Sample Property Management Agreement
Sample Property Management Agreement
Sample Property Management Agreement
This Agreement is between two "Par3es": Owner (“Owner”) and Parks Property Management or
assignees (“Manager”, “PP” or “PPM”). Owner owns the (“Property(ies)”) known as:
1) Address 4)
2) 5)
3) 6)
and any addi3onal property that may later be added to this Agreement ("Property"), upon the terms
below. Manager is a licensed real estate Broker with License # 01523618. Par3es agree to the following:
If Agreement is cancelled before a lease is signed during the marke3ng or leasing process, at no fault of
Manager, Owner to pay $450 early termina3on fee to help cover some of Manager's opera3onal expenses.
Enforcing Leases
Manager is authorized to serve no3ces to vacate to Tenants and to execute any ac3on or proceeding it
deems necessary to recover possession of leased Property, or to recover rent, charges, or other sums payable to
Owner. Manager may nego3ate or otherwise discon3nue any such ac3on or proceeding at Manager’s discre3on.
In exercising the authority granted by this Paragraph, any collec3on of fees, costs, and legal fees incurred by
Manager or Owner will be considered opera3ng expenses of the Property.
emergency expenditures are needed to protect people from injury or Property from damage, to avoid suspension
of services to Tenant required under lease or law, to maintain the Property in a habitable condi3on required by
Civil Code §1941 and §1941.1, or for monthly or recurring services.
Owner agrees to maintain the Property in a safe condi3on fit for human habita3on as required by Civil
Code §§1941 and 1941.1 and Health and Safety Code §17920.3 and §17920.10 and other applicable law. In
between new occupants, the Property will be rekeyed. Smoke and carbon detectors will be replaced if detectors
are over 10 years old, broken, or non-func3onal. Owner agrees that landscaping on all items greater than 6 feet
tall is an Owner expense with no excep3ons. Home warranty plans in Manager’s experience have been found to
be ineffec3ve, slow, and can lead to bad rela3ons with Tenants. Manager will not coordinate any work with any
home warranty companies. Manager is authorized to contract, hire, supervise, and/or discharge firms, aTorneys,
agents, employees, independent contractors, and persons, including u3li3es and banks, required for the efficient
opera3on and maintenance of the Property.
Owner authorizes the use of lockboxes at the Property allowing vendors, prospec3ve/current Tenants,
and Agents access. In order to provide more showing 3mes and lease proper3es faster. Manager uses digital
lockboxes that allow self-service showings of vacant proper3es, only aUer the prospec3ve Tenant provides
government issued ID and is approved by Manager.
Evic:on Assurance $10/month/unit: While managing a property, if a resident we place has to be evicted,
we will handle the cost of the evic3on processing, up to $2,000.
This program will only cover the ini3al cost of processing and removing the tenant. Any damages incurred
by the tenants from normal wear and tear, or inten3onal destruc3on, will not be covered unless owner has
opted for Damage Assurance. In the event of malicious damage to the property by an outgoing tenant, Owners
will be required to file a damage claim with their Homeowner’s Insurance provider. Evic3on Assurance is only
offered to owners who have allowed Manager to properly screen their tenants through our applica3on process,
and those tenants that complete a lease agreement both wriTen and executed with Manager.
By agreeing to this program, the homeowner will subjugate all rights to pursue any and all debts incurred
by Manager, against the tenant.
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Damage Assurance $10/month/unit: This program is designed to cover specific damages exceeding the
Security Deposit that fall outside of the Homeowner Insurance Policy, and excludes normal wear and tear.
Maximum Amount of Claim will not exceed $5,000
EXAMPLE: Homeowner rents their home for $3,000 per month. The security deposit for this home is
$3,000, but there is $5,000 in damages to the interior and exterior of the home, excluding normal wear and tear,
caused by negligence by the tenant and occupants. Manager will cover the expenses to complete these repairs
that total more than the security deposit to bring the home back to rentable condi3on.
With Damage Assurance, Manager will cover ALL the costs listed above caused by tenant considered to
be above normal wear and tear that exceeds the security deposit.
By agreeing to this program, the homeowner will subjugate all rights to pursue any and all debts incurred
by Manager, against the tenant. Damage Assurance is only offered to owners who have allowed Manager to
properly screen their tenants through our applica3on process, and those tenants that complete a lease
agreement both wriTen and executed with Manager. This program excludes fire claims, water claims, natural
disaster claims, owner negligence, or any por3on of a claim that can be covered by the homeowner’s insurance
policy they are required to care per the Property Management Agreement, PMA.
Pet Assurance $10/month/unit: Manager charges a monthly Pet Administra3on Fee to the tenant and
offers $1,000 Pet Protec3on at no addi3onal cost to the owner. The op3onal Pet Assurance program will cover
pet-related damages caused to the home, above normal wear and tear, resul3ng from all approved pet(s) that is
not covered by the security deposit and will be reimbursed by Manager to make necessary repairs on behalf of
the owner. Any collec3on efforts under this provision become the sole responsibility and ownership of Manager.
This program is designed to cover specific pet damages exceeding the Security Deposit that fall outside of
the Homeowner Insurance Policy and excludes normal wear and tear. Maximum Amount of Claim will not exceed
By agreeing to this program, the homeowner will subjugate all rights to pursue any and all debts incurred
by Manager, against the tenant. Pet Assurance is only offered to owners who have allowed Manager to properly
screen their tenants through our applica3on process, and those tenants that complete a lease agreement both
wriTen and executed with Manager. The $5,000 in coverage is aggregate to all approved pet(s) in the home. This
program excludes fire claims, water claims, natural disaster claims, owner negligence, or any por3on of a claim
that can be covered by the homeowner’s insurance policy they are required to care per the Property
Management Agreement, PMA. Service animals are excluded from this coverage.
Bundled Assurance Protec:on Plan $25/month/unit: Owner may opt-in for all 3-assurance protec3on
plans for a discounted rate.
Opt-In __________ Declined __________
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
* If management services are canceled or paused, the assurances & guarantees are void. All of the
guarantees are only valid when Manager placed these specific Tenants and managed these Tenants for the
en3rety of the Tenancy.
Manager Compensa:on
Sliding Scale Monthly Management Fee: If the owner adds or removes a property from management,
which affects the total overall poten3al gross rental amount, then the previous management fee shall be
superseded by the following:
● Up to $10,000 will be 8%
● $10,001 thru $17,000 will be 7.5%
● $17,001 thru $30,000 will be 7%
● $30,001+ will be 6.5%
These adjusted fees shall be applied the following month. If rent is credited to Tenant for any reason, fee
is based on a normal month’s rent. If the Property is not rented, there is no fee.
Minimum & Maximum Monthly Management Fees: There is a monthly minimum of $150 for each
unit/door. There is also a maximum of $350 for each unit/door.
* If your property is scheduled to be rented above $6,200 per month the maximum fee is $500. This is due to the fact there are
addi3onal steps we must do to ensure the leasing of your property as quickly as possible.
Project Management Fees: There will be no addi3onal fees if Owners property requires general repairs,
such as, but not limited to:
● plumbing
● Cleaning services
● Appliance repair
● Minor paint touch-ups
● General handyman services
However, if the Owners property requires extensive repairs, a Project Management Fee will be billed at a
7.5% markup fee. Examples of PROJECTS would be, but not limited to:
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
As you can see a PROJECT is anything that is replacing a major property component. These PROJECTs will
come with 3 or 4 es3mates, weekly progress photos along with email/call. Progress payments to the vendors
involved & reports showing overall project and notes.
Late Fees: Late Fees collected are split as follows: Parks Property Management retains 50% & the
remaining 50% is disbursed to the owner.
Leasing Fees: None, unless a new tenant is placed and cancella3on of management on that property is
requested and one month’s rent hasn’t been collected in the form of management fees. Manager is owed the
remaining balance. This difference is due upon cancella3on and will be deducted from final owners’
Inspec:on(s): In accordance with fair housing and CA, landlord-tenant law, Manager is not permiTed to
enter any property UNLESS it is for vendor access.
In order to preserve your legal liability, we will replace the HVAC filters and smoke/CO2 detector baTeries
once or twice a year. This further safeguards your liability, as our residents aren't required to then climb ladders,
poten3ally having them cause injury by falling.
Owner will be provided a digital report with photos showing general home condi3on. Inspec3on will not
test all systems or components and will be only of normally accessible areas. Owner understands that not all
defects will be observable and/or recognized by Manager. Inspec3on by Manager and Manager's agents or
subcontractors are provided without guarantee by or liability to Manager and are not meant to replace
professional home inspec3ons.
Choose desired op3on:
Fees Charged to Tenant: Manager will be en3tled to 100% of applica3on fees (to be applied toward hard
and soU applica3on processing costs), animal administra3on fees, no3ce fees, renewal fees, and NSF fees.
Addi3onal fees that are not in conflict with this Agreement may be charged to Tenants and retained by Manager.
Oversee Insurance Claims $100/Claim: Processing claims can be very 3me consuming and needs
specialized training to process successfully.
Close Out Fee $100/Property: Once a property is sold or we've parted ways there are many tasks that
take 3me to ensure it's a smooth transi3on.
Assist Appraiser with Access $125/Property: Help introduce and get the appraiser into your investment
ASAP to ensure a smooth refinance.
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Tenant Purchase: If Owner decides to sell the Property to a Tenant that Manager placed in the Property,
Owner agrees to pay 2% of the sales price as a commission to Manager. This clause remains in effect for 12
months aUer Agreement terminates. The commission charged includes the services of nego3a3ng the sale,
qualifying the buyer, and processing it through closing. If a Real Estate Agent originally referred Owner to
Manager, Manager will refer Owner back to the referring Real Estate Agent for sale representa3on and no
commission will be owed to Manager.
Manager's bank may compensate Manager by offsevng the cost of normal banking and accoun3ng
services as considera3on for the Company and trust account balances being on deposit. The bank provides a
small percentage of the combined balances to offset fees and eligible invoices only and does not reimburse
Manager with these funds. Owner acknowledges that Manager may receive benefits from opera3ng a property
management business such as, but not limited to, without accoun3ng to Owner, Manager may receive
incen3ves, reimbursements, referral fees, or cash payments from business associates including cable companies,
internet service providers, contractors, and vendors to refer or par3cipate in joint business arrangements,
maintenance, referrals, services offered to tenants or group marke3ng efforts.
The compensa3on that is paid from Owner to Manager under this Agreement only covers those
management services specifically described in it and does not cover any special real estate services. This
Agreement does not include providing on-site management services, property sales, refinancing, preparing
Property for sale or refinancing, moderniza3on, fire or major damage restora3on, rehabilita3on, obtaining
income tax, accoun3ng or legal advice, representa3on before public agencies, court representa3on, advising on
proposed new construc3on, counseling, debt collec3on, making copies of keys, installing smoke detectors/other
misc. property items, collec3ng/forwarding Owner mail, or aTending Owner's Associa3on mee3ngs. If Owner
requests Manager to perform any special services, the Agreement between Owner and Manager for the special
services will be set forth and agreed to by both Par3es in wri3ng.
Manager is authorized to pay expenses and costs for the Property from Owner's funds held by Manager,
unless otherwise directed by Owner. Expenses and costs may include, but are not limited to, property
management compensa3on, fees, bills, charges, opera3ng expenses, and expenses for goods and services.
Manager is authorized to maintain a “Reserve” in Manager's trust account of $500 per Property.
When funds are needed to pay expenses for Owner, Owner agrees to send needed funds to Manager
within 72 hours of request. Manager is not required to advance Manager’s own funds to operate the Property.
However, if Manager deems it necessary to advance funds to operate the Property, Manager may use company
credit card.
Manager will not pay expenses for recurring pool service and recurring landscape service vendors unless
they are an approved Manager vendor. Owner shall pay the recurring service bills for non-approved vendors.
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Payment for the following expenses ARE included in Manager’s standard service: HOAs, mortgages,
insurances, and property taxes. Reserve amount will increase by summing the value of each individual monthly
bill amount. Mortgages, property taxes and insurance will be put into a separate reserve account and repor3ng
will be provided monthly on the transac3on for that period.
Security Deposits:
Manager is authorized to receive security deposits from Tenants, which deposits shall be held in
Manager’s trust account. Manager is authorized to pay from Owner's funds all interest on Tenant’s security
deposits if required by local law or ordinance.
Manager is authorized to deposit all receipts and checks collected for Owner, less any sums properly
deducted or disbursed, in an analyzed trust bank account. This includes checks wriTen to the Owner's name (i.e.
u3lity services refund checks). All deposited items will be disclosed on the Owners monthly statement. Manager
is authorized to disburse Owner’s funds held in Manager's trust account in the following order:
1) Manager compensa3on
2) Property opera3ng expenses
3) security deposit
4) balance to Owner.
Manager shall 1) remit funds, if any are available, between the 8th and 12th of each month to Owner; and
2) render monthly (if an Owner disbursement is being made that month). Manager will also provide year end
statements of receipts, expenses, and charges for each Property.
Manager will have the right to manage, own, develop, or invest in any other real estate or business, even
if compe33ve with the Property. Owner consents to Manager’s representa3on of other Owners' proper3es,
before, during, and aUer the expira3on of this Agreement.
Home Sale:
If Owner contacts PPM in advance and lists the home for sale using Parks Proper3es or one of PPM’s sale
referral partners, PPM will con3nue property management services. Owner acknowledges that this Agreement is
for the Manager to provide property management services under “typical rental” condi3ons. Providing property
management services at the same 3me an outside agent is trying to sell the Property is not a “typical rental"
condi3on. If Owner lists the Property for sale at the same 3me PPM is providing property management services,
Owner must immediately give PPM a no3ce to terminate the property management Agreement, effec3ve at a
date of the Manager’s choosing. Manager will prudently evaluate the situa3on and choose an effec3ve end of
services date that will allow Manager to quickly close or transfer open items to the Owner. If this occurs, as of
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
the effec3ve end of services date. Manager will no longer be responsible for any future property management
ac3vi3es including, but not limited to, maintenance, bill payment, and security deposit disposi3on.
Owner Responsibili:es:
Owner agrees: 1) not to visit the Property without proper legal 48 hour no3ce; 2) not to communicate
with current or prospec3ve Tenants and to forward any such communica3ons to the Manager; 3) not to leave
any personal property in the home, as Manager will not inventory personal property, except appliances; 4) to
maintain sufficient funds in the trust account to enable Manager to pay in a 3mely manner all liabili3es and
obliga3ons incurred pursuant to this Agreement; 5) to provide wriTen confirma3on of the adver3sement via
email before Manager conducts any Property showings; 6) to uphold terms presented in the marke3ng and lease.
If the Property is owned in a Trust, LLC, Corpora3on, or any en3ty that is not a sole-proprietorship. Owner
confirms that that they are an authorized signor for the en3ty that owns the Property. Owner will email Manager
with documenta3on proving the ability to sign on behalf of the en3ty within one day of signing this contract.
For Owner occupied proper3es, the Owner shall, in advance, approve the following two dates: a) a date
that the Property is available for Tenants to move in, and b) the Owner move out date. The Owner agrees to have
the Property completely vacant and to transfer possession to Manager at the agreed upon date.
Owner grants Manager the right to freely publish, modify, share, watermark, and reproduce any Property
photos. This includes photos taken by Manager and any photos provided from Owner or Owner's agent to
Owner understands that owning investment property can be financially rewarding, but there’s also
inherent risk owning investment property. Manager's duty is to perform in Owner's best interest, to maximize
the profitability of the investment, and to minimize Owner's risk; however. Owner understands that there may
be 3mes when losses occur.
Owner Representa:ons:
Owner represents and warrants the following to Manager: 1) Owner is the legal Owner of the Property,
no other persons or en33es have 3tle to the Property, and Owner has the authority to sign this Agreement and
lease or rent the Property. Any excep3ons to ownership, 3tle, and authority will be provided in wri3ng to
Manager; 2) the Property is not in foreclosure (i.e. no No3ce of Default or No3ce of Sale has been recorded
against the Property), and Owner is current on all mortgage and tax payments; 3) Owner has not received any
wriTen no3ces alleging that the Property violates applicable law; 4) to the best of Owner's knowledge, except as
disclosed to Manager in wri3ng, the Property does not contain hazardous or toxic materials (including, but not
limited to, asbestos, lead, methamphetamine contamina3on, radon gas, mold, bed bugs, or other pests) in
viola3on of applicable laws; 5) Owner is not aware of any unsafe condi3ons on the Property; 6) Owner is
unaware of any bankruptcy, li3ga3on, arbitra3on, loan, administra3ve ac3on, government inves3ga3on, pending
ac3on, or threatened ac3on affec3ng the Property, management of the Property, or this Agreement. Manager is
relying on these representa3ons and warran3es in entering into this Agreement and would not have entered into
this Agreement in the absence of these representa3ons and warran3es. Owner will promptly no3fy Manager in
wri3ng if any of these representa3ons are no longer accurate.
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Owner must carry and pay for public and premises liability insurance in an amount of no less than
$500,000. Owner will name Manager as an "addi:onal insured" Party on Owner's policies and a copy of the
policy or cer:ficate of insurance will be delivered to Manager, showing proof of being addi:onally insured,
prior to the start of management services. The terms "Addi3onal Interest" or "Addi3onal Party" are not the
same as "Addi3onal Insured" and will not be accepted. Manager and Owner will cooperate with one another with
respect to any claim that may arise under any insurance policy. If Owner does not provide proof of insurance or
does not maintain the agreed upon insurance coverage, then Owner authorizes Manager to purchase an
addi3onal insurance policy on behalf of the Owner at the Owner's expense.
If Owner schedules any work on the Property from vendors that the Owner has chosen. Owner will be
completely responsible for any and all problems, claims, lawsuits, or other costs that arise from using these
Tax Withholding (Non CA Resident):
California law requires Manager to hold and remit to the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) 7% of gross
taxable income collected by Manager for Owner unless an exemp3on applies. Owner authorizes Manager to
remit these funds to the California Franchise Tax Board unless Owner provides proof to Manager that Owner is
not subject to the withholding requirements. Proof may consist of an accurate, complete, and signed FTB Form
590, an ac3ve waiver leTer issued by the FTB, or an ac3ve reduced withholding leTer issued by the FTB. If Owner
is a foreign investor (non-U.S. person), Manager is required to withhold and remit to the IRS 30% of gross rents,
unless Owner completes a W-8EC1, in which case Owner is responsible for making any necessary es3mated tax
No:ces and Demands:
Any wriTen no3ce to Owner or Manager required under this Agreement shall be served by sending such
no3ce by first class mail or by email or other agreed-to delivery method to the Party at the address below, or at
any different address the Par3es may later designate. No3ce shall be deemed received 3 calendar days aUer
deposit into the United States mail OR 3 days aUer email is sent.
This Agreement shall include any exhibits, addendums, schedules, and amendments along with any
disclosures that may occur from 3me to 3me. Notwithstanding anything contained herein both Owner and
Manager acknowledge that laws rela3ng to the leasing and management of real estate in California change from
3me to 3me. Owner and Manager agree that Manager may change the terms of this Agreement upon 30 days’
no3ce which may be made via electronic means to the email address provided by the Owner. If Owner objects to
the modified terms. Owner shall give no3ce to Manager of said objec3on and Manager may either opt the Owner
out of the change(s) previously communicated or allow Owner to terminate this Agreement without penalty
within the 30-day no3ce period.
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Owner will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Manager, its officers, shareholders, directors, agents,
independent contractors, employees and their respec3ve heirs, personal representa3ves, successors, and assigns
from all loss, costs, expenses, suits, liabili3es, damages, aTorney fees, claims of every type, or other expense
arising in whole or in part out of 1) leases with Tenants; 2) any accident or occurrence causing damage, injury, or
death to any person or persons or Property rela3ng to the occupancy, use of, or presence upon the Property; 3)
defects of the Property; 4) any viola3on or noncompliance of the Property with any law or governmental
regula3on; 5) breach by Owner of any of its obliga3ons under this Agreement; or 6) the Property or management
of the Property. It is the inten3on of the Par3es that the terms in this sec3on will apply, without limita3on, to all
instances unless Manager is grossly negligent. Owner agrees to purchase Property insurance as outlined in this
Agreement. Such property insurance shall contain appropriate clauses pursuant to which the insurance carrier
shall waive all rights of subroga3on against Manager with respect to losses payable under such policy. Owner
waives all rights of subroga3on against Manager including any deduc3ble or self-insured reten3on amounts with
respect to such insurance, and such deduc3ble or self-insured reten3on amounts shall be the sole and exclusive
responsibility of Owner. The obliga3ons of Owner specified in this sec3on shall survive the termina3on of the
Owner and Manager agree to mediate any dispute or claim arising between them out of this Agreement,
or any resul3ng transac3on before resor3ng to arbitra3on or court ac3on. Media3on fees, if any, shall be divided
equally among the Par3es involved. If, for any dispute or claim to which this paragraph applies, any Party 1)
commences an ac3on without first aTemp3ng to resolve the maTer through media3on; or 2) refuses to mediate
aUer a request has been made, then that Party shall not be en3tled to recover aTorney fees, even if they would
otherwise be available to them.
AWorney's Fees:
Owner acknowledges that there are certain instances where aTorney interven3on is necessary to enforce
the lease, seTle disputes, and protect Owner or Manager’s interests. All ATorney’s fees to cure any and all
disputes, in connec3on with opera3ng the Property, shall be deemed as opera3onal expenses and borne by the
Owner. Owner will be given no3ce if Manager deems it necessary to hire an ATorney to protect Owner and
Manager’s interests. If any li3ga3on is commenced between the Par3es to this Agreement concerning the
Property, this Agreement, or the rights and du3es of either Party with respect to this Agreement, the Party
prevailing in the li3ga3on will be en3tled, in addi3on to any other relief that may be granted in the li3ga3on, to a
reasonable sum as and for its ATorneys' fees in the li3ga3on that will be determined by the court in the li3ga3on
or in a separate ac3on brought for that purpose.
On termina3on of this Agreement, Manager will deliver to Owner all Property funds, aUer deduc3ng all
outstanding checks, which have not yet been paid, including any sums due to Manager. Manager will addi3onally
have the right to withhold funds for up to 40 days aUer termina3on to allow Manager to pay bills previously
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
incurred but not yet invoiced. Within 40 days aUer the end of the month in which the Agreement is terminated,
the balance not applied toward amounts due, will be paid to Owner. The Par3es representa3ons and warran3es,
and all Agreement provisions requiring payment of aTorney’s fees, indemnifica3on, defense, or reimbursement,
will survive termina3on of this Agreement.
Condi:on of Home:
Manager rents homes that are well maintained and properly func3oning. Offering a clean and maintained
home helps aTract and retain quality Tenants. The list below shows the minimum standards for a Property prior
to move in. The list is a summary of most of the items considered, but not a complete list. The Owner
acknowledges and understands these requirements and agrees to have their Property meet or exceed these
● Property professionally cleaned and free of trash and debris, inside and outside.
● Fully opera3onal appliances. HVAC system to be in good opera3ng condi3on, with a new filter.
● Caulking in kitchen and baths, clean and free of any dark staining, mold, or mildew.
● Fully opera3onal doors and locks. ATrac3ve and clean front door. Windows must open, close, and
lock properly and window screens must be in good condi3on. Window coverings func3oning (opening and
closing properly). No broken or missing blinds, old or worn drapes removed/replaced, and curtain rods
well anchored.
● Painted wall surfaces in good condi3on free of nail holes, scuffs, flashing touch ups, and/or
● Carpet professionally steam cleaned, and if too heavily stained, carpets shall be replaced.
● Electrical outlets, switches, and light fixtures/ceiling fans all working properly. Breaker panel to
code. Fully func3onal light bulbs and fixtures.
● Toilet seats in good condi3on (i.e. no stains or wear paTerns).
● Smoke & Carbon Monoxide detectors must not be over 10 yrs old.
Lead-Based Paint: Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips,
and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children
and pregnant women. Before ren3ng pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of lead-based paint
and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive federally approved pamphlet on lead
poisoning preven3on. Owner has:
1) No knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead based paint hazards in the Property or;
a. No reports or records pertaining to lead based paint and/or lead based paint hazards in the
Property, EXCEPT the following:
Asbestos: Owner verifies that Owner has no knowledge or reports related to asbestos in the Property
EXCEPT the following: __________________________________________________________________
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Flood Hazard:
Landlords are required to disclose to Tenants any “actual knowledge” that the Property is located in a
special flood hazard area or an area of poten3al flooding. Actual knowledge includes the following:
1) The Owner has received wriTen no3ce from any public agency sta3ng that the Property is located
in a special flood hazard area or an area of poten3al flooding
2) The Property is located in an area in which the Owner’s mortgage holder requires the Owner to
carry flood insurance
3) The Owner currently carries flood insurance. Owner has no actual knowledge that the Property is
located in a special flood hazard area or an area of poten3al flooding other than the following:
Owner verifies that any pool or spa on the Property has an approved an3-entrapment drain cover, device,
or system.
Agency Rela:onships:
If Manager represents Owner in a sale of the Property, or for a lease of more than one year. Owner
acknowledges receiving a "Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Agency Rela3onship" form found here:
Rela3onship.pdf Owner acknowledges receiving the Agency Disclosure and will contact Manager immediately if
Owner has a problem finding the disclosure from the website above or if Owner needs another copy of the
disclosure form. This disclosure includes the provisions of Civil Code §2079.13 to §2079.24.
Time is of the essence. All understandings between the Par3es are incorporated in this Agreement. The
waiver by any Party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a con3nuing waiver or a
waiver of any subsequent breach whether of the same or another provision of this Agreement. If any provision of
this Agreement is held to be ineffec3ve or invalid, the remaining provisions will nevertheless be given full force
and effect.
Manager uses property management accoun3ng soUware to send monthly Owner distribu3ons directly to
the Owner’s bank account via ACH. We request your bank informa3on below and your signed authoriza3on to
conduct ACH transac3ons with your banking ins3tu3on. We are only able to send funds to owners via ACH.
Owners must ini.ate owner contribu3ons via Owner Portal to contribute funds to specific Property.
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________
Property Management Agreement “PMA”
Final Agreement and Signatures: Owner and Manager agree to all of the above Agreement and
Date: _____________________________
www.ParksPropertyManagement.comOwner Ini3als: _______. Managers: ________