Narrative Text - Infografis - Kurmer
Narrative Text - Infografis - Kurmer
Narrative Text - Infografis - Kurmer
La ng u a ge Fe at ur es of N a r r a t i v e
● The use of Past tense ( V 2 )
● The use of adverb of t ime / t ime s ignal ( Once upon a t ime, one day)
● The use of t ime c on j u nc t i on ( when, then s u dd en l y , etc.)
● Speci fi c p a r t ic i p an t s / ch ar a ct er s ( t im U n emas, malin k U ndang , the
pri nce, etc.)
● The use of Action Verbs ( shout ed, ran, dug, etc)
● The use of Dir ect S peech. It i s used to make the s tor y more l i
vely. ( “ Don’ t wor ry, I have much r i ce. I can make r i ce cat U b i g ger .” )
A legend is a narrative of human
actions that are perceived both by
teller and listeners to take place
within human history. Typically, a
legend is a short, traditional and
historicized narrative performed in a
conversational mode. Some define
legend as folktale. The example of
legend in narrative text are:
Malin Kundang
The legend of Tangkuban Perahu
The story of Toba lake
A fabel is a short allegorical
narrative making a moral point,
traditionally by means of animal
characters who speak and act like
human beings. The example of fable
in narrative text are:
Mousedeer and crocodile.
The Ants and the Grasshopper
The smartest parrot
The story of monkey and crocodile
Fairy Tale
Fairy tale is an English language term for a
type of short narrative corresponding to
the French phrase "conte de fée". A fairy
tale typically features such folkloric
characters as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls,
dwarves, giants or gnomes, and usually
magic or enchantments. The example of
fairy tale in narrative text are:
Snow white
Beauty and the beast
The story of Rapunzel
Science Fiction
Science fiction is that class of prose
narrative treating of a situation that
could not arise in the world we
know. Some examples of science
fiction are:
To the Moon from the Earth by
Jules Verne
Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein
A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke