802.11 standards undergoing validation by the national and/or regional organizations57 II.2.2 Fixed
Broadband Wireless Access Systems II.2.2.1 IEEE 802.16 and ETSI HiperMAN Matrix Both IEEE 802.16
and ETSI HiperMAN target the broadband access, offering a Wireless DSL connection to residential,
SoHo, SME users, for both fixed and nomadic applications, mainly for areas where the DSL connection
cannot be offered by wired deployment. IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.16a In 2003, IEEE has published the
802.16a standard [2], which is an amendment to IEEE 802.16 [1] standard, addressing “Medium Access
Control Modifications and Additional Physical Layer Specifications for 2-11 GHz”. The key feature of the
IEEE 802.16 air interface is the medium-access control layer (MAC), which specifies a mechanism for
controlling access to the airwaves. The IEEE 802.16 MAC is based on demand-assigned multiple access in
which transmissions are scheduled according to priority and availability. This design is driven by the
need to support carrier-class last-mile access to public networks, with full QoS support. The system
could easily support both generic Internet-type data and real-time data, including two-way applications
such as voice, videoconferencing, or interactive games. The 802.16a standard defines three Physical
Layer modes, to be used in 2-11 GHz bands: • SCa (Single Carrier, for 2-11 GHz); • Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM), based on 256 points FFT; additional Mesh topology is defined for this
mode; • OFDMA, based on 2K points FFT; OFDMA is used on both upstream/return and
downstream/forward. These modes are not interoperable, and a compliant system may use only one of
them. ____________________ 57 Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-2, “Characteristics of broadband
radio local area networks”, (Questions ITU-R 212/8 and ITU-R 142/9). Standard Description 802.11d
Supplements the 802.11 MAC (Medium Access Control) layer to take account of regulatory constraints
that vary from country to country, permit the location of equipment by firmware version selection.
802.11e Supplements the MAC layer, providing quality of service management functions. Will be applied
to different physical layers (802.11a, b and g). 802.11f Communication between access points to ensure
their interoperability in a multi-manufacturer environment, particularly where roaming is concerned.
802.11h Complement for conformity with European regulations relating to equipment in the 5 GHz band
(extensively used for satellite communications). Provides dynamic channel selection and emission power
control. 802.11i Complements the MAC layer to enhance security by offering an alternative to WEP
(Wired Equivalent Privacy). Uses 802.1x and will use AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encrypting.
Will be applied to 802.11a, b and g. Report on Question 20-1/2 39 All the modes provide the following
features: • Both FDD and TDD support, including half-duplex CPE in FDD mode; • High spectral efficiency
and data rates, up to 72 Mbit/s in a 20 MHz channel; • Adaptive modulation, from QPSK rate 1/2 to
64QAM rate 3/4 for OFDM and OFDMA modes, and even higher modulations for the SC mode; • Wide
range of channel widths, 1.25 MHz to 28 MHz, the actual interoperability profiles are to be defined in
802.16REVd standard; • High cell radius, up to 50 km in P-MP mode with directive, outdoor mounted,
antennae. Hooks for Advanced Antenna Systems; • High security Traffic Encryption Hek (TEK) encryption
algorithms: – 3-DES with 128-bit key (type 1); – RSA with 1024-bit key. Further IEEE 802.16
standardization As of late 2003, 802.16 is drafting: – a revision (802.16REVd) to improve the existing
Physical Layer (PHY) modes, and define interoperability profiles; – an amendment (P802.16e) to support
mobile operation, namely hand-off and power saving; the mobile systems will use the improved PHY
modes as defined by 802.16REVd; completion is expected in the autumn of 2004. Future mobile radio
systems will support high data rates, high mobility, high capacity, and high QoS. Since the available
frequency spectrum is limited, high spectral efficiency is a major challenge of future mobile radio
systems. Furthermore, the bit rates and performance should be scalable for various environments and
applications (metropolitan, sub-urban and rural areas). ETSI HiperMAN ETSI BRAN HiperMAN has
produced three standards, already approved: • TS 102 177, addressing Physical Layer; • TS 102 178,
addressing Data Link Layer; • TS 102 210, defining interoperability profiles. ETSI HiperMAN had a two
years selection and improvement process: • adopted as base line the 802.16 and 802.16a standards; this
selection allows for having the same features as previously described for 802.16 systems; • selected the
OFDM 256 points FFT mode, as the best cost/performance solution for broadband NLOS operation; •
improved the OFDM mode, by adding upstream/return sub-channelization (OFDMA), 16 sub-channels,
using a specific clustered approach, for achieving: – 12 dB more uplink system gain, due to power
concentration; – broadband data rate per sub-channel, at cell margin (150 kbit/s in 3.5 MHz, at QPSK
rate 1/2); the data rate decreases with the number of sub-channels; – maximum capacity and low delay
with a variety of traffic types (IP and TDM); – robust operation, frequency diversity, good Advanced
Antenna Systems (AAS) support. 40 Report on Question 20-1/2 HiperMAN DLC has adopted much of the
802.16 MAC – OFDM mode. Supplementary, the HiperMAN DLC standard provides the support of up-
link sub-channelization and refined ARQ/ BW request/BW allocation modes. It is expected that IEEE
802.16REVd (2004), OFDM part, will be aligned with ETSI HiperMAN. Further ETSI HiperMAN
standardization ETSI is currently drafting four new standards, to support HiperMAN system
interoperability and management: • Conformance Testing for the Data Link Control Layer (DLC) – Part 1:
PICS; • Conformance Testing for the Data Link Control Layer (DLC) – Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test
Purposes (TSS & TP) specification; • Conformance testing for the Data Link Control Layer (DLC) – Part 3:
Abstract Test Suite (ATS); • Network Management: MIB. The conformance testing work is lead by ETSI
PTCC (Protocol & Testing Competence Centre) specialists. Interoperability profiles are expected to be
produced, in support of 5.8 GHz allocations. In future, ETSI BRAN may also consider mobile applications.
Deployment example References [1] IEEE 802.16 Standard: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless
Access Systems – 2001. [2] IEEE 802.16a Standard: Amendment 2: Medium Access Control Modifications
and Additional Physical Layer Specifications for 2-11 GHz – 2003. [3] IEEE L802.16-03/16: IEEE 802.16
Liaison Letter to ITU-R: Appendix www.ieee802.org/16/liaison/docs/L80216-03_15.pdf [4] ETSI TS 102
177 2003-09; Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); HiperMAN; Physical (PHY) Layer. [5] ETSI TS
102 178 2003-08; Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); HiperMAN; Data Link Control (DLC) Layer.
[6] ETSI TS 102 210 2003-08; Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); HiperMAN; System Profiles.
II.2.2.2 IMT-2000 Wireless Local Loop Broadband Access The growth of wireless cellular services is
continuing at a rapid pace in today’s marketplace. Most of the operators have either started or are in
the process of deploying WLL systems, also termed as Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) systems, utilizing the
IMT-2000 technologies. Even though IMT-2000 technologies are conceived primarily for providing
mobile telecommunications, they are capable of providing efficient and cost effective alternatives to
fixed Broadband and wire line technologies. Report on Question 20-1/2 41 In particular, the use of IMT-
2000-based WLL systems can substantially reduce the up-front investment necessary for an operator to
deploy a WLL network by utilizing most of the standard network components that constitute a mobile
network. This is in addition to the high spectral efficiency and compatibility exhibited by the IMT-2000
technologies. The operator can either complement its existing mobile network to provide WLL services
or built a completely new WLL system. The high degree of resilience provided by IMT-2000 systems
make them an ideal choice for operators who are planning to provide WLL services. Although, there are
many other IMT-2000 and non-IMT-2000 technologies that are capable of providing WLL services, this
section focuses on the adaptability and robustness of CDMA2000 to provide WLL services. Key Features
of CDMA2000-based WLL service include, in addition to those listed under section II.2.3.1 of this report.
• Allows robust evolution to an All-IP (3G and beyond) system utilizing the Multi-Media Domain (MMD)
and/or the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architectures. • Provides simultaneous voice and high-speed
data services. 3 Mbit/s on the DL and 1.8 Mbit/s on the UL, using CDMA2000-1X EV-DO. • Centralized
Architecture. – Provides significant benefits with vocoder pooling, frame selection, and power control
algorithms. • Allows for the mixing of CDMA-1X, and 1X-EV carriers. • Provides custom calling features
and billing rates to certain group of users and/or individual users in predefined geographical locations. –
Common billing and customer care. • Over the Air functionality (OTAF) and software features allow for
easy and flexible re-configuration of the networks. • Location based services. – Multiple subscriber rate
plans. – Tiered services. – More revenue per subscriber. • Provides IP based location services and
encrypted packet flow. • Meets most stringent regulatory roll-out requirements. Applications of
CDMA2000-based Wireless Local Loop are: The CDMA2000-based WLL system supports a wide variety of
applications. Operators can partner with current land-line service providers, such as cable TV providers,
power companies and/or with wireless carriers and offer a host of different applications. While these
applications can be supported from the same network and software platform, special purpose handsets
may be required. The following figure (Figure 3) shows a variety of different applications that can be
provided using a CDMA2000-based WLL systems. These WLL services are available to operate in all
bands where CDMA2000 system operates, for example, 800 MHz, 1 900 MHz, etc. 42 Report on
Question 20-1/2 Figure 3 – Wireless Local Loop applications using CDMA2000 WLL applications include
elements of a mobility infrastructure as well as a few other complementary elements: • Fixed Subscriber
Equipment (Handset, or Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)) – A number of handset vendors are
building WLL subscriber units that are compatible with CDMA2000 infrastructure. Fixed wireless
equipment options currently include a traditional handset, a fully integrated wireless desktop unit, a
wireless network interface, wireless pay-phones, personal base-stations etc. The handset vendors are
also planning to include additional features on the subscriber units in order to enhance the user’s
experience. • Feature Transparency – To position a WLL device the unit must offer a land-line look and
provide services and features that are transparent to the end-user. The features include: – Business/
Residential Feature Transparency • Consistent look and feel (Dial Tone) • Call forwarding • Three-way
calling • Calling line restriction • Call waiting and call transfer – Operational Transparency • Feature
codes • Dialling plans and conventions • Private dialling plans Report on Question 20-1/2 43 –
Implementation Transparency • Voice messaging/messaging centres • Service nodes • Service control
points. Additional features that are expected to be integrated into the WLL devices in the future. •
Service Enabling – One of the key features in providing both fixed and mobile services is the ability of the
network to distinguish between both the fixed and the mobile users, for billing purposes. CDMA2000
provides this capability in a robust manner. CDMA private network and user zone features enable
partitioning of public networks. Through the use of network ID’s, service providers can distinguish
among different classes of service and charge subscribers differently from the same physical equipment
and location. This allows for personal billing zones with the enhanced capability of the network to alert
the user – via a banner display – on the device designating the billing rate(s)/zone(s), as the user moves
from one geographical region to another. In addition, the network also provides restricted access that
prohibits origination, termination, and handoff of a call outside of the pre-defined area. Another
important feature of the network is that it provides common billing and customer care capabilities to
ease the day-to-day operation of the WLL operator. Figure 4 below shows the manner in which the
customer care and billing centres of a CDMA2000-based WLL are converged. Figure 4 – Converged
Custom care and billing centre of a CDMA2000-based WLL system 44 Report on Question 20-1/2 System
Architecture The typical system architecture with Radio Access Network (RAN) and the IP Core
network58 of a CDMA2000-1X / CDMA2000-1X-EV-DO WLL system is as follows: Figure 5 – Typical IP
core network of CDMA2000-based WLL systems CDMA2000-based WLL system utilizes a distributed
architecture approach consisting of a Base Station (BS), Base Station Controler (BSC), Home Agent (HA)
and Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA), and other associated interfaces. This is the
same architecture that is used for providing mobility services thus allowing integration of fixed services
applications into existing infrastructure. This integration strategy protects the provider’s investment in
infrastructure, end-users, and services. A brief description of the core network elements is as follows: •
The Base Transceiver System (BTS) is an entity that provides transmission capability across the air
interface. • The Base Station Controller (BSC) is an entity that provides control and management for one
or more BTS. • Packet Data serving Node (PDSN) provides the Radio Access Network (RAN) with access
to the IP core network. • The Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) provides IP based
authentication, authorization, and accounting functions. It also maintains security associations with peer
AAA entities. • The Home Agent (HA) provides two main functions; it registers the current point of
attachment of the user (e.g. the current IP address to be used to transmit and receive IP packets) and
forwards IP packets to and from the current point of attachment of the user. • The Home Location
Register (HLR) stores the subscriber information. • CDMA2000 RAN provides interconnection to the
PSTN via the Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) interface. ____________________ 58 For a complete detail
on the IP core network of CDMA2000 systems, please refer to the TIA/EIA/ IS-CDMA2000 standards.