amined, 1 6%
showed an unusual development of the
third trochanter, a protuberance on the head of the
femur where it articulates with the pelvis. This
distinctly atavistic character is connected with the
position of the hind-limb in quadrupeds.
The Feet. Spaces between the toes like the in-

terdigital spaces of the hand are very common, and

in conjunction with the greater mobility of the toes
and greater length of the big- toe, produce the pre-
hensile foot, of the quadrumana, which is used for

grasping. The foot is often flat, as in negroes. In

the feet, as in the hands, there is frequently a tend-
ency to greater strength or dexterity on the left side,

contrary to what happens in normal persons, and

this tendency is manifested in many cases where
there is no trace of functional and motorial left-

The Cerebrum and the Cerebellum. The chief and
most common anomaly is the prevalence of macro-
scopic anomalies in the left hemisphere, which are
correlated to the sensory and functional left-hand-
edness common to criminals and acquired through
illness. The most notable anomaly of the cerebellum
is the hypertrophy of the vermis, which represents the
middle lobe found in the lower mammals. Anoma-
lies in the cerebral convolutions consist principally
of anastomotic folds, the doubling of the fissure of
Rolando, the frequent existence of a fourth frontal
convolution, the imperfect development of the precu-
neus (as in many types of apes), etc. Anomalies of a
purely pathological character are still more common.
These are: adhesions of the meninges, thickening of
the pia mater, congestion of the meninges, partial
atrophy, centres of softening, seaming of the optic
thalami, atrophy of the corpus callosum, etc.
Of great importance, too, are the histological
anomalies discovered by Roncoroni in the brains of
criminals and epileptics. In normal individuals the
layers of the frontal region are disposed in the follow-
ing manner:
I. Molecular layer. 2. Superficial layer of
small cells. 3. Layer of small pyramidal cells.

4. Deep layer of small nerve cells. 5. Layer of

polymorphous cells (see Fig. 6).

In certain animals, the dog, ape, rabbit, ox, and

domestic fowl, the superficial layer is frequently non-
existent and the deep one is found only to some
extent in the ape.
In born criminals and epileptics there is a preva-
lence of large, pyramidal, and polymorphous cells,

whereas in normal individuals small, triangular,

and star -shaped cells predominate. Also the
transition from the small superficial to the large
pyramidal cells is not so regular, and the number
of nervous cells is noticeably below the average.
Whereas, moreover, in the normally constituted
brain, nervous cells are very scarce or entirely
absent in the white substance, in the case of
born criminals and epileptics they abound in this

part of the brain.

The abnormal morphological arrangement de-
scribed by Roncoroni is probably the anatomical
expression of hereditary alterations, and reveals dis-
orders in nervous development which lead to moral


» -.v* .»

^v^. ..
; . « »•

*. « *• »
4 •. *

: t • » / • 4 1
; 'i

....... . .
.^ .

S.B. .-. -. SB.

a) 6)

Fig. 6
a) Cortical strata of the circumvolutions of the parietal lobes of a
normal person.
b) Cortical strata of the circumvolutions of the parietal lobes of a
criminal epileptic.
I. Molecular stratum. 2. External Rranular stratum. 3. Stratum of the small
pyramidal cells. 4. Stratum of the lart^c pyramidal cells. 5. Deep stratum of
the small nervous cells or the deep granular stratum. 6. Stratum of polymorphic cells.
S.B. White matter.
insanity or epilepsy according to the gravity of the
morbid conditions which give rise to them.
These anomalies in the limbs, trunk, skull and,

above all, when numerous and marked,

in the face,
constitute what is known to criminal anthropologists
as the criminal type, in exactly the same way as the
sum of the characters peculiar to cretins form what is
called the cretinous type. In neither case have the
anomalies an intrinsic importance, since they are
neither the cause of the anti-social tendencies of the
criminal nor of the mental deficiencies of the cretin.
They are the outward and visible signs of a
mysterious and complicated process of degeneration,
which in the case of the criminal evokes evil
impulses that are largely of atavistic origin.

Sensory and Functional Peculiarities of the

Born Criminal

The above-mentioned physiognomical and skeletal

anomalies are further supplemented by functional
peculiarities, and all these abnormal characteristics
converge, as mountain streams to the hollow in
the plain, towards a central idea — the atavistic

nature of the born criminal.

An examination of the senses and sensibility of
criminals gives the following results:
General Sensibility. Tested simply by touching

with the finger, a certain degree of obtuseness is

noted. By using an apparatus invented by Du

Bois-Reymond and adopted by my father, the
degree of sensibility obtained was 49.6 mm. in
criminals as against 64.2 mm. in normal individ-
uals. Criminals are more sensitive on the left side,

contrary to normal persons, in whom greater

sensibility prevails on the right.

Sensibility to Pain. Compared with ordinary

individuals, the criminal shows greater insensibility

to pain as well as to touch. This obtuseness some-

times reaches complete analgesia or total absence of
feeling (16%), a phenomenon never encountered in
normal persons. The mean degree of dolorific
sensibility in criminals is 34.1 mm. whereas it is

rarely lower than 40 mm. in normal individuals.

Here again the left-handedness of criminals becomes
apparent, 39% showing greater sensibility on the

Tactile Sensibility. The distance at which two

points applied to the finger-tips are felt separately is

more than 4 mm. in 30% of criminals, a degree of

obtuseness only found in 4% of normal individuals.

Criminals exhibit greater tactile sensibility on the
left. Tactile obtuseness varies with the class of

crime practised by the individual. While in burglars,

swindlers, and assaulters, it is double that of normal

persons, in murderers, violators, and incendiaries it

is often four or five times as great.

Sensibility to the Magnet, which scarcely exists
in normal persons, is common to a marked degree
in criminals (48%).
Meteoric Sensibility. This is far more apparent in

criminals and the insane than in normal individuals.

With variations of temperature and atmospheric
pressure, both criminals and lunatics become agi-

tated and manifest changes of disposition and

sensations of various kinds, which are rarely experi-
enced by normal persons.
Sight is generally acute, perhaps more so than in
ordinary individuals, and in this the criminal re-
sembles the savage. Chromatic sensibility, on the
contrary, is decidedly defective, the percentage of
colour-blindness being twice that of normal persons.
The field of vision is frequently limited by the white
and exhibits much stranger anomalies, a special ir-

regularity of outline with deep peripheral scotoma,

which we shall see is a special characteristic of the

Hearing, Smell, Taste are generally of less than aver-

age acuteness in criminals. Cases of complete anos-
mia and qualitative obtuseness are not uncommon.
' For a description of the methods used in measuring the acuteness of
these senses, see Part III.

Agility. Criminals are generally agile and pre-

serve this quality even at an advanced age. When
over seventy, Vilella sprang like a goat up the steep
rocks of his native Calabria, and the celebrated thief
"La Vecchia," when quite an old man, escaped from
his captors by leaping from a high rampart at Pavia.
Strength. Contrary to what might be expected,
tests by means of the dynamometer show that crim-
inals do not usually possess an extraordinary degree
of strength. There is frequently a slight difference
between the strength of the right and left limbs, but
more often ambidexterity, as in children, and a
greater degree of strength in the left limbs.

Psychology of the Born Criminal

The physical type of the criminal is completed

and intensified by his moral and intellectual physio-
gnomy, which furnishes a further proof of his
relationship to the savage and epileptic.

Natural Affections. These play an important

part in the life of a normally constituted individual
and are in fact the raison d'etre of his existence, but
the criminal rarely, if ever, experiences emotions
of this kind and least of all regarding his own kin.
On the other hand, he shows exaggerated and
abnormal fondness for animals and strangers. La
Sola, a female criminal, manifested about as much
affection for her children as if they had been kittens
and induced her accomplice to murder a former
paramour, who was deeply attached to her ;
yet she
tended the sick and dying with the utmost devotion.
In the place of domestic and social affections,

the criminal is dominated by a few absorbing pas-

sions: vanity, impulsiveness, desire for revenge,

Moral Sense

The ability to discriminate between right and

wrong, which is the highest attribute of civilised
humanity, is notably lacking in physically and
psychically stunted organisms. Many criminals do
not realise the immorality of their actions. In
French criminal jargon conscience is called "la
muette," the thief "Tami," and "travailler" and
"servir" signify to steal. A Milanese thief once
remarked to my father: "I don't steal. I only re-

lieve the rich of their superfluous wealth. ' Lacenaire,

speaking of his accomplice Avril, remarked, "I real-
ised at once thatwe should be able to work together."
A thief asked by Ferri what he did when he found
the purse stolen by him contained no money, re-
plied, "I call them rogues." The notions of right
and wrong appear to be completely inverted in such
minds. They seem to think they have a right to

rob and murder and that those who hinder them are
acting unfairly. Murderers, especially when actu-
ated by motives of revenge, consider their actions
righteous in the extreme.
Repentance and Remorse. We hear a great deal
about the remorse of criminals, but those who come
into contact with these degenerates realise that
they are rarely, if ever, tormented by such feelings.

Very few confess their crimes: the greater number

deny all guilt in a most strenuous manner and are
fond of protesting that they are victims of injustice,
calumny, and jealousy. As Despine once remarked
with much insight, nothing resembles the sleep of the
just more closely than the slumbers of an assassin.
Many criminals, indeed, allege repentance, but
generally from hypocritical motives; either because
they hope to gain some advantage by working on the
feelings of philanthropists, or with a view to escap-
ing, or, at any rate, improving their condition while
in prison. Thus Lacenaire, when convicted for the
first time, wrote in a moving strain to his friend

Vigouroux in order to get money and help from him,

"Repentance is the only course left open to me.
You may well feel pleased at having turned a man
from a path of crime for which he was not intended
by nature." A few hours later he committed an-
other theft, and before he died remarked cynically
that he had never experienced remorse. When
tried at the Assizes at Pavia, Rognoni pronounced a
touching discourse on his repentance and refused the
wine brought him in prison for some days because it

reminded him of his murdered brother. But he

obtained it surreptitiously from his fellow-prisoners,

and when one of them grumbled at having to give

up his own portion, Rognoni threatened him say-
ing, "I have already murdered four, and shall make
no bones about killing a fifth."

Sometimes remorse is advanced by criminals as a

palliation of their crimes. Michelieu justified the coup
de grace inflicted on his victim by saying, "When I

saw her in that state, I felt such terrible remorse

that I shot her dead in order not to meet her glance."
Sometimes an appearance of remorse is pro-
duced by hallucinations due to alcoholism. Philippe
and Lucke imagined they saw the spectres of the
persons they had murdered a short time before, but
in reality they were suffering from the effects of

drink and so little true remorse did they feel that on

being sentenced, Philippe remarked, "If they had
not sent me to Cayenne, I should have done it again."
Generally speaking, what seems to be repentance is

only the fear of death or some superstitious dread,

which assumes an appearance of remorse, but is

devoid of real feeling.


A typical instance of hypocrisy and cynicism is

furnished by the Marquise de BrinvilHers, the

notorious poisoner, who succeeded in deceiving the

venerable prison-chaplain so completely that he

regarded her as a model of penitence, yet in her
last moments she wrote to her husband denying
her guilt and exhibited lascivious and revengeful

Many criminals, when in prison, model sctdptural

representations of their crimes with crumbs of

bread (see Fig. 7).

Cynicism. The strongest proof of the total lack

of remorse in criminals and their inability to distin-

guish between good and evil is furnished by the cal-

lous way in which they boast of their depraved

actions and feign pious sentiments which they do
not feel. One criminal humbly entreated to be
allowed to retain his own crucifix while in prison.

It was subsequently discovered that the sacred image

served as a sheath for his dagger (see Fig. 8).

Philippe made the following statement to one of

his female companions. " My way of loving women
is a very strange one. After enjoying their caresses,
I take the greatest delight in strangling them or
cutting their throats. Soon you will hear everyone
talking about me." Shortly before he murdered his
father, Lachaud said to his friends, "This evening I
shall dig a grave and lay my father there to rest
Sometimes, indeed, a criminal realises dimly the
depravity of his actions he rarely judges them, how-

ever, as a normal person would, but seeks to explain

and justify them after his own fashion. When
asked by the magistrate if he denied having stolen
ahorse, Ansalone replied, "Surely you do not call

that a theft; a leader of brigands could hardly be

expected to go on foot!"
Others consider that their actions are less criminal
if their intentions were good; like Holland, who
murdered to obtain food for his wife and children.
Others, again, think themselves excused by the fact
that many do worse things with impunity. Any
circumstance, the lack or insufficiency of evidence
against them or the fact that they are accused of an
offence different from the one they have really com-
mitted, is seized upon as a mitigation of their guilt,
and they always manifest much resentment against
those who administer the law. "London thieves,"
observes Mayhew, "realise that they do wrong,
but think that they are no worse than ordinary
The constant perusal of newspaper reports leads
criminals to believe that there are a great many
rogues in higher circles, and by taking exceptions to

O (U


be the rule, they flatter themselves that their own

actions are not very reprehensible, because the
wealthy are not censured for similar actions.
These instances show that criminals are not
entirely unable to distinguish between right and
wrong. Nevertheless, their moral sense is sterile

because it is suffocated by passions and the dead-

ening force of habit.
In the cant of Spanish thieves, justice is called
"la justa" (the just), and this name is given in
French slang to the Assizes, but, as Mayor observes,
it may be applied ironically.
In alluding unknown author of the
to the
crimes committed in reality by himself, the
murderer Prevost remarked, "Whoever it is, he
is bound to end by the guillotine sooner or later."

In such cases, although a sense of truth and

justice exists, the desire to act according to it is


" Itone thing [observes Harwick] to possess a theoretical


notion of what is right and wrong, but quite another to act

according to it. In order that the knowledge of good should

be transformed into an ardent desire for its triumph, as food
is converted into chyle and blood, it must be urged to action

by elevated sentiments, and these are generally lacking in the

criminal. on the contrary, good feelings really exist, the

individual desires to do right and his convictions are trans-

lated into action with the same energy that he displayed in
doing wrong."
A philanthropist once invited a number young

London thieves to a friendly gathering, and it was

noticed that most hardened offenders were
greeted with the greatest amount of applause from
the company. Nevertheless, when the President
requested one of them to change a gold coin outside,
and he did not return, those present showed great
indignation and anxiety, abusing and threatening
their absent companion, whose ultimate return was
hailed with genuine relief. In this case, no doubt,
envy and vanity played as great a part as a sense of
integrity, in the resentment shown at this fancied

breach of faith.

In the prisons at Moscow, offences against dis-

cipline are dealt with by the offenders' fellow-

prisoners. The convict population on the island of

San Stefano compiled spontaneously a Draconian
code to quell internal discord arising from racial

Treachery. This species of morality and justice,

which unexpectedly makes its appearance in the

midst of a naturally unrighteous community, can
only be forced and temporary. When, instead of

reaping advantages, interests and passions are

injured by acting rightly, these notions of justice,

unsustained by innate integrity suddenly fail. Con-

trary to universal belief, criminals are very prone to

betray their companions and accomplices, and are

easily induced to act as informers in the hope of
gaining some personal advantage or of injuring
those they envy or suspect of treachery towards
"Many thieves," says Vidocq, "consider it a
stroke of luck to be consulted by the police." In
fact, Bouscaut, one of a notorious band of male-
factors in France, was chiefly instrumental in causing

the arrest of the gang and the brigand Caruso aided


the authorities in capturing his former companions.

Vanity. Pride, or rather vanity, and an exag-
gerated notion of their own importance, which we
find in the masses, generally in inverse proportion to
real merit, is especially strong in criminals. In the
cell occupied by La Gala, the following notice was
found in his handwriting: "March 24th. On this

date La Gala learnt to knit." Another criminal,

Crocco, tried hard to save his brother, "Lest," he
said, "my race should die out." Lacenaire was less
troubled by the death-sentence than by adverse
criticisms of hisbad verse and the fear of public
contempt. "I do not fear being hated," he is
reported to have said, "but I dread being despised
—the tempest leaves traces of its passage, but
unobserved the humble flower fades."
Thus thieves are loth to confess that they are
guilty of only petty larceny, and are sometimes
prompted by vanity to commit more serious rob-
beries. The same false shame is common to fallen
women, among whom contempt is incurred, not by
excess of depravity but by the failure to command
high prices. Grellinier, a petty thief, boasted in
court of imaginary offences, with the desire of appear-
ing in the light of a great criminal. The crimes in
the haunted castle, attributed by Holmes to him-
self, were certainly in part inventions. The female
poisoner, Buscemi, when writing to her accomplice,
signed herself, "Your Lucrezia Borgia."
One of the most frequent causes of modern crime
is the desire to gratify personal vanity and to
become notorious.
Impulsiveness. This is another and almost pa-
thognomonical characteristic of bom criminals, and
also, as we shall see later on, of epileptics and the
morally insane. That which in ordinary individuals

is only an eccentric and fugitive suggestion vanish-

ing as soon as it arises, in the case of abnormal
subjects is rapidly translated into action, which, al-
though unconscious, is not the less dangerous. A
youth of this impulsive type, returning home one
evening flushed with wine, met a peasant leading his
ass and cried out, "As I have not come to blows with
anyone to-day, I must vent my rage on this beast,"

at the same time drawing his knife and plunging it

several times into the poor animal's body (Ladelci,

// Vino, Rome, 1868). Pinel describes a morally

insane subject, who was in the habit of giving way
to his passions, killing any horses that did not please
him and thrashing his political opponents. He even
went to the length of throwing a lady down a well,

because she ventured to contradict him.

" The most trifling causes [remarks Tamburini, speaking of
Sbro. . . .] way of his wishes, provoke a
that stand in the
fit which he appears to lose all self-control, like
of rage in
little children, who in resenting any offence show no sense of

proportion. The most trivial reasons for disliking anyone

awaken in him an irresistible desire to kill the object of his
aversion, and if any new blasphemy rises to his lips, he feels
constrained to repeat it."

A thief once said to my father: "It is in our very

blood. It may be only a pin, but I cannot help
taking it, although I am quite ready to give it back
to its owner." The pickpocket Bor . . . confessed
that at the age of twelve he had begun to steal in the
streets and at school, to the extent of taking things
from under his schoolfellows' pillows, and that it

was impossible for him to resist stealing, even

when his pockets were full. If he had not stolen
some article before going to bed, he was unable
to sleep, and when midnight struck, he felt

obliged to take the first thing that came to his

hand, destroying it frequently as soon as he had
appropriated it.

"To give up stealing," said Deham to Lauvergne,

"would be like ceasing to exist. Stealing is a passion
that burns like love and when I feel the blood seeth-
ing in my brain and fingers, I think I should be
capable of robbing myself, if that were possible."
When sentenced to the galleys, he stole the bands
from the masts, nails, and copper plates, and he
himself fixed the number of lashes he was to receive
after each of these exploits, which did not prevent
his recommencing stealing directly afterward {Les
Forgats, p. 358).
Ponticelli once saw a thief, who was dying of
consumption, steal an old slipper from his neighbour
and hide it under the bedclothes.
Vindictiveness. Closely allied to this impulsive-
ness and exaggerated personal vanity, we find an
extraordinary thirst for revenge. Lebuc murdered a
man who had some matches from him.
Baron R. . . caused the death of a man, because he
had failed to order a religious procession to halt
under the windows of his palace.

" To see expire the one you hate

Such is the joy of the gods.
My sole desire is to hate and be avenged."

wrote Lacenaire.

After a slight dispute with Voit, whose hospitality

he had enjoyed, Renaud threw his friend down a well.
He was arrested, and when Voit, who had been res-

cued, pardoned him, he said, "I only regret not

having finished him, but when I come out of prison,
I will do so." And he kept his word.
The tattooing on the persons of criminals and
their writings while in prison are full of solemn oaths
of vengeance. A female thief once said, "If it were
true that those who refuse to pardon will be damned
eternally, I should still withhold my forgiveness.".
Cruelty depends on moral and physical insensi-

bility, those incapable of feeling pain being indiffer-

ent to the sufferings of others.
The post of executioner was eagerly competed
for at the prison of Rochefort. Mammon used to
when this was
drink the blood of his victims and
not to be had, he drank his own. The execu-
tioner Jean became so maddened by the sight
of blood flowing beneath his lash, that guards
were stationed to prevent undue prolongation of
the punishment. Dippe wrote: " My chief pleasure
is beheading. When I was young, stabbing was
my sole pastime."
It has often been observed that the ferocity of
women exceeds that of men. Rulfi killed her own
niece, whom she detested, by thrusting long pins
into her, and the female brigand Ciclope reproached
her lover for murdering his victims too quickly.
Idleness. Like savages, criminals are dominated
by an incorrigible laziness, which in certain cases
leads them to prefer death from starvation to regu-
lar work. This idleness alternates with periods of
ferocious impulsiveness, during which they display
the greatest energy. Like savages, too, they are
passionately fond of alcohol, orgies, and sensual
pleasures, which alone rouse them to activity.

Orgies. Those who have observed children ab-

sorbed all day long by a game that pleases them,

can understand the meaning of these words, spoken
by a woman: "Criminals are grown-up children."
The love of habitual debauch is so intense that, as
soon as thieves have made some great haul or escaped
from prison, they return to their haunts to carouse
and make merry, in spite of the evident danger of

falling once more into the hands of the police.

Gambling. The passion for gambling is so strong

that the criminal is always in a penniless condition,
no matter how much treasure he has appropri-
ated, and cases of starvation in prison are not
unknown, prisoners having sold their rations in

order to gratify this vice.

Games. Many primitive and cruel amusements,
similar to the pastimes of savages, have been pre-

served or reconstructed by criminals. Such are

the games known to Itahan offenders as "La Patta,"
in which one of the players tries to avoid being struck

while passing his head between two points brought

together horizontally by another, who stands with
his arms outstretched; and "La Rota," in which the
players run in a circle, one behind the other, seek-
ing to escape, by dodging, the blows from a stout
stick, aimed at them by one of their companions.

hitelligence is feeble in some and exaggerated in

others. Prudence and forethought are generally

lacking. A very common characteristic is reckless-

ness, which leads criminals to run the risk of arrest

some blood-
for the sake of being witty, or to leave
stained weapon on the very spot where they have
committed a crime, notwithstanding the fact that
they have taken a hundred precautions to avoid
detection. This same recklessness prompts them,
when the danger is scarcely past, to make verses or
pictures of their exploits or to tattoo them upon their
persons, heedless of consequences.
Zino relates the story of a Sicilian schoolboy,
who illustrated his criminal relations with his school-

fellows by a series of sketches in his album. A cer-

tain Cavagha, called "Fusil" robbed and murdered

an accomplice and hid the body in a cupboard. He
was arrested and in prison decided to commit
suicide a hundred days after the date of his crime,

but before doing so, he adorned his water-jug with

an account of his misdeed, partly in pictures and
partly in writing, as though he desired to raise a
monument to himself (see Fig. 9). The clearest

and strangest instance of this recklessness was fur-

nished by a photograph discovered by the police, in
which, at the risk of arrest and detection, three
criminals had had themselves photographed in the

very act of committing a murder.

Intellectual Manifestations

Slang. This is a peculiar jargon used by crimi-

nals when speaking among themselves. The syntax
and grammatical construction of the language remain
unchanged, but the meanings of words are altered,
many being formed in the same way as in primitive

languages; i.e., an object frequently receives the

name of one of its attributes. Thus a kid is called

"jumper," death "the lean or cruel one," the soul

"the false or shameful one," the body "the veil," the

hour "the swift one," the moon "the spy," a purse

"the saint," alms "the rogue," a sermon "the
tedious one," etc. Many words are formed as
among savages, by onomatopoeia, as "tuff" (pistol),
"tic" (watch), "guanguana" (sweetheart), "fric
frac" (lottery).
Fig. 9

(see page 42)

The necessity of eluding police investigations is

the reason usually given for the origin of this slang.

No doubt it was one of the chief causes, but does

not explain the continued use of a jargon which is too

well known now to serve this purpose ; moreover, it

is employed in poems, the object of which is to invite

public attention, not to avoid it, and by criminals in

their homes where there is no need for secrecy.

Pictography. One of the strangest characteristics
of criminals is the tendency to express their ideas
pictorially. While in prison, Troppmann painted
the scene of his misdeed, for the purpose of showing
that it had been committed by others. We have
already mentioned the rude illustrations engraved by
the murderer Cavaglia on his pitcher, representing his
crime, imprisonment, and suicide. Books, crockery,
guns, all the utensils criminals have in constant use,
serve as a canvas on which to portray their exploits.
From pictography it is but an easy step to hiero-
glyphics like those used by ancient peoples. The
hieroglyphics of criminals are closely allied to their
slang, of which in fact they are only a pictorial
representation, and, although largely inspired by
the necessity for secrecy, show, in addition, evident
atavistic tendencies.
De Blasio has explained the meaning of the
hieroglyphics used by the "camorristi" (members
of the camorra at Naples), especially when they are
in prison. For instance, to indicate the President of

the Tribunal, they use a crown with three points; to

indicate a judge, the judge's cap (see Fig. lo).

The following is a list of

Vi/. -President of Tribunal
some of the hieroglyphics
(2?- .Judge
mentioned by De Blasio:
-^_. .Police Inspector Police Inspector — a, hat
like those worn by the
.Public Prosecutor
Italian soldiers who are
. Carbineer called Alpini (a helmet

with flat top and an

a- upright feather on the

.Commissary of Police
left side).

O Camorrist
Public Prosecutor —an
Fig. 10 open-mouthed viper
Drawings in Script. (see Fig. lo).
Discovered by De Blasio
Carabineer —a bugle.
Theft —a skull and cross-bones.
Commissary of the Police —a dwarf with the three-
cornered hat worn by the carabinieri.
Arts and Industries of the Criminal. Although
habitual criminals show a strong aversion to any
kind of useful labour, in prison and at large, they,

nevertheless, apply themselves with great diligence

to certain tasks, sometimes of an illegal nature, such
as the manufacture of implements to aid them in es-

caping, sometimes merely artistic, such as modelling,

with breadcrumbs, brickdust, or soap, the figures of
persons. Sometimes they make baskets,
machines, dominoes, draughts, playing-
cards, etc., or form means of communi-
cation with their fellow-prisoners and
construct weapons for executing their
schemes of vengeance. They also devote
themselves to eccentric and useless occu-
pations, like the training of animals, such
as mice, marmosets, birds, and even fleas

(Lattes). This morbid and misguided

activity, which frequently shows gleams
of talent, might well be utilised for in-

creasing the scope of prison industries.


This personal decoration so often

found on great criminals is one of the
strangest relics of a former state. It
consists of designs, hieroglyphics, and
words punctured in the skin by a special
and very painful process.
Among primitive peoples, who live in

a more or less nude condition, tattooing takes the

place of decorations or ornamental garments, and
serves as a mark of distinction or rank. When an
Eskimo slays an enemy, he adorns his upper-Hp with
a couple of blue stripes, and the warriors of Su-
matra add a special sign to their decorations for every
foe they kill. In Wuhaiva, ladies of noble birth are
more extensively tattooed than women of humbler
rank. Among the Maoris, tattooing is a species of
armorial bearings indicative of noble birth.
According to ancient writers, tattooing was
practised by Thracians, Picts, and Celts. Roman
soldiers tattooed their arms with the names of their

generals, and artisans in the Middle Ages were

marked with the insignia of their crafts. In modern
times this custom has fallen into disuse among the
higher classes and only exists among sailors, soldiers,
peasants, and workmen.
Although not exclusively confined to criminals,
tattooing is practised by them to a far larger extent
than by normal persons: 9% of adult criminals and
40% of minors are tattooed; whereas, in normal
persons the proportion is only 0.1%. Recidivists
and born criminals, whether thieves or murderers,
show the highest percentage of tattooing. Forgers
and swindlers are rarely tattooed.
Sometimes tattooing consists of a motto symbolical
of the career of the criminal it adorns. Tardieu
found on the arm of a sailor who had served various
terms of imprisonment, the words, "Pas de chance."

The notorious criminal Malassen was tattooed on

the chest with the drawing of a guillotine, under
which was written the following prophecy: "J'ai
mal commence, je finirai mal. C'est la fin qui
Tattooing frequently bears witness to indecency.
Of 142 criminals examined by my father, the tattoo-
ing on five showed obscenity of design and position
and furnished also a remarkable proof of the in-

sensibility to pain characteristic of criminals, the

parts tattooed being the most sensitive of the whole
body, and therefore left untouched even by savages.
Another fact worthy of mention is the extent to
which criminals are tattooed. Thirty-five out of

378 criminals examined by Lacassagne were deco-

rated literally from head to foot.
In a great many cases, the designs reveal violence

of character and a desire for revenge. A Pied-

montese sailor, who had perpetrated fraud and
murder from motives of revenge, bore on his breast

between two daggers, the words: " I swear to revenge

myself." Another had written on his forehead,
" Death to the middle classes," with the drawing of a

dagger underneath. A
young Ligurian, the leader
of a mutiny in an Italian Reformatory, was tattooed
with designs representing all the most important
episodes of his life, and the idea of revenge was

paramount. On his right forearm figured two
crossed swords, underneath them the initials M. N.
(of an intimate friend) , and on the inner side, traced
longitudinally, the motto: "Death to cowards.
Long live our alliance."
Tattooing, as practised by criminals, is a perfect
substitute for writing with symbols and hiero-
glyphics, and they take a keen pleasure in this mode
of adorning their skins.
Of atavistic origin, also, is the practice, common
to members of the camorra, of branding their sweet-
hearts on the face, not from motives of revenge, but
as a sign of proprietorship, like the chiefs of savage
tribes, who mark their wives and other belongings;
and the form of tattooing called "Paranza," which
distinguishes the various bands of malefactors,
the band of the "banner," of the "three arrows,"
of the "bell-ringer," of the "Carmelites," etc.

The Criminal Type

All the physical and psychic peculiarities of

which we have spoken are found singly in many

normal individuals. Moreover, crime is not always
the result of degeneration and atavism and, on the ;

other hand, many persons who are considered per-

fectly normal are not so in reality. However, in
normal individuals, we never find that accumulation

of physical, psychic, functional, and skeletal anoma-

lies in one and the same person, that we do in the
case of criminals, among whom also entire freedom
from abnormal characteristics is more rare than
among ordinary individuals.
Just as a musical theme is the result of a sum of
notes, and not of any single note, the criminal type
results from the aggregate of these anomalies, which
render him strange and terrible, not only to the
scientific observer, but to ordinary persons who are
capable of an impartial judgment.
Painters and poets,unhampered by false doc-
trines, divined this type long before it became the

subject of a special branch of study. The assassins,

executioners, and devils painted by Mantegna,
Titian, and Rib era the Spagnoletto embody with
marvellous exactitude the characteristics of the
born criminal; and the descriptions of great writ-
ers, Dante, Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, and Ibsen,
are equally faithful representations, physically and
psychically, of this morbid type.

The Criminal in Proverbial Sayings

The conclusions of instinctive observers have

found expression in many proverbs, which warn the
world against the very characteristics we have noted
in criminals.
A proverb common Romagna, says: "Poca'
barba e niun colore, sotto il cielo non vi ha peggiore
(There is nothing worse under Heaven than a scanty
beard and a colourless face), and in Piedmont there
is a saying, "Faccia smorta, peggio che scabbia"
(An ashen face is worse than the itch). The Vene-
tians have a number of proverbs expressing distrust

of the criminal type :

' Uomo rosso e f emina barbuta
da lontan xe megio lasaluta" (Greet from afar the
red-haired man and the bearded woman); "Vardete
da chi te parla e guarda in la, e vardete da chi tiene
i oci bassi e da chi camina a corti passi" (Beware of
him who looks away when he speaks to you, and of
him who keeps his eyes cast down and takes minc-
ing steps); "El guerzo xe maledetto per ogni verso"
(The squint-eyed are on all sides accursed) ;
" Megio
vendere un campo e una ca che tor una dona dal
naso leva" (Better sell a field and a house than take
a wife with a turned-up nose); "Naso che guarda in
testa e peggior che la tempesta" (A turned-up nose is

worse than hail) ; etc.

There are innumerable cases on record, in which

persons quite ignorant of criminology have escaped
robbery or murder, thanks to the timely distrust
awakened in them by the appearance of individuals
who had tried to win their confidence. My father
once placed before forty children, twenty portraits

of thieves and twenty representing great men, and

80% recognised in the first the portraits of bad and
deceitful people.
In conclusion, the born criminal possesses cer-
tain physical and mental characteristics, which
mark him out as a special type, materially and mor-
ally diverse from the bulk of mankind.
Like the little cage-bred bird which instinctively
crouches and trembles at the sight of the hawk,
although ignorant of its ferocity, an honest man feels
instinctive repugnance at the sight of a miscreant
and thus signalises the abnormality of the criminal



N 10 one, before my father,

had ever recognised in
the criminal an abnormal being driven by an ir-
resistible atavistic impulse to commit anti-social acts,

but many had observed (cases of the kind were too

frequent to escape notice) the existence of certain
individuals, nearly always members of degenerate

families, who seemed from their earliest infancy to be

prompted by some fatal impulse to do evil to their

fellow-men. They differed from ordinary people,

because they hated the very persons who to normal
beings are the nearest and dearest, parents, husbands,

wives,and children, and because their inhuman deeds

seemed to cause them no remorse. These individ-
uals, who were sometimes treated as lunatics, some-
times as diseased persons, and sometimes as criminals,
were said by the earliest observers to be afflicted

with moral insanity.


Analogy. Those who are famiHar with all that

Pinel, Morel, Richard Connon, and other great
alienists have written on the morally insane cannot
help remarking the analogy, nay identity, of the
physical, intellectual, and moral characteristics
of this type of lunatic and those of the born
The same physical anomalies already observed in
criminals, as described in the first chapter (cranial
deformities, asymmetry, physical and functional
left-handedness, anomalies in the teeth, hands, and
feet), are described by these older writers as being
characteristic of the morally insane, as are also
those mental and moral qualities already noted in the
born criminal —vanity, want of affection, cruelty,
idleness, and love of orgies.
Only the analogy of the origin and early mani-
festations was lacking to complete the proof of the
identity of the two forms. It is true that moral

insanity is more often found in the descendants of

insane, neurotic, or dipsomaniac forebears than in
those of criminals, and that the characteristics are
manifested at an earlier age than is the case with
bom criminals, but these differences are not of
fundamental importance.
Cases. During many years of observation, my
father was able to follow innumerable cases of moral

insanity in which perversity was manifested literally

from the cradle, and in which the victims of this dis-

ease grew up into delinquents in no wise distinguish-

able from born criminals.
A typical instance is that of a certain Rizz. .

who was brought to him by the mother because,

while still at the breast, he bit his nurse so viciously
that bottle-feeding had to be substituted. At the
age of two years, careful training and medical treat-
ment notwithstanding, this child was separated from
his brothers, because he stuck pins into their pillows
and played dangerous tricks on them. Two years
later, he broke open his father's cash-box and stole

money to buy sweets; at six, although decidedly

intelligent, he was expelled from every private
school in the town, because he instigated the others
to mischief or ill-treated them. At fourteen, he
seduced a servant and ran away, and at twenty he
killed his fiancee by throwing her out of a window.
Thanks to the testimony of a great many doctors,
Rizz . . . was declared to be morally insane, but if the
family had been poor instead of well-to-do, and the
mother had neglected to have her child examined in

infancy by a medical man, thus obtaining ample

proof of the pathological nature of his perversity,
Rizz would have been condemned as an ordinary
. . .

criminal, because, like all morally insane persons, he


was very intelligent and able to reason clearly, like a

normal individual.
Another typical case is that of a child named
Rav. . . (see. Fig. 12) a native of the Romagna, who
was brought to my father at the age of eight, because
his parents were convinced that his conduct was
due to a morbid condition. Unlike the above-
mentioned case, his evil acts were always carried
out in an underhand way. He showed great spite
towards his brothers and sisters, especially the
smaller ones, whom he attempted to strangle on
several occasions, and was expelled from school on
account of the bad influence he exercised over his
schoolfellows. He delighted above everything in
robbing his parents, employers, and the neighbours
and in falsely accusing others, and so cleverly did
he manage this that he caused a great deal of
mischief before his double-dealing was discovered.
When only eight, on leaving home early every morn-
ing to go to work, he would secretly throw all the milk
left at the neighbours' doors into the dust-bin, then
he accused the janitor of stealing it and got him
dismissed. A year later, he nearly succeeded in
causing the arrest of a pawnbroker, whom he ac-
cused of having lent him money on a cloak, it being
illegal in Italy to accept anything in pawn from a
minor. The cloak, however, was discovered by his
mother hidden in the cellar. At ten years of age, he
alleged that his father had brutally ill-treated him,
and as severe marks and bruises on his body gave
colour to the accusation, the poor man was arrested.
The marks, however, were self-inflicted.
Another boy, a certain Man . . . , a peasant from
the Val d' Aosta, an Alpine valley in Piedmont,
where cretinism is indigenous, exhibited perverse
tendencies from his earliest infancy. When twelve
years old, he killed his companion in a squabble
over an Qgg. (See Fig. 13.)
In the above-mentioned cases, the subjects all

belonged to well-to-do or honest families and the

pathological heredity was therefore exclusively ner-
vous, not criminal. For this reason, the parents

were struck by the abnormal depravity of their

sons and had them medically examined and treated,
thus discovering that they were morally insane. If,

on the other hand, the parents had been criminals

and had, themselves, set a bad example, nobody
would have supposed that these depraved tendencies
were innate in the children or had developed pre-
cociously. The fact of the prevalence of moral
insanity in neurotic families (with frequent cases
of lunacy, alcoholism, etc.) rather than in those of
criminal tendencies appears at first sight strange, but
according to the new theory advanced by my father,
M ^

the criminal is a mentally diseased person; and we

shall see in a later chapter that the heredity of
insane, neurotic, and dipsomaniac parents is com-
pletely equivalent to a criminal heredity.
Proofs of Analogy. Thus the genesis and early
manifestations, which might have been diverse,
really constitute a counter-proof. Careful anam-
nesis shows that both born criminals and the morally
insane begin at a very early age to exhibit
of the morbid tendencies which make them such a
danger to society, and if the general public and the
police, when such cases are brought to their notice,
usually fail to realise that they arise from pre-

cocious perversity, it is because atrocious actions

are excused on the ground of extreme youth and
attributed to this cause rather than to vicious pro-
pensities. In many cases, indeed, they are revealed
only to the physician.
A counter-proof is likewise furnished by investiga-
tions of the origin of these pathological cases, since the
study of born criminals shows that they, as well as the
morally insane, are as frequently the offspring of in-

sane, epileptic, neurotic, and drunken parents as of

criminals, but in the latter case, the morbid origin of
their perversity is seldom brought to light owing to
the criminality of the parents, who naturally view
with indifference symptoms of vice in their children.
Epileptics, and their Relation to Born Crim-
inals AND THE Morally Insane

We have already stated that the physical and

psychic characteristics of born criminals coincide
with those of the morally insane. Both are identical
with those of another class of degenerates, known to
the world as epileptics.
The term was applied to a malady fre-
quently studied but little understood by the ancient
medical world, the chief symptoms of which were
repeated tonic and clonic fits, preceded by the so-
called "epileptic aura" and followed by a deep sleep.
It was called morbus sacer and believed to be of
divine origin.
Careful examination of epileptics by clinical and
mental experts, showed that in addition to the
characteristic seizure, these unfortunate beings were
subject to other phenomena, which sometimes took
the place of the convulsive fit and in other cases

preceded or followed it. These were pavor noc-

turnus, sudden sweats, heat, neuralgia, sialorrhea,

periodical cephalalgia and, above all, vertigo; and

these symptoms were not always accompanied by
unconsciousness nor followed by coma. Sometimes
the seizure was only manifested by paroxysms of rage
or ferocious and brutal impulses (devouring ani-

mals alive), which, if consciously committed, would

be considered criminal. This fact led doctors and
mental experts to examine other patients, and they
were able to advance positive proof that a certain
number of epileptics never experience the typical
seizure, the disease being manifested in this milder

form with cephalalgia, sialorrhea, delirious ferocity,

and above all, giddiness.
The multiformity of epilepsy has been fully con-
firmed by the experiments of Luciani, Zehen, and
others, who produced various forms of epilepsy by
submitting different cerebral zones to varying degrees
of irritation. By graduating the electric current,
Rosenbach was able to provoke the whole series of

epileptic phenomena described above, from the

mildest to the most serious manifestations, A
slight irritation of the motor areas gave rise to
tetanic contractions and clonic convulsions in a
given joint; an increase in the strength of the current
produced more violent movements which spread
over the whole limb, and by intensifying the cur-
rent still further, to half the body. Finally, on the
application of a very strong current, the typical
fit was produced with clonic spasms in all the
body, unconsciousness, nystagmus, and rigidity of
the pupils.
By irritating the frontal lobes of dogs, Richet

and Bernard produced vertigo and certain physical
phenomena (snuffing, barking, and biting).
Taking these investigations as a basis, Jackson
came to the conclusion that epileptic fits are due to
a rapid and excessive explosion of the grey matter,
which, instead of developing its force gradually,
develops it all of a sudden because it is irritated.

And as it has been shown conclusively that the

disease can be manifested in such varied forms
vertigo, twitching of the muscles, sialorrhea, cepha-
lalgia, fits of rage, and ferocious actions — which
appear to be the equivalent of the typical seizure,

individuals subject to these forms of neurosis

should be classed as epileptics, even if they never
experience the typical motor attack.
It is in this category, which may be called at-

tenuated epilepsy, that we should place criminals,

who in addition to the psychic and physical char-
acteristics of the epileptic, possess others peculiar

to themselves. Physical anomalies (plagiocephaly,

microcephaly, macrocephaly, strabismus, facial and
cranial asymmetry, prominent frontal sinuses,

median occipital fossa, receding forehead, project-

ing ears, progeneismus, and badly shaped teeth) are

characteristic both of criminals and epileptics, as
was demonstrated in certain epileptics treated by
my father (Figs. 14 and 15), and the same holds
Fig. 14

An Epileptic Boy
(see page 60)

good of functional and histological anomalies. The

histological anomaly discovered by Roncoroni in

the frontal lobe of bom criminals, consisting of the

atrophy of the deep granular layer, the inversion of
the pyramidal layers and small cells with enlargement
and rarefaction of the pyramidal cells, and the exist-

ence of nervous cells in the white substance, is found

in about the same proportion in cases of non-criminal
epileptics. We find also in the same proportion in

the field of vision of epileptics, as of born criminals,

the anomaly discovered by Ottolenghi, consisting of
peripheral scotoma intersecting the nearly uniform
line of varying size common to normal eyes.
Psychological Characteristics. The complete iden-

tity of epileptics, born criminals and the morally

insane becomes evident as soon as we study their

Epilepsy, congenital criminality, and moral in-

sanity alone are capable of comprising in one clini-

cal form intellectual divergencies which range from
genius to imbecility. In epileptics, this divergence
is sometimes manifested in one and the same person
in the space of twenty-four hours. An individual
at one time afflicted with loss of will-power and
amnesia, and incapable of formulating the simplest
notion, will shortly afterwards give expression to
original ideas and reason logically.
Contradictions and exaggerations of sentiment
are salient characteristics of epileptics as of born
criminals and the morally insane. Quarrelsome,
suspicious, and cynical individuals suddenly become
gentle, respectful, and affectionate. The cynic ex-
presses religious sentiments, and the man who has
brutally ill-treated his first wife, kneels before the

second. An epileptic observed by Tonnini fancied

himself at times to be Napoleon at others, he would

lick the ground like the humblest slave.

The extreme excitability manifested by born

criminals is shared by epileptics. Distrustful, in-

tolerant, and incapable of sincere attachment, a

gesture or a look is sufficient to infuriate them and
incite them to the most atrocious deeds.
Epilepsy has a disastrous effect on the character.
It destroys the moral sense, causes irritability, alters

the sensations through constant hallucinations and

delusions, deadens the natural feelings or leads them
into morbid channels.
Affection for Animals. The hatred frequently
manifested by criminals and epileptics towards the
members of their own families is in many cases ac-
companied by an extraordinary fondness for animals

as is shown by the cases of Caligula, Commodus,

Lacenaire, Rosas, Dr. Francia, and La Sola, who —
preferred kittens to her own children. A morally
Fig. 15

• '^"C^-'W,

(see page 60)

insane individual known to my father would spend

months in training dogs, horses, birds, geese, and
other fowls. He was wont to remark that all ani-

mals were friendly to him as though they recognised

in him one of their own kind. Dostoyevsky's fellow-
convicts showed great fondness for a horse, an eagle,
and a number of geese. They were so attached to a
goat that they wanted to gild its horns.
Somnambiilism. This is a frequent characteris-
tic of epileptics. Krafft-Ebing says:

" The seizure is often followed by a condition approaching

somnambulism. The patient appears to have recovered con-
sciousness, talks coherently, behaves in an orderly manner,
and resumes his ordinary occupations. Yet he is not really
conscious as is shown by the fact that, later he is entirely
ignorant of what he has been doing during this stage. This
peculiar state of mental daze may last a long time, sometimes
during the whole interval between two seizures."

Many of the criminals observed by Dostoyevsky

were given to gesticulating and talking agitatedly
in their sleep.
Obscenity is a common characteristic. Kowa-
lewsky {Archivio di Psichiatria, 1885) notes the re-

semblance between the reproductive act and the

epileptic seizure, the tonic tension of the muscles,

loss of consciousness and mydriasis in both cases, and

remarks also on the frequency with which epileptic
attacks are accompanied by sexual propensities.
The desire for sexual indulgence, like the taste
for alcohol, is distinguished by the precocity peculiar
to criminals and the morally insane. Precocious
sexual instincts have been observed in children of
four years, and in one case obscenity was manifested
by an infant of one year.
Marro {Amiali di Freniatria, 1890) describes
a child of three years and ten months, who had
exhibited signs of epilepsy from birth and was of
a jealous, irascible disposition. He was in the
habit of scratching and biting his brothers and
sisters, knocking over the furniture, hiding things,
and tearing his clothes, and when unable to hurt or
annoy others, would vent his rage upon himself. If

punished, he woiild continue his misdeeds in an

underhand way.
Another child had been afflicted with convulsions
from his earliest infancy, in consequence of which his
character deteriorated, and while still a mere infant,
he behaved with the utmost violence. He killed a
cat, attempted to strangle his brother, and to set fire

to the house.
Invulnerability, another characteristic common
to criminals, has been observed by Tonnini in
epileptics, whose wounds and injuries heal with
astonishing rapidity, and he is inclined to regard
this peculiarity in the light of a reversion to a stage

of evolution, at which animals like lizards and sala-

manders were able to replace severed joints by

new growths. This invulnerability is shared by all

degenerates: epileptics, imbeciles, and the morally

"One of these latter," says Tonnini, "tore out
his moustache bodily and with it a large piece of
skin. In a few days the wound was nearly healed."
Very characteristic is the almost automatic
tendency to destroy animate and inanimate objects,
which results in frequent wounding, suicides, and
homicides. This desire to destroy is also common to
children. Fernando P. (Fig. 15), an epileptic treated
by my father, when enraged was in the habit of
smashing all the furniture within his reach and
throwing the pieces over a wall some twenty-five
feet high.
Misdea, a regimental barber, to whom we shall
refer later, roused to fury by dismissal from his
post, broke four razors into small pieces with his
teeth. Another epileptic, Piz. . . used to break all

the crockery in his cell regularly every other day,

"just to give vent to his feelings."
This tendency to destroy everything in the cell

is common also to ordinary criminals.

Cases of Moral Insanity with Late?it Epileptic
Phenomena. The following cases, which were treated
by my father and which were subject to careful
observation and study, will serve to give a clear
idea of the criminal form of epilepsy.
Subject: Giuliano Celestino, age i6. Yellow
skin abundantly tattooed, absence of hair on face
or body. Cranium: plagiocephaly on the left

frontal and right parietal regions, obliquely-placed

eyes, narrow forehead, prominent orbital arches,

line of the mouth horizontal as in apes, lateral in-
cisors of upper jaw resembling the canines with
rugged margins, excessive zygomatic and maxillary
development, tactile sensibility very obtuse, do-
lorific sensibility non-existent on the right, very
obtuse on the left, rotular reflex action exaggerated
on the right, very feeble on the left. Devoid of

natural feeling. When asked if he was fond of his

mother, he replied: "When she brings me cigars and
money." When questioned concerning his crimes
he showed neither shame nor confusion. On the
contrary, he confessed with a smile that when only
ten he had tried to kill his youngest brother, who
was then an infant in the cradle, and when hindered
by his mother, had struck and bitten her. His
father was a drunkard afflicted with syphilis, and
Giuliano had suffered from epilepsy from the age of
seven. At this age he began to indulge in alcohol
and self-abuse, and stole from his parents in order

to buy sweets. He appears to have been subject to

an ambulatory mania, which caused him to wander
aimlessly about the country, and if kept within doors
he would let himself down from the windoWs, climb
up the chimney, or, failing in these attempts to
escape, would break the furniture and attract the
attention of the neighbours by his terrific yells.

From the age of eight, despite his parents' efforts to

apprentice him, he was always immediately dis-
missed by his employers. He ran away with a stroll-

ing company of acrobats, and later apprenticed

himself to a butcher in order to revel in the horrors
of the slaughter-house. At fifteen he was confined
in a reformatory, where he twice attempted to
escape and to set fire to the building, and was sen-
tenced to two years' imprisonment. For the space
of a few days, he appears to have suffered from
epileptic attacks, although in a masked form, ac-
companied by various attempts at suicide. These
were renewed every other month for a whole year.
When asked what he would do for a living when re-

leased, he would reply laughingly that there was

plenty of money in other people's pockets.
L. . . a morally insane subject, age 16, native of
Turin, the son of an aged, but extremely respect-
able man. Height 1.50 m., weight, 46.2 kg., with
abundant hair, and down on the forehead, incisors
crowded together, excessive development of the
canines, and exaggerated orbital angle of the frontal

bone. He was entirely devoid of affection for his

family, remarking cynically that he was fond of his

father when he gave him money and did not worry

him. Sometimes he kicked the poor old man and
otherwise abused him. When unable to obtain
money, he would smash all the furniture in the house,
until, for the sake of economy, his family gave him
what he wanted. In order to get a five-pound note
from money-lenders he would sign promissory notes
for ten times that amount. He changed his ideas

from one hour to another. Sometimes he wanted to

enter the army, at others to emigrate to France, etc.
When only fourteen he frequented houses of ill-

fame, where he played the bully.

Although this case may be regarded as a typical
instance of moral insanity, there were apparently
no symptoms of vertigo or convulsions. At the
age of sixteen, however, while suffering from rheu-
matism, this subject tried to throw himself from the
balcony of his bedroom at the same hour three nights
running. After this he seems to have suffered from
These frenzied attempts at self-destruction, which
seem to have taken the place of the epileptic
seizure, were related to my father casually by the

boy's mother; but in other cases, similar incidents,

although of the utmost importance to the crimino-
logist, often pass unnoticed.
In the Actes du Congres d'Anthropologie, Angelucci
describes another typical case of epileptic moral
insanity. E. G. (brother a criminal epileptic,

father a sufferer from cancer) was sentenced several

times for assaulting people often without motive.
Tattooed with the figure of a naked woman, micro-
cephalous (39.2 cubic inches=589 c.c), having cranial
and facial asymmetry, he was vain, deceitful, and
violent, and made great show of scepticism although
he wore a great many medals of the Virgin. This
subject was over twenty-five when the first epileptic

seizure took place.

The connection between epilepsy and crime is

one of derivation rather than identity. Epilepsy

represents the genus of which criminality and moral
insanity are the species.
The born criminal is an epileptic, inasmuch as he
possesses the anatomical, skeletal, physiognomical,

psychological, and moral characteristics peculiar to

the recognised form of epilepsy, and sometimes also
its motorial phenomena, although at rare intervals.
More frequently he exhibits its substitutes (vertigo,
twitching, sialorrhea, emotional attacks). But the
criminal epileptic possesses other characteristics
peculiar to himself; in particular, that desire of evil
for its own sake, which is unknown to ordinary
epileptics. In view of this fact this form of epilepsy
must be considered apart from the purely nervous
anomaly, both in the clinical diagnosis and the
methods of cure and social prophylaxis.
Moreover, the nervous anomaly, which in the
case of criminals appears on the scene from time
to time, accentuating the criminal tendency till

it reaches the atavistic form and producing morbid

complications which sometimes prove fatal, serves
to point out the true nature of the disease and to
emphasise the fact that while it is attenuated so far
as motor attacks are concerned, it is aggravated on
the other hand by criminal impulses, which render
the patient semi-immune and permit him a longer
and less troubled existence, but provoke a constant
brain irritation, which clouds and disturbs his intel-
lectual and moral nature.
In order better to understand these two forms of
epilepsy, we must recall two analogous forms of
another and equally multiform disease, tuberculosis
in its forms of quick consumption and scrofula.
The etiology is identical and the symptoms fre-

quently alike, but while the latter proceeds very

slowly and allows the patient a long life, the former
is rapid and severs life in its prime.

In motory epilepsy, the irritation is manifested

on a sudden, but leaves the mind healthy in the in-
terval, although the attacks may lead to rapid
dementia. In criminal epilepsy this irritation

does not break out in violent seizures and is com-

patible with a long life, but it changes the
whole physical and psychic complexion of the
The epileptic origin of criminality explains many
characteristics of the criminal, the genesis of which
was previously obscure. Many of the moral and
physical peculiarities of born criminals and the
morally insane may be classed as professional charac-
teristics acquired through the habit of evil-doing,
especially the naso-labial and zygomatic wrinkles,
cynical expression, tapering fingers, etc. Many
anomalies also in the bones, hair, ears, eyes, and the
monstrous development of the jaws and teeth, must
be explained by arrested development in the fifth or
sixth month of intra-uterine existence, corresponding
to the characteristics of inferior racesby the usual
law of ontogeny which recapitulates phylogeny. But
there is a final series of anomalies, the origin of which
was formerly wrapped in mystery: plagiocephaly,
sclerosis, the thickening of the meninges, cranial
asymmetry, and other changes in the cerebral layers,
which can be explained only by a disease altering
precociously the whole cerebral conformation, as is

exactly the case in epilepsy.

The born criminal is an epileptic, not however
afflicted with the common form of this disease, but
with a special kind. The pathological basis, the
etiology, and the anatomical and psychological
characteristics are identical, but there are many
differences. While in the ordinary form motor
anomalies are very common, in the criminal form
they are very rare, while in ordinary epilepsy the
mental explosions are accompanied by unconscious-
ness, in the other form they are weakened and spread
over the whole existence, and consciousness is, rela-

tively speaking, preserved; and while, finally, the

ordinary epileptic has not always the tendency to

do evil for its own sake —nay, may even achieve
holiness —in the hidden form the bent towards evil

endures from birth to death. The perversity con-

centrated in one second in the motor attack, is at-

tenuated in the second form, but spread over the

whole existence. We have therefore an epilepsy sui
generis, a variety of epilepsy which may be called
Thus the primitive idea of crime has become
organic and complete. The criminal is only a dis-
eased person, an epileptic, in whom the cerebral
malady, begun in some cases during prenatal exist-

ence, or later, in consequence of some infection or

cerebral poisoning, produces, together with certain
signs of physical degeneration in the skull, face, teeth,
and brain, a return to the early brutal egotism
natural to primitive races, which manifests itself in

homicide, theft, and other crimes.



General Forms of Criminal Lunacy

EPILEPTIC born criminals and the morally insane

may be classed as lunatics under certain
aspects, but only by the scientific observer and pro-
fessional psychologist. Outside these two forms,
there is an important series of offenders, who are
not criminals from birth, but become such at a
given moment of their lives, in consequence of an
alteration of the brain, which completely upsets
their moral nature and makes them unable to
discriminate between right and wrong. They are
really insane; that is, entirely without responsibility

for their actions.

Nearly every class of mental derangement con-
tributes a special form of crime.

The Idiot prompted by paroxysms of rage to


commit murderous attacks on his fellow-creatures.

His exaggerated sexual propensities incite him to

rape, and his childish deHght at the sight of flames,

to arson.
The Imbecile, or weak-minded individual, yields to
his first impulse, or, dominated by the influence of

others, becomes an accomplice in the hope of some

trivial reward.
The victims of Melancholia are driven to suicide

by suppressed grief, precordial agitation, or hallu-

cinations. Sometimes the suicidal attempt is indirect

and takes the form of the murder of some important
personage or their own kin, in the hope that their

own condemnation may follow, or it is to save those

dear to them from the miseries of life.

Persons afflicted with General Paralysis fre-

quently steal, in the belief that everything they see

belongs to them, or because they are incapable of
understanding the meaning of property. If accused
of theft, they deny their guilt or assert that the
stolen articles have been hidden on their persons

by others. They are inclined to forgery and fraud-

ulent bankruptcy, and when their misdeeds are
brought home to them they show no shame.
Unnatural sexual offences and crimes against the
authorities are also common. While they are
seldom guilty of murder, they frequently commit
arson, through carelessness, or with the idea of
destroying their homes because they think them
too small, or wish to get rid of the vermin in
them, such as rats.

The sufferer from Dementia forgets his promises,

however serious they may be. Cerebral irritability

often leads him to commit violent acts, homicide,

In some cases, mental alienation is manifested in

a mania for litigation, which urges the sufferer to

offend statesmen, state lawyers, and judges.

A common symptom of Pellagra is the tendency
to unpremeditated murder or suicide, without the
slightest cause. The sight of water suggests drown-
ing, in the form of murder or suicide.

Young persons at the approach of puberty and

women subject to amenorrhea often exhibit a
tendency to arson and crimes of an erotic nature.
Similar tendencies are sometimes displayed during
pregnancy, and an inclination to theft is not un-
Maniacs are prone to satyriasis and bacchanalian
excesses. They commit rape and indecent acts in
public and often appropriate strange objects, hair
or wearing apparel, with the idea of obtaining means
to satisfy their vices, either because they are uncon-
scious of doing wrong or because, like true megalo-
maniacs, they believe the stolen goods to be their
own property. Sometimes a feverish activity

prompts them to steal; "I felt a kind of uneasiness, a

demon in my fingers," said one, " which forced me to
move them and carry off something."
Monomaniacs, especially if subject to hallucina-
tions, frequently manifest a tendency to homicide,
either to escape imaginary persecutions or in obedi-
ence to equally imaginary injunctions. The same
motives prompt them to commit special kinds of
theft and arson. Na . . . (see Fig. 1 6) murdered his
friend without any reason, after suffering from
delusions for one year.
The characteristics of insane criminals are so
marked that it is not difficult to distinguish them
from habitual delinquents. They seldom show any
fear of the penalty incurred nor do they try to escape.
They take little trouble to hide their misdeeds, or to
get rid of any clue. If poisoners, they leave poison
about in their victim's room; if forgers, they take
no trouble to make their signatures appear genuine;
if thieves, they exhibit stolen goods in public, or
appropriate them in the presence of witnesses.
They frequently manifest unbounded rage and
assault those present, entirely forgetting the stolen
objects. Once their crime is accomplished, not
only do they give themselves no trouble to hide it,

but are prone to confess it immediately, and are

eager to talk about it, saying with satisfaction that
they what they have done, that they
feel relieved at

have obeyed the order of superior beings and con-

sider their actions praiseworthy. They deny that
they are insane, or if they admit it in some cases, it
is only because they are persuaded to do so by their
lawyers or fellow-prisoners. And even then, they
are ready at the first opportunity to contradict the
idea, eulogising and exaggerating their criminal acts.
A full confession in court is not uncommon, and
in the case of impulsive monomaniacs, epileptics,

and insane inebriates, the descriptions are full of

characteristic expressions, showing what was the
offender's state of mind when dominated by criminal
Rom . . . , an impulsive monomaniac, who stabbed
an acquaintance, felt "the blood rushing to his head,
which seemed to be in flames."
Tixier narrates that, on seeing the old man he
afterward murdered pass him on a country road,
"something went to his head." Frequently such
criminals are quick to give themselves up to justice.

Antecedents. Unlike the ordinary offender, in-

sane criminals are often perfectly law-abiding up

to the moment of the crime.
Motive. Perhaps the greatest difference between
born criminals and insane criminals lies in the mo-
tive for the act, which in the case of the latter is

not only entirely disproportionate to it, but nearly

always absurd and depends far less on personal

Here are a few typical cases : A father fancies he

hears a voice bidding him kill his favourite child.
He goes home, has the little victim dressed in its

best clothes and cuts off its head with perfect calm-
ness. A lady, ignorant of horticulture, plants some
flowers on her husband's grave. A day or two later,
noticing that they are drooping, she imagines that
the gardener has watered them with boiling water,
and after reproaching him bitterly, wounds him
with a pair of scissors.

These unfortunate beings frequently show per-

fect mental clearness before the crime and even in
the act of striking the fatal blow; yet their action is

purely instinctive and not prompted by passion or

any other cause. Although such individuals appear
to reason, can it be said that they are in full posses-

sion of their mental faculties? If they are, how

shall we explain the wholesale destruction of those
they hold most dear? A husband kills the wife to
whom he is sincerely attached; a father, the son he
loves most or a mother, the infant at her breast.

Such an extraordinary phenomenon can only be

explained by a sudden suspension of the intellect-
ual and moral faculties and of the powers of the will.
Special Forms of Criminal Insanity


In addition to these casual forms of lunacy, in

which the individual is led to commit crime by a
momentary alteration of his moral nature, we find
other forms which might be called specific, because
the criminal act forms the culminating point of the
malady. The sufferers from these forms are less

easily distinguished from ordinary criminals and

normal persons than are the lunatics of whom we
have just spoken. These mental diseases, which
should be studied separately, are alcoholism, hys-
teria, and epilepsy.
It is well known that temporary drunkenness
may transform an honest, peacable individual into
a rowdy, a murderer, or a thief.

Gall narrates the case of a certain Petri, who

manifested homicidal tendencies when excited by
alcohol. Locatelli mentions a workman of thirty,

who, when under the influence of drink, would smash

everything around him and stab the companions
who sought to restrain his drunken fury. Ladelci
and Carmignani cite the case of a miner, who was
repeatedly arrested for drunken brawls, and when
reproved replied: "I cannot help it. As soon as
I drink, I must start fighting."

Very characteristic is the case of a certain Papor . . .

who was imprisoned for some time at Turin.

His father was a drunkard and ill treated his wife.
The son became a soldier, then an excise officer,

fireman, and finally nurse in an infirmary, and was

known as a respectable, temperate man. In 1876,
he was transferred to the Island of Lipari, where
malvoisie only costs 25 centimes a litre, and there
he acquired a taste for wine, without, however,
drinking to excess. But a year later, a change in
the hospital regulations gave him longer hours of
leisure, and he began to drink deeply. In 1 88 1 while ,

intoxicated, he accosted a sportsman and pretending

to be a police officer, ordered him to give up his gun.
At that moment he was arrested by a genuine
constable and taken to the barracks, where he was
sentenced, without any one's observing his drunken
condition. After his release, he committed other
offences of the same type, which were followed by
confession and repentance.
Chronic Alcoholism. The phenomena developed
by chronic inebriety are, however, still more import-
ant from the point of view of the criminologist
than the immediate effects of alcohol on certain
Physical and Functional Characteristics of Chronic
Inebriety. The habitual drunkard rarely exhibits

traces of congenital degeneracy, but frequently
that of an acquired character, especially paresis,

facial hemiparesis, slight exophthalmia (see Fig. 6),

inequality of the pupils, insensibility to touch and

pain, which is often unilateral, especially in the
tongue, thermoanalgesia, hypersesthesia, experienced
at various points not corresponding to the nervous
territories and modified spontaneously or by esthe-
siogenic agents (Grasset), alphalgesia (sensation of
pain at contact with painless bodies) a deficiency of

urea in the urine, out of proportion to the general

state of nourishment, and a proneness of the symp-
toms to return after trauma, poisoning, agitation, or
serious illness.
The gravest phenomena, however, are atrophy
or degeneration in the liver, heart, stomach, seminal
canaliculi, and central nervous system, which give
rise to serious functional disturbances; most of all,

in the digestion —as manifested by the characteris-

tic gastric catarrh, matutinal vomit and cramp
and in the reproductive system, with resulting
Psychic Disturbances —Hallucinations. The most
frequent and precocious symptoms are delusions
and hallucinations, generally of a gloomy or even
of a terrible nature, and extremely varied and
fleeting, which, like dreams, in nearly every in-
Fig. i6

Italian Criminal
A Case of Alcoholism
(see page 82)

stance arise from recent and strong impressions.

The most characteristic hallucinations are those
which persuade the patient that he experiences the
contact of disgusting vermin, corpses, or other horri-
ble objects. He
gnawed by imaginary worms,

burnt by matches, or persecuted by spies and the


The strange pathological conditions resulting

from chronic alcoholism give rise to other fearful
hallucinations. Cutaneous anesthesia and alcoholic
anaphrodisia make the sufferers fancy they have lost
the generative organs, nose, legs, etc. ; dyspepsia, ex-
haustion, and paresis, that they have been poisoned
or are being persecuted. The reaction following
excessively prolonged stimuli causes furious lype-
mania and gloomy fancies. Sometimes chronic
inebriates believe that they are accused of imaginary
crimes and loaded with chains amid heaps of corpses.
They implore mercy and try to kill themselves in
order to escape from their shame; or they remain
motionless, bewildered, and terrified. Not infre-

quently, because of the profound faith, which, unlike

many other lunatics, they have in their hallucina-
tions, they pass from melancholy broodings to a fit

of mad energy, often of a homicidal or suicidal

nature. They imagine they are struggling with
thieves or wild beasts and hurl themselves from the
window or rush naked through the streets, kilhng
the first person that crosses their path. In some,
this deUrium of energy breaks out suddenly like
an epileptic attack, which it resembles in its brevity
and intensity. With hair standing on end, they
rush about like savage beasts, grinding their teeth,
biting, rending their clothes, or tearing up the sod,
or hurling themselves from some height. These
symptoms are preceded by vertigo, periodical
cephalalgia, and flushing of the face, and are mani-

fested more frequently by those who are already

predisposed through trauma to the head, or through
typhus or heredity, or after great agitation and pro-
longed fasting, and often bear no relation to the
quantity of alcohol imbibed, which may be small,
or to the general physical state; but depend on
cerebral irritation caused by chronic alcoholism.
The attacks may disappear in a few hours without
leaving the slightest recollection in the mind of the

patient (Krafft-Ebing, p. 182). They are, in short,

a species of disguised epilepsy, and thus they may

well be styled, since true alcoholic epilepsy is noted
in many inebriates, specially in absinthe-drinkers.
Apathy. Another characteristic almost invari-

ably found in inebriates who have committed a

crime, is a strange apathy and indifference, a total
lack of concern regarding their state —a trait com-

mon also to ordinary criminals, but in a less marked

degree. They make themselves at home in prison
without showing the faintest interest in their trial

or in the offence which has caused their arrest, and

only when brought before the judge do they rouse
themselves for a moment from their lethargy.
A well-educated man, after a varied career as
doctor, chemist, and clerk, during which time he had
been constantly dismissed from his posts for drunk-
enness, met a policeman in the street and killed
him, in the belief that the officer wanted to arrest
him. When taken to prison, the first thing he did
was to write to his mother begging her to send him
some pomade. When interrogated, he informed
the examining magistrate that the interrogatory was
useless, since he had already chosen a fresh trade,
that of photographer. It was only after several
months of total abstinence in prison, that he began
to come to his senses and to realise the gravity of
his situation. (Tardieu, De la Folie, 1870.)

Contrast between Apathy and Impulsiveness. This

apathy alternates with strange impulses, which,
although strongly at variance with the patient's
former habits, he is unable to control, even when he
is aware that they are criminal.
Crimes peculiar to Inebriates. Since modifica-
tion of the reproductive organs is a common cause of
hallucinations, inebriate criminals frequently suffer
from a species of erotic delirium, during which they
murder those whom they believe guilty of offences
against themselves —generally their wives or mis-
tresses. This is partly owing to the sexual nature
of their hallucinations and partly to the wretched-
ness of their homes, which are in such striking con-
trast to the rosy dreams inspired by alcohol and
which tend to increase the melancholy natural to
drunkards. They imagine they are being deceived
and their impotence derided, the most innocent
gestures being interpreted as deadly insults.
In the prison at Turin, my father had under
observation two of these unfortunate beings, one a
man of sixty and the other quite young. Both had
murdered their wives with the most revolting
cruelty, because they believed them to be unfaith-
ful, although in reality both the women led blame-
less lives.

Course of the Disease. The continued abuse of

alcohol ends at last in complete dementia or general
pseudo-paralysis. The body is at first obese, but
rapidly loses flesh, the skin becomes greasy and
damp, owing to hypersecretion of the sebaceous and
sudoriparous glands, and soils the garments. Mem-
ory becomes enfeebled, speech uncertain and de-
fective (dysarthria) the association of ideas sluggish,

sensibility blunted, perception confused, judgment

erroneous, and every species of regular and continued
application impossible. The earlier hallucinations

reappear, but in a less vivid form and only at long

intervals; then paralysis more or less rapidly be-

comes general and ends in death.


We have spoken of this disease in another chap-

ter and have shown that the born criminal is in

reality an epileptic, in whom the malady, instead
of manifesting itself suddenly in strange muscular
contortions or terrible spasms, develops slowly in
continual brain irritation, which causes the in-

dividual thus affected to reproduce the ferocious

egotism natural to primitive savages, irresistibly
bent on harming others.
But besides these epileptics, who are morally
insane from their birth and pass their lives in prisons
and lunatic asylums, without any one being able to
mark the exact boundary between their perversity
and their irresponsibility; besides these individuals,

whom society has a right, nay a moral obligation, to

remove from its midst because they are ever a source
of danger there are those who are afflicted with other
forms of epilepsy; — forms in which irritation is

manifested in seizures exactly similar to the typical

convulsive fit, which they resemble also with regard
to variation in intensity and duration. Generally
speaking, they are likewise accompanied by com-
plete loss of memory and consciousness, but in some
cases there may be partial or complete conscious-
ness, and yet the sufferer is not responsible for his

actions. This variety of epilepsy, termed by Samt

psychic epilepsy (epilepsy with psychic seizures),
manifests itself at long intervals, sometimes only once,
but more frequently twice or thrice in the course of

a lifetime, and during the attack the personality of

the individual undergoes a complete change.
The attack is described by Samt as follows:
During the seizure, the individual behaves like a
somnambulist. Sometimes he is dazed, mute, and
immovable; at others, he talks incessantly; at
still others, he goes on with his ordinary occupa-
tions, travelling, reading, and writing: but in every

case his personality suffers a complete metamorpho-

sis, his habits, actions, and even handwriting assume

a different character. Sometimes he is seized by a

mania for walking and tramps for miles; at others,

he undertakes interminable railway journeys. Tissie

{Les alienes voyageurs, 1887) cites cases of epileptics

who travelled from Paris to Bombay, who covered
71 kilometres on foot, and who wandered unconscious
for 31 months.

Sometimes epilepsy is manifested only by the

tendency to undertake purposeless journeys, as in

the case of Ferretti and a certain M . . . who visited

the Mahdi in Africa and from thence travelled
aimlessly to Australia.
This ambulatory form of epilepsy is very common
amongst lads of fourteen or fifteen. Scarcely a
week passes without the police receiving informa-
tion from parents that their son has disappeared
from home with only a few pence in his pocket.
The wanderer is discovered later, frequently in some
small provincial town, which he has reached after
tramping aimlessly for days, sleeping in barns, and
living on charity. When questioned, the boy usually
displays total ignorance regarding all that has
happened to him during the interval.
Dr. Maccabruni in his Notes on Hidden Forms of
Epilepsy, 1886, narrates the case of an epileptic,

who during childhood received an injury to his

skull. Later, he started out on a series of wander-
ings to Venice, Padua, Rome, Milan, Monaco, and
Mentone. His journeys, especially those to dis-
tant parts, were undertaken in a state of uncon-
sciousness and generally a short time before the
commencement of a fit.

These attacks may last any length of time,

from a few minutes to several months. In one of
the cases observed by my father, the attack lasted

a fortnight. The patient, a young officer with

whom we were personally acquainted, was one of
the quietest persons possible, but suddenly he was
seized with a mania for writing innumerable letters,
especially on stamped paper, in exaggeratedly
large writing very different from his usual style.

These letters, which were full of absurdities, were

posted by the writer from the different towns he
passed through on his aimless journeyings, which
lasted a whole fortnight. During one of these
seizures, he was arrested as a deserter and was
unable to give any explanation of his conduct.
In this particular patient, the disease assumed the
mild form of absurd letters and still more absurd
journeys, but other individuals in the same state
may commit criminal acts like homicide, equally
without reason or gain to themselves. Once the
fit is passed, these unfortunate individuals have
generally no recollection of their past actions, and
since in their normal state they are quiet, law-
abiding persons, it is extremely difficult to trace
back the deed to the right source, or to discover the
disease, because they show no other symptoms of
epilepsy, apart from the particular criminal act.

Samt describes a still more complicated form of

this psychic seizure, in which the personality is


altered without there being any loss of conscious-

ness. In a case of this kind, a servant, after forty

years of faithful service, murdered his old mistress
during the night, having previously cut all the bell-
wires to prevent communication with the other
servants. He escaped with some valuables, but
returned in a few days and gave himself up to the
police, to whom he gave a detailed account of his
crime without showing either horror or remorse.
He was tried and condemned, and a few months
later was again seized with epileptic fits during one
of which he died. Samt, who saw him in this state,

came to the conclusion that the murder had been

committed during a similar seizure and he was able
to prove that attacks of this kind are not necessarily
accompanied by loss of consciousness.

As in the above case, these psychic attacks are

sometimes accompanied by an insatiable thirst for

blood, destruction and violence of all kinds, as well

as by an extraordinary development of muscular
strength with apparent lucidity of mind. They
may last from a few minutes to half an hour, after
which the patient falls into a sound sleep and for-

gets everything that has happened, or else retains

only a vague recollection.
Such was the case of the epileptic Misdea, which
first suggested to my father the idea of a link between
crime and epilepsy. As this case has become famous
in the annals of crime in Italy, it will perhaps be
of interest to the reader. Misdea, the son of de-
generate parents, manifested a series of typical
epileptic anomalies —^asymmetry, vaso-motor dis-

turbances, impulsiveness, ferocity, etc. At the age

of twenty, while serving in the army, for some
trivial motive he suddenly attacked and killed his

superior officer and eight or ten soldiers who tried

to overpower him. Finally he was bound and
placed in a cell, where he fell into a sound slum-
ber and on awaking had entirely forgotten what
he had done. He was condemned to death, but
my father, who examined him medically, was able
to prove conclusively that the crime had been
committed during an attack of epilepsy.
The physical and psychic characters of this class
of epileptic are those common to all non-criminal
epileptics, and indeed we are justified in considering

them insane rather than criminal, because, with the

exception of the attack, which assumes this terrible
form, they do not manifest criminal tendencies.


Hysteria is a disease allied to epilepsy, of which

it appears to be a milder form, and is much more
common among women than men in the ratio of

twenty to one. The disease may frequently be

traced to hereditary influences, similar to those
found in epilepsy, transmitted by epileptic, neurotic,

or inebriate parents, frequently also, to some trau-

matic or toxic influence, such as typhus, meningitis,
a blow, a fall, or fright.
Physical Characteristics. These are fewer than
in epileptics. The most common peculiarities are
small, obliquely-placed eyes of timid glance, pale,
elongated face, crowded or loosened teeth, nervous
movements of the face and hands, facial asym-
metry, and black hair.
Functional Characteristics. These are of great
importance. Hysterical subjects manifest special
sensibility to the contact of certain metals such
as magnetised iron, copper, and gold. Character-
istic symptoms are the insensibility of the larynx or
the sensation of a foreign body in it {globus hysteri-
cus), neuralgic pains, which disappear with extreme
suddenness, reappearing often on the side opposite
that where they were first felt, the prevalence of
sensory and motor anomalies on one side (hemianaes-
thesia) the confusion of different colours (dyschroma-

topsia); greater sensibility in certain parts of the

body, such as the ovary and the breasts, which when
subjected to pressure give rise to neuropathic phenom-
ena (hysterogenous points) a sense of pleasure in the
presence of pain, the abolition of pharyngeal reflex
action, the absence of the sensation of warmth in
certain parts of the body and a tendency to the so-
called attacks of "hysterics." These characteris-
tics, which are closely allied, if not precisely similar
to those of epilepsy, are preceded by a number
of premonitory symptoms —hallucinations, sudden
change of character, contractions, laryngeal spasms,
strabismus, frequent spitting, inordinate laughter
or yawning, cardiac palpitations, loss of strength,
trembling, anaesthesia and (just before the attack,)
pains in some fixed spot, generally in the head,
ovary, or nape of the neck.
Psychology. The psychological manifestations of
hysterical subjects are of still greater interest and
They show, on the whole, a fair amount of in-

telligence, although little power of concentration.

In disposition they are profoundly egotistical and so

preoccupied with their own persons that they will
do anything to arouse attention and obtain noto-
riety. They are exceedingly impressionable, therefore
easily roused to anger and cruelty, and are prone to
take sudden and unreasonable likes and dislikes.

They are fickle and easily swayed. They take

special delight in slandering others, and when unable
to excite public notice by unfounded accusations, to

which they resort as a means of revenge, they em-

bitter the Hves of those around them by continual
quarrels and dissensions.
Susceptibility to Suggestion. Of still greater im-
portance for the criminologist is the facility with
which hysterical women are dominated by hypnotic
suggestion. Their wills become entirely subordi-
nated to that of the hypnotiser, by whose influence
they can be induced to believe that they have
changed their sex so that they forthwith adopt
habits of the opposite sex, or to entertain idees
fixes —strange, impulsive, or even criminal ideas.

They are, in fact, obedient automatons when under

hypnotic influence, but they cannot be prevailed
upon to perform acts contrary to their nature, to
commit crimes or reveal secrets entrusted to them,
if they are naturally upright.
Variability. Mobility of mood is a still more
salient characteristic of hysteria. The subject
passes with extraordinary rapidity from laughter
to tears "like children," says Richet, "who laugh
immoderately before their tears are dry."
"For one hour," says Sydenham, "they will be
irascible and discontented; the next, they are cheer-

ful and follow their friends about with all the signs
of the old attachment."

Their sensibility is affected by the most trifling

causes. A word will grieve them like some real

misfortune. Their impulses are not lacking in in-

tellectual control, but are followed by action with

excessive rapidity. Although of such changeable
disposition, they are subject to fixed ideas, to which
they cling with a kind of cataleptic intensity. A
woman will be dumb or motionless for months, on
the pretext that speech or motion would injure her.
But this is the only form of constancy they exhibit,

otherwise they are indolent by nature. Sometimes

they will show activity for a few days only to re-
lapse again into idleness.
Erotomania. This is almost a pathognomonical
symptom and is shown in hallucinations and night-
mares of an erotic character, preceded by epigastric

aura. This erotomania is so impulsive that hysteri-

cal women frequently engage in a liaison, from a
desire of adventure or of experiencing sudden emo-
tions. The criminality of the hysterical is always
connected with the sexual functions.
Of twenty-one women found guilty of slander,
nine made false accusations of rape, four accused
their husbands of sexual violence, and one of sodomy.
Such accusations, when made by minors, are gen-
erally full of disgusting details, which would be
repugnant to any adult.
Mendacity. Another peculiarity of hysterical

women is the irresistible tendency to lie, which

leads them to utter senseless falsehoods just for the
pleasure of deceiving and making believe. They
sham suicide and sickness or write anonymous letters
full of inventions. Many, from motives of spite
or vanity, accuse servants of dishonesty, in order
to revel in their disgraceand imprisonment. The
favourite calumny, however, is always an accusation
of indecent behaviour, sometimes made against
their fathers and brothers, but generally against a
priest or medical man. The accusations, in most
cases, are so strange and fantastic as to be quite
unworthy of belief, but sometimes, unfortunately,
they obtain The commonest method
adopted for spreading these calumnies is by means
of anonymous letters. In one case, a young girl of
twenty-five belonging to a distinguished family,
pestered a respectable priest with love-letters and
shortly afterwards accused him of seduction. An-
other girl of eighteen informed the Attorney for the
State that she had frequently been the victim of
immoral priests and accused one of her female
cousins of complicity. According to her story,
while praying at church, a certain Abbot R. . . took
her into the sacristy and entreated her to elope with
him to Spain. She refused indignantly, and hoping
to soften her, he twice stabbed himself in her
presence, whereat she fainted, and on recovering
consciousness, found the priest at her feet, begging
forgiveness. She further accused the same cousin
of having taken her to a convent, where she was
seduced by a priest, the nuns acting as accompHces.
A subsequent medical examination proved that no
seduction had taken place and that she was suffering
from hysteria.
In another case, a girl of sixteen, the daughter of
an Italian general, complained to her father that a
certain lieutenant, her neighbour at table, had used
indecent language to her. Shortly afterwards, a
shower of anonymous letters troubled the peace of
the household —declarations of love addressed to the
girl's mother and threats to the daughter. It was
discovered that the girl herself was the writer of
all these letters.
Anonymous letter-writing is so common among
hysterical persons, that it may be considered a
pathognomonical characteristic. The handwriting
is of a peculiar character, or rather it shows a
peculiar tendency to vary from excessive size to
extreme smallness, a characteristic we have noticed
in epileptics.

Delirium. Hysterical, like epileptic, subjects

often suffer from melancholia or monomaniacal
delirium. Indeed, according to Morel, this symp-

torn is more frequent when the other morbid

phenomena are absent.
Psychic hysteria, like epilepsy, may exist un-
accompanied by the characteristic hysterical at-

tack, and then, as is the case with epilepsy, it is

most dangerous to society.

In conclusion, although up to the present, medi-

cal men have been disposed to consider hysteria as a
disease distinct from epilepsy, careful study of this
malady inclined my father to class it as a variation
of epilepsy, prevalent among women, who in this

disease, as in many others, manifest an attenuated



\\T'E have seen how, owing to disease, alcohoHsm

and epilepsy, physically and psychically de-
generate individuals make their appearance in a
community of normal persons. But a large pro-
portion of the crimes committed cannot be attributed
to lunatics, epileptics, or the morally insane, nor do
all show that aggregate of
criminals atavistic and

morbid characters, the cruelty and bestial insen-
sibility of the savage, the impulsiveness of the
epileptic, the licentiousness, delusions, and impetu-
osity of the madman, —which we find united in the
bom criminal.
According to statistics obtained by my father, the

share contributed to the sum total of criminality by

this latter type is only 33%, which appears to be a
magic figure for the criminal, since it corresponds to
the percentage of the histological anomaly discovered
by Roncoroni and to that of all important anomalies,

including those of the field of vision. But besides

this percentage of born criminals, doomed even be-
fore birth to a career of crime, whom all educational
efforts fail to redeem and who therefore should be
segregated at once; besides the epileptic, hysterical,
and inebriate lunatics and those insane from alcohol-
isation, of whom we have already spoken, there
remain a number of criminals, amounting to a full

half, in whom the virus is, so to speak, attenuated,

who, although they are epileptoids, suffer from a
milder form of the disease, so that without some
adequate cause {causa criminis) criminality is not
manifested. The inhibitory centres are somewhat
obtuse, but not altogether absent, so that a healthy
environment, careful training, habits of industry,
the inculcation of moral and humane sentiments may
prevent these individuals from yielding to dishonest
impulses, provided always that no special tempta-
tion to sin comes in their path.
We have said that education is not sufficient
to convert a criminal into an honest man. Con-
versely, trials and difficulties and the want of edu-
cation are powerless to make a criminal of an honest
individual. Hypnotism, the most powerful means
of suggestion possible, cannot induce a good man to
commit a crime during the hypnotic sleep, but vicious
training has an enormous influence on weak natures,


who are candidates for good or evil according to
circumstances. Such individuals were classified by
my father as criminaloids
Physical Characteristics. Criminaloids have no
special skeletal, anatomical, or functional peculiarities.
As the criminaloid represents a milder type of the
born criminal, he may possess the same physical
defects in the skull, hair, beard, ears, eyes, teeth, lips,

joints, hands, and feet, as well as all the sensory

anomalies, lessened sensibility to touch and pain,
hyper-sensibility to the magnet and barometrical
variations, etc.; but all these anomalies are never
found in the same proportion as in born criminals;
that is, criminaloids never manifest the aggregate of
physical and psychic peculiarities which distinguish
born criminals and the morally insane. On the
other hand, we find in criminaloids certain charac-

teristics, such as premature greyness and baldness,

etc., which are never exhibited by the born criminal.
The real distinction between the criminaloid and the
born criminal is psychological rather than physical.
Psychological Characteristics. The difference be-

tween born criminals and criminaloids becomes ap-

parent directly on considering the age at which the
latter enter on their anti-social career and the mo-
tives which cause them to adopt it. While the
born criminal begins to perpetrate crimes from the

very cradle, so to speak, and always for very trivial

motives, the criminaloid commits his initial offence

later in life and always for some adequate reason.
A criminal of this attenuated type, a certain Sal-
vador, without cranial or facial anomalies, had led
an honest life for many years, but on returning home
after a prolonged absence on business, he found his
house ransacked by his wife, who had deserted him.
From that time he seems to have deliberately adopted
a career of dishonesty, as the leader of a band of
In another case, an engraver who showed no
pathological anomalies, except excessive frontal
sinuses, was ordered by a society to strike a medal
for them. This happened to be exactly similar to
a coin current in his country and the coincidence
incited him to the making of counterfeit coin.
But the most characteristic case, which aroused
much interest in its time, is that of Olivo. He was
a man of handsome appearance, with normal olfac-
tory acuteness and sensibility to touch and pain.
He had, however, inherited from neurotic and insane
forebears secondary epileptic phenomena, which sub-
sequently developed into convulsive epilepsy, and
certain indications of degeneracy (facial and cranial
asymmetry, abnormal capillary vortices and length
of arm, scotoma in the field of vision and exaggerated
tendinous reflex action) . Up to the age of thirty he
led an irreproachable life; in fact, he was scrupulous
to excess, and this, coupled with pronounced conceit
and stinginess, was his only fault. He married a
woman of common origin, who was not really de-

praved, but she was coarse and unfaithful, and, worst

of all in his eyes, unscrupulous and wasteful. These
defects, and her habits of lying and trickery em-
bittered the poor man's existence. One night, feeling
very ill, probably owing to an approaching seizure,
he appealed to his wife for assistance and received
an unfeeling reply, whereupon he sprang out of bed,
picked up a knife and stabbed her. Afterwards he
fell into a deep sleep. In order to obliterate all

traces of the crime, he cut the corpse into small

pieces, packed it into a portmanteau and threw it into
the sea. Two months later, when he was arrested,
he immediately made a full confession, showing deep
repentance and sincere attachment to his victim,
whose merits he celebrated poem of his own
in a
composition. At the trial, he made no attempt to
defend himself; during the hearing of evidence,
which appeared greatly to agitate him, he was seized
with an epileptic fit. He was absolved by the jury
and returned to his former peaceful occupation of
bookkeeper, nor did he again come into conflict
with the law.

Reluctance to Commit Crimes. Another trait char-

acteristic of criminaloids is the hesitation they show
before committing a crime, especially the first time,
when it is not done, as in the above mentioned case,
during an epileptic seizure.
Feuerbach's fine collection contains a description
of the brothers Kleinroth, whose father cruelly ill-

treated and starved his wife and family while lavish-

ing hismoney on low women and their bastards.
The sons were unwilling to run away and leave
the invalid mother to bear the brunt of her hus-
band's fury, and while they were in this terrible
situation, a certain individual offered to assassinate
their tormentor. After great hesitation this offer
was accepted; when arrested, the youths immedi-
ately confessed their complicity and manifested
deep repentance.
Confession. The criminaloid is easily induced to
confess his misdeed.
A certain C. . . on returning from abroad, found
his former mistress married to his father. The pair
resumed their liaison, but after a time, fearing a
scandal, the woman threatened to drown herself
unless her lover could find some means of adjusting
matters on a satisfactory basis. C. . ., who disliked
him and disappeared with the
his father, poisoned

widow taking with him a few valuables belonging to

his father. A year later, the woman having died
meanwhile, he returned home and made full con-
fession, first to his sister and subsequently in
Moral Sense — Intelligence. In the place of a
weak, clouded, or unbalanced mind and that cynicism
and absence of moral sense and natural feelings which
distinguish born criminals of the most elevated type
and even geniuses, criminaloids generally possess
lucidity and balance of mind and may show them-
selves worthy of guiding the destinies of a nation.
The men implicated in the French Panama Scandal
and the case of the Banca Romana (Bank of Rome)
are instances. When under a cloud of disgrace, in-

stead of that insensibility, cynicism, or levity common

to true criminals, they show deep sorrow, shame,
and remorse, which not infrequently result in serious

illness or death. Their natural affections and other

sentiments are normal.
It is notorious, too, that as soon as accusations
were made against those implicated in the French
Panama Scandal and the affair of the Bank of Rome,
the greater number became ill and two died suddenly
at the end of the trial.
Unlike born criminals, criminaloids manifest deep
repugnance towards common offenders. They de-
mand solitary confinement and forego exercise, the

only recreation prison life affords, in order to avoid

all contact with their fellow-prisoners.

Social Position and Culture of the Criminaloid.
Criminaloids, as we have seen, are recruited from all

ranks of society and strike every note in the scale of

criminality, from petty larceny to complicated and
premeditated murder, from minting spurious coins to
compassing gigantic frauds, which inflict incalculable
damage upon the community. The magnitude of
a crime does not imply greater criminality on the
part of its author, but rather that he is a man of
brilliant endowments, whose culture and talents
multiply his opportunities and means for evil. In
all cases where opportunity plays an important part,
the crime must necessarily be committed by individ-
uals exposed to special temptations: cashiers who
handle other people's money, which they may be
tempted to spend with the illusory idea of being able

what they have taken, officials and

later to replace
public men, who possess a certain amount of power
and an apparent impunity, and bankers who are
entrusted with wealth belonging to others, of which
in that capacity they are accustomed to make use.
Thus is explained why men of great talent and
only slight criminal tendencies have taken part in
gigantic frauds, such as the affairs of the Bank of
Rome and the French Panama Canal.
A characteristic case is that of Lord S , First
Lord of the Treasury, who committed forgeries to
the extent of half a miUion sterUng. "No torture,"
he writes, "would be an adequate punishment for
my crime. Step by step, I have become the author
of innumerable misdeeds and ruined more than ten
thousand families. With less talent and greater
uprightness, I might be now what I once was, an
honest man. Now remorse is in vain."
In Lord S we find united all the character-
istics of the criminaloid: repentance, the desire to
confess, irreproachable antecedents, a strong incen-
tive to dishonesty, and great intelligence.

Although the damage inflicted on society by this

man was probably far greater than any evil wrought

by a vulgar born criminal could have been, his crim-
inality is nevertheless of an attenuated type. The
mischief he wrought owed its gravity, not to the
intensity of his criminal tendencies, but to his
remarkable talents, which increased his power for
evil as for good.

In this category of criminals must be inscribed

those clever swindlers, who set the whole world
talking of their exploits: Madame Humbert, Lemoine,
and the cobbler-captain of Kopenick.
Sometimes, especially in political or commercial
criminals, we find cases of an auto-illusion, of which


the author of the crime is as much a victim as the

pubHc. Sometimes it is some device or mechanism
which an inventor is convinced he has invented
or is about to invent, an enterprise, in which the
promoter imagines he will gain enormous wealth.
Sometimes it is a trick in which the cupidity of the
victims and their readiness to swallow promises of
large and immediate profits play as important a
part as the ability of the swindler. Sometimes it is

a gigantic hoax, in which the deviser himself becomes

keenly interested and for the carrying out of which he
spends as much talent and energy as would suffice,

if employed honestly, to acquire considerable wealth

but the swindler delights in his ingenious fraud as
though he were taking part in some thrilling drama.
A typical instance is that of a certain C. . . who was
imprisoned about twenty years ago for defrauding a
woman. My father undertook to cure him while
in prison and was able to follow him in his subsequent
career. This C . was a young man of good
. .

and a good linguist. His

family, intelligent, honest,
countenance was pleasing and bore no trace of pre-
cocious criminality. At the age of twenty he devel-
oped an unrestrained love of gambling and in order
marry a rich woman
to indulge this vice, promised to
considerably older than himself, from whom he
borrowed large sums, on the understanding that they
should be paid back. However, shortly afterwards,
he fell in love with a young girl and married her.
His ex-fiancee brought legal action against him
and he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment.
During this time he shrank from seeing anybody
and refused to exercise in order to avoid all contact
with his fellow-prisoners. He showed great affection
for his wife and declared his intention of turning

over a new leaf. The had committed,

offence he
however seemed to cause him little or no regret, be-
cause, as he said, he would never have continued the
deception had not his victim shown such willingness
to be gulled. From prison he went to London, where
lack of funds caused him to perpetrate another
swindle, but this time he was able to escape to Naples.
Here for twelve years, he worked honestly in a
large hotel, but once again a pressing need of
money made him engage in a third fraud of con-
siderable importance, for which he is still under-
going imprisonment.

Habitual Criminals

The degrading influence of prison life and contact

with vulgar criminals, or the abuse of alcohol, to
which better natures frequently have recourse in
order to stifle the pangs of conscience, may cause
criminaloids who have committed their initial of-

fences with repugnance and hesitation, to develop

later into habitual criminals, —that is, individuals
who regard systematic violation of the law in the
light of an ordinary trade or occupation and commit
their offences with indifference.
Physically, habitual criminals do not resemble
born criminals, but they exhibit some of the char-
acteristics of those offenders from whom their
ranks are recruited, besides, in a more marked
degree, certain acquired characters, like sinister

wrinkles and a shifty and sneaking look.

Psychologically, criminaloids tend to resemble
born criminals, whose habits, tastes, slang, tattooing,

orgies, idleness, etc., they gradually develop, in the

same way as old couples, living isolated in the
country, adopt identical habits, gestures, and tone
of voice.
The type of criminaloid, who develops into an
habitual criminal is well illustrated by the case of
Eyraud, who in conjunction with Gabrielle Bom-
par d, murdered Gouffre and packed the corpse in
a trunk. Through his marked weakness for women,
Eyraud became successively a deserter, a thief, and
a murderer. He certainly possessed a few of the
characteristics peculiar to degenerates — ^long, pro-
jecting ears, excessive development, amounting to
asymmetry, of the left frontal sinus, prognathism,
exaggerated brachycephaly, and the span of the
arms exceeding the total height, but he had not
the general criminal type, his teeth were regular,
beard abundant, and hair scanty.
His psychology corresponds exactly to his physical
individuality. During infancy and youth, he showed
nothing abnormal, except an unusual predominance
of the sexual instincts. He exhibited no signs of that
love of evil for its own sake, so characteristic of
criminals, above all, of murderers. According to all

accounts, he was a jovial individual, fond of making

merry, but at the same time, brusque and violent
and easily roused to passionate fury. His extreme
susceptibility to the attractions of the opposite sex
made him regardless of all moral considerations. In
order to gratify this weakness, he became a deserter,
dissipated all the money he had earned in a dis-
tillery and as a dealer in skins, and finally committed
murder. At his trial, it was shown that before his

escape to America, he had attempted to kill a woman

who refused to leave her husband for him. He be-
came violently enamoured of his accomplice, Ga-
brielle Bompard, to whom, like many criminaloids, he

was attracted by reason of her greater depravity.

The extreme levity displayed by Eyraud seems
to be the strongest link between him and the born
criminal. He passed with extraordinary facility

from gaiety to melancholy. His intellect was well

developed, he spoke three or four languages, and was
successful in most things he undertook, though he
seems to have been incapable of remaining constant
to anything for long. As a business man he wasted
his capital,and even in the execution of his crimes
he showed frivolity and incoherence. At Lyons, he
hired a carriage, in which he placed the corpse of
Gouffre and after driving about the streets with
Gabrielle Bompard like a madman, left the body
of his victim in a spot near which people were
constantly passing.
Eyraud appears to have been a dissolute crim-
inaloid whose unbridled passions and connection
with Gabrielle Bompard caused him to develop into
an habitual criminal. This diagnosis is confirmed
by the absence of morbid heredity.
It would be futile to cite a long series of cases,
in which, although the details may vary, we always
find the same phenomenon, the gradual development
of a criminaloid into a criminal. It will suffice to

name a large class of criminals, in whom this phe-

nomenon may often be observed the — brigands

common to Spain and Italy.
These outlaws, and particularly their leaders,

notwithstanding the gravity of their offences, are

seldom born criminals, nor do they (except in rare
. "


cases) begin their career at a very early age. They
possess, moreover, good qualities' and are capable
of affection, generosity, and chivalry, which explains
why their memories are cherished by the common
people long after good and law-abiding men have
been forgotten.
The brigand Mandrin, known as the "Smuggler
General" is remembered with love and affection in
Dauphine and other regions of France, Switzerland,
and Savoy; and this feeling is easy to understand,
since he was the enemy of the "fermiers generaux,
who, in the eighteenth century, leased from the
French Government the right to levy excise duties,
and sorely oppressed the people.
Louis Mandrin, who in early life showed no signs
became a
of perversity nor possessed criminal traits,
bandit, because he by
had been unjustly treated
these same "fermiers generaux" who refused him
payment for work done. He became the chief of a
small band of smugglers and spread terror among
excise officers and gendarmes. He used to bring
smuggled goods openly into the vicinity of villages

and towns and invite the people to buy them, and

the buying and selling went on without either
gendarmes' or excise officers' daring to interfere.
The Administration of the "fermiers generaux"
' As in the case of the Sicilian brigand Salomone (see Fig. 19)

^«i*tnn i
iPj ni»^efl>^



promulgated a terrible edict against all purchasers

of contraband goods ; whereupon Mandrin, who was

not without a sense of humour, declared he would
force the Administrat'on itself to buy the merchan-
dise, and from time to t'me he would oblige the
excise officers to buy smuggled wares at a fair price.

The brigand Gasparone (Fig. 20), whose memory

is still held in great esteem by Sicilians, was an in-

dividual of much the same disposition.

Juridical Criminals

This category comprises individuals who break

the law, not because of any natural depravity,
nor owing to distressing circumstances, but by
mere accident. They may be divided into two

First, the authors of accidental misdeeds, such as

involuntary homicide or arson, who are not con-
sidered criminal by public opinion or by anthro-
pologists, but who are obliged by the law to make

compensation for the damage caused. Naturally,

this class of law-breaker is in no way distin-
guishable, physically or psychically, from normal
individuals, except that he is generally lacking in
prudence, care, and forethought.
Second, the authors of offences, which do not
cause any damage socially, nor are they considered
criminal by the general public, but have been deemed
such by the law, in obedience to some dominat- '

ing opinion or prejudice. Bad language, seditious

writings, atheism, drunkenness, evasion of customs,
and any violation of petty by-laws come under this

head. Instances of such offences are too well known

to need citation. They may best be summed up in
the words of an American judge, who pointed out
how easy it would be to sentence the most honest
citizen of the Republic to imprisonment for a hundred
years and fines exceeding a thousand dollars for
breaking a number of petty local regulations against
spitting, drinking, disrobing near a window, swear-
ing, opening places of amusement on Sunday, or
employing persons on certain days or under certain
conditions prohibited by the law, etc.
Although persons who commit these acts are often
in no wise distinguishable from ordinary individuals,
both criminals and criminaloids are more often guilty
of such offences than are normal persons, who in-

stinctively avoid coming into conflict with the law.

The difficulty of judging these misdeeds lies in the
necessity for careful weighing of the motive which
gives rise to them, whether, that is, they have been
unwittingly committed by an honest individual, or
whether they are but an item in the long list of
offences perpetrated by a criminal. This differential


diagnosis should be based principally on the ante-

cedents of the offender.
To this group belong also the authors of more
serious infractions of the law that are not generally
considered such at the time, or in the district in
which they take place. Misdeeds of this nature are
thefts of fuel in rural districts, poaching, the petty
dishonesty current in commerce and in certain pro-
fessions, and in countries where secret societies like
the camorra at Naples and the mafia in Sicily, exist,
a connection with such organisations, which to a
certain extent is necessary in self-defence. Such, too,
are theft and homicide during revolutions, insur-
rections, wars, and the conquest and exploitation
of new territories and mines.
Rochef ort and Whitman have pointed out that dur-
ing the gold-fever in Australia and California there
was an enormous increase in crime. Individuals
of good antecedents engaged in deadly struggles for
the possession of the most valuable territories, and
unbridled orgies followed these bloody affrays.
During the expedition of Europeans to China in

1900, looting was carried on by soldiers of previously

blameless career.

Criminals of Passion

This type of criminal, if indeed such he may be

called, represents the antithesis of the common
offender, whose evil acts are the outcome of his fero-
cious and egotistical impulses, whereas criminals from
passion are urged to violate the law by a pure spirit of
altruism. In fact, they stand in no relation whatso-
ever to ordinary delinquents, and it is only by a
legislative compromise that they are classed together.
They represent the ultra-violet ray of the criminal
spectrum, of which the vulgar criminal represents
the ultra-red. Not only are they free from the
egotism, insensibility, laziness, and lack of moral
sense peculiar to the ordinary criminal, but their
abnormality consists in the excessive development
of noble qualities, sensibility, altruism, integrity,
affection, which if carried to an extreme, may
result in actions forbidden by law, or worse still,

dangerous to society.
Physical Characteristics. These, too, are in com-
plete contrast to those of the born criminal. The
countenance is frequently handsome, with lofty
forehead, serene and gentle expression, and the
beard is abundant. The sensibility is extremely
acute; there is a high degree of excitability and
exaggerated reflex action, all characteristics of the

normal (or rather hypernormal) individual, from

whom nothing distinguishes the criminal of passion
except the anti-social effects of his action.

Psychology. Here, as in all physical character-

istics, criminals of passion are scarcely distinguish-
able from their fellow-men, except that we find in
an excessive degree those qualities we consider pecu-
liar to good and holy persons — love, honour, noble

ambitions, patriotism. In fact, the motive of the

crime is always adequate, frequently noble, and
sometimes sublime. Love prompts certain natures to
kill those who insult their beloved ones or are the
cause of their dishonour and, in some cases, even
the object of their affection who proves unfaithful.
Crimes of this character are the murder by brothers
of the man who dishonours their sister, the murder
of an infant by its unmarried mother, the murder of
an unfaithful wife by her husband. Sometimes the
rnotive is a patriotic one, as in the cases of Charlotte
Corday, Orsini Sand, and Caserio (Fig. 21) all of
whom had been persons of gentle disposition and
blameless conduct up to the moment of their
This class of offender not infrequently commits
suicide after his crime, or, if this is prevented, he
seeks to expiate it by long years of remorse and
self-inflicted martyrdom.
The deed is almost always unpremeditated and
committed publicly, without accomplices and with
the simplest means at hand —be they nails, teeth,
scissors, or a stick. The previous career is always
Cumano, Verano, Guglielmotti, Harry, Curti,
Milani, Brenner, Mari, Zucca, Bechis, Bouley, Tacco,
Berruto and Sand, and Camicia, Vinci, and Leoni
(these last three women), all attacked their victims
single-handed and in public.
In the case of Chalanton, the woman he had
rescued by marriage from a low life, not content with
betraying her benefactor, covered him in public with
abuse and persecuted him with anonymous accusa-
tions. His demand for a separation was unsuccessful
and at last, finding himself, in spite of his integrity,
involved in a scandalous action, in which his wife
figured as a go-between, and tormented by public
curiosity and the implacable questionings of re-
porters, he murdered the cause of all his misfortunes.
Another murderer, Del Prete, was prompted to kill

his victim, an old woman with a reputation for

witchcraft, because he believed she had caused the
illness of his mother, to whom he was greatly
The motive for the crime is generally a serious
one and in most cases immediately precedes it.

Bouley committed his crime only a few hours after

receiving the news which prompted it; Bounin,
Bechis, and Verano, only a few minutes; Milani,
Fig. 21

Brigand Caserio
(see page 119)

twenty -four hours, Zucca eight hours; Curti, a few

days. Thus the crime is seldom premeditated, or
if so, for only a short space of time, never for
months or years.
Homicide forms 91% of the criminality of this
group of offenders. There is a certain proportion
also of infanticide, owing to the prevailing prejudice
which condemns immorality more harshly when the
results are evident. Arson and theft form only 2%.
Such cases are however possible. A young girl,

whom my had under observation in prison,

seeing her family in dire poverty, committed arson
in order to get the insurance money.
In another case a woman of refinement, education,
and of gentle disposition, who had fallen from pro-
sperity into extreme want, stole in order to pay her
son's school-fees. When arrested, she refused to
give her name so that the lad should not be dis-
honoured, and her identity might never have been
discovered had she not been recognised by a law-
yer in court. She died of a broken heart a few days
after her trial.




I N order to determine the origin of actions which

we call criminal, we shall be forced to hark
back to a very remote period in the history of
the human race. In all the epochs of which re-
cords exist, we find traces of criminal actions. In
fact, we study minutely the customs of savage

peoples, past and present, we find that many acts

that are now considered criminal by civilised na-
tions were legitimate in former times, and are to-

day reputed such among primitive races.

According to Pictet the Latin word crimen is

derived from the Sanscrit karman, which signifies

action corresponding to kri to do. This is contra-
dicted by Vanicek who derives it from kru, to hear,
croemen At any rate, the
(accusation). Sanscrit
word apaz, which means sin, corresponds
to apas,
work {opus) the Latin facinus derives from facere,

and ctdpa according to Pictet and Pott, from the

Sanscrit kalp, to do or execute. The Latin word fur


(thief) which Vanicek derives from bahr, to carry, the

Hebrew ganav and the Sanscrit sten only signify to

put aside, to hide, to cover {gonav). The Greek
word peirao {Tteipaoo) from which pirate is derived,
signifies to risk; the Greek chleptein {x^Enreiv) to
hide or steal, is derived from the Sanscrit harp-hlap
to hide and steal (Vanicek)

In India, from Ceylon to the Himalayas, in-

fanticide is by religion, not only among the
more barbarous races, but also among the Rajputs,
the nobles, who think themselves dishonoured if one
of their daughters remains unmarried. The inhab-
itants of the Island of Tikopia, kill more male
children than female, a fact that accounts for their
practice of polygamy.
Marco Polo speaks of the infanticide practised in
Japan and China, which was then, as it is now, a
means of regulating the population. The same

practice common to Bushmen, Hottentots, Fijians,
also existed among the natives of Hawaii and
America. In the Island of Tahiti, according to the
testimony of missionaries, two thirds of the children
born are destroyed by their parents.
"Amongst the Guaranys," says D'Azara, "mothers
kill a large proportion of their female infants, in
order that the survivors may be more highly
valued." (Travels in America, 1835.)
. ;


The Carthaginians had originally the custom of

offering the noblest and most beautiful children to

Kronos (Moloch), but later victims were always
bought and bred for the purpose. After their de-
feat at the hand of Agathokles they sacrificed two
hundred children belonging to the noblest Cartha-
ginian families, in order to appease the Divine wrath.
Phoenicians, Egyptians, Cretans, Cypriotes, Rho-
dians, and Persians had similar practices.
Among the Lydians, the sacred courtesans were
so numerous and wealthy that their contributions
to the Mausoleum of Alyattes exceeded those of the
artists and merchants combined (Herodotus, Bookl.)
in Armenia (Strabo XII.) the priestesses alone were
permitted to practise polyandry, and in Media,
a woman boasting of five husbands was greatly
honoured, which shows that polyandry was not only
allowed, but esteemed.
In Thibet, the eldest male of a family shares his
wife with his brothers, the whole family live in the
bride's house and the children inherit from her.
Among the Todas, the wife espouses all her hus-
band's younger brothers as they attain their major-
ity, and they in their turn become the husbands of
her younger sisters (Short)
Among the Nairs, a noble negro caste of Mala-
bar, it is customary for one woman to have five or
six husbands, the maximum number allowed being
In Egypt, the business of thief was a recognised
one. Those who wished to exercise this calling in-
scribed their names on a public tablet, collected
all the stolen goods in one spot and restored them
to their owners in exchange for a certain coin.
The ancient Germans encouraged the youthful por-
tion of the population to make raids on the pro-
perty of neighbouring peoples, so that they should not
develop habits of idleness. Thucydides states that
the Greeks, as well as the barbarous peoples inhab-
iting the islands and along the coasts, were pirates,

and the calling was a noble one.

Amongst Spartans, as is well known, theft was
allowed, but the unlucky marauder who was caught
in the act, was punished, not for the deed itself, but
for his want of skill. In East Africa, according
to Burton {First Footsteps in East Africa, p. 176),
robbery is considered honourable. In Caramanza
(Portuguese Guinea) in Africa, side by side with the
peaceful rice-cultivating Bagnous dwell the Balantes
who subsist upon the chase and the spoils of their

raids. While they kill the individual who presumes

to steal in his native village, they encourage depreda-
tions upon the other tribes {Revue d' Anthropologic,

1874). The cleverest thieves are greatly esteemed,


are paid for instructing boys in their profession, and

are chosen to lead the expeditions.
In India the tribe Zaklca Khel is devoted to this
dishonest calling, and at birth every male child is

consecrated to thievish practices by a peculiar cere-

mony, in which the new-born infant is passed through
a breach in the wall of his father's house, whilst the
words "Become a thief" are chanted three times in

chorus. Amongst the ancient Germans, according

to Tacitus, thefts perpetrated outside the boundary
of the tribe itself were by no means infamous. In the
midst of a great assembly, the chief called upon those
he wished to follow him; they showed their willing-
ness by rising to their feet amid the applause of the

crowd. Those who refused to take part were looked

upon as deserters and traitors (Spencer, Principles of

Ethics, 1895). Among the Comanches (Miilhausen,

Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Pacific)
no man was considered worthy of being numbered
among the warriors of the tribe, unless he had taken
part in some successful pillaging expedition. The
cleverest thieves were the most respected members of
the tribe. No Patagonian is deemed worthy of a wife
unless he has graduated in the art of despoiling a
stranger (Snow, Two Years' Cruise' round Tierra del
Fuego). Among the Kukis (Dalton, Descriptive Eth-
nolgy of Bengal) skill in stealing is the most esteemed
talent. In Mongolia {G\\m.our , Among the Mongols),

thieves are regarded as respectable members of the

community, provided they steal cleverly and escape

Criminality in Children

The criminal instincts common to primitive sav-

ages would be found proportionally in nearly all

children, if they were not influenced by moral train-

ing and example. This does not mean that without
educative restraints, all children would develop into
criminals. According to the observations made by
Prof. Mario Carrara at Cagliari, the bands of
neglected children who run wild in the streets of
the Sardinian capital and are addicted to thievish
practices and more serious vices, spontaneously
correct themselves of these habits as soon as they
have arrived at puberty.
This fact, that the germs of moral insanity and
criminality are found normally in mankind in the
first stages of his existence, in the same way as forms

considered monstrous when exhibited by adults, fre-

quently exist in the foetus, is such a simple and
common phenomenon that it eluded notice until it
was demonstrated clearly by observers like Moreau,
Perez, and Bain. The child, like certain adults,
whose abnormality consists in a lack of moral


sense, represents what is known to alienists as a

morally insane being and to criminologists as a born
criminal, and it certainly resembles these types in its
impetuous violence.
Perez {Psychologic de F enfant, 2d ed., 1882) re-
marks on the frequency and precocity of anger in

"During the first two months, it manifests by movements

of the eyebrows and hands undoubted fits of temper when
undergoing any distasteful process, such as washing or when
deprived of any object it takes a fancy to. At the age of
one, it goes to the length of striking those who incur its dis-

pleasure, of breaking plates or throwing them at persons it

dislikes, exactly like savages."

Moreau {De r Homicide chez les cnfants, 1882) cites

numerous cases of children who fly into a passion
if their wishes are not complied with immediately.
In one instance observed by him a very intelligent
child of eight, when reproved, even in the mildest
manner by his parents or strangers, would give way
to violent anger, snatching up the nearest weapon,
or if he found himself unable to take revenge, would
break anything he could lay his hands on.
A baby girl showed an extremely violent temper,
but became of gentle disposition after she had reached
the age of two (Perez). Another, observed by the
same author, when only eleven months old, flew into
a towering rage, because she was unable to pull off
her grandfather's nose. Yet another, at the age of
two, tried to bite another child who had a doll like

her own, and she was so much affected by her anger

that she was ill for three days afterwards.
Nino Bixio, when a boy of seven ( Vita, Guerzoni,

1880) on seeing his teacher laugh because he had

written his exercise on office letter-paper, threw the
inkstand at the man's face. This boy was literally

the terror of the school, on account of the violence

he displayed at the slightest offence.

Infants of seven or eight months have been known

to scratch at any attempt to withdraw the breast from
them, and to retaliate when slapped.
A backward and slightly hydrocephalous boy
whom my father had under observation, began at the
age of six to show violent irritation at the slightest
reproof or correction. If he was able to strike the
person who had annoyed him, his rage cooled im-

mediately; if not, he would scream incessantly and

bite his hands with gestures similar to those often
witnessed in caged bears who have been teased and
cannot retaliate.

The above show that the desire for revenge

is extremely common and precocious in children.
Anger is an elementary instinct innate in human

beings. It should be guided and restrained, but can

never be extirpated.
Children are quite devoid of moral sense during
the first months or first years of their existence.
Good and evil in their estimation are what is allowed
and what is forbidden by their elders, but they are
incapable of judging independently of the moral
value of an action.
"Lying and disobedience are very wrong," said a
boy to Perez, "because they displease mother."
Everything he was accustomed to was right and
A child does not grasp abstract ideas of justice,
or the rights of property, until he has been deprived
of some possession. He is prone to detest injustice,
especially when he is the victim. Injustice, in his
estimation, is the discord between a habitual mode of

treatment and an accidental one. When subjected

to altered conditions, he shows complete uncertainty.
A child placed under Perez's care modified his ways
according to each new arrival. He began ordering
his companions about and refused to obey any one
but Perez.
Affection is very slightly developed in children.
Their fancy is easily caught by a pleasing exterior or
by anything that contributes to their amusement;
like domestic animals that they enjoy teasing and
pulling about, and they exhibit great antipathy to
unfamiliar objects that inspire them with fear. Up
to the age of seven or even after, they show very
little real attachment to anybody. Even their
mothers, whom they appear to love, are speedily
forgotten after a short separation.
In conclusion, children manifest a great many of
the impulses we have observed in criminals; anger,
a spirit of revenge, idleness, volubility and lack of

We have also pointed out that many actions

considered criminal in civilised communities, are
normal and legitimate practices among primitive
races. It is evident, therefore, that such actions are
natural to the early stages, both of social evolution
and individual psychic development.
In view of these facts, it is not strange that civil-

ised communities should produce a certain percent-

age of adults who commit actions reputed injurious
to society and punishable by law. It is only an
atavistic phenomenon, the return to a former state.

In the criminal, moreover, the phenomenon is accom-

panied by others also natural to a primitive stage of
evolution. These have already been referred to in
the first chapter, which contains a description of
many strange practices common to delinquents, and
evidently of primitive origin — tattooing, cruel games,
Fig. 22

Terra-cotta Buwls
Designed by a Criminal
(see page 135)

love of orgies, a peculiar slang resembling in certain

features the languages of primitive peoples, and the
use of hieroglyphics and pictography.
The artistic manifestations of the criminal show
the same characteristics. In spite of the thousands
of years which separate him from prehistoric sav-
ages, his art is a faithful reproduction of the first,

crude artistic attempts of primitive races. The

museum of criminal anthropology created by my
father contains numerous specimens of criminal art,
stones shaped to resemble human figtires, like those
found in Australia, rude pottery covered with designs
that recall Egyptian decorations (Fig. 22) or scenes
fashioned in terra-cotta (Fig. 22^) that resemble the
grotesque creations of children or savages.
The criminal is an atavistic being, a relic of a
vanished race. This is by no means an uncommon
occurrence in nature. Atavism, the reversion to a
former state, is the first feeble indication of the reac-
tion opposed by nature to the perturbing causes which
seek to alter her delicate mechanism. Under certain
unfavourable conditions, cold or poor soil, the com-
mon oak will develop characteristics of the oak of
the Quaternary period. The dog left to run wild in
the forest will in a few generations revert to the type
of his original wolf -like progenitor, and the cultivated
garden roses when neglected show a tendency to
reassume the form of the original dog-rose. Under
special conditions produced by alcohol, chloroform,
heat, or injuries, ants, dogs, and pigeons become
irritable and savage like their wild ancestors.

This tendency to alter under special conditions is

common to human beings, in whom hunger, syphi-

lis, trauma, and, more frequently, morbid con-

ditions inherited from insane, criminal, or diseased

progenitors, or the abuse of nerve poisons, such as
alcohol, tobacco, or morphine, cause various altera-
tions, of which criminality —that is, a return to the
characteristics peculiar to primitive savages — is in
reality the least serious, because it represents a
less advanced stage than other forms of cerebral
The aetiology of crime, therefore, mingles with
that of all kinds of degeneration: rickets, deafness,
monstrosity, hairiness, and cretinism, of which crime
is only a variation. It has, however, always been
regarded as a thing apart, owing to a general in-
stinctive repugnance to admit that a phenomenon,
whose extrinsications are so extensive and penetrate
every fibre of social life, derives, in fact, from the
same causes as socially insignificant forms like
rickets, sterility, etc. But this repugnance is really

only a sensory illusion, like many others of widely

diverse nature.
Fig. 23

Art Production from Prison

(see page 135)

Fig. 24

A Combat between Brigands and Gendarmes

Designed by a Criminal
(see page 135)

Pathological Origin of Crime. The atavistic ori-

gin of crime is certainly one of the most important
discoveries of criminal anthropology, but it is im-
portant only theoretically, since it merely explains
the phenomenon. Anthropologists soon realised how
necessary it was to supplement this discovery by
that of the origin, or causes which call forth in certain
individuals these atavistic or criminal instincts, for it

is the immediate causes that constitute the practical

nucleus of the problem and it is their removal that
renders possible the cure of the disease
These causes are divided into organic and external
factors of crime: the former remote and deeply
rooted, the latter momentary but frequently deter-
mining the criminal act, and both closely related
and fused together.
Heredity is the principal organic cause of criminal
tendencies. It may be divided into two classes:

indirect heredity from a generically degenerate family

with frequent cases of insanity, deafness, syphilis,
epilepsy, and alcoholism among its members; direct
heredity from criminal parentage.
Indirect Heredity. Almost all forms of chronic,
constitutional diseases, especially those of a nervous
character: chorea, sciatica, hysteria, insanity, and
above all, epilepsy, may give rise to criminality in
the descendants.
Of 559 soldiers convicted of offences, examined
by Brancaleone Ribaudo, lo % had epileptic parents.
According to Dejerine, this figure reaches 74.6%
among criminal epileptics. Arthritis and gout have
been known to generate criminality in the descend-
ants. But the most serious, and at the same time
most common, form of indirect heredity is alcoholism,
which, contrary to general belief, wreaks destruction
in all classes of society, amongst the rich and poor
without distinction of sex, for alcohol may insinu-
ate itself everywhere under the most refined and
pleasant disguises, in liqueurs, sweets, and coffee.
According to calculations made by my father,

20% of Italian criminals descend from inebriate

families; according to Penta the percentage is 2y
and in dangerous criminals, 33%. The Jukes
family, of whom we shall speak later, descended
from a drunkard.
The first salient characteristic in hereditary
alcoholism is the precocious taste for intoxicants;
secondly, the susceptibility to alcohol, which is in-

finitely more injurious to the offspring of inebriates

than to normal individuals; and thirdly, the growth
of the craving for strong drinks, which inevitably
undermine the constitution.
Direct Heredity. The effects of direct heredity

are still more serious, for they are aggravated by


environment and education. Official statistics show

that 20% of juvenile offenders belong to families of
doubtful reputation and 26% to those whose reputa-
tion is thoroughly bad. The criminal Galletto, a
native of Marseilles, was the nephew of the equally
ferocious anthropophagous violator of women, Or-
solano. Dumollar was the son of a murderer;
Patetot's grandfather and great-grandfather were
in prison, as were the grandfathers and fathers of
Papa, Crocco, Serravalle and Cavallante, Comptois
and Lempave; the parents of the celebrated female
thief Sans Refus, were both thieves.
The genealogical study of certain families has
shown that there are whole generations, almost all
the members of which belong to the ranks of crime,
insanity, and prostitution (this last being amongst
women the equivalent of criminality amongst men).
A striking example is furnished by the notorious
Jukes family, with "j'j criminal descendants.
Ancestor, Max Jukes: jj criminals; 142 vagabonds;
120 prostitutes; 18 keepers of houses of ill-fame; 91
illegitimates; 141 idiots or afflicted with impotency
or syphilis; 46 sterile females.
A like criminal contingent may be found in the
pedigrees of Chretien, the Lemaires, the Fieschi
family, etc.
Race. This is of great importance in view of the
atavistic origin of crime. There exist whole tribes
and races more or less given to crime, such as the
tribe Zakka Khel in India. In all regions of Italy,
whole villages constitute hot-beds of crime, owing,
no doubt, to ethnical causes: Artena in the province

of Rome, Carde and San Giorgio Canavese in Pied-

mont, Pergola in Tuscany, San Severo in Apulia, San
Mauro and Nicosia in Sicily. The frequency of
homicide in Calabria, Sicily, and Sardinia is funda-
mentally due to African and Oriental elements.
In the gipsies we have an entire race of criminals
with all the passions and vices common to delinquent
types: idleness, ignorance, impetuous fury, vanity,
love of orgies, and ferocity. Murder is often com-
mitted for some trifling gain. The women are skilled
thieves and train their children in dishonest practices.

On the contrary, the percentage of crimes among

Jews is always lower than that of the surrounding
population although there
; is a prevalence of certain
specific forms of offences, often hereditary, such as
fraud, forgery, libel, and chief of all, traffic in prosti-

tution; murder is extremely rare.

Illnesses, Intoxications, Traumatism

These causes, although apparently as important

as heredity, are in fact, decidedly less so. Both
disease and trauma may intensify or call forth latent


perversity, but they are less frequently the cause of it.

There are, however, certain cases in which traumatism

meningitis, typhus, or other diseases that affect the
brain have undoubtedly evoked criminal tendencies
in individuals hitherto normal. Twenty out of 290
criminals studied by my father with minute care had
suffered from injury to the head in childhood; and
recently a case came under his notice in which a
youth of good family and excellent character received
an injury to his head at the age of fourteen and
became epileptic, developing subsequently into a
gambler, thief, and murderer. Such cases, however,
are not very common.
There is one disease that without other causes
either inherited degeneracy or vices resulting from a
bad education and environment — is capable of trans-
forming a healthy individual into a vicious, hope-
lessly evil being. That disease is alcoholism, which
has been discussed in a previous chapter, but to
which I must refer briefly again, because it is such an
important factor of criminality.
Temporary drunkenness alone will give rise to

crime, since it inflames the passions, obscures the

mental and moral faculties, and destroys all sense
of decency, causing men to commit offences in a
state of automatism or a species of somnambulism.
Sometimes drunkenness produces kleptomania. A
slight excess in drinking will cause men of absolute
honesty to appropriate any objects they can lay
their hands upon. When the effects of drink have
worn off, they feel shame and remorse and hasten to
restore the stolen goods. Alcohol, however, more
often causes violence. An officer known to my
father,when drunk, twice attempted to run his
sword through his friends and his own attendant.
Among Oriental sects of murderers, as is well
known, homicidal fury was excited and maintained
by a drink brewed for the purpose from hemp- seed.
Biichner shows that dishonest instincts can be
developed in bees by a special food consisting of
honey mixed with brandy. The insects acquire a
taste for this drink in the same way as human
beings do, and under its influence cease to work.
Ants show similar symptoms after narcosis by
means of chloroform. Their bodies remain motion-
less, with the exception of their heads, with which
they snap at all who approach them.
The above cited cases show that there exists a

species of alcoholic psychic epilepsy, similar to con-

genital epilepsy, in which after alcoholic poisoning,
the individual is incited to raise his hand against
himself or others without any due cause. But
besides the crimes of violence committed during a
drunken fit, the prolonged abuse of alcohol, opium,

morphia, coca, and other nervines may give rise to

chronic perturbation of the mind, and without other
causes, congenital or educative, will transform an
honest, well-bred, and industrious man into an idle,
violent, and apathetic fellow, —into an ignoble being,
capable of any depraved action, even when he is not
directly under the influence of the drug.
When we were children, a frequent visitor at our
house was a certain Belm . . . (see Fig. 16, Chap.
III., a very intelligent man and an accomplished
linguist. He was a military officer, but later took
to journalism, and his writings were distinguished
by vivacious style and elevation of thought. He
married and had several children, but at the age of
thirty some trouble caused him to take to drink.
His character soon underwent a complete change.
Although formerly a proud man, he was not
ashamed to pester all his friends for money and
to let his family sink into the direst poverty.

Social Causes of Crime

Education. We now come to the second series

of criminal factors, those which depend, not on the
organism, but on external conditions. We have
already stated that the best and most careful educa-
tion, moral and intellecttial, is powerless to effect an
improvement in the morally insane, but that in other
cases, education, environment, and example are ex-
tremely important, for which reason neglected and
destitute children are easily initiated into evil

At Naples, "Esposito" (foundling) is a common
name amongst prisoners, as is at Bologna and in
Lombardy the name "Colombo," which signifies the
same thing. In Prussia, illegitimate males form 6 %
of offenders, illegitimate females 1.8 %; in Austria,
10 and 2 % respectively. The percentage is con-
siderably larger amongst juvenile criminals, prosti-
tutes, and recidivists. In France, in 1864, 65 % of
the minors arrested were bastards or orphans, and
at Hamburg 30 % of the prostitutes are illegitimate.
In Italy, 30 % of recidivists are natural children
and foundlings.
This depends largely on hereditary influences,
which are generally bad, but still more on the
difficulty of finding a means of subsistence, owing to
the state of neglect in which these wretched beings
exist, even when herded together in charity schools
and orphanages —^both of which are even more anti-
hygienic morally, than they are physically.
A depraved environment, which counsels or even
insists on wrong-doing, and the bad example of

parents or relatives, exercise a still more sinister

influence on children than desertion. The criminal


family Cornu, finding one of their children, a little

girl, strongly averse to their evil ways, forced her

to carry the head of one of their victims in her pina-
fore for a couple of miles, after which she became
one of the most ferocious of the band.
Meteoric Causes are frequently the determining
factor of the ultimate impulsive act, which converts
the latent criminal into an effective one. Excessively
high temperature and rapid barometric changes,
while predisposing epileptics to convulsive seizures
and the insane to uneasiness, restlessness, and noisy
outbreaks, encourage quarrels, brawls, and stabbing
affrays. To the same reason may be ascribed the
prevalence during the hot months, of rape, homicide,
insurrections, and revolts. In comparing statistics
of criminality in France with those of the variations
in temperature, Ferri noted an increase in crimes of
warmer years. An examination
violence during the
of European and American statistics shows that the
number of homicides decreases as we pass from hot
to cooler climates. Holzendorf calculates that the
number of murders committed in the Southern States
of North America is fifteen times greater than those
committed in the Northern States. A low tempera-
ture, on the contrary, has the effect of increasing

the number of crimes against property, due to

increased need, and both in Italy and America
the proportion of thefts increases the farther north
we go.
Density of Population. The agglomeration of per-

sons in a large town is a certain incentive to crimes

against property. Robbery, frauds, and criminal
associations increase, while there is a decrease in
crimes against the person, due to the restraints
imposed by mutual supervision.

" He who has studied mankind, or, better still, himself

[writes my must have remarked how often an indi-
vidual, who is respectable and self -controlled in the bosom of
his family, becomes indecent and even immoral when he finds
himself in the company of a number of his fellows, to what-
ever class they may belong. The primitive instincts of theft,
homicide, and lust, the germs of which lie dormant in each
individual as long as he is alone, particularly if kept in check
by sound moral awaken and develop suddenly into
gigantic proportions when he comes into contact with others,
the increase being greater in those who already possess such
criminal tendencies in a marked degree."

In all large cities, low lodging-houses form the

favourite haunts of crime.
Imitation. The detailed accounts of crimes cir-
culated in large towns by newspapers, ha.ve an ex-
tremely pernicious influence, because example is a
powerful agent for evil as well as for good.
At Marseilles in 1868 and 1872, the newspaper
reports of a case of child desertion provoked a


perfect epidemic of such cases, amounting in one

instance to eight in one day.
Before Corridori murdered the Head-master of his
boarding-school, he is said to have declared: "There
will be a repetition of what happened to the Head-
master at Catanzaro" (who had been murdered in
the same way)
The anarchist Lucchesi killed Banti at Leghorn
shortly after the murder of Carnot by Caserio, and
in a similar manner. Certain forms of crime which
become common at given periods, the throwing of
bombs, the cutting up of the bodies of murdered
persons, particularly those of women, and frauds
of a peculiar may certainly be attributed
to imitation, as may also the violence committed
by mobs, in whom cruelty takes the form of
an epidemic affecting even individuals of mild
Immigration. The agglomeration of population
produced by immigration is a strong incentive
to crime, especially that of an associated nature,
— due to increased want, lessened supervision
and the consequent ease with which offenders
avoid detection. In New York the largest con-
tingent of criminality is furnished by the immigrant
The fact of agglomeration explains the greater


frequency of homicide in France in thickly popu-
lated districts.
The criminality of immigrant populations increases
in direct ratio to its instability. This applies to the
migratory population in the interior of a country,
specially that which has no fixed destination, as
peddlers, etc. Even those immigrants whom we
should naturally assume to be of good disposition
religious pilgrims —commit a remarkable number
of associated crimes. The Italian word mariuolo
which signifies "rogue" owes its origin to the behav-
iour of certain pilgrims to the shrines of Loreto and
Assisi, who, while crying Viva Maria! (" Hail to the

Virgin Mary !

") committed the most atrocious crimes,

confident that the pilgrimage itself would serve as a
means of expiation. In his Reminiscences Massimo
d' Azeglio notes that places boasting of celebrated
shrines always enjoy a bad reputation.
Prison Life. The density of population in the
most criminal of cities has not such a bad influence
as has detention in prisons, which may well be
called "Criminal Universities."
Nearly all the leaders of malefactors: Maino,
Lombardo, La Gala, Lacenaire, Soufflard, and Har-
douin were escaped convicts, who chose their accom-
plices among those of their fellow-prisoners who had
shown audacity and ferocity. In fact, in prison, crimi-

nals have an opportunity of becoming acquainted

with each other, of instructing those less skilled in

infamy, and of banding together for evil purposes.

Even the expensive cellular system, from which so
many advantages were expected, has not attained its

object and does not prevent communication between

prisoners. Moreover, in prison, mere children of
seven or eight, imprisoned for stealing a bunch of
grapes or a fowl, come into close contact with adults
and become initiated into evil practices, of which
these poor little victims of stupid laws were pre-
viously quite ignorant.
Education. Contrary to general belief, the in-
fluence of education on crime is very slight.

The number of illiterates arrested in Europe is less,

proportionally, than that of educated individuals.

Nevertheless, although a certain degree of instruction
is often an aid to crime, its extension acts as a
corrective, or at least tends to mitigate the nature
of crimes committed, rendering them less ferocious,

and to decrease crimes of violence, while increasing

fraudulent and sexual offences.
Professions. The trades and professions which
encourage inebriety in those who follow them (cooks,
confectioners, and inn-keepers), those which bring the
poor (servants of all kinds, especially footmen, coach-
men, and chauffeurs) into contact with wealth, or
which provide means for committing crimes (brick-
layers, blacksmiths, etc.) furnish a remarkable share
of criminality. Still more so is this the case with the

professions of notary, usher of the courts, attorneys,

and military men.
It should be observed, however, that the char-
makes them disin-
acteristic idleness of criminals

clined to adopt any profession, and when they

do, their extreme fickleness prompts them to
change continually.
Economic Conditions. Poverty is often a direct in-

centive to theft, when the miserable victims of eco-

nomic conditions find themselves and their families

face to face with starvation, and it acts further indi-

rectly through certain diseases: pellagra, alcoholism,
scrofula, and scurvy, which are the outcome of misery
and produce criminal degeneration; its influence has
nevertheless often been exaggerated. If thieves are

generally penniless, it is because of their extreme

idleness and astonishing extravagance, which makes
them run through huge sums with the greatest ease,
not because poverty has driven them to theft. On
the other hand the possession of wealth is frequently
an incentive to crime, because it creates an ever-
increasing appetite for riches, besides furnishing those
occupying high public offices or important positions
in the banking and commercial world with numerous

opportunities for dishonesty and persuading them

that money will cover any evil deed.

Sex. Statistics of every coimtry show that

women contribute a very small share of criminality
compared with that furnished by the opposite sex.

This share becomes still smaller when we eliminate

infanticide, in view of the fact that the guilty
parties in nearly all such cases should be classed as
criminals from passion. In Austria, crimes com-
mitted by females barely constitute 1 5 % of the total
criminality; in Spain 11 %; and in Italy 8.2 %.
However, this applies only to serious crimes.
For those of lesser gravity, statistics are at variance

with the results obtained by the Modern School,

which classes prostitutes as criminals. According to
this mode of calculation, the difference between the
criminality of the two sexes shows a considerable
diminution, resulting perhaps in a slight prevalence
of crime in women. In any case, female criminality
tends to increase proportionally with the increase of
civilisation and to equal that of men.
Age. The greater number of crimes are com-
mitted between the ages of 15 and 30, whereas, out-
breaks of insanity between these ages are extremely
rare, the maximum number occurring between 40 and
50. On the whole, criminality is far more precocious
than mental alienation, and its precocity, which is
greater among thieves than among murderers,
swindlers, and those guilty of violence and assault
is another proof of the congenital nature of crime
and its atavistic origin, since precocity is a charac-
teristic of savage races.
Seldom do we find among born criminals any in-

dication of that so-called criminal scale, leading by

degrees from petty offences to crimes of the most
serious nature. As a general rule, they commence
their career with just those crimes which distinguish
it throughout, even when these are of the gravest

kind, like robbery and murder. Rather may it be

said that every age has its specific criminality, and
this is the case especially with criminaloids. On the
borderland between childhood and adolescence, there
seems to be a kind of instinctive tendency to law-
breaking, which by immature minds is often held
to be a sign of virility. The Italian novelist and
poet Manzoni describes this idea very well in his
Promessi Sposi, when speaking of the half-witted
lad Gervaso, who "because he had taken part in a

plot savouring of crime, felt that he had suddenly

become a man."
This idea lurks in the slang word omerta used
by Italian criminals, which signifies not only to be a
man but a man daring enough to break the law.


'X'HE curability of crime is an entirely novel idea,

* due to the Modern Penal School. As long as,
in the eyes of the world, the criminal was a normal

individual, who voluntarily and consciously violated

the laws, there could be no thought of a cure, but
rather of a pimishment sufficiently severe to pre-
vent his recidivation and to inspire others with a
salutary fear of offending the law.
The penalties excogitated in past centuries were
varied: flogging, hard labour, imprisonment, and exile.
During the last century they have been crystallised
in the form of imprisonment, as being the most
humane, although in reality it is the most illogical

form, since it serves neither to intimidate the of-

fender nor to reform him. In fact, although prison
with its forced separation from home and family
is a terrible penalty for those honest persons, who
sometimes suffer with the guilty, it is a haven of
rest for ordinary criminals, or at the worst, in no
wise inferior to their usual haunts. There is a certain
amount of privation of air, light, and food, but these
disadvantages are fully counterbalanced by the en-
joyment of complete leisure and the company of
men of their own stamp.
If imprisonment does not serve to intimidate
instinctive criminals, still less is it a means of

rehabilitation. In virtue of what law, should any

man, even if he be normal, become reformed after a
varying period of detention in a gloomy cell, where
he is isolated from the better elements of society

and deprived of every elevating influence art, —

science, and high ideals; where he loses regular

habits of work, the disciplining struggle with circum-

stances, and the sense of responsibility natural to

free citizens and is tainted by constant contact

with the worst types of humanity?
The autobiographies of criminals show us that far

from reforming evil-doers, prison is in reality a crimi-

nal university which houses all grades of offenders

during varying periods ; that far from being a means
of redemption, it is a hot-bed of depravity, where
are prepared and developed the germs which are later
to infect society, yet it is to this incubator of crime
that society looks for defence against those very
elements of lawlessness which it is actively fostering.

In his book Prison Palimpsests my father has

made a collection of all the inscriptions, drawings,

and allegories scratched or written by criminals

while in prison, on walls, utensils, and books. Of
lamentations, despair, and repentance, scarcely a
trace, but innumerable imprecations, plans of re-

venge against enemies without, project of future

burglaries and murders, and advice for the sound
instruction of criminals.
Although the Modern School has demonstrated
the uselessness, nay the injuriousness of prison, it has
no desire to leave society suddenly unprotected and
the criminal at large. Nature does not proceed by
leaps, and the Modern School aims at
. effecting a
revolution, not a revolt, in Penal Jurisprudence. It

proposes, therefore, the gradual transformation of

the present system, which is to be rendered as little
injurious and as beneficial as possible. Such has
been the course pursued by the modern science of
medicine, which from the original absurd remedies
and equally absurd empirical operations, has now
succeeded in placing the cure of diseases on the
more solid basis of experience.
The Modern School aims at preventing the forma-
tion of criminals, not punishing them, or, failing

prevention, at effecting their cure; and, failing cure,

at segregating such hopeless cases for life in suitable

institutes, which shall protect society better than
the present system of imprisonment, but be entirely
free from the infamy attaching to the prison. The
Modern School proposes the cure of criminals by
preventive and legislative measures.

Preventive Institutions for Destitute


The cure of crime, as of any other disease, has the

greater chance of success, the earlier it is taken in
hand. Attention, therefore, should be specially

concentrated on the childhood of those likely to

become criminals: orphans and destitute children,

who as adults contribute the largest contingent of

criminality. A community seriously resolved to
protect itself from evil should, above all, provide a
sound education for those unfortunate waifs who
have been deprived of their natural protectors by
death or vice. The greatest care must be exer-

cised in placing them, whenever it is possible, in

respectable private families where they will have

careful supervision, or in suitable institutes where
no pains are spared to give them a good education
and, more important still, sound moral training.
In order to attain this end, the State cannot do
better than follow in the footsteps of philanthropists
of rare talent like Don Bosco, Dr. Barnardo, General


Booth, Brockway and many others,

, who have been so
successful in rescuing destitute children.
Don Bosco, the Black Pope, as he was familiarly
styled at Turin, where he lived during the latter half
of the last century, was a Roman Catholic priest who
founded numerous institutes for orphans in all parts

of Italy and many parts of both Americas, especially

South America. The psychological basis on which
he founded the training of children in these schools,
was mainly derived from experience, and proved so
successful in practice that it is worthy of quotation

"Most neglected and abandoned children [he said], are of

ordinary character and disposition, but inclined to change-
ableness and indifference. Brief, but frequent exhortations,
good advice, small rewards, and encouragements to persevere
are very efficacious, but above all the teacher must show
perfect trust in his charges, while being careful never to relax
his vigilance. The greatest solicitude should, however, be
reserved for the unruly characters, who generally form about
one fifth of the whole number. The teacher should make a
special effort to become thoroughly acquainted with their
dispositions and past life and to convince them that he is
their friend. They should be encouraged to chatter freely,
while the conversation of the master should be brief and
abound in examples, maxims, and anecdotes. Above all,

while showing perfect confidence in his pupils, he should

never lose sight of them.
"Occasional treats of a wholesome and attractive nature,
picnics and walks, will keep the boys happy and contented.
Lasciviousness is the only vice that need be feared; any lad
persisting in immoral practices should be expelled.
"Harsh punishments should never be resorted to. The
repressive system may check unruliness, but can never in-
fluence for good. It involves little trouble on the part of
those who make use of it and may be efficacious in the army,
which is composed of responsible adults, but it has a harmful
effect on the young, who err more from thoughtlessness than
from evil disposition. Far more suitable in their case is the
preventive system, which consists in making them thoroughly
acquainted with the regiilations they have to obey and in
watching over them. In this way they are always conscious
of the vigilance of the Head-master or his assistants, who are
ready to guide and advise them in every difficulty and to
anticipate their wants. The pupils should never be left
to their own devices, yet they should have complete freedom
to run, jump, and enjoy themselves in their own noisy fashion.
Gymnastics, vocal and instrumental music, and plenty of
outdoor exercise are the most efficacious means of main-
taining discipline and improving the boys, bodily and

Only children over seven were admitted to the

Institutes founded by Don Bosco. Dr. Barnardo,
on the other hand, who rescued thousands of orphans
and destitute children in London and was able to
witness a decided decrease in the criminality of that
capital, concentrated his beneficent efforts on desti-

tute children from their earliest years, with the idea

of removing them as soon as possible from the bad
environment in which they were born. He was,
moreover, desirous that they should share with more
fortunate children the boon of happy childhood, and
resolved that up to the age of seven they should be

brought up without educational or other restraints,

save the affection of those appointed to watch over

them during the first years, so that they might imbibe
sufficient love and joy for the rest of their lives.
Such is the rule followed in the buildings set apart
for the infants, Bird Castle, Tiny House, and
Jersey House, which are perfect nests of happy

In spite of the seeming impossibility of obtaining

individual education in a school, thanks to a system
devised by Dr. Bamardo, the older children actually
enjoy this advantage. New-comers are placed in a
special department imtil facts relative to their past
life are ascertained and an idea formed of their

individuality. The results of these preliminary in-

quiries determine in which school the boy shall be
placed and what trade he shall follow. Moreover,
any boy desiring to change his occupation is encour-
aged to do so. Every year a re-distribution is made
according to the aptitudes shown by the lads in
study and manual work and their physical and in-

tellectual development, special care being taken that

the younger children should not be put with those
who have arrived at a more advanced stage of physi-
cal and mental evolution. Free development of the
various individual aptitudes is thus secured, while
avoiding that common defect of schools, the turning
out of numerous lads all made after one regulation
Having come to the conclusion that life in an
institute, in spite of all these precautions, is unsuited
to girls, Dr. Barnardo founded a village at a short
distance from London with cottage homes for children
of both sexes. Each cottage contains from fifteen
to twenty children and forms a family, the domestic
duties of the homes being discharged by the girls.
Dr. Barnardo realised, however, that the placing
of children in private families is the best means of
effecting their salvation, and he made great efforts in
private and public to induce benevolent persons to
adopt his proteges. Finally, he organised a regular
emigration of lads to Canada, where a special agent
provides them with situations on farms or in factories.
America certainly does not lag behind Europe in

the number and excellence of its organisations for

rescuing the little derelicts of its cities. In every
town of the United States visited by me, I had the
pleasure of inspecting such institutions, all of which
are kept with extraordinary care, and in some cases,

with elegance. Amongst may mention the

others, I

Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society in New York

City and the George Junior Republic at Freeville,
near Ithaca, both of which seemed to me the most
original of their kind.

The Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society is an

orphanage for the Jews, managed with rare insight
and intelhgence by Mr. Lewisohn. The Institute
being founded for orphans only, there is no limit

as to age or condition. Infants and young people,

diseased and healthy, intelligent and mentally de-
ficient, normal and abnormal, good and bad, are
all welcome. In order to prevent the overcrowding
of the institution and to provide homes for as many
children as possible, a committee has been organised
for the purpose of finding homes in private families

for all children under six years of age and for those
who are sickly and delicate. A certain proportion are
adopted, and others are boarded out, but the sum
paid for their keep is always less than it would cost
to place them in a school; and there is, moreover,
always a chance of their being adopted later. At the
age of six, all healthy and robust children enter the
Institute, which becomes their home, providing
them, with board, lodging, clothing, moral and
religious instruction, and training in some kind of
work, but in order that they shall mix with other
children, they are educated at the public schools,
and the consequent saving inmoney and space en-
ables the Institute to receive a larger number of
children than it otherwise could.
Instead of the uniform customary in such insti-


tutions which serves to accentuate in a humihating
way the contrast between the inmates and more for-
tunate children who possess parents and homes, the
clothing worn by the orphans of the Hebrew Shelter-
ing Guardian Society is varied in colour and style.
Girls skilled in the use of their needle alter their
dresses to suit their individual tastes, and are allowed
to sew, either gratis or for payment, for the boys and
other girls of the Institute, who are unable or un-
willing to make these alterations themselves. When
school- tasks are finished, boys and girls of over
twelve are allowed to engage in light occupations
needlework, writing, etc., supplied by the Institute to
enable them to earn a little pocket-money and learn
to spend it properly.
When the boys and girls have passed all the
standards of the elementary schools, they enter trade
schools, where they remain until they are proficient
in some craft which will enable them to earn a living.
Those who show decided intellectual or business
aptitudes are sent to colleges or commercial schools.
The children are encouraged to take an interest
in social and political life by the foundation of a
miniature republic, or rather two separate republics,
one for the boys and the other for the girls, each with
its president, a boy or a girl according to the case.
In reality, however, they are under the management
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Fig. 17

Signatures of Criminals
of a lady, who devises various amusements for the
children, reading, games, etc., teaches them music
and drawing, and helps the little President to organ-
ise entertainments to which outsiders, relatives, and
schoolfellows are invited.
The George Junior Republic (America) is a very
different institution, having been founded for unruly
and turbulent boys, who are beyond their parents'
control. It is a species of Reformatory, not a Home
for Waifs.
Mr. George, the founder of the Republic, a man
of original and intelligent cast of mind, if I may
judge of his individuality from hearsay, decided on
its establishment after many attempts of a similar

nature. Being anxiously concerned for the future

of so many unruly youths who, left to their own

devices during the summer vacations, degenerate into
rowdies, he invited about a hundred of these lads to
spend the summer months on his estate at Freeville,
near Ithaca, and tried to influence them for good.
The attempt did not meet with much success at first.

Mr. George soon realised that however easy it is to

exercise a beneficial influence on one or two boys
by adopting gentle methods, it is extremely difficult
to manage hundreds in this way. He had, however,
observed how fair and rigidly honest boys generally
are in their games and how ready they are to con-

demn any meanness, and he conceived the idea of

making his charges look after each other. Thus
each one would feel himself a responsible judge
of his companions' actions.
At the end of the summer holidays in 1895, when
the time came for the boys to return home, five
remained behind at Freeville in a cottage standing on
three acres of land the next year the
; number of lads

remaining was doubled or trebled. A miniature

Republic was founded, of which the lads were the
citizens, and in this capacity, were obliged to make
laws and to insist on their being respected. The
Republic proved to be a great success, the temporary
colony became a permanent one capable of reforming
wild, unruly boys, who if allowed to wander about in
the streets and to mix with older and more vicious
lads, would possibly have been ruined. A recent
census of the Republic showed that it possessed 150
citizens, 82 boys and 68 girls, three hundred acres of
land, twenty-four buildings, a chapel, prison, school,
and court of justice.

In order that the colonists should not completely

lose touch with the outside world, but should in some
measure be prepared for the social exigencies of their
future lives, the colony is organised like a miniature
town. The children, boys and girls, are divided
into so many families, each consisting of ten or twelve
members presided over by two adults, who take the
place of parents and look after the household. The
greater part of the population is engaged in agricul-

ture, in cultivating the land belonging to the Republic,

but a certain proportion adopt the arts and crafts

necessary to every community: joinery, book-bind-
ing, printing, shoemaking, or shop-keeping. The
colony coins its own money and possesses a bank run

Fig. 20

Brigand Gasparone

by the boys themselves, where the colonists can de-

posit their savings. All labour and produce are paid
for separately. The colony has its own laws sanc-
tioned by its Parliament, its Tribunal, the mem-
bers of which, chosen from amongst the citizens, are
charged with enforcing the laws. The Parliament,
composed without distinction of sex, of boys and
girls, decrees the holidays, organises the games and
entertainments, and establishes the public expendi-

ture, revenue, and taxes, etc. (see Figs. 19 and 20).

The results of this system appear to be excellent;
most of the ex-colonists have turned out well, and in
view of this fact, republics on similar lines are being
organised in various parts of the United States.
This Republic admits only children over twelve,
who remain in the colony about three years.

Preventive Institutions for Destitute Adults

Besides institutions for the careful training of the

young, methods for preventing crime also include
all attempts to help young or adult persons at any
crisis in their lives when they are friendless and out of
work, for it is precisely then that they are most
exposed to temptation.
People's hotels, shelters for emigrants or strangers,
reading-rooms, inexpensive but wholesome entertain-
ments, evening classes for instruction in manual work,
labour bureaus, organisations for assisting emigrants,
etc., are the most efficacious institutions of this kind.

And in this connection, I must

work done
refer to the

by the Salvation Army, which from what I was able

to observe in America, seems to me the best organised
of all existing benevolent associations, since by means
of a thousand arms it reaches every form of poverty
and misery and seeks to make all its institutions
self-supporting. It fights drunkenness by lectures,
recreation rooms, and temperance hotels; it fights

poverty by investigating each individual case of

destitution, visiting poor families, dispensing sym-

pathy and help, providing shelter for the night at a

minimum price and homes for those who

are out of work. Sometimes the rooms are turned
into recreation halls for drunkards or industrial
schools for the girls of poor mothers who are obliged
to go out to work, or temporary hospitals for some
urgent case which, owing to bureaucratic formalities,
the hospitals are unable to attend to immediately, or
rooms with moving pictures for friendly gatherings

on holidays, thus grafting one benevolent work on

to another so as to obtain the best results at the
smallest cost.
That interesting book Where the Shadows Lengthen
gives an account of the different institutions founded
by the Salvation Army in the United States.

There are sixty-five Industrial Homes, where un-

employed of all classes can apply for work. In
these Homes refuse and worn-out articles collected

from individual homes of their respective towns are

disinfected and transformed into useful articles,

which are sold at low prices to the neighbouring poor,

thus benefiting purchasers, work-people, and society
in general. During one year these Homes gave
employment to 8696 men, distributed 1,318,044

meals (work-people who are temporarily employed

in these Homes have a right only to board and
lodging), and gave a night's shelter to 463,550
In addition, the Army has seventy-seven Hotels
where the working-classes find a night's lodging at a
low price (just sufficient to cover the maintenance
of the Shelter) , and 7990 Accommodations which in
one year supplied a night's rest to 2,114,037 persons.
It has, besides, three colonies' with 420 inhabitants,

two boarding-houses for servants and shop-girls out

of employment, where for a few pence they may
have a bed, cook their own meals, wash and mend
their clothes, and are assisted to find work.
The Salvation Army has also 22 Rescue Homes,
where young condemned by the Juvenile Court

and generally more neglected than vicious, are

reformed with a little care and affection, and 3599
Accommodations to which during one year 1701
girls were admitted.
To ensure careful supervision of all the poor
quarters, the Salvation Army has divided them into
twenty slums, in each of which they have established
their Headquarters and send out their soldiers to
investigate and assist cases of poverty and misery of
every kind. Each slum Headquarters is provided
with halls for meetings, rooms for the officials, a
Kindergarten, and Dormitories which also serve as
shelters or hospitals for urgent cases. In one year
26,290 families were visited by the Army and 38,290
received assistance. Employment, temporary and
permanent, was found for 66,621 persons.
All poor of whatever condition, nationality, or
religion, whether honest or criminal, on applying to
the nearest of these Headquarters may be sure of
finding sympathy and help.
Five Homes have been founded by the Army
for waifs and children whose mothers are obliged to
go out to work, and 225 Accommodations where
children may find a temporary or permanent home.
A special squad of soldiers has recently imder-
taken work amongst prisoners with great success.
In two months they visited 43 prisons, wrote 1732
letters to prisoners, and distributed 10,000 pamphlets.

19,882 prisoners attended meetings held in the

prisons, 194 articles of clothing were distributed,
128 persons provided with work on their release and
300 with sleeping accommodation.
In South America the Army has founded similar
institutions, which embrace others, such as hospitals,
etc., suited to the needs of each place.
Other benevolent organisations which seem to me
admirable, are the Sisterhoods founded twenty years
ago by the Rabbi Gottheil. These Sisterhoods, as

may be assumed from the name, are entirely directed

by women. They consist of premises, sometimes
annexed to the synagogue; at others, situated in-

dependently, which form a species of Headquarters

for the philanthropical work done in the surrounding
districts. The Sisterhood is open day and night to
all the poor who are in need of help of any kind.
There is a resident Directress, under whose orders a
number of ladies take turns in helping applicants.
The Sisterhoods were founded on the principle that
human beings are capable of doing the maximum
amount of good to others when they follow their
own particular tendencies and try to utilise their in-

dividual talents in satisfying the intellectual, moral,

or recreative needs of the poor. Some of the ladies
devote themselves to simple legal questions, tracing
an absent husband or wife, registering births, taking

unruly children to the Juvenile Courts, or looking

after them, etc. Others take charge of medical
matters, arrange for the admission of children or
adults to the hospitals, etc.; others organise enter-
tainments, teach singing, drawing, needlework, and
cooking classes. The premises are used in turn by
working-girls learning sewing, or others rehearsing
some play or opera chorus. Almost all the Sisterhoods
possess a permanent Kindergarten for the children of
women who are obliged to work outside their homes,
and an employment bureau. All the ladies, except
the Directress, give their services gratis. For all

help given by the Sisterhood, except in the case of the

very poor, a small fee is demanded, and this enables
the Sisterhood to pay its way without depending
much on donations and subscriptions from private
persons, and to spread and increase its work without
" The Educational Alliance" of New York, founded
to give assistance to Jewish emigrants arriving at
that city from all parts of the world, is another in-

stitution deserving of mention. This " Alliance " has

a large building in the Jewish quarter near the docks,
where emigrants can obtain instruction in gymnastics,

cookery, domestic economy, English, needlework, etc.

There are also recreation rooms, baths, a library, and
rooms where school children can prepare their lessons.

Men and women are assisted in obtaining employ-

ment and receive medical and legal aid. There is

also a species of tribunal for settling petty disputes

in cases where the parties interested object to apply-
ing to the ordinary courts. It was crowded when I

saw it, and I was not surprised to learn that it is of

great service to the emigrants. For public holi-

days, the Alliance organises concerts, excursions, and

lectures, and during the summer vacations it opens
a number of boarding-houses in the country.

All these benevolent institutions, schools, rescue

homes, orphanages, and shelters, organised with so
much care for the prevention of crime and adopted
in America by all communities of whatever religion,

regardless of cost, have given excellent results.

Bosco and Rice {Les Homicides aux Etats-Unis)

and my father {Crimes, Ancient and Modern) have
demonstrated statistically that in States like Massa-
chusetts, where there is no great influx of im-
migration nor a large coloured population, the
diminution in the number of crimes has been very
rapid, the percentage of homicides being about
equal to those of England, that is, lower than the
majority of European States.
It must be confessed in honour to the people of the
United States, that they are very ready to admit
their own short-comings and constantly regret the
large proportion of crimes in their country. But when
they reflect that the constant stream of immigration
contains many lawless elements, that the different
laws in force in the different States make evasions
of justice in many cases easy, that the construction
of houses with the fire-escape communicating directly
with the public thoroughfare provides an easy means
of ingress and egress, and that an enormous pro-
portion of the dense population of their cities is

composed of people from all parts of the world,

accustomed to varying moral codes, they may
realise with pride that the percentage of crime
in the United States is certainly lower than it

would be in any Continental State under similar




PREVENTIVE methods, the careful training of

children, and assistance rendered to adults in
critical moments of their lives, may diminish crime,
but cannot suppress it entirely. Such methods
should be supplemented by institutions which under-
take to cure criminals, while protecting society
from their attacks, and by others for the segrega-
tion of incurable offenders, who should be rendered
as useful as possible in order to minimise in every
way the injury they inflict on the community.
Although unjustly accused of desiring to revolu-
tionise penal jurisprudence, criminal anthropologists

realised from the very beginning that laws cannot be

changed before there is a corresponding change in
public opinion, and that even equitable modifications
in the laws, if too sudden, are always fraught with
dangerous consequences. Therefore, instead of a
radical change in the penal code, their aim was to
effect a few slight alterations in the graduation of
penalties, in accordance with age, sex, and the degree
of depravity manifested by culprits in their offences.

They also counselled certain modifications in the

application of the laws, the reformation according to
modern ideas, of prisons, asylums, penal colonies, and
all institutions for the punishment and redemption
of offenders, and an extensive application of those
penalties devised in past ages as substitutes for im-
prisonment, which have the advantage of corrupting
the culprit less, and costing the community very

Juvenile Offenders. Young people, and, above all,

children, should be dealt with separately by special

legislative methods.
With the exception of England, where quite
recently a children's court has been opened at
Westminster, special tribunals for the young are
unknown in Europe. However, modern times,

the penal codes of nearly every European State

make marked allowance for the age of offenders,
and where there is no differentiation in the laws,

the magistrate uses his own discretion and re-

fuses in many cases to convict juvenile of-

fenders, even when they are guilty of serious


These instinctive methods of deaHng with the

young have many drawbacks:
1. Without special courts, children guilty of
simple acts of insubordination or petty offences
(thefts of fruit or riding in trams and trains without
paying the fare) which cannot be separated by a hard
and fast line from ordinary childish pranks, come
into contact with criminal types in court or in prison,
and this is greatly detrimental to them morally. If

naturally inclined to dishonesty, they run the risk of

developing into occasional criminals and of losing all

sense of shame: or if really honest, contact with bad

characters cannot fail to shock and perturb them,
even though their stay in prison be only a short one.
2. The magistrate has no legal powers to super-
vise juvenile offenders, nor when their actions show
grave depravity, to segregate and cure them to pre-
vent their developing into criminals. It has already
been shown that born criminals begin their career at
a very early age. In one case cited in a previous
chapter, a morally insane child of twelve killed one of
his companions for a trifling motive — a dispute about
an egg ; in another, a child of ten caused the arrest of
his father by a false accusation; he had previously
attempted to strangle a little brother. Children of
this type, notwithstanding their tender age, are a
social danger, and the moral disease from which they
suffer should be taken in hand at once. In any case
they should be carefully segregated until a cure
appears to be effected.
Minors require a special code, which takes into
consideration the fact that certain offences are in-
cidental to childhood and that children who have com-
mitted these offences may still develop into honest
men. It should also contain provisions for dealing
with born criminals, epileptics, and the morally in-

sane at an early age, by segregation in special re-

formatories where they cannot corrupt juvenile
offenders of a non-criminal type, and where a
thorough-going attempt to cure them may be made.
An excellent reform of this character has been ef-
fected in many of the United States of America with
the adoption of the probation system and juvenile
courts which protect children from the corruption of
prison life and contact with habitual offenders. The
juvenile court, this tribunal exclusively instituted
for minors, has been brought to great perfection in
many of the United States. In some, special build-
ings have been erected for the hearing of cases against
children, by which means all contact with adult
criminals is avoided: in others, where this is not
practicable, a part of the ordinary court is set aside

forthem with a separate entrance.

Nor are juvenile offenders judged according to

the common law; their offences are tried by special

magistrates, who deal with them in a paternal, rather

than in a strictly judicial spirit, and the penalties are
slight, varied, and suited to children. The magis-
trates are assisted by officers, who obtain information
from teachers, parents, and neighbours as to the
character, conduct, faults, and good qualities of the
culprit, and with these indications the magistrate
is able to essay the correction, not of the particular
offence which has brought the child within his
jurisdiction, but his general organic defects. The
punishments do not include imprisonment, and are
drawn from practical experience and common-sense,
not from any article of the penal code.
was present at the hearing of a case against a

lad, who was accused of having travelled on a subway

without paying. He was sentenced to copy out

the by-laws twenty times, to learn them by heart
and repeat them a month later at the same court.
In the case of more serious offences, children may
be sent to some public or private reformatory, ac-
cording to the circumstances of the parents. How-
ever, none of these punishments are infamous, and
parents themselves, when unable to control their
children, have recourse to the juvenile court.
It is supplemented in a very efficacious man-
ner by the probation system, the organisation of a
number of men and women who undertake the super-
vision of children when the court decides that they
require it. These protectors use every means at
their disposal to prevent their charges falling into
bad ways and assist them in every possible way to
correct their defects.
This system has proved to be so efficacious, and
at the same time so devoid of any drawbacks, that
its unconditional adoption by all the States of Europe
and America would be of great social advantage.

Institutions for Female Offenders

The weighty reasons which call for separate

courts and reformatories for juvenile offenders are
equally valid in the case of female law-breakers, for
whom special tribunals and legislation should be
The percentage of criminality among women
is considerably lower than that of men, and in
nearly all cases offenders belong to the category of
My father's work The Female Offender demon-
strates that prostitution is the true equivalent of
criminality. When we except this class of unfor-
tunates, there remain only hysterical and occasional
offenders, guilty generally of petty larceny (particu-
larly of a domestic nature) or of harbouring criminals

and acting as more or less passive accomplices; and

criminals from passion, who commit infanticide or
kill faithless husbands and lovers. In all these
cases, imprisonment should not be resorted to; in

fact, the greater number might be dealt with by a

magisterial reprimand or the granting of conditional
liberty. In view also, of the important part played
by dress, ornaments, etc., in the feminine world,

penalties inflicted on vanity —the cutting off of the

hair, the obligation to wear a certain costume,
etc., might with advantage be substituted for
The milder nature of feminine criminality, the
usefulness of women in the home, and the serious
injury inflicted on the family and society in general
by the segregation of the wife and mother (if only for
a short period) are reasons for advocating the
, insti-

tution of special tribunals for dealing with the

offences of women and special legislation which would
take into consideration their position in the family
and the fact that they are rarely a violent social
At present, in Europe at least, no such differential
treatment exists. The reduction of penalties is left
entirely to the discretion and humanity of judges, who
in many cases, it is true, are instinctively disposed

to be more indulgent towards women and to take

these conditions into account. But it wotild be a far
more satisfactory state of things if legislation paid

due regard to such circumstances, just as in Italy in

enrolling recruits for compulsory military service,
allowance is made for social and family relations,

the only sons of widowed mothers, men of delicate

constitution, etc., being exempted.
In spite of the low percentage and, generally
speaking, trifling importance of the crimes committed
by women, there are a small number of female
delinquents, some of whom show an extraordinary
degree of depravity, as though all the perversity
lacking in the others were concentrated in these few.
They are true born criminals, epileptics, and morally
insane subjects.
These serious anti-social elements, murderers,
poisoners, and swindlers, might be secluded in a small

reformatory with compulsory labour and silence as

additional penalties. Separate cells, however, are
not necessary. All reformatories for women should
be provided with a nursery where children born in
prison could be nursed by their mothers, thereby

diminishing the social injury which must result

from the imprisonment of any mother, and foster-

ing the growth of the sublime and sacred maternal

sentiment, which is unfortunately so often lacking
in criminals.

The Reformatory Prison for Women at South

Framingham, near Boston, under the management of
Mrs. Morton, is an excellent example of an institu-
tion conducted on the lines laid down by criminolog-
ists. The Reformatory is situated at about an
hour's journey by rail from Boston, in the midst of
fields which are cultivated by a part of the convict

population. No high walls surround the building

and separate it from the outer world, nor is it watched
by guards. A broad avenue leads to the entrance,
where, in answer to my ring,
was welcomed by neat

white-clad attendants and shown into a charming

room looking out upon a lovely garden. I passed
through corridors, unmolested by the sound of keys
grating in locks, from this room to the dining-rooms,
dormitories, recreation and work rooms.
As soon as prisoners enter the Reformatory, they
are carefully examined by an intelligent and pleasant
woman physician, who is in charge of the infirmary
where the anthropological examination takes place.
When the prisoner has been declared able-bodied,
she is placed in one of the work-rooms to learn and
follow the trade indicated by the medical officer as

the best adapted to her constitution and aptitude.

At night, she is conducted to a second-class cell

situated in a large, well-lighted corridor. The cell

is furnished with a table, bed, chair, pegs to hang

clothes on, a calendar, a picture, and a book or two.
Work is compulsory and done by the piece, and
when each prisoner has finished her allotted task,
she is at liberty to work for herself or to read books
supplied from the library. If unskilled, she receives
instruction in some manual work, and the payment
for her labour is put aside and handed over to her on
her release, with the small outfit she has prepared
and sewed during detention.
Women with children under a year, or those who
give birth to a child in the Reformatory, are allowed
to have their little ones with them during the night
and part of the day. When they go to work every
morning, the babies are left in the nursery, which
adjoins the infirmary, and is under the direct super-
vision of the doctor. The nursery, a large, well-

lighted room, spotlessly clean and bright with

flowers, is a veritable paradise for the little ones.
At noon, the prisoner is permitted to fetch her
baby, feed, and keep it near her during dinner-hour.
At two o'clock she resumes work until five, when she
again takes charge of her baby till next morning.
A cradle is placed in her cell for the infant, and she
is provided with a small bath.
A series of trifling rewards encourage moral im-
provement. Those who show good conduct during
the first two months are transferred to the first class

with its accompanying privileges, a better and more

spacious cell, a smart collar, the right to corre-
spond with friends and to receive visitors more fre-
quently, to have an hour's recreation in company
with other good-conduct prisoners and to receive
relatives in a pretty sitting-room instead of in the
common visitors' room.
The final reward for uninterrupted improvement
and untiring industry on the part of the prisoner is

her ultimate release, which since the sentence is

unlimited, may take place as soon as the Directress

considers her competent to earn an honest living.
But released prisoners are not left to their own de-
vices with the risk of speedily succumbing to
temptation. A commission of ladies interested in the
Reformatory (one of whom, Mrs. Russell, was my
guide on the occasion of my visit there) are con-
sulted before the release of each prisoner and
undertake to furnish her with suitable employment,
and to guide and watch over her during the first
few months so that she may be sure of advice and
assistance in any difficulties.

Institutions for Minor Offenders

Punishments should vary according to the type
of criminal, distinction being made between criminals
of passion, criminaloids, and born criminals.
Criminals of Passion. The true criminal of pas-
sion staffers more from remorse than from any
penalty the law can inflict. Additional punishments
should be exile of the offender from his native town

or from that in which the person offended resides;

indemnity for the injury caused, in money, or in

compulsory labour if the offender is not possessed

of sufficient means. Recourse should never be had
to imprisonment, which has an injurious effect even
upon the better types of law-breakers and criminals ;

from passion do not constitute a menace to society.

On the contrary, they are not infrequently superior
to average humanity and are only prompted to
crime by an exaggerated altruism which with care
might be turned into good channels.
This applies equally to political offenders, for

whom exile is the oldest, most dreaded, and most

efficacious punishment, and the disuse into which
it has fallen does not appear to be justified, since it

admits of graduation, is temporary, and an adequate

check on any attempt at insurrection.
Criminaloids . Repeated short terms of detention

in prison should be avoided and other penalties

substituted for petty offences against police regula-
tions, cheating the Customs, etc., when committed by
criminaloids who are not recidivists and have no
accomplices. A short term of imprisonment, which

brings this type of offender into contact with habitual

criminals, not only does not serve as a deterrent, but
generally has an injurious effect, because it tends to
lessen respect for the law, and, in the case of recidiv-
ists, to rob punishment of all its terrors ; and because
criminaloids, when once branded with the infamy
of prison and corrupted by associaton with worse
types, are liable to commit more serious crimes.

For all minor offences, fines are more efficacious

than imprisonment and, in the case of the poor, should
be replaced by compulsory labour at the discretion
of the magistrate. Binding over under a guarantee
to make good the injury done, corporal punishment,
confinement to the house, judicial reprimands and,
cautions are applicable to offenders of this type, as
is also the system of remitting first offences used in
France with great success by Magnaud. Under this
system, the offender is sentenced to an adequate
penalty, which, however, is only inflicted in the case
of recidivation.

An efficacious, and at the same time, more serious

method of dealing with criminaloids, is by means
of the probation system and indeterminate sentence.
The offender is sentenced to the maximum penalty
applicable to his particular offence, but it may be
diminished after a certain time if he shows signs of
improvement. During this interval he is on proba-
tion, that is, under supervision, much in the same
way as juvenile offenders.
The probation system is extensively and success-
fully adopted in America, either singly or in con-
junction with other penalties, as shown above.

The Probation System

This is an ideal manner of dealing with offenders
of a less serious type, minors and criminaloids, who
have fallen into bad ways, since, instead of punishing
them, it them habits of in-
seeks to encourage in
tegrity and to check the growth of vices by means
of a benevolent but strict supervision. The offender
is placed under the guidance of a respectable person,
who tries in every way to smooth the path of reform
by providing employment if he has
his charge with

none, or putting him in the way of learning some trade

if he is by isolating him from bad company,

by rewarding any improvement, and reporting pro-

gress to the central office, which has to decide whether
the period of probation is sufficient, or, in cases

where it has not been efficacious, to have recourse to

sterner measures.
The only drawback to this system is the difficulty
of applying it, because it is not always possible to
town a number of persons
find in every of high moral
standing, who are able and willing to exercise vigi-

lance over offenders. However, to the honour of the

United States it must be said that in many States
this supervision is organised in a truly admirable
manner. At Boston I visited the Probation Office
organised and managed by Miss Mary Dewson, which
undertakes the supervision of girls and is a model
worthy of imitation from the general arrangement
down to the smallest details.
The relations between the officers and their

charges are in most cases very cordial. The little girls

write most affectionate letters, in which they narrate
their joys and sorrows, express penitence for their
shortcomings and ask advice and help as of guardian
spirits. The officers in their turn show themselves
to be affectionate protectors and are scrupulous in

the fulfilment of their duties towards the central

office. Upwards of one hundred lockers were opened
at my request, and I was able to examine the docu-
ments relating to each of the children with their
antecedents, improvement, or the reverse, method-
ically entered up to a few days previous to my visit.
The splendid results obtained everywhere by
this system are leading to its gradual adoption in
nearly all the States of the Union and in many parts
of Australia and England, in dealing with young
people, adults, and all first offenders convicted of
petty infractions of the law, drunkenness, disturbance
of the peace, and disorderly conduct, and also for

prisoners released on ticket-of-leave. The proba-

tioner is obliged to report himself every fortnight, or
at any time the probation officer may desire. The
officer is empowered to supervise the conduct of

the probationer at home and in his place of employ-

ment, and to threaten him with legal proceedings
should his conduct be unsatisfactory.
The supervision of adults, as may be supposed, is a
far more delicate and complicated matter than that of
children, and however discreetly the officer proceeds
in order'to keep the matter hidden from neighbours
and employers, the position is such a humiliating
one for adults that many prefer imprisonment to
supervision. I was told that special reformatories

have been established at Boston for the detention of

those who prefer prison to vigilance.

Perhaps this aversion of adult offenders in

America to the probation system is due to the fact

that the probation officer is vested with powers
almost exceeding those of any magistrate. If he
thinks fit, he may extend the period of supervision
almost indefinitely or convert it into imprisonment.
Moreover, the feeling that every movement and
action, however innocent, is being watched is very
galling to a grown-up person. However, these
drawbacks could no doubt be remedied.

In England, supervision is replaced by a pledge

of good behaviour guaranteed by the culprit or a
surety, who is induced to exercise vigilance by the
knowledge that he will lose the sum deposited in the

case of recidivation. The magistrate is obliged by

English law to fix the period of probation, which
cannot be extended without another sentence. In
France, Belgium, and Australia, the probation system
appears to have given good results.
Corporal Pimishment. Although repugnant to
civilised ideas, the various forms of corporal punish-
ment, fasting, cold shower-bath, or even the rod, are
very suitable substitutes for imprisonment in the
case of children guilty of petty offences, because not
only are these punishments inexpensive and have
the advantage of creating a deeper and more im-
mediate impression, but they do not corrupt minor
offenders nor do they interrupt their regular occu-
pations, whether work or study. Fines should always
be inflicted for slight infractions of the law and in
all cases of petty larceny, frauds, and forgeries com-

mitted by minors. The fines should be proportioned

to the means of the individual and the gravity of the
oflence, and replaced by compulsory labour in the
case of those who refuse to pay.
Indemnity. The obligation to make adequate
compensation for the injury caused would be an
ideal punishment, but is extremely difficult to put
into practice. The magistrate, however, should do
his utmost to make suitable use of this penalty,
and the victim should be legally entitled to receive

a part of the proceeds from work done by the culprit

during detention.


Minors convicted for the first time of such serious

offences that supervision becomes an insufficient

guarantee against recidivation, should be relegated to

reformatories or other institutions which undertake
to punish offences and to segregate and correct
For the truly magnificent scale on which such re-

claiming institutions are conducted in North and

South America, both continents merit special mention.
The oldest and most celebrated of these reforma-

tories, that founded at Elmira by Brockway, owed

its inspiration to my father's book Criminal Man and
is the first reformatory that has been instituted on
similar principles.
The convicts admitted to Elmira are young men
between the ages of sixteen and thirty, convicted for

the first time of any offence, except those of the

most serious kind. The Administrative Council is

invested with unlimited powers for determining the


period of detention and may release prisoners long

before the expiration of their sentence.
Each newcomer has a bath, dons the uniform of

the Institute, is photographed, registered, medically

examined, and finally shut up in a cell to meditate
upon his offence. During this time the superin-
tendent obtains all the available information concern-
ing his character, environment, and the probable
causes that have led to his crime, and this informa-
tion serves as a basis for the cure. According to the
aptitude and culture of the prisoner, he is placed in
a technical or industrial class, where he learns some
trade which will enable him to become honestly
self-supporting on his release. He is immediately
acquainted with his duties and rights and the con-
ditions under which he may regain his liberty.
Education in the Reformatory consists of instruc-
tion in general knowledge and special training in some
trade. Moral and intellectual progress is stimulated

by the publication of a weekly review. The Summary,

which gives a report on political matters and the
news of the Reformatory.
The convicts are divided into three categories:
good, middling, and bad. The transference from the
second to the first class entails certain privileges,

especially those respecting communication with the

outer world, the right to receive visitors, to have
books, and to eat at a common table instead of par-
taking of a solitary meal in a cell. Those who obtain
the highest marks for good conduct are at liberty to
walk about the grounds and are entrusted with confi-

dential missions, such as the supervision of the other

convicts. Bad conduct marks cause prisoners to be
transferred from a higher to the lowest division, where
they are obliged to perform the rudest labour.
First-class convicts are purposely exposed to
temptations of various kinds, and when they have
passed through this ordeal triumphantly, they ob-
tain a conditional release. This cannot take place,
however, until the prisoner is provided with regular
employment of some kind, procured by his own
icxertions, through friends, or by the director of the
For six months after his release he is obliged to
give an account of himself regularly in the manner
prescribed by the Director; after one year absolute
liberty is regained.
In order to reduce the working expenses of the
Reformatory as much as possible, all posts, even that
of superintendent or teacher in the technical schools,

are filled by the convicts.


Although born criminals, habitual criminals, and



recidivists shoiild be carefully isolated from minor

offenders, they nevertheless require institutes con-
ducted on nearly similar principles. A prison, which
is to punish, but at the same time to correct and
redeem, demands strict discipline: in fact, milder

punishments have very little effect and their con-

stant repetition is harmful, although any exaggeration
of brute force is more injurious than useful. Harsh-
ness may cow criminals, but does not improve them
on the contrary, it only serves to irritate them or
to convert them into hypocrites. Even the adult
offender should be looked upon in the light of a child
or a moral invalid, who must be cured by a mixture
of gentleness and severity, but gentleness should
predominate, since criminals are naturally prone
to vindictiveness and are apt to regard even
slight punishments as unjust tortures. Even a
too rigid adherence to the rule of silence may
have a detrimental effect on the character of
the prisoners. An old convict once said to
Despine: "When you winked at slight offences
against the rules, we used to talk more, but
there was no harm in what we said. Now we
talk less, but when we do, we blaspheme and plot

In Danish prisons under rigorous discipline, in-

fractions of prison regulations amounted to 30%;
more recently under milder rule such infractions only

amount to 6%.
In order to strengthen the sense of justice which,
as we have said, is little developed in criminals, if

indeed it is not altogether suffocated by ignoble

passions, it is often advisable to appeal to their vanity
and self-esteem to aid in maintaining discipline and
increasing industry, by constituting them judges of
each other's conduct. Obermayer used to divide
the convicts into small groups and ask them to elect
their own superintendents and teachers, thus estab-
lishing a spirit of good-comradeship and rendering
possible a system of detailed and individual in-

struction, the sole kind that is really efficacious.

The 385 convicts at Detroit showed the highest per-

centage of efficiency, because they were divided into
21 classes with 28 teachers, all of whom, with the
exception of one, were prisoners. It was noticed
that the worst convicts were the best teachers
(Pears, Prisons and Reform, 1872), which proves
that even the most perverse elements may often be
utilised for the improvement of others.
Equally good was Despine's method of letting a
certain time elapse before inflicting punishment, so
that it should not be attributed to mere anger on his
part. As soon as the infraction was noted, the
prisoner was left to reflect on his conduct, and an

hour later the teacher and Director came to show

him the penalty prescribed by the regulations.
Sometimes it was found efficacious to administer a

rebuke and punishment to the whole group to which

the offender belonged. Obermayer considered this
method to be advantageous.
Work should be the motive force, aim, and recrea-
tion of every institute of this kind, in order to stimu-
late flagging energies, to accustom prisoners to useful
pursuits after release, to reinforce prison discipline
and to compensate the State for the expense incurred.
This latter object should, however, always be sub-
ordinated to the others, and lucrative trades must
occasionally be avoided. Occupations which might
pave the way for other crimes: lockmaking, brass-
work, engraving, photography, and calligraphy
should not be adopted, but choice made, instead, of
those agricultural employments which show the low-
est mortality and are much in demand. The manu-
facture of articles in straw, esparto, and string,
printing, tailoring, the making of pottery, and build-
ing are all suitable trades, but those which require
dangerous tools—shoemaking, cabinet-making, and
carpentering — should be resorted to of last all.

The rush baskets made by the convicts at Noto

(Sicily) obtained several medals.
The tasks allotted to prisoners should always be
proportioned to their strength and tastes. Unskilled
or physically weaker individuals who conscientiously
do their best, should be rewarded in some way, if

not pecuniarily, at least by a reduction of their

sentences. In this way work becomes profitable
and a spirit of comradeship and friendly emulation
develops among the prisoners.

Institutes for Habitual Criminals

To protect society against the repeated misdeeds

of these offenders and those of born criminals, segre-
gation is essential. However, the institutions set

apart to receive these classes should still regard the

redemption of the inmates as their chief aim, and
only when all attempts have proved futile should
they be replaced by almost perpetual isolation in
a penal colony.
The Penitenciario Nacional of Buenos Ayres is a
splendid instance of an institute founded for the
redemption of adult offenders as well as for the punish-
ment of their offences. The inmates of this peniten-

tiary comprise offenders of all types —criminaloids,

habitual and born —
criminals ^belonging to the Pro-
vince of Buenos Ayres. It was established a few
years after the Reformatory at Elmira, the funda-
mental principles of which it has imitated with cer-

tain wise modifications to suit diverse circumstances.


Externally, it has nothing in common with the

gloomy European prisons. It is a large, white
edifice with a broad flight of steps leading to the
street and is devoid of all signs of force, soldiers,
sentry-boxes, etc.
After passing through a wide vestibule, I reached
a large, shady court-yard with low walls almost hidden
beneath a wealth of flowers and foliage. A corridor
opening on to the court-yard was flanked on each side
by a row of open, white cells, each well lighted by a
fair-sizedwindow during the day, and by electricity
at night. Each cell is furnished with book-shelves,
a table with paper, pen and inkstand, and a chair.
All the corridors, which are gay with plants, converge
towards a central glass-room, whence the sub-in-
spector surveys all the radiating corridors under his
jurisdiction. Each corridor ends in a workshop,
where printing, lithography, shoemaking, metal and
steel work are carried on, and between the corridors
are garden plots in which fruit, vegetables, and
flowers are cultivated. The workshops are reckoned
among the best the Republic contains. The print-
ing-office turns out many weekly papers, illustrated
magazines, and scientific and literary reviews. Foot-
gear of the finest and most elegant quality manu- is

factured in the shoe-factory, and the foundry and

workshop produce lathes, boilers, industrial and
agricultural machines and implements. All the
cooking in the Penitentiary is done by steam, and
the plant is installed in a large building erected
by the prisoners themselves.
Work in the Penitentiary is compulsory. On
arrival, each convict receives instruction in some
handicraft, chosenby himself or one of the foremen.
Of course swindlers and forgers are not admitted
to trades like lithography, for reasons easy to
The convicts receive regular wages which vary
according to their abilities and are about equal to
the standard wages in each particular trade. All
earnings are put aside and handed to the convict
on his release when he is also provided with suitable
Work is finished at five o'clock in the evening and
after a substantial supper the prisoners are divided
into nine classes, six elementary and three second-
ary, according to their culture and intelligence. If

illiterate, they are taught reading and writing and

later, arithmetic, geography, history, languages, and
drawing, — this latter being adapted to the particular
trade of each individual. When school is finished,

prisoners are allowed to go to the library to return

the books they have read and take others for the

Instead of a weekly newspaper like that published

at Elmira, intellectual development is stimulated
by means of lectures delivered each week by the
prisoners or their teachers and attended by the
Director, Vice-Director, and all the convicts.
In addition to the care lavished by the Director,
Seiior B alive, on the work and education of his
charges, he spares no pains to encourage moral pro-
gress by rewarding good conduct. As each convict
enters the Penitentiary, his name, trial, sentence,
and antecedents are entered in a book with his photo-
graph and particulars of his physical and psychic
individuality, and these data are supplemented by
remarks on his conduct and good actions, if any, so
that on his release a clear idea is obtained of the
moral progress he has made while in prison.

Penal Colonies

When after unsparing efforts for the redemption

of a criminal, repeated convictions prove him to be
a hopeless recidivist, the community should decline
to allow him to perfect his anti-social abilities at their
expense in prisons or at large, and should segregate
him permanently, unless, indeed, there is any hope
of reform, or circumstances render him harmless.
Perpetual confinement in a prison, even of an improved
type is, however, both cruel and expensive, but an


excellent substitute may be found in the Penal
Colony. Here the chief object should be, not to
educate, elevate, or redeem the criminal, but to ren-
der him as useful as possible, so that he does not
prove too great a burden on the community.
Penal colonies should be situated on islands or
in remote territories, that is, completely isolated
from populous districts. The agricultural colony at
Meseplas founded by the Belgian Government is a
model worthy of imitation.

In this colony the convict population is divided

into four categories:
1. Turbulent and dangerous individuals, who
exercise an injurious influence over the other in-

mates of reformatories and prisons;

2. Recidivists, ticket -of -leave men, escaped and
mutinous convicts;
3. Persons of bad reputation, who have hitherto
avoided conviction
4. The better types, who have been convicted
three or four times only and although not depraved,
lack moral stamina and are constantly yielding to
temptation when at large.

All the common necessities of life are supplied by

the colonists themselves, beginning with the dwellings
which are erected as they are required and according
to the resources available. In this way, extensive

building operations are carried out at a very slight

cost to the State. Cattle and crops are raised on
the land, which is cultivated by a number of the

convicts, while others manufacture articles which

find a ready market in the vicinity and for which
they possess suitable tools.

Any convict refusing to work is imprisoned on

bread and water. All work is paid for in special
coin current only in the colony itself, but which,
on the release of the owner, is exchanged for the coin
of the country.
The "Open Door," an institution on similar
lines, was founded by Professor Cabred for the insane

of the Province of Buenos Ayres, and judging from

what I was able to observe during my short visit, it

fulfils its purpose admirably. It consists of a large

village populated by some ten or twelve thousand
lunatics. With the exception of the price of the

land and the cost of erecting the first buildings,

this colony does not cost the community anything;
on the contrary, the colonists are able to make large

The ultimate plan of the village with streets and

edifices has already been mapped out, and the
patients are continually occupied in erecting new
buildings, etc. There is a brick-kiln, a carpenter
shop, and a smithy, which produce all the materials
used in building and furnishing the dwelHngs. Only
the less dangerous patients are employed in these
operations: those of weaker mind make brushes and
wicker articles.

The colony is situated in the midst of a vast

stretch of land in the Province of Buenos Ayres, on
which fruit and vegetables are grown by a number of
the patients. Others are occupied in raising fowls
and pigs, which supply the colony with eggs and
meat and yield a large profit when sold outside.
Professor Cabred wisely prefers agriculture of this
kind to the raising of large crops of wheat or maize,
because it simplifies the task of supervision necessary

in any colony, and gives the colonists, whose toil is

compulsory, a continual and regular occupation of an

almost unvarying character. (This applies equally
to the case of a penal colony.) Workmen, foremen,
engineers, builders, mechanics, gardeners, — ^all are
patients, with the exception of the Director, the
doctor, and about a hundred mounted warders,
who pass rapidly from one part to another and
are able to intervene in suicidal or homicidal
A colony on these lines would be suitable for the
large mass of habitual criminals, who, although
unable to resist the temptations of ordinary life,

are capable of useful work under supervision, and


under such conditions may prove beneficial to them-

selves and to the community.

Institutions for Born Criminals and the

Morally Insane
Asylums for Criminal Insane. We have still to con-
sider born criminals, epileptics, and the morally in-

sane, whose crimes spring from inherited perverse

instincts. These unfortunate beings cannot be con-
signed to ordinary prisons, since, owing to their state
of mental alienation, they do not possess even the
modesty of the vicious —hypocrisy—and they never
fail to pervert those criminaloids with whom they
come in contact. Malcontents by nature, they
distrust everybody and everything, and as they see
an enemy in every warder and official, they are the
centres of constant mutinies.
To confine them in common asylums would be still
more injurious, for they preach sodomy, flight, and re-
volt and incite the others to robbery, and their inde-
cent and savage ways, as well as the terrible reputa-
tion which often precedes them, make them objects of

terror and repulsion to the quieter patients and their

relatives, who dread to see their kin in such company.
Ordinary asylums are equally unsuited to those
victims of mental derangement who, although de-
void of the depraved instincts of the morally insane
and generally of blameless career up to the moment
in which they are led to commit a crime by some
isolated evil impulse, have a bad influence on the
other inmates. Unlike other lunatics, they do not
shrink from the company of others, whom they
torment with their violence and contaminate with
that spirit of and discontent which
distinguished them even before they became insane
or criminals. Firm in the belief that they are al-

ways being ill treated and insulted, they instil these

ideas into their companions and suggest thoughts
of flight and revolt, which would never occur to ordi-
nary lunatics, absorbed as they are by their own
world of fancies. The condition of the inmates is

thereby aggravated, and it becomes impossible to

accord them that large measure of freedom advo-
cated by all modern alienists.

To leave these madmen at large would be more dan-

gerous still. Beneath an appearance of perfect calm
and mental lucidity are hidden morbid impulses, which
may give terrible results at some unexpected moment.

All these offenders insane criminals and the
morally insane whose irresistible tendencies are det-

rimental to the commimity —should be confined in

special institutes to be cured, or at any rate segre-

grated for life. No infamy would attach to their
names, because their irresponsibility would be clearly

recognised, and society would be secure from their

England was the first country to provide asylums
for the criminal insane. In 1 840 a portion of Bedlam ^
was set aside for this purpose. Fisherton House, a
special private asylum of this kind, was opened
in 1 844, and later others were instituted at Dundrum
(Ireland) in 1850, at Broadmoor in 1863, and at Perth
(Scotland) in 1858, to receive criminals who commit
crimes in a state of insanity, or become insane during
their trial, and all prisoners whose state of limacy or
imbecility renders them unable to conform to the
discipline of a prison. Of course sanguinary and
violent scenes often occur in these asylums, where
the pernicious influence this type of lunatic exercises
over his surroundings in ordinary asylums or prisons
is multiplied and intensified a hundred-fold. Con-
spiracies, almost unknown in common asylums, and
the murder of warders or officials are very common.
Despairing of release and conscious of their irrespon-
sibility, these wretched beings attack the warders,
destroy the walls which confine them, murder and
wound others and themselves; but at any rate the
injury is limited to a small circle, and both harmless
lunatics and common criminals are not contaminated.
Moreover, even in criminal asylums, long experience
with these strange pathological types and the adop-
tion of subdivisions like those recently introduced
intoBroadmoor by Orange have done much towards
improving the general condition and eliminating
many drawbacks. According to this classification

insane criminals are divided into two classes, un-

convicted and convicted, the former class being sub-
divided into untried and tried. Untried offenders,
those who are considered to have been insane before
committing the crime, are sent to a common county
asylum, where are also confined persons convicted of
minor offences and declared insane (the percentage
of cures in this class is considerable) and others
suspected of shamming insanity. In this way, the
better elements are eliminated and the inmates
of the criminal insane asylum reduced to the worst
and most dangerous types only.

Capital Punishment

When, notwithstanding prisons, deportation, and

criminal asylums, individuals of ineradicable anti-
social instincts make repeated attempts on the
lives of others, whether honest men or their own
companions in evil-doing, the only remedy is the
application of the extreme penalty —death.
Amongst barbarous peoples, on whom prison
makes but slight impression, or in primitive com-
munities that do not possess criminal asylums,

penitentiaries, and other means of social defence and

redemption, the death penalty has always been
considered the most certain and at the same time
the most economical means of common protection.
But criminal anthropologists realise that the desire

to abolish this penalty, which so often finds ex-

pression in civilised countries,' arises from a noble
sentiment and one they have no wish to destroy.
Capital punishment, according to the opinion of
my father, should only be applied in extreme cases,
but the fear of it, suspended like a sword of Damocles
above their heads, would serve as a check to the
murderous by some criminals
proclivities displayed

when they are condemned to perpetual imprisonment.

We have, it is true, no right to take the lives of

others but if we refuse to recognise the legitimacy

of self-defence, exile and imprisonment are equally

When we realise that there exist beings, born

criminals, who are organised for evil, who reproduce
the instincts common to the wildest savages and
even those of ferocious carnivora, and are destined
by nature to injure others, our resentment becomes
softened; but notwithstanding our sense of pity,
we feel justified in demanding their extermination
when they prove to be dangerous and absolutely
Penalties Proposed by the Modern School

The following tables, compiled by Senator Garofalo, a

celebrated jurist of the Modern School and inserted in
Criminal Man, vol. iii, show the distribution of penalties
systematically arranged.

I. Born Criminals who are utterly devoid of the senti-

ment of pity.

Offende,r Crime Penalty

Murderers exhib- Murder for lucre or Prison, penal col-
iting moral in- some other egotis- ony, criminal in-
sensibility and in- tical object sane asylum, or
stinctive cruelty, Murder without capital punish-
convicted of provocation on the ment if recidivists.
part of the victim
Murder with fero-
cious execution

II. Violent and Impulsive Criminals, Criminalolds, and

those guilty through insufficiency of pity, of decency, of in-
hibitory power, and through prejudiced notions of honor.
Offender Crime Penalty
Adults convicted Cruelty, assault Criminal insane
of and battery, rape, asylum for epilep-
kidnapping tics, or
Indefinite seclusion
for a period equal
to one of the na-
tural divisions of
a man's life, with
period of super-
vision. .

Minors convicted Murder, cruelty Special reforma-

of and other offences tories, criminal in-
against the person sane asylum if
without provoca- there are congeni-
tion tal tendencies.
Offences against Penal colony and
decency deportation in
cases of recidiva-


Offender Penalty
Exile from native
place and from the
town in which the
victim 's family li ve
Exile, segregation
for an indefinite
period in some
remote town or
Compensation for
injury caused,
fines, reprimand,
security, condi-
tional liberty.
Reprimand, secur-
ity, imprisonment
for a definite
III. Criminals Devoid of a Sense of Honesty
Offender Crime Penalty
Adults convicted Fraudulent bank- Compensation for
of ruptcy damage caused,
exclusion from
business and
public offices.
Adults convicted Counterfeiting, Reformatories,
of forging cheques, fines, compensa-
public title-deeds, tion for damage, ex-
etc. clusion from office.
Adults convicted Bigamy, substitu- Seclusion for an
of tion or suppression indefinite period.
of child
Minors convicted Theft, fraud, and Magisterial repri-
of picking pockets mand, probation,
reformatory, or ag-
ricultural colony.

IV. Offenders Lacking in Industry

Offender Penalty
Beggars, vaga- Agricultural colo-
bonds, loafers ny for country
offenders, work-
shop for city of-

V. Offenders Deficient in Misoneism (Hatred of Change)

Offender Penalty
Political, social, and Temporary exile.
religious rebels


The punishment of offenders and the protection

of society from the insane are the two chief objects
of criminal jurisprudence, but criminal anthropolog-
ists aim at something higher, the utilisation of anti-

social elements, thus redeeming them completely and

justifying their existence in the eyes of mankind and
in the scheme of nature.
We find, in fact, in nature numerous instances
of a partnership for mutual benefit between animals
and plants of very diverse species and tendencies.
Lichens are a living symbiosis of algse and fungi:
the pagurus allows the actiniae to settle on his
dwelling, where they attract his prey and in return
are housed and conveyed from place to place.

In imitation of this principle, criminal anthro-

pologists seek to devise ameans of making offenders
serviceable to civilisation by carefully analysing
their tendencies and psychology, and fitting them in-
to some suitable groove in the social scheme, where
they may be useful to themselves and to others.
Side by side with depraved instincts, criminals fre-

quently possess invaluable gifts : an abnormal degree

of intelligence, great audacity, and love of innovation.
The wonderful galleries and fortifications cut out in
the rocks at Gibraltar and Malta by English convicts
and the complete transformation of parts of Sardinia

have led criminologists to the conclusion that the

ancient penalty of enforced labour was more logical,
useful,and advantageous both for the culprit and
the community than all modern punishments. The
Mormons of America and the religious sects perse-
cuted in Russia by an omnipotent bureaucracy, have
by their energy transformed uninhabitable regions
into lands of extraordinary fertility. Still greater
results might be obtained, if the abnormal tendencies
of certain individuals were turned into useful chan-
nels, instead of being pent up until they manifest
themselves in anti-social acts, and this beneficent
and lofty task should devolve on teachers and
protectors of such of the young as show physical
and psychic anomalies at an early age.
The colonisation of wild regions and all professions
(motoring, cycling, acrobatic and circus feats) which
demand audacity, activity, love of adventure, and
intense efforts followed by long periods of repose are

eminently suited to criminals. There are cases on

record in which young men have actually become
thieves and even murderers in order to gain sufficient
means to become comedians or professional cyclists,
and there is every reason to suppose that these crimes
would never have been committed had the youths
been able to obtain the required sums honestly.
On the other hand, men of bad character, ready to
develop into criminals, often undergo a complete
transformation when they find some outlet for their
intelligence and aptitudes, in becoming pioneers in
virgin regions or soldiers. War, the original, perpet-

ual and exclusive occupation of our ancestors, is emi-


nently suited to the tendencies of criminals. All the

characteristics of the criminal, impulsiveness, cynic-
ism, physical and moral insensibility, and invulnera-
bility are valuable qualities in the soldier in times
of war, especiallywhen waged against savage and
barbarous nations, when cunning and ability have
to be employed against primitive races who laugh at
the rules and ethics of civilised warfare.
Amongst brigands, we find a few badly-armed
individuals performing marvels of valour, and the
leaders, although ignorant men, manifesting an
intelligence and tactical skill that puts trained armies

to shame. Could not the tendencies of criminals be

used for the good of their country? The qualities
developed in primitive races by constant warfare
against the forces of nature are characteristic also
of criminals. Let those whom nature has destined
to reproduce impulsive and brutal instincts in a
civil and industrial age be permitted to employ them
in defending civilisation with true primitive valour
against external and internal enemies, against bar-
barous peoples who would restrict its boundaries, or
reactionary elements who seek to hinder its progress.
The Great Redeemer, who in pardoning the
adulteress, said, "He that is without sin among you,
lethim first cast a stone at her, " and the Prophet
who foretold the day when the wolf and the lamb
should dwell together and the lion should eat straw
like the ox and should " not hurt nor destroy,"
divined perhaps this noble aim. If criminal an-
thropology is destined to lead mankind to this

goal, it may well be pardoned all the harsh measures

it has seen fit to suggest in order to realise the
supreme end — social safety.




/^^RIMINAL anthropologists are unanimous in in-

^^ sisting on the importance of the results to be
gained from a careful examination of the physical
and psychic individuality of the offender, with a
view to establishing the extent of his responsibility,
the probabilities of recidivation on his part, the cure
to be prescribed or the punishment to be meted out
to him; but besides furnishing the magistrate with
a sound basis for his decisions, the anthropological
examination will prove of great assistance to pro-
bation officers, superintendents of orphanages and
rescue homes and all those who are entrusted with
the destinies of actual offenders or candidates for
crime. I have therefore decided to devote this part

of my summary to a minute demonstration of the

methods to be employed in these examinations,
which should be conducted on the one hand with
the scientific precision that distinguishes clinical
diagnoses of diseases and on the other with special
rules deduced from the long experience of criminolog-
ists in dealing with criminals and the insane, between
whom there is so much affinity.

Antecedents and Psychic Individuality

The examination of a criminal or person of

criminal tendencies should, if possible, be preceded
by a careful investigation of his antecedents. Ques-
tions put to relatives and friends often bring
to light facts relating to his past life, and give an
idea of the surroundings in which he has grown up
and the illnesses suffered by him during childhood
(meningitis, typhus, convulsions, hemicrania, giddi-
ness, pavor nocturnus, trauma). The prevalence of
disease in the family (parents, grandparents, uncles,
cousins, etc.) should be elicited and note taken not
only of nervous maladies, but of arthritic, tuber-
culous, pellagrous, and inebriate forms, including a
tendency to morphiomania. Even goitre should
not escape notice, since it may indicate cretinism or
any other form of degeneration. The existence of
criminality in the family is of still greater importance,
but it is extremely difficult to obtain any information
on this head, either from the patient himself or his

relatives. A certain amount of strategy must be

used in eliciting facts of this kind, by suddenly ask-

ing, for instance, whether a certain individual of the

same name, already deceased or confined in such-
and-such an asylum or prison, is any relation of the
Next should be ascertained whether he is single

or married, and in the latter case, whether his wife

is still living; also what profession or professions
he has exercised. In this connection it should be
observed that although criminals are generally suc-
cessful in everything they undertake, they are in-

capable of remaining constant to one thing for any

length of time.
Many persons, cooks, tavern-keepers, confection-
ers, etc., exercise callings that have a deleterious
effect on the nervous centres and encourage an abuse
of alcohol; others like bakers, have night work,
which is equally harmful. Professions which bring
poor men, servants, secretaries, cashiers, etc., into
close contact with wealth, are sometimes the cause
of dishonesty in those who in the absence of special
temptations, would have remained upright; others
provide criminaloids with opportunities or instru-
ments for accomplishing some crime, as in the
case of locksmiths, blacksmiths, soldiers, doctors,
lawyers, etc.
The time of the year and other circumstances
under which the crime takes place should be elicited,
and it should be borne in mind that the vintage
season in countries of Southern Europe and extremes
of heat and cold are favourable to seizures of an
epileptic nature.
When the subject under examination is a recidiv-
ist, care should be taken to ascertain at what age
and under what circumstances the initial offence
was committed. Precocity in crime is a characteris-
tic of bom criminals, and puberty and senility have
their peculiar offences, as have the extremes of
poverty and wealth.
Intelligence. As we are not dealing with an
ordinary patient, who is generally only too ready to
talk about his troubles, but with an individual who
has been put on his guard by constant cross-examina-
tion, his suspicions should first of all be allayed by a
series of general questions on his native place or the

town in which he is now living, his trade, etc. "Why

did you leave your native town? Why do you not
return? Are you married? How many children
have you?" etc. Then an attempt should be made
to gain an idea of his intellectual powers by asking
easy questions: "How many shillings are there in

a pound? How many hours are there in a day?

In what year were you married?" etc.

Affection. The affections should be tested in an

indirect way. "Is your father a bad man?" or

"Are your neighbours worthless people? Do they

treat you with due respect? Has any one a spite
against you? Are you fond of your parents? Are
you aware that your brother (or mother) is seriously
ill?" Questions concerning relatives and friends
are of special interest, because they enable the ex-
aminer to ascertain whether they cause the patient
emotion of any kind, whether he has any real affec-
tion for those beings to whom normal persons are
attached, but towards whom bom criminals and the
insane in general do not manifest love. In the
absence of instruments, we must judge of the feel-

ings of patients by their answers and the facial

changes caused by emotion, but medico-legal ex-
perts naturally prefer a scientific test by means of
accurate instruments, by which the exact degree of
emotion is registered. These instruments are the
plethysmograph and the hydrosphygmograph.
It is well known that any emotion which causes
the heart-beats to quicken or become slower makes
us blush or turn pale, and these vaso-motor pheno-
mena are entirely beyond our control. If we plunge
one of our hands into the volumetric tank invented
by Francis Frank, the level of the liquid registered
on the tube above will rise and fall at every pulsa-
tion, and besides these regular fluctuations, varia-
tions may be observed which correspond to every
stimulation of the senses, every thought and above
all, every emotion. The volumetric glove invented
by Patrizi (see Fig. 25), an improvement on the
above-mentioned instrument, is a still more prac-
tical and convenient apparatus. It consists of a
large gutta-percha glove, which
put on the hand is

and hermetically sealed at the wrist by a mixture

of mastic and vaseline. The
glove is filled with air as the
tank was with water. The
greater or smaller pressure ex-
ercised on the air by the pul-
sations of blood in the veins
of the hands reacts on the
aerial column of an india-rub-
ber tube, and this in its turn
on Marey's tympanum (a small
Fig. 2i chamber half metal and half
Criminal's Ear
gutta-percha). This chamber
supports a lever carrying an indicator, which rises
and falls with the greater or slighter flow of blood in
the hand. This lever registers the oscillations on a
moving cylinder covered with smoked paper. If

after talking to the patient on indifferent subjects,

the examiner suddenly mentions persons, friends,
or relatives, who interest him and cause him a cer-

tain amount of emotion, the curve registered on the


revolving cylinder suddenly drops and rises rapidly,

thus proving that he possesses natural affections.
If, on the other hand, when alluding to relatives and
their illnesses, or vice-versa, no corresponding move-
ment is registered on the cylinder, it may be assumed
that the patient does not possess much affection.
Thus when Bianchi and Patrizi spoke to the
notorious brigand Musolino about life in his native
woods, his mother, and his sweetheart, there was
an immediate alteration in the pulse, and the line
registered by the plethysmograph suddenly changed,
nor did it return to its previous level imtil some time
My father sometimes made successful use of the
plethysmograph to discover whether an accused
person was guilty of the crime imputed to him, by
mentioning it suddenly while his hands were in the
plethysmograph or placing the photograph of the
victim unexpectedly before his eyes.
Morbid Phenomena. When examining a crim-
inal or even a suspected person, who is nearly always
more or less abnormal, it is advisable to investigate
the more common morbid phenomena he may be
subject to, on which he is not likely to give infor-
mation spontaneously because he is ignorant of
their importance. He should be questioned about
his sleep, whether he has dreams, etc. Mental
sufferers nearly always sleep badly and are fre-
quently tormented by insomnia and hallucinations.
The inebriate imagines he is being pursued by
disgusting, misshapen creatures, from which he can-
not escape. Epileptics, and frequently also hysteri-

cal persons have peculiar obsessions. They fancy

they cannot perform certain actions unless they are
preceded by certain words and gestures.
The susceptibility of the patient to suggestion
should also be tested, to determine what value can
be attached to his assertions. Sufferers from hys-
teria and general paralysis are like children, highly

susceptible to suggestion, not necessarily of an

hypnotic nature. If you tell an hysterical person
with conviction that he suffers pain in a certain part
of his body, is feverish or pale or something of the
sort, he will inform you spontaneously after a few
minutes that he feels pain or fever, etc. After a
crime of a startling nature has been committed by
some unknown person, it not unfrequently happens
that some hysterical subject, generally a youth, who
imagines he has been accused of the crime by the
neighbours or his acquaintances, becomes convinced
that he is really guilty and gives himself up to the

Speech. Special attention should be directed dur-

ing the examination to the way in which the

patient replies to questions and his mode of pro-

nunciation. There may be pecuHarities of pro-
nunciation and stammering, characteristic of certain
forms of mental alienation, or at any rate of some
nervous anomaly; or articulation may be tremulous
and forced, as in precocious dementia and chronic
inebriety. In other cases the words are jumbled
and confused, especially if long and difficult. In
the first stages of progressive paralysis the letter r
is not pronounced. To test this anomaly, which is

of great importance in the diagnosis, the patient

should be requested to pronounce difficult words,
such as, corroborate, reread, rewrite, etc.

In order not to lose such valuable indications,

in cases where personal examination is impossible,
phonograph impressions of conversations between
the patient and some third person will serve as
a substitute.
The inquiry may reveal still more serious anoma-
lies in the ideas, intelligence, and mental condition
of the patient. Sometimes the answers given are
sensible but are followed by nonsense. Other
patients, especially when affiicted with melancholia,
speak unwillingly, as if the words were forced
from them, one by one. Idiots, cretins, and de-
mented persons are sometimes incapable of express-
ing themselves. Some patients who have had
apoplectic strokes substitute on^ word for another,

"bread" for "wine," etc., or elide one part of the

sentence and only repeat the last word.
Memory. To form an idea of the memory of
the subject, questions should be put to him con-
cerning recent and remote personal facts and cir-

cumstances, the year in which he or his children

were born, what he had for his supper on the pre-
vious evening, etc., etc.

Visual memory may be tested by giving the

patient a sheet of paper, on which are drawn various
common objects, letters, or easy words. He should
be allowed to look at these for five or ten seconds

and requested to enumerate them after the paper

has been withdrawn. In order to test the memory

of sounds, the examiner should utter five or six
easy words and ask the patient to repeat them im-
mediately afterwards.
To test sense of colour, a picture on which various
colours are painted is placed before the patient, as
well as a skein of wool of the same shade as one of
the colours in the picture, which he is requested to
point out.
Handwriting is very important, particularly in
distinguising a born criminal from a lunatic, and
between the various kinds of mental alienation.
Monomaniacs and mattoids (cranks) who give

the police the most trouble often speak in a per-

fectly sane manner, but pour out all their insanity

on paper, without an examination of which it is not

easy to detect mental derangement. They write
with rapidity and at great length. Their pockets,
bags, etc., are always full of sheets of paper covered
with small handwriting, sometimes scribbled in all

directions. The matter is generally absurd or

simply stupid, consisting of endless repetitions.
Individuals in the first stage of paralysis make
orthographical errors, which coincide with their
mistakes in pronunciation, like Garigaldi, instead of
Garibaldi. Care must be taken to test this defect

thoroughly. If the patient is fairly well-educated,

his signature, which is the last to alter, is not suffi-

cient ; nor are a few lines a satisfactory test, since he

can easily concentrate his attention on them, but
he should be requested to write a page or two and
be exhorted to make haste.
Alcoholism and paralysis generally give rise to
tremulous handwriting with unsteady strokes, as in
old people. After epileptic seizures and attacks of
hysteria the writing is shaky. The slightest trem-

bling of the hand is detected if Edison's electric

pen be used.
In progressive general paralysis and some forms
of dementia shakiness is so excessive that it becomes
dysgraphy, with zigzag letters. The handwriting of

persons subject to apoplectic strokes has often the

appearance of copper-plate. Monomaniacs inter-
sperse their writings with illustrations and sym-
bols. They write very closely in imitation of

do mattoids, hysterical persons, and megalo-

print, as

maniacs, and use many notes of exclamation and

capital letters. Their writings are full of badly-

spelled words, scrolls, and flourishes.

Criminals guilty of sanguinary offences gener-

ally have a clumsy but energetic handwriting and
cross their Vs with dashing strokes. The hand-
writing of thieves can scarcely be distinguished
from that of ordinary persons, but the hand-
writing of swindlers is easier to recognise, as it

generally lacks clearness although it preserves a

certain uniformity. The signature is usually in-

decipherable and enveloped in an infinite number

of arabesques.
Clothing. The manner in which a patient is dressed
often gives an exact indication of his individ-

uality. Members of those secret organizations of

Naples and Camorra and Mafia,

Sicily, the
are fond of dressing in a loud manner with an
abundance of jewelry. Murderers, epileptics, and
the morally insane, who lead isolated lives, attach
no importance to dress and are frequently dirty and

shabby. (See Fig. 26, A. D., a morally insane

epileptic, the perpetrator of three murders.) Swin-
dlers are always dressed in faultless style, the cin-
asdus is fond of giving his costume a feminine
air, and monomaniacs trick themselves out with
ribbons, decorations, and medals: their clothes are
generally of a strange cut. The cretin and the idiot

go about with their clothes torn and in disorder and

not infrequently emit a strong odour of ammonia.

Physical Examination

Having carefully investigated the past history

of the subject and made a minute study of his ab-

normal psychic phenomena, the expert should pro-

ceed to the examination of his physical characters.
Chapter I of Part I contains a detailed description
of the principal physiognomical anomalies of the
criminal that may be discerned by the naked eye.
They will now be briefly recapitulated.
Skin. The skin frequently shows scars and (in

the epileptic subject to seizures) lesions on the elbows

and temples. Marks of wounds inflicted in quar-

rels and attempted suicide are frequent in habitual

criminals. The forehead and nose must be examined
for traces of acne rosacea frequent in drunkards, and
for erythema on the back of the hands, character-
istic of pellagra. Ichthyosis, psoriasis, or other skin
diseases are very common in cases of mental aliena-
tion, and scurvy often indicates long seclusion in
Tattooing. Great care must be taken to ascer-
tain whether the subject is tattooed, and if so, on
what parts of his body. Tattooing often reveals
obscenity, vindictiveness, cupidity, and other char-
acteristics of the patient, besides furnishing his name
or initials, that of his native town or village, and the
symbol of the trade he refuses to reveal (sometimes
such indications have been blurred or effaced).
(See Fig. 2j.)
One of the chief proofs showing the untruthful-
ness of the statements made by the Tichborne
claimant was the fact that his person was devoid
of tattooing, whereas it was well known that Roger
Tichborne had been tattooed.
Tattooing often reveals the psychology, habits,
and vices of the individual. The tattooing on ped-
erasts usually consists of portraits of those with whom
they have unnatural commerce, or phrases of an
affectionate nature addressed to them. A pederast
and forger examined by Professor Filippi was
tattooed on his forearm with a sentimental declara-
tion addressed to the object of his unnatural de-
sires; a criminal convicted of rape was covered with
pictorial representations of his obscene adventures.

From these few instances, it is apparent that these

personal decorations are of the utmost value as
evidence of hidden vices and crimes.
Wrinkles. We have already spoken of the
abundance and precocity of wrinkles in born crim-
inals. They are also a characteristic of the insane.
The following are of special importance: the
vertical and horizontal lines on the forehead, the
oblique and triangular lines of the brows, the hori-
zontal or circumflex lines at the root of the nose
and the vertical and horizontal lines on the neck.
(The ferocious leader of a band of criminals at
twenty-five, and a savage murderer under thirty
years of age.)
Beard. The beard is scanty in born criminals
and often altogether absent in epileptics. On the
other hand, it is common in insane females and
in normal women after the menopause. Degen-
erates of both sexes frequently manifest character-
istics of the opposite sex in the distribution of hair
on the body. A tuft of hair in the sacro-lumbar
region, suggestive of the tail of the mythological
faun, is frequently found in epileptics and idiots,
and some cases the back and breast are covered
with thick down which makes them resemble
The hair covering the head is generally thick and
dark, the growth is often abnormal with square or
triangular zones growing in a different direction
from the rest, or in small tufts like those inserted in a
brush. Still more frequently do we find anomalies
in the position of the vortex, or that point whence the
hair-growth diverges circularly, which in normal
persons is nearly always situated on the crown. In
degenerates it is frequently on one side of the head
and in cretins on the forehead. Precocious grey-
ness and baldness are common in the insane crim-
inals, and cretins, on the contrary, show these initial

signs of senility at a much later period than normal

Teeth. The greatest percentage of anomalies is

found in the incisors; next come the premolars,

the molars, and lastly the canines. In criminals,
especially if epileptics, the middle incisors of the
upper jaw are sometimes missing and their absence
is compensated by the excessive development of the
lateral incisors. In other cases the lateral incisors
are of the same size as the middle ones, and sometimes
the teeth are so nearly uniform that it is difficult to
distinguish between incisors, canines, and molars, a
circumstance which recalls the homodontism of
the lower vertebrates. After the incisors, the pre-
molars show the greatest number of anomalies.
While in normal persons they are smaller than the

molars, in degenerates they are frequently of the

same size or even larger. Supernumerary teeth,
amounting sometimes to a double row, are not un-
common. In other cases there is extraordinary
development of the canines. Inherited degeneracy
from inebriate, syphilitic, or tuberculous parents
frequently manifests itself in rickety teeth with
longitudinal and transverse strice or serration of the
edges, due to irregularities in the formation of the
enamel. In idiots and epileptics, dentition is often
backward and stunted; the milk-teeth are not re-

placed by others, or are almond-shaped and other-

wise of abnormal aspect.
Ears. The ears of criminals and epileptics ex-
hibit a number of anomalies. They are sometimes
of abnormal size or stand out from the face. Dar-
win's tubercle, which is like a point turned forward
when the helix folds over, and turned backward
when the helix is fiat, is frequently encountered in
the ears of degenerates. The lobe is subject to a
great many anomalies, sometimes it is absent al-

together, in some cases it adheres to the face or is of

huge dimensions and square in shape. Sometimes

the helix is prolonged so as to divide the concha in

two. Idiots often show excessive development of

the anti-helix, while the helix itself is reduced to a

flattened strip.
Eyes. The eyebrows are generally bushy in

murderers and violators of women. Ptosis, a species

of paralysis of the upper lid, which gives the eye a
half -closed appearance, is common in all criminals;

but more frequently we find strabismus, a want of

parallelism in the visual axes, bichromatism of the
iris, and rigidity of the pupils.

Nose. In thieves the base of the nose often slants

upwards, and this characteristic of rogues is so
common in Italy that it has given rise to a number
of proverbs. The nose is often twisted in epileptics,
flattened and trilobate in cretins.
Jaws. Enormous maxillary development is one
of the most frequent anomalies in criminals and is

related to the greater size of the zygomse and teeth.

(See Fig. 27.) The lemurian apophysis already

alluded to is not uncommon.
Chin. This part of the face, which in Europeans
is generally prominent, round and proportioned to
the size of the face, in degenerates as in apes is

frequently receding, flat, too long or too short.

These anomalies may be studied rapidly with the na-
ked eye, but height, weight, the proportions of the va-
rious parts of the body, shape of the skull, etc., should
be measured with the aid of special instruments.
Height. Criminals are rarely tall. Like all de-
generates, they are under medium height. Im-
Fig. 27

Anton Otto Krauser

(see page 236)

beciles and idiots are remarkably undersized. The

span of the arms, which in normal persons about
equals the height, is often disproportionately wide
in criminals. The hands are either exaggeratedly
large or exaggeratedly small.
The height of a patient must be compared with
the mean height of his
fellow-countrymen, or,

to be more exact, of

those inhabitants of his

native province or dis-
trict who are, needless

to say, of the same age

and social condition.
The average height of a
male Italian of twenty
is 5 feet 4 inches (i .624
m.), that of a female
of the same age, 5 feet

(1.525 m.). The dis-

tances from the sole of Fig. 29

the foot to the navel
and from the navel to the top of the head are in

ratio of 60 to 40, if the total height betaken as 100.

These measurements may be effected very rap-
idly by using the tachyanthropometer invented
by Anfossi (see Fig. 29). It consists of a vertical
column against which the subject under examina-
tion places his shoulders, a horizontal bar adjustable
vertically until it rests on the shoulders, and can be
used at the same time for ascertaining the length of
the arms and middle
finger: a graduated slid-

ing scale in the vertical

column for rapid mea-
surements of the other
parts of the body and
a couple of scales at the
base for measuring the

Weight. In proportion
to their height, criminals
generally weigh less than
normal individuals,
whose weight in kilo-

grammes is given by
the decimal figures of

his height as expressed

Fig. 30
in metres and centi-
Craniograph Anfossi
Head. The head, or rather the skull, the shape
of which is influenced by the cerebral mass it con-
tains, is rarely free from anomalies, and for this

reason the careful examination of this part is of the



utmost importance. We have no means of studying

subtle cranial alterations in the living subject, but
we can ascertain the form and capacity of his skull.

This is rendered easy and rapid by means of a very

convenient craniograph invented by Anfossi (see

Fig. 30), which traces

the cranial profile
on a piece of spe-
cially prepared card-
In the absence of a
craniometer, measure-
ments may be taken
with calipers, the arms
of which are curved
like the ordinary pel-

vimeters used in ob-

stetrics (see Fig. 31),
and a graduated steel Fig. 31
The following are the principal measurements
I. Maximum antero-posterior diameter, which is

obtained by applying one arm of the instrument above

the root of the nose just between the eyebrows and
sliding the other arm over the vault of the skull till
it reaches the occiput. The distance between the two
arms furnishes the maximum longitudinal diameter.
2. The maximum transverse diameter or breadth
of the skull is measured by placing the arms of the
calipers, one on each side of the head on the most
prominent spot.
3. The antero-posterior curve is obtained by
fixing the graduated tape at zero on the root
of the nose (on the fronto-nasal suture) and
passing it over the middle of the forehead, ver-
tex, and occiput to the external occipital protu-
The transverse,
4. or biauricular curve is ob-
tained by applying the steel tape at zero to a point
just above the ear, and carrying it over the head
in a vertical direction till it reaches the correspond-
ing point on the other side.
5. The maximum circumference is obtained by
encircling the head with the steel tape, touch-
ing the forehead immediately above the eyebrows,
the occiput at the most prominent point, and the
sides of the head more or less at the level, where
the external ear joins the head, according to whether
the position of the occipital protuberance is more
or less elevated. (See Figs. 32, 33.)
6. The cranial capacity is obtained by adding
together these five measurements, the antero-pos-
terior diameter, maximum transverse diameter,
antero-posterior curve, transverse curve, and maxi-

mum circumference. For a normal male the ca-

pacity is generally 92 inches (1500 c.c).
7. The cephalic index is obtained by multiply-
ing the maximum width by 100 and dividing the

Fig. 32
Diagram of Skull

product by the maxim tim length, according to the

following formula:

W X 100
=X (cephalic index).

If the longitudinal diameter is 200 and the

transverse diameter 100, the cephalic index is 10,000
divided by 200 = 50.
The cephalic indices of degenerates, like their
height, have only a relative importance; that is, when
they are compared with the mean cephalic index


prevalent in the regions of which the subject is a
native. The cephaHc index of ItaHans varies be-

tween 77.5 (Sardinians) and 85.9 (Piedmontese)

Skulls are classified according to the cephalic
index, in the following manner:


and to the enormous development of the jaws, which

gives them the appearance of ferocious animals (see
Fig. 5). To these peculiarities may be added pro-
geneismus, the projection of the lower jaw beyond
the upper, a characteristic found only in 10% of
normal persons, receding forehead as in apes, and the
lemurian apophysis already mentioned.
Arms and Hands. With the exception of the ex-
cessive length as compared with the stature, anoma-
lies in the arms are rare, but the hands show some

interesting characteristics, which have already been

described in the first chapter of Part I, an increase or
decrease in the number of fingers and syndactylism
or palmate fingers. Also the lines in the palm and
those on the palmar surfaces of the finger-tips
show deviations from the normal type resembling
characteristics of apes.
Feet. Degenerates and more especially epilep-
tics, frequently have flat or prehensile feet and an
elongated big-toe with which, like the Japanese,
they are able to grasp objects.
All these anomalies vary in number and degree
according to whether the subject examined is a
born criminal or a criminaloid, and according, also,

to the special type of crime to which he is ad-

dicted. Thieves commonly show great mobility of
the face and hands. Their eyes are small, shifty and
obliquely placed, and glance rapidly from one ob-
ject to another. The eyebrows are bushy and close

together, the nose twisted or flattened, beard scanty,

hair not particularly abundant, forehead small and
receding, and the ears standing out from the head.
Projecting ears are common also to sexual offenders,

who have glittering eyes, delicate physiognomy ex-

cepting the jaws, which are strongly developed,

thick lips, swollen eyelids, abundant hair, and hoarse
voices. They are often slight in build and hump-
backed, sometimes half impotent and half insane,
with malformation of the nose and reproductive
organs. They frequently suffer from hernia and
goitre and commit their first offences at an advanced
The cinaedus is distinguished by his feminine
air. He wears his hair long and plaited, and even in

prison his clothing seems to retain its feminine

aspect. The genitals are frequently atrophied, the
skin glabrous, and gynecomastia not uncommon.
The eyes of murderers are cold, glassy, im-
movable, and bloodshot, the nose aquiline, and al-

ways voluminous, the hair curly, abundant, and

black. Strong jaws, long ears, broad cheek-bones,
scanty beard, strongly developed canines, thin
lips, frequent nystagmus and contractions on one
side of the face, which bare the canines in a kind

of menacing grin, are other characteristics of the


Forgers and swindlers wear a singular, stereo-

typed expression of amiability on their pale faces,

which appear incapable of blushing and assume only

a more pallid hue under the stress of any emotion.
They have small eyes, twisted and large noses,

Fig. 34

become bald and grey-haired at an early age, and

often possess faces of a feminine cast.


This external inspection of the criminal should be

followed by a minute examination of his senses and

General Sensibility and Sensibility to Touch and

Pain. Tactile sensibility should be measured by
Weber's esthesiometer, which consists of two pointed
legs, one of which is fixed at the end of a
scale graduated in millimetres, along which the
other slides (see Fig. 34). After separating the two
points three or four millimetres, they are placed
on the finger-tips of the patient, who closes his
eyes and is asked to state whether he feels two
points or one. Normal individuals feel the points
as two when they are only 2 mm. or 2.5 mm.
apart; when, however, tactile sensibility is obtuse
(as in most criminals) the points must be separated
from 3 to 4.5 mm. or even more, before they are
felt as two. Obtuseness varies with the type of
crime committed habitually by the subject; in bur-
glars, swindlers, and assaulters, being approximately
double, while in violators, murderers, and incen-
diaries it stands in the ratio of 5 to i compared
with normal persons.
In the absence of an esthesiometer, a rough cal-
culation may be made by using an ordinary drawing
compass or even a hairpin, separating the two
points and measuring with the eye the distance at
which they are felt to be separate.
General Sensibility and Sensibility to Pain are
measured by a common electric apparatus (Du Bois-
Reymond), adapted by Lombroso for use as an
algometer. (See Fig. 35.) It consists of an induc-
tion coil, put into action by a bichromate battery.
The poles of the secondary coil are placed in contact
with the back of the patient's hand and brought
slowly up behind the index finger, when the strength

of the induced current is increased until the patient

feels a prickling sensation in the skin (general sensi-
bility) and subsequently a sharp pain (sensibility to

pain) . The general sensibility of normal individuals

is 40 and the sensibility to pain, 10-25: the sensibil-

ity of the criminal is much less acute and sometimes

Sensibility to Pressure. Various metal cubes of
equal size but different weight, are placed two by
two, one on each side, on different parts of the back
of the hand. The patient is then asked to state
which of any two weights is the lighter or heavier.
This sense is fairly acute in criminals.
Sensibility to Heat. Experiments are made by
placing on the skin of the patient various receptacles
filled with water at different temperatures. If great

exactitude is desirable, Nothnagel's thermo-esthesio-

meter should be used. This is an instrument very

similar to Weber's esthesiometer, but the points are
replaced by receptacles filled with water of varying
heat and furnished with thermometers. The patient
must state which is the colder, and which the hotter
spot. Sensibility to heat is less acute in criminals
than in normal individuals.
Localisation of Sensibility. After the patient has
been requested to close his eyes, various parts of his
body are touched with the finger and he is asked to


point out the exact spot touched. Should he not be
able to reach it with his finger, a statuette should be
placed before him on which he should mark with a
pencil the part touched. Normal persons are always
able to localise the sensation exactly: inability to

do so signifies disease of the brain or some kind of

Sensibility to Metals by placing discs of
is tested
different metals, copper, zinc, lead, and gold, or the
poles of a magnet, on the frontal and occipital parts
of the patient's head. Sometimes he feels pricking

or heat, giddiness, somnolence, or a sense of bodily

well-being. In general, criminals show great sensi-
bility to metals ; in hysterical persons this sensibility

reaches an extraordinary degree of acuteness. By

applying a magnet to the nape of the neck, the sen-
sations of such individualsbecome polarised, that is,
what appeared white to them before becomes black
bitter, what was formerly sweet, or vice versa. This

is an excellent way of distinguishing between bona-

fide cases of hysteria and sham ones. My father once
detected simulation in a soi-disant hysterical patient
by means of a piece of wood shaped and coloured to
represent a magnet. On application of either mag-
net, the real or sham one, the patient's sensations
were identical, whereas hysterical persons experience
very diverse sensations and are able to distinguish

very sharply between the contact, not only of wood

and metal, but of the different kinds of metal, and
are particularly sensitive to the magnet.
Sight —Acuteness of Vision — Chromatic Sensibility
— Field of Vision. Visual acuteness is tested by
holding letters of a specified size at a certain distance.
Sight is generally more acute in criminals than in

normal persons; not so, chromatic sensibility, which

is tested by giving the patient a number of skeins
of different coloured silks, and requesting him to
arrange them in series. Persons afflicted with dys-
chromatopsia confuse the different colours and the
different shades of the same colour. Colour-blind
people confuse black and red.
Especially important is the examination of the
field of vision, as the seat of one of the most serious
anomalies discovered by the Modern School, the
presence of peripheral scotoma, frequently found in
epileptics and born criminals. To test this anomaly,
use should be made of Landolt's apparatus (Fig. 36).
This consists of a semicircular band, which can re-

volve around a column. The patient rests his chin on

a support placed in front of the semicircle in such a
manner that the eye under examination is exactly
in the centre, and looks directly at the middle point

of the semicircle, corresponding to o in the scale:

the testing object, a small ball, is passed backwards
or forwards along the semicircle. A graduated scale,
placed on the semicircle, marks the point limiting
the field of vision, and the result is registered on a
diagram. The average limit of the normal field of

vision is 90 mm. on the temporal side, 55 mm. on the

nasal side, 55 mm. above and 60 mm. below (see


m—bUmeo, m.^,mmMeu, 1 1 iro$m, -~~-9*rS*.

Fig. 37
Diagram Showing Normal Vision

Fig. 42). If a suitable instrument is not available, a

series of concentric circles may be traced on a slate
and the patient placed at a certain distance with one
eye covered. The examiner then touches the dif-
ferent points of the circles with his hand and asks
the patient whether he can see it when his eye is

fixed on the central point. In this way the various

points Hmiting the field of vision are noted and
furnish, when united, the boundary line.

Hearing is generally less acute in the criminal

than in the normal individual, but does not show
special anomalies. It may be tested by speaking
in a low voice at a certain distance from the patient,
or by holding an ordinary watch a little way from
his ear.

Smell. Olfactory acuteness is tested by solutions

of essences of varying strength, which the patient
should be requested to place in order, indicating the
one in which he first detects an odour. Ottolenghi has
invented a graduated osmometer which is easy to use.
The criminal generally shows olfactory obtuseness.
Taste is tested in the same way as smell, by vary-
ing solutions of saccharine or strychnine dropped on
to the patient's tongue by means of a special medi-
cine dropper. The mouth should be rinsed out each
time. Normal persons taste the bitterness of sul-
phate of strychnine in a solution 1:600,000; the
sweetness of saccharine in a solution i : 100,000. The
sense of taste is less acute in criminaloids than in
normal persons, and is specially obtuse in born
criminals, 33% of whom show complete obtuseness.
Movements. Normal individuals in a state of
repose remain almost motionless, and their gestures
are always appropriate. Lunatics and imbeciles
have a habit of speaking and gesticulating even
when they are not interrogated. Nervous diseases
manifest themselves in facial contortions or slight
spasmodic contractions. In melancholia and all

forms of depression, the patient does not gesticulate

but remains immovable like a statue with his eyes
cast down. Degenerates manifest a fairly varied

series of involuntary motions, —twitchings of the

muscles, as in chorea, tonic and clonic convulsions

and tremors. In senility, chorea, and Parkinson's

disease, the tremors are incessant and continue even
when the body is in a state of repose; in sclerosis,

goitre, and chronic inebriety they accompany vol-

untary movements, and in this case they are easily

detected by making the patient lift the tip of his
finger to his nose or a filled glass to his lips. The
nearer the hand approaches its goal, the more intense
the oscillations become. Above all, the examiner
should not fail to ask the patient to put out his
tongue. If it protrudes on one side, it is a sign of a
serious nervous alteration and nearly always denotes
the beginning or remains of paralysis, or partial
apoplectic strokes.
Muscular Strength is measured by a common
dynamometer (Fig. 38), which the patient is

requested to grasp with all his might. Compressive


strength is by compressing the oval.

tested In
order to test tractive strength, the dynamometer is
fastened to a nail at the point C, and the patient
pulls with all his strength at D. The effort is
registered on a graduated scale and is of importance
for detecting left-handedness and measuring the

Fig. 38

extraordinary force that is displayed in certain states

of excitement.

Reflex Action consists of movements and con-

tractions produced by an impression exciting the

nerves of the cutis (cutaneous reflex) or tendons

(tendinous reflex).
Cutaneous Reflex Movements may be tested by
placing the patient in a recumbent position and
stroking methodically certain parts of the body, the
sole of the foot (plantar reflex), the under side of
the knee-joint (popliteal reflex), the abdominal wall
(abdominal reflex). Certain reflex movements are
of special importance: the cremasteric reflex, on
the inner side of the thigh (obtuse in old people and
individuals addicted to onanism), the reflex action
of the mucous membrane covering the cornea (sus-

pended during stupor, coma, and epileptic convul-

sions), and the pharyngeal reflex along the isthmus

of the fauces (absent in hysterical persons).
The dilatation and contraction of the pupil in
accommodation to the distance of the object viewed
or in response to light stimuli is undoubtedly the
most important cutaneous reflex movement. It

may be tested by requesting the patient to look at a

distant object and immediately afterwards at the
examiner's finger, placed close to his eye, or bringing
him suddenly from semi-darkness into the light.
If the pupil reacts very slightly to the light, it is

called torpid: if it does not react at all, it is called

rigid. Rigidity of the pupil always denotes some
serious nervous disturbance. In certain diseases,
especially tabes, the pupils do not respond to light

stimuli, but accommodate themselves to objects.

Tendinous Reflex Action may be tested in every

part of the body, but the rotular reflex movement is

generally sufficient. The patient is asked to sit on

the edge of the bed or on a chair with his legs crossed.
If he is healthy, the reflex movement is fairly strong,
Fig. 39

Head of an Italian Criminal

— . —


but in some illnesses spastic movements may be

provoked and extend to the abdomen (exaggerated
reflex action) ; in others no reflex is forthcoming.
This is symptoms of tabes.
one of the first

Urine and Feces. As the fimctions are anoma-

lous, the chemical changes must also be anomalous,

owing to the correlation of organs. In born criminals

there is a diminished excretion of nitrogen, whereas
that of chlorides is normal. The elimination of
phosphoric acid is increased, especially when com-
pared with the nitrogen excreted. Pepton is some-
times found in the excretions of paral3rtic persons in
whom there is always an increased elimination of
phosphates and calcium carbonate.
The temperature is generally higher than in
normal persons, and, more important still, varies less
in febrile illnesses.

For the reader's convenience, I have drawn up a

list of the different points that should be noted in a
careful examination.

Table showing the Anthropological Examination of Insane

and Criminal Patients {drawn up by Tamburini, Strassmann,
Benelli, and Mario Carrara).

A A namnesis. Name —surname—nationality—domicile

Economic and hygienic conditions native place. of
Family circumstances — pre-natal conditions —infancy
—— . —


Causes to which decease of parents may be attributed.
Cases of insanity —
neurosis —
imbecility —
suicide — crime—or eccentricity in the family.
Progressive diseases or trauma in the subject.
Offence and causes thereof.
B Physique. Skeletal development— height —
span of the arms.
C Physical Examination. Muscular development.
Colour of hair and eyes.
Quantity and distribution of hair.
Craniometry Antero posterior diameter — transverse
: -

diameter —antero -posterior curve— transverse curve

— cephalic index—type and anomalies the of skull
circumference— probable capacity— semi-circumfer-
ence posterior) — forehead —
(anterior, length, face,
diameter (bizygomatic and bigoniac) — type— facial
facialindex — anomalies conformation and de-
velopment in the skull, in the face, in the ears, in
the teeth, in other parts.
D Functions.
E Animal Life. Sensibility: meteoric— —thermal
dolorific and muscular —visual—auditory— the other of
Motivity: Sensory left-handedness —motory left-hand-
edness —
voluntary and involuntary movements
reflex action (tendinous or muscular, abnormal,
F Vegetative Life. Muscular strength.
Digestion Rumination
: —bulimy—vomiting— dyspepsia
Secretions Milk — saliva — perspiration — urine — men-

Dyscrasia: poisoning.
—— .


G Psychic Examination. Language — writing — slang.

Attention —perception
Memory (textual) —reason.
Dreams —excitability — passions.
Sentiments Affection—morality—
: religion.
Instincts and tendencies.
Moral character—industry.
Physiognomical expression.
Education — aptitudes.
H Morbid Phenomena. Illusions — hallucinations — delu-
sions—susceptibility to suggestion.
I Offences.
— —
Cause of first offence: Environment occasion sponta-

neous or premeditated drunkenness.

Conduct after the offence: Repentance recidivation.



npHE cases described in this chapter show the neces-

sity of being able to estimate correctly accusa-

tions made against insane persons by criminals or

normal individuals. Since, moreover, criminals are
prone to sham insanity in order to avoid punishment,
I sum up the characteristics that distinguish the
various types of criminals. With regard to insane
criminals, it must be remembered that every form of
mental alienation assumes a specific criminality.

The idiot is addicted to bursts of rage, savage

assaults, and homicide. His unbridled sexual appe-

tite prompts him to commit rape. He is sometimes
guilty of arson in order to gratify a childish pleasure
at the sight of the flames.

The imbecile or weak-minded egotist is a fre-

quent though imnecessary accompHce in nearly

every crime, owing to his susceptibility to suggestion
and incapability of understanding the gravity of his

Melancholia is often the cause of suicide or
homicide (as a species of indirect suicide). The
sufferer generally confesses and gives himself up to
the police. Delusions that he is being poisoned or
insulted are often the cause of the murders com-
mitted by this type of lunatic.
Maniacs commit robbery, rape, homicide, and
arson, and behave indecently in public.

Stealing common among

is those afflicted with
general paralysis, who believe ever3rthing they see
belongs to them, or do not understand the meaning
of property.
Dementia causes general cerebral irritation, which
frequently results in murder and violence.
Hysterical persons invent slanders, especially of

an erotic nature. They are given to sexual aberra-

tions and delight in fraud and extravagant actions
to make themselves notorious.
Persons subject to a mania for litigation offend
statesmen and others.
Epileptics, of whom bom criminals and the mor-
ally insane are the most dangerous variety, are
familiar with the whole scale of criminality. Their
special offences are assault and battery, rape, theft,

and forgery. The first offences are committed in-

termittingly at the prompting of attacks of cortical

irritation, the last two almost continuously owing
to a state of constant irritation.
To distinguish between genuine insanity and simu-
lation, it must be remembered that exaggeration
of thesymptoms is one of the chief characteristics of
shamming. The simulator exaggerates the morbid
phenomena and manifests a greater inco-ordination
of ideas than does the genuine lunatic who gives
sensible replies to simple questions, whereas the
simulator talks nonsense. For instance, if a simu-
lator is asked his name, his answer will show no
connection with the question. He will say, perhaps:
"Did you bring the bill?" or if asked how old he
is, will answer: "I am not hungry."
Above all, in order to distinguish between dementia,
idiocy, cretinism, and an imitation of these forms,
a minute somatic examination is necessary. It

should be remarked that in idiots, imbeciles, and

cretins we generally find hypertrophy of the con-
nective tissues, earthen hue, scanty beard, stenocro-
taphy, malformations of the skull, ears, teeth, face,
and especially jaws, and there are invariably an-
omalies in the field of vision, lessened sensibility to

touch and pain (which cannot be simulated since

pain invariably produces dilatation of the pupils),
meteoric sensibility, attacks of hemicrania, neuralgia,
hallucinations, and even convulsions, epileptic fits,

tremors disposing to propulsive forms, and, psycho-

logically, absence of natural feeling, sadism, and the
inability to adopt a regular occupation.
When dealing with a simulation of epilepsy, it

must be borne in mind that the epileptic always

manifests salient degenerate characteristics, especially
asymmetry of the face, skull, and thorax; and a care-

ful investigation reveals neurosis of some kind in the

family and trauma or serious illness in childhood.

During the seizure, the pupil does not react (this

cannot be simulated) or there is excessive mydriasis.

The sudden pallor, and the exhaustion which follows
the fit, are absent in the simulator, nor does he bite his
tongue or injure himself in other ways. Ftirther-

more, he reacts at the application of ammonia, and

as he is not in that state of asphyxia in which the
epileptic lies during the fit, the closing of his mouth
and nostrils likewise produces a reaction.
Hysteria. Here the detection of shamming is more
difficult, since deceit is a characteristic of this

disease. Tests with metals, to which hysterical

persons are extremely sensitive, suggestion and hyp-
notism should be resorted to. The character of the
crime should be specially considered, because, as we
stated, the foundation of hysteria is an erotic one,

and offences committed by the hysterical are nearly

always of this nature in the means or the end.
An examination of sensibility with suitable in-

struments, and of reflex action, is to be recom-

mended in all cases.

Practical Application of Criminal


The minute study of the criminal admits of

infinite applications. It is generally used in deciding

to which category of crime a particular offender
belongs, whether he is a born criminal, a morally
insane subject, an occasional criminal, or a criminal-
oid ; but in certain cases the examination may be of

value in establishing the innocence of an accused

person, or in recognising in an accuser an insane
individual whose accusation originates in some
delusion and not in a knowledge of the facts.

An Accused Man Proved Innocent by the

Anthropological Examination

On the 1 2th of January, 1902, a little girl of six,

living at Turin, suddenly disappeared. Two months

later, the corpse was discovered hidden in a case in a


cellar of the very house the little victim had inhab-

ited. It bore traces of criminal violence and the cloth-
ing was in disorder. Various persons were arrested,
among them a coachman named Tosetti, who had
been seen joking and playing with the child on several
Tosetti was of honest extraction, his grand-
parents and parents having died at an advanced age
(between sixty and ninety) without having mani-
fested nervous anomalies, vices, or crimes. Tosetti
himself, although fond of drinking, was rarely, if

ever, intoxicated, and was an individual of quiet,

peaceful aspect with a benevolent smile and serenity
of look and countenance. His hair had become grey
at an early age, and he was devoid of any degenerate
characteristics except excessive maxillary develop-
ment. [Height 5 feet, 7 inches (1.70 m.) weight, 158

lbs. {^2 kilogrammes) ; cranial capacity, 93 inches

(153 1 c.c.) ; cephalic index, 84 (brachycephaly charac- ;

teristic of the Piedmontese) tactile sensibility, 3

; mm.
left, 2.5 mm. right ;
general sensibility, 83 right, 781eft
sensibility to pain, 55 right, 45 left. The sensibility

was, therefore, almost normal without any trace of

left-handedness. Analysis of urine —absence of earthy
phosphates common to born criminals. Tendinous
reflex action feeble, few cutaneous reflexes, no
tremors. The field of vision was not much reduced
but manifested a few peculiarities, due no doubt to
the abuse of alcohol.]
Psychologically, Tosetti appeared to be a man of
average or perhaps slightly less than average intel-

ligence. He was quiet, very respectful, not to say

servile, entirely devoid of impulsiveness of any form,
and averse to quarrels, on which accoimt he was
rather despised by his companions. His natural
affections were normal, and he was a good son and
brother; he was excessively timid and disconcerted
by the slightest reproof from his employer. He
was rather fond of wine, though not of liquors. His
sexual instincts he had lost very early, a fact which
caused his companions to indulge in many jokes at
his expense. His stinginess bordered on avarice, and
he had never changed his trade.
During his trial he showed no resentment against
anyone, not even the police and warders, of whom
he said on one occasion, "They have treated me like
a son."
The examination proved beyond a doubt that
Tosetti was not a born criminal, and was incapable
of committing the action of which he was suspected
—the murder of a child for purely bestial pleasure.

To obtain stronger proof, my father adopted the

plethysmograph and found a slight diminution of
the pulse when Tosetti was set to do a sum; when.

however, skulls and portraits of children covered

with wounds were placed before him, the line regis-

tered showed no sudden variation, not even at the

sight of the little victim's photograph.
The results of the foregoing examination proved
conclusively that Tosetti was innocent of a crime
which can only be committed by sadists, idiots, and
the most degenerate types of madmen, like Vacher
and Verzeni and all bestial criminals, who have
reached the summit of criminality and unite in their
persons the greatest number of morbid physical and
psychic characteristics.
A few months after my
had diagnosed this
case, an assault of the same nature was committed

on another little girl living in the same house. In

this case, however, the victim survived and was able
to point out the criminal —an imbecile, afflicted with
goitre, stammering, strabismus, hydrocephaly, tro-
chocephaly, and plagiocephaly, with arms of dis-
proportionate length, the son and grandson of drunk-
ards, who confessed the double crime and entreated
pardon for the "trifling offence" since he had always
done his duty and swept the staircase, even on the
day he committed the crime.
Other cases of this kind might be cited, but one
instance will suffice. I may, however, mention a case
in which my father demonstrated the innocence of an
unfortunate individual who had been sentenced to
ten years' penal servitude and released at the expi-
ration of his sentence. By means of a thorough
examination, which showed a complete absence of
criminal characteristics, my father declared the man
to be innocent of the crime for which he had been
imprisoned; and subsequent investigations resulted
in his rehabilitation and the discovery of the actual

Accusation Proved to be False by the Anthro-

pological Examination

An individual named Ferreri suddenly disap-

peared, and ten days later his corpse was found
down a well. The evidence of several persons led
to the arrest of the owner of the well, a certain Fis-
sore, a man of very bad reputation, with whom
Ferreri had been seen on the day of his disappearance.
On being arrested, Fissore admitted having com-
mitted the crime, but not alone, and named as his
accomplices three others, Martinengc, Boulan, and a
prostitute, named Ada. All three strenuously denied
their guilt. They all appeared perfectly normal.
But after a month of investigations, Martinengo, a
tipsy porter of thirty-five, the son and grandson of
drunkards, who at first had advanced an alibi, after

being confronted several times with Fissore, admitted



his complicity, and in the latter's absence added

various details to his (Fissore's) version.
The four accused persons were examined anthro-
pologically with the following results
Boulan had the appearance of an honest country
notary with broad forehead, precocious grey hairs
and baldness, small jaws and a well-shaped mouth.
He was a quiet man and had only once come into
conflict with the law, but for an action which is not
a crime in the eyes of an anthropologist (striking
a carabinier who had ill-treated his father). He
worked hard at his trade, which was that of a journey-
man baker, and showed his kindly nature by sub-
stituting for sick comrades. He showed great
attachment to all his companions, relatives, and
family, and was generally beloved. In short, he
was an honest, hard-working man. His alibi was
corroborated by several persons who had been
playing cards with him on the evening of the crime.
The second prisoner, Ada, although a prostitute,
had never shown other criminal tendencies; she had
adopted her calling in order to maintain her father
and children, of whom she was very fond.
Martinengo, who had admitted his complicity,
had no previous convictions. He was, however, an
individual of earthy hue, with precocious wrinkles.
Height, 5 feet, 3 inches (1.60 m.); span of the arms,


5 feet, 7 inches (1.70 m.) ; flattened, nanocephalous
head, normal urine (phosphates 3.1), but anomalous
reflex action and senses. Rigid, unequal pupils,
tongue and lips inclined towards the right, shaky
hand, astasia, aphasia, strong rotular reflex action,
absence of cutaneous and cremasteric reflexes,

illegible handwriting —a defect of long standing,

since it was also found in writing dating back
nine months before his arrest, uncertainty and
errors of pronunciation (bradyphasia and dysarthria)
complete insensibility to touch and the electric

current, which gave him no sensation of pain. On

the other hand, he was subject to unbearable pains
in various parts of the body.
He was in the habit of laughing continually,
even when reprimanded, or when sad subjects
were mentioned. In spite of sharp pains in the
epigastric region, he appeared to be in a strange
state of euphoria or morbid bodily well-being,
which prevented him from realising that he was
in prison. He manifested regret when taken from
his cell, where he said he had enjoyed himself
so much in passing the hours in reading. Occa-
sionally he had hallucinations of ghosts, lizards,

mice, etc.

At night, he seemed to suffer from acute mental

confusion, which caused him to spring out of bed.

Sometimes he was seized by a fit of chorea, followed

by deep sleep.

These phenomena led my father to the con-

clusion that Martinengo was an inebriate in the
first stage of paralytical dementia.
The demented paralytic and the imbecile, like
children, are easily influenced by the suggestions of
others or their own fancies. Mere reading may pro-
duce a strong impression on such minds, as in the
case of the little girl who accused the Mayor of
Gratz of assault, because she had listened to the
account of a similar case ; and the impression is inten-
sified when, as in the case of Martinengo, it is pre-
ceded by arrest, seclusion in a cell, the remarks of
magistrates, warders, etc.
In order to test Martinengo's susceptibili y to
suggestion, my father told him that his cell was a
room in the "Albergo del Sole," the name of a hotel
in his native town. At first the idea amused him,
but after a few days he began to mention it to other
persons and at last he firmly believed in it. A few
months later, he was transferred in a state of paraly-
sis to the asylum, and there he was fond of boasting
of the " Albergo del Sole" where he had been staying
a few months before, and where they had treated him
to choice dishes, etc.
We now come to Fissore, the accuser of the other


three. Investigation of his origin showed that a
male cousin had died raving mad, a female cousin
had died in an asylum, a great-uncle on the maternal
side had been crazy and had committed suicide;
another cousin was weak-minded and subject to
fits; another, a deaf-mute, had died in an asylum;
another great -uncle was a drunkard and a loafer;
one was an idiot, the other had run away

from home, and a brother had been convicted several

Giuseppe Fissore had suffered from somnambu-
lism and pavor nocturnus (fear of darkness) when
quite a child; when a little older, he used to get up
in the night, walk about and try to throw himself out
of the At school he shunned the company
of other boys and grew violently angry when called

by his name. When ten years old, he was bitten

by a mad dog and while being tended in Turin by
the wife of an inn-keeper, had an epileptic seizure.
At thirteen, he was seized by another fit, and in falling
broke his arm. His restless and capricious character
led him to change his occupation a great many times
he became, in turn, baker, carpenter, forester, and
farm-labourer. He appeared to have little affection

for his mother and still less for his father, with whom
he had come to blows on one occasion. At the age
of twenty, in a quarrel with some companions, one


of them struck him with a sickle and fractured his

skull. He had been convicted several times of theft,
assault, etc.

He manifested only a few physical anomalies,

exaggerated facial asymmetry, due to the dispropor-
tionate development of the left side of his skull,
Carrara's lines in the palm of his hands, and a scar
resulting from the fracture of his skull ; but the con-
vulsions, the pavor nocturnus, the two fits, and other
characteristics showed him to be an and epileptic
an abnormal individual, and explained how he could
have accomplished a murder single-handed, which
was moreover rendered more easy by the fact that
the victim had been drinking heavily. Nor was the
crime without a motive, since the murdered man had
been robbed of a large sum of money. The total
lack of moral sense that distinguished Fissore
explains why he should have sought to implicate
three persons who had never wronged him for the
pleasure of harming and enjoying the sufferings of
others. In fact, during his trial he made many
false accusations against the police merely for the
sake of lying, which is characteristic of degenerates.
Irrefutable alibis and a mass of evidence in
favour of the three others corroborated the anthro-
pological diagnoses and led to their acquittal, while
Fissore was convicted of the crime.


Simulation of Dementia and Aphasia by Morally
Insane Subject

In August, 1899, a certain E. M. (see Fig. 44)

was removed from prison to an asylum. Although
only eighteen, he had been convicted several times
of theft and robbery. As a child he had always
shown a strong dislike to school and was given to
inventing strange falsehoods. In one instance, he
asserted that he had killed and robbed a man,
although it was known that he had not left the house
during the time.
After six months in prison, he began to show
signs of mental alienation, with insomnia, loss of
speech, and coprophagy. Whenever the cells were
opened, he made wild attempts to escape by climbing
up the grating. He was often seized with epileptic
On the 30th of August, 1899, he was examined
medically with the following results
Stature, 5 ft., i in. (1.55 m.); weight, 130 lbs. (59
kilogrammes). Other measurements could not be
obtained, owing to the subject's obstinate resistance.
His skeletal constitution appeared to be regular and
his body well nourished. His skull was br achy-
cephalic, with strongly developed frontal sinuses, and
fine, long, dark-brown hair. In the parieto-occipital

region were a scar and lesion of the bone, the marks

of a wound received during one of his dishonest
adventures. He had a normal type of face with
frequent contractions of the mimic muscles the hair- ;

growth on the face scanty for his age. Extremely

mobile eyes of vivacious expression, slight strabismus.
An examination of the mouth showed a slight
obliqueness of the palate, and the mucous membrane
was rather pale. The colourless skin was inclined
to sallowness.
The fimctions showed an extraordinary degree of
cutaneous anaesthesia and analgesia. In winter and
summer the patient wore only a pair of trousers and
a thin jersey covering his chest and leaving the arms
bare ; was fond of adorning with ribbons and
these he
medals. He was in the habit of slipping pieces of
ice between his clothing and skin, and pricking him-

self on the chin with a needle for the purpose of

inserting hairs in the holes. On one occasion, one of

the doctors came quietly behind him and thrust a
needle rather deeply into the nape of his neck,
apparently without producing any sensation. Vari-
ous tests were made by pricking him with a needle
when asleep, but without causing the slightest reflex
movement on his part.
Psychology. He was subject to strange impulses,
which appeared to be irresistible. On one oc-
casion he was caught cutting off the head of a cat,
and at times he would devour mice, spiders, nails,
excrements, and the sputum of the other patients.
He committed acts of self-abuse publicly, with osten-

tatious indecency; was in the habit of snatching at

bright objects and frequently tore his clothes. His

obstinate mutism procured him the nickname of
"the mute," but he talked in his sleep and replied
to questions by signs.
At first, medical men judged him to be in the first
stages of dementia, but the course of the symptoms
and certain biological and psychic data obtained
from the examination led them to the conclusion that
the case was one of simulation by a morally insane
In the first place, the patient's look expressed a
certain amount of confusion and constant distrust;

furthermore, it was noticed that the filthy, indecent,

and cruel acts practised by him were committed only
when he knew he was being observed. The warders
often saw him retire to a quiet spot and vomit all
the nauseous substances he had swallowed publicly.
As soon as he believed himself to be secure from
observation, the usual apathetic look on his face was
replacedby one of vivacity and intelligence.
In November of the same year, although he had
not discarded his air of imbecility, he gave abundant

proofs of intelligence. He helped the asylum barber,

and showed skill and neatness in the way he soaped
the other patients' faces, but if a doctor appeared
on the scene, he would daub the soap clumsily in

their eyes and mouths. In playing cards he showed

no lack of skill and never missed an opportunity of

All these facts pointed to shamming, and the
suspicions of medical men were amply confirmed by
his escape on the 26thNovember. The manner
in which he had prepared and executed this plan
showed great astuteness on his part. Some time
before, he had completely changed his clothes and
dressed with a certain amount of elegance. He left

a note bidding an affectionate farewell to every-

one. Later on, he confessed to a fellow-prisoner
that he had prepared everything beforehand for his
escape as soon as he should have sufficient money.
He also asserted that he had felt pain when pricked.
Some of the peculiarities manifested in this case,

aphasia, insensibility, and coprophagia, have been no-

ticed in other simulators, and it is easy to see why
morally insane persons, who are naturally insensible
and filthy in their habits, should adopt these pecu-
liarities as traits of their insanity. The stubborn re-

sistance offered by the subject to all attempts to apply

diagnostic instruments, except those for measuring
insensibility, may be explained by fear lest the
simulation should be detected.
Simulators of insanity are generally psycho-
physiologically, and often anatomically, degenerate,
and their inferiority obliges them to resort to violence
and trickery —the traits of savage races —to counter-
balance their natural disadvantages. The simula-
tion of insanity resembles in its motive the mimicry
of certain insects which assume a protective resem-
blance to other and noxious species. Naturally
inferior individuals tend to imitate characters of a

terrifying nature (psychic in this case) which serve

to protect them and enable them to compete with
others who are better equipped for the battle of life.

Mental Derangement and Criminal Monomania

Demonstrated by the Anthropological

In June, 1895, Michele Balmi, aged 30, was

arrested for stabbing Maria Balmi in the neck and
hands. The deed had been committed in broad
daylight and apparently without any motive, but the
accused asserted that it was done in revenge, because
the girls were always jeering at him.
From evidence given, it appeared that far from
insulting Balmi, the girls of the village were in the
habit of avoiding him as much as possible on account


of his lubricity.The testimony of other witnesses,

including the mayor of the place, showed that he
was looked upon generally as a semi-insane person,
because in a very short time he had squandered all

his inheritance and had quite ceased to work.

Somatic Examination. Body fairly well nour-
ished, height 5 ft., 3 in. (1.60 m.), weight 150 lbs. (68
kilogrammes) . Shape of the skull apparently normal
but more exaggeratedly brachycephalic than the
mean cephalic index of the Piedmont ese, which is 85
probable capacity 90 cu. in. (1475 c.c), or slightly
below that of a normal male skull, but proportioned
to the low stature.
General sensibility and sensibility to pain and
touch more obtuse on the left, the general sensibility
of the right hand being 68 and the left 81. Dolorific
sensibility, 35 right and 41 left; tactile sensibility,

1.5 right, 3.5 left. The strength tested by the

dynamometer showed 47 on the right and 54 on the
left, which proved -that the subject was left-handed.
The field of vision manifested extraordinary ir-

regularities, with serious scotoma on the inner side

of the right eye ; on the left side the eye showed only
slight scotoma but there was myopia on the inner

Psychic Examination. The behaviour of the sub-

ject was very strange. From the very first day of
: "


his imprisonment he seemed to be perfectly calm and
composed, as though nothing had happened. When
asked how he found prison life, he only remarked:
"I certainly thought the food was better."
When asked why he had committed the crime, he
"Crime indeed! I have only done my duty.
Those women were always annoying me. Even in
the night, they would come tapping at my window
and calling me [acoustic hallucinations] and they
insulted me because they wanted me to marry
"Did they insult you during your absence from
"Yes, they worried me all the time I was in

America. It was no use changing my occupation.

I tried everything; first was a musician, then a

barber, then I tried weaving, but they went on

just the same, until I lost my situations through

them and had to leave the country."

"Have you ever been insane or suffered from
pains in the head?"
"At Chicago, all of a sudden, a doctor called on
me, but I have never been mad and should be all

right if those women would leave me alone. After

all, I only wanted to give them a lesson.

He showed a profound and unshaken belief in his


own assertions, such as is rare in simulators or in

sufferers from melancholia, but is peculiar to mono-
maniacs, especially if subject to delusions and con-
vinced that they are the object of general persecution.
Careful investigation of the crime showed that it

was entirely without motives and had been com-

mitted openly without any attempt to escape or to
establish an alibi. It bore no resemblance to ordi-
nary crimes and was clearly a case of monomania
with hallucinations. This diagnosis was confirmed
by the fact of the anomalies in the field of vision and
sensibility, the acoustic hallucinations, and, psycho-
logically, the anomalous nature of the affections and
moral sense.
It was impossible to suppose that any of these
peculiarities had been simulated, because the subject
was far too ignorant to be aware of the importance of
hallucinations and alterations in the senses and
affections. Moreover, his whole bearing was that
of a man profoundly convinced that he had done
his duty, and he had no motive for shamming to
escape punishment, since it evidently never entered
his head that he ran any risk of incurring it. He
was sent to an asylum.


The Man of Genius (L' Uomo di Genio)

1863, my father was appointed to deliver a series of

IN lectures on psychiatry to the University of Pavia. His
introductory lecture, " Genius and Insanity," showed the close
relationship existing between genius and insanity; and the
theme proved so absorbingly interesting to him that he threw
himself into the study of the problem with all the ardour of

which he was capable.

Those who have never come into contact with mentally
deranged persons may deem it absurd to mention genius
and insanity in the same breath, and still more absurd to seek
to demonstrate the existence of flashes of inspiration in insane
persons. In the minds of most people, the word lunatic
has from earliest childhood conjured up the vision of an in-
coherent, stupid, or demented being, with wildly streaming
hair, raging in paroxysms of maniacal fury, or sunk in im-
becile apathy; not, certainly, a sharp-witted individual
capable of reasoning logically. But the briefest of visits to
an ordinary asylum will make it plain to any observer that
such extreme types form only a very small minority. The
greater number, when drawn outside the small circle of their
delusions, often reason with greater acumen than normal per-
sons; and their ideas, unhampered by stale prejudices which
hinder freedom of thought, are remarkable for their original-
^ ity. Fine fragments of prose and poetry and really beautiful
snatches of melody, the work of inmates of lunatic asylums,
were collected by my father and published, as special mono-
graphs, in The Man of Genius; and his museum at Turin
contains specimens of embroidery of marvellously beautiful
design and execution, and carvings of extreme delicacy.
The well-known cases of mathematical, musical, and ar-
tistic prodigies and somnambulists with prophetic gifts, who
nevertheless appear to be perfectly imbecile apart from their
special talents, are interesting examples of the transition from
madness to genius. The solving of equations of the fourth
and fifth degree or mental calculations involving the multi-
plication or division of a large number of figures, are difficult
operations for normal persons; yet individuals barely able
to read and write, and often afflicted with insanity or im-
becility, have been known to possess marvellous mathema-
tical faculties. Imualdi was a cretin, and Dase, Juller,
Buxton, Mondeur, and Prolongeau, men of feeble intellect.
Among the inmates of asylums, we may find cretins and idiots
that are able to play on a whistle any melody they have
heard. The drawings of cats, executed by a Norwegian
cretin, have been deemed worthy of a place among the trea-
sures of art-galleries and museums. Such cases prove that
the possession of one highly developed faculty does not
imply a corresponding development of all the intellectual
owers. Unintelligent, unbalanced, or even mentally de-
cient women, when in a somnambulistic or hypnotic state,
re able to predict future events, an impossible feat for normal
persons, or to discover the whereabouts of objects hidden at a
distance, a marvellous phenomenon, which can be explained
only by presuming the existence of a far-seeing vision, and
the working of a powerful synthetic process resembling the
inspirations of genius.
Although not a difficult task to prove the existence of
traits of genius in mentally diseased persons, the bringing to

light of instances of insanity in men of genius was a much

simpler matter.
These instances, carefully classified, form the longest
and most important part of The Man of Genius, but it is
not necessary to give space to any of these instances here.
The proofs of the connection between genius and insanity
were supplemented by data supplied by the physical examina-
tion of a number of geniuses, compared with insane subjects,
and a careful investigation of the ethnical, social, and geo-
graphical causes which influence the formation of both types.
All the facts elicited demonstrated their complete analogy.
But my father's studies did not stop short at the dis-
covery of this analogy, or that of the sources whence the
diverse varieties of genius spring, which is perhaps the most
interesting part of the book, or even at the application of the
new doctrines for the purpose of clearing up obscure points
in history and shedding light on the lives of great men. He
pursued his investigations until he found the keystone of the
edifice reared by insanity and genius —epilepsy.
It is a well-known fact that a great many men of genius
have suffered from epileptic seizures and a still greater number
from those symptoms which we have shown to be the equi-
valent of the seizure. Julius Cffisar, St. Paul, Mahomet,
Petrarca, Swift, Peter the Great, Richelieu, Napoleon, Flau-
bert, Guerrazzi, De Musset, and Dostoyevsky were subject
to fitsmorbid rage; and Swift, Marlborough, Faraday, and
Dickens suffered from vertigo.
But it is in the descriptions written by men of genius of
their methods of working and creating that we find the strong-
est resemblance to the different phenomena of epileps}'-,
which have already been described in detail in this work,
in the part treating of the connection between epilepsy and
crime. While writing his poems, Tasso appeared to be out
of his senses; Alfieri felt everything go dark around him;
Lagrange's pulse became irregular; Milton, Leibnitz, Cujas,
Rossini, and Thomas could work only under special condi-
tions. Others have encouraged inspiration by using those
stimulants which provoke epileptic attacks. Baudelaire
made use of hashish; and wine evoked the creative spirit in
Gluck, Gerard de Nerval, Verlaine, De Musset, Hoffmann,
Burns, Coleridge, Poe, Byron, Praga, and Carducci. Gluck
was wont to declare that he valued money only because it
enabled him to procure wine, and that he loved wine because
it inspired him and transported him to the seventh heaven.

Schiller was satisfied with cider; and Goethe could not work
unless he felt the warmth of a ray of sunlight on his head.
Many have asserted that their writings, inventions, and solu-
tions of difficult problems have been done in a state of uncon-
sciousness. Mozart confessed that he composed in his dreams,
and Lamartine and Alfieri made similar statements. The
Henriade was suggested to Voltaire in a dream; Newton and
Cardano solved the most difficult problems in a similar man-
ner; and Mrs. Beecher Stowe, George Eliot, and George
Sand asserted that their novels had been written in a dream-
like state, and that they themselves were ignorant of the ul-
timate fate of their personages. In a preface to one of her books
Mrs. Beecher Stowe even went to the length of denying her
authorship. Socrates and Tolstoi declared that their works
were written in a condition of semi-unconsciousness Leopardi, ;

that he followed an inspiration; and Dante described the

source of his genius in those beautiful lines:

". . . quando
Amore spira, noto, ed a quel modo
Che detta dentro, vo significando."

"When love inspires, I write,

And put my thoughts as it dictates in me."

"I call inspiration," says Beethoven, "that mysterious state

during which the whole world seems to form one vast har-
mony, and all the forces of Nature become instruments,
when every sentiment and thought resounds within me, a

shudder through my frame, and every hair on my head


stands on end."
These expressions show that when a genius attains to
the fulness of his development and, consequently, to the
widest possible deviation from the normal, he is more or less
in that condition of unconsciousness which characterises
psychic epilepsy and is represented by a series of unconscious
psychic activities.
Having demonstrated the frequent existence of a spice
of insanity in the genius and flashes of genius in the insane,
and, further, that geniuses are subject to a special form of
insanity, my father, who was no mere theorist, but an admirer
of facts and eager to turn them to account, considered next
the possibility of making practical use of these discoveries.
This he had no difficulty in doing.
The prevalence of insanity in men of genius explained
innumerable contradictions and mad traits in their lives and
works, the true meaning of which had hitherto escaped
biographers, who either ignored them altogether or covered
reams of paper with vain attempts to represent them as
inspirations or, at any rate, reasonable actions. It also
explained the origin of some of the extraordinary errors com-
mitted by great men; for example, the absurdly contradictory
actions of Cola di Rienzi, who, after making himself master
of Rome when the city was in a state of chaos, restoring
peace and order, reorganising the army and conceiving the
vast idea of a united Italy, ended his patriotic mission with
a extravagances worthy of a madhouse.
series of
The that traits of genius are so often found in men-
tally unsound persons and vice versa, permits us to suppose
that lunatics have not infrequently held the destinies of
nations in their hands and furthered progress by revolutionary
movements, of which by reason of their natural tendencies and
marked originality they are so often the promoters.
It may seem a simple idea to class great men, who have
exercised such an enormous influence on civilisation, with
wretched beings, to whom no brilHant part has been allotted,
and to estimate mad ideas at their true worth; yet it had
never occurred to any one before.
It is in the minor works of geniuses that the greater num-
ber of absurdities abound, but they are little known to the
general public, who are acquainted only with the master-
pieces. Critics either ignored the absurdities and heresies
contained in these works, or, dazzled by the genius of the
author, made them the subject of infinite studies, in the con-
viction that they were merely allusions or symbols demanding
interpretation. men, all the extrava-
All the defects of great
gant notions written or spoken by them were covered with
the magic veil of glory; and there was no innocent little child,
as in Andersen's channing story, to tell the world of the
nakedness of geniuses.
Thus idiocy, epilepsy and genius, crimes and sublime
deeds were forged into one single chain and the brilliant lights

of some of its links, and the gloomy shadows thrown by others,

were reduced to a play of molecules, like those which trans-
form carbon into a refulgent diamond or a sombre lump of


Criminal Man {U Uomo Delinguente) considered in

relation to Anthropology, Jurisprudence, and

Although my father's theories on the male criminal have

already been set forth in the volume now presented to the pub-
lic, I feel that it would not be inappropriate to add to the de-
scriptions of his other important works a brief survey of the
original book for the use of readers desirous of studying the
subject more thoroughly.
The first volume is devoted to an investigation of the
atavistic origin of crime among plants, animals, savages, and

children. This is followed by an exhaustive study of the

physical nature of the born criminal and the epileptic, modern
craniology, the anomalies connected with the different classes
of offences, the spine, pelvis, limbs, and physiognomy. The
data given are based on the results obtained from the exam-
ination of about 7000 criminals.
In the study of the brain, the macroscopic anomalies
in the convolutions and histological structure of the cerebral
cortex of criminals and epileptics are the object of special
consideration, since these anomalies solve the problem of the
origin of criminality.
Certain additional degenerate characters, the prehensile
on the finger-tips, the ethmoid-lachrymal
foot, wrinkles, lines
suture, anomalies of dentition, the existence of a single
horizontal line on the palm of the hand, etc., are further de-
scribed, and a careful examination made of the field of vision
and olfactory and auditory sensibility.
The psychological examination of the criminal includes
psychometry, the discovery of new characteristics, such as
neophily, lack of exactitude, frequent existence of traits of
genius, pictography, hieroglyphics, gestures, and the arts and
crafts peculiar to the criminal.
Finally, the different types of offenders —
epileptic and
morally insane criminals, political and passionate offenders,
inebriate, hysterical, and mentally unbalanced (mattoid)

criminals are described separately and compared with each
other, their diversities and analogies being thrown into
relief. Around these types are grouped juridical figures of
crimes, reproduced from psychiatric forms. These are fol-
lowed by an examination of occasional or pseudo-criminals,
criminaloids, latent criminals, and geniuses.
The second volume treats of epileptics, and discusses,
among other things, their ergography, psychology, grapho-
logy, and anomalies of the field of vision. The studies on
criminals of passion are supplemented by observations on
suicides and political offenders, those on the insane include
investigations of their age, psychology, sex, tattooing,
heredity, and the between insane and ordinary
criminals with respect to the motives that prompt their
crimes, and the manner in which these are carried out, thus
furnishing a new theory of sexual psychopathy.
The third volume of the fifth edition treats of the etiology
and cure of crime.
In the part dealing with the etiology of crime, the geo-
logical, ethnical, political, and economical factors determining
or influencing criminality, as well as other causes, — density
of population, food, alcoholism, sex, heredity, instruction,
religion, etc., are examined and sifted with critical
care. For the first thrown on the influence
time, light is

exercised by criminality and wealth on the increase or de-

crease of emigration.
My father demonstrates by means of data, contributed for
the most part by Bodio and Cognetti, that the importance
attributed to poverty as a factor of criminality, especially by
certain socialistic schools, has been largely exaggerated while, ;

at the same time, the both wealth and education

fact that
have their specific crimes, has been ignored by these schools.
In dealing with collective criminality, my father merely
repeats the original theories on the subject, expressed by him
in 1872 and constantly confirmed since then. These theories
have been utilised and illustrated by a number of writers:
Ferri, Sighele, Ferrero, Le Bon, and Tarde.
In the prophylaxis and cure of crime, not content with
mere criticism of present methods, the new doctrines suggest
practical and efficacious means of repressing crime.
In view of the fact that criminality is assuming a changed
aspect, adapted to the conditions of modern life and civilisa-
tion, it should be combated by the very means furnished by
progress, — the telegraph, press, all measures for fighting
alcoholism, popular places of recreation, etc.
For the prevention of crime, besides those measures de-
signed to minimise the influence of physical and economic

factors, —
baths, sanitary regulations, clearing of forests,
prevention of over-crowding, social legislation, limitation of
wealth, graduated system of taxation, collective services,
expropriation, etc., —
my father suggests special measures for
diminishing certain kinds of crime, — divorce for sexual
offences, affiliation orders for infanticide and government of a
truly liberal character, with freedom of the press and public
opinion to combat political crime. He also emphasises the
importance of provident and charitable institutions, specially
for orphan and destitute children, to aid in suffocating germs
of criminality, in view of the fact that it is to ragged schools
and similar institutions that the decrease of crime in England
is certainly due.
Finally, with regard to the direct repression of crime, the
new methods of identification devised and An-
by Bertillon
fosso, and all modern and apprehension
aids for the detection
of criminals, such as rapid communication and publicity,
should be utilised in all countries where the police aspire to be
considered scientific in their methods.
A minute and intelligent individualisation of penalties is

suggested as being far more efficacious than the uniform and

injurious punishment of detention in prison; so that while
society defends itself, it tends to improve the perverted
faculties of criminals, or where improvement is impossible, to
utilise them in their natural state, following the example set
by nature in the transformation of injurious parasitical rela-
tionships into pacific and mutually beneficial symbioses.


The Female Offender {La Donna Delinquente); The

Prostitute and the Normal Woman

(In Collaboration with Guglielmo Ferrero)

The first part of this book is devoted to a study of

the normal woman, or rather the female of every species,
beginning with the lowest strata of the zoological world and
working upwards through the higher mammals and primitive
human races to civilised peoples.
As a result of this study, it is shown that although in

the lower species, the female is the superior in intelligence,

strength, and longevity, among the higher mammals she is
surpassed in strength, intelligence, and beauty by the male,
who is developed and perfected by the struggle for the pos-
session of the female; while on the other hand, owing to her
maternal functions, the female tends to a perpetuation of her
physical and psychic characters and this prevents variation

and evolution.
The same phenomenon is encountered in the human race.

After a careful examination of the normal woman (height,

weight, brain, nervous system, hair, senses, physiognomy, and
and moral manifestations) the authors arrived at
intellectual ,

the conclusion that the physical, anatomical, physiological,

functional, and sensory characters of the female show a lower
degree of variability than those of the male.
In the same way, cases of monstrosity, degeneration, epi-
lepsy, and insanity are less frequent in the female of the
human race; and the percentage of genius and criminality is
decidedly lower. The examination of the senses showed that
the normal human female possesses a lower degree of tactile,
olfactory, auditory, and visual sensibility than the male,
and also, contrary to the hitherto accepted opinion, a dimin-
ished moral and dolorific sensibility. Among savage peoples,

the female appears to be less sensitive, that is, more cruel
than the male and more inclined to vindictiveness.
But when we consider woman from the point of view of
her maternal functions, her physiological, psychological, and
intellectual nature assumes an entirely changed aspect; for
maternity is the natural function of the female, the end to
which she has been created. Lofty sentiments, complete
altruism, and far-sighted intelligence develop all of a sudden
when she becomes a mother. Maternity neutralises her


moral and physical inferiority, pity extinguishes cruelty, and

maternal love counteracts sexual indifference. Maternity
stimulates her intelligence and sharpens her senses, explains
and exalts those characteristics which have hitherto consti-
tuted her inferiority until they become signs of superiority
when considered from the point of view of the reproduction
of the species.
A lessened sensibility enables woman to bear with greater
ease the pains inherent to childbirth; her refractoriness
to all kinds of variation — also that of a degenerate nature
and to bring back the race,
serves to correct morbid heredity
which owes its its normal state.
continuation to her, to
Women commit fewer crimes than men; and offenders of
the female sex, generally speaking, exhibit fewer degenerate
characteristics. This is due in part to the tenacity with
which the female adheres to normality, but also to the devia-
tion caused in her criminality by prostitution. The history
of this social phenomenon, and an examination of the anatomy
and functions of the types representing this variation of
criminality show that the prostitute generally exhibits a
greater number of degenerate and criminal characters than the
ordinary female offender.
Prostitution is therefore the feminine equivalent of crim-
inality in the male, because it satisfies the desire for licence,
idleness, and indecency, characteristic of the criminal nature.
In addition to prostitutes and ordinary offenders, who
constitute the larger part of female criminality, there exists
a small number of born criminals of the female sex, who are
more ferocious and terrible even than the male criminal of
the same type. The criminality of this class of women
develops on the same foundation of epilepsy and moral in-
sanity. The physical characters are those peculiar to the

male born criminal projecting ears, strabismus, anomalies of
dentition, and abnormal conformation of the skull, brain,
etc.; in addition, an absence of feminine traits. In voice,
structure of the pelvis, distribution of hair, etc., she tends to


resemble the opposite sex and to lose all the instincts peculiar
to her own.
From this brief description it may be gathered that this
work on the female offender owes much of its interest to the
light it throws on the normal woman. It is true that it casts
doubt on many of the postulates of feminism; but, on the
other hand, it lays stress on and exalts the many invaluable
qualities characteristic of the female sex.
The preface to the work concludes with the following
"Not one of the conclusions drawn from the history and
examination of woman can justify the tyranny of which she
has been and is still a victim, from the laws of savage peoples,
which forbade her to eat meat and the flesh of the cocoanut,
to those modern restrictions, which shut her out from the ad-
vantages of higher education and prevent her from exercising
certain professions for which she is qualified. These ridiculous,
cruel, and tyrannical prohibitions have certainly been largely
instrumental in maintaining or, worse still, increasing her
present state of inferiority and permitting her exploitation by
the other sex. The very praises, not always sincere, alas, heaped
on the docile victim, are often intended more as a preparation
for further sacrificesthan as an honour or reward."


Political Crime {Delitto Politico)

(In Collaboration with Rodolfo Laschi)

The law of inertia governs nature. Every organism tends

to adhere indefinitely to the same mode of life and will not
change unless forced to do so.
In the depths of the ocean, where existence, comparatively
speaking, is uniform and undisturbed, we still find organisms
allied to the species of pre-historic epochs. Those stars and
suns, which are outside the sphere of action of other worlds,

continue eternally their vertiginous gyrations in the trajec-

tories assigned to them at the beginning of all things.
Every progress in nature is the result of a struggle between
the tendency to immobility, manifested by misoneism, or the
hatred of novelty, and a foreign force which seeks to conquer
this tendency.
As in nature, misoneism dominates every human com-
munity. It is most invincible in children and neuropathic
and insane individuals, very powerful among barbarous
peoples, and more or less disguised among civilised nations.
But the world progresses every day new conditions and new

interests arise to combat the law of inertia and render impos-

sible the realisation of the much-desired invariability; and
progress, unwelcome yet inevitable, prevails.
By political crime we understand every action which attacks
the laws, the historical, economical, political and social tradi-
tions of a nation or, in fact, any part of the existing social
fabric, and which comes into collision with the law of inertia.
Any attempt to obtain forcibly a change in existing sys-
tems, to enforce by violence, for instance, the claims of free
trade in a protectionist country, to plunge a nation into war
or to incite workers to strike — all such actions represent the
first steps in political crime, which reaches its climax in revolts
and insurrections, and which victory alone can exalt above a
host of blameworthy and base deeds, and crown with glory.
Revolution is the struggle between the tendency to immo-
bility innate in a community, and the force which urges it to
move. Revolution is the historical expression of evolution
and has always great and sublime ends in view. It is the
struggle against an institution or a system which hinders the
progress of a nation, never against any temporary oppression,
no matter how unbearable it may be. The French revolution
was not a struggle against an individual king or even a dynasty,
but against the institutions of monarchy and feudalism; nor
was Lutheranism a revolt against any pope, but against the
corruption that had invaded the Roman Catholic Church.
The Italian revolution was not directed against foreign rule,
which indeed was mild and generous in some parts of the
country, but it voiced an imperious demand for independence
indispensable to every people that desires to become truly
A revolution is therefore a slow, constant effort towards
progress, preceded by propaganda. In some instances, it may
last for years; in others, for centuries, until an entire nation,
from the humblest citizen to the most wealthy patrician, is
convinced of the necessity of the proposed change, and the
habitual misoneism of the masses overcome, the existing order
of things being defended by only a few, whose personal inter-
ests are bound up in the old system. The ultimate triumph
is inevitable, even when the leaders of the movement perish

and the first risings are suffocated in blood; nay, death and
martyrdom serve only to kindle greater enthusiasm for an
ideal, if it be worthy to live. This becomes apparent when
we consider the impulse given to Christianity by the cruci-
fixion of its Leader, and to Italian independence by the death
of the two brothers, Emilio and Attilio Bandiera.
But bloody episodes are not always essential to the march
of a revolution. The triumph of Hungary over Austria was
almost a bloodless one, and that of Free Trade in England was
effected practically without violence.
Since a revolution implies a change in the ideas of the masses
and not of a minority, be this of the elect or merely of tur-
bulent spirits, revolutions are rare occurrences in history and
their effects are lasting. In fact, after the death of Cromwell,
feudalism was extinct in England.
Like the pear which falls in autumn when the process of
ripening has caused the gradual reabsorption of the juices
in the stalk, revolution triumphs and the ancient system
perishes when an entire people is persuaded of the necessity for
a change. The fall of the pear, however, is not always the
result of a slow physiological process, but may be caused by
a gust of wind, which dashes it to the ground before the pulp

has developed the sweet juices that are the sign of its maturity.
In the same way, a revolt or an armed rising of men, whose
demands are enforced by threats, may result in the carrying
into effect of some programme of reform which is nevertheless
too progressive or reactionary, or otherwise unsuited to the
In fact, nearly every revolution is preceded by an insurrec-
tion,which is suppressed by violence, because it seeks to realise
premature ideals, and on this account is frequently followed
by a counter-revolution, provoked by reactionary elements.
Unlike revolutions, insurrections are always the work of a
minority, inspired by an excessive love or hatred of change,
who seek forcibly to establish systems or ideas rejected by the
majority. Unlike revolutions, also, they may break out for

mere temporary causes a famine, a tax, the tyranny of some
official, which suddenly disturbs the tranquil march of daily

life ;in many cases they may languish and die without outside
In practice, however, it is extremely difficult to distinguish
a revolt from a revolution since the results alone determine
its nature, victory being the proof that the ideas have per-

meated the whole mass of the people.

Political offenders, insurrectionists, and revolutionists are
the men who standard of progress and contest every
seize the
inch of the ground with the masses, who naturally incline
towards a dislike of a new order of things. The army of
progress is recruited from all ranks and conditions men of —
genius, intellectual spirits who are the first to realise the
defects of the old system and to conceive a new one, synthesis-
ing the needs and aspirations of the people; lunatics, en-
thusiastic propagandists of the new ideas, which they spread
with all the impetuous ardour characteristic of unbalanced
minds; criminals, the natural enemies of order, who flock to
the standard of revolt and bring to it their special gifts,
audacity and contempt of death. These latter types accom-
plish the work of destruction which inevitably accompanies
every revolution: they are the faithful and unerring arm
ready to carry out the ideas that others conceive but lack the
courage to execute.
Finally, there are the saints, the men who live solely for high
purposes and to whom the revolution is a veritable apostolate.
They rank high above the mass of mankind, from whom they
are frequently distinguished by a singular beauty of coun-
tenance, recalling ancient paintings of holy men. They are
consumed by a passion and self-immolation, and
for altruism
experience a strange delight in martyrdom for their ideals.
These men sweep the masses along with them and lead to
victory with their propaganda, their inspired songs, and
thrilling accents. Tyrtaeus was not the only poet who led
soldiers to war; every insurrection has had its own songs, in
which the love of a whole people is crystallised.
Lunatics, unbalanced individuals, and saints are the pro-
moters of progress and revolutions. These types have one
thing in common —their passionate devotion to a sublime
ideal and their love for humanity, which torments and
crushes them in every case where they fail to attain that for
which they have fought. But whether victorious or defeated,
on the throne or on the scaffold, their efforts are not lost.
Love is the spiritual sun of mankind. A ray shed by a human
heart may spread far and wide, traversing unknown regions
and sojourning with unknown races; and if powerless to
revive some timid flower that has been numbed by the chilly
night, it may still be stored up in the songs of a people, like the
sunlight in green plants, to be retransformed at some future
time into light and warmth.

Too Soon! {Troppo Presto!)
(A Criticism of the New Italian Penal Code)

In this book, which was written during the interval between

the publication of thenew Penal Code and its sanction by the

Italian Parliament, my father makes a rapid criticism of the

Code, which he considered premature. Only a few decades
had elapsed since the proclamation of Italian Unity; and the
widely differing races that people the provinces constituting
the kingdom of Italy had not been able in that brief period
to acquire sufficient uniformity of customs to make a single
code of laws desirable.
But the book is not merely a criticism. It also contains
an exposition of the fundamental principles that, according to
my father, should underlie every serious and efficacious code
of laws. It is this part that makes this somewhat hastily
written book of such importance to criminologists; because
it sets forth under the chief heads the juridical desiderata of
the New School.
The following brief extract gives an indication of the
nature of these principles:
1. The legislation of a country should always be regu-
lated by the customs of the people whom it is to govern; and
although a system of different penal codes to suit the varying
races and customs in the different regions of one State may
offer certain disadvantages, they are always of less importance
than the difficulties caused by a uniform code.
2. The object of every code should be the attainment of
social safety, not the careful weighing of guilt and individual
responsibility. The worst and most dangerous criminals
should be treated with the greatest severity; but indulg-
ence should be shown towards minor offenders. The former
should be segregated for life in prisons or asylums; the
latter should never be allowed to become acquainted with
prison but should be corrected by means of other penal-

ties, which would not bring them into contact with true

criminals, nor necessitate their temporary retirement from

civil life.

3. Certain reprehensible actions (abortion, infanticide,

suicide complicity therein, passionate crimes, duelling,
swearing, adultery, etc.), which are not considered criminal
by the general public, should be non-criminal in the eyes of
the law.
4.Born criminals, the morally insane, and hopeless recidi-
vists, whose first convictions are not followed by any signs
of improvement, should be regarded as incurable and con-
fined for life in criminal lunatic asylums, relegated to penal
colonies, or condemned to death.
second edition of this book was published shortly after-
wards with the title Notes on the New Penal Code. In
this edition, each of the most notable adherents of the new
doctrines: Ferri, Garofalo, Ballestrini, Rossi, Mase Dari,
Carelli, Caragnani, and others, discussed one special point of
the code and suggested the necessary modifications.


Prison Palimpsests {I Palimsesti del Car cere)

CA Collection of Prison Inscriptions for the Use of


"Ordinary individuals, and even scientific observers, are

apt to regard prisons, especially those in which the cellular
system prevails, as mute and paralytical organisms, deprived
of speech and action, because silence and immobility have
been imposed on them by law. Since, however, no decree,
even when backed up by physical force, avails against the
nature of things, these organisms speak and act, and some-
times manifest themselves in brutal assaults and murders;
but as always happens when human needs come into conflict
with laws, all these manifestations are made in hidden and
subterranean ways. Walls, drinking- vessels, planks of the
prisoners' beds, margins of books, medicine wrappers, and even
the unstable sands of the exercise-grounds, and the uniform
inwhich the prisoner is garbed, supply him with a surface
on which to imprint his thoughts and feelings."
With this paragraph my father begins the introduction

to his book Prison Palimpsests, a collection of inscriptions

and documents revealing the inmost thoughts of prisoners.
In the first part, these inscriptions are classified under
different headings: opinions on prison life, penalties, morality,
women, etc., and according to the surface on which they are
inscribed —books, walls, pitchers, clothing, paper, etc.
For the psychologist and the student of degenerate types
of humanity, this collection is of the greatest interest. The
inscriptions are followed by a series of poems, autobiographies,
and letters written by intending suicides, and criminals
immediately before their execution. The comments made
by criminals on the margins of books belonging to the prison
library are especially interesting, because they enable the
student to compare the effect produced on criminals by certain
works with the impressions of normal individuals. The
poems written by prisoners are equally interesting, since,
like popular songs, they represent the intimate expression of
the poet's desires and aspirations.
In the second part, these prison inscriptions are compared
with the remarks commonly found scribbled in the streets, on
school benches, and on the walls of public buildings of all

kinds — courts of justice, places of worship, and even those edi-

fices in which the legislation of the State is framed. All the in-
scriptions are classified according to the sentiments they express
and the sex of the writer, distinction being made between
the writings of prisoners and those of the ordinary public.
The book closes with practical suggestions regarding the
use to which similar collections might be put, as critical hints
on the present methods of dealing with criminals and as an aid
in investigating the characters of accused persons.
All offenders, except the most degenerate types, born
criminals or the morally insane, desire work or occupation of
some kind, and books an interesting character. This
demand emanates from innumerable inscriptions on the walls
of cells and the margins of prison books: " How unbearable is

enforced idleness for a man who has always been accustomed

to work and study, and in whom activity and the desire of
some ennobHng pursuit are not quite extinct!" "The
. . .

nun of Cracow cried, 'Bread, bread!' but my voice pleads

from my soHtary ceh, 'Work, work!'"
"If jurists would leave their desks and libraries," says my
father in conclusion, "put aside all pre-conceived notions,
enter the prisons and study the problem of criminality not on
the walls of the cells, but on the living documents they enclose,
they would speedily realise that all reforms evolved and applied
without the aid of practical experience are only dangerous


Ancient and Modern Crimes {Delitti Vecchi e

Delitti Nuovi)

"This volume contains a collection of facts, sometimes

valuable, at other times merely curious, that I was able to
glean during long years of study in the field of criminal anthro-
pology and psychiatry. They all tend to show the great
difference that exists between ancient and modern crimes."
these words my father begins the preface to this book,
in which cases of recent crimes are described and compared
with those committed in by-gone ages.
It is divided into three parts. The first part contains a
comparative and statistical study of criminality in Europe,
Mexico, the United States, and Australia.
The second part describes the careers of typical criminals
of former times, such as the Tozzis of Rome, a family of
anthropophagous criminals, and Vacher, Bailor, and other
assassins of the Jack-the-Ripper type, whose perverted sexual
instincts prompted them to murder a number of women and
mutilate the corpses in a horrible fashion.
The third part treats of those modern criminals, like
Holmes and Peace, who accomplish their misdeeds in a
refined and elegant manner, substituting for the more brutal

knife or hammer, the resources of chemistry, physics, and

modem toxicology. In other cases, some product of modern
times, such as the motor-car or bicycle, forms the motive for
the crime, or is of assistance in its accomplishment.
"From the data we have been able to gather relating to
crime in by-gone ages," continues my father in his preface,
"we are led to conclude that crimes of a violent and bloody
nature predominated exclusively in more barbarous times, and
modern communi-
that fraudulent offences are characteristic of
ties. Violence more primitive than trickery and must always

precede it, exactly as a more barbarous state in which pro-

perty is gained or maintained by force, at the point of the
sword, precedes a state in which ownership is regulated by
means of contracts; and crime always adapts itself to the
prevailing customs.
"The admirable work of Coghlan shows criminality in
Australia to be of this latter type, as contrasted with its semi-
barbarous nature in states like Mexico, and gives us a picture of
the character it will assume a century or two later in Europe.
"As the fundamental nature of the criminal has not changed,
his actions are still of the same character; and violence and
cunning are mingled or alternate in modern crime. But
though the individual remains unchanged, he is subordinated

to a more powerful factor than himself modern progress.
It is true that many modern crimes are facilitated by modern
contrivances; but the same contrivances often furnish means
for their defeat; and so we may foresee a time, perhaps not
very remote, when such anti-social elements shall partially, if
not totally, have disappeared."


Diagnostic Methods of Legal Psychiatry {La Perizia

Psichiatrica Legale)
This work was not intended to introduce the doctrines of
modern criminology to the general public, but as a text-book
for the guidance of jurists, doctors, experts —in short, all those
whose professions bring them into contact with criminals.
It consists of two parts, the first of which contains about
fifty cases diagnosed according to the new methods, and col-
lected by the author of the work and his followers. These
cases include all types of delinquents: born criminals, morally
insane individuals, hysterical, insane, inebriate, and epileptic
criminals, criminaloids, criminals of passion, etc.
In each case, as the diagnosis was intended to serve a
practical purpose, the criminal is examined physically,
psychologically, and psychiatrically ; and his antecedents are
investigated with great care.
In the second part, "The Technical Aspect of Criminal
Anthropology," a detailed description is given of the methods
to be employed in the examination of a supposed criminal, the
rules for determining to what class he belongs, the manner in
which the physical examination should be conducted, a list of
the necessary measurements, a description of the most suitable
apparatus, and the mode of using them, the methods of pro-
cedure in the interrogation of a criminal, in order to elicit
useful information, and instructions for analysing his intel-
lectual manifestations drawing, and work),
movements, attitude, and gestures.
Thanks to the methodical instruction imparted by this
book, the inexperienced student is enabled to progress gradu-
ally until he is in a position to conduct a complete psychiatric
and medico-legal examination.
The third part treats of the methods for discriminating
between criminals and lunatics. The various forms of mental
alienation are described in detail; and an examination of
cases of feigned insanity shows that simulators of lunacy are
generally mentally unsound.
In the concluding part are discussed the various uses to
which a careful diagnosis may be applied.
The Appendix contains studies on the application of mental
tests in medico-legal practice, and a glossary, alphabetically

arranged, of the terms commonly employed in criminal

anthropology, compiled by Dr. Legiardi-Laura.


Anarchists {Gli Anarchici)

The book opens with an examination of the theories of

anarchists, from which the author arrives at the conclusion
that in view of the importance generally conceded to economic
ideals to-day and the universal abuse of power, these theories
in reality are not so absurd as they are supposed to be. It is
the methods adopted by anarchists for the realisation of their
ideals that are both absurd and dangerous.
"However valuable many of the proposals of anarchism
may be," says the author, "they become absurd in practice;
because all reforms should be introduced very gradually in
order to escape the inevitable reaction which neutralises all
previous efforts."
The crimes of anarchists tend to mingle with ordinary crimes
when certain dreamers attempt to reach their goal by any

means possible theft, or the murder of a few, often innocent,
persons. It is easy to realise, therefore, why, with a few
exceptions, anarchists are recruited from among ordinary
criminals, and insane criminals. Investigations
made by the author showed that 12 per cent, of the com-
munards were of a criminal type, and this percentage was still
higher in anarchists (31 per cent.). Of forty-five anarchists
examined at Chicago, 40 per cent, had faces of a criminal cast.
The majority of anarchists possess the passions and vices
peculiar to ordinary criminals: impulsiveness, love of orgies,
lack of natural affections and moral sense; and similar intel-
lectual manifestations, such as slang, ballads, tattooing,
hieroglyphics. But there are a greater number of genuine
epileptic and hysterical subjects, lunatics, and indirect suicides
among anarchists than among ordinary criminals; greater,
too, is the proportion of criminals from passion. These truly
heroic natures, profoundly convinced that the remedy for so
many social evils lies in the murder of certain personages of
high standing, who appear to bear the greatest share of respon-
sibility for the existing system, do not hesitate to have recourse
to violence when they deem it necessary; although it is dis-

tasteful to them and although they have hitherto disas-

sociated themselves from the excesses of their companions.
The anarchists Caserio and Bresci were of this type. The
crimes of these passionate criminals are always accomplished
single-handed; they always surrender to the police im-
mediately afterwards and make no attempt to defend
themselves. On the contrary, when in court, they fre-
quently give a lucid explanation of the motives that have
induced them to commit their crimes and affront the penalty
with stoicism.
Such being the origin, and such the promoters of anarchism,
it is evident that the methods for curing crimes deriving from

this source should differ greatly from those used in suppressing

ordinary crime.
In spite of the fact that anarchists are frequently criminals,
their ideas, although often absurd, imply a greater elevation
of character than the cynical apathy in which the worst types
of criminals are sunk.
Instead of combating violence by violence and dealing
out death sentences with a prodigality almost rivalling that of
anarchists themselves, the authorities should segregate the
most dangerous types or relegate them to distant islands, and
adopt exile as a penalty for genuine criminals of passion.
However, political liberty and some safety-valve, whereby
lawless instincts may be turned into harmless channels, are
the best methods for preventing anarchism. Constitutional
government and freedom of speech and the press may go a
long way towards combating anarchism; but the restoration
of popular tribunates, like those to which Rome owed her
balance and tranquillity, would be still more efficacious. If
the governing bodies were to favour, instead of hindering, the

formation of such institutions, which tend to spring up every-

where and to voice the grievances of the people, just causes
would not be abandoned exclusively to the advocacy of

Lectures on Legal Medicine {Lezioni di Medicina


This book, as the preface explains, was an attempt to

present in a concise and popular form the theories of criminal
anthropologists, on which the author had previously delivered
a series of university lectures, and which he feared might have
been erroneously or imperfectly understood by those of his
hearerswho were diffident or insufficiently prepared.
It is divided into three parts, criminal anthropology, men-
tal alienation, and the relation of serious offences (assault,
murder, poisoning, etc.) to legal medicine.
The first part contains a summing-up of the author's
ideas on the atavistic and pathological origin of the criminal.
He examines the equivalents of crime among plants, animals,
savages, and children, describes the pathological causes which
call forth atavistic instincts and alludes to other special kinds
of degeneration peculiar to criminals. Finally, the anatomy,
functions, and internal organs of the criminal are examined, and
a careful study made and psy-
of his intellectual manifestations
chology. and the morally insane
Similar studies on epileptics
show that the three forms are only variations of the same
We have an examination of occasional, habitual, and la-
tent criminals, who represent an attenuated type of delin-
quency, following on the investigations of these serious forms,
admitting of correction, prevention, or cure. It develops
much later in life than the vicious propensities of instinctive
criminals or may even remain latent; yet at the root we
always find the same anatomical and pathological anomalies,
although less marked and fewer in number.
The origin of passionate and political criminals is entirely
diverse. Their criminality springs from an excess of noble
passions, the impetuosity of which prevents them from exer-
cising sober judgment and urges them to unpremeditated
actions that afterwards cause them the deepest remorse.
After a rapid survey of feminine criminality and its
equivalent, prostitution, the author discusses juridical and
social methods of curing crime.
In the second part, mental alienation in relation to legal
medicine, the author examines the anthropological and
psychic characters of lunacy, which he divides into various
classes: congenital mental alienation (cretinism, idiocy, imbe-
cility, eccentricity) acquired mental alienation (mania, mel-

ancholia, paranoia, circular insanity, dementia); mental

alienation in conjunction with neurosis (epilepsy, hysteria,
progressive general paralysis) alienation resulting from toxic

influences (alcoholism, including forms produced by indulgence

in absinthe and coca, saturnine encephalopathy, pellagra). An
investigation is made into the etiology of these various forms
with special reference to their juridical importance.
The third part is devoted exclusively to medico-legal
questions, to an examination of the various forms of violent
death: by heat, electricity, starvation, hanging, strangulation,
asphyxia, and poisoning, the symptoms which distinguish each
type being carefully defined. This is followed by a study on
wounds produced by firearms, pointed weapons or blades, on
living and dead bodies, in order to determine the exact situa-
tion of the wound and the manner in which it has been inflicted.
Finally, we have an examination of the different forms of
A separate lecture treats of sexual psychopathy and offences
against morality and other lectures discuss questions of legal

obstetrics: abortion, infanticide, and matrimonial questions.



Recent Discoveries hi Psychiatry and Criminal An-

thropology and the Practical Application of
these Sciences

This volume was published in 1893. It contains a com-

plete summary of the latest research of criminologists in
jurisprudence, psychiatry, and anthropology, during the in-
terval between the publication of the fifth and that of the
last edition of Prof. Lombroso's Criminal Man.
The research includes anthropological discoveries in the
skull, skeleton, internal organs, and brains of criminals, as
well as others of a biological and functional nature. They
are followed by a study of the methods to be employed for the
cure and punishment of crime.



Archivio di Psichiatria, antropologia criminale e scienze

affini (Archives of Psychiatry, Criminal Anthropology
and Kindred Sciences). Thirty- two volumes. Published
by Fratelli Bocca, Turin and Lausanne.
L'Uomo Delinquente (Criminal Man). Fifth Edition. Vols.
I, II and III of XXXV +
650, 576, and 677 pages respec-
tively, with separate volume of plates, maps, etc. Boc-
ca, Turin, 1906, 1907.

L'Hommea criminel. Vols. I and II published 1895, Vol. Ill
(Le crime, ses causes et remfedes) 1907, by F. Alcan, Paris.
Die Ursachen und Bekampfung des Verbrechens. Bermuheler
Verlag, Berlin, 1902.
EI Delito, sus causas y remedios. Libreria de Victoriano Sudrez,
Madrid, 1902.

La Donna Delinquente, la prostituta e la donna normale.

(With Guglielmo Ferrero.) New Edition. Bocca, Turin,

Das Weib als Verbrecherin und Prostitute. Verlagsanstalt und
Druckerei, Hamburg, 1894.
The Female Offender. Fisher Unwin, London, 1895.


II Delitto Politico e le Rivoluzioni. (With R. Laschi.) Bocca,

Turin, 1890.

Das politische Verbrechen und die Revolutionen. Two vols.

Le Crime politique. Two vols. F^lix Alcan, Paris, 1890.

Le piu recenti scoperte ed applicazioni della psichiatria ed

antropologia criminale. Bocca, Turin, 1893.


Neue Fortschritte in den Verbrecherstudien. Wilhelm Friedrich,

Leipzig. 1894.

Neue Fortschritte der kriminellen Anthropologie. Marhold,

Halle, 1908.
Neue Verbrecherstudien. Marhold, Halle, 1908.
Nouvelles recherches de Psychiatrie et d'Anthropologie criminelle.
Alcan, Paris, 1890.

Gli anarchici. Bocca, Turin, 1894.

Translations :

Die Anarchisten. Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei, Hamburg, 1895.

Les Anarchistes. E. Flammarion, Paris, 1896.

La Perizia psichiatrico-legale. Bocca, Turin, 1905.

Lezioni di Medicina legale. Bocca, Turin, 1900.
Troppo Presto! Appunti al nuovo codice penale. Bocca,
Turin, 1888.
Palimsesti del carcere. Bocca, Turin, if

Kerker Palimpsesten. Hamburg, 1899.
Les Palimpsestes des prisons. Stock, Lyon.

La Delinquenza e la rivoluzione francese. Treves, Milan,



Criminal Anthropology. (Twentieth Century Practice of
Medicine, Vol. XII, pp. 372-433.) New York, 1897.
Luccheni e I'antropologia criminale. Bocca, Turin, 1899.
II case Olivo, (With A. G. Bianchi.) Libreria Editrice
Internazionale, Milan, 1905.
Ricerche sui fenomeni ipnotici e spiritici. Unione Tip.
Edit. Turin, 1909.
L'Uomo di genio. Sixth Edition. Bocca, Turin, 1894.

L'Homme de genie. Alcan, Paris, 1889.
The Man of Genius. Walter Scott, London, 1891.

Genio e degenerazione. Second Edition. Remo Sandron,

Palermo, 1908.

Entartung und Genie. Wiegand, Leipzig, 1894.

Nuovi studi sul genio. Two vols. Sandron, Palermo, 1902.

Neue Studien liber Genialitat (Schmidt's Jahrbiicher der gesammten
Medizin, 1907).

Pazzi e anormali. Lapi, Citta di Castello, 1890.

In Calabria. Niccolo Giannotta, Catania, Sicily, 1898.

L'Antisemitismo e le scienze moderne. Roux, Turin, 1894.

Translations :

Der Antisemitismus und die Juden. Wiegand's Verlag, Leipzig,

L'Antis^mxtisme. Giard et Briere, Paris, 1899.

Problemes du jour. Flammarion, Paris, 1906.

II momento attuale in Italia. Casa Editrice Nazionale,

Milan, 1905.


Grafologia. Ulrich Hoepli, Milan, 1895.

Translations :

Graphologie. Reclam, Leipzig.

Trattato profilattico e clinico dclla pellagra. Bocca, Turin,


Die Lehre von der Pellagra. Oscar Coblenz, Berlin, 1898.
Arts and industries of criminals, 44,
Assaulters, 25
Affection for animals, 62, 63
Asylums for criminal insane, 205-
Affections, of born criminals, 27
— children, 133
—examination 222-225
13, 53, 242, 261
18, 135, 136
Age and crime, 102, 151, 152
Atavistic origin of the criminal, 8,
Akkas, tribe of Central Africa, 15
9- 19-48, 135
Alcoholism, and hallucinations, 30,
Australia, probation system in, 189,
—chronic, 142-143
—physical characteristics, 81 82
Austria, percentage of illegitimates
among criminals, 144
—psychic disturbances

caused by,
—percentage of women among
— results of,
criminals, 151

—apathy and impulsiveness of

Auto-illusion, 108, 109
Aymaras, the, an Indian tribe of
victims, 84, 85
— crimes peculiarly due to, 85, 142
South America, 6
— course of the disease, 86
Azara, d' {Travels in America, 1835),
— hereditary, 138
— important factor in criminality,
scences), 148
d' {Remini-
— temporary, 141-142 B
—and epilepsy, 142
—effect on handwriting, 229

Bain, 130
Algometer, 25, 246 Ballve, Sefior, director of Peni-
Anfossi's tachyanthropometer, 237 tenciario Nacional of Buenos
—craniograph, 239 Ay res, 201
Angelucci {Actes du Congres d' An- Bank of Rome case, 106, 107
thropologie), case of epileptic Barnardo, Dr., work for orphans
moral insanity, 69 and destitute children of London,
Anomalies, of criminals, 7, 10-24, 158-160
Beccaria, Cesare, founder of Classi-
morally insane, 53
of cal School of Penal Jurisprudence,
Anthropology, criminal, defined, 5 3. 4
— most important discovery of, 137 Bedlam, 207
— practical application of, 262-279 Belgian Government, agricultural
Aphasia, simulation of, 272 ff., 275 colony founded at Meseplas by,
Arson, 121 202

Belgium, probation system in, 191 —susceptibility to suggestion, 226
Bernard, experiments with dogs, 60 Children's courts. See Juvenile
Blasio, de, explanation of hiero- courts
glyphics of the Camorristi, 43, 44 Cinaedus, 231, 244
Booth, General, 156, 157 Classical School of Penal Juris-
Born criminals, 3-51 prudence, 4, 9
— percentage of, among criminals, Classification of criminals, 8
8, 100 Colour-blindness, 249 26,
— physical characteristics, 10-24, Confession of criminaloids, 105
231-255 Connon, Richard,
—sensory and functional peculiari- Coprophagia, 274, 53275
ties, Corporal punishment, 191
—affections and passions, 27, 28 Cretins, physical characteristics,
—moral characteristics, 28-40 227, 234, 236, 260
— intelligence, — 231 dress,
—relation to 41moral insanity and Crime, origin of the word, 125
epilepsy, 58-73,
—-professional 259 87, —among primitive 125 races, ff.
characteristics, 71 — communities, 134
in civilised
—difference between epileptics and, —atavistic 137 origin, 135, 136,
72 — 136 a;tiology of,
—no criminal scale among, 152

—pathological 137 origin,

— institutions 205^. for, —organic 137 factors,
Bosco and Rice {Les Homicides —percentage among Jews, 140
atix of,
Etats-Unis) on crime Massa- — in causes, social
—prevention, 153143

chusetts, 173 ff.

Brigands, 113-115,215
35, —curability, 156 153,
Broadmoor, 207, 208 Criminal, the, defined, 3
Brockway, 192 Criminal type, 24, 48
Biichner, on instincts in bees and Criminaloids, 100-12
ants, 142 — percentage among criminals, 8
Burglars, 25 —physical characteristics, 102, 251
Burton {First Footsteps in East —psychological distinctions be-
Africa), 128 tween born criminals and, 102 ff.
—cases 103, 104
—reluctance to commit crimes, 105
—easily induced to confess, 105
Cabred, Professor, 203, 204 —moral sense and 106
Camorra, 44, 48, 117, 230 —natural affections and sentiments,
Camorristi, hieroglyphics of, 43, 44 106
—dress, 230 — socialposition and culture, 107 ff.
Canada, homes for destitute child- —clever swindlers, 108
ren, 160 —development into habitual crim-
Capital punishment, 208, 209 inals,111-113
Carrara, Francesco, 4 —and certain crimes, 121
Carrara, Prof. Mario, on neglected —punishment, 186
children, 130 Cruelty, 39
Cephalic index, 10, 241 Cynicism, 31
Children, destructive tendency, 65
— instincts, 130 ff. D
— affection, 133
— effect of environment on, 144 Dalton (Descriptive Ethnology of
—institutions destitute, I56_^.
for Bengal), 12<)
—methods of dealing with, 176 ff. Danish prisons, 195

"Darwin's tubercle," 15, 235 —psychological characteristics, 6i_^.

Dejerine, 138 — 64-65
Delirium, 98 —criminal, 66-69, 70, 259
Dementia, 76, 227, 259, 260 — between
difference Isorn criminals
—simulations of, 272 ff. and, 72
Despine's method of punishment, — non-criminal, 89-92
195, 196 —obsessions, 226
Destitute children, care of, 156 — 230
— institutions for, 1^6 ff. —special offences, 259, 260
Dewson, Miss Mary, 189 Epileptoids, loi
Disease and its relation to crime, Erotomania, 96
8, 220 Esthesiometer, 245
Don Bosco, the Black Pope, 157, 173 Examination of criminals, 219-257
Drunkenness, temporary, 141. See —antecedents and psychic individ-
also Alcoholism uality, 220-222
Du Bois-Reymond's apparatus, 25, — 222
246 — 222-225
Dundrum, Ireland, 207 —morbid phenomena, 225-226
Dynamometer, 252, 253 —speech, 226-228
— memory, 228
E 228-230
— 230-231
Economic conditions, relation to —physical, 231-245
crime, 1 50 — 245-251
Education, and moral insanity, 143 —movements, 251-255
— and crime, 143. 149 —functions, 255
— in Elmira Reformatory, 193 —table 255-257
"Educational Alliance," for Jewish
emigrants, 172
Egypt, theft in, 128
Elmira Reformatory, 192-194 Fines, 187, 191
England, crime in, 173 Fisherton House, 207
— juvenile court in, 176 Forgers, 46, 140, 245
— probation system in, 189, 191 France, percentage of illegitimates
— asylums for criminal insane, 207 or orphans among minors ar-
Environment, 8, 144, 145 rested, 144
Epilepsy, ancient application of — system for minor offences, 187
the term, 58 — probation system in, 191
—characteristic phenomena, 58 Frank, Francis, 223
—mild forms, 60 59, French Panama Scandal, 106, 107
—multiformity, 59, 60,
—psychological 61
— on character, 62
—relation crime, 71
to 69, Gambling, 40
—motory and criminal, 71 Games, "40
—psychic, 88 Garofalo, Senator, his table of
—ambulatory, 90 89, 210 penalties,
—alcoholic psychic, 142 George, Henry, 164
Epileptics,brain 22
cells of, George Junior Republic, 160, 164-
—relation born criminals and
to 167
morally insane 58 87 Germans, ancient, theft among,
—physical anomalies common ff.,
129 to 128,
criminals and, 60, 61, 234 Gilmour {Among the Mongols), 130
Gipsies, 140 India, infanticide in, 126
Goitre, 220, 244 — theft in, 129
Industrial Homes of the Salvation
H Army, 168
Inebriates, crimes peculiar to, 85-86
Habitual criminals, 44, 110-115, 198 —hallucinations of, 226
Hallucinations, 30, 82-84 Infanticide, 121, 126, 127
Hamburg, percentage of illegiti- Insane, the morally, relation to born
mates among prostitutes, 144 criminals, 53, 57, 58
Handwriting, 228-230 —cases, 53 #.
—relation to

Harwick, quoted, on sense of right epileptics, 61,

and wrong, 33 —professional characteristics,65 71 _^.

Hebrew Sheltering Guardian So- — institutions 206 for,

ciety in New York City, 160-164 — dress, 230
Heredity, indirect, 137 —special 259, 260
—direct, 57, 137-139 Insane criminals, 74-99, 234
—influence of, 144, 220, 235 —characteristics distinguishing
Hieroglyphics, 43, 44 them from habitual criminals, 77
Homicide, among criminaloids, 121 78
— in Italy, 140 — antecedents, 78
— relation of temperature to, 145 — motives, 78
— in Massachusetts, 173 — typical cases, 79
— and melancholia, 259 —institutions 205 for, ff.
Hydrosphygmograph, 223 — two 208
Hypnotism, loi Insanity, moral, 65-69, 272
56, ff.
Hysteria, 92-99
— —criminal, 74-99
^relation to epilepsy, 92 —genuine and simulation 260, of,
—physical and functional charac- 276. See also Lunacy
93 Institutions, for destitute children,
—psychology, 156
—susceptibility94to suggestion, 95, —for destitute adults, 167
226 —for women criminals, 180
—and delirium, 98 —for minor offenders, 185
— sensibilityto metals, 261 —for habitual criminals, 198
—special offences 259248,
of, —for born crimirials and the morally
—simulation 261 of, insane, 205. See also Reforma-
tories, Penitentiaries
Intellectual manifestations of born
criminals, 42-44
Idiots, impulses, 74, 258 Intelligence, of born criminals, 41
— speech, 227 — of criminaloids, 106
—physical characteristics, 235, 260 —examination, 222
Idleness, 40, 150 Invulnerability of criminals, 64
Illegitimates, percentage of, among Italy, hot-beds of crime in, 140
criminals, 144 '
— percentage of illegitimates among
Imbeciles, 75, 259, 260, 269 criminals,
Imitation, 146 —percentage144of women among
Immigration and its relation to criminals, 151
crime, 147, 148 —institutions for orphans, 157
Imprisonment, 154, 186, 187
Impulsiveness, 36, 85
Incendiaries, 26
Indemnity, 191 Jackson, on epileptic fits, 60


Jews, percentage of crime among, Luciani, experiments of, 59

140 Lunacy, general forms, 74. See also
Jukes family, the, 138, 139 Insanity
Juridical criminals, 11 5-1 17
Juvenile courts, 176, 178, 179 M
Juvenile offenders, 139
— methods of dealing with, 176 Jf., Maccabruni, Dr. (Notes on Hidden
192 Forms of Epilepsy, 1886), 89
Mafia, 117, 230
K Magnaud, 187
Maniacs, 76, 259
Kleptomania, 141 Manzoni (Promessi Sposi), on in-
Kowalewsky (Archivio di Psichi- stinctive tendency to law-break-
atria, 1885),
63 ing, 152
Krafft-Ebing, 84 Marey's tympanum, 224
— quoted, on somnambulism and Marro (Annalidi Freniatria, 1890),
epileptics, 63 64
Massachusetts, crime in, 173
— probation office in Boston, 189
— reformatories at Boston, 190
Labour, in reformatories, 166, 199 Mattoids. 228, 229
—enforced, profitable to the State, Median occipital fossa, discovery
202, 203, 213 of, 6
Lacassagne, 47 Melancholia, 75, 227, 252, 259
Ladelci (// Vino, 1868), 37 Memory, 228
Landolt's apparatus for testing the Mendacity, 96^8
field of vision, 249 Meseplas, agricultural colony at,
Lewisohn, Mr., 161 202, 203
Lombroso, Cesare, discovery of Metchnikoff, 14
median occipital fossa, 6 Meteoric sensibility, 26
— new theory as to criminals, 52, 56, Modern School of Penal Jurispru-
57 dence, 4, 5, 9, 153. 155. 156
— view of hysteria and epilepsy, 99 Monomaniacs, impulses and mo-
— on percentage of criminals of tives, 77
inebriate families, 138 — cases, 78, 276^.

— on criminal associations, 146 —handwriting, 228, 230
— Criminal Man, 9, 288-291 — dress,

— Modern Forms of Crime, 9 — examination 276 of, ff.

Recent Research in Criminal An- Moral sense, of criminals, 28-40
— thropology, 9, 309 —of criminaloids, 106
Prison Palimpsests, 9, 155, 300- Moreau, 130
302 — (De r Homicide chez enfants,
— The Female Offender, 180, 291-294 1882), 131
— Crimes, Ancient and Modern, 173, Morel, 53, 98
302-303 Mulhausen {Diary of a Journey
—The Man of Genius, 283-288 from the Mississippi to the Pacific)
— Crime, 294-298
Political 129

Too Soon, 298-300 Murder, among 140 gipsies,
—Diagnostic Methods of Legal Psy- — among Jews, 140
—Anarchists, — United States, 145
305-307 Murderers, physical characteristics,

Lectures on Legal Medicine, 307- 236
16, 18, 26, 46,
308 — moral 38 sense, 29,
Murderers, imprisonment, 182 Physical anomalies of criminals, 7,
— dress, 230 10-24, 231-245
Pictet, 125
N Pictography, 43
Pinel, 37, 53
Newspaper reports of crimes, in- Plethysmograph, 223, 225, 264
fluence of, 146, 147 Poisoners, 31, 182
Nothnagel's thermo-esthesiometer, Political offenders, 186
247 Polyandry, 127
Population, density of, effect on
O criminality, 146, 148
Positive School of Penal Jurispru-
Obermayer's methods in prisons, dence. See Modern School of
195, 196 Penal Jurisprudence
Obscenity, 63 Pott, 125
Occupations suitable for prisoners, Poverty and crime, 150
197, 203, 204 Precocity in crime, 222
"Open Door," the, penal institu- Preventive methods, 17$ ff.
tion in Buenos Ayres, 203, 204 Primitive races, tattooing among, 45
Orange, 208 — views of crime, 125-129, 134
Orgies,40 — death penalty among, 209
Osmometer, 251 Prison life, effect upon criminals,
Ottolenghi, discoveries of, 61 148, 149, 153, 154, 186
Probation Office in Boston, 189
Probation system, 178, 179, 188-191
Professions and crime, 149, 150, 221
Paralysis, 75, 226, 229 Progeneismus, 13, 60, 243
Paralytic, demented, 269 Prognathism, 7, 12
"Paranza, "48 Prostitution, 144, 151, 180
Paresis, 82, 83 Proverbial sayings concerning crim-
Parkinson's disease, 252 inals, 49, 50
Passion, criminals of, 117-121, 186 Prussia, percentage of illegitimates
Patrizi, 224 among criminals, 144
"Patta, La" 41 Psychology of born criminals, 27 jf.
Pears {Prisons and Reform, 1872), 236
Ptosis, 14,
196 Punishments, 185
Pederasts, 232 —corporal, 191
Pellagra, 76, 150 — capital,208, 209
Pelvimeter, 239
Penal codes, 176, 178 R
Penal colonies, 201-204
Penalties, 153 Race and crime, 139, 140
— table of, proposed by the Modern Recidivists, 46, 222
School, 210-212 Reformatories, 182, 192
Penitenciario Nacional of Buenos Reformatory Prison for Women at
Ayres, 198-203 South Framingham, near Boston,
Penitentiaries, 194-198 183-185
Penta, on percentage of criminals of Remorse, 29
inebriate families, 138 Repentance, 29
Pevez,{Psychologie de I'enfafit), quo- Rescue Homes of the Salvation
ted, on anger in children, 131 Army, 169
Perth, vScotland, 207 Revue dAnthropologie, 1874, 128
Peruvian Indians, 6, 7 Ribaudo, Brancaleone, 138

Richet, experiments with dogs, 59, — percentage among criminaloids,

60 108
—on hysteria, 95 —cases, 109
Roncoroni, discoveries of, 21, 22, 61, — imprisonment 182 of,
100 Sydenham, on hysteria, 95
Rosenbach, experiments of, 59 Symbiosis, 212-215
'*Rota, La" 41

Salvation Army, 167-170 Tachyanthropometer, 237

Samt, on epilepsy, 88, 90, 91 Tamburini, quoted, 37
San Stefano, island, convict popu- Tardieu {De la Folie, 1870), 85
lation, 34 Tattooing, 39, 45-48, 232
Sensibility, general, 24, 245, 246, 277 Temperature, relation to crime, 145
— to touch and pain, 25, 245, 246, Theft, instincts of, 37, 38
— the magnet, 26 —petty, 117
— meteoric, 26 —percentage among criminal-
oids, 121
— the senses, 26, 249-251
of — among primitive 128-130 races,
—localisation 247
of, —and paralysis, 259
—to metals, 248 —and 260
Simulation, 97, 261, 272 Thieves, physical characteristics,
Sisterhoods founded by Rabbi Gott- 20, 46, 150, 236, 243-244
heil,170-172 — cases, 28, 29, 37, 38
Skin diseases, 232 — moral sense, 32-35
Skull, formations, 10-12
— measurements, 239-242 — handwriting, 230
Tissie {Les aliencs voyngeurs, 1887),
Slang, 28, 33, 42, 152 88 _
Smugglers, 114 Tonnini, 62, 64, 65
Snow {Two Years' Cruise round Traumatism, 140, 141
Tierra del Fuego), 129 Treachery, 34
Social causes of crime, 143
Somatic examination, 260, 277
Somnambulism, 63, 141 U
South America, institutions for
— Salvation 157
Army in, 170 United States, institutions for des-
—reformatories, 192 —
titute chlidren, 160
—penal institution in Buenos Ayres,

percentage of crime in, 173, 174
probation system in, 178, 189, 190
Spain, percentage of women among —juvenile courts in, 178
criminals, 151 —reformatories in, 192
Spencer {Principles of Ethics, 1895),
Strabismus, 14, 236
Strength, 27, 252
Suggestion, susceptibility to, 95, 269 Vanicek, 126, 127
— examination of, 226 Vanity, 35
— case, 269 Vidocq, 35
Suicide, 119, 259 Vindictiveness, 38
Swindlers, characteristics, 16, 18, 20, Volumetric glove, 224
25, 46, 231, 245, 246 Volumetric tank, 223
W Wormian bones, 12

Weber's esthesiometer, 245

Where the Shadows Lengthen, 168
Women, percentage of criminality
among, 151, 180
—nature of criminality among, 181, Zakka Khel, criminal tribe in India,
182 129, 140
Work, motive force of every insti- Zehen, experiments of, 59
tute, 197 Zino, 41
— — — — —


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