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Narrative Text - Infografis - Kurmer

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What is a Narrative text?

ANarrative text is a story with complication or
problematicevents and it tries to find the resolutio
ns tosolvethe problems. It is told in past tense and
has moralvalues.

What is the Generic Structure

purpose of a of Narrative
Narrative text? 1. Orientation
Sets the scene of the story, when and
where the story happened, introduces the
The purpose of a Narrative participants of the story.
text is to amuse or 2.Complication
entertain the readers or Tells the beginning of the problems which
leads to the crisis of the main participants.
listeners 3. Resolution
The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either
in a happy or sad ending.
It is optional. It is a closing remark.
It consists of moral lesson, advice or
teaching from the writer.

La ng u a ge Fe at ur es of N a r r a t i v e
● The use of Past tense ( V 2 )
● The use of adverb of t ime / t ime s ignal ( Once upon a t ime, one day)
● The use of t ime c on j u nc t i on ( when, then s u dd en l y , etc.)
● Speci fi c p a r t ic i p an t s / ch ar a ct er s ( t im U n emas, malin k U ndang , the
pri nce, etc.)
● The use of Action Verbs ( shout ed, ran, dug, etc)
● The use of Dir ect S peech. It i s used to make the s tor y more l i
vely. ( “ Don’ t wor ry, I have much r i ce. I can make r i ce cat U b i g ger .” )

Don’t forget that one important thing

from a Narrative text is the moral
value that we can learn from the
story. Each story contains positive
moral value that we can implement in
our life
Common forms of Narrative that are
studied in High Schools are:

A legend is a narrative of human
actions that are perceived both by
teller and listeners to take place
within human history. Typically, a
legend is a short, traditional and
historicized narrative performed in a
conversational mode. Some define
legend as folktale. The example of
legend in narrative text are:
Malin Kundang
The legend of Tangkuban Perahu
The story of Toba lake
A fabel is a short allegorical
narrative making a moral point,
traditionally by means of animal
characters who speak and act like
human beings. The example of fable
in narrative text are:
Mousedeer and crocodile.
The Ants and the Grasshopper
The smartest parrot
The story of monkey and crocodile

Fairy Tale
Fairy tale is an English language term for a
type of short narrative corresponding to
the French phrase "conte de fée". A fairy
tale typically features such folkloric
characters as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls,
dwarves, giants or gnomes, and usually
magic or enchantments. The example of
fairy tale in narrative text are:
Snow white
Beauty and the beast
The story of Rapunzel

Science Fiction
Science fiction is that class of prose
narrative treating of a situation that
could not arise in the world we
know. Some examples of science
fiction are:
To the Moon from the Earth by
Jules Verne
Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein
A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke


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