MFL Paper V2 PDF
MFL Paper V2 PDF
MFL Paper V2 PDF
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Improvements in Maintenance Techniques of Large Above Storage Tanks to Enhance Life Cycle View project
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Abstract—: In oil and gas industry, the above-ground storage tanks Storage units are critical part for trading of the petrochemical
plays a significant role for continuous movement of petroleum products. World oil consumption per day is 93,250,000 barrel
products. Oil is a valued product; the storing tank must undertake (Wikipedia), and in U.K it is 1,608,000 barrel/day. Large oil
regular maintenance. Characteristic AST inspection can be storage units are needed in order to store these huge amounts of
conducted under its usual operation, but the floor of large AST is consumption needed at this present. ASTs are the perfect choice
challenging to access during in-service. Due to inaccessibility of the to meet the demands to counteract the high levels of natural
floor, tanks need to be emptied and made out-of-service for resources intake. ASTs storage capacities can rise from anything
inspection and repair. This is a known expensive way both in terms
up to 1.5 million barrel per unit compare to underground storage,
of earning and the maintenance procedure itself. In this paper, the
which have less storage capacity [2], respectively the capacity
review of this condition and procedure of the AST is discussed with
the present limitation and possible improvements in inspection
of oil tank levels tend to decrease insignificantly for the supplier.
methods. The inspection of floor is a main focus, because it is a According to their allocated restricted. Typically 60,000 liters
prime factor that characterizes the out-of-service time. The main for small tanks, to large sizes in the tens of millions.
aim in the petrochemical industry is not only to minimize the Corrosion in the ASTs can cause failure. The failure to a tank
frequency and time of out-of-service interval, but can also shift can have an undesirable effect, especially with large tanks
towards in-service defect detection methods. In-service methods causing an impact not just to the environment but as well to the
can save major time and expense of not entering the tank for
local businesses [3, 4]. An example of this failure was in the Gulf
inspection. Both in-service and out-of-service strategies are
of Mexico on the 24 May 2010, when an estimated oil spill of
discussed for inspection of the floor in order to achieve the
objective goals. 4.9 million barrels leaked into the sea. This incident resulted loss
Keywords—above ground tanks (AST); non-destructive-testing of product and in fines costing more than $100 billion to BP
(NDR); in-service; out-of-service; life cycle. (British petroleum). It also had an effect on the environment
including the marine, wildlife, atmospheric changes, health
I. INTRODUCTION issues and tourism industry. BP faced adverse publicity, strong
economic loss and criminal charges because of this. This also
An important objective in supply distribution is to meet user raised question about integrity of BP supply chain.
demands on time and in a cost-effective manner. A balance
between supply and demand is required to achieve this goal. This Only can the periodic maintenance of the tank assure the
has been achieved in forms of storage units that rectify any short- integrity to provide a safe supply. Both Inspection and repair are
time fluctuation between demand and supply. the two key factors for this to be highly successful operation,
whilst reducing the cost at the same time. In-service
The utility industries provide a compelling case of persistent maintenance is a cost efficient path, because the tank remains in
flow in their chain of supply. In supply chain, water products, a productive and income generating state. But due to the
electricity provisions, petrochemical all have one point of accessibility, cost and technology barriers out-of-service
continuous flow common: ‘switch the tap on and process starts’. methods are currently practiced in this day of age [5].
The case of water supply is an interesting, in which water is
stored in tanks near inhabited safe areas. These large storage Therefore this paper’s mains focus is on the ASTs,
facilitates the water to locals via water pipes and downstream maintenance, improvements an overall benefits to the current
tanks [1]. methods. This paper also covers the basic of future possible
maintenance techniques, and comparison of them to current
World energy consumption sectors have been divided in to methods. In ASTs, the floor is a most difficult part to access at
different industries. Petroleum industry is the main division for time of in-service maintenance. Vice versa Out-of-service
meeting world energy consumption. Petroleum consumption techniques are currently used. As time goes on in-services
increases as it grows for each country, particularly in developed maintenance technologies are advancing forward.
and developing countries. Because of the Petroleum
consumption, the supply and demand chain is becoming a very This paper is to propose better ways for in-service maintenance
imperative factor. as well as improvements needed for out-of-service methods.
They are both advancing as we speak, each on their own merits.
Commissioning and Installation
Step. 2
The AST life cycle is demonstrated in diagram 1. The Life In-service time (Step. 1)
Iteration k
Monitoring information helps to decides whether to either service corrosion
extend the in-service time or to do further investigation by 1. Monitored 2. Scheduled 3. Disaster
and leak detection
switching to out-of-service period. techniques
Out-of-service time Step. 3
Commissioning and Installation Empty and Clean YES
Tank Empty
Fit for
Time y
YES, need repairing
In-service time Repair NO
Magnetic Yoke
Magnetic lines of force are produced within the plate, when
a magnet is close to a steel. These magnetic lines (flux)
preferably like to travel within the plates than the air. A suitable II shape magnetic shielding device permeance princ
powerful magnet creates saturated flux within the plate.
Figure 6 is illustrating the principle of Magnetic shield structure (Original
Coil or Hall Effect sensors can be used to detect corrosion in figure presented in [8]).
the tanks; the corrosion can be identified by any irregularities
fluctuation in the magnetic flux [12]. Coil sensors works on the Another proposed solution is improvements in the sensors of
principle of Faradays law and the Hall Effect sensors which MFL. Generally most of the MFL devices are using Hall
generate a voltage signal dependent on flux density (Principle of sensors, but eddy current sensors can be used. Current motor
Lorentz force). speed of MFL devices for better sensitivity is constant. By using
eddy current sensors, we don’t need to worry about constant
Magnetic flux leakage principle can be understood by
solving Maxwell equations [12]. The differential forms are speed, and we can move it at swift rate. The old MFL sensors
are able to detect up to 22mm in the width of steel, but with B. In-service inspection methods for Corrosion detection.
these sensors it is possible to go up to 30mm [13]. Possible methods to detect corrosion in the ASTs during in-
Though these steps can improve the inspection service are
quality and speed, cleaning and emptying of the AST is still 1. Ultrasonic guided wave tomography
required. This means the tank has to be in an out-of-service 2. A.E (acoustic emission).
period. The Only way to overcome this problem is to use in-
service inspection techniques. The question is could in-service C. Ultrasonic guided wave tomography:
methods replace out-of-service inspections. Accuracy, Discussed out-of-service methods are quick but they lack the
accessibility, cost of in-service maintenance comes with its own factor of in-service inspection demand. The tank owner’s
restricted inspection. In the next section, I will discuss how in- preference is to have them in service, while inspection is
service inspection techniques can out way the impact when in carrying out. This can save money as no need of emptying tank,
the out-of-service state. New technologies are developing now cleaning and then inspection. Researchers are putting their
that have the potential to overcome the present limitation. efforts to move towards in-service non-destructive testing
applications. Small numbers of studies have been carried out
IV. IN-SERVICE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE and the research is still in progress due to the problems
FLOOR MONITORING This section of paper is discussing the possible principle of
According to the stats, quite a lot of tanks, which were emptied using ultrasonic guided waves to inspect the floor of the ASTs.
and cleaned required less maintenance to be repaired. Statistics In this method, the generated and reflected waves are detected
show that only 43% need repairing, whereas only 9% do not by transducers coupled to the edge of the annular plate.
[6]. Measurements are carried out in different sections and
Inspection of ASTs received less attention in the technical directions across the tank to get accurate reading. Obtained
literature thus few papers have been presented on this issue. In information is processed by tomographic reconstruction
recent years, little research has been done on in-service techniques to give information about defects or plate settling of
maintenance. Different ideas have been presented on how to the ASTs floor. Computer image modelling of tomographic
inspect the ASTs, whilst they are in-service. techniques has been developed. This modelling considered the
Although research is still in progress to gain a better performance of transducers, the interaction between sound
understanding why in-service maintenance methods can work. wave and the scattering of wave. Main advantage of the
Currently ongoing recommendations to suggest better proposed method is the ability to detect corrosion on the tank
techniques, are being presented to better a solution in improving floors without the need to empty and clean the tank while it is
how we look after ASTs. Mostly concentrating in two major still in service.
areas being detecting leaks and corrosion.
Tomographic Reconstruction:
A. Oil-Leak detection methods in the ASTs
Across all ASTs floors, the transmission and receiving
Methods to detects leaks in the ASTS are [6] of waves been carried differ in their directions. The
Precision volumetric testing. amplitude of the waves is the function of attenuation
Is used to detect leaks in the storage tanks. But the location of due to corrosion and scattering effects in tanks [16].
leak cannot be easily identified [14]. The two main drawbacks
applied to this technique is quite significant. One being the
changes to the ASTs, the other being the petrochemical volume.
Due to the volume variation supply the demand can affect how
the evaluation results are obtained. Effects to the ASTs floor,
roof movement and temperature change stored chemicals have
impact on the results of inspection.
Soil vapor monitoring measurement.
Soils vapor testing the exterior surroundings of the AST for
leaked product. This approach can detect very low level of leak,
it cannot determine the time of leak or reason behind it.
Accidental spills near the tank can have influence on readings
in soil vapor monitoring.
Inventory control.
Over a given period detailed record of inclusion and removal of
product recorded. In same period, monitor level of product, any Figure6. Waves transmitted across the test tank shown. (Original figure
variation in records consider as a leak. Meter error, human error presented in [17]).
and temperature changes can easily influence records. Ultrasonic guided wave tomography has been implemented on
Although non-intrusive techniques are very the small above-ground tank, but accuracy needs more
useful maintenance methods, and they can detect any leaks in improvement to the big tank. Experimental procedure has been
AST. But they cannot identify location and depth of corrosion executed with steel plates (up to 6mm thick) on the 100m
in a tank. This is a major drawback in these techniques. Next diameter tank, showed promising results [16]. Things to
section of this paper is discussing possible corrosion detection improve in this technology are swift scanning, optimisation in
methods during in-service period. It is followed by optimization resolution and signal to noise ratio [16].
flowchart in maintenance methods.
D. Acoustic emission
Parrallel interface (AE) is the process in which sudden release of energy from a
material will be detected in the form of elastic waves [15], and
it has been widely used as a non-destructive-testing tool. In the
Electronic section recent years, the A.E application for detection of corrosion on
consisted of the floor plate of ASTs is being adopted by petrochemical
Driver Board. companies. The use of acoustic emission started first in the
Motors Processing unit early 1980’s for examining the floor of the tanks [15]. However,
Pulse. it was considered as an unreliable method, as this technology is
Pre-processing progressing, the acoustic emission shows promising results. For
and amplifier. in-service maintenance, tank owners don’t need complex
testing methods to tell us about any leaks or corrosion in tank.
They need a much prominent method which will update the
condition of the floor, so that any inspection to repair can be
Receiving input completed before any loss in form of leakage or damage to the
tank has occurred. A.E is a non-destructive method, which can
be used for monitoring corrosion. In A.E, we don’t need to enter
the tank to determine its condition.
“AE testing has many benefits such as on-line testing, global
monitoring, rapid inspection, and cost reduction” [6]. Though,
this method has taken an on-line root for corrosion detection, it
Transmitter Receiver still can’t be treated as an in-service inspection technique. This
method may be defined as semi-in-service technique. In this
Cracks due to in feedback method, ASTs are still under going off-service for a small
corrosion of AE-sensors duration. Before the tanks are tested they need to be shut down
anywhere between 6 to 12 hours, including all agitators, heater
Figure 7: The experimental ultrasonic tomography system (Original figure and oil pipe [6].
presented in [12]).
Acoustic Emission
Time Time
AE sensors AE sensors
Cracks due to in feedback
of AE-sensors
Fig.8 Pulse of energy from the floor material can be detected by attaching sensors on the floor outside of the tank. The sensors and floor is acoustically coupled,
also special setup is required to improve transmission of the AE signals. (Original figure presented in [6]).
AE has the potential to replace current inspection techniques a) Flowchart of Complete maintenance for ASTs.
because the large tank doesn’t need emptying or cleaning. Ultrasonic wave guided Tomography or AE techniques can spot
However accuracy of the AE has raised some questions. Factors faults on the ASTs floor quicker both decreasing the chance of
effecting the AE results are discussed below:- emptying, cleaning and inspecting by other non-destructive
Factors Effect Acoustic Emission Evaluation Results: testing (NDT) sources, thereby minimizing costs. They can
resolve any false results obtained from leak monitoring results.
1. Floor Material in ASTs If results are not accurate, then opening of the tank is needed
2. Medium in the tank for further investigation, on the other hand MFL may be used
3. Height of liquid in tank for inspection of floors in tanks. In addition, automated
4. Diameter of ASTs ultrasonic or MFL robots may be adopted for wall and roof of
Every material has its own AE characteristic. Material AE tanks. British Sliver Wing Group has crawler devices, which
characteristics can effects the attenuation and energy emitted to can access wall and roof of ASTs.
its rate of propagating signal. a) Conclusion of flowchart:
In A.E, sensors are installed outside of the ASTs. Propagation
The above flowchart concludes that combination of quickness
signals of A.E may be absorbed by the oil or other medium.
from Ultrasonic wave guided Tomography or AE, accuracy
Energy lost rate influence evaluation results.
from MFL, can provide a much better result. If AE findings are
While using the AE method for inspection, the height of liquid
satisfactory we don’t need to go any further, thus no need for
should reach up to 80-100% of ASTs [15].
any floor inspections by MFL. By following this procedure,
P= ρgh (3)
costly maintenance and time consuming paths can also be
Liquid’s height is proportional to the pressure of the floor.
avoided. This process can provide accurate evaluation and
Density of the liquid = ρ, gravity acceleration= g and h=height
optimal maintenance for safety of ASTs.
of the liquid.
For large ASTs the diameter has a bigger value. Release rate, b) Advance Robotic inspection:
amplitude and location are in relation with the ASTs diameter. Another proposed solution is to use a robotic mouse for floor
This can easily affect evaluation for large diameter tanks. inspection. The micro mouse can be used with transmitters
Corrosion cracks and ASTs material also varies with receivers attached to it as well as an added extra feature. It can
temperature change affecting the AE’s reading. move continuously covering vast areas of the tank whilst easily
Location precision discussion. gathering data to be stored when receiving information from
Due to the short length of history we have, AE application within reflected signals to be analyzed at any point of time or be send
ASTs, testing tanks has not been so successful in this limited directly back to the control room via a wireless transmission for
time. Factors such as height, medium and diameter have huge ease. This information can be analyze by using some complex
effects on evaluation to AE readings. ASTs generally have larger algorithm.
diameters. Taking in to account these effects, false source and No research has been done on this idea, so no information is
lost source locations are easy to occur. available on an internet. Problem in making this technology can
Inspection results during experiments have shown that location be following:-
precision problems still need improvement. Theory shows that Driving battery for mouse, it needs a lot of energy
10-20% location precision is ideal [15]. In most cases it can be Material strength and quality use to make mouse. Cost
satisfied by selecting suitable inspection time, right instrument could be very high.
parameters. But ideal location precision is not easy to achieve. Electronics implement on mouse must not be weighty.
Before formal AE inspection, electronic and other noise should Moving mouse in the tank filled with oil is another big
be tracked to fulfill the test requirements. The area surrounding issue to cope with.
the tank must be relatively quiet too. At Refineries, AE can be Conclusion
prone to external noise. We are stuck with ASTs currently there is no alternative
available that can store large amount of oil to meet supply and
In summary, the primary job of AE testing is to tell whether a demand chain. Significant cost required for maintenance of the
tank has any corrosion or leak. It cannot tell us the exact depth AST. Distinct characteristic of maintenance is out-of-service
and severity of corrosion and cracks in ASTs. Though MFL is period, yet maintenance technologies are improving now. Good
out-of-service technique, it can precisely tell us the depth of information about the integrity of floor is the principle of
corrosion and cracks, up to 12mm in steel. It is more sensitive maintenance. This paper put forward ideas in the direction that
and accurate compared to AE, which we need to fulfil tests to if we implant in-service inspection, it would enhance the
the ASTs requirements. productivity of the AST lifecycle. This can be done by
Keeping in mind the current limitation of AE, it has potential for improving in-service and out-of-service period ratio.
continuous improvement. Technologies has been discussed, which can do this. Principle
The AE technique can spot faults on the ASTs floor decreasing of these technologies is to do in-service inspection without
the chance of emptying, cleaning and inspecting by other non- emptying and cleaning tank. Both economic and environmental
destructive testing (NDT) sources, thereby minimizing costs. If benefits can be achieved by doing this. Major drawback with
ASTs need opening for further investigation, MFL NDT may be these technologies is SNR value, which is not accurate. By
used for inspection of floors in tanks. sophisticated improvements over long period of time, it is
Ultra sound guided wave and AE are still in their developing potentially possible to extract information about floor by using
phases. They need further improvements. These technologies in-service inspection. In order to understand source and
can detect faults, but they don’t have the accuracy to tell us how characteristics of in-service inspections, still more laboratory
bad the fault has gotten. Researcher are working to rectify this and in-field work needed.
problem. Taking all these scenarios into account, I have
proposed a new feasible inspection procedure in next section.
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I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. John Mason of
Swansea University, for his supervision, advice and supports.
Dr John Mason lets me cooperate with Mr. Neil of Silver Wing
Group, who provides the useful information for me